"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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17 February 2008


FT.com / World - Kosovo declares itself ‘free’
Russia denounces Kosovo declaration - Yahoo! News
Kosovo Declares Independence From Serbia |Sky News|World News
BBC NEWS | Europe | Kosovo MPs proclaim independence
Obama visits Edwards - Mike Allen - Politico.com
FT.com / In depth - Europe favours Obama but Britons like Clinton
OBAMA 'ROBBED' IN NY - New York Post
Breitbart.tv » Fired Up and Falling Down: String of Crowd Fainting Incidents Hits Obama Rallies
Clinton scales back campaign schedule here
My Way News - Clinton Aide Changes Mich., Fla. Stance
My Way News - Clinton Again Calls on Obama to Debate
Unpopular at home, Bush basks in African praise | Politics | Reuters
Russia: US Satellite Shot a Weapons Test
China concerned by U.S. satellite missile plan | Reuters
U.S. vows to pay for damage caused by satellite | Science | Reuters
San Jose Mercury News - Bill would require California's science curriculum to cover climate change
wcbstv.com - MySpace 'Friend Request' Violates Protection Order
My Way News - Egypt Steps Up HIV Arrests
My Way News - Woman Dies After Fall From UN Building
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | '£10 licence to smoke' proposed
Breitbart.tv » NBA Great Charles Barkley Calls Conservatives ‘Fake Christians’
wcbstv.com - Queens Man Arraigned In Meat Cleaver Murder Case
Iran says test rocket transmits data from orbit | Reuters
abc7news.com: An inside look at the online chats of KGO Radio talk show host, Bernie Ward 2/15/08
Mao offered women to U.S. - USATODAY.com
Push to permit guns on campus - USATODAY.com
Experts: Verdicts Unusual in Murder Case
Some voters say sexism less offensive than racism - CNN.com
FOXNews.com - Children's Book About Same-Sex Penguin Couple Causes Flap in Virginia - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Peres: The window of opportunity for peace is shrinking - J'lem Post
London students call for divestment from Israel - Ynet
US: Iraq insurgent attacks down 60 percent from last year - Jerusalem Post
Homicide Bomber Kills 80 at Dog Fighting Competition in Afghanistan - Deadliest attack since 2001 - Fox
Power Shift Brings Uncertainty to Russia - AP
Hamas tells Egypt it is ready to discuss truce with Israel, Shalit deal - Haaretz
Top Islamic Jihad member killed in Gaza blast - Ynet
50,000 Hezbollah men said deployed along border with Israel - Haaretz
Bush discusses Kenya, terrorism, and aid on African tour - Reuters
Church leaders boycott summit - Washington Times
Bomb kills 37 on last day of Pakistan vote campaign - Reuters
U.S. commander presses China on military intentions - Washington Times
Danish lawmakers refuse to apologize, cancel trip to Iran - Ynet
Dispute over guns threatens Senate vote - Bill on public lands held up over allowing loaded weapons in national parks - AP
Obama hits back as Clinton heads to Wisconsin - AP
Service union to back Obama - Washington Times
New Poll Has Hillary Trailing in Texas - NewsMax
Public warned about poisoned fish from Kinneret - Haaretz
Right wing U.S. millionaire launches alternative to Israel Prize - Haaretz
Negev residents demand secured rooms - Ynet
Dialing to the defense - Michelle Malkin
Great leap backwards - Mugniyah assassination yet another setback that stuns, embarrasses Hizbullah - Roee Nahmias
Europe: The weak that was - NATO and Afghanistan - Arnaud de Borchgrave
Democrats Look for Way to Avoid Convention Rift - Don Van Natta Jr. and Jo Becker
New Video Of Skateboard Hating Cop
Homeland Security's LED Incapacitation Device
U.S. Economic Web Site Vitcim Of Cuts
Error Gave FBI Access To Unauthorized E-Mail
Depleted Uranium Killing Iraqis
Video: CNN Report On Paul Millitary Donations
Iran Oil Bourse May Use Russian Ruble
Change Confronts Vincente Fox On NAU
Corporate Media Begins Gun Control Mantra
Bush Position On Torture & Spying Is Fascism
Knife detectors handed out to every school in Southampton after murder | the Daily Mail
BBC NEWS | Americas | Machines 'to match man by 2029'
Korean Firm Bids To Clone Dead Pets
U.S. Hiring Contractors to Train Tribal Militiamen
WSJ: Citigroup Stops Withdrawals from Hedge Fund
Blackwater Schooling Taiwan's Secret Police
Bush meets Saudi FM at White House
India plans weapons in space
Venezuela's Chavez says could sue Exxon Mobil - 18 Feb 2008 - Energy News - NZ Herald
Police Atrocities Define the Bush Police State
A FEMA Camp Called Home
The Increasing Encirclement of Iran
tehran times : Leading thinkers identify greatest challenges facing humanity
‘Using electric vehicles can check global warming’
Energy incentives push by SA Govt - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Cops Gone Wild « Adventures In Frickintardistan
McCain looks to November vote | Politics | Reuters
Surveillance Editorial Roundup | Privacy Digest
Experts Scoff at Sat Shoot-Down Rationale (Updated) | Danger Room from Wired.com
Swooning supporters fainting for Obama
Whole Foods Chain to Stop Use of Plastic Bags - New York Times
The Raw Story | University shooter identified as bright but erratic student
Vaccine Mismatches Drive Influenza Virulence
SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Politics -- Prosecutors blast Wilkes, seek 25-year prison term
McCain to hammer Obama on financing - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
The Raw Story | Rocker tells Huckabee to lay off song
Oil Pipeline in South Texas Explodes - New York Times
Clinton's right-wing media romance sours - Ben Smith - Politico.com
Jihadis throw a wild bash over the Protect America Act
Titan's Organic Hydrocarbons Dwarf Earth's Oil Reserves | Wired Science from Wired.com
Baliunas Says Global Warming Related To Sun
Fierce-eyed dinosaur that was a hard case with a head for combat - Times Online
The 50 best love songs of the '80s - Telegraph
Gallery: Scientists Scan Striking Nanoscale Images
Recovering the Actual Constitution by Kevin R. C. Gutzman
Playing the Odds by David Calderwood
An Introduction to Macroeconomics by Gary North
The Conspiracy Theory of History Revisited by Murray N. Rothbard
Top shrink concludes liberals are clinically nuts!
Minnesota man takes his case to court, YouTube, $100,000 polygraph challenge
Candidate prepared with water bottle, call for EMTs – fakery or fanaticism?
Democrat sponsors act OK'd by Senate panel that would cost 0.7% of gross national product
Republicans out to crush Democrat by painting him as leftist with dubious support
'Best-qualified by life experience, skill and temperament to be the standard bearer'
'I've gone hunting. I know you may not believe it, but it's true'
Key strategist accuses Obama of trying to 'rush to judgment' – urges patience
Expert warns senator vulnerable to campaign manager's lobbying
Man with history of mental problems accused of slaying psychologist
Saturn moon has more hydrocarbons than all of Earth's known reserves
'Logical result of advice is fewer marriages, more sexual experimentation'
'Every time I hear the word 'conservative' it makes me sick to my stomach'
Fear newly formed independent state could slide into 'ethnic cleansing'
Serbia, Russia argue there is no U.N. Security Council approval for move
Claims it shakes 'foundations of a world order that has developed over decades'
Communist leader joked with Kissinger but feared comments would anger public
Collects passwords: 'It is a nasty worm that has a great deal of intelligence'
'This is one of the great developments of the 19th century towards democracy'
In 'The Messiah,' Christ depicted as not being son of God, not crucified
Call movie unnecessary attack on what Muslims regard as holiest of things
'We don't need any of these missionary institutions'
'We had the impression before that they were good people going through a hard time'
Hezbollah-linked paper: Group does not intend to accept Mughniyah assassination quietly
Mossad locates, eliminates Hezbollah terrorist
Now facing jail for leaving accident scene
Attempt to bring country into line with European Union law proves disastrous
New safety regulations require users to back off 26 feet after lighting
Woman seen 'tromping' vegetation where path appeared
Egyptian court makes converts from Islam show 'previous Muslim identity' on ID cards
'He never wanted to identify with being mentally ill. That was part of the problem'
Doctor: 'There are large numbers of people carrying [MRSA] on their skin'
Backs up his claims to Kennedy bloodline – 'He only wants to know the truth'
WND launches new Christian video collection for inspiration, entertainment
'There were just bodies everywhere – it was horrible'
Network of 'suicide gurus' using Internet to advise people how to become slain
'Mentally disabled' suspect said slashed therapist had him institutionalized in 1991
Roofing from 900-year-old houses of worship fall victim to thieves
Scientists urge push to improve science of nuclear forensics
Charges shoot-down is test of 'anti-missile defense system's capability'
Ownership in dispute for 269-foot vessel featuring swimming pool, rocket launcher
New sharia law flap erupts over cleric-certified plan to raising money from Mideast
'We're seeing increased restrictions on freedom of expression ... detention and harassment'
Has given more aid than any other U.S. president
'We have to make people think that it's unfashionable just as we have with smoking'
'Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop pristine'
'A virtual carpet' ... 'floating on the surface of the water'
'Amazed and thrilled' to win Hasy Pudding prize – 'I hope nobody's watching'
Man starts from scratch to test American Dream
Govs. Doyle & Strickland on "Fox News Sunday"
Sens. Durbin & Schumer on "Meet the Press"
Axelrod & Wolfson on "Face the Nation" (PDF)
President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with President Yayi of Benin
Bill Campaigns in Austin
Obama Surrogates in Ohio
Dems Jab One Another at Wisconsin Dinner
Obama: "Desperate"
Barkley Calls Conservatives 'Fake Christians'
McCain in Oshkosh
"But Neither Do Negative Attacks"
Clinton: "Deserves" & "Rebuild"
McCain on "Larry King Live"
Michelle Obama Talks to Katie Couric
Matthews Calls Clinton Press Shop "Kneecappers"
Huckabee on "Hannity & Colmes"
Romney Endorses McCain
House GOP Walks Out
Obama: "Debate"
McCain Hearts Bush
Both Races on the Day After
The Day After the Potomac Primaries
Obama: "Enough"
Clinton: "Giving Voice to our Soldiers"
Obama at the GM Plant in Janesville
Huckabee in Wisconsin
House GOP Leadership Endorses McCain
Clinton: "Debate"
Obama Rally in Madison, Wisconsin
JOHN BRUMMETT: Beware of Hillary now
Steadfast McCain ally sparks veep talk - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Jim Hoagland - Candidates on Message - washingtonpost.com
Obama sells same old stuff
Captive to History’s Caprice - New York Times
The Deeper Roots Of Economic Anxiety
ABC News:McCain Turns Fire on Dems
Feb. 17: Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, political roundtable - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC- msnbc.com
Hillary Clinton and neocons use the same playbook against Barack Obama
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Obama Mystery
SOCIAL STUDIES: For The GOP, A Tonic Named McCain (02/15/2008)
Do-or-die Hillary turns bully as Obama starts to pull away - Times Online
The Grand Old White Party Confronts Obama - New York Times
What would JFK do? - The Boston Globe
Barack’s Rock
A Perennial Press Opera
On the trail of a war hero | The Australian
Reuel Marc Gerecht - Iraq's Jihad Myths - washingtonpost.com
Nick Cohen: The only winner in Beijing will be tyranny | Comment is free | The Observer
The Dumbing Of America - washingtonpost.com
America World Policeman
RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Republican Delegate Count
RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - Wisconsin Democratic Primary
RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - Ohio Democratic Primary
RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - Texas Democratic Primary
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Questions For John McCain
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Evidence of Evangelical Shift is Still Slim
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Modest Sacrifice for the Climate
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Super Fight Down the Road
RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Obama's No-Win On Financing
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Govs. Doyle & Strickland on "Fox News Sunday"
McCain supporters urge Republicans to unite
Clinton camp: Race will last until June - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Old Clinton Ties and Voters’ Sway Tug at Delegates - New York Times
Questions, Not Just on Iraq - New York Times
THE SURGE -- AND A PAUSE - New York Post
Editorials & Opinion | Disenfranchised voters deserve a do-over | Seattle Times Newspaper
Trading Down - washingtonpost.com
House Lets Surveillance Law Expire — For Now
A Hard Look at NATO is Long Overdue
Specter of Congressional Insanity
Can't Fight City Hall? Call In An Air Strike
Media Ignores Reason for Foreclosures
Broad-Based Support Buoys Paul Campaign
The Rule of Law Is Not Charity - by Charley Reese
House Defies Bush on Wiretaps
Subprime Mortgage Litigation....
Bringing Down the New Berlin Walls - by John Pilger
John McCain and the Neocon Resurgence - by Philip Giraldi
VIDEO: Humanitarian Crisis: Afghanistan's deadly winter
VIDEO: Guantanamo Comes to Main Street U.S.A.
VIDEO: CIA Torture Jet crashed with 4 Tons of COCAINE
Canada’s secret war in Iraq
The fall of the Dollar Empire
Civil Resistance In the Age of Bush and Cheney
Coalition against the Gaza Siege
Out of America
Undermining Bolivia
E.U. Police and Military Intervention to enforce Secession from Serbia
Public Health Crisis in Iraq: 13 years of sanctions and bombings, an illegal invasion and 5 years of death and destruction
US Elections: The Iraq Factor
Iraq: Children Starved of Childhood
MI6 and the Death of Princess Diana
9/11: The “Perfect Opportunity” for North American Integration
Imposing the New World Order
Clinton Will Leave Wisconsin a Day Early to Focus on Texas
Wisconsin weather grounds Clinton, her advisers step up criticism ...
Wooing superdelegates all the way to convention
Clinton, Obama Spar Over Issues At Dinner Party
Says he can get Clinton's voters if he is nominee
Obama and Edwards Meet
McCain a tough sell for some
McCain Says No New Taxes
From the Fact Check Desk: Clinton's New Health Care Mailer
Obama camp cries foul over Clinton mailer
Bill Clinton Campaigns in Texas
Gun-Shy Candidates Fall Short of Solution
Bill Clinton Campaigns for Wife in Ohio
Bill spars with Obama supporter
Robots could reduce animal tests
Dem campaigns spar on Red states
Clinton's pull with unions to be tested
Clinton, Obama science advisors showcase their candidates
Transcript: Govs. Strickland, Doyle on 'FOX News Sunday'
TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
Boston Rocker Tells Huckabee to Lay Off
Surrogates Stump for Democrats in Hawaii
Clinton Ohio surrogates blast Obama
NIU shooter's girlfriend: No sign he was 'planning something'
Man Arraigned in NYC Therapist Slaying
Tornado Destroys 4 Homes in Florida
JFK-Related Items Bound to Titillate
US spy satellite plan 'a cover'
Bush AIDS Legacy at Risk, Says AHF
Fossett Remembered for Daredevil Spirit
Exhibit Stops Using Bodies From China
Civil Rights Figure James Orange Dies
Children's Book About Same-Sex Penguin Couple Causes Flap in Virginia
Astronauts make final spacewalk before return
UN council can't agree on Kosovo: Western states
Afghanistan Blast Kills 80, Injures 50 in Kandahar (Update2)
Troops on high alert as Pakistan gets ready for a crucial election
Bush arrives in Tanzania bearing gift to fight poverty
Olmert says 'everyone' a target over Gaza rocket fire
Cyprus's Papadopoulos Ousted in Presidential Poll (Update1)
US State Secretary Rice Due in Kenya
Bush to address Africa's crises
LEADALL: Europe, US caution against violence in independent Kosovo
What Keeps the Kremlin Up All Night
East Timor Struggling Through Infancy
Iran's MPs demand severance of ties with Denmark over cartoon
Danish MPs refuse cartoon apology
Israel kills terror chief with headrest bomb
Lebanese official: Hezbollah has appointed successor to slain ...
Investigator details Taliban chief's alleged role in Bhutto's death
Fifth man arrested in Bhutto case
Chad not holding opposition leader, says minister
Chad imposes state of emergency to combat rebels
Ex-Soviet separatist regions take heart from Kosovo
Licence plate sets new world record
Abu Dhabi licence plate auctioned, record $14 mln
Does Islamic Law Have A Place In The UK?
Zimbabwe mulls reforms to screen presidential candidates
Iran-backed groups using secret arms stores - US
Parents to get power to check on paedophiles
Angry users planning strike to protest changes to auction-site's fee, search, feedback policies
Pessimism hits protesters: 'I'm almost positive nothing is going to change'
'Deep market for large, high-end condominium residences that have great views'
Metro leads gains with almost double amount of closings over same period last year
Sacramento currently has 36,097 homes for sale with very few potential buyers
Troubled lender says rate rose to 7.47% last month
Lenders get creative to reach borrowers in default
Eviction dispute with landlord spills out onto street
Those hoping to stretch their dollars say more affordable to settle abroad
Analyst: 'The majority of people can get a better deal elsewhere'
'Why put the money in the U.S. where all kinds of negative economic news are coming?'
Sees to separate out municipals after loosing AAA rating
Stocks fall on weak data, commodities consolidate gains
Feds mailing $40 certificates next week to help consumers pay for analog converter boxes
Simple antennas can pull in digital signals
China's largest supplier plans to gradually eliminate all exports, reduce 32% this year
Families dispute official death toll from chemical-tainted medications
Companies trying to get ahead of expected federal regulations
Nation's largest consumer electronics retailer slashes '08 profit, revenue forecasts
Premium product to help fight 1st drop in U.S. customer visits in 37- year history
'Anything is fair game for them to get the needle moving'
7 years after industry agreed to abolish child labor, little progress has been made
Common thread: Preternatural business sense, demon drive to turn ideas into reality
Exclusive: Joseph Farah notes how thrilled American Stalinists are with Barack Obama
Charles Krauthammer looks at candidate's ability to mesmerize with rhetoric
Exclusive: Tom Kuiper shares about latest financial skullduggery in Clinton camp
Exclusive: Pat Boone urges readers to pray for God's 'lymphocytes' to cleanse culture
Star Parker: GOP unity could coalesce if right partner is chosen
Exclusive: Henry Lamb lauds Arizona pols for reining in Public/Private Partnerships
Exclusive: Ellis Washington takes on Oliver Wendell Holmes over law and morality
Exclusive: Greg Laurie stresses fact God chooses common people to do great things
Jonah Goldberg isn't weeping about KSM thinking he was drowning, in view of 9/11
John Darkow gets to real reason Congress is sending voters checks
Tim Wildmon asserts believers in Bible 'are becoming societal lepers'
Tony Campolo describes movement of 'progressive evangelicals'
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey compares cloning, other science to 'hybrids' from Genesis 6
Steve Chapman cheers New Mexico system that requires sobriety to start your car
Larry McDonald On World Government Conspiracy
How To Indict Karl Rove
Instant Problem Solver?
Ron Paul Censored On YouTube
BioFuels - It's Not Easy Being Green
Troubled Waters - Our Planet
News Comments: WhiteHouse.com - Changing the Face of Politics
Toshiba to give up on HD DVD, end format war: source | Reuters
A Commonwealth Movement to Replace Capitalism and Plutocracy
Evading/Defeating Thermal Imaging
Canada's oil sands a massive disaster: green group | Industries | Energy | Reuters
Reverse Speech Analysis confirms sensational gay sex and drug allegations against Barack Obama
Alan Stang -- Trans-Texas Treason: Town Hall Meetings a Con Game
RIA Novosti - World - Iranian rocket transmits data to Earth
Nicholas Jackson -- Pro-Sodomy Bill Sparks California Public School Exodus
Research backs theory that vitamin C shrinks tumours - Health News, Health & Wellbeing - Independent.co.uk
Vitamin deficiency may cause modern ills - Health News, Health & Wellbeing - Independent.co.uk
The Back Story Of Bush's Visit To Tanzania
Oceanic Dead Zones Off West Coast are the 'New Normal'
Open Letter To The Tens Of Thousands Of Rogue Cops
Fish devastated by sex-changing chemicals in municipal wastewater | Science Blog
Soros, Brzezinski, Rohjatyn, Rudman Running Obama
Dual Citizenship -- Should we be worried?
Democratic Underground - Holding Barack Obama Accountable - Democratic Underground
Who Will Speak Truth To Power? And When?
Democratic Underground - My Seven Reasons for Turning Away From Obama - Democratic Underground
An Answer To What's Wrong With America
Cell phone-cancer link found by Tel Aviv University scientist
CNN Lying That Admin Would Be 'Slowed' After FISA Expires
Hand-wringing About American Culture - Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge? - New York Times
Obama Got Zero Votes In Harlem
U.K. government to nationalize Northern Rock - MarketWatch
Identity cards 'useless in fight against terrorism' | the Daily Mail
UK's last 1,000 soldiers rushed out to Balkans - Telegraph
EU 'to kill off firework displays' as new safety regulations come into force | the Daily Mail
BBC NEWS | Europe | Kosovo MPs proclaim independence
CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Government Accountability Chief Resigns - washingtonpost.com
Politics without transcendence is the world.
How Republicans hacked the Justice Department
History is repeating itself: Nixon and McCain
Who Is John McCain, and What Is He Doing to the Republican Party?
BAE: secret papers reveal threats from Saudi prince | World news | The Guardian
Lawrence Lessig explains his support for Barack Obama « Accidental Ideas
ABC News: Reno Campus on Edge After Attacks
ABC News: California packer makes largest U.S. beef recall
ABC News: Sugar Refinery Had Prior Dust Explosion
ABC News: Chicago's Surburbs Grieve NIU Victims
ABC News: City Takes College Attack Personally
ABC News: Shuttle and station crews say goodbye
ABC News: Astronauts Say Teary Farewell in Space
ABC News: Old JFK documents may stir controversy
BC News: Damage From U.S. Extremists a Concern
ABC News: New Clinton economic message has echoes of Edwards
ABC News: FEMA Not Providing Promised Mobile Homes
ABC News: Iran-backed groups using secret arms stores: U.S.
ABC News: Experts: Verdicts Unusual in Murder Case
ABC News: WTC Bombing Ended Age of Innocence
ABC News: China concerned by U.S. satellite missile plan
ABC News: Iran says test rocket transmits data from orbit
» Ron Paul: 1988
Uncovering the truth about CIA torture tapes
» Family wants answers to CIA agent’s mysterious death
Debt Slavery in full effect in the United States
Central Banks Other Option, Crossing the Rubicon :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Forecasting & Analysis Free Website
Worried bankers seek to shift risk to Uncle Sam | Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee
Prehistoric Problems With Fiat Currency
DEBKAfile - Syria vows to strike back at Israel for Imad Mughniyeh’s killing in Damascus and "repeated encroachments"
Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
China-made blood thinner killing Americans?
Family Security Matters
DEBKAfile - Israel’s army chief orders IDF land, sea and air forces to prepare to defend the country’s northern borders and interests
ZENIT - Satan Exists, and Christ Defeated Him
Chuck Baldwin -- What's With All These Clueless Christians?
Hillary Ordered The Final Massacre At Waco
The Canadian Press: Brittany's ancient stones said to be erected by giants, haunted by fairies
Official Disclosure Radio
Discovery News : Discovery Channel
U.S. National Debt Clock