"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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26 March 2008


Tuesday Review:

Wall Street May Face $460 Bln in Losses, Goldman Says
Clinton Says Account of Sniper Fire Was `Mistake'
Chavez says U.S. relations could worsen with McCain | International | Reuters
Breitbart.tv » Chelsea Fields Audience Question About Bosnia Sniper Fire
Chelsea Clinton Startled by Monica Query
Report: Clear Channel Deal Collapsing: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Yahoo and MySpace join with Google - International Herald Tribune
Filmgoers get a taste of the good life - Entertainment News, Film News, Media - Variety
Gasoline Sticker Shock Shocks Tourists Along Highway One - News Story - KNTV | San Francisco
My Way News - Pentagon Admits Mistaken Arms Shipment
The Columbus Dispatch : Food stamps double since '01
Excessive emails and text are a mental illness | NEWS.com.au
The Internet Effect on News - Swampland - TIME
Oregon Man Says He's Pregnant - Health News Story - KPTV Portland
The good life: Simon Cowell roars up in his $1million supercar to view his $8million mansion| Showbiz | This is London
YouTube - CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.
McGovern: Hard to elect female president - Yahoo! News
1 Of 2 93-Year-Olds Charged In Manatee County Sex Sting
Protein map of human spit created - Yahoo! News
Miss Bimbo website promotes extreme diets and surgery to 9-year-olds - Times Online
My Way News - Iraqi Leaders Face Grave Shiite Crisis
Basra, Iraq: Street Battles As Army Tackles Sadr Militiamen |Sky News|World News
Digital Edge Blog - Newspaper Association of America: Advancing Newspaper Media for the 21st Century
Security Lapse Exposes Facebook Photos: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Obama poll collapse may be Clinton's best hope - International Herald Tribune
The Long Defeat - New York Times
Mark Tomasik: Don’t discount Gore-led ticket : Columns : TCPalm
Fleetwood Mac surprised by Sheryl Crow claim | Entertainment | Reuters
Rare condition might have triggered cheerleader's death
Accuses 'apartheid' state of creating weapon 'that kills blacks and Arabs'
Indicted fundraiser Rezko also raised cash for senator's spiritual adviser, superdelegate
Priest also exhibits low tolerance for 2nd Amendment rights
Is this the year for 3rd party candidate?
Minister called U.S. mayors 'slave masters,' blacks who protect white men 'house n-ggers'
'You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend'
Seeking to play down news former first lady gave false account
Clinton characterizes episode as 'misstatement,' 'minor blip'
'I remember landing under sniper fire. There was no greeting ceremony'
Both Democrats overstate roles in key legislation
Democrat claims national party would accept Obama, Hillary as Al's VP
'Akin to what has happened to the subprime mortgage market'
'I believe John's record and experience have prepared him well'
No skeletons in closet, no history to investigate
'Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence' hold 'hunky Jesus' competition
'Christians shouldn't be punished for expressing their religious beliefs'
Catholic bishop urges Christian forgiveness for desecration of shrine
President sought new hearing for death-row prisoner kept from diplomats
American ship fired warning shots at small Egyptian boat
Spokeswoman responds to others' queries about candidates
Taiwan received 4 fuses designed for intercontinental missiles
'I don't think I've touched marijuana since the late '70s'
Faced embezzlement charge, bodies of wife, 4 children found in home
Yes, says author of new bilingual children's book
'Married by America' had digitally obscured nudity, whipped-cream-covered strippers
Caseloads almost double since 2001, highest number in state history
Militants complain they don't have enough money to cover their bills
Discover what the martial artists and the military don't want you to find out
'I have to stop and think what I'm going to say in English'
Researcher claims Disney films ignited ecology movement
From soap operas to iPods: History suggests slumps spawn innovation
Confidence rating at 5-year low, markets had rallied for 2 days
5-year low amid tight credit, rising prices, worsening job prospects
City council votes 5-2 to praise ACLU 'hate machine'
'Rank-and-file evangelicals supported me strongly, but a lot of the leadership did not'
Says some doctors have turned him away for religious beliefs
'She wanted to help people. She was just a happy 18-year-old girl'
Encourages girls as young as 9 to embrace plastic surgery, extreme dieting
Woman was celebrated as 1st female blaze battler in city's history
Officer actually promoted despite wild boozing night
'It's not a really nice photo. He's not holding my baby gently'
Helicopter lands in lot of one of Illinois' toughest prisons
'A lot of people are never tested for these infections'
'They're adults, and know what's right and wrong'
District incorrectly registered its students by district rather than by campus
'For people who want to make their own decisions about ending their lives'
'It didn't look like there was any foul play from what I saw'
'She's going to want to know how she got those scars'
'He hit the post office because it was the closest government building around'
'Quite frankly, sometimes I think it feeds the gossip mill when her name shows up'
Furniture guys pointed out they were wearing protective covers
'There is no real sign on the outside that a turtle has eaten a plastic bag'
'I know that I deserve something for that, but I don't think I deserve what I got'
'Faced with the same situation, I would do what I have to all over again'
'I certainly didn't want to come across as someone trying to indoctrinate'
3rd case in Tampa Bay area in little over a week
45-year-old arrested as 4 students overheard in next room
'To be honest there's only so much relaxing you can do'
Easy way to avoid a heart or brain disaster
Transplant team was ready to take Oklahoman's organs
'He may be showing his thanks for treats and walks'
'Increasing pressure on reporters to push the boundaries of provocation'
Paulson warns without change, rising costs will drive spending to unprecedented levels
'There is light at the end of the tunnel, but it is still rather dim'
From soap operas to iPods: History suggests slumps spawn innovation
Required airlines to provide food, water, clean toilets when delayed on ground
Vatican, Sweden, Luxembourg top list, see who else ranks
'Neither tariffs nor trade protection is the problem'
Guide lists thousands of manufacturers who still make it in USA
Confidence rating at 5-year low, markets had rallied for 2 days
5-year low amid tight credit, rising prices, worsening job prospects
'The credit crunch might have passed through its very worst phase'
'I will not allow dogma to override common sense'
Don't make snap judgments about any job before doing your research
Customer tells owner to go to hell, another says he should be shot
'There aren't many moving parts of the budget that are moving up in revenue'
Company finds natural solution that turns plants into gasoline
Satellite radio given antitrust clearance, Justice says consumers have alternatives
'It would not require a single new government bureaucracy'
'Demand is very strong. Supply is constrained. It is as simple as that'
AP: 'The scariest part of all? No one can say for sure'
'Risk of a total meltdown at beginning of last week'
Fed chief says, 'We did it. ... very sorry, won't do it again'
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
Fast-food chain looks to promote grilled, not fried chicken
'The best part, most of the time, is the taste'
'It's an old-fashioned service that was done years ago'
Pitches plan to use unlicensed, unused airwaves to provide wireless Internet
'How many times do you want to read about people suggesting free Wi-Fi?'
Exclusive: Vox Day interviews Robert Prechter about the credit crunch
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
Florida produce company settles civil suit with 2 former tomato pickers
'Just a big surprise that someone would actually want to give me money'
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
What to do with cash windfall; and should a spouse be a business partner?
Exclusive: Janet Folger shares vitriolic e-mails homosexuals sent to Oklahoma representative
Exclusive: Olivia St. John takes aim at latest moves by 'gays' to push their agenda
Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains 'corruption' spoken of in Word is sin, not CO2 levels
Pat Buchanan pummels prez for scolding nativists, protectionists, isolationists
Why Palestinians get more attention than Tibetans
Exclusive: Mychal Massie notes one can't be unaffected by mentor's worldview
Exclusive: Morton A. Klein sets record straight, calls on senator to leave his church
Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder have verbal zingers for both Obama, Hillary
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving hits paper for failure to report whole truth about famed pastor
David Limbaugh shares homily he presented on Christ's atonement
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Chris Hedges: Only a vote for Ralph Nader or Cynthia McKinney will end militarism
'We are in trouble and somebody better start talking about it in a blunt way'
Exclusive: Chuck Norris declares America has lost connection with Founding Fathers
Vin Suprynowicz pans performance of 'pro-gun' attorney, justices in firearms case
Court Backs Texas in Dispute With Bush
Michael Savage - Radio - Boycott - New York Times
MyFox Dallas | Workplace Warning: Say Goodbye to Hola
City council votes 5-2 to praise ACLU 'hate machine'
Governor sees 'productive' talks on Virginia Tech settlement - CNN.com
China hits back at Pelosi's Tibet criticism
Internet Co. Suspends Web Site for Film Critical of Islam -- 03/24/2008
Is Barack Obama A Marxist Mole?
YouTube - Barack Obama - "Personal Jesus"
CAIR Exposed: Part 1: As IAP Offshoot, CAIR Followed Pro-Hamas Agenda From the Start :: Articles by IPT :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
YouTube - CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip.
Court spurns appeal over 'Hillary' film - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Sources: Air marshals missing from almost all flights - CNN.com
Home prices take record drop - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Politics - California legislators kill bill to give parking privileges to pregnant women - sacbee.com
Cancel toilet contract, city told
Americans paying rent for terrorists?
ABC News: XM-Sirius Merger: Higher Cost, Less Choice?
The Columbus Dispatch : Food stamps double since '01
Go to church and pray if you want to be happy, say scientists | the Daily Mail
Wednesday :
Bus Tours Show Properties in Foreclosure
Euro shoots past 1.57 dollars on positive German survey
My Way News - Military Tells Bush of Troop Strains
Clinton Says She Erred on Bosnia Story
Breitbart.tv » Air Force Pilot Who Flew Clinton to Bosnia Tells His Side of the Story
Obama Seeks to Quell Flap Over Pastor
CBS News - Democratic Debates - TV - New York Times
The Buzz on the Bus: Pinched, Press Steps Off - New York Times
Woman, 19, forced to swim with piranhas at circus - Times Online
Egypt editor given six-month sentence for Mubarak rumours
Big Phat Liar - March 26, 2008
Clear Channel, Bain, Lee Sue Banks Over Buyout Plan
Clear Channel, Buyers Sue Banks: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Big money in politics - sign of excess? | Reuters
Bush to Meet Putin in Russia
2-Seat Rocket Planned for Space Tourism
Russian farmer sues space agency for falling rocket | International | Reuters
Marriage rates hit lowest rate since records began almost 150 years ago| News | This is London
Elizabeth Banks cast as Laura Bush
Outsourced passports netting govt. profits, risking national security - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
World Tribune — Saudis pledge action to stabilize oil market
Police: Cabbie Bites Woman Over Fare - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
My Way News - Big Belly Boosts Risk of Later Dementia
Bush says confident economy will be stronger | Politics | Reuters
New Home Sales Drop for a Fourth Month: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Official Urges KPMG Lawsuit: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
More passport review found at State - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Clinton Donors Object to Pelosi Comment
NBC-WSJ poll: New Clinton lows - First Read - msnbc.com
Obama's Pastor Slurs Italians in Latest Magazine -- 03/26/2008
Outsourced U.S. passports raise national security concerns
'Drag' race nets correction officer's arrest
Heather Mills still out to prove she was stiffed in divorce settlement
Richard Widmark Dies at 93
MyFox Dallas | Workplace Warning: Say Goodbye to Hola
City council votes 5-2 to praise ACLU 'hate machine'
Same-Sex Couple Blocked By H & R -- Gays and Lesbians, Tolland County, H&R Block Incorporated -- Courant.com
Court Backs Texas in Dispute With Bush
Supervisor proposes lights-out for downtown
CAIR Exposed: Part 1: As IAP Offshoot, CAIR Followed Pro-Hamas Agenda From the Start :: Articles by IPT :: The Investigative Project on Terrorism
CAIR’s Funding
ABC News: Dems Fear Clinton's 'Tonya Harding' Option
New CBS Video Contradicts Clinton Again, Admits She Misspoke About 1996 Bosnia Trip; Mentioned It In Iowa, Texas And Also Last Week - CBS News
Horton the Individualist by Jeffrey A. Tucker
They Died in Vain by Laurence M. Vance
On Five Years in Iraq by Ron Paul
A Flag for Your Son by Michael Gaddy
Seouled a Bill of Goods by Joshua Snyder
We're No Angels by Charley Reese
Iraq Recession – or Iraq Depression?- by Justin Raimondo
Private Colleges Proliferating, Worldwide :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, and Views and Jobs
Truthdig - Reports - A Conscientious Objection
Japanese manners squad will force you to give up that seat - Times Online
S.F. Activists Use Twitter, Pirate Radio to Manage Anti-War Protesters | Threat Level from Wired.com
In the Pursuit of Justice, Do We Need Trials? by Joseph Potter
The Nuisance Next Time? by John Liechty
Why President McCain Will End the Iraq War by Joe Schembrie
Obama’s Foolish Consistency by James Ostrowski
Modest Proposal: The Federal Food Reserve System by Bill Walker
Situation: FUBAR by Steven LaTulippe
The ongoing exclusion of war opponents from the Iraq debate - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Was Polonium-210 Being Smuggled for a Dirty Bomb? by Paul Craig Roberts
Operation Cassandra by William S. Lind
Hath Shakespeare been a tourist in Venice? - Times Online
BBC NEWS | Health | Cod oil 'cuts arthritis drug use'
Smile you're on ele-vision: How a camera attached to an elephant's trunk captured amazing jungle views | the Daily Mail
Haditha Marines case monitored on Rumsfeld's orders
'The fact that we landed tells you there's nothing going to happen'
Clinton characterizes episode as 'misstatement,' 'minor blip'
'I remember landing under sniper fire. There was no greeting ceremony'
Parent not hero portrayed in 'Dreams from My Father'
Democratic candidate preparing major address in New York City on economy
Politician plagiarizes freely from others, even movies
Also compares Muslim terrorists to religious 'radicals' in Oregon
Wright makes slur in his regular column for monthly magazine
Accuses 'apartheid' state of creating weapon 'that kills blacks and Arabs'
Indicted fundraiser Rezko also raised cash for senator's spiritual adviser, superdelegate
Priest also exhibits low tolerance for 2nd Amendment rights
Is this the year for 3rd party candidate?
'You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend'
Seeking to play down news former first lady gave false account
'I believe John's record and experience have prepared him well'
No skeletons in closet, no history to investigate
Judge dismisses charges over death of baby in car accident
Some urge charges after radio host urges GOP voters to cross party lines
'Given the reality of the costs and various priorities ... it just isn't realistic for us'
'Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence' hold 'hunky Jesus' competition
Asks Hu for 'substantive dialogue' with Dalai Lama's representatives
Al-Maliki takes charge in Basra as clashes with Shiites claim 55 lives
After organization sues city, collects $900,000 from taxpayers
Taiwan received 4 fuses designed for intercontinental missiles
'I don't think I've touched marijuana since the late '70s'
Former cop reports Canadian prison torture, family's disappearance
Found where hijacker in unsolved 1971 case believed to have jumped
Wafa Sultan shocks Islamic TV audience again, Al Jazeera apologizes
Door-to-door headcounters can't figure out fancy new handheld computers
Legislatures consider bans on lighting up in cars, bars
'Often it's in the middle of nowhere. The passengers think we are crazy'
Yes, says author of new bilingual children's book
'Fortunately, this type of thing does not happen every day'
'Married by America' had digitally obscured nudity, whipped-cream-covered strippers
Paulson warns without change, rising costs will drive spending to unprecedented levels
Orders for manufactured goods down for 2nd straight month
'Rank-and-file evangelicals supported me strongly, but a lot of the leadership did not'
Says some doctors have turned him away for religious beliefs
'She wanted to help people. She was just a happy 18-year-old girl'
Encourages girls as young as 9 to embrace plastic surgery, extreme dieting
Helicopter lands in lot of one of Illinois' toughest prisons
'They're adults, and know what's right and wrong'
'For people who want to make their own decisions about ending their lives'
'She's going to want to know how she got those scars'
'He hit the post office because it was the closest government building around'
'Quite frankly, sometimes I think it feeds the gossip mill when her name shows up'
Furniture guys pointed out they were wearing protective covers
'There is no real sign on the outside that a turtle has eaten a plastic bag'
'I certainly didn't want to come across as someone trying to indoctrinate'
Wants to block publication of encyclopedia of wizarding world she created
3rd case in Tampa Bay area in little over a week
45-year-old arrested as 4 students overheard in next room
'To be honest there's only so much relaxing you can do'
Transplant team was ready to take Oklahoman's organs
'He may be showing his thanks for treats and walks'
'Increasing pressure on reporters to push the boundaries of provocation'
Recent respite in equity markets might not signal end of credit crisis
'There is light at the end of the tunnel, but it is still rather dim'
From soap operas to iPods: History suggests slumps spawn innovation
Pushes housing activity down to 13-year low
Digital sales now account for about 15% of global tunes market
Required airlines to provide food, water, clean toilets when delayed on ground
Vatican, Sweden, Luxembourg top list, see who else ranks
'Neither tariffs nor trade protection is the problem'
Confidence rating at 5-year low, markets had rallied for 2 days
5-year low amid tight credit, rising prices, worsening job prospects
'I will not allow dogma to override common sense'
Don't make snap judgments about any job before doing your research
Customer tells owner to go to hell, another says he should be shot
'There aren't many moving parts of the budget that are moving up in revenue'
Company finds natural solution that turns plants into gasoline
'Risk of a total meltdown at beginning of last week'
Fed chief says, 'We did it. ... very sorry, won't do it again'
Exclusive: Karin Abarbanel shares how entrepreneurs can weather rough waters
Fast-food chain looks to promote grilled, not fried chicken
'The best part, most of the time, is the taste'
'It's an old-fashioned service that was done years ago'
Exclusive: Vox Day interviews Robert Prechter about the credit crunch
Podcast: Latest economic intelligence briefing from analyst Don McAlvany
Does gold still glitter after a $90 correction?
Florida produce company settles civil suit with 2 former tomato pickers
Land Rover also becoming part of Indian conglomerate Tata
'Debt is the most aggressively marketed product in our culture today'
Advice to husband on checkbook; teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Advice on mutual funds; and what if you must sell your home?
What to do with cash windfall; and should a spouse be a business partner?
Walter E. Williams: Senator not ready to fill crucial '1st black president' shoes
Exclusive: Henry Lamb drubs party for Florida and Michigan delegate mess
Exclusive: Samuel Blumenfeld sees a healthy equilibrium between warring politicians
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Ben Shapiro rips Obama for suggesting all white Americans are racist
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky shares dialogue with black detractor over race in America
Exclusive: Joseph Farah shames purposeless Jews who think Moses was an acidhead
Nat Hentoff: Bush legacy is stained due to support for 'specialized interrogations'
Exclusive: Joel Hesch tells of road worker who collect huge reward for busting employer
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak shares story of 1-day trip north of the border
Grace Vuoto reviews account of woman who got on wrong side of Clintons
Joshua Frank: President's failures in empire-building bode well for the future
Exclusive: Joel Barbee dresses Clinton for 'dangerous' Bosnia landing
Pat Buchanan pummels prez for scolding nativists, protectionists, isolationists
Herb Denenberg chronicles transformation of 'a liar, a hypocrite, a phony'
Townhall.com::Resolving the Contradictions in the National Mood::By Michael Medved
Populism Rising | The American Prospect
ABC News: Obama's Bind: Playing the 'Bargainer'?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - White America's Blind Spot
ON DEADLINE: Hillary's Flight of Fancy - Yahoo! News
The Maverick and the Media - New York Times
The Right Choice?
Obama's Jewish Problem
Will the Latest Jerusalem Bloodshed Be Followed By Talks or Intifada?
West awakes from suicidal slumber | The Australian
Sources: Air marshals missing from almost all flights - CNN.com
Home prices take record drop - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Politics - California legislators kill bill to give parking privileges to pregnant women - sacbee.com
Cancel toilet contract, city told
The Bear Stearns-JPMorgan Deal --Rhymes with Steal -- of a Lifetime
Wall Street May Face $460 Bln in Losses, Goldman Says
Americans paying rent for terrorists?
ABC News: XM-Sirius Merger: Higher Cost, Less Choice?
The Columbus Dispatch : Food stamps double since '01
Go to church and pray if you want to be happy, say scientists | the Daily Mail
McCain Address to the L.A. World Affairs Council
TIME Interviews Clinton
John McCain's Remarks on Economic Woes
Panel Looks at Clinton's Pastor Comments
Sen. Graham on "Hannity & Colmes"
March 25 White House Press Briefing
Halting the Housing Crisis
Carville Discusses 'Judas' Comment
Roundtable on Richardson's Endorsement
Karl Rove Talks About Campagin Negativity
Bill Richardson on "Larry King Live"
Governors Richardson & Rendell on "Fox News Sunday"
The Close Democratic Race
Colonel Hunt Says Clinton Lied
Clinton Bristles at Lewinsky Question
Bill Clinton Campaigns in Kentucky
McCain Speaks on Housing, Economic Woes
CBS News Contradicts Clinton Story on Bosnia Trip
Clinton Re-Debuts "Level"
The Increasingly Negative Campaign
McCain in California
More on Clinton's Bosnia Trip
Matthews Upset by Clinton "Sitcom"
Exclusive: Clinton Vows to Push On - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Clinton & Obama Need to Cool It or Lose It
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Race Conversation? What Are You Talking About?
McCain: Life shaped judgment on use of force - USATODAY.com
Hillary insults voters in attack on Rev. Wright :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mary Mitchell
Michelle and Barack: The Tax Returns
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary's List of Lies
FT.com / Columnists / Martin Wolf - The rescue of Bear Stearns marks liberalisation’s limit
Anatomy of the Surge
What does Bush mean by "victory in Iraq"? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine
RealClearPolitics - Articles - More Than Bluebirds in the Sky
In Obama's New Message, Some Foes See Old Liberalism - washingtonpost.com
McCain Suggests Limits on Aid From Government in Housing Crisis - WSJ.com
Clinton: Wright 'would not have been my pastor' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Quibbling: Federal spending a pressing problem | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Argo's cool reception - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
'Any delay can be harmful' -- National Government, The White House, Federal Bureau of Investigation -- chicagotribune.com
Olympic Shame - washingtonpost.com
Islam and Free Speech - WSJ.com
Ruth Marcus - Hijabs at a Harvard Gym - washingtonpost.com
Bill Clinton Confronted On WTC-7
Overhaul Of AIDS Vaccine Effort
More Lies From Co-President Hillary
Tom Ridge Questioned On CFR & Grove
Video: U.S. Cops Beating Up Tibetans
Aussie Building Stonehenge Replica
UN Rejects Water As Human Right
Court Overturns Air Passenger Rights Law
Experts: Sirhan Sirhan Did Not Kill RFK
McCain Calls For Global League Of Democracies
Bush Waives Law To Give Pakistan Millions
FEMA Takes Over Town In Prep For Martial Law
Bush Actually Thinks Economy Will Get Stronger
WMD Undetected For Weeks Near US Capitol
Next Stop $2000 Gold
Paulson Looking At Financial Regulation
White House: Old Hard Drives Tossed
Goldman Sees $1.2 Trillion Global Credit Loss
U.S. Outsourcing Passport Manufacturing
McCain Clinton and Obama Have Odd Relatives
Easter Island Statue Damaged
The VereFlu Bird Flu Detection Chip Unleashed
U.S. Increases Fingerprint IDs At Airports
Spy In The Sky Drones In Miami
Ron Paul On RBN - 3/24/08
U.S. & Iraqi Troops Battle Al-Sadr Militia
Belarus: U.S. Spy Network Uncovered
Top Scientists Warn Against Biofuel Rush
Paulson: Social Security Unsustainable
Heathrow Center Of Surveillance Society?
Comcast Tries To Cover-Up TV Spy Story
UN Appeals For More Food Money
Police limit searches for guns - The Boston Globe
FT.com / World - Hoarding by banks stokes fears on credit crisis
Why Is Windows XP Still So Much Faster Than Vista? - Wolfe's Den Blog - InformationWeek
Britain is world's 7th most stable and prosperous nation - Times Online
Cheney talks Iran in Israel; U.S. strike seen as remote
DC Gun Searches Part Of U.S. Disarmament Plan
Sterilise parents receiving government benefits, says Tory
Torture Architect Yoo Blasts DNC On Constitution
Sean Hannity Confronted Over His Relationship With Neo-Nazi Hal Turner
"Return" To "Iraqi" Values
How To Destabalize Countries Legally
Telecom lobbyists tied to McCain
Think-tank calls for United States of Great Lakes
97 percent of US death toll came after 'Mission Accomplished'
US Gov. Data: Iraq War Caused 70,000 Deaths, And Over 1 Million Disabilities
States urged to comply with REAL ID rules
Fed May Buy Mortgages Next, Treasury Investors Bet
Brown faces rebellion over hybrid embryo bill
US 'deploys nuclear sub to Persian Gulf'
Will the Militarized Police State Shock You Into Submission?
Inside the Cyber Defense Group
Congress Considers Wall Street “Regulation”
Government-Funded Investigators Accused Of WTC Cover-Up
Tom Ridge Says He Turned Down Bohemian Grove Invitation While at Homeland Security
Bill Confronted by Kentucky We Are Change
Cops Beat The Living Hell Out Of Peaceful Tibetan Protesters IN AMERICA
US Treasury chief says Social Security 'unsustainable'
Another MTV Martial Law ad
The Fed's Revolution
Aids HIV Bayer
U.S. stalls on human trafficking -- Privatization, Halliburton Company, George Bush -- chicagotribune.com
Representative Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld On Dyncorp Sex Rings, Missing Pentagon Trillions & 9/11 Wargames
American firm in Bosnia sex trade row poised to win MoD contract
Nato force 'feeds Kosovo sex trade'
The naive armchair warriors are fighting a delusional war
Mondale issues blistering attack on Cheney
Torture Architect John Yoo Hypocritically Blasts Democratic Party For Violating Constitution’s Intent
Sterilise parents on benefits, says Tory
Halliburton managers told workers carcinogen was 'mild irritant,' workers say
McCain modifies his al Qaeda in Iran claim
Campaign denies McCain’s Iran/al Qaeda gaffe.
End of Nations - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty
And the Next US President Will be?
Clinton shoots herself in foot on snipers - US Election - smh.com.au
Torture Bracelet To Control Dissenting Americans?
Excessive emails and text are a mental illness
America’s Banks are Broken
Boston Cops Limited in Warrantless Gun Searches
U.S. court rejects airline passengers rights law
International Baccalaureate Prepares American Students for Globalization
EU forces passengers on and off the buses
Patriot Act haunts Google service
21 countries more stable, prosperous than U.S.
Tory: Sterilize Parents on Benefits
Consumers’ Right to Sue Weakening
Obama Passport Scandal Linked to Clinton, Bush
Dems to Take Advantage of McCain’s 100 Years of War Comment
Food Prices Soaring Worldwide Thanks to Freak Weather, Global Economy Changes
How To Resolve the Tibet Crisis
Why we should fear a McCain presidency
Did U.S. Mercenaries Bomb the FARC Encampment in Ecuador?
Small Retailers Being Forced Out By Government Subsidies to Big Chains
Gordon Brown urges courts to use full powers against gun criminals
Clinton's Pilot in Bosnia Tells His Side of the Story
Reich Discusses the Campaign
Clinton's Comments on Wright
McCain Accepts Nancy Reagan's Endorsement
Bush Distorting Iran’s Position
This Week in the Birch Blog
“So I Misspoke,” Said the Foreign Policy Expert
Illogical Conclusions from Supposed Experts on Arctic Ice
Ma Ying-jeou, Supporter of Closer Mainland Chinese Ties, Elected in Taiwan
Democracy and Liberty