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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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08 March 2008

8 March

Obama Leads Clinton in Wyoming Caucuses
Clinton Again Raises Running With Obama
Clinton Revises Remark on Women in Miss.
Pilots complain of laser attacks | Oddly Enough | Reuters
Obama Adviser Resigns
Search for bicycle bomber continues after letter proves bogus
Armed Guard and No Door, but Recruiters Carry On - New York Times
Race row as actor Robert Downey Jr 'blacks up' for new film | the Daily Mail
Series of blunders turned the plastic bag into global villain - Times Online
My Way News - Angry Boeing Supporters Target McCain
Local girl makes unexpected appearance in Hillary ad | Top Stories | KING5.com | News for Seattle, Washington
Nobel winner: Hillary Clinton's 'silly' Irish peace claims - Telegraph
FOXNews.com - Susan Estrich: Nasty Twists in Democratic Race - Opinion
Obama aide quits over Scotsman interview - The Scotsman
Barack Obama forced to decry adviser's 'monster' remarks of Hillary Clinton
Obama camp: 'different standard' for HRC - First Read - msnbc.com
McCain clashes with NYT reporter - Michael Calderone's Blog - Politico.com
Margaret Thatcher leaves hospital | The Sun |HomePage|News
Radio host Michael Savage's suit against Islamic group in court
Israel fears 'third intifada' as it buries latest victims of terror - Times Online
Hamas claims responsibility | Video | Reuters.com
Terrorist's family: He was Yeshiva's driver | Jerusalem Post
Obama leads Clinton in Wyoming caucuses - Yahoo! News
New questions on safety monitoring at Southwest - Yahoo! News
TheHill.com - Huckabee: no interest in Senate
The world of real party animals: The internet gatecrashers who drug dogs, have group sex and trash homes | the Daily Mail
We Are Change UK Arrested After 'Referendum' Protest on Top of Crane
Law Enforcement: Letters Unrelated To Times Square Blast
Fox News Hysterically Hypes New York "Blast"
Martial Law, Inc. - KBR: Killing, Brutalizing and Raping: A Halliburton Subsidiary
Society Is a Blessing, But Government Is Evil
C-SPAN: Theories About Sept. 11
Are they Screaming, Crying & Terrified?
Colbert: Pass Protect America Act with Osama robo-calls
Bush: Americans ‘Ought To Say Thank You’ To Telecoms For ‘Performing A Patriotic Service’
9/11 Attacks Harm First Amendment
Elephant in the Room
ABC News: Letters Claim Responsibility for Blast
Who leaked the details of a CIA-Mossad plot against Iran? - Haaretz - Israel News
Hundreds evacuated in California university bomb scare | U.S. | Reuters
Blair to teach at Yale University | Politics | guardian.co.uk
Scary or sensational? A machine that can look into the mind | Science | The Guardian
Smith targets public sector in ID card hard-sell | Politics | The Guardian
Downside of Obama Strategy - washingtonpost.com
Heilemann: Can Obama Handle the Awakened Media Beast? - New York Magazine's Daily Intelligencer
Europe ♥ Obama by Guy Sorman, City Journal 6 March 2008
The People's Ball
POLITICAL CONNECTIONS: For Clinton's Fans, 'Our '68' (03/07/2008)
Opinion: Mark Steyn: Torn between 2 white liberal guilts - OCRegister.com
Democrats Pounce on Economy - WSJ.com
Mehlman, Rove boost McCain campaign - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
The Politics of a Failed Presidency
The Last Letter Home - WSJ.com
Strange Gymfellows - The Current
Commentary: The Weekend Interview - WSJ.com
Money and Jobs - WSJ.com
NATO's European Mission - washingtonpost.com
The law and Gaza | Jerusalem Post
Part of the problem | The San Diego Union-Tribune
Wyoming Serves as a Campaign Cue - WSJ.com
Obama wows Casper; Clinton next - The Denver Post
Dems storm into Cheney country : Elections : The Rocky Mountain News
Dumb and Dumber: An Essay and Its Editors - washingtonpost.com
FT.com / Columnists / Christopher Caldwell - Tall tales of the would-be victim
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Nasty Twists in the Democratic Race
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Clinton Has Only One Plausible Path to the Nomination
Democrats: "McCain No Change" Web Video
Obama: "Bush with an Assist from Hillary Clinton"
Karl Rove on the Democrats, and McCain Getting His Life Story Out
Rolling Stone Endorses Obama
Power Apologizes
McCain Strongly Responds to NYT Question
How McCain Plans to Stay in the News
Former Obama Adviser Hedges on 16-Month Iraq Withdrawal
McCain: Man in the Arena Web Video
Carville Argues for Primaries in Re-Do States
Clinton on Obama's National Security Experience
Paul Ends His Election Campaign
Tom Bevan talks to Pajamas Media
Roundtable Discusses "Monster" Comment
Newt Gingrich on "Hannity & Colmes"
Shields & Brooks Review The Week's Events
Panel Looks at Possible Do-Over Elections
Governor Pawlenty on "Hannity & Colmes"
Governor Crist on "Anderson Cooper 360"
Howard Dean Discusses Voting in Florida & Michigan
President Bush Commemorates DHS' Five Years
Letter to 'LGBT community' affirms he'd dump Defense of Marriage Act
State's Democrats turn out in large numbers – 12 delegates at stake
Bases prediction on pledge to pull out of Iraq, Kenyan heritage, middle name, Hussein
Says expression of regret for describing Hillary as 'monster' should have sufficed
'I would encourage both of them, as I have, ... to keep our eyes on the prize'
Liberals no longer foes to drugmakers as party lines become blurred with McCain
'They will go to the polls, and that is about it'
'I repudiate any comments that are made, including Pastor Hagee's'
Lawsuit to force immigration authorities to complete stalled naturalization petitions
'Mr. Dadon is not going to become a victim of this conspiracy of silence'
Rejects Reuters article claiming the terror group carried out yeshiva shooting
Israel on high alert as thousands gather for funerals of slain students
'The Land of Israel ... we have to stop playing with it! We have to stop dividing it!'
Images of blood-stained prayer shawls, books at yeshiva to be distributed worldwide
Ex-UK PM spent night under observation after feeling 'unwell' during dinner
PM resigns: 'we should return the mandate to the people'
'Gender identity' discrimination ban placed on ballot after petition drive
Message telling taxpayers to expect checks as part of economic stimulus plan
Suits claim group stole more than $180 million from taxpayers, fired whistleblower
Disorderly conduct count pending over street message
Ruling creates way for stone tablets with competing beliefs
'Government bureaucracy cannot be allowed to disenfranchise voters'
Man's mistress cleared of giving false testimony to police to 'protect her honor'
Funneled hundreds of thousands from pregnancy crisis centers to fund 1st run for Congress
Judge to issue ruling soon in case linking organization to terror
Government says it cannot ban film but attempting to distance itself from it
Pulling newspaper ads making small town butt of jokes
California city officials would banish them
Over 100 bodies: 'We can't identify them. There are just bones in there'
Prevents public scrutiny of documents on how he decided which pardons to approve
Weeks added to required 'enrichment' program: 'We all need to learn and understand each other'
'No time ... to abandon practices that have a proven track record of keeping America safe'
'Know about both yourself and the enemy, and you will be invincible'
Presidents of Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia shake hands at regional summit
State Department had standing bounty of $5 million for Ivan Rios
Goldman Sachs projections foretell persistent turbulence in energy prices
Kissed over drugged, bludgeoned, strangled victim before dumping teen's lifeless body in wheelbarrow
'It forms like a rug burn and can actually take off the top layer of the skin'
'This isn't shaken-baby syndrome. This was a hard blow to the head. It was intentional'
Complaint over bad haircut ends with bullet near buttocks
'Has demonstrated outstanding leadership in these areas and is especially qualified'
'Condition is stable and she is speaking to the medical staff who are caring for her'
Officer says he shot, killed, illegal who was trying to smash his head with rock
Phoenix property owner who rented space for operation also arrested
51,000 licensed specialists canvassed: 'There is no clear consensus ... we know of'
'The scientific facts are as plain as they are alarming'
Unlikely to offer protection to women who carry gene linked to hereditary disease
'I thought Eastern women just sit around smoking pipes and eating sweets all day'
Foreign nationals will need to provide fingerprints, personal data for database
Study: Have more than twice as many partners as they did in 1970s
Concerned 360-degree, street-level view could endanger personnel
'I feel violated and these stories make me look like a sexual predator'
Move comes after singer Bjork shouted 'Tibet, Tibet' at Shanghai concert
Says quest to know if Kennedy his biological father has ruined his life
Construction worker used Buddhist meditation to control breathing when ditch collapsed
Just imagine what I'd be doing if I weren't doing this!"
Economists, once so dismissive of pricey crude's impact, say it's going to hurt
Field could produce estimated 115,000 barrels a day
Employers slash jobs by 63,000, most since March 2003
'Our financial performance was very strong relative to our core competitor group'
High-profile ex-banking execs fire back following attacks on packages
Unemployment rate declines, but that's because fewer people are in workforce
You may feel secure now, but you never know when pink slip is coming
Urges taxpayers to spend rebate checks
Says credit problems raise 'substantial doubt about the company's ability to continue'
Without that, prices of securities will fall, raising interest rates on home loans
Fears of lending risk have spread from subprime to wider debt markets
Shares plunge 15% after WaMu approach sovereign wealth investors for capital infusions
Amount to be auctioned this month raised to $100 billion in effort to increase liquidity
FAA says airline didn't inspect older planes for fuselage cracking
Officials of 2 companies prosecutors say imported 90,000 tubes hit with 14 counts
Goal still to power up plane in early April, send it on 1st flight by end of June
Dave Ramsey advises 2 women on investments, business partnership
Exclusive: Henry Lamb says NAFTA, SPP, North American Community all spell doom
Exclusive: Joseph Farah adds 1 more reason ban on incandescents is ludicrous
Exclusive: Pat Boone presents historical realities of party's scorn for African-Americans
Star Parker: 1st order of business is to ask Huck to be his running mate
Exclusive: David Dolan discusses politics with health-club friends in Jerusalem
Exclusive: Laurie Roth figures Obama must have back-masking machine for the Bible
Exclusive: Ellis Washington lauds Gipper for historic determination at Reykjavik
Exclusive: Greg Laurie offers solution for those seeking satisfaction in the world
Jonathan Falwell defends rights of parents in light of California ruling
Gabriel Malor: Take a breath, folks, family involved in case weren't doing it right
Mark Morford: Americans are dumping dogma as they expand view of God
Exclusive: Joseph Farah looks in vain for verse where Jesus said government should help poor
Shawn Macomber interviews politically incorrect president of Czech Republic
Should We Lose Hope? by Geoffrey Pike
Ron Paul as Prophet by Mark Sunwall
Let the Bankruptcies Roll by Michael S. Rozeff
A Real Threat to California Home-Schoolers by Steven Greenhut
Bernanke on the Mortgage Market House of Cards by Gary North
Translating Leviathanspeak by A.D Lelong
We Can't Kill Our Way to Peace by Ron Paul
I have a 30ft catapult filled with chicken droppings – and I’m not afraid to use it - Times Online
The sat-nav dog collar that keeps track of Fido wherever he may stray - Times Online
Grammar Girl :: Top Ten Grammar Myths
Man frolics in potentially lethal cold - UPI.com
Confessions of an Obama Cultist- by Justin Raimondo
'Filthy Trick': Iran Targets 95-Year-Old Mother of Journalist - March 6, 2008 - The New York Sun
Calls to overturn ban on wearing RAF uniform in public | UK news | guardian.co.uk
Lessons for American Muslims from the Conviction of Abujihaad
More violations found at Vegas clinics - USATODAY.com
Mayor: Muslim Holy Days Shouldn't Be School Holidays - March 7, 2008 - The New York Sun
Colombian Rebels' Ties to Chávez Come Into Focus - washingtonpost.com
Muslim Group Seeks Dismissal Of Lawsuit Filled By Radio Host Savage - News Story - KTVU San Francisco
CFP: Clinton Judge Favors Savage Terrorists over Dr. Michael Savage?
CFP: Talk-Show Hosts Fall Like Flies in SF, Except Dr. Michael Savage
Prime Minister Dissolves Serbia’s Government - New York Times
Woman who cried rape five times is spared jail for perverting the course of justice | the Daily Mail
8 murdered by terrorist in J'lem | Jerusalem Post
'Syria may be thwarting cease-fire' | Jerusalem Post
Charges name 2 importers of toothpaste from China | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Bill Clinton profits from company tied to felon, China - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
French women 'are the sexual predators now' - Telegraph
FOXNews.com - Report: Sadistic Killer Lesbians Shared Blood Lust - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
STLtoday - News - Illinois News
“Merchant of Death,” Viktor Bout Arrested
Virtual Fence at Arizona Border Doesn’t Work
Jewish JBS Leader Weighs in on Recent Attacks on the Society
Policing the World Not the Job of Our Nation’s Military
Blair To Teach About The NWO At Yale
No Health Insurance? Face Fines
China To Define Brain Death To Harvest Organs
Denver Marijuana Arrest Up Despite Law
Video: Ron Paul's Message To Supporters
China Puts RFID Tags In A Billion ID Cards
AP Head: 9/11 Attacks Harm First Amendment
Rebate Letters To Cost $42 Million
Tons Of Food Rots While Hatians Starve
Texas Caucus Chair Uncovers Discrepancies
Consumer Debt Grows To $2.52 Trillion
Google & Microsoft Involved In NSA Program?
Climate Change New Factor In Global Tensions
Union To Shut Down Ports If No Iraq Withdrawal
Riots Hoarding and Panic
Panel Rips Lavish Pay Of Subprime CEOs
Chinese Cyber-Attacks Target U.S. Thinktanks
Paul Votes With Palestinian People
North American Union PR Campaign Confirmed
NSA Illegal Snooping Moves To E-Mail
Stocks Tumble Following Jobs Report
World central bankers voice food inflation fear
Whistle-Blower: Feds Have a Backdoor Into Wireless Carrier -- Congress Reacts | Threat Level from Wired.com
Clinton-papers release blocked - USATODAY.com
Chinese hackers: No site is safe - CNN.com
Rush for biofuels threatens starvation on a global scale
Brain activity can be decoded using magnetic resonance imaging.
Missing FAA badges
Zionist rabbis says Torah permits killing Palestinian civilians
New Documents Reveal North American Union PR Campaign
VIDEO: Paul concedes, presidential bid is effectively over
Already we have riots, hoarding, panic: the sign of things to come?
Lou Dobbs: New World Order Can Be Defeated
Colombia Pipeline Bombed by FARC After Ecuador Attack
Chinese Cyberattacks Target US Think Tanks
Top Iraq contractor skirts US taxes offshore
Monsanto Plays Bully Over Consumer Labeling
OPEC Blames Poor U.S. Economy For Oil Prices
National Dragnet Is a Click Away
An interview with Lady de Rothschild - Executives Column - Lloyd Grove - World According to ... - Portfolio.com
Cannibalism Thriving In West Africa
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 1
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 2
Obama - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 3
ABC News Reports On Wheat Shortage
Nebraska meat worker gets sick
The two winners of the 2008 presidential election: fear and war
RIA Novosti - Russia - Russia's Putin says Khodorkovsky pardon possible
Why John McCain must not become Commander in Chief
Abusing Women is Not Religion
Bad Credit? No Credit? Call Fast Bennie At The Fed
Banks face systemic margin call, $325 billion hit: JPM | Reuters
Obama Adviser Brzezinski: Power Shouldn't Have Resigned | The New York Observer
My Way News - Bush Pushes Democracy for Cuba
Missile Defense: "Longest Running Scam" Exposed
Gore To Rake In IPO Millions
CIT -> The Pentagon Attack: The True Flight Path Proves A Military Deception
Real Saudi History And Roots Of Radical Islam
Marsha West -- Hyper-sexualizing Girls
Alan Stang -- Playboy and Women
NWV News -- Mercenaries Training US Local Police Officers
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication | polidics.com
New Colon Cancer Screening Recommendations: What You Need to Know - US News and World Report
Cancer's Sweet Tooth
Missing Roswell Archaeologist FOUND! Second Crashed UFO with Alien Bodies
The Swamp: Clinton camp backpedals from Ken Starr-Obama tie
Could Civilization Function Without Currency?
More Proof Thermite/Thermate Used To Drop WTC
Can Self-Replicating Nano Machines Infiltrate People?
"The Road of Death"
Letter From Freud Opposing Zionism
Hillary: “I Have Felt the Presence of the Holy Spirit” - The Brody File: David Brody Blog - CBN News
Bush officials: Congress irrelevant on Iraq - Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Army Times
Why There Were No Votes In 24 TX Counties
'Frankenfoods' Giant Monsanto Plays Bully Over Consumer Labeling
Race Man
Lingo Czar Recalibrates
Broccoli compound boost for immune health
"Brain Reading" Device Can Predict What People See
War At Any Cost?
An African-American Icon Speaks Truth to the Lincoln Cult by Thomas DiLorenzo
Corn Is King - and Therefore a Growing Problem
Communist Takeover Began Long Ago
The Myths Of Christian Fundamentalism
Entering The Mysterious Dimensions Of Shadow World
An Invention Called 'The Jewish People'
Groups blast FDA approval of food from cloned animals
Chemicals in Baby Products Linked to Problems
US Spends 6 Times More on Prisons than Education
Government ‘letting troops down’
Could we really run out of food? - MSN Money
DHS: Real ID is 'pro-consumer' and 'antiterrorism' | Tech news blog - CNET News.com
Evolution News & Views: Woodstock of Science Set to Dethrone Darwin's Theory of Evolution
California Supreme Court to Decide on Same-Sex Marriage -- 03/04/2008
The Federal Reserve Has Become Irrelevant