"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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14 March 2008

Friday 14th

Bear Stearns to Get Backing From J.P. Morgan, N.Y. Fed - WSJ.com
Bear Stearns Gets Emergency Funds From JPMorgan, Fed
Bear Stearns exposed as a bank saddled with toxic sub-prime debt - Telegraph
Bush Urges Patience on Economy: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Dollar falls below parity vs Swiss franc - Yahoo! Singapore News
Fed Takes Rare Path to Aid Bear Stearns: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Eyewitness accounts: Tibet clashes
Deaths reported in Tibet as China blames Dalai Lama | International | Reuters
FOXNews.com - As Obama Talks Religion, Questions Surround His Controversial Pastor - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
My Way News - Obama Denounces Pastor's 9/11 Comments
The Smart Goggles that could make lost keys, mobile phones or iPod a thing of the past | the Daily Mail
FOXNews.com - Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
My Way News - Gates Predicts Big Technological Leaps
NRCC Says Ex-Treasurer Diverted Up to $1 Million
My Way News - House Approves New Eavesdropping Rules
High-Level al-Qaida Figure Is Captured
'Bomb' at law office proves to be turnip
Moguls Set To Approach the Sound Barrier - March 14, 2008 - The New York Sun
Crude Oil Rises to Record $111 in New York on Weak U.S. Dollar
Bullets Fly On I-4 During Gun Battle Between Moving Cars - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Google takes swipe at Apple's iPhone - Times Online
Political Radar: Pelosi's Delegate Stance Boosts Obama
My Way News - Democratic Rivals Agree to Play Nicer
Democratic Rivals Agree to Play Nicer
My Way News - June 3 Is Target for Mich Do-Over
Political Radar: Obama vs. Clinton: They Meet Again
Right now, feds might be looking into your finances
U.S. Is Examining Spitzer’s Funds - New York Times
Spitzer Defense Lawyers Worked in Prosecutor's Office
Call Girl Ashley Plays the Girlfriend in ‘Pop Off’ Music Video by Rapper Mysterious
Madam: Sex Too Hard To Sell These Days, Oldest Bordello In Hamburg's Red-Light District Is Shutting Down For Lack Of Business - CBS News
'Military Recruiters Are Under Attack,' Group Says -- 03/14/2008
Protests in Tibet erupt into violence | World news | guardian.co.uk
Kidnapped archbishop's body found - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
FOXNews.com - Study: Antiwar Reporting Helps U.S. Enemies - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
FOXNews.com - Senate Rejects McCain-Backed Plan to Ban Earmarks for One Year - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
World Tribune — Pentagon official: China may already be at cyberwar with U.S.
Report Details Saddam's Terrorist Ties - March 14, 2008 - The New York Sun
Schoolboy found hanged in his bedroom after Ritalin prescription was increased | the Daily Mail
Mexican truck drivers take English exam in Spanish
ABC News: Pol Rants Being Gay Worse Than Terrorism
Clinton role in health program disputed - The Boston Globe
Family Can Sue Over Blocked Medical Care
Wife burns husband alive for not washing feet - Unusual Tales - Specials
Schools fear that forced marriages poster campaign will upset parents - Times Online
Iran Schoolbooks Teach Jihad, Martyrdom, Study Shows -- 03/12/2008
NRCC Says Ex-Treasurer Diverted Up to $1 Million - washingtonpost.com
Air Force changed tanker contract to aid rival, Boeing says
Bernanke Claims He Wants To Help Homeowners
Military Women Report Sexual Harassment
IMF Tells States To Plan For The Worst
EU Leaders Agree On Climate Change Package
Obama & Clinton On Most Corrupt Politicians List
German Scientist: Chemtrails A Military Operation
Ventura Mulls 08 Presidential Run
McCain: Al-Qaeda Might Try To Tip U.S. Election
JP Morgan And Fed Move To Bailout Bear Stearns
Syphilis Rate Up 76%
Transformer Style Robots To Be Built
Chinese Polish Clash With Tibet Protesters
Bush: If Younger He Would Work In Afghanistan
House & Senate Pass Budgets
Feds Might Be Looking At Your Finances
Bill Clinton Addresses Bilderberg
How Banks Track Money
Iraq: teachers told to rewrite history - Education News, Education - Independent.co.uk
Now the taxman gets the power to turn up unannounced to your home and demand to see tax records | the Daily Mail
State Department: Anti-Zionism is the New Anti-Semitism
Global "Oil Shock" Rattles World Stock markets
NSA Rebuilds Total Information Awareness
VIDEO: Bill Clinton discusses his attendance at the 1991 Bilderberg Conference
SWAT teams disperse crowd of hundreds awaiting housing applications
Pentagon: $520 Million for Space Weapons Research
Feds Stage Cyberstorm to Prep for Attack
Rocket Lifts Off With Secret Satellite
McCain advisor: Destroy Islam
Despite the Federal Reserve's efforts Wall Street fears a big US bank is in trouble - Times Online
So What If No Lives are Saved? At Least Revenue is Increased!
William F. Buckley Jr.: the Establishment’s “House Conservative”
Senate Bill Proposes to Screen and Medicate Mothers
Liberal Mythology and the Founding Fathers
Budget Crimes by Ron Paul
Did Capitalism Cause the Great Depression? by Murray N. Rothbard
John 'I’m a War Criminal' McCain by Michael Gaddy
The YouTube Election by Steven Greenhut
Stop Overfeeding Government by Carla Howell and Michael Cloud
Beware the politician posing as a scientist | The Spectator
Larry Silverstein Dodges Questions About Building 7's Controlled Demolition
High Tide: The Ron Paul Revolution Continues
Watching the Dollar Die
We Are CHANGE Confronts Larry Silverstein
US wants to give nuclear technology to third world
Ed Koch Faults Giuliani for Destroying Evidence 9/11 Crime Scene
Power Shared by 6,000 in Era of Globalization: Former Clinton Official
Dollar Rebounds From Record Versus Euro on Intervention Concern
What Gloria Steinem, Henry Kissinger Have in Common: CIA Pay
Echoes of Tiananmen in Tibet Protest
Bush Says Policy Makers to Take `Appropriate Steps'
CURRENCIES: Dollar Gives Up More Ground As Market Digests Bear News
Obama on the Reverend Wright Controversy
Race and the Democrats, Part III
Sorry, Hillary: You've crossed the line
The Surge in Iraq: One Year Later
RealClearPolitics - Articles - On My Faith and My Church
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Playing by Obama's Rules
RealClearPolitics - Articles - John McCain's Full Hour on "Hannity & Colmes"
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Likeable Side of Bush
Wider Net, Leakier Boat
Making Obama Unelectable
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Adventures In Identity Politics
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Monsters and Racists and Sexists, Oh My!
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama and Iraq
RealClearPolitics - Articles - NRCC Audits Forged, Nearly $1M Missing
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Paterson: The Anti-Steamroller
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Eliot Spitzer's "Emperor's Club"
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Clinton Opens Her Home to Woo Unaligned Lawmakers - washingtonpost.com
A Free-Spirited Wanderer Who Set Obama’s Path - New York Times
McCain Touts Earmark Opposition on Hill - WSJ.com
FT.com / Comment & analysis / Editorial comment - Intervene to slow the dollar’s decline
Race, Obama and Clinton -- chicagotribune.com
A Failing Campaign - washingtonpost.com
Don't discount a Clinton ticket's strength in Ohio - John Fortier - Politico.com
Obama and the Minister - WSJ.com
Our Uncertain Economy - WSJ.com
Hillary's New Conservative Friends | The New York Observer
The Rank-Link Imbalance - New York Times
ABC News Reports on Obama's Controversial Pastor
Looking at the Canddidates' Experience
Remembering McCain's Time as a POW
Gov. Rendell Says Clinton "Better Fit"
NoJohn.com Web Ad
McCain Talks to Hannity
Obama Tells Pennsylvanians to Register to Vote
Moveon's Ad Contest
Increased Worry about the Economy
Controversial Comments by Obama's Pastor
Olbermann Rips Into Clinton over Ferraro Comments
Hoyer: Campaign is "Personal"
McCain Fires Back at Tanker Deal Criticism
Obama's National Security Event in Chicago
Gallup Finds Support for Gradual Withdrawal
President Bush Speaks to the Economic Club of New York
Greg Craig Criticizes Clinton's Experience Claims
John McCain's Full Hour on "Hannity & Colmes"
Roundtable Discusses Increasing Role of Race
Experts Debate the FISA Bill
March 13 White House Press Briefing
Obama's National Security Speech
Real-life case of demon possession documented
'Denounces' anti-American, racist rhetoric, insists he never heard such talk in person
Candidate's spiritual mentor, role model charged U.S. is 'No. 1 killer in the world'
Obama's pastor also blames U.S. for 9/11
Indicted Chicago businessman raised as much as $250,000 for Democrat
Senator requested $8 million for contractor with close ties to prodigious fundraiser
GOP nominee-apparent warns of 'chaos ... across the region'
Muslim group bankrolled by Arab states tied to 9/11
Helped bin Laden escape from Afghanistan in 2001
Lhasa market ablaze in largest anti-Chinese demonstrations in 2 decades
DOT chief's admission to Senate panel contradicts administration's assurances
State Department talks open borders, EU links
Yuma goes back to basics as hostility to border fences grows
Group seeks citizens willing to watch for illegals using home computer
Believes legal case could settle global-warming debate once and for all
Expert says it could take years to recover from financial crisis now going global
Would tack on $1.4 trillion in new spending to fund Democrat hopeful's proposals
National Republican Congressional Committee says money went to personal accounts
'There are a variety of things being considered'
Appeal seeks to overturn decision eliminating 'Jesus'
Patrick Henry College's goal is launching leaders for Christ
'Palestinian people have developed methods of death and death-seeking'
'The (victims') souls will (go to heaven) and send the messiah to the nation of Israel'
Brit intel says Iran preparing Hamas fighters
Juarez plagued by violence amid crackdown on drug cartels
Finds from 8th-6th centuries B.C. includes seal reading 'Netanyahu ben Yaush'
Would extend benefits of commitment to any duo
'Causes little bother for others and for a certain group actually means much pleasure'
'Amnesty' offered for illegal weapons, unless investigators link them to crime
Now faces prison after loaned rifle jams
Wanted to hide impending financial ruin from gambling debts
Recent research claims drug has led to many developing 'manic and psychotic' symptoms
'This unethical, illegal lynch-mob mentality has to stop'
By calling police, woman disobeyed directions of her supervisor
Struggling nightclub singer downloaded new track to online music-seller hours after ID'd
But won't comment on what other people think about Spitzer's philandering
Under new UK rules, inspectors able to turn up unannounced, demand to see records
Pupils currently only have the option of studying Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism
Bikini-clad performers, deal on foreign exchange await customers at nightclub
Rare Depression-era procedure to bolster Bear Stearns
Investors worried about plan to ease liquidity at Bear Stearns
Now possible to access implanted device to steal patient information, make lethal
Pair used tax-exempt, charitable organization to move more than $800,000 from U.S.
U.S. plan would provide developing countries with small units containing lifetime of fuel
Latest in series of attacks against country's Christian community
Grisly delivery gives men's relatives hope contractors they are still alive
Pew poll: 53% of Americans now believe 'U.S. will ultimately succeed in achieving its goals'
Woman briefly left sleeping child in car to drop change in Salvation Army kettle
Bill would allow extraction if price of crude hits $125 a barrel
Boy angry over motorist's sex proposition allegedly punched man in face, then stole car
Arrested after canine died locked in metal crate with no food, water for 2 months
Republican official transferred funds to personal accounts, officials say
Musical saga of Jennifer Wilbanks' flight from the altar debuts in hometown
Network used attorney who quit his job after allegedly biting stripper
Suspended, barred from honors dinner, stripped of class VP title
Claims loud noise caused 'very severe injuries' to left eardrum
Comedian batted leadoff for favorite team in spring training game
Nobody really knew what he looked like ... until now
'2 different fields of science ... are coming up with the same set of answers'
Genetic study says 95% of Native Americans from women living about 18,000 years ago
At least 1 of remaining 5 sub-species is in danger of extinction
'My fears disappeared immediately. I just knew I had to help her or it would be all over'
Lured to boat with chunks of bait as part of tests on electronic repellent device
Next generation of technology likely to be far more powerful than current crop
37 years after 1st message sent, creator says he never imagined it would become criminal tool
Software engineer engages Nigerian web fraudsters in their own game
Software engineer engages Nigerian web fraudsters in their own game
'Lack of hair can only mean the brain is busy with more important functions'
How serious is this development for the future of the banking system?
S&P: Financial companies near end of major asset write-downs
'The Bear [Stearns] news seems to be blowing this market up through $1,000'
Europe travel, business costs soar
As markets buckle under renewed credit fears, these funds could profit
'A logical and exciting new step in our environmental commitment'
Gulfstream said its new G650 will be capable of flying faster than Boeing 747
'We must be able to pass along these costs just like other businesses do'
'Our housing is high, our food is high, and the gas prices just make it worse'
Campaign says outgoing exec will travel country on presidential candidate's behalf
Housekeeper who worked 14-hour days sues homeowners over labor violations
Rule of thumb: 'If you look at what a lawyer makes, that's what an escort makes'
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey hammers Obama for not rejecting pastor's outrageous views
Exclusive: Aaron Klein responds to 'lying rant' by The Nation magazine
Pat Buchanan notes campaign's tactic of smearing any attacker with charge of racism
Exclusive: Joseph Farah justifies new label using charges from party members' lips
David Limbaugh: 'Feel-goodism should not be purchased at the expense of our liberties'
Bill Press wants do-over primaries paid for by Democratic candidates
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer asserts defending the West must include Jewish state
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan urges readers to focus on troop-hating attacks of recruiters
Exclusive: Floyd and Mary Beth Brown track billionaire's influential 'religion'
Phyllis Schlafly rips award-wining film for its promotion of feminist ideals
Stan Cox decries increase in 'tasteless' McMansions built by the wealthy
Exclusive: Reader asserts candidate needs to start respecting the base – and quick
Exclusive: Readers take aim at Congress for Daylight Saving, 'globull warming'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah links rise in S&M to decline in corporal punishment
Sen. Tom Coburn rebuts Reid on Framers' opinions about earmarks
Obama struggles to downplay fiery minister
House challenges Bush on surveillance
US Reveals Capture of Another Senior al-Qaida Official
CIA: We Got Bin Laden Translator
Michigan Dems Agree on June 3 Do-Over
Michigan and Florida try to resolve primary standoff
High-profile US lawyer Scruggs pleads guilty
`King of Torts' Cops a Plea
2 Doctors Cleared in John Ritter's Death
Man in Month-Old Vegas Ricin Case Wakes
Man in Vegas ricin case wakes up, talks to investigators
CPD Shake-Up: New Commanders Sworn in
Outgoing EBay CEO to Stump for McCain
Pentagon reports on sexual harassment, assault in military
A solution to how to teach math: Subtract
Deputies: Teacher, boy had multiple sexual encounters
NC Slayings Suspect Held on $3M Bond
Hillary Clinton's Health Care History
Clinton's Experience Debate
Mortgage disclosure you can understand?! And only six years in the ...
HUD E-Mails Refer to Retaliation
Paterson's Ascension Inspires Disabled
Hundreds of Sick Cats Found in Pa. Raid
Doctor sentenced to life in prison
Huckabee: No Illusions About VP Slot
Obama struggles to downplay fiery minister
Michigan Dems Agree on June 3 Do-Over
Michigan and Florida try to resolve primary standoff
Clinton pitches plans to battle rising energy prices
McCain Fears Stepped Up Attacks in Iraq
Clinton, Obama Woo Pa. Political Players
McCain: Congress 'disconnected' from Americans
Obama Calls NY's Paterson
Round 2 for Iowa delegates could shift race
Democrats Split Delegates
Hillary Clinton plans Indiana tour next week
Obama: Allaying Jewish concerns
Both Clinton and Obama Confirm April Visits
Trimble comments annoy Clintons
Obama Gets Scant White Support in MS
Ex-Governor Cuomo Says Close Democratic Race Could Be `Ruinous'
Clinton apologizes to black voters
McCain Returns to New Hampshire
McCain Veepstakes Watch (part 1)
UPDATE 1-McCain begins vice president search, mum on Romney
Delegates: Obama picks up another
Tibet unrest deepens, with violence and rioting
Tibetans in NY Demonstrate Against China
Hard-Liners Expected to Lead Iran Vote
Muslims Nations: Defame Islam, Get Sued?
All smiles as Muslims unite for peace
Delegates Address Strife, Perceptions of Islam at OIC Summit
Chad rebels dismiss peace accord
Iraq Christians mourn kidnapped cleric's death
US lawmakers call for Venezuela to be on terror list - International Herald Tribune
US lawmakers call for Venezuela to be on terror list
Queen opens new terminal at London's overcrowded Heathrow Airport
Anti-Graft Court Clears Bhutto's Widower
Top cop joins army boss in Zimbabwe threat
Japan May Consider Another BOJ Candidate
Schoolgirl found alive after four weeks
Shannon safe after rescue drama
Canada's House of Commons extends Afghan mission
Canada Votes to Extend Afghan Mission
Kosovo Serbs take over UN court in flashpoint town
Kosovo Serb Protesters Storm UN Court
Serbs storm Kosovo court, oust UN
Abuse Claims Complicating Gitmo Trials
Editorial Board Smackdown: Does Omar Khadr deserve Canada's help?
Catholic Church now says it’sa sin to be very rich
Sarkozy touts Mediterranean plan
Austria urges immediate release of Al-Qaeda hostages
Austrian leader calls for immediate release of hostages held by Al ...
Goa girl's mother faces hearing
Second man arrested over Goa killing
Bollywood link to Goa death; mother was jailed for stabbing
No breakthrough in N. Korea nuclear talks
US says it has advised key countries of progress in N. Korea talks
How the World Bank is Funding a Corrupt Kenya
Kenya's Stability Is an Important US Priority
What Will Happen with Florida?