"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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09 March 2008

9th March (click here: Ron Paul article)

My Way News - China: Terrorists Targeted Olympics
Olympics clean-up Chinese style: Inside Beijing's shocking death camp for cats | the Daily Mail
FBI Probes Countrywide in Possible Fraud, Person Says
Local Obama supporter shocked to see herself in Hillary ad | Top Stories | KING5.com | News for Seattle, Washington
On the Campaign Trail, Few Mentions of McCain’s Bout With Melanoma - New York Times
Terrorist's family: He was Yeshiva's driver | Jerusalem Post
Israel fears 'third intifada' as it buries latest victims of terror - Times Online
Army probes tabloid leak over Harry | UK news | The Observer
My Way News - Obama Wins in Wyoming, Adds 7 Delegates
TheHill.com - It’s over
Hillary Clinton sets her sights on three ways to win - Times Online
CAIR seeks dismissal of Savage lawsuit
Rezko was friends with Obama, attorney tells jury
Egypt: Syria may be thwarting cease-fire' | Jerusalem Post
FOXNews.com - Chinese Official: Flight Crew Prevented Planned Terrorist Act Aboard Jetliner - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
John Denver karaoke sparks Thai killing spree - Telegraph
S.F. mayor may run for governor
Hamas wages Iran’s proxy war on Israel - Times Online
Nobel winner: Hillary Clinton's 'silly' Irish peace claims - Telegraph
Prime Minister Dissolves Serbia’s Government - New York Times
FOXNews.com - March Madness: Good Time for a Vasectomy? - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Rush for biofuels threatens starvation on a global scale - Times Online
MI5 targets four Met police officers 'working as Al Qaeda Spies' | the Daily Mail
My Way News - Angry Boeing Supporters Target McCain
Reuters AlertNet - Israeli minister says sack ElBaradei over Iran
FOXNews.com - Thousands of Afghan Students Protest Danish Prophet Muhammad Cartoon, Dutch Movie - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
CFP: Clinton Judge Favors Savage Terrorists over Dr. Michael Savage?
Lou Dobbs: New World Order Can Be Defeated
The Project for the New American Citizen
Should We Lose Hope? by Geoffrey Pike
ImPeden Reality by Johnny Kramer
Ron Paul as Prophet by Mark Sunwall
Let the Bankruptcies Roll by Michael S. Rozeff
A Real Threat to California Home-Schoolers by Steven Greenhut
Bernanke on the Mortgage Market House of Cards by Gary North
Translating Leviathanspeak by A.D Lelong
We Can't Kill Our Way to Peace by Ron Paul
Top Ten Grammar Myths
The sat-nav dog collar that keeps track of Fido wherever he may stray - Times Online
Man frolics in potentially lethal cold - UPI.com
Confessions of an Obama Cultist- by Justin Raimondo
Giant Fossilized Mystery Creature On Indian Coast
Why McCain Should Never Be President
YouTube - Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ (Part 1 of 2)
Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ (Part 2 of 2)
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 1
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 2
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 3
The Associated Press: AP Probe Finds Drugs in Drinking Water
Iraq says it won't recognize oil deals with regional Kurdish government - International Herald Tribune
Martial Law, Inc.- KBR: A Halliburton Subsidiary
2008 The Year Of Global Food Crisis (from Sunday Herald)
MPs back artificial sperm for childless | Politics | The Observer
Honey bees 'wiped out in 10 years' | Science | The Observer
Mankind's secrets kept in lunar ark - Times Online
Strip search: camera that sees through clothes from 80ft away - Times Online
IRS spending $42 million on rebate reminders - CNN.com
Newsvine - "Jesters" To Testify about Illegal Drugs, Child Prostitution?
Obama in Senate: Star Power, Minor Role - New York Times
Humanity Is Under Occult Attack
Zionism - Never Have So Few Done So Much...
Press TV - Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war'
US Foreclosures Rise As Owners Give Up
Rand Paul: Is the Revolution Over or Just Beginning? | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
Already we have riots, hoarding, panic: the sign of things to come? - Times Online
Real Saudi History And Roots Of Radical Islam
Soldiers (not innocent students) killed at settler center :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: - it
Did Ambrose Bierce Vanish Into Another Dimension?
Entering The Mysterious Dimensions Of Shadow World
Alan Stang -- Playboy and Women
Marsha West -- Hyper-sexualizing Girls
The Inhuman Bombing Of Germany, 1940-1945
Bringing Death And Destruction To Muslims Leader And Vassal
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication | polidics.com
Missile Defense: "Longest Running Scam" Exposed
Israel actually OK with Muslims destroying its history?
Environmentalists demand team order player to stop shooting from helicopter
'Yitzak Dadon's apparently well-placed bullets interrupted a rampage'
'The image of a firearm and clearly advocates illegal behavior'
'Day of Silence' in schools 'about coercing students to repudiate traditional morality'
'Parents should not be penalized for acting in the best interests of children's education'
Claim 100,000 animals, 1 million seabirds, die each year based on 'typo' in 2002 report
Letter to 'LGBT community' affirms he'd dump Defense of Marriage Act
Clinton team keeps 'dream ticket' alive
'It adds to our delegate lead on the road to becoming the nominee'
Helped by prison experience? 'Sometimes a bit of stress early in life can be beneficial'
Sometimes tells audiences he has 'more scars than Frankenstein'
Poll: Some 69% of Democrats now love idea of 'Dream Team'
Win popular vote, secure reruns in Florida, Michigan, undermine Obama's credibility
'I'm not anti-Barack, I'm just pro-Hillary'
'I don't know there was much she did apart from accompanying Bill going around'
'I am far more concerned with seeing the right president'
Official: Democrat do-over 'would be a train wreck' for state
Shadowy cabal of plotters includes Soros – citizens encouraged to turn in collaborators
'We need to be smart, take care of ourselves and attempt to be helpful to others'
Including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, sex hormones
Rockets, missiles place all of Israel within firing zone
'Kill them and then Allah will torture them in your hands and bring joy to believers'
Rejects Reuters article claiming the terror group carried out yeshiva shooting
'Islamic Student Justice Seekers' of Iran announce financial prizes
Jordan bans public mourning by terrorist's relatives
Group leader admits hundreds of his fighters have been traveling to Tehran for training
Disorderly conduct count pending over street message
Ruling creates way for stone tablets with competing beliefs
'I was exonerated. I'd like to get on with my life'
Judge refuses to accept plea for reduced charge unless threat admitted
'This guy lost his arm, was in the hospital for months ... and now he's back ...'
Said recruiters treat recruits 'like another warm body' -- 'All you care about is your numbers'
California man's mailing to Congress a case of incredibly bad timing
California city officials would banish them
Certain areas in Britain off-limits for servicemen, women in official gear
Judge to issue ruling soon in case linking organization to terror
'Gender identity' discrimination ban placed on ballot after petition drive
Attorney said man was too drunk night of shooting to have done it intentionally
Gave officers driver's license belonging to someone else when questioned in death
Legislation follows Oklahoma's tough strike at illegal immigration
Apologizes for breaking global media blackout on prince's frontline deployment in Afghanistan
Queen not amused by plan for secret society to meet
Drug gun battles, passport rule impacting student travel to Mexico
Tomahawk missile succeeded only in hurting 6 civilians, killing 3 cows, 1 calf
Weapons-ready plutonium to be carried hundreds of miles in unarmed ship
Kept her word: 'Promise you won't leave me, will you, Mommy?'
Cats being rounded up, sent to 'death camps'
Designers say images do not show anatomical details
'When you cannot get what you want, it is good to have friends in high places'
Natural variations in weather can vary more than climate change signals, experts say
Suits claim group stole more than $180 million from taxpayers, fired whistleblower
Football coach tried to kiss two students while they were babysitting in his home
22-year-old woman could get over 7 years for sex with 14-year-old boy
Wriggled out of handcuffs after arrest for refusing to accept traffic ticket
Gets 4 years for allowing 12-year-old daughter to have sex with 16-year-old boy
Prosecutors: Man plagued by deviant sexual fantasies to kill, rape, torture, eat victims
18-year-old jailed in lieu of $1 million bond
Child overcame speech impediment to bravely tell her mom about abuse
Woman seen on surveillance video picking up envelope
Felt she had to say something when photos of her looking heavier were ridiculed in media
Wives told to return to families, marriages dissolved via text message, cell phone
Those who drank only wine showed most benefit
Ex-UK PM spent night under observation after feeling 'unwell' during dinner
Remembered what to do from safety assembly at school
Meet man ready to become world's oldest marathon runner
Mapping companies, device makers to notify passing drivers about discounts, promotions
'When an economy stalls and drops into recession, things get very bad very quickly'
Says foreign governments' capital deserves real scrutiny
Latest tracking of Berkshire bigwig's investing criteria uncovers 60 attractive names
As oil, gold prices hit record highs, grains stay up, speculators rush in
Reclusive Liechtenstein, others flash on government radar
Report: Focusing on whether officials misrepresented financial position in filings
'These problems are behind us. We will not return to the market'
'We're seeing some of the subprime players coming into our market'
Life insurance deal may be too good to be true
'My role ... was not by any means to serve as a source of unbiased medical information'
But what you save on fuel could be lost on currency exchange
U.S. is biggest market in world, but its importance declining fast
Dave Ramsey advises 2 women on investments, business partnership
Nevada Gaming Control Board reports 1st earnings drop since 2001
'For the 1st week or so, it's tough for the cows to adjust'
Exclusive: Henry Lamb says NAFTA, SPP, North American Community all spell doom
Exclusive: Joseph Farah adds 1 more reason ban on incandescents is ludicrous
Exclusive: Pat Boone presents historical realities of party's scorn for African-Americans
Star Parker: 1st order of business is to ask Huck to be his running mate
Exclusive: David Dolan discusses politics with health-club friends in Jerusalem
Exclusive: Laurie Roth figures Obama must have back-masking machine for the Bible
Exclusive: Ellis Washington lauds Gipper for historic determination at Reykjavik
Exclusive: Greg Laurie offers solution for those seeking satisfaction in the world
Jonathan Falwell defends rights of parents in light of California ruling
Gabriel Malor: Take a breath, folks, family involved in case weren't doing it right
Mark Morford: Americans are dumping dogma as they expand view of God
Exclusive: Joseph Farah looks in vain for verse where Jesus said government should help poor
Shawn Macomber interviews politically incorrect president of Czech Republic
ABC News - This Week's Roundtable
Face The Nation 03.09.08
FOXNews.com - Transcript: Rep. Mike Pence on 'FOX News Sunday' - FOX News Sunday | Chris Wallace
Florida & Michigan Democrats on "Fox News Sunday"
Howard Dean on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Daschle & Rendell on "Meet the Press"
RealClearPolitics - Articles - It's Still Over For Hillary
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Disenfranchising Florida and Michigan?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - No Easy Answer in Cuba Policy
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Follow Through on Annapolis
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Tax Issue Front and Center in 2008
Influential Democrats Waiting to Choose Sides - washingtonpost.com
Foster takes seat from GOP -- chicagotribune.com
Obama Wins in Wyoming, Gets Boost for Mississippi - WSJ.com
DEMS VS. DEFENSE - New York Post
Opinion: Putting the pressure on Iran
The coming debate over health care : Editorials : The Rocky Mountain News
Primary error: Michigan and Florida have two flawed choices
Climate dissent grows hotter as chill deepens - Telegraph
Barney Frank - The Case for a Housing Rescue - washingtonpost.com
How government makes things worse - The Boston Globe
slamists leave Israel no choice | The Australian
Opinion: Media tainted by anti-Clinton bias
Hillary and Young Women | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Andrew Rawnsley: The Democrats' nightmare is a sweet Republican dream | Comment is free | The Observer
McCain Sits in Campaign's Catbird Seat as Democrats Bicker - washingtonpost.com
One Last Thing: Who can go the distance? | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/09/2008
Looking Presidential
The Arms Race in Space May Be On - New York Times
Palestinian celebration of murder dooms hope for peace
House GOP funk worsens - John Bresnahan and Josh Kraushaar - Politico.com
The "Don't Protect America" Democrats
A Scorecard on Conventional Wisdom in the 2008 Presidential Election - New York Times
The Clintons, a horror film that never ends | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online
Hillary and the Invisible Women | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Sure, Obama's a smart, sweet guy — but can he fight?
“Merchant of Death,” Viktor Bout Arrested
Virtual Fence at Arizona Border Doesn’t Work
Jewish JBS Leader Weighs in on Recent Attacks on the Society
Policing the World Not the Job of Our Nation’s Military
Democracy Now! | Could Michigan and Florida Decide the Democratic Presidential Race?
Democracy Now! | McCain Embraces Endorsement from Anti-Catholic, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim Televangelist John Hagee
Democracy Now! | Iran Contra 2.0: How the Bush Admin Lied to Congress and Armed Fatah to Provoke Palestinian Civil War Aiming to Overthrow Hamas
Bill Buckley’s Strange History Revealed
Rep. Ron Paul Roars In Lone Star State
Expect Putin Successor to Fight Zionism
USS Liberty Gets Its Own Radio Program
Obama a Tool of Bilderberg?
Montana Says Gun Rights Issue Settled Long Ago
Paul Refocuses Attention on House Seat for Now
Politics May Prompt Tax Relief
Bush explains veto of waterboarding bill
Ex-Defense Official Assails Colleagues Over Run-Up to War
Ominous Rise in Baghdad Bombings - TIME
US repossessions hit record high, sparking dollar sell-off | Business | The Guardian
andemic Economics: The 1918 Influenza and Its Modern-Day Implications
Scary or sensational? A machine that can look into the mind | Science | The Guardian
Bad Patents, Evil Corporations and the Rise of Intellectual Imperialism
Intel assessment: War unlikely in '08 | Jerusalem Post
Iranian group puts price on Ehud Barak's head and two other Israeli officials - Ynet
US Senators: Where is Iraq's oil money going? - CNN
Hamas says its fighters train in Iran - Ynet
Egypt destroys 6 smuggling tunnels - Ynet
Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan to lead peace delegation to Middle East next month - Haaretz
North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il expresses hope for stronger friendship with Syria - Haaretz
Chinese Official: Flight Crew Prevented Planned Terrorist Act Aboard Jetliner - Fox
Iraqi forces find mass grave - USA Today
85,000 jobs cut since January - Washington Times
Illegal immigrant curbs face uphill climb - USA Today
Bush Vetoes Legislation Barring Waterboarding, Says It Preserves Tool in War on Terrorism - Fox
Serbian Leader Pursues New Government - Following Kosovo's Push for Independence - Fox
Thousands protest in Basra over security - USA Today
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to Teach at Yale University on issues of faith and globalization - Fox
Saudi's top cleric warns against giving money to al-Qaida linked charities - J'lem Post
NASA Sending Frankenstein Into Space? - Nah, Just 'Monstrous' Space Robot - Fox
Ad to challenge Gore's planet-saving image - Washington Times
Iraq's President Seeks 'Strategic' Partnership With Turkey - Fox
McCain courts skeptics in conservative alliance - Washington Times
McCain's resilience resonates amid Democrats' uncertainty - USA Today
Obama Begins to Reclaim Momentum With Wyoming Win - Fox
Israel fears new uprising by Palestinians - Washington Times
Jerusalem Bids Farewell to Attack Victims - Ynet
Images of horror in yeshiva to be distributed worldwide - Ynet
It's Iran vs. Israel - Washington Times
Is U.S. evangelical vote in play? - Ed Stoddard
Condi's echo-chamber - Caroline B. Glick
End to the Good Times - (Such as They Were) - David Leonhardt
Yeshiva Attack will be seen in Messianic terms - Amir Mizroch
Obama's truthiness about Farrakhan - Diana West
Obama Minister's Hatred of America - NewsMax
Bill Clinton's $700,000 stock windfall - Jim McElhatton
Chemicals in Baby Products Linked to Problems
FBI head: Give telcos immunity
US Spends 6 Times More on Prisons than Education
hey Still Don't Get It
$300 Million From Chavez To FARC A Fake
Ohio: Travellers Threatened With Arrest In Storm
GAO Asked To Audit Iraq Oil Revenue
KBR Water In Iraq Makes Troops Sick
They Knew But Did Nothing
Neocon: Al-Qaeda Will Celebrate Obama Victory
Faber: Bernanke Will Destroy Dollar
FDIC Reports Second Bank Failure
FOXNews.com - Al Qaeda Seeks Tech Geeks to Run Multimedia Wing - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Tony Blair to Lecture at Yale on “Faith and Globalization”
No health insurance? Face fines
Brain activity can be decoded using magnetic resonance imaging.
Missing FAA badges
Google & Microsoft Involved In NSA Program?
Zionist rabbis says Torah permits killing Palestinian civilians
New Documents Reveal North American Union PR Campaign
VIDEO: Paul concedes, presidential bid is effectively over
House GOP funk worsens
McCain not always chummy with the press
Bush brings down the house at Gridiron Club
Obama scores decisive win in Wyoming
Mehlman, Rove boost McCain campaign - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
DNC struggles to solve big-state kinks - Lisa Lerer - Politico.com
ABC News: Clinton, Obama Get Nasty in Tight Battle
Democrats hasten to solve dispute over Michigan and Florida delegates
Musharraf foes strike a power-sharing deal in Pakistan
Farmers struggle to keep up with world food demand
FBI starts criminal probe into Countrywide, reports NY Times | Reuters
Venezuela to reopen embassy, relations with Colombia - USATODAY.com
China Foils Olympics Terror Plot
Socialists win Spanish elections
Israel backs settlement growth
China says militant plots foiled
Malaysia PM won't resign despite poll debacle
At least 19 killed in train-bus collision in Argentina
Serbia in crisis as PM quits over Kosovo
Shopkeepers revolt against Sicilian Mafia
Chad Kidnap Scandal Kids Going Home
Controversial London Mayor On Way Out?
Crews move Sept. 11 survivors' staircase
Democrats take high-profile Republican district
Countdown begins for Tuesday space shuttle launch
Memphis Murders Pinned On Victim's Brother
Senators Demand Audit Of Iraq Oil Revenue
Woman's Body Found On Dry Ice In Hotel
Drug probe turns up frozen woman
Hundreds mourn slain UNC student
Ethics questions arise as doctors pitch to colleagues
Transmission limits hamper renewable energy plans
How to make a buck from the weak U.S. dollar
What to do about the weak dollar with assets or income abroad
Google shares could fall another 20 percent
High CO2 cars targeted by Budget
German train strike is called off
Bush insists US not in recession
Unreality TV: Real estate shows are still hot
Movie clips available on Facebook
Mob Chronicler Breslin Has Tales To Tell
Missing Model Found Alive In Belgium
Warhol's more disturbing works to go on view
Angry wife accused of burning 400 phones (AP)
Dead rodent stops operation
Who was that girl, Bob Dylan asks | Oddly Enough | Reuters
Man takes car on 2,000 mile test drive
Europe's makes its 1st supply run to space station
Greener cell power presents challenges
McCartney to put the Beatles on iTunes?
Do You Teach Your Kids About Darwin?
Should Scientists Date People Who Believe in Astrology?
Seven Fake Startups Compete for 'Worst Website Ever'
It's daylight science time
Fatigued? Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
Putting Back Pain Behind You
Hearing Loss Now A Military Epidemic
Millions Of Older Adults Get Hurt Falling
Microchip could help regenerate nerves
Probiotic hope for kidney stones
Alcohol 'quickly' cuts heart risk
ABC News: Iranian election fails to fire student passions
ABC News: Ballots, bullets: Peace after poll in east Sri Lanka?
ABC News: 4 Die in Bethlehem, Pa., Row House Fire
ABC News: As border tightens, smugglers raise their game
ABC News: Olmert approves homes for West Bank settlement
ABC News: Republican McCain planning Europe, Mideast trip
ABC News: Warrants Out for Woman Found in Dry Ice
ABC News: 1 Dead in Florida Tour Bus Crash
ABC News: Jewelry trends adapting to record gold prices
ABC News: Man Charged in Dismembered Woman's Death
ABC News: Malaysia wakes to new political landscape
ABC News: Va. Targets Adults Who French Kiss Kids
Neocon Bloggers Blame Antiwar Movement for New York Bombing
Lou Dobbs on the Alex Jones Show
You Tube Censors Hugely Popular “Question Your Reality” Video
Malice Toward All, Charity Toward None: The Foundations of the American State
YouTube Under Fire for Allowing Violent Videos
Why the U.S. is Going to Fall
How Low Can The Dollar Go? Zero Value
Rand Paul’s Father is not Out of the Race
Panel Examines McCain's Chances in a Recession
SNL Has Hillary's 3am Call
Girl in 3am Ad Supports Obama
Rep. King's Controversial Comments About Obama
Democrats: "McCain No Change" Web Video
Obama: "Bush with an Assist from Hillary Clinton"
Karl Rove on the Democrats, and McCain Getting His Life Story Out
Rolling Stone Endorses Obama
Power Apologizes
McCain Strongly Responds to NYT Question
How McCain Plans to Stay in the News
Former Obama Adviser Hedges on 16-Month Iraq Withdrawal
McCain: Man in the Arena Web Video
Carville Argues for Primaries in Re-Do States
Clinton on Obama's National Security Experience
Tom Bevan talks to Pajamas Medi