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Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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10 March 2008


Report: Spitzer Linked to Prostitution
Spitzer Expected To Resign, Sources Say - News Story - WNBC New York
Bush and Polish PM hail progress on missile shield deal Politics Reuters
Democrat Wins Hastert's Seat in Illinois
Sifting the data on Web audiences - International Herald Tribune
Tucker Carlson Out at MSNBC
In the RAW: Body sushi
Surging costs of groceries hit home - The Boston Globe
President Pervez Musharraf under threat as parties seal pact on joint government - Times Online
New Challenge to Times Board: Dissidents With Large Stake - New York Times
AP Probe Finds Drugs in Drinking Water
Army probes tabloid leak over Harry Media The Observer
Obama: 'If I am not ready, how is it that you think I should be such a great vice president?' - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
ABC News - Obama Blasts Dream Ticket
Hillary and Bill push idea of Clinton, Obama ticket for third time in a week
TheHill.com - Clinton camp says Obama must pass 'national security threshold' to be veep
The Clintons, a horror film that never ends Andrew Sullivan - Times Online
Sniping by aides hurt Clinton's image as manager - International Herald Tribune
Kentucky Lawmaker Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal - Video - WTVQ 36 - Lexington, Kentucky
Britain makes camera that "sees" under clothes - Yahoo! News
Growing concern over safety of cellphones for children - International Herald Tribune
Mobile phone that wants to make you fit - Times Online
McCain Competes for Money, Spotlight
Condiment: Comment: The New Yorker
Obama Looks to Miss. for Momentum
Lawsuit Eyed by Sharpton Over Florida - March 10, 2008 - The New York Sun
Hillary Clinton sets her sights on three ways to win - Times Online
TheHill.com - It’s over
Hillary and the Invisible Women Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 Newsweek.com
Vatican lists new sins, including pollution Reuters
Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican - Telegraph
Southern Baptists Fight Climate Change: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
'Modern-day Moses' faces jail for swindling churchgoers out of £3.2million the Daily Mail
New Proposals To Fight Global Warming Would End Civilization, Kill Billions
Food Costs Go Through the Roof
Financial Crisis: Sorting Through the Rubble in Post-Bubble America
Consumer Debt Grows to $2.52 Trillion
Vatican Declares Genetic Manipulation a New Sin
Brazilians Destroy GM Crops
Queen: “Rich Nations” Need to Sacrifice in the Name of “Climate Change”
Rush for biofuels threatens starvation on a global scale
Zapatero, after election victory, turns to his next challenge: the economy - International Herald Tribune
The 'terrible legacy' of the children growing up in families who haven't worked for generations the Daily Mail
She ain't heavy, she's my pal: WAG Alex Curran carries worse-for-wear Jordan out of nightclub the Daily Mail
MI5 targets four Met police officers 'working as Al Qaeda spies' the Daily Mail
Eminent domain measures on ballot
The Chávez Democrats - WSJ.com
Illegal immigrants slip as hot voter issue Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Iraq Costs U.S. $12 Billion A Year
Fed Doing In The Dollar
Profit At U.S. Prison Companies Soar
Sky News Attacks YouTube
OPEC: Oil Spike To Last Through 2008
Gas Prices Near Records, Following Oil
Surging Costs Of Groceries Hit Home
GAO Asked To Audit Iraq Oil Revenue
Neocon: Al-Qaeda Will Celebrate Obama Victory
FOXNews.com - Al Qaeda Seeks Tech Geeks to Run Multimedia Wing - International News News of the World Middle East News Europe News
The Raw Story NSA quietly expands domestic spying program, even as Congress balks
Dollar Falls as Traders Bet Fed to Accelerate Rate Reductions
Crime pays for CEOs: Profit at US prison companies soar
Gang Members Get Trained in the Army
Who leaked the details of a CIA-Mossad plot against Iran?
Washington Prepares for Cyber War Games
Tony Blair to Lecture at Yale on “Faith and Globalization”
Brain activity can be decoded using magnetic resonance imaging.
Google & Microsoft Involved In NSA Program?
New Documents Reveal North American Union PR Campaign
Still the State's Greatest Living Enemy by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Bill Buckley Made Me a Libertarian. Really. by Dan Spielberg
Ending the War by Laurence M. Vance
Sorting Through the Rubble in Post-Bubble America by Mike Whitney
Ending America’s Domestic Quagmire by Paul Armentano
Force and Fraud by P.M. Lawrence
Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese
Series of blunders turned the plastic bag into global villain - Times Online
Finally, a reason to start drinking alcohol Reuters
BBC NEWS Europe House of Augustus opens to public
Florida & Michigan Democrats on "Fox News Sunday"
Howard Dean on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Daschle & Rendell on "Meet the Press"
Newt Gingrich on "Hannity & Colmes"
Clinton Replays "Level" in Mississippi
McCain on "60 Minutes"
Crist & Levin on "This Week"
McCain Veep Discussion
Daschle & Rendell Spar on Role of Superdelegates
Howard Dean on "Face the Nation"
FNS Panel Examines McCain's Chances in a Recession
SNL Has Hillary's 3am Call
Girl in 3am Ad Supports Obama
Rep. King's Controversial Comments About Obama
Democrats: "McCain No Change" Web Video
Obama: "Bush with an Assist from Hillary Clinton"
Karl Rove on the Democrats, and McCain Getting His Life Story Out
Rolling Stone Endorses Obama
Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring - New York Times
Inflation Alert - WSJ.com
OPENING ARGUMENT: Mukasey Feeds The Prison Binge (03/10/2008)
The Political Scene: The Iron Lady: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
McCain’s Daunting Task - New York Times
Out of the Tank
Florida Deserves a Revote - WSJ.com
State should stick with its Jan. 15 vote Freep.com Detroit Free Press
Democrats Need Elder Statesman to Save the Day: Albert R. Hunt
Democrats Down the Ticket Worry About an Impasse - New York Times
Reagan Country Votes Democratic - WSJ.com
Super delegates' choice may hinge on electability - USATODAY.com
Sebastian Mallaby - Another Preemption Fight - washingtonpost.com
The Face-Slap Theory - New York Times
The media snowjob on global warming
'The Attempt to Push Georgia into NATO Is a Provocation'
Jackson Diehl - The FARC's Guardian Angel - washingtonpost.com
Where is my brother, my keeper? Jerusalem Post
Michigan, Florida: Hush -- chicagotribune.com
The fall of the lord of war - The Boston Globe
Obama Favored Over Clinton in Mississippi - WSJ.com
Support builds for Florida mail-in primary - USATODAY.com
Obama Accuses Clinton of Deception - washingtonpost.com
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Morning Thougths: Of Mitt And Montana
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Should McCain Fret About Bush -- and About Disappearing?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain vs. The Addicts
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Buckley, Legal Drugs & My Evolving View
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Michigan, Florida Options Shrinking
$4 a gallon gas Salon
Will Obama Blink?
ABC News: Obama Hits Clintons on 'Dream Ticket'
John Heilemann and Joe Trippi Discuss the Democratic Primary Race Over Instant Messenger - New York Magazine's Daily Intelligencer
FT.com / Home UK / UK - America's campaigns have not turned out as expected
WorldNetDaily - A Free Press for a Free People
Republican congressman raises eyebrows with statement
Letter to 'LGBT community' affirms he'd dump Defense of Marriage Act
'It seems to just fester. She doesn't seem to know how to stop it or want to stop it'
Dean: 'You get to vote if you're in Iraq or in a nursing home'
Sometimes tells audiences he has 'more scars than Frankenstein'
Poll: Some 69% of Democrats now love idea of 'Dream Team'
Win popular vote, secure reruns in Florida, Michigan, undermine Obama's credibility
'I'm not anti-Barack, I'm just pro-Hillary'
Democrat will fill remainder of term, opponents face off again in November
Eliot Spitzer preparing to face media
Environmentalists demand team order player to stop shooting from helicopter
'Yitzak Dadon's apparently well-placed bullets interrupted a rampage'
'The image of a firearm and clearly advocates illegal behavior'
H2O loaded with antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, sex hormones
Editor says McCain making huge foreign policy mistake
'Day of Silence' in schools 'about coercing students to repudiate traditional morality'
'Parents should not be penalized for acting in the best interests of children's education'
'It was really weird, I could literally touch my thighs and feel nothing'
Global warning activist admits 'runaway warming' impossible
'We need to be smart, take care of ourselves and attempt to be helpful to others'
Rockets, missiles place all of Israel within firing zone
Islamic trust uses large stones to cover area that might house Second Temple wall
'Kill them and then Allah will torture them in your hands and bring joy to believers'
Rejects Reuters article claiming the terror group carried out yeshiva shooting
'Islamic Student Justice Seekers' of Iran announce financial prizes
Group leader admits hundreds of his fighters have been traveling to Tehran for training
Disorderly conduct count pending over street message
Ruling creates way for stone tablets with competing beliefs
Said recruiters treat recruits 'like another warm body' -- 'All you care about is your numbers'
California man's mailing to Congress a case of incredibly bad timing
Claim 100,000 animals, 1 million seabirds, die each year based on 'typo' in 2002 report
California city officials would banish them
Certain areas in Britain off-limits for servicemen, women in official gear
Judge to issue ruling soon in case linking organization to terror
'Gender identity' discrimination ban placed on ballot after petition drive
Most of fatal incidents caused by tainted seafood, meat, produce
'What's driving interest right now is that people are worried about it'
Apologizes for breaking global media blackout on prince's frontline deployment in Afghanistan
Queen not amused by plan for secret society to meet
'7 weeks in this crazy race, anything can happen'
'It's good to touch the brown brown grass of home'
4 'sleeper' agents passing secrets from Scotland Yard to terror group
While flight crew prevents apparent attempt to crash Chinese jetliner last week
Weapons-ready plutonium to be carried hundreds of miles in unarmed ship
Lesbian lawmaker proposes California allow heterosexuals 'gay' status
Kept her word: 'Promise you won't leave me, will you, Mommy?'
Clinic suggests men use time in front of tube to recover from procedure
Designers say images do not show anatomical details
'When you cannot get what you want, it is good to have friends in high places'
Natural variations in weather can vary more than climate change signals, experts say
Suits claim group stole more than $180 million from taxpayers, fired whistleblower
Football coach tried to kiss two students while they were babysitting in his home
3 guys fighting leads to tragedy, 2 face charges
Woman let son, 15, drive car that killed 14-year-old
'I think that type of behavior is so egregious it warrants a felony'
Gets 4 years for allowing 12-year-old daughter to have sex with 16-year-old boy
Woman seen on surveillance video picking up envelope
Autopsy inconclusive but death did not appear to be homicide
Felt she had to say something when photos of her looking heavier were ridiculed in media
Many collect pensions while retired on paper, but still working for salaries
Those who drank only wine showed most benefit
Remembered what to do from safety assembly at school
Post office says 'unknown at this address,' sends letter back with demand for postage
Thousands of felines sent to die in secretive government pounds
Will likely rocket another 20 to 30 cents in next month
Due to economic slowdown, aggressive spending by search engine
'Is the mouse dying with the laptop? On the contrary'
Sells $61 million worth of tickets during 1st weekend
Mapping companies, device makers to notify passing drivers about discounts, promotions
'Speed up to the energy zone. You have completed half your workout'
'The women we see are usually of a higher caliber, but there just aren't that many'
Bearish newsletter editor finds little cheer in most assets
'When an economy stalls and drops into recession, things get very bad very quickly'
Says foreign governments' capital deserves real scrutiny
Latest tracking of Berkshire bigwig's investing criteria uncovers 60 attractive names
As oil, gold prices hit record highs, grains stay up, speculators rush in
Goodbye Dow 12,000 – hello commodity boom
Reclusive Liechtenstein, others flash on government radar
Report: Focusing on whether officials misrepresented financial position in filings
'These problems are behind us. We will not return to the market'
'We're seeing some of the subprime players coming into our market'
Life insurance deal may be too good to be true
'My role ... was not by any means to serve as a source of unbiased medical information'
But what you save on fuel could be lost on currency exchange
'They do appeal to customers at the higher end of the income spectrum'
Dave Ramsey advises 2 women on investments, business partnership
'I'm learning things that most kids probably wouldn't even learn'
'For the 1st week or so, it's tough for the cows to adjust'
Exclusive: Michael Ackley trashes state plan to promote communist propaganda in schools
Exclusive: Olivia St. John blasts California for intimidating parents into conformity
Exclusive: Chuck Norris warns Schwarzenegger, 'Don't make us send in a Ranger'
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson urges parents to fight California ban on homeschooling
Exclusive: Vox Day blames women, not religion, for threatening discipline
Exclusive: Joseph Farah fires McCain for supporting century of foreign occupation
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith rebukes radical Islamists' celebration of massacred children
Gershom Gale: 'It's like watching a mouse interviewing a series of snakes'
Exclusive: Doug Powers blasts group for protesting violence, promoting abortion
Exclusive: Dr. Ted Baehr raves about Ben Stein's docudrama 'Expelled'
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner provides transcript of desperate tactics inside the Beltway
Todd Spivak: Senator said, 'Some call it pork; I call it steak' after rewarding earmarks
Exclusive: Henry Lamb says NAFTA, SPP, North American Community all spell doom
Global warming has changed interaction between wind and sea, robbing fish of oxygen
Christopher Booker: 'Winter from hell' continues to break records going back to 1873