"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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19 February 2008


Clinton targets pledged delegates - Roger Simon - Politico.com
Wisconsin will test Clinton's support - Yahoo! News
Communist icon Castro bows out
U.S. issues notice on downing of satellite - CNN.com
China set to launch record number of spacecraft in 2008: report
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 02/18/2008 | Fears of Internet predators unfounded, study finds
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Obesity 'requires climate plan'
Wal-Mart Profit Rises, Revenue Up: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Wall St. Banks Confront a String of Write-Downs - New York Times
FT.com / In depth - US banks borrow $50bn via new Fed facility
Clinton and Obama address economic fears - International Herald Tribune
Dodi father points finger at royals over Diana death
BBC NEWS | UK | Diana murdered, Al Fayed claims
Paul Burrell | Diana Inquest | lies | The Sun |HomePage|News
Fayed says UK royals wanted to get rid of Diana | Reuters
Political Radar: Huckabee: 'I May Be Killing My Political Career'
Get ready for the eclipse that saved Columbus
Obama Wave Stuns Clinton's Black Supporters - washingtonpost.com
Clinton's struggle vexes feminists - The Boston Globe
Bob Geldof in Rwanda gives Bush his props
Church Challenges Members: Have Sex Every Day - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
BBC NEWS | Technology | Whistle-blower site taken offline
50 Deadly Snakes Kept Inside Central Fla. Home - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando
FOXNews.com - Tom Cruise's Lawyers Among 244 Names on Pellicano List - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment
Who is Raul Castro, Cuba's new leader? - Times Online
US Won't Lift Cuba Embargo
Clinton Campaign: A "Pattern" of Obama Borrowing
My Way News - Obama Says Borrowed Lines Not a Big Deal
Hillary cries plagiarism & Barack sez she has borrowed words from him
24 world cities in 'Earth Hour' black-out: organisers
Saboteurs may have cut Mideast telecom cables: UN agency
USDA Orders Nation's Largest Beef Recall: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Beef Industry Responds to Secret Video: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Beef Industry, Animal Rights Groups Duel: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
IT'S UP IN THE AIR - New York Post
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Cancer link' to heavy mobile use
Amtrak to Step Up Security Measures
CU laser device analyzes breath to detect disease - The Denver Post
YouTube - Hillary Uses Obama Catch-Phrase "Fired up and Ready to Go"
Missile-ready China warns U.S. against plan to destroy spy satellite - International Herald Tribune
FayObserver.com - Current Article Page
Schools cut secret deals with abusive teachers - OregonLive.com
CFP: Tornadoes not a sign of global warming
Islamic studies growing in popularity, study shows | higher news | EducationGuardian.co.uk
Spitzer wants N.Y. to tax illegal drugs / Governor sees levy as way to help state cut budget deficit
Senator vows to target N.J. businesses hiring illegal immigrants -- Newsday.com
US-Islamic forum in Gulf backs Obama
Life for Muslim fanatic in soldier kidnap plot who showed son, 5, how to behead British 'infidels' | the Daily Mail
Sources: Israel deploys Patriot missiles fearing Hezbollah strike - Haaretz - Israel News
Mad Cow Scare: 143 Million Pounds of Ground Meat Recalled
Latest News | Top Stories | News Articles
Castro Resigns as President, Cuban Commander-in-Chief
Does Balkanization beckon anew?
Coldest Winter In Decades
Fidel Castro Retires
Judge Shuts Down Wikileaks
Pakistan Opposition Has Solid Lead
Government Surveillance Is Not A Mistake
Man Claims Drug Use & Oral Sex With Obama
U.S. Banks Borrow $50 Billion From Fed
Guard Conducting War Games In Wisconsin
GMO Foods Promoted As Solution To Food Crisis
New Discovery In JFK Assassination Files
Video: ABC News Gun Control Propaganda
Kristol: Fear Is Good Argument For McCain
How Corn Is Becoming New Crude
UN Employee Found Dead At HQ
West Suffers From Moral Degradation
Concentration Camps In America
CIA Created Bogus Companies After 9/11
Same Dealer Supplied NIU & VT Shooters
Times Herald - www.thetimesherald.com - Port Huron, MI
BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | Fingerprint scan at nursery door
'Tony Blair gave order to kill Diana', Al Fayed tells crash inquest | the Daily Mail
FDA ties pneumonia deaths to infant vaccine - Infectious diseases- msnbc.com
Pakistanis Deal Severe Defeat to Musharraf in Election
Get ready for the world of life-enriching robot implants
Lightning Gun Company: New Name, Old Game
Consequences of GM Crop Contamination ‘Are Set to Worsen’
Pasta la vista as world wheat shortages bite
Russian state TV suggests USA involved in drug-trafficking from Afghanistan
Wikileaks.org pummeled into darkness?
VIDEO: Homeland Security commissions new human incapacitation device
Barak Obama Fronts Wall Street’s Infrastructure
Transcript Of Plot To Kill JFK Discovered?
Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia
US Secretly Met Iran Banking Officials
The Chinese Government's Plans for Nanotechnology
Corporate Media Begins Gun Control Mantra
Vicente Fox Seeks Interdependent North America and World Government
Report: Dems Discussing 5-Year Amnesty Plan
Identity cards 'useless in fight against terrorism'
U.S. Hiring Contractors to Train Tribal Militiamen
Blackwater Schooling Taiwan's Secret Police
ABC News: DVD in Firefighter's Coat Blocks Bullet
ABC News: Nancy Reagan to be released from L.A. hospital
ABC News: Driver Tried to Stop Before Md. Crash
ABC News: Lunar Eclipse to Occur Wednesday Night
ABC News: Killer of 6-Year-Old Pleads in Robbery
ABC News: Danish scientists find way to tell age through eyes
ABC News: Laser could provide breath test for cancer, asthma
ABC News: Man Gets 9 Months in Mass. School Plot
ABC News: 5 Student Sex Encounters, 6 Years Jailed
ABC News: Wis. Jury Weighs Poisoning Case
ABC News: Judge Gives Eatery Victory Over Yale
ABC News: 12 Injured in Calif. School Bus Crash
ABC News: Case of Slain Girl, 10, Goes to Trial
ABC News: Fidel Castro retires after 49 years in power
ABC News: Supreme court won't review Bush domestic spying case
ABC News: Ears ringing, Kenya negotiators return to table
ABC News: Bush calls for increased effort to help Darfur
ABC News: Kosovo violence shows risk of partition
ABC News: Beef Industry, Animal Rights Groups Duel
ABC News: Scientists Find 'Devil Toad' Fossil
ABC News: NATO steps in as Serbs torch Kosovo border post
ABC News: U.S. assures Muslim rebels on Philippine exercises
ABC News: Dead poultry raises bird flu alarm in Vietnam
ABC News: Fake $100 Bill Rips Off Girl Scouts
ABC News: WITNESS: Fossett made friends in out-of-way places
ABC News: NO Police Struggle With Mental Patients
ABC News: Shuttle Set for Wednesday Landing
ABC News: Guilty Plea Ends Murder Mystery
ABC News: Panel Frustrated in Marine Shooting Case
ABC News: Virginia Tech Presses Feds on Funding
ABC News: Feds Take Aim at Rural Fire Deaths
ABC News: Value of North Dakota Crops Hits Record
Challenging Indian Land Trusts
Frank Rich | The Grand Old White Party Confronts Obama
Kennedy Assassination Trove Is Released
New York Times | A Rip-Off by Health Insurers?
Afghan Market Attack Raises Two-Day Toll to About 140
Blake Fleetwood: "Just Words", "Just Words" - Is that the Obama Story? - Politics on The Huffington Post
The Raw Story | Pat Robertson 'sort of outed' own producer as cocaine user
Castro Resigns Amid Bipartisan Claptrap in the U.S. | The Progressive Magazine since 1909
Sri Lanka Government Must Make Human Rights the Priority, Urges Amnesty International
With Castro's Departure, Cuba Should Seize Opportunity to Respect Basic Rights, Says Amnesty International
Iraq: Will Al-Sadr Extend Militia Cease-Fire? - RADIO FREE EUROPE / RADIO LIBERTY
Kucinich Promises Hearing on 9/11 Health; 'Money Bomb' Raises Thousands for Aid
Top Adviser Says Clinton Will Win With Super Delegates; Obama Victories 'Irrelevant'
Transcript Of Plot To Kill JFK Discovered?
Controversial Whistle-blower Website 'Wikileaks' Taken Offline in U.S.
Old JFK documents may stir controversy
Russia Denounces Kosovo Declaration
The Increasing Encirclement of Iran
WeAreChangeLA confronts Presidential candidate Mike Gravel
Kristol Finds It “Unbelievable” Neocons are not Allowed to Trash Fourth Amendment
Police Atrocities Define the Bush Police State
Author: George Soros brains behind McCain-Feingold
Refuses to respond to drug accusations
Minnesota man takes his case to court, YouTube, $100,000 polygraph challenge
Barack says he usually gives credit when quoting people, using ideas
Barack's relationship with Chicago developer Tony Rezko could prove costly
Senator does not have needed delegates, Huckabee could thwart effort
Viewed as further nudge by GOP chieftains to party members
Ends rule of almost 50 years, positions 76-year-old brother for permanent succession
'Raul's power in Cuba is still on loan from Fidel'
Many Little Havana residents skeptical that much will change soon
Professional association warns doing otherwise may be unethical
Ordination candidates must refrain from sex outside heterosexual marriage
Bill 'fatally flawed' because it links homosexuals with disadvantaged
District has class as usual on federal holiday
Texas man uses 'offensive' message to keep gang members away
Eminent psychiatrist makes case ideology is mental disorder
WND first reported Palestinian intel apparatus to thwart property sales to Jews
Lebanese leader blames 'treacherous regime' for bomb assassination
Slain Hezbollah leader Mughniyah murdered hundreds of Americans
Officially opening institutions in Jewish state's capital city
Mossad locates, eliminates Hezbollah terrorist
Pulled down street by cowboy on horse during western celebration
New evidence casts doubt on claims world's ice-caps really melting
Officials in Telluride say it'll take 2 months to clear away enormous amount
Idea to leave as much time as possible in case 2nd attempt necessary
Moon will turn shade of red for people in Western Hemisphere late Wednesday
U.S., EU major countries accept independence, but Russia, China strongly opposed
Property damaged after Western nations recognize independence
Scientists say bacteria changing, increasingly becoming resistant to antibiotics
Father of princess' companion presents claims of murder conspiracy
Mom denies overexposure: 'She is still a 9-year-old human being'
9-year-old declines offer to star in feature film
Mom: 'He was so proud to have copped his 1st hit'
'Because they give other children time off for religious holidays'
Educators consider dropping tests, ex-chief calls idea 'stupid'
'I'm seeing him as the original Superman'
'Being possessed by a demon is terrifying in one's mental and emotional life'
'The Bible says you just need to confess to God. Calvin took an extra step'
'Disabled kids. I can call them whatever I want. I work with them all day, OK?'
'We didn't think we were going to get her back'
Online encyclopedia defies 180,000 demands to remove images of prophet
'Is this going to make people on campus look at me?'
Clerk grabs her own pistol from behind counter, fires at suspect
Study shows levels near Antarctica almost entirely from warming water
'Our kids ought to understand the science behind that phenomenon'
Sibling of Azaria Chamberlain chauffeured in vehicle tested for her blood
'Flies preferred to achieve maximum evolutionary fitness'
Photographer: 'I thought she was a natural, not at all squeamish'
But Guinness lists Indiana youngster of 114 as holding title
Justices confronted by allegations of discrimination in 5 cases this term
Leaves matter to judge to rule on multi-million dollar decision
Oswald in transcript: 'I can still do it, all I need is my rifle and a tall building'
'There's always people selling stuff. People are still selling things from Hitler'
Raises hopes it might be combined with drugs, other compounds to work better
'[Hubby] was laughing so hard he couldn't say anything and he had to hang up'
Unusual situation reminiscent of 'The Notebook' movie
Gal takes $40 bet from friend, turns it into 5 years of wedded bliss
'I still have some resentment for his past actions. But I've pretty much forgiven him'
Research In Motion also upset about 'exorbitant' licensing fees
Dave Ramsey offers wisdom on putting funds aside, responsibly buying a first home
Despite economy teetering on brink of recession
To address serious breaches in federal guidelines governing food safety
'I am dismayed by the inhumane handling of cattle that resulted in the violation'
'The goal of this legislation is to restore a basic sense of fairness'
New push for patient safety grabs administrators' attention
'Big corporations and special interests have been given a free pass to profit'
'You can be pretty comfortable for a little bit until it gets burned out'
Short-term 'owners' costing firms billions
Prime minister: 'We will, and always have, put the interests of taxpayers 1st'
New products appear as industry loses most bankable audience – kids
Farm fields once used for growing hops, barley now sprouting corn
In discussions with NC GreenPower about expanding existing programs
To people who feel bad about contributing to climate change
Million-dollar damages sought for illegal file sharing
Chart-topping song audible only to those of canine persuasion
Exclusive: Joseph Farah cringes at horror story resulting from rampant reliance on government
Pat Buchanan: We've established a dangerous precedent by aiding secession of Kosovo
Exclusive: Janet Folger chides 'leaders' who follow polls, pundits rather than principles
Dennis Prager: In aftermath, political correctness has replaced wisdom at nearly all colleges
Exclusive: Chuck Norris unveils plan to stop brutal butchering of youth on campuses
Exclusive: Mychal Massie dubs Barack Obama administration an 'Obamination'
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving chuckles at congressmen's desertion of Hillary for Obama
David Karki: In his America, people take pride victimhood, turn to gov't-as-superhero
William Rees-Mogg: He has JFK's personal magnetism, appeal to American idealism
Daniel Gilgoff: Evangelical leaders find it difficult to break out of their born-again base
Glenn Beck to bleeding-heart ladies: 'I'm sorry, but today is just not your day'
ABC News: Clinton-Obama Battle Moves to Wisconsin
The Triumph of Narrative | The American Prospect
How Right Is McCain? - WSJ.com
The Stimulus Strategy: Financial Page: The New Yorker
Michelle's America
How Hillary can still win - Ben Smith - Politico.com
When the Magic Fades - New York Times
The Manchurian Conservative - New York Times
Clinton: More liberal? - Scott Moss - Politico.com
Commentary » Blog Archive » She Said What?
White Men Hold Key for Democrats - WSJ.com
Why Demographics Aren't Always Destiny in the Clinton-Obama Race -- New York Magazine
Press Corps Quagmire - WSJ.com
Forging a negotiated path to Iraq's future - The Boston Globe
Anne Applebaum - The Consequences of Kosovo - washingtonpost.com
Mr. President, Don't Forget Iran - WSJ.com
Pelosi's Wiretap Offensive - WSJ.com
Cuba after Castro | The comandante retires—sort of | Economist.com
More Guns, No Butter
The Obama Triangle
Clinton Camp Says Obama Plagiarized in Speech - New York Times
Team Forms New Plan for New Fight - washingtonpost.com
Former President Bush backs 'true conservative' McCain | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Obama boosts interest in Hawaii caucuses -- chicagotribune.com
Real Clear Politics - News - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - Opinion - Commentary - TIME
RealClearPolitics - Articles - 'Supporting the Troops'
The Daily 2008
RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation
What's So Great About the Super Delegates?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Cult of Obama Will Turn Off Independents
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain's Case Against Obama
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Dems Should Challenge McCain on Terror
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Where the Next Mideast War May Start
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Clinton is a Better Matchup vs. McCain
Roundtable on the War over Words
Interview with Man Who Confronted Bill Clinton
Interviews with Huckabee & Gov. Richardson
Interview with U.S. Envoy to Kosovo
Press Conf. with Presidents Bush & Kagame
Govs. Doyle & Strickland on "Fox News Sunday"
Axelrod & Wolfson on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
Sens. Durbin & Schumer on "Meet the Press"
Press Conf. with Presidents Bush and Yayi
Clinton: "Night Shift"
Huckabee in the Caymans
Clinton: "Voice" Vermont
Obama Gains with Hispanics and the Middle Aged
Huckabee on MSNBC
Ohioans Explain Support for Obama
The Latest News from the Trail
Michelle Obama: "For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime I'm Really Proud of My Country"
Pro-Life Advocates Confront Bill Clinton
Bush 41 Endorses McCain
Clinton Camp: Obama a Plagiarist?
Strickland Says "No" to Being VP
Obama's "Just Words"
Chelsea Thanks Supporters in Hawaii
Gallup Looks At McCain's Conservative Problem
Monday Funnies
McCain on "This Week"
Surrogate Sunday
Bill Campaigns in Austin
Obama Surrogates in Ohio
Dems Jab One Another at Wisconsin Dinner
Obama: "Desperate"
Barkley Calls Conservatives 'Fake Christians'
McCain in Oshkosh
"But Neither Do Negative Attacks"
Research backs theory that vitamin C shrinks tumours - Health News, Health & Wellbeing - Independent.co.uk
Ancient Hindu epic, the Ramayana, makes a comeback – but this time the women get better roles - Times Online
Romeo Dev, the world's smallest bodybuilder - Telegraph
The Texas Attack on Ron Paul by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
Bernanke's State of the Economy Speech: ‘You Are All Dead Ducks’ by Mike Whitney
Why Computers Work and Health Care Doesn’t by Bill Walker
Paying Insurgents Not to Fight by Paul Craig Roberts
A Red-Letter Day for Statism by Michael Tennant
The ‘Unmarked Grave of Discarded Lies’ by Bill Huff
Mythic Wealth and Incoherent History by Tim Case
Environmentalism Is Recycled Communism and Nazism by George Reisman
A Hard Look at NATO is Long Overdue
Voters Go to Polls in Wisconsin Primary
The Democratic Party's Nomination Mess
Patrick defends Obama on national TV
Clinton wages war over Obama's speeches
Obama leading Clinton as contests get underway
Clinton, Obama look to next big-delegate states
Clinton Campaign Claims 4000 Precinct Captains In Texas
State made good use of political spotlight
Hillary Weighs In on Obama’s Copied Speech
Why College Women Favor Obama
Black man vs. white woman
How Hillary Clinton can provide real change
McCain's Not A Conservative, But That's OK
Ben & Jerry & Obama
Clinton to step up campaign effort in Vermont
The surrogate science debate
Clinton and Obama Square Off On Science Policies
Obama passes Clinton in Gallup tracking poll
Obama, Clinton woo Hawaii Democrats
Today's contests
Blacks will expect more from an Obama White House, but they shouldn't
White Men Hold Key for Democrats
What Veterans Think of McCain
Criticism of Rumsfeld overstated by McCain
Huckabee: GOP race not over yet
Clinton talks with voters in suburban Cleveland campaign stop
Clinton in Ohio: Regulate firms that exploit people
The campaigns hit Houston as area's early voting begins
McCain can rally GOP with right focus
John McCain says his goal is to unite GOP in Texas
Early Voting Starts Tuesday
D-Day for caucus
20 Delegates at Stake in Hawaii Contest
US urges reform as Castro quits
Voters Go to Polls in Wisconsin Primary
Court Rejects ACLU Challenge to Wiretaps
Kan. Lawmakers Weigh Coal Power Plants
Taking Aim at the Spy Satellite
Pomona Family Shocked To Find Slain Daughter In Abandoned Van
Amtrak Will Screen Passengers' Bags
Budget fight shows division on party lines
O'Malley targets mortgage industry for role in foreclosure crisis
Missing hikers found safe on Mount Washington
Advocacy group rates California traffic laws as among nation's most
Plane Runs Off Runway at PDK
12-Year-Old Boy Scout Dies in Yosemite
Castro retirement: Cuban readers react
Bhutto party in coalition offer
UN police quit destroyed Kosovo border post
Kosovo Serbs burn border points
US appeals for China understanding on Kosovo
Police Recover Two Paintings Stolen in Zurich Art Heist
Kenya Airways suspends flights to Paris
Diana's butler faces 'perjury' probe
Fayed says UK royals wanted to "get rid of" Diana
Rwandans See Bush Visit as Confirmation of Progress Since 1994 ...
Olmert, Abbas agree to accelerate talks: Israel
Israeli, Palestinian heads meet as faster pace called for (Roundup)
Olmert puts Jerusalem 'last'
Republished Danish cartoon of prophet Muhammad ignites tensions
Israeli troops kill militant, child in Gaza
US Nuclear Envoy Meets N. Korean Counterpart Amid Declaration Impasse
New Myanmar constitution gives military leading role
Japanese destroyer strikes fishing boat
Bali bomber's body may have been found
Alleged crime boss denies all charges
US warns Russia not to encourage Georgian separatists
'Car bomb' detonated in Kandahar
Ugandam Government, Rebels Sign Deal
Armenians go to polls presidential elections shadowed by Kosovo ...