"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

11 March 2008

11 March -(click here: Ron Paul - article)

Oil prices break fresh record high near $110
Gas Prices Rise to New National Record
Bush hopes Cheney's Mideast visit will rein in oil prices - International Herald Tribune
GOP Pol: Resign Or Else - Politics News Story - WNBC | New York
1 in 4 Teen Girls Has Sexual Disease
Lisa Marie Presley sues over 'fat' story - Yahoo! News
Fallon Resigns As Mideast Military Chief
Boy Buried Headfirst In Sandbox Dies - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Graffiti found on El Al plane in Italy-police | Industries | Industrials, Materials & Utilities | Reuters
Vandals spray-paint 'Death to the Jews' inside Israeli El Al plane : Middle East World
Obama-Clinton Race Creates Security Concerns for Secret Service
My Way News - Obama Hopes for Win in Mississippi
Creepy Gnome terrorises town in General Guemes, Salta, Argentina | The Sun |HomePage|News
Gulfnews: Horrific accident on Abu Dhabi-Dubai highway near Ghantoot
Hundreds hurt in UAE horror crash | Video | Reuters.com
ABC News: State Police Internal Investigation: How Did Gov. Spitzer Slip Security Leash?
At the Mayflower, Client 9's Sinking Ship
Statement From The Real George Fox - Politics News Story - WNBC | New York
My Way News - McCain Scolds Obama, Clinton Over NAFTA
McCain heads to Israel, Europe
Team Obama Hits Clinton on Experience Claims - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
ABC News: The Clinton Tax Returns: What's the Holdup?
Aussie feminist Greer brands Hillary 'cold, bossy' - Yahoo! News
US: Olympic Host China Lacks Freedoms
It's a dog's life: Firefighter's CPR saves pup
Mixed Reaction to Idea of British Pledge
G.E. Chairman Rejects Talk of NBC Sale - New York Times
‘Impossible’: Pelosi Dour on Chances of Obama/Clinton ‘Dream Ticket’
Minn. lawmaker wants scent-free schools - Yahoo! News
Judge quashes libel ruling against restaurant critic
Latest News | Top Stories | News Articles
FOXNews.com - House Files Lawsuit to Force Bush Aides to Testify on Justice Firings - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Miami Cop Charged in Dog Death
Eminent domain measures on ballot
U.S. gay bishop not welcome at meeting: Anglicans | U.S. | Reuters
Flinch! Ford finally bends, homosexual boycott over
Conservatives Say Good Riddance to an 'Anti-Family' Politician -- 03/11/2008
Democrat's corruption crusade takes hit - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Spitzer scandal could cost Hillary Clinton
Spitzer Linked To Hooker Probe - March 10, 2008
kdka.com - Woman Faces $1,000 Fine For Staining Poodle Pink In Colorado
US drops China from list of top human rights abusers - Yahoo! News
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Support drops for action on Iran
Workers Sue Gulf Coast Company That Imported Them: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
30-Year Sentence Sought in China Spy Case - March 11, 2008 - The New York Sun
Obama scoffs at being Clinton’s running mate - BostonHerald.com
Teen yanked out maid's teeth: court - Breaking News - World - Breaking News
FOXNews.com - Iranian Students Urge Kidney Donations to Raise Funds for Bounty on Israeli Officials - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Corn Biofuels To Expand Gulf Dead Zone
Yamana Sees Gold At $1,500 This Year
Man Jailed For Posessing Al-Qaeda Manual
Anti-Real ID Rebellion Spreads To California
States Weighing Lower Age To Drink
Britain Mulls Pledge To The Queen
Anonymous Internet Posting To Be Illegal?
Oil Prices Nearing $110
One In Three Gulf Vets Sick
AP Water Probe Prompts Senate Hearings
Uighur Leader: China Fabricated Terror Plots
Ex-DEA Head Admits CIA Imports Cocaine
Fed Prints Another $200 Billion Out Of Thin Air
No Link Between Saddam and Al-Qaeda
Press Secretary Ordered Not To Discuss Dollar
Gulf War Syndrome Linked To Chemicals
Video: Ron Paul On CNN 03/10/08
Plans For Doomsday Ark On The Moon
British Officers Invade Kansas
US UK And Friends Conduct Cyberstorm II
Banks Face Systemic Margin Call
Britain Building Stealth DNA Database
Eco Terrorists Top FBI Threat List
Chicago Links School Cameras To 911 Centers
Russia Accuses NATO Of Replacing UN
Cintra Gets Financing For Texas Toll Road
WND Barred From Mexican Trucks Press Event
Waxman Asks IRS To Investigate Blackwater
Students Attempt Citizens Arrest Of Rove
Astronauts Will Assemble Robot In Space
Al-Qaeda In Iraq May Try For Spectacular
Billionaire Investor Forsees Bank Failures
Iraq Costs U.S. $12 Billion A Year
Sky News Attacks YouTube
The Raw Story | NSA quietly expands domestic spying program, even as Congress balks
Recycle or go to Hell, warns Vatican - Telegraph
TIPS' Yields Show Fed Has Lost Control of Inflation
Goldcorp sees higher gold prices | Reuters
Mail-In Revotes Gain Momentum - WSJ.com
Sen. questions allowing Mexican trucks in U.S. - USATODAY.com
Transportation experts warn of warming - Climate Change- msnbc.com
The Democrats' Struggle to Maintain Unity | The American Prospect
OFF TO THE RACES: The Hits Keep Coming (03/11/2008)
Can Clinton Make Mississippi a Race? - TIME
Assessing the Spitzer Fallout - The Fix
Pakistan's Progress - WSJ.com
Team Clinton Responds: 'Just Words' - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
From 54th gov to Client No. 9
Spitzer Engulfed in Sex Scandal - WSJ.com
'Moral crusader' gets his comeuppance
An Ouch Moment for Clinton
GOV. LONGSHOT? - New York Post
The Veepstakes
Reality and the Iraq war - Opinion - USATODAY.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Costs of Crime
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Culture Wars? How 2004.
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Winning in November is What Counts
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary's Still in It to Win It
RealClearPolitics - Articles - How the Democrats Could Lose
Spitzer Round Up - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
TheHill.com - House GOP then, and now
Taxocratic Rule
Spitzer Said to Be Weighing Resignation - New York Times
Ticket-Sharing Talk Dominates Day's Campaign Activity - washingtonpost.com
Obama: ‘We are at a defining moment’ | clarionledger.com | The Clarion-Ledger
State: Florida's vote-by-mail plan gains few fans
Delegates We Need
The Red Phone in Black and White - New York Times
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Specter of McCain Democrats
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Don't Let Spitzer Get Away with Being Called a Hypocrite
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Team Obama: Ready for Prime Time?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Senator Clinton's Claims of Foreign Policy Experience Are Exaggerated
Derivatives Have Become the World’s Biggest Black Market
Gulf War syndrome firmly linked to chemical exposure
Army's $200 Billion Reboot Fizzles
Carlyle margin calls soar past $400 mln; seeks standstill pact - MarketWatch
Mankind's secrets kept in lunar ark
Brazilian protesters destroy GM crops
Crime pays for CEOs: Profit at US prison companies soar
Gang Members Get Trained in the Army
Surging costs of groceries hit home
Rich nations must help poor in tackling global warming
Britain makes camera that "sees" under clothes
Rush for biofuels threatens starvation on a global scale
Brain activity can be decoded using magnetic resonance imaging.
Google & Microsoft Involved In NSA Program?
Bill Clinton Tells 9/11 Truthers: 'We don't blow up our own buildings, al Qaeda does'
Professor: Big Money Behind Global Warming Propaganda
'Exhaustive' Pentagon-sponsored study finds no Saddam-Qaeda link
How to End the Subprime Crisis
Martial Law, Inc. - KBR: Killing, Brutalizing and Raping: A Halliburton Subsidiary
Cost of War : Wage Peace Campaign : AFSC
Land of the free is world’s top jailer
Kansas Bill Attempts to Address Gun Confiscation Following Greensburg Tornado
Are they Screaming, Crying & Terrified?
Humanity Lobotomy - Second Draft (Crushing the future of innovation)
C-SPAN: Theories About Sept. 11
They knew, but did nothing
Paul leaves open door to third-party bid, unlikely to support McCain
Clinton military brass join ranks with Obama campaign
Building NAFTA's CANAMEX Supercorridor
New Documents Reveal North American Union PR Campaign
Professor: Big Money Behind Global Warming Propaganda
Another Foot And Mouth Whitewash Report: Government "Catalogue Of Errors" Led To Outbreak
The fact is global warming is waning!
It’s About Freedom, Not Climatology
Award Winning Reporter Details U.S. Media Blackout On Mexican Military Incursions
Bali Bomber Claims CIA/Mossad Involvement
Huxley, and the meaning of words
Millions of 'climate change migrants' will overwhelm Europe, says report | the Daily Mail
John McCain has 13.1 years to live - Times Online
The Clintons, a horror film that never ends | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online
Scary or sensational? A machine that can look into the mind | Science | The Guardian
Bush and the Dollar - WSJ.com
Britain's queen says global warming likely to hit hardest at most vulnerable nations - International Herald Tribune
Drugs in Drinking Water of at least 41 Million Americans
Smith targets public sector in ID card hard-sell | Politics | The Guardian
Eliot Spitzer on His Involvement with Prostitution Ring
Panel Discusses the Eliot Spitzer News
Karl Rove on "Hannity & Colmes"
March 10 White House Press Briefing
Interview with John McCain
Florida & Michigan Democrats on "Fox News Sunday"
Howard Dean on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Daschle & Rendell on "Meet the Press"
Clinton's Record on Ireland
Dems Call McCain Hypocrite on Torture
Democrats Divide on Dream Ticket, Superdelegates
Sen. Nelson Talks on "The Situation Room"
Obama Derides the Clintons For Suggesting He Be VP
Spitzer Speaks about His Involvement With Prostitution Ring
Clinton Replays "Level" in Mississippi
McCain on "60 Minutes"
Crist & Levin on "This Week"
McCain Veep Discussion
Daschle & Rendell Spar on Role of Superdelegates
Howard Dean on "Face the Nation"
Clinton: "Wait and See" on Spitzer
James Dobson Comments in Nashville
A Tribute to William F. Buckley
Google's latest anti-Jewish outrage
'Our mission is to raise wisdom in a generation that lacks wisdom'
Adm. William Fallon resigns over differences with Bush administration
Reporter denied permission to hear defense of controversial Bush program
More than 3 million according to 1st study in age group
Won't back down after Dem front-runner's campaign presses McCain to denounce congressman's remarks
1st female VP candidate said senator winning because he's black male
Says lawmaker correct policies further goal of Islamic domination
Republican congressman raises eyebrows with statement
Brings attention to Dem's involvement in discussions on health plan
'If I'm not ready, how is it that you think I should be such a great vice president?'
Says proposals to use pressure tactics could undermine trade relationships
Obama favored to win majority of 33 delegates at stake
Planned to quit last night but changed mind
New York governor's aides expect him to step down
Possible charges against governor have not been decided
Democrat Spitzer reportedly client of ring, Republican leader demands resignation
FBI affidavit describes arrangements involving hooker named 'Kristen'
'This is a guy who is so self-righteous, and so unforgiving'
Alan Dershowitz defends Spitzer by lashing out at prudish America
'The Sheriff of Wall Street' built career on ethics
Dawn Wells told police officer marijuana was left in her car by 3 hitchhikers
'Temporary worker program' to let people cross boundary needed
Says restrictions organizers wanted had caused him 'considerable pain'
Street minister to challenge conviction for Halloween message
Case of brother, sister who have 4 children together
'Supreme Court says parents have a right to direct children's education'
24 killed, 100 injured in 2 suspected suicide car bombings
'The Marines love him. He's like a mythical legend'
Sources: Illicit digging on Temple Mount coordinated with Jewish state
Awarding $100,000 to people who further cause of Jewish state
'Islamic Student Justice Seekers' of Iran announce financial prizes
Locals live in fear after several sightings
H2O loaded with antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, sex hormones
Network adding David Gregory show to respond to heavy political interest
'He just in a drunken rage started firing up gunshots'
Activists say carmaker meets conditions as sales plunged 8% per month since '05
Investors cheered by central banks' efforts to ease credit crunch
Catholic officials in Rome drawing up list of 7 deadly sins for today's society
'I thought the Lord had blessed him. Now he couldn't sell me chewing gum'
Paper claims: Illegal aliens slip as hot voter issue
Fellow Democrat says he didn't want 'unnecessary floor fight'
Senator wannabe: 'I will be honest, it was pre-loosened'
'Pollution in China is a threat to my health and it would be difficult for me to run'
'It puts a huge amount of stress, particularly on disadvantaged children'
'I think they're going to be in big trouble with the state'
Officials blame it on employee error, but critics say it happened at other facilities
'If you're not happy with yourself then why shouldn't you fix something?'
'If you implement it early and people comply, you can save a lot of people'
'We believe that voters in California want clean, straightforward protection'
Starved: Bloodhound was just 33 pounds after weighing almost twice that
Only 22 percent in survey say they check weblogs regularly
Lawmaker wants $500 fine for 1st offense, $1,000 for each after that
Ordered to pay up to $5,000 a day out of own pocket until she identifies sources
Owner: 'If anything turns people off, they shouldn't come in here'
Released from Nevada: 'There is some sort of negotiations going on'
'My life was turned upside down and my family almost ended up homeless'
'Saddest part was that I couldn't fulfill my dream of taking my girlfriend out to eat'
5 others already allow capital punishent of such sex offenders
Suspect snagged after assault on police cruiser taped
'More people are changing in a liberal direction than in a conservative direction'
Post office says 'unknown at this address,' sends letter back with demand for postage
'People consider [it] to be an act of foolishness'
'I'm so grateful for getting shot out of the sky'
Anheuser-Busch joins rival Guinness in push for recognition of March 17
Investors cheered by central banks' efforts to ease credit crunch
'This will not turn the economy around or fix all the problems'
'Housing correction continues to pose the biggest downside risk'
Relief unlikely because of brisk demand in emerging markets
'If they ever go up to $3.50, that would be the point where I'd feel angry'
Appliance may have faulty heating element that poses fire hazard
'There's been no innovation to separate the junk letters from the real ones'
Largely explained by increased oil costs
Despite objections from rivals, privacy advocates
Concern long-haul scheduled flights between Europe, Japan
French health minister: 'It's absurd for young children to have them'
Gives wireless subscribers unlimited calls, now boosting gross subscriber additions
To see if American prosecutions of foreign online gaming discriminatory
Consumers, politicians turn anger toward banks, credit card companies
Report: Marketers must listen to customers on home turf to get heart of matter
Clients 'telling us they want more and more information on the online environment'
'An amazing opportunity to rid myself of jewelry that no longer suits my taste'
Milk jumps 26 percent over year, eggs boil up 40 percent
'It's not a big deal. Although, I've never had anybody eat off me before'
Campbell's red-and-white-label soups top list of hottest new supermarket products
Nickelodeon's Universe is just beginning
Pat Buchanan hits McCain for pushing 'free trade' at expense of American jobs
Exclusive: Mychal Massie blasts Barack for molding Scripture to suit his worldview
David Limbaugh combats Obama's 'terrorist-friendly policies'
Exclusive: Aaron Klein on why senator's policies, not middle name, embolden enemy
Exclusive: Janet Folger urges Americans to support McCain as a defense of freedom
Exclusive: Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder analyze fallout of Spitzer fiasco
Exclusive: Joseph Farah asks why Christians have fallen for global warming deception
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving tells of latest Rose Garden rebuke from commander in chief
Dennis Prager indicts feminism for causing ladies' unfulfilled expectations
Dave Ramsey: Don't buy a toy – pay off debt or invest the money
Uri Avnery defends Palestinian rejoicing over slaying of Jews at yeshiva
Exclusive: Chuck Norris warns Schwarzenegger, 'Don't make us send in a Ranger'
James Lewis shows how 'cult' members are adding 'epicycles' to explain cold winter
Ron Paul Unlikely To Support McCain
Paul Leaves Door Open To Third Party Bid
Remote Surveillance, Control Of Your Brain & Body
Giant Fossilized Mystery Creature Found
Why McCain Should Never Be President
Dump The System
Illegal Immigration ALIPAC - Southern Poverty Law Center Exposed for Lying to the Press & Public
Elitist Obama Broken By Blue Collar Vote In TX, OH, RI
Fallon resigns as chief of U.S. forces in Middle East - CNN.com
Fed and central banks team up to unstick markets | Reuters
Can a 60p pill from the chemist really add years to your life? | the Daily Mail
Mugabe seeks control of foreign firms - Africa, World - Independent.co.uk
Israel defies freeze on illegal settlements - Middle East, World - Independent.co.uk
Foreclosure crisis has ripple effect - USATODAY.com
Retail gasoline price hits record: AAA | U.S. | Reuters
The Raw Story | It ain't over 'til the Lame Duck sings
Derivatives are the new ticking time bomb - MarketWatch
BBC NEWS | Health | Gulf War illness 'chemical link'
Truth Be Known News: Muslims Will Conquer the White House--And the World
Dollar falls on expectations Fed may cut rates next week - Mar. 10, 2008
The Buffalo News: Home: Former Judge Tills resigns amid FBI prostitution investigation
EX-Oz PM Howard To Muslims - 'Adapt Or Get Out'
McCain Fortune Traced To Organized Crime
Curioser And Curioser...
The Mysterious Stranger Who Saved Clara Barton's Life
America's Greatest Conman
Bush And Uribe Vs Chavez And Correa
150,000 American Soldier Suicides
Devvy Kidd -- When the Department of Justice obstructs justice
New Exhibit Explores Hitler's 'Germania'
Why The Western World Needs Armageddon
Obama Accuses Clinton of Deception - washingtonpost.com
Rethinking Churchill by Ralph Raico
Data4Science.net - The Pole Shift Data Collection Project
Investing | Africa - Reuters.com
Crime-busters turned snoopers
Police - Allow Sex In All Dutch Public Parks
The racial murder and rape of White women in America
Workable Solution for the Doomsday Ark
State Of The American Presidency
Imperial History of the Middle East - (view)
Freedom Of Speech May Not Be Free... But NOT Speaking Up Is Too Costly
MPs back artificial sperm for childless | Politics | The Observer
Things worth knowing about Hillary Clinton - Site
Humanity Is Under Occult Attack
Rand Paul: Is the Revolution Over or Just Beginning? | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
New Instruments of Surveillance and Social Control: Wireless Technologies which Target the Neuronal Functioning of the Brain
Police seek second 'person of interest' in UNC death - CNN.com
Lawmaker: Criminalize Anonymous Internet Posts
Early to bed, early to rise depends on TV - UPI.com
China's one-child policy to remain largely intact for next decade | World news | guardian.co.uk
Hong Kong Magazine Chief Editor Confirms Jiang Zemin's Illness
John McCain Is No "Hero POW"
Admiral Fallon Resigns As Mideast Military Chief, Opposed Bush's Iran Policy - CNN
Report: Israel wants month-long truce with Hamas - Ynet
Peace Now: Plans to link J'lem with Adam - Jerusalem Post
Israel Defense Official: Hizbullah ready to fight Israel - Ynet
Sarkozy urges Israel to halt West Bank 'colonization' - J'lem Post
Syria 'intensely' arming itself: Rockets, missiles place all of Israel within firing zone - WND
Pain at the pump as crude surges to an all-time trading high of $109.72 - CNN
Coast Guard delays cutter over radios - Washington Times
Cheney Heading to Mideast to Patch Up Israeli-Palestinian Relations - Fox
Shuttle Endeavour Blasts Off on Longest Space Station Mission Ever - Fox
US Cites China For Repression and Torture - AP
Wall Street Rallies on Feds New $200 Billion Injection - Reuters
Deadly triple blasts hit Pakistan - CNN
US foreclosure crisis has ripple effect - USA Today
Southern Baptist Leaders Take Unusual Step of Urging Fight Against Climate Change - AP
26 percent of employers hiring in next 3 months - Survey comes after report that 63,000 jobs were lost in February - AP
401(k)s tapped to save homes - USA Today
President Bush Speaks to the National Religious Broadcasters Convention - [Transcript of Speech]
McCain Declares Himself Cancer-Free - NewsMax
Obama ridicules idea of V.P. spot - AP
Yes, Israel is OK with Muslims destroying history: Sources: Illicit digging on Temple Mount coordinated with Jewish state - WND
Israel facing worst water crisis in decade after meager rainfall - Haaretz
Jews who fled Poland after '68 anti-Semitic purge may now reclaim citizenship - Haaretz
The U.S. Election Seen from Abroad - The Brits would elect Obama - Irwin M. Stelzer
Obama loses his halo - Suzanne Fields
Who Will Stand Against Terrorism? - Steven Emerson
Meet Sada Cumber - Bush's appointment to the Organization of the Islamic Conference - Stephen Schwartz
The case against Obama - Gary L. Bauer and Tom Rose
Sources: Eliot Spitzer nears resignation
Top US Commander For Mideast Resigns
Centcom Commander Resigns
Ashcroft Claims 'No Conflict' in $50M No-Bid Contract
The Associated Press: Ashcroft: No Conflict on Monitoring Deal
Four indicted in 1999 US eco-terrorism arson
Woman's body kept on ice for months in California hotel
Man in Iced Body Probe Pleads Not Guilty
House Democrats Reject Telecom Immunity
US, N.Korean officials to meet Thursday in Geneva
House suit targets Miers, Bolten
Bush Looks to Rally Support for Wars
Saddam And Al-Qaeda
US Bowling Congress leaves Milwaukee for Texas
1 adult shot near Calif. elementary school
'Abducted' Pregnant Teen Calls Home
Bush invokes faith to defend war policy
Bush Says 2008 Politics No Factor in War
Suspect Confesses To Burk Murder
Pastor injects race into immigration debate
Va. Lawmakers Nearing Budget Deal
New Pics of Man Wanted in UNC Slaying
Violence Across Iraq Kills at Least 42
Bomb strikes bus in Iraq
Blasts Push Pakistan Toward New Policy
Tibetans join anti-Olympics chorus
Analyze This: Battle lull: A cease-fire by any other name?
Israel Pledges Restraint After Rocket
Ecuador border raid probe begins
Colombia border conflict resolved – on the surface | csmonitor.com
Dead girl's mom faces police probe
Croatian general's war crimes trial begins at The Hague
The Canadian Press: Flaherty serves notice of motion to kill Liberal RESP bill
Ferraro's comment about Obama's race draws fire
Ferraro's Remarks About Obama Decried
WRAPUP 1-Clinton, Obama trade fire over campaign tactics
Hillary Clinton's Spitzer Problem
Obama's Mississippi Morning
Obama Backs Green Energy in Pennsylvania
Clintons Covering Pennsylvania Like A “Wet Blanket”
The Politics of Hope
Hillary on the attack in PA
Clinton Back To Firing 'Words' At Obama
Clinton Wraps Speech With a Bow (and Arrow) For Obama
A Candidate of Hope and Hard Work
Rare Obama Misstep
Delivering a solution to Florida's primary woes
Mississippi Primary Brings Democrats To The Polls
Barack Obama Campaigns In Bucks County
Obama & Clinton: Here they come
AFL-CIO Targets McCain With $53 Million Campaign
Democrats' feuding is music to GOP hopes | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Despite peace, Kenyan refugees fear return
Kenya Parliament Moves on Power-Sharing
Bank of Japan Nominee Vows to Maintain Country's Economic Strength
Opposition rejects nominee for Bank of Japan chief
FBI Arrests Doctor Wanted in Australia
Patel arrested in US
'Dr Death' arrested
Co-defendant of Russian arms trafficker appears in US court
Zimbabwe Says No Expropriation of Foreign Companies Under New Law
Zimbabwe: Army Chief Warns of Coup If 'Sell Outs' Win
UN Security Council Urges Speedy Deployment of Darfur Peacekeepers
Sudan: Top UN Official Urges Pressure On Darfur Combatants to Lay ...
UN envoy leaves Myanmar as fails to convince junta
Austria probes alleged al-Qaida kidnapping of tourists in Tunisia
Austria says has new message from kidnappers
Africa coup plotter points finger at Spain, South Africa
Coup plot 'manager' makes claim on 'main man'
Whale hunt protester 'fired on'
Bomb strikes bus in Iraq
US Offers Support for Pakistan's Parties
Palestinian rocket attack threatens to upset recent calm
Obama, Clinton Focus on Pennsylvania Primary
FACTBOX-Obama's advisers on Middle East policy
Obama, Clinton in war of words