"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

14 March 2008


CNN: Lou Dobbs on Outsourcing National Security
Presidential Primary Re-Do Unlikely
Clinton Apologizes to Black Voters
Movie Stars Help With Obama Ad
My Way News - Michigan, Campaigns Talk Do-Over Primary
My Way News - Ferraro Leaves Clinton Campaign Post
My Way News - House to Close Its Doors for Spying Bill
My Way News - Obama Criticizes McCain on Taxes
My Way News - Gates Predicts Big Technological Leaps
My Way News - Harvard Says Hacker Broke Into System
ABC News: Ferraro Steps Down From Clinton Campaign
Obama: Voters to judge issues, not race - Yahoo! News
We’re worse off than 4 years ago, voters say
Google could be superseded, says web inventor - Times Online
Gaza rocket squads launch barrage against Israel - International Herald Tribune
Racial Politics in Detroit
Political Radar: Obama vs. Clinton: They Meet Again
Penn: Obama "really can't win the general" - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
Obama's Preacher's Hate Speech
Obama's Preacher's Hate Speech -2
'Girls Gone Wild' founder pleads no contest to charges
TV stations hoping for primary do-over | Entertainment | Industry | Reuters
Slaughterhouse: Sick Cows Were Used in Food Supply - March 13, 2008 - The New York Sun
Evangelical Vote Shifting Democratic, Poll Indicates -- 03/13/2008
Iran Schoolbooks Teach Jihad, Martyrdom, Study Shows -- 03/12/2008
Sex Diseases in Many Gay Men Go Unfound, Experts Say - New York Times
Catholic bishop hits out at 'gay conspiracy' to destroy Christianity - Scotsman.com News
OIC Wants 'Binding Legal Instrument' to Fight Islamophobia -- 03/13/2008
Reuters AlertNet - Islamists behead three soldiers in Somalia
U.N. chief calls on Israel to halt "excessive force"
Israeli MPs to boycott Merkel speech - Telegraph
Report Criticizes FDA Over Spinach Packers - washingtonpost.com
Bill Clinton Tells 'Paranoid Hecklers' that Bilderberg Didn't Influence NAFTA Deal
Power Shared by 6,000 in Era of Globalization: Former Clinton Official
High Tide: The Ron Paul Revolution Continues
Corporate Media Snowjobs Dollar Crisis
Republicans and "Free Market" Zealots Bring Disaster to America
Pentagon Attempts To Memory Hole New Report That Dismisses Al Qaeda-Saddam link
Bush's Market-Liberal Scam
Expert Fears Dollar Crash As Greenback Hits New Lows
Scientists warn of wheat disease
The Joint Chiefs Chairman, Secretary of Defense and "Almost Every Senior Military Officer ... is Against Launching Military Strikes Against Iran"
Ed Koch Faults Giuliani for Destroying Evidence 9/11 Crime Scene
9/12/2001: CIA Veteran Doubts Bin Laden Capable Of 9/11 Attacks, Suspects Larger Plot
Olbermann aims 'Special Comment' at Clinton campaign
Bush Says U.S.-Colombia Trade Deal Can Counter Chavez
Building NAFTA's CANAMEX Supercorridor
New Documents Reveal North American Union PR Campaign
There must be no turning back on Nafta
What Gloria Steinem, Henry Kissinger Have in Common: CIA Pay
Bill Clinton Address Bilderberg
SWAT Team Deals With Crowd Seeking Housing
Pentagon: $520 Million For Space Weapons
Democrats Agree To Secret House Session
New Purple $5 Bill Goes Into Circulation
How Banks Track Money
Senate Bill Proposes To Screen Mothers
Bush Blasts House Surveillance Bill
Indian DNA Links To 6 Founding Mothers
Rocket Lifts Off With Secret Satellite
Bush Tightens Air Pollution Standards
Gates Predicts Big Technological Leaps
Gates Urges U.S. To Expand Wi-Fi
Cops Raid Legal Herbalists
Ron Paul Warns Of Global Economic Collapse
Organic Farmers Fear GMO Contamination
FBI Spying Abuses Reported
FBI Asked To Probe E-Mail Controversy
Government May Use Steel Pennies
No Link Between Saddam and Bin Laden
NSA Rebuilds Total Information Awareness
GOP And Free Market Zealots Bring Disaster
Video: Bill Gates On Immigration & Outsourcing
Fear Of Internet Traffic Jam
Jim Rogers: Abolish The Federal Reseve
Carlyle Fund Expects Assets Will Be Seized - New York Times
Security guide to customs-proofing your laptop
Katrina victims complain about red tape - Yahoo! News
The Raw Story | Iraq, Afghanistan veterans to reveal war atrocities and 'some pretty fucked-up shit'
Feed Article | Business |
Feds Stage Cyberstorm to Prep for Attack
Rocket Lifts Off With Secret Satellite
McCain advisor: Destroy Islam
VIDEO: Ron Paul warns of Worldwide Economic Collapse
China puts its trust in Putinism
DOJ: legal opinion on Executive orders is classified
Plan To Spray Toxic Biological Chemicals Over San Francisco Announced
VIDEO: MTV Warns Viewers of Looming Police State
Chemical brain controls nanobots
Tiny Brain-Like Computer Created
VIDEO: Press Secretary Ordered Not To Discuss Dollar
Mankind's secrets kept in lunar ark
Liberal Mythology and the Founding Fathers
Bush Wants Torture
DHS: Five Years Too Many
Budget Crimes by Ron Paul
Did Capitalism Cause the Great Depression? by Murray N. Rothbard
John 'I’m a War Criminal' McCain by Michael Gaddy
The YouTube Election by Steven Greenhut
Stop Overfeeding Government by Carla Howell and Michael Cloud
Withdrawal From Iraq
Google your way to a wacky office
Beware the politician posing as a scientist | The Spectator
The Gaza Bombshell: Politics & Power: vanityfair.com
Al Qaeda in Iraq Under Saddam