"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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18 March 2008

18 March

Probe reveals doctor payoffs - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
My Way News - Sex Offenders Collect Financial Aid
Ohio professor finds lead in plastic Easter eggs' paint | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Go to church and pray if you want to be happy, say scientists | the Daily Mail
Natural protein may provide cure for main causes of blindness - Times Online
FOXNews.com - Report: Planned Parenthood Apologizes for Encouraging Donation Aimed at Aborting Black Babies - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Birth rate is halved and parenthood delayed in children of divorcees | the Daily Mail
Free Press Stifled at United Nations, Reporters Say -- 03/18/2008
Health provider predicts big loss - The Boston Globe
Prominent rabbi to yeshiva heads: Don't hire Arabs - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
Barack Hussein Obama Speech
U.S. Adapts Cold-War Idea to Fight Terrorists - New York Times
Republican Lawmaker Proposes Amendment to Defund Planned Parenthood -- 03/18/2008
Reuters AlertNet - Bird flu may mutate to human form in Indonesia-FAO
Supreme Court Majority Appears To Back Gun Rights - washingtonpost.com
Technique devised by Sir Aaron Klug may revolutionise treatment of diseases
Palestinian stabs rabbi in Arab East Jerusalem - Yahoo! News
Haniyeh beats Abbas in popularity poll | Jerusalem Post
FOXNews.com - Former N.J. Gov. McGreevey Confirms Reports of Three-Way Sex With Wife and Aide - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Gov. Paterson admits to sex with other woman for years
Obama pastor's theology: Destroy 'the white enemy'
Truncating the Antecedents by Robert Higgs
'Oh, Magoo, You’ve Done It Again!' by Frederick Sheehan
Mr. Adams and the Massacre by Max Raskin
Smearing Obama- by Justin Raimondo
An Investment Better Than Gold? by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
A Libertarian Syllabus by Daniel McCarthy
The Hidden Costs of Road Socialism by Mark R. Crovelli
Prometheus, With the Cuffs On by Bill Bonner
The Federal Party Line Works! by Tom Chartier and Elizabeth Gyllensvard
Government-Made Crises by Jacob G. Hornberger
Philip K. Dick Meet George W. Bush by Tom Engelhardt
The Fed's Desperation Move by Gary North
Bush Clears the Way for More War by Christopher Manion
The Emperor Cult by Tim Case
Bearly Alive by Mike Whitney
They’ve Ironed the Wrinkle Out of the Jury by Thomas Eddlem
Musings From the Titanic by Steven LaTulippe
The Little Flower and the Black Rose by Tony Pivetta
Living by the Sword by Ron Paul
The Elliot Wave by George Giles
Liberty vs Power in Europe and England by Murray N. Rothbard
Pro Libertate: Why Aren't We Furious?
Shannon Lush and the British obsession with cleaning
Ancient Roman Temple Reconstructed
Science fiction author Arthur C Clarke dies aged 90 - Times Online
My Way News - Justices Agree on Right to Own Guns
Merkel tells Israelis of German 'shame' - International Herald Tribune
Mideast's first women-only hotel opens in Saudi Arabia
Oscar Winner Minghella Dies at 54
Anthony Minghella dies at 54 - Entertainment News, Front Page, Media - Variety
McCain: Don't Pull Troops From Iraq
Cheney to Troops: Mideast Needs Freedom
Israeli warship enters Lebanese waters: army
Doctors warn of superbug infection in face-lifts | Health | Reuters
wbztv.com - Hannaford Bros Supermarkets Hit By Big Data Breach
Breach Exposes 4.2M Credit, Debit Cards: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Metal Detectors Sell Out Near Beaches As Gold Prices Hit Record Highs - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
Dollar Wobbles After Fed Cuts: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
WWJ Newsradio 950 - Democratic Re-do Likely Won't Happen
My Way News - Clinton's First Lady Papers to Go Public
My Way News - Dalai Lama to Resign if Violence Worsens
Dalai Lama threatens to 'resign' over Tibet violence - Times Online
1,000 Tibetans arrested in Chinese crackdown - Times Online
China's tough line in Tibet is seen to have brought only resentment - International Herald Tribune
Lynndie England Blames Media for Photos
Obama calls on U.S. to 'move beyond' racial divide - International Herald Tribune
ABC News: Obama Parses Wright & Wrong in Speech
My Way News - Analysis: Obama Grabs Race Issue
Obama rebukes preacher, urges race healing | Reuters
Judge orders publication of full McCartney divorce ruling
'Inconsistent and inaccurate' | The Sun |HomePage|News
Google says Microsoft's Yahoo buy might hurt Internet: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Oslo, London, Copenhagen world's top three dearest cities: UBS
Diddy Denies LA Times' Tupac Story
Tifton Gazette - Lastinger relatives plan appeal
YouTube - Hillary Clinton Interview
What Gloria Steinem, Henry Kissinger Have in Common: CIA Pay
Babies To Be Equipped With Anti-Theft Devices
Veterans Administration Won't Help Soldiers Register to Vote | AlterNet
Stocks soar, Dow rises 420 points - Yahoo! News
Ron Paul Backers Take Over GOP Caucuses
Investor Eric Janszen Says Clean Tech Is Only Hope for the Collapsing Economy
Gold Falls After Fed Rate Cut
Jim Rogers On The Bear Stearns Bailout
Fed Cuts Rates By 3/4 Percentage Point
For Future Sake Don't Give This Thing A Gun
Historic Hearing On Gun Laws
Paulson Admits U.S. Economy In Sharp Decline
7 Out Of 10 Iraqis Want America Out
Bernanke May Cut Benchmark Rate by Most Since Volcker
Landlords Find Deals In Housing Crisis
FT.com / World - IMF chief says contagion risk ‘very high’
EU must boost military capabilities in face of climate change
Bush Barely Trims FOIA Backlog
Dollars Tough To Sell On Amsterdam
Struggle For Iraq Is First I-War
The Crumbling U.S. Empire
Bush Claims U.S. On Top Of Financial Crisis
Newsmax.com - NASA Chief: Global Warming Treated Like a Religion
ABC News: In Tibet, Protestors 'Shot Like Dogs'
Pelosi challenger promises Bush impeachment
BBC NEWS | Europe | Germany plans 'cemetery pyramid'
China Increases Bank Reserve Ratio to Cool Inflation
DARPA funds mechanical nanocomputer
Air Force Wants to Counter Sat-Killers, ASAP
VIDEO: For Future's Sake, Don't Give This Thing A Gun!
The Federal Reserve Is Destroying America
Who Is Responsible for the World Food Shortage?
Wall Street fears for next Great Depression
Vladimir Putin assassination attempt 'foiled'
NATO To Respond Firmly To Kosovo Violence
Ohio Voting Machines Now A Crime Scene
Israel to hold its largest-ever war drill...
Gulf central banks urged to sever links with tumbling US dollar
Foreign investors veto Fed rescue
UK Police: Designate Children as Pre Criminals Based on DNA
Banks face "new world order," consolidation: report
Greenspan: Worst Crisis Since World War II
Do Americans Care About Big Brother?
Video: Tent Cities Popping Up In California
Said radio talker fed into worst stereotypes his 2 daughters were having to deal with
'If God is not for us and against whites ... we had better kill him'
Pastor 'expressed a profoundly distorted view of this country'
'I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community'
'We can move beyond some of our old racial wounds'
'You wanna borrow my glasses?' he asked congregation in 2002
Removes radical 'Black Value System' from church 'About Us' page
Criticism seen as attempt to silence voice of black church
Obama the healer?
Will Obama's pastor's extreme statements sound the senator's political death knell?
DNC stripped state of its delegates because of early vote
Civil-rights establishment makes lucrative career out of keeping racial strife alive
'If only bad guys have guns, then bad guys are in charge'
European Union now has world's biggest economy
Cartoon mocking Christians met 'publishing' criteria
Indicates today fidelity problems deeper than was acknowledged
Kwame Kilpatrick investigated over alleged affair he denied under oath
Director of 'The English Patient,' 'The Talented Mr. Ripley'
Centuries-old clash continues over disputed commandment
4th century church banned observing Saturday at risk of excommunication
'Court cannot make it illegal, that's legislature's job. Sheesh!'
Rabbi blasts his father for remaining in Israeli leader's coalition
Forecast for New Yorkers in electric cars changed
Gay profs accused Christian librarian of sex harassment for recommending book
Aims to 'go to the airport and just jump on the 1st available plane to anywhere'
Guide lists thousands of manufacturers who still make it in USA
'It does open up a Pandora's box of possibilities'
'He did mention that he would have never done anything to anybody'
President seeks to calm financial markets, praises Federal Reserve actions
'They get fully hooked, it is an extremely noxious thing'
Vicki Van Meter flew plane across America at age 11
'We expect it to reach past street level in a few months'
'You look for big eyes, long lashes and a long neck'
'Provided them with a false sense of hope'
NYC surgeon warning: 'It's not surprising that it has been found in cosmetic surgery'
Countries fail to keep up with rapid progress made in earlier years
Cheerleading: 'Charlie! Charlie! He's our man. If he can't do it, nobody can!'
Sandwich described as 'hot, sexy and you save $4,291.01'
'Most insane waste of taxpayer money that I have seen in my 8 years in Congress'
'The real reason is it is a real moneymaker'
Measure would define life as beginning at time woman's egg gets fertilized
'I can't help but believe that she was where God wanted her to be'
Public defender calls charge by police 'beyond belief'
Man drinking made 'improper statement' to passenger of Mideast descent
'It is reasonable that he would want to conserve his energy'
Havana inviting foreign companies to explore its probable reserves
'The photos are genuine. The tales that go with them are Internet fantasy'
Fathers child with 16-year-old girl he's lived with for more than 2 years
Claims he was seriously hurt when her shoe whacked him in eye
'I don't walk around with an earplug all day long'
Cereal lovers chomping at bit for piece resembling Land of Lincoln
'He can't have staff bunking the system, if you will'
21-year-old Salt Lake City woman said to beat out hundreds for honor
'I think I can save it, I can use it later, I can use the packaging, I can sell it'
Closest treasury secretary has come to conceding recession has arrived
Seeks to calm financial markets, praises Federal Reserve actions
Becomes lender of last resort for Wall Street investment houses
Goldman, Lehman earnings beat expectations, Fed rate cut eyed
'This is going to go down in very historic terms'
Offers voluntary severance more than half its work force
Plans to remove 15 to 20 older, less efficient planes from fleet, may reduce capacity
'They had to evacuate the air traffic control tower for about 10 minutes'
Turbulent financial, economic market conditions driving decline
Tax rebates of $600 for most individuals, $1,200 for middle-income couples
$37 million on claims it billed programs for more expensive antacid formula
'People are saying, well, things are a lot worse than we thought'
Gulf Coast states had the cheapest regional price, Boston had lowest city price
Say state didn't have enough proof they cause psychological harm
Novell says MS 'deliberately targeted and destroyed' its WordPerfect, QuattroPro
Hannaford Bros. says problem led to 1,800 cases of fraud
Allows devices to run faster by dividing tasks over multiple microprocessors
Spokesman: 'There's a much larger potential market'
Thousands of customers abandon traditional phone lines for other services
By agreeing to support 2 people nominated by hedge fund as directors
Alcoholic beverage comes in bottle resembling vial of perfume
Customers at mall surprised by suggestive welcome in restrooms
'Sense of smell of a winemaker are as important as the fingers of a chef'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah asserts 'vote for Hillary' effort backfired
Exclusive: Janet Folger advises candidate on which man not to pick for VP
Exclusive: Gordon James Klingenschmitt on why Alan Keyes will be his choice
Dennis Prager notes 2 people closest to senator both appear to hate America
Pat Buchanan: Middle America won't tolerate racism, anti-Americanism tied to Obama
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving predicts Spitzer-like sex scandals in next Clinton White House
Exclusive: Mychal Massie says acceptability of slur 'is a lie from the pit of hell'
Exclusive: Greg Laurie offers hope for those who've wandered far from God
Dave Ramsey advises husband on checkbook, teenager on paying the 'Stupid Tax'
Patrick Cockburn claims U.S. occupation has laid waste to Iraq
A study of feminine loveliness for mothers and daughters
Exclusive: Chuck Norris backs 'neutrality challenge,' observing 5 years since invasion
Kieran Michael Lalor announces coalition of GOP candidates who are 'pro-victory'
Promised EU Referendum Won’t Be Allowed in Britain
True Lies of Artificial Intelligence
Watching You Through Your Money
So What If No Lives are Saved? At Least Revenue is Increased!
William F. Buckley Jr.: the Establishment’s “House Conservative”
Analysis: Obama goes beyond generalities on race
New NY Governor Admits Affairs Years Ago
Pennsylvania Pitch: Can Obama Connect With Lower-Income Whites?
Clinton's First Lady Papers to Go Public
Opening Up the Clinton Archives
Sequoia threatens Princeton professors over e-voting analysis
Detroit Council Asks Mayor to Resign
Court Addresses White House E-Mail Issue
New Deadline in Missing WH Emails Case
State campaign watchdog levies record fine against Migden
Senator Carole Migden faces $350000 in political fines
Parties count on familiar faces where they can
Elderly women on trial for tramp murder
Calif. man accused murder offers explanation for DNA in house
Hans Reiser says he worries about Nina 'to this day'
Man Denies Involvement With Missing Wife
Power Plant CO2 Increases by 3 Percent
Gov. urges debate on doomed casino bill
I-95 in Philadelphia to Close for Days
At Least 2 Hurt in Wisconsin Plant Blast
Explosion rocks Wis. chemical plant
Marine Charged With Iraq Detainee Death
Memorial Service Held for Slain UNC Student
Poll: Tibet policy hurting China's image internationally
Old ways in Tibet are losing power over young
Nato takes control of Kosovo city
Mitrovica bridge becomes wall between two worlds as Serbs prepare ...
Merkel addresses Israeli lawmakers
Merkel condemns Qassams but ignores Israel's wrongdoing
In brief: Germany 'always friend to Israel', Callas jewellery on show
Russia, US Still Differ
Medvedev: US-Russia continuity needed
Sunnis Boycott Iraq Reconciliation Event
Iraqi FM Against Quick US Troop Pullout
What is the real death toll in Iraq?
Economy distracts Americans on Iraq war anniversary
Clinton lays claim to anti-war high ground
Opposition Opposes Latest BOJ Nominee
Government's new Bank of Japan nominee draws fire
Pakistani spy chief suspected by Bhutto to quit
13 girls, 5 soldiers injured in Yemen attack
Cheney vows to finish job in Iraq
Iraq invasion was "successful endeavor": Cheney
Kenyan leader signs power-share law
Kenya: Kibaki And Raila United On the Way Forward
Malaysia PM shakes up cabinet after poll setback
McCain corrects himself on which group Iran backs
McCain warns of increasing Iranian influence
Air raid kills civilians in Afghan south - lawmakers
Afghan lawmaker, NATO forces contradict over civilian deaths
Poll shows Palestinians support rocket attacks and want peace ...
Hamas says open to Yemen initiative on Fatah
Palestinian leaders visit Yemen
Organization of American States Rejects Colombian Raid into Ecuador
Venezuela's navy plans to build torpedoes, mines
Belgium Political Crisis Ends With New Government
The Associated Press: Belgium Forms Govt After 9-Month Crisis
Govt steps up efforts to save Sarabjit
Iraq Unity Conference Marred by Boycott, Walkout
Some Democrats' Votes May Be Banned
Plan for new Michigan Democratic primary falters
Rep Jack Murtha (D-PA) Endorses Hillary Clinton
Hillary Wins Key Keystone Super-D
Obama Pastor: Message Shaped by the Past
Obama’s Big Test « FOX Embeds « FOXNews.com
Court OKs Wash. bipartisan primary
The Associated Press: Court Rules in Favor of Wash. Primary
Clinton vs. Obama: The voters speak
Obama camp caught up in minister's controversial remarks
Obama Replies to Pastor Controversy
The reviews of Obama's speech are in
The politics of Obama’s speech on race in America
Florida to Democrats: Count us or lose support
Analysis: Obama Grabs Race Issue
Clinton camp hires another pollster
The Associated Press: Obama, Clinton Teams Trade Barbs
GOP Crystal Ball: Congress Looks Dim, but McCain Can Win
The Associated Press: Today on the Presidential Campaign Trail
'Superstar' operatives square off in North Carolina
Obama, Clinton Brace For Deadlock