"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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30 March 2008

Sunday 30th March

My Way News - Al-Sadr Pulls Fighters Off Streets
Reuters AlertNet - Aide to Iraq's Sadr: "No handover of arms"
Administration Pushes Regulatory Changes: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
In Treasury Plan, a Reluctant Eye Over Wall Street - New York Times
My Way News - Cities Switch Off Lights for Earth Hour
Earth Hour goes global | Reuters
Obama Gets Boost; Clinton Urged to Quit
My Way News - Clinton: in the Race for the Long Run
One in 6 West Virginians is on food stamps
Europe poised to bolster Web shield - International Herald Tribune
High prices spark fresh gold rush in California
Cherry blossoms open to greet visitors - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
NAA Reveals Biggest Ad Revenue Plunge in More Than 50 Years
Tibet tense as Olympic torch heads for Beijing | Reuters
German watchdog eyes $600 bln global bank losses: report: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Filing: Countrywide CEO to Get $10M: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Trying to Get the Swiss to Talk - New York Times
Canada seal hunt interrupted by deadly boat accident
Merkel says she will not attend opening of Beijing Olympics | World news | The Guardian
Cash-strapped Clinton fails to pay bills - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Hillary's St. Patrick's Day massacre - International Herald Tribune
Bill Clinton to fellow Dems: 'Relax' - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Party Fears Tight Obama-Clinton Finish
Florida's population slowing to 30-year low, study shows - 03/29/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Walgreens' Manager Held Hostage, Local 10 Cameras Roll - Miami News Story - WPLG Miami
uslims more numerous than Catholics: Vatican | Top News | Reuters
Hayden: Danger At Pakistan Border
Al-Sadr Pulls Fighters Off The Streets
CIA Boss: Al-Qaeda Recruiting Western Fighters
Hitting EU's Energy Targets Will Cost $4K Per Brit
Syria Says They Are Ready For U.S. Invasion
New Supercollidor Could End The Universe
Fed Bailout Of Bear Streans Looks Like Investment
The Clean Energy Scam
Students Call For Anti-Rove Activists To Be Tased
UN Condemns Film As Un-Islamic
Anti-Muslim Film Pulled From Web
Mobile Phones More Dangerous Than Smoking
9/11: The Case For Controlled Demolition
A Hospital Run Entirely Run By Robots
Exercise To Test Dirty Bomb Response
Bail Me Out Bennie
Colleges Want Watch List Of Troubled Students
U.S. Spy Agency Seeks Data On Power Grid
Russian Intel Sees U.S. Build Up Near Iran
Laser Plane Could Destroy Tanks From 10 Miles
Surveillance Robots Designed For Police Use
Venezeula Sends Exxon Oil To China
China Cloaking Soldiers As Monks To Incite Riots
Gore: Climate Change Skeptics Are Flat Earthers
Billionaire Will Dig Tunnel Linking Russia & US
2001 Anthrax Attack Linked To Army Bioweapons
Treasury Wants To Give Broad Powers To Fed
FOXNews.com - Rhode Island Governor's Executive Order Steps Up Illegal Immigration Fight - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
FOXNews.com - FBI Focusing on 'About Four' Suspects in 2001 Anthrax Attacks - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
LiveLeak.com - Fitna the Movie: Geert Wilders' film about the Quran (English)
Following Dutch anti-Islamic film, German theater stages ‘Satanic Verses’ - Israel News, Ynetnews
Most sweeping changes since Great Depression - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com
Ex-CAIR chief indicted for Saddam-backed congressional junket
Accused Saddam Agent Says He Met With Hillary at White House | The New York Sun
Terrorist caught with missile plan is let out of jail early | News
Quick To Defend Alleged Terrorists, CAIR Even Questioned Al Qaeda 9/11 Role :: Articles by IPT :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
Cops Arrest Man, 80, For Wearing Anti-war Shirt
NKorea threatens South with destruction
Syria says ready in case of US military action
“Cash for Keys”
Colleges Use Threat Assessment Groups To Track Students Of Concern
Russia and Japan form nuclear alliance
The Mystery of American Foreign Policy
Federal Reserve Seeks Broad Authority to Oversee “Financial Market Stability”
Shady Pentagon contractor scrubs site after Raw Story probes
VIDEO: Stealthy surveillance robots designed for police, military
Prepare for the Worst, Because Solar Storms Are About to Get Ugly
Pentagon agency confuses Iran with Iraq in official history
VIDEO: Brzezinski Mocks Questions Concerned with Bilderberg Secrecy
US gave $300m arms contract to 22-year-old with criminal record
Fed 'Abandons 75 Years Of Precedent' By Taking On Wall Street Role...
National health records network to hook up with Google, Microsoft
Exercise tests communication in event of domestic crisis
Mexico Sends Troops To U.S. Border
Colombia Says It Found Uranium Linked To FARC
VIDEO: New evidence suggests second shooter killed RFK
Ten Days That Changed Capitalism
Canadian Army May Assist Maine Authorities During Civil Emergency
Banker Facing Prosecution Turns up Dead, Rest of Family Beaten to Death
Developer Sues to Win $12.3 Billion in 9/11 Attack - New York Times
Romania reconsiders its welcome of biotech corn - International Herald Tribune
The Rise & Sudden Fall of Eliot Spitzer
China & West in Midst of ‘Cyber War’
Saddam’s Exile Deal Could Have Saved $6 Trillion
How the Fed Buys an Ounce of Gold for 10¢
Top Officer Resigns Over Iran Strategy
Ron Paul Survives Lies, Manipulation Of Mass Media
Mexico May Retaliate if Deal Is Nixed
Bill Buckley’s Strange History Revealed
Obama a Tool of Bilderberg?
Green Zone, Iraq, Baghdad | Salon News
Bankruptcies in America | Waiting for Armageddon | Economist.com
Treasury’s Plan Would Give Fed Wide New Power - New York Times
BBC NEWS | Business | $100bn Fed move over credit fears
My Way News - Clinton Rules Out Leaving Race Early
My Way News - US Warplanes Widen Airstrikes in Iraq
ens. Graham & Reed on "Fox News Sunday"
Clinton on "Political Capital w/Al Hunt
Panel Reviews Calls for Clinton to Quit
Newt Gingrich on "Hannity & Colmes"
Shields & Brooks Look at Iraq Violence
Sen. Casey on "Larry King Live"
Obama on "Political Capital"
Renewing the American Economy
Obama on "Closing Bell"
Mary Matalin on the Latest Developments
Dodd Calls For End to Negativity
Obama Bowls Through Pennsylvania
Obama Says Clinton Shouldn't Feel Forced Out
Clinton Refuses to Quit
McCain Stops in Vegas
NBC News Profiles Obama's Mom
MTP: Beinart & Brooks
FTN: Richardson
This Week
Senior Democrats mull Al Gore's nomination - Telegraph
The World According to John McCain | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Four Stumps in the Water for Obama
Hillary Clinton flings the dirt but it’s sticking to her | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online
Why Hillary Should Take The Huckabee Route
Remind me again — who’s losing in Basra?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Solution for the Middle East: Fight and Talk
One Last Thing: What's good for Starbucks may be good for the country | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/30/2008
ove: The Dems' Knife Fight | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Hillary’s St. Patrick’s Day Massacre - New York Times
Barack Obama, our new appeaser
Analysis: John McCain, Party Of One, CBSNews.com's Vaughn Ververs: GOP Nominee Is Charting A Course Of His Own - CBS News
Projection: Clinton Wins Popular Vote, Obama Wins Delegate Count - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
The American Debate: Scandals sparked by proxies roil the campaign | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/30/2008
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain Distances Himself From Bush
Hillary, reassessed - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Jindal's Progress
Howard's ending
New Iraq receiving baptism of fire in Basra - Telegraph
A Civil War Iraq Can’t Win - New York Times
It's the Deregulation, Stupid
RealClearPolitics - Articles - America and Baseball
Don't Stop Campaigning - washingtonpost.com
Editorial: Entitlement reform can't wait on politics
One Missed Call - WSJ.com
Taiwan's message for Beijing - The Boston Globe
Clinton Vows To Stay in Race To Convention - washingtonpost.com
My Way News - Clinton, Obama Press for Texas Delegates
During Johnstown rally, Obama touts progress in state - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Success of U.S. "surge" in Iraq could end
Don’t Count Your Red Light Chickens Before They Hatch!
Internet Registry Freezes Domain of Anti-Islamist Critic
Another Unexpected Recovery from a Brain Dead Accident Victim
The Supreme Court Lessens Executive Power
Supreme Court Ruling Rebukes the President
Call For New 9/11 Investigation Reaches Crescendo
Brzezinski Mocks Questions Concerned with Bilderberg Secrecy
Bush: Rebate Checks Will Make Economy ‘Stronger Than Ever Before’
Marijuana: Barney Frank to Introduce Federal Decriminalization Bill
Hillary's 911 Fabrication on Chelsea
Iran’s Wheat Fungus: Coincidence or Biological Warfare?
Hillary Clinton’s Iraq Lies
The sieges of Basra and Sadr City: another US war crime in Iraq
Torture Bracelet To Control Dissenting Americans?
Contractors Hired to Come Up with Air Force Strategy
Troops enter Shangri-la to quell China protest
Police Mutiny, Refuse to attack Sadrists
What is this ‘Iraq war’ charge on my bill?
Dems to Take Advantage of McCain’s 100 Years of War Comment
Food Prices Soaring Worldwide Thanks to Freak Weather, Global Economy Changes
Why we should fear a McCain presidency
Did U.S. Mercenaries Bomb the FARC Encampment in Ecuador?
Remarks By John McCain To The Los Angeles World Affairs Council
Chavez says U.S. relations could worsen with McCain | International | Reuters
Girl sent to psych ward for homeschooling, parents billed
Family restaurant puts executive on board of homosexual chamber
'This former U.S. Marine is guilty of loving the United States enough to tell the truth'
'Looked affected': Invited to hear poet Maya Angelou speak at Chicago church
Future of nation could be decided by power struggle raging in country's 2nd city
'Iraq really is beginning to look like Vietnam'
Website rant calls for renewed attacks
Brain expert warns of huge rise in tumors, calls on industry to take immediate steps
Focus working to meet demands of 'human rights laws'
North Korean society revolves around worship of dictator
Defiant response to American demands for action over nuclear decommissioning
'If I am caught, I will be sent to a prison camp for political criminals'
Vatican says Islam now biggest single religious denomination in world
Middle East expert says acceptance of Islamic prophet necessary for Christian worship
They want Washington to address rising fuel costs
Dutch MP's 17-minute documentary debuts to attacks
Called film's focus on anti-Jewish preachings by Muslims 'counterproductive,' 'generalizing'
Sudanese president: Muslims must 'challenge those who insult' the prophet Muhammed
Warn of legal action if movie leads to commercial boycott of nation's goods
Native American students file discrimination complaint after photos found on Internet
Retired general references wrong interview in response to calls for his resignation
'We're going to win ... if we just chill out and let everybody have their say'
'This is going to give Republicans a chance to try to destroy everything'
'If it goes into the convention, don't be surprised if someone different is at the top'
'I don't believe were intentionally malicious. But the impact of their actions was'
Blasts Wright's 'language that I think now crosses the line and goes into hate'
No skeletons in closet, no history to investigate
15 hard-partying young women to be sent off to 'boarding school' to become ladylike
'Rumors about the plan were left unchecked and facts became obliterated by fiction'
Allegedly asked 2 15-year-old runaway girls to have sex with her, 2 boys
28-year-old woman faces charges of endangering welfare of child
Exclusive: David Kupelian explores predatory female educators
Charges against Marines followed verbal attack by Democrat Murtha
Report warns meltdown could spread to hedge funds, insurance companies, pension funds
Christian high school honors Marine alumnus, fallen grad
'I signed up to defend my country. I didn't sign up to take part in wars of aggression'
Church of Scotland magazine condemns government 'ownership' of dead bodies
Prolife group challenges Race for Cure group's link to Planned Parenthood
Charged with arranging Saddam-financed trip in which Dems on enemy soil called Bush liar
Leading theory is deadly spores stolen from U.S. Army bioweapons research facility
Parliamentary inquiry: 10 years of record influx not a plus for Britain
Say newcomers were net benefit in 1st 30 years after WWII
5,000 cases: 4% error rate called 'quite good for large federal programs'
Prosecutors sought a reduced term because he cooperated with authorities
30 million were expected to go dark for 60 minutes to show concern for global warming
Police say teen calmly confessed to killing victims over 3-month period
9.4% drop-off points to economic slowdown on top of secular challenges faced by industry
Artist, 'love child' of monarch channels disappointment at father's rejection into art
'Since the structure is curved, there is no place to concentrate the pressure'
NASA-designed costume has been worn in 16 world record-breaking swims in just 6 weeks
'We're losing our rural culture. There are so many distractions'
Mom: 'it's a natural achievement – we don't push her, she does it because she loves it'
Parents say earlier is better – pediatricians say reducing fear of water is dangerous
7 members of Russian group leave cave but 28 remain underground
'If You Want Closure in Your Relationship, Start With Your Legs'
Lenders would participate in exchange for financial backing from federal government
Say none of suggestions provide ways of dealing with economic roots of crisis
Fed chief says, 'We did it. ... very sorry, won't do it again'
Exclusive: Vox Day speaks with Peter Schiff about Federal Reserve's recent actions
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
'We have a market imbalance at the moment and there’s more demand than supply'
Emission levy on imports could boost inflation, reverse march toward offshoring
'Neither tariffs nor trade protection is the problem'
States say ratings exaggerate risk of default, forcing issuers to buy unneeded insurance
In cities with stabilizing markets, these might be good investment
Potential home buyers will find it easier to find loan, sellers to find buyers
'Threat to the system': Were false rumors planted to profit from drop in price?
Consistently release transparent accounting statements, follow conservative procedures
'The price of oil still is out of whack with normal supply and demand fundamentals'
Anti-monopoly law to extend Beijing's economic influence far beyond its borders
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
Redundant wing lights removed, lighter materials in use
3 days after opening, new terminal is scene of chaos
Decision could force poultry, beef, pork companies to raise prices
Department-store chain warns 1st-quarter profit will be 1/3 lower than expected
Industry insiders say prices have bottomed, best discounts available over next 3 months
Company offers lunar sendoff as final resting place
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Jonathan Falwell rebuts Obama's 'we're all children of God' remark
Star Parker urges candidate to eschew globalism, embrace 'city on a hill' ideal
Reuven Koret lays out evidence that 'Barry was previously quite religious in Islam'
Exclusive: Ellis Washington tackles conundrum highlighted by Clarence Thomas
Exclusive: Joseph Farah challenges readers to get behind Patrick Henry College
Exclusive: Pat Boone asserts God's foundation for society is 'our country's only hope'
Exclusive: Henry Lamb describes federal boondoggle where 'the inmates run the asylum'
Exclusive: Gary Bauer and Daniel Allott on how research bolsters positions of the right
Exclusive: Matt Sanchez tallies successes of U.S. military effort
Exclusive: William J. Federer looks at Constitution from group's gun-control perspective
Exclusive: Greg Laurie calls readers to live lives upside-down – by putting others first
David Sirota: The real racists 'don starched suits ... and stage political lynchings'
R.J. Matson offers multiple-choice quiz for Sen. Clinton
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan confronts homegrown terrorists who revel in violence
Marjorie Dannenfelser ridicules today's feminists for look-at-me narcissism
Killing Fields journalist Pran dies
Dad Kills 3 Kids In Md. Hotel, Tells Front Desk
Hillary Clinton Says She Won't End Campaign
McCain looks ahead as Dems duke it out
Obama inspires racial dialogue in churches
CIA Chief Says Al-Qaida Found Safe Haven in Pakistan
Al Qaeda Trying to Change the Look of Terror
Hayden Says Al-Qaeda Is Training Operatives Who Look `Western'
States Maneuver to Avoid Penalties of New Federal ID Program
States fight as REAL ID deadline nears
Text of Bush, Rudd News Conference
Homicide police probe San Fernando Valley freeway shooting
Students Hail Teacher's Heroism in Crash
Search Resumes for Missing Ill. Mother
Stacy Peterson search renewed
Ad casts McCain as strong, patriotic leader
Rhode Island Targets Illegal Immigrants
Menino: Give them shelter
Guard's family assumes worst in Iraqi case
Computer Breach Hits Antioch University
Political payback at Oakland City Hall
Bush Begins Long Farewell on World Stage
NATO, pushing 60, will grapple with new and old threats at summit
Zimbabwe Electoral Authorities Pressured To Release Results
Sadr reins in Shiite militiamen, sends mixed signals
Iraqi cleric offers to stop fighting
Nationalism at core of China's reaction on Tibet
Global community embraced Earth Hour
Australia basks in Earth Hour's afterglow
Residents tell of how jet crashed
Five die as jet crashes into Farnborough homes
Diplomacy Defines Rice's Final Months
Iraq Refuses to Endorse Summit Statement
Arab Summit Closes Amid Sharp Divisions
Style dominates Sarkozy visit coverage
China bans Italian mozzarella cheese after scare
South Korea: No Signs North Korea Preparing to Fire More Missiles
Leader in Incoming Pakistani Government Urges Musharraf to Quit
NATO caution on Ukraine, Georgia
Ingrid Betancourt's ex-husband fears she is dead
Cuba Lifts Restrictions On Personal Cellphones
Canada's Contentious Seal Hunt Begins
Iraq's oil exports, refinery operations back to normal, official says
Bangkok talks to set timetable on global-warming pact
World governments start talks on climate change agreement
Ex-Puerto Rico Gov. Says Tipped Off FBI
Puerto Rican governor pleads innocent to fraud
Two killed in Nepal mosque bomb attack
Official: Tanzania government suspends mining in NE after 75 ...
WRAPUP 1-US Democrats face summer of bitter fighting
Endorsement of Obama Points Up Clinton Obstacles
Obama and Casey's Mutually Helpful Friendship
At Last, a Caucus Result (of Sorts) From Texas
In fight for blue-collar voters, Clinton talks the talk
Rep. Lewis: Race controversy good for dialogue
Bill Clinton says democrats will not be hurt by party race
Obama "Confident" Dems "Will Be United" Regardless of Primary Outcome
Iraq violence poses risks for candidates
Transcript: Gov. Phil Bredesen on 'FOX News Sunday'
Gore Emerges as Democratic Nominee?
Clinton says she will fight to the finish
Obama's charm offensive in PA
Obama draws thousands to rally on Penn State lawn, says he will ...
Ex-President Clinton returning Wednesday
Obama's record tough to assess
Bill Clinton tells Democrats in San Jose to 'chill out' over ...
Campaign Notebook The Game’s Not Over, Clinton Backers Agree
Obama, Clinton offer their economic plans
Inflammatory oratory is harmful and outdated
Bill praises Hillary, criticizes media
Philly Mayor: Obama Pastor Talk Beyond Pale
Richardson: Voters Decide, Not Big Shots
Richardson supports Clinton's decision
Op-Ed Columnist McCain Forecloses Early
McCain's commitment to public financing questioned
Paterno: Decision difficult to not greet Clinton during stop
'Our present regulatory framework was born of Depression-era events'
'What is going on is a power play. It may be unusual in today’s Europe, but it is here'
Currency traders bet interest rates will diverge
Bailout could forever alter central bank's role
Averaged $32.9 billion in daily borrowing over past week – up from $13.4 billion
Just 1 of series of unorthodox steps agency has taken to battle current credit crisis
'Market is still a little top-heavy and will remain vulnerable to bouts of profit-taking'
Points to 50% high school drop-out rate among certain groups
States say ratings exaggerate risk of default, forcing issuers to buy unneeded insurance
Consumer spending weak in February, but personal income rose
'Executives today are overlooking the fact they're in liquidation'
Free-trade deal taking blame for huge job losses – true effects far more complicated
Some firms having problems obtaining loans, others being informed of reduced credit lines
'Highlights our advancements in providing and protecting trusted health care services'
Coffee giant will not comply with court order to pay baristas more than $100 million
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
What to do with cash windfall; and should a spouse be a business partner?