"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 March 2008

Thursday 13TH MARCH

Michael Ruppert confronts CIA director about Drug Laundering
Two Steps Back for National Security
Allen: New border technology essential to national security
CNN: Lou Dobbs on Outsourcing National Security
US national security - the budget version
Warning more terror cases could fail - Breaking News - National - Breaking News
Clinton, George H.W. Bush and the CIA
TheHill.com - Pelosi says there won’t be a Democratic ‘dream ticket’
Gold at $1,000 on Weak Dollar, High Oil: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
ABC News: Ferraro Steps Down From Clinton Campaign
My Way News - Ferraro Leaves Clinton Campaign Post
Obama: Voters to judge issues, not race - Yahoo! News
Yeas and Nays: Bush Downright sunny on GOPs 2008 prospects - Examiner.com
Video Road Hogs Stir Fear of Internet Traffic Jam - New York Times
Crude Oil Is Steady After Rising to Record on Weak U.S. Dollar
U.S. gold hits $1,000 record high: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
'Magic is over' for U.S., says French foreign minister - International Herald Tribune
Hundreds seeking housing money overwhelm Boca Authority
Severed Fingers Reportedly Sent to US
My Way News - Obama Criticizes McCain on Taxes
My Way News - 800 Small Dogs Seized From Ariz. Home
Google could be superseded, says web inventor - Times Online
Cuba lifts ban on computer and DVD sales | Technology | Reuters
Heathrow Airport Security Breach: Man Arrested On Runway |Sky News|UK News
Security breach at Heathrow | The Sun |HomePage|News
BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Man arrested over Heathrow alert
My Way News - No One Votes in Florida Election
Ashley Alexandra Dupre - Woman at the Center of Eliot Spitzer's Downfall - New York Times
wcbstv.com - Experts: Indictments Loom For Spitzer
Pajamas Media: Iran's Eliot Spitzer
Botox is turning Nicole Kidman into a 'bat face,' says cosmetic guru | the Daily Mail
My Way News - Harvard Says Hacker Broke Into System
My Way News - Sheriff Threatens Reporters With Jail
NBC/WSJ poll: Voters say they’re worse off - Decision '08- msnbc.com
Breitbart.tv - Pelosi on Clinton/Obama: ‘Take It From Me — That Won’t Be the Ticket’
Crackdown on Illegal Immigration Quiets Soccer Fields in Pr. William - washingtonpost.com
NYPD sting hits doctors in $6M insurance scam
Iran Schoolbooks Teach Jihad, Martyrdom, Study Shows -- 03/12/2008
OIC Wants 'Binding Legal Instrument' to Fight Islamophobia -- 03/13/2008
BBC NEWS | Americas | Mexico captures 'key drug lord'
Video Shows Cop Tasering Already Restrained Disabled Man
Ed Koch Faults Giuliani for Destroying Evidence 9/11 Crime Scene
Campaign Warns Of "Economic Disaster" If Climate Policies Are Followed
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Scarborough: 'I'm for the military industrial complex; I'm against hookers being wiretapped'
The Joint Chiefs Chairman, Secretary of Defense and "Almost Every Senior Military Officer ... is Against Launching Military Strikes Against Iran"
UK top cop who led CIA probe found dead
Prostitution is the Least of Eliot Spitzer’s Crimes
‘Significant’ Amount Of U.S. Funds For Iraq Funneled To Sunni And Shiite Militias
Press Secretary Perino: I’ll Be Fired If I Talk About the Dollar
Ex-DEA Head Admits CIA Imported Cocaine
Land of the free is world’s top jailer
Declassified: Chairman Mao
C-SPAN: Theories About Sept. 11
9/12/2001: CIA Veteran Doubts Bin Laden Capable Of 9/11 Attacks, Suspects Larger Plot
Paul leaves open door to third-party bid, unlikely to support McCain
Clinton military brass join ranks with Obama campaign
Building NAFTA's CANAMEX Supercorridor
New Documents Reveal North American Union PR Campaign
FBI Spying Abuses Reported
Bush: New USD Low Is Not Good Tidings
Fear Of Internet Traffic Jam
Jim Rogers: Abolish The Federal Reseve
Palladium and Platinum Rise
Blogger Charged In Russia
Meat Packer Admits Slaughter Of Sick Cows
Japanese Scientists Eye Mysterious Planet X
DOJ: Opinion On Executive Orders Classified
Unfounded Hysteria Over Cessna
Ron Paul: Fed Injection A Disaster
Darth Cheney Wants Space Based Weapons
Bill Gates: Immigration Laws Force Outsourcing
War Protesters Arrested In U.S. Senate
104 Products Contain Toxic Grey Goo
Plan To Spray Toxic Biological Chemicals Over San Francisco Announced
L.A. opens academy in counterterrorism - LA Daily News
Video: Bill Gates On Immigration & Outsourcing
Manchester police chief Michael Todd had been drinking before plunging to his death - Telegraph
GOP And Free Market Zealots Bring Disaster
Think Progress » GAO Comptroller: ‘Significant’ Amount Of U.S. Funds For Iraq Funneled To Sunni And Shiite Militias
No Link Between Saddam and Bin Laden
Global Markets Tumble
Stronger Rules For Mortgages Are Proposed
Government May Use Steel Pennies
EU Threatens Sanctions On CO2 Rebels
I'm a human being, young Guantanamo prisoner says | Politics | Reuters
NSA Rebuilds Total Information Awareness
Dollar Declines on Speculation Fed Rescue Package Won't Succeed
Is Salvia The Next Marijuana?
FBI Asked To Probe E-Mail Controversy
White House Urges Consumers To Spend
VIDEO: Ron Paul warns of Worldwide Economic Collapse
China puts its trust in Putinism
Lenders to liquidate Carlyle unit
Chemical brain controls nanobots
Russia Plans To Use Nukes To Defend Itself & Allies
Fed takes boldest action since the Depression to rescue US mortgage industry
Strange Odor From Mail Sickens Governor’s Staff Member
Monks under siege in monasteries as protest ends in a hail of gunfire
Why the US has really gone broke
Tiny Brain-Like Computer Created
Central Command Chief Resigns
Derivatives Have Become the World’s Biggest Black Market
Mankind's secrets kept in lunar ark
Gang Members Get Trained in the Army
Crime pays for CEOs: Profit at US prison companies soar
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 03/10/2008 | U.S. may add Venezuela to list of terrorist states
Liberal Mythology and the Founding Fathers
Bush Wants Torture
DHS: Five Years Too Many
Maverick wants to paint blue states red - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
On Ferraro - Swampland - TIME
Wonder Land - WSJ.com
Robert Joseph and J.D. Crouch II - Moscow's Missile Gambit - washingtonpost.com
Clinton's Experience Debate - TIME
The Elephant in the Room: McCain must change views on social issues | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/13/2008
Democrats Face Racial Issue Again - New York Times
Eric Deggans: Ferraro's Race Argument Isn't Insulting to Obama; It's Insulting to Democrats - Politics on The Huffington Post
Psst!--Ferraro was right. - By Mickey Kaus - Slate Magazine
The Fall of Admiral
George B. McFallon
Primary elections aren't private affairs - 03/13/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
After Eliot Spitzer - New York Times
Credit markets | If at first you don’t succeed | Economist.com
Obama and the Race Card - WSJ.com
Obama, Clinton parrying over perceptions
McCain says he's ready for the call
Clinton Apologizes to Black Voters
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Nation of Dolts, Under God?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Dream Ticket Won't Happen
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Tired Gaza Two-Step
The Puerto Rico Wild Card
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Fallon's Headstrong Demeanor Costs Him
RealClearPolitics - Articles - What I Couldn't Teach Spitzer at Harvard Law
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama on Offense
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Other Prostitution Scandal
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Democrats Won’t Fracture — Just Give Ammo to McCain
Controversial Comments by Obama's Pastor
Olbermann Rips Into Clinton over Ferraro Comments
ABC News Reports on Obama's Controversial Pastor
Hoyer: Campaign is "Personal"
McCain Fires Back at Tanker Deal Criticism
Obama's National Security Event in Chicago
Gallup Finds Support for Gradual Withdrawal
Ferraro on "Good Morning America"
Spitzer's Resignation
Obama on "Good Morning America"
Huckabee on "The O'Reilly Factor"
Obama's National Security Speech
Spitzer's Resignation Statement
Geraldine Ferraro on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel Discusses Ferraro's Comments
Maggie Williams' Letter to David Plouffe
State Department advances 'North American Union'
Appeal seeks to overturn decision eliminating 'Jesus'
Patrick Henry College's goal is launching leaders for Christ
'She was not glued. She was not tied. She was just physically stuck by her body'
Asked if new anti-war activists will make 'slanderous accusations ... just like you did'
Symbolic vote puts lawmakers on record for when Bush plan expires in 3 years
Homeschooling ban latest attack on educational freedom
Latest in series of attacks against country's Christian community
Police examining bag they say suspect was carrying
Tells defiant Cabinet member in hearing, 'Your arrogance will have consequences'
Guide lists thousands of manufacturers who still make it in USA
Blame confusion on efforts of 25-year-old seminary student
Husbands threaten divorce while male gynecologists being killed
Planner of Jerusalem student massacre identified with Palestinian 'peace partners'
Labels terrorist who killed 8 students 'hero,' links to site calling Jews 'pigs'
Refuse to label planner of Jerusalem shooting massacre as Fatah activist
Greenback falls below 100 yen, lowest level in 12 years
Internal divisions between Saudi, Egyptian leaders producing 'fissures' in terror group
Even Dem candidate's campaign admits Rev. Wright has history of 'inflammatory rhetoric'
Says Obama knows about living in country 'controlled by rich white people'
'We can be proud of both Jesse Jackson and Senator Obama'
After saying Obama getting favorable treatment because he's black
'How many times do we have to learn that tough talk is not a substitute for sound judgment?'
'Cause people to really think through who is best able to match up with John McCain'
AFL-CIO targets Republican in voter outreach campaign
'Natural born' question going before California judge
Suspended, barred from honors dinner, stripped of class VP title
Sends message using radio talker's work all right
'We weren't there harassing anybody. We were there to find the facts'
But spokeswoman warns Congress doesn't share opinion
'I just don't want to be thought of as a monster'
Shortly before tryst, rock afficionado sought classical CD 'to help him focus'
Disgraced former governor could face myriad of charges
'Extremely intelligent, charming and witty and enjoys the goodwill of people in both parties'
With resignation, loses opportunity to cast crucial vote for Clinton
Comedian batted leadoff for favorite team in spring training game
Padres, Dodgers to play 1st Major League game in China
Accused of sexual harassment for recommending 'Marketing of Evil' as required university reading
S&P: Financial companies near end of major asset write-downs
Self-proclaimed 'big Mac guy' complains on air, engineer assigned to fix problem
High cost for retrofit blamed mostly on tearing out antique wood, dealing with asbestos, lead removal
Women with children, disabled, nearly crushed by angry crowd
'Fight to the death' to get children into institutions where tuition costs nothing
Proposed: New pledge of allegiance, national holiday, citizenship ceremonies
Training intended to help shape new generation of Islamic clerics in France
19-year-old fears he will be hanged if sent back home
'Release our people. We want human rights and freedom'
Among items found on body were notes to his family, loved ones
Documents partly match information in stolen Iranian laptop turned over by Washington
Democrat joins GOP's Grassley – 3 of 4 ministries pledge to fight inquiry
Indiana Democrat capture's grandmother's seat – campaign now turns to primary
'Dr. Death' still on parole after prison release last year
'Our next march must be to the voting booth this November'
'Those remittances that they send back home don't go as far as they used to'
Mom no more than 10 yards away – controversial endangerment case stirs Internet debate
Mayor thanks people who 'voted their conscience and defined what is indecent'
Lawmakers have pun – proposed amendment allowed plumbers to let it all hang out
Woman admits 'inappropriate' relationship with boy but denies having sex
Probe began when tech wondered why so much memory being used on server
'Academic freedom' bill OKs scientific information critical of theory
'Redline' marketed to adults as 'freaky scientific' breakthrough
Bioethicist: 'People do not have a right to endanger their kids'
3 years after divorce, woman says ex-hubby was really female
'It's a clever guise to bring the abortion debate to the Florida Legislature'
'When you go to jail, you're not going to have no fun, no TV, no toys'
Both charged with 1st-degree murder in North Carolina student leader's death
'This van just came through the light and obviously broadsided our officers' car'
California horror: 'Everything that happened was for religious reasons'
It's a miracle both kids weren't hit directly by a passing car
Tennis star compares U.S. to communist regime, regains Czech citizenship
Says canine important to family after losing children in auto accident
To compensate Jews whose property looted during Nazi occupation of WWII
'I am rejected because people think I am Israeli, or a Zionist or a Mossad agent'
Greenback falls below 100 yen, lowest level in 12 years
When Fed cuts rates March 19, dollar will fall, metals will rise
Once golden child of industry, former high-flyer's management faces some brutal choices
Buffett, Gross warn: $516 trillion bubble is disaster waiting to happen
TIPS prices track run in oil, gold – investors trade current returns for security
Bush says currency is 'adjusting'
Gulf states under pressure to revalue their currencies
Currency part of Treasury’s ongoing effort to foil counterfeiters
Facing 'most serious combination of macro-economic and financial stresses in a generation'
Day after biggest jump in more than 5 years, market pulls back in choppy trading
Calls for developing world to reduce carbon output
Argues country's per capita output low, caused by products made for West
Anheuser-Busch joins rival Guinness in push for recognition of March 17
After admitting it missed required inspections of some planes
Bill Clinton has small investment in firm accused of overcrowded, unsanitary conditions
Instrument-maker Gibson, partner in popular game, claims patent infringement
Pioneering Web business running out of options to avoid acquisition
Backs away from claims made in written testimony no ill cows entered food supply
Bottom line: Measure also requires men's, women's rooms be kept clean
Ann Coulter: Spitzer's actions made him 'the Ivy League version of Paris Hilton'
Exclusive: Aliza Davidovit shares insight into Spitzer she gained in in-depth interview
Exclusive: Joseph Farah links rise in S&M to decline in corporal punishment
Exclusive: Jane Chastain explains Rezko links that helped Barack's star rise quickly
Exclusive: Sandy Froman and Ken Blackwell stress significance of high-court decision
Exclusive: Ernest Istook targets those seeking more regulation due to drugs in H2O
Exclusive: Jack Cashill shows how prescient his 2000 novel on state control really was
Exclusive: Ellis Washington compares actions of 2 promising pols done in by sin
Rebecca Hagelin urges Congress to hike military spending for protection of Americans
Larry Elder, tongue in cheek, shows how new prez could reconcile 2 Americas
Robert Scheer: 'Torture, unlike paid sex, doesn't have legs as a news story'
Daryl Cagle draws shadows behind couple's stoic stance before media
Walter E. Williams: Corn-based fuel is boondoggle shafting American consumers
Joe Kaufman shares video evidence of leader claiming group not 'terrorist organization'
Spitzer's Replacement: Gov't Is Stable
Florida Dems devise plan for new primary
Democrats mull new Florida vote
Bush Remarks on FISA
Bush Blasts House Surveillance Bill
Rice Toughens Talk Against Chavez
Bush Says Colombia Trade Agreement Vital to Security
Pentagon seeks uniformity on taping interrogations
Florida plane wreck kills four men
2 Arrested in Alleged Smuggling Attempt
Panel: Schools Should Focus on Fractions
Admiral Fallon For VP?
casino plan seen losing backers
Daley calls for $20 million in budget cuts
Case to Be Dropped Against Ill. Mom
The Associated Press: Slaughterhouse Owner Backs Off Claims
Massive Fire Damages Mount Pleasant Apartment Building
Racial Politics
Detroit Mayor Exhumes 'Buried' Slur
Former Democratic Sen. Metzenbaum dies: media
Howard Metzenbaum, Former US Senator, Dies at 90, AP Says
Draft social statement on sexuality now available
$77B budget expected to be approved today
Two sides at odds over measures to allow visa-free travel into US
British police say man arrested on runway at Heathrow Airport
Tourist boat runs aground in Greece
Organization of Islamic Conference Summit Opens in Senegal
Gaza Rockets Barrage Southern Israel
Tibetan Exiles Go on Hunger Strike
Kidnapped Iraq archbishop found dead
Two charged with Brit teen murder: Indian police
British lords back asylum bid by gay Iranian
Chad Says 'Heavily Armed' Rebels Entered Country from Sudan
Car Bomb Attack on US Convoy in Kabul Kills Civilians
Serbian parliament dissolved, May election
Africa: Holy See New Sins List Includes Pollution, Drugs, Social ...
Iranians Prepare to Vote in Parliamentary Election
US trrops shoot Iraqi girl, 10, by accident
Deadly Quebec roof collapse a crime scene
Sri Lankan military says 30 rebels killed in northern fighting
Juvenile Suspects Face Trial at Gitmo
US concern at Egypt poll arrests
US-Led Coalition Fire Kills 4 Pakistanis