"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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18 February 2008

18 Feb. - *This is a Ron Paul link**

Obama Says Borrowed Lines Not a Big Deal
Dodi father points finger at royals over Diana death
Obama, Edwards Meet in N.C.; No Nod Yet
US-Islamic forum in Gulf backs Obama
Iraqi Deaths Pain Sharon Stone
US, EU Powers Recognize Kosovo
Ex-President Bush says attacks on McCain unfair | Reuters
Unpopular at home, Bush basks in African praise | Politics | Reuters
Fayed says UK royals wanted to get rid of Diana | Reuters
Breitbart.tv » Michelle Obama: ‘For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I Am Really Proud of My Country’
YouTube - Bill Clinton Loses Temper, Lashes Out at Pro-Lifers
BBC NEWS | Europe | Kosovo MPs proclaim independence
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Cancer link' to heavy mobile use
BBC NEWS | UK | Diana murdered, Al Fayed claims
BBC NEWS | Americas | Machines 'to match man by 2029'
Bill spars with Obama supporter - First Read - msnbc.com
Spring 2008 Fashion- New York Magazine
Paul Burrell confesses he lied to Princess Diana inquest in exclusive video | Former butler could face arrest for perjury | The Sun |HomePage|News
USDA Orders Nation's Largest Beef Recall: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Iran says God protects nuclear program - Yahoo! News
FT.com / World - EU meets to discuss Kosovo secession
FT.com / In depth - Europe favours Obama but Britons like Clinton
Clinton aide accuses Obama of plagiarism - Mike Allen - Politico.com
My Way News - SoCal Slaughterhouse at Center of Recall
McCain Facing Delicate Choice: A Role for Bush - New York Times
Hillary's New York superdelegates are feeling the heat
Macworld | Harvard Web site hacked, database on file-sharing site
Bill would require California's science curriculum to cover climate change - San Jose Mercury News
USDA Orders Largest Meat Recall in U.S. History
Bad beef sparks alert in schools, recall
'Cancerous Israel to vanish soon' | Jerusalem Post
Europe divided over Kosovo's independence | the Daily Mail
My Way News - Iran Says God Protects Nuclear Program
Missile-ready China warns U.S. against plan to destroy spy satellite - International Herald Tribune
We need to reclaim our heritage
Pelosi's shameful pandering - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Democrats Back Trial Lawyers Over National Security, GOP Says -- 02/18/2008
Mad Cow Scare: 143 Million Pounds of Ground Meat Recalled
Sources: Israel deploys Patriot missiles fearing Hezbollah strike - Haaretz - Israel News
Boxes of Kennedy documents found in Dallas courthouse
Nancy Reagan Hospitalized After Fall - washingtonpost.com
Former President Bush Endorses McCain's Candidacy
Life for Muslim fanatic in soldier kidnap plot who showed son, 5, how to behead British 'infidels' | the Daily Mail
Senator vows to target N.J. businesses hiring illegal immigrants -- Newsday.com
Spitzer wants N.Y. to tax illegal drugs / Governor sees levy as way to help state cut budget deficit
Islamic studies growing in popularity, study shows | higher news | EducationGuardian.co.uk
Bonds to fit sharia law backed by Chancellor - Telegraph
Schools cut secret deals with abusive teachers - OregonLive.com
Clinton Camp Charges Obama with 'Plagiarism' | The Trail | washingtonpost.com
Forget the Kool-Aid: Obama's Support is Real | The New York Observer
The Blue-Eyed Rule: Freakish Fact for Presidents' Day
The Balkans' moment of truth
Kosovo Was Then, This Is Now
Truth and Consequences
Bring Back Washington's Birthday - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
The PM Line - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
Zakaria: The End of Conservatism | Newsweek Voices - Fareed Zakaria | Newsweek.com
Clinton Hits Obama for Borrowing 'Just Words'
Party Superdelegates Deserve Vote of Confidence: Albert R. Hunt
Democrats Should Read Kipling - New York Times
More on a Hillary Comeback - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
Fine words and the economic reality
Dying to save 'The System'
Jack Devine - An Intelligence Reform Reality Check - washingtonpost.com
Clinton would seek to try 9/11 plotters in established courts
Former President Bush backs 'true conservative' McCain | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
An Obama Refrain Bears Echoes of a Governor’s Speeches - New York Times
Lansing State Journal: Mich. superdelegates may be key for Dems
Pakistan | Ballots and bombs in Pakistan | Economist.com
Europe's Newest Nation -Times Online
Union Leader - Washington's Birthday Editorial: Celebrating America's father - Monday, Feb. 18, 2008
TheHistoryNet | Military History | Churchill Takes Charge
Watching democracy in action - The Boston Globe
Unintelligence on Iranian Nukes
Free-falling in health system | IndyStar.com
SPIEGEL Interview with Henry Kissinger: 'Europeans Hide Behind the Unpopularity of President Bush' - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Barack Obama - a John Kennedy for our times | William Rees-Mogg - Times Online
The Political Scene: On the Bus: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Why the Religious Right is stuck with McCain - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Howard Kurtz - It's All Uphill From Here - washingtonpost.com
Hillary's last, best chance
The Daily 2008 - President's Day Edition - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Obama's No-Win On Financing
"Just Words?" - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Torts and Terrorism
Govs. Doyle & Strickland on "Fox News Sunday"
Axelrod & Wolfson on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Sens. Durbin & Schumer on "Meet the Press"
Press Conf. with Presidents Bush and Yayi
Panel Discusses Superdelegate Defectionss
Jack Kemp on "Hannity & Colmes"
John McCain on "Larry King Live"
Axelrod & Wolfson Discuss the Campaign
Michelle Obama: "First Time" She's Proud of U.S.
Pro-Life Advocates Confront Bill Clinton
Bush 41 Endorses McCain
Clinton Camp: Obama a Plagiarist?
Strickland Says "No" to Being VP
Obama's "Just Words"
Chelsea Thanks Supporters in Hawaii
Gallup Looks At McCain's Conservative Problem
Monday Funnies
McCain on "This Week"
Surrogate Sunday
Bill Campaigns in Austin
Obama Surrogates in Ohio
Dems Jab One Another at Wisconsin Dinner
Obama: "Desperate"
Barkley Calls Conservatives 'Fake Christians'
McCain in Oshkosh
"But Neither Do Negative Attacks"
Clinton: "Deserves" & "Rebuild"
McCain on "Larry King Live"
Michelle Obama Talks to Katie Couric
Matthews Calls Clinton Press Shop "Kneecappers"
Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
Romney Endorses McCain
House GOP Walks Out
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Govs. Doyle & Strickland on "Fox News Sunday"
Counselors ordered to argue for homosexuality
Minnesota man takes his case to court, YouTube, $100,000 polygraph challenge
'He's breaking his promises and his rhetoric isn't his own'
'I really don’t think this is too big of a deal'
Candidate prepared with water bottle, call for EMTs – fakery or fanaticism?
'I think he even hit me in the face with his hand'
Ex-rival has yet to make endorsement in race for Democratic nomination
Democrat sponsors act OK'd by Senate panel that would cost 0.7% of gross national product
Viewed as further nudge by GOP chieftains to party members
'I've gone hunting. I know you may not believe it, but it's true'
But campaign aides don't want president to appear too often at John's side
Minnesota Gov. Tom Pawlenty said to be among possibilities
Expert warns senator vulnerable to campaign manager's lobbying
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
Ex-president lashes out at pro-lifers
Slain Hezbollah leader Mughniyah murdered hundreds of Americans
Officially opening institutions in Jewish state's capital city
Remark made in letter of condolence after assassination of Mugniyah
'We don't need any of these missionary institutions'
Jerusalem chief among 'specimens of insolence and ignorance'
Mossad locates, eliminates Hezbollah terrorist
U.S. Federal Reserve adds top banker to new globalization panel
Millions stayed home, raising prospect of no clear winner
Nearby witness: 'I thought it would knock the walls down'
Father of princess' companion presents claims of murder conspiracy
Pitcher arrives at spring training, addresses situation for 1st time
Scientific studies, testimony from witnesses revealed
'Logical result of advice is fewer marriages, more sexual experimentation'
Beijing considering what 'preventative measures' to take
Saturn moon has more hydrocarbons than all of Earth's known reserves
Claims it shakes 'foundations of a world order that has developed over decades'
'It's something that I've advocated along with my government'
'I can't believe I'm alive to see this day'
Communist leader joked with Kissinger but feared comments would anger public
Collects passwords: 'It is a nasty worm that has a great deal of intelligence'
'This is one of the great developments of the 19th century towards democracy'
Those who chat for hours a day 50% more likely to develop mouth disease
Woman seen 'tromping' vegetation where path appeared
Egyptian court makes converts from Islam show 'previous Muslim identity' on ID cards
Problem typically found in children's day-care facilities, not nursing homes
'Because they give other children time off for religious holidays'
Educators consider dropping tests, ex-chief calls idea 'stupid'
'Being possessed by a demon is terrifying in one's mental and emotional life'
Network of 'suicide gurus' using Internet to advise people how to become slain
FBI vigilant for threats in U.S. against synagogues, potential Jewish targets
'This is not a political contest, it is a live-fire situation'
Online encyclopedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of prophet
'Is this going to make people on campus look at me?'
Officials would not confirm identity even after her next of kin notified
Study shows levels near Antarctica almost entirely from warming water
'Our kids ought to understand the science behind that phenomenon'
'We have to make people think that it's unfashionable just as we have with smoking'
'Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop pristine'
'A virtual carpet' ... 'floating on the surface of the water'
Officials mistake letter for number when issuing citations
'Canyon areas, mountainous areas so we had a lot of sites that came back infeasible'
Justices confronted by allegations of discrimination in 5 cases this term
'My instinct is to issue an immediate directive to put a stop to it'
Oswald in transcript: 'I can still do it, all I need is my rifle and a tall building'
'It scared my cat so bad, the hair on his back stood up'
Unique situation reminiscent of 'The Notebook' movie
Gal takes $40 bet from friend, turns it into 5 years of wedded bliss
'It was a clear night and I thought 'blinkin' 'eck, what's that?''
U.S. EU Powers Recognize Kosovo
Mix-Ups Could Mean Wrong Cars Get Toll Tickets
Willie Nelson Calls For Bush Impeachment
Guard Conducting War Games In Wisconsin
First Phase Of Iran Oil Bourse Kicks Off
GMO Foods Promoted As Solution To Food Crisis
New Discovery In JFK Assassination Files
Video: ABC News Promoting Gun Control
Body Search Plan To Fight Knife Crime In Schools
Kristol: Fear Is Good Argument For McCain
How Corn Is Becoming New Crude
UN Employee Found Dead At HQ
Police Stock Up On Tasers Before RNC
Chavez Won't Halt Oil Sales To U.S.
NIU Shooter Spent Time In Mental Institution
West Suffers From Moral Degradation
Concentration Camps In America
CIA Created Bogus Companies After 9/11
Same Dealer Supplied NIU & VT Shooters
April 15th - Global Strike Restore The Republic
Report: Dems Discussing 5-Year Amnesty Plan
1 Million Votes Still Untallied In CA
Adults On Hyperactive Drugs Hit Record
Russia Denounces Kosovo Declaration
Obama Got Zero Votes In Harlem
Homeland Security's LED Incapacitation Device
Lightning Gun Company: New Name, Old Game
Consequences of GM Crop Contamination ‘Are Set to Worsen’
Russian state TV suggests USA involved in drug-trafficking from Afghanistan
Wikileaks.org pummeled into darkness?
VIDEO: Homeland Security commissions new human incapacitation device
Transcript Of Plot To Kill JFK Discovered?
Gold reserves to hit sale block
22,000 died amid delayed Bayer drug recall: doctor
US Secretly Met Iran Banking Officials
Russia: US spy satellite plan 'a cover'
Over A 1,000 French Riot Police Raid Housing Projects
The Chinese Government's Plans for Nanotechnology
Clinton Blows Up in Canton, Reportedly Hit Obama Supporter
Vicente Fox Seeks Interdependent North America and World Government
What FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds found in translation
Illinois Shooter was Treated with Psych Meds Prior to Shooting Rampage
India plans weapons in space
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Cancer link' to heavy mobile use
Identity cards 'useless in fight against terrorism' | the Daily Mail
UK's last 1,000 soldiers rushed out to Balkans - Telegraph
EU 'to kill off firework displays' as new safety regulations come into force | the Daily Mail
ABC News: Iran MPs want action on Dutch, Danes over cartoon
ABC News: Better care for U.S. troops but red tape rankles
ABC News: Bush moves on after hero's reception in Tanzania
ABC News: Kenyan negotiators resume talks to end crisis
Kucinich Promises Hearing on 9/11 Health; 'Money Bomb' Raises Thousands for Aid
Top Adviser Says Clinton Will Win With Super Delegates; Obama Victories 'Irrelevant'
Controversial Whistle-blower Website 'Wikileaks' Taken Offline in U.S.
ABC News: Obama and Clinton trade charges in speech flap
ABC News: Musharraf allies struggle in Pakistan vote count
ABC News: U.S. and EU powers recognize Kosovo as some opposed
Vicente Fox Supports Interdependent North America and Emerging World Government
Military backed Paul during primaries; media ignored him
Ron Paul Is Beating McCain By 192 Votes In Nevada
Ron Paul Establishes Freedom March Exploratory Committee
Pilot: 'My life was ruined after 9/11'
9/11 Victim's Father Paints Picture of US/CIA Criminal Enterprise on Spanish Television
Is Keith Olbermann ready to start asking real questions?
Intelligence Director Says U.S. Faces Dangers
Passenger's joke shuts down LAX terminal
'West suffers from moral degradation'
Old JFK documents may stir controversy | Reuters
Clinton issues new blueprint on economy | Politics | Reuters
TheHill.com - Black lawmakers backing Obama press colleagues to heed voters
Alan Stang -- Trans-Texas Treason: Town Hall Meetings a Con Game
CHINA CRYING: Fetal Soup, Silent Holocaust
The messy biology of human embryos. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
Lockheed to build FBI's new ID database -- baltimoresun.com
Debt Slavery in full effect in the United States
Subprime Losses Already Outweigh The Great Depression :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Forecasting & Analysis Free Website
Central Banks Other Option, Crossing the Rubicon :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Forecasting & Analysis Free Website
McCain Makes No-New-Taxes Pledge -- 02/18/2008
UBS shocks investors with risky debt exposures | Reuters
Let's Legalize Competing Currencies by Ron Paul
A Common Agenda Behind all the Military Conflict
ABC News: Church Forgives Youth Pastor for Slaying
ABC News: Oscar countdown begins in Hollywood
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Opposition confident in Pakistan
Independence Is Proclaimed By Kosovo - washingtonpost.com
ABC News: Illinois' New Gun Law Under Scrutiny
ABC News: Shuttle leaves station ahead of satellite shootdown
ABC News: Wall Street Faces Fury Over Subprimes
ABC News: Castro Map of Failed Attack to Be Sold
ABC News: China confirms new human death from bird flu
ABC News: Explosion Rocks Texas Oil Refinery
Andrew C. Wallace -- Wake Up, or You Will Die Homeless and Hungry
ABC News: Study rejects Internet sex predator stereotype
ABC News: Study rejects Internet sex predator stereotype
ABC News: JFK Assassination Documents Revealed
The Increasing Encirclement of Iran
Kristol Finds It “Unbelievable” Neocons are not Allowed to Trash Fourth Amendment
Iowa National Guard Simulates Bombing Menasha, Wisconsin City Hall
Barak Obama Fronts Wall Street’s Infrastructure
Police Atrocities Define the Bush Police State
WeAreChangeLA confronts Presidential candidate Mike Gravel
Afghan blast deadliest since fall of Taliban - Telegraph
What Do We Stand For? - by Paul Craig Roberts
Deal between key Iraq Shiite figures collapses - Yahoo! News
RNC donor event outlines Obama attack plan - Jeffrey Ressner - Politico.com
For ‘EcoMoms,’ Saving Earth Begins at Home - New York Times
UN holds emergency talks on Kosovo - Yahoo! News UK
Philip Giraldi: What FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds found in translation | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Opinion: Points
Prozac Mania - The Dark Side of Antidepressants
Flu shot doesn't protect from most viruses - Cold and flu- msnbc.com
French FM urges Israel to lift Gaza blockade - Yahoo! News
Wellington conference pushes cluster bomb ban | NATIONAL | NEWS | tvnz.co.nz
Delay Of Report Is Blamed On Politics - washingtonpost.com
FOCUS: A world free of nuclear weapons -- a dream?
Can the US Brace Its Fall? - by Jim Lobe
Iraq and the Kosovo Connection- by Justin Raimondo
Obama, Clinton fight hard for Wis. win - Kenneth P. Vogel and Carrie Budoff Brown and Richard T. Cullen - Politico.com
The Canadian Press: Generation Green taking on parents to help them save the planet
Psychologist Produces The First-ever 'World Map Of Happiness'
Over 70 firms bid for Iraq oil contracts | World News | Reuters.co.uk
Musharraf May Face Impeachment After Pakistan Vote
Up to 80 Killed in Afghan Bombing - Politics on The Huffington Post
FDA Protects SSRI Makers With Misleading Suicide Warning By Evelyn Pringle
300 Palestinians, including 32 children, kidnapped by the Israeli army since the beginning of February :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: - it
The Raw Story | Homeland Security commissions new human incapacitation device
The door to Iraq's oil opens
The Raw Story | Republican 'Obamacans' could be key to Obama victory
The Raw Story | News outlets revive story on Obama lifting speeches from Mass. governor
The Raw Story | Obama adviser cuts into interview after candidate disses Hillary
The Raw Story | US Court shuts down leaked doc emporium
The Raw Story | Dallas DA: Jack Ruby docs 'too important to keep secret'
Research In Motion also upset about 'exorbitant' licensing fees
Auction house says 2 paintings set world record for 1903 series
143 million pounds of frozen meat from California slaughterhouse
'I am dismayed by the inhumane handling of cattle that resulted in the violation'
New push for patient safety grabs administrators' attention
'Big corporations and special interests have been given a free pass to profit'
'You can be pretty comfortable for a little bit until it gets burned out'
'Deep market for large, high-end condominium residences that have great views'
Metro leads gains with almost double amount of closings over same period last year
Sacramento currently has 36,097 homes for sale with very few potential buyers
Short-term 'owners' costing firms billions
Prime minister: 'We will, and always have, put the interests of taxpayers 1st'
New products appear as industry loses most bankable audience – kids
Farm fields once used for growing hops, barley now sprouting corn
Concedes defeat to competing Blu-Ray technology backed by Sony
'We've listened to our customers, who are showing a clear preference'
Feds mailing $40 certificates next week to help consumers pay for analog converter boxes
In discussions with NC GreenPower about expanding existing programs
To people who feel bad about contributing to climate change
Million-dollar damages sought for illegal file sharing
Studios say company ignored 78 warnings sent by motion picture lawyers
Study shows conditions that tend to go hand-in-hand with each industry
Chart-topping song audible only to those of canine persuasion
Exclusive: Doug Powers trashes tax-funded, $845-billion plan to fight global poverty
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith offers legit prescription for Congress' inefficiency syndrome
Exclusive: Chuck Norris unveils plan to stop brutal butchering of youth on campuses
Mark Ames: American hell makes need for psychiatric medication more understandable
Exclusive: Vox Day proves history shows Iraqi war to be a strategic disaster
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson warns Obama looks good, sounds good, says nothing
Exclusive: Joseph Farah notes how thrilled American Stalinists are with Barack Obama
Monte Wolverton: GOP candidate picks up extra steam from pundit windbags
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner asks who can secure middle vote, keep base from staying home
Gary Hubbell: One group no one has recognized to decide outcome of presidential race
Exclusive: Michael Ackley urges return to American culture rather than tribal society
Rowan Williams promotes system that openly opposes his claimed faith
Archbishop of Canterbury: Sharia depends on conviction that it represents mind of God
Warner Todd Huston: Film website's bias favors leftist causes, snubs conservative ones
President's Day at Google
A Hard Look at NATO is Long Overdue
The Fun and Excitement of Civilization Wars (fought from afar)
Open Letter to Mormons Regarding Ron Paul by Jeremy Ashton
Drip, Drip, Drip: Then the Dam Collapses by Gary North
Voting and Freedom by Larry L. Beane II
Arm Thyself by William Buppert
Holy Pundit by Charley Reese
Our Enemy, The Presidency by Anthony Gregory
Why Do So Many Want To Kill and Torture? by Butler Shaffer
The US Military: An Uncontrollable Juggernaut? by Sudha R. Shenoy
FT.com / Capital markets - US banks borrow $50bn via new Fed facility
FT.com / In depth - Troubled Ambac keen to split
FT.com / In depth - Obama seeks Ohio’s blue-collar vote
FT.com / MARKETS / Commodities - Tea prices set to soar
In Wisconsin, Obama has edge over Clinton, but upset possible - MarketWatch
Research in Motion suing Motorola over patents, royalties - MarketWatch
Exporters lift Tokyo, Sydney rebounds on banks - MarketWatch
Abbott, Exxon Mobil, Wal-Mart - MarketWatch
Don't get duped by enticing ads for 'bank' deposits - MarketWatch
CNN.com readers sound off on spate of mass killings - CNN.com
AUDIO ARCHIVE: The Global Research News Hour:(Bush Cheney violation of the US Constitution and the derogation of the rule of law)
George Bush Visits Africa to Promote the US Africa Command
Towards the Conquest of the Middle East and North Africa: The U.S., the E.U. and Israel join hands
Bernanke's State of the Economy Speech: "You are all Dead Ducks"
Diana murdered, Al Fayed claims
Bush and ExxonMobil v. Chavez
The Recession's Human and Environmental Impacts
Behind Obama and Clinton: Who's whispering in their ears says a lot
US Weapons Systems: Bush Policies Undermine Science, Group Says
Canada’s secret war in Iraq
The Fall of the Dollar Empire
Civil Resistance In the Age of Bush and Cheney
The Situation Room - Paul receives most donations from our troops | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
Weekend Watching - The Amero & NAU | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
Ron Paul on CSPAN 2004 | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
Robert Kiyosaki, the millionaire author of RichDad PoorDad, AGREES with Ron Paul!!! | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
URGENT MESSAGE FROM RON-HELP NOW! | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
Surveillance Editorial Roundup | Privacy Digest
Regulators now spooked by ghost stories, so they are banned in China | Privacy Digest
China Bans Horror Movies | Privacy Digest
Congress Must Act Soon to Address the Privacy Disaster That is REAL ID | Privacy Digest
Net firms reject monitoring role | Privacy Digest
Bush Administration Appeals Patriot Act Ruling | Privacy Digest
Google Online Security Blog: All Your iFrame Are Point to Us | Privacy Digest
Would Abba take a chance on McCain? | Politics | Reuters
Cut U.S. aid to Pakistan if polls rigged: Sen. Biden | Politics | Reuters
U.S. envoy on North Korea in Beijing for talks | Politics | Reuters
Cop Arrests FireFighter For Helping a Victim « noworldsystem.com
Hillary Dillary Dock, Between a Hard Place and a Rock | Capitol Hill Blue
Hillary and Hispanics in Texas | Capitol Hill Blue
Paid political advertising on television needs to go. | Capitol Hill Blue
On trajedy, the mentally deranged, and firearms... | Capitol Hill Blue
Can Hillary stem Obama's momentum? | Capitol Hill Blue
Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia
Pasta la vista as world wheat shortages bite
Creating A One World Consciousness: Mankind at the Turning Point Part 2
Gold reserves to hit sale block
In Defense of Food: Michael Pollan on Nutrition, Food Science and the American Diet
Researchers Link Obesity to More Cancers
Amazing Sand Castles
Is TV Starting to Show Value In Alternative Medicine?
Would You Like Your Meat Cloned or Non-Cloned, Sir?
Science Proves That It Really Rains Less on Weekends!
China Plant Implicated in Heparin Scare Never Inspected by the FDA
robiotics Protect Top Athletes
Protecting yourself from the wireless parent trap - MarketWatch
Policy challenges mounting for China - MarketWatch
An Exotic Nut Oil That Heals the Skin When Applied Topically
Dems battle for Wisconsin, Hawaii; McCain wants knockout
Huckabee Not Concerned With Bush 41 Endorsement of McCain
Huckabee Doesn’t Need “Big Name” Endorsements
150 delegates up for grabs Tuesday
McCain Still Short of Nomination
Intolerance And The Derailing of Health Care Reform
From the Fact Check Desk: Clinton's New Health Care Mailer
No convention duel, Clinton supporters say
Proper Role of Superdelegates Debated
Clinton, Obama supporters rally ahead of early voting
Clinton, Obama Tied For First Place In Texas
Man Says Secret Service Moved Clinton's Elbow From His Face
Bill Clinton Continues Double-Edged Role on Campaign Trail
Clinton Clashes With Protesters In Steubenville
Roger Stone: Link Obama To Spitzer
McCain Focuses On Pork-Barrel Politics, War On Terror At Milwaukee ...
Chelsea Clinton, Hawaii Senators Rally for Hillary Clinton
Record turnout expected in tomorrow's caucuses
Help Wisconsin send a message
Hillary Preparing to Leave Wisconsin Early
Democrats: What Clinton Must Do to Win
Explosion at west Texas oil refinery; plant manager heading to ...
Nancy Reagan to stay in hospital additional night
Sources: Navy to shoot down failed satellite Thursday
Lincoln's Private Getaway Reopens
NEW: Several arrested after Fremont shooting
Man Charged in Case of Dismembered Body Found in DeSoto County
“Ithaca is Gorges” Creator Dies
Suspects held in theater shooting
Police find missing man's car
Princeton Plans for an Early Year Abroad
Pakistan opposition sees early good news
They're all guilty? 'Definitely.' Fayed gets his day in court
Rice joins Annan in Kenya to push rivals into real power-sharing deal
Angry opposition youths oppose Kenya compromise
140 killed in 2 days of bombings, Afghanistan's deadliest span ...
Rivals court president ousted in Cypriot poll
Sarkozy accused of election stunt after 1000 officers raid estates
East Timor urges rebels to surrender
Islamic finance and the Square Mile
No engine defect on crash plane
26 rescued, 2 missing after ship sinks
Lebanon braces itself for possible Hezbollah attack on Israel
Israel Readies Patriot Missiles in North
Israel: UN official's remarks encourage terrorism
Egyptian police uncover 100 kilograms TNT explosives cache near ...
Abu Dhabi licence plate auctioned, record $14 mln
ConocoPhillips bidding for Abu Dhabi natural gas project
Conference seeks ban on cluster bombs
Life sentence for the extremist who plotted to murder soldier
Iraq weapons dossier draft reveals role of 'spin doctor'
Kibbutz industries 'face closure' over weak dollar | Jerusalem Post
NASA: Total "Blood-red" Lunar Eclipse, Wednesday, Feb. 20 or Thursday, Feb. 21
US Supports Creating New Islamic State In Europe- Bill Wilson
Israel: U.S. agrees to delay talks on J'lem, Abbas rejects agreement - Haaretz
'Cancerous Israel to vanish': Iranian Revolutionary Guards chief says, 'Israel will disappear by br>radiation of Hizbullah fighters' - Ynet
Netanyahu: 'A J'lem pullout will hasten our demise' - Jerusalem Post
FM: Ending peace talks now would bolster Hamas - Haaretz
'Palestinian government' in Jerusalem within weeks -Officially opening institutions in Jewish state's capital city - WND
Egypt uncovers 100 kg explosives cache near Gaza border - Ynet
Abbas rejects PM call to defer talks on Jerusalem - Haaretz
Gasoline prices back above $3 a gallon - USA Today
Serbia Recalls U.S. Ambassador After Bush, EU Countries Recognize Kosovo as Independent - Fox
Senators call for probe on MRAP report's claims - USA Today
USDA Orders Largest-Ever Beef Recall After Alleged Animal Cruelty - Fox
Israel: State to build fortified rooms for 3,200 houses in Gaza periphery - Jerusalem Post
Tornado strikes Alabama, Florida; Ice in Midwest - USA Today
Musharraf Party Trailing in Third Place, Bhutto Party in Lead After Polls Close - Fox
Protests greet U.S. war games in the Philippines - Reuters
Danish lawmakers refuse to apologize, cancel trip to Iran - Ynet
Pro-life groups choose McCain - Washington Times
Israel deploys Patriot in the North - J'lem Post
Israel approves rare shipment of cement to Gaza Strip - Jerusalem Post
1,000 Africans estimated to have infiltrated Israel in 2 weeks - Ynet
False compassion - Bobby Schindler
Measurable improvements in Iraq - Washington Times