"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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10 February 2008

10th Feb

President Bush on "Fox News Sunday"
President Bush's Speech to CPAC
Dick Morris & Lanny Davis on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel on the Democrats' Superdelegates
Brooks & Shields Discuss the Latest from Congress
Interview with Colin Powell
Obama's Speech to Virginia's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
Huckabee's Sunday Media
Obama's Jefferson-Jackson Speech in Virginia
Obama's Jefferson-Jackson Speech in Virginia
Olbermann Apologies on Behalf of MSNBC
Huckabee's CPAC Speech
Who's Better Against McCain?
GOP Candidates in Kansas
Colin Powell Discusses Who He Will Vote For
Coulter Continues Her Controversy
Comedians Gets in Parting Shots at Romney
Yes She Did; Clinton Steals Obama's Line
Obama in Omaha
Hill GOP On Romney's Exit
McCain Stops in Baltimore
The Clintons and NBC
Coburn Sticks Up For McCain
Obama: "Future"
Clinton: "Happen" & "Free Fall"
Glenn Beck Not Happy with McCain
Gov. Culver Endorses Barack Obama
McCain's Speech to CPAC
Obama on His Grassroots Support
Clinton: "Kerrey"
Romney Withdraws From the Race
Bill Kristol Looks Smart
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Strategic Choice for Democrats
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Who Wants to be a Loser?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - England's Crisis is Ours Too
RealClearPolitics - Articles - President Bush, Roundtable
RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Democratic Delegate Count
RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Republican Delegate Count
RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - Virginia Democratic Primary
RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - Maryland Democratic Primary
Lexington | The people versus the powerful | Economist.com
The Coming Change - washingtonpost.com
Terror and torture -- chicagotribune.com
Republicans Weighing the Benefits of Bush’s Embrace - New York Times
Obama calls on Mainers to transform hope into action | Portland Press Herald
Huckabee Pledges to Stay in Race
Neck and Neck, Democrats Woo Superdelegates - New York Times
Will Huckabee Stay In Race?
Head Strong: A Republican who can win in Pa. | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/10/2008
Huckabee: ‘I’m Still In the Race’ | Newsweek Politics: Report From the Front | Newsweek.com
Mike's one 'L' of a candidate
The Vanishing Establishment - New York Times
Convention Could Get Ugly -- Courant.com
After Super Tuesday | The San Diego Union-Tribune
ABC News: Clinton Campaign Manager Calls It Quits
Maine Puts Topper On Obama Weekend Sweep, Obama Takes Delegate Lead With Wins In 4 States; Clinton Manager Steps Down - CBS News
Clinton Replaces Campaign Manager
Chavez Threatens US Oil Cutoff
Pelosi calls Iraq a 'failure' - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Al-Qaeda leaders admit: 'We are in crisis. There is panic and fear' - Times Online
Fox News Exclusive: Huckabee Campaign Calls for “Full Investigation” into Washington State Results « FOX Embeds « FOXNews.com
Level 3 Sex Offender Wins Big In Lottery - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston
Obama Wins Maine Caucuses
cbs2chicago.com - Barack Obama Wins Grammy for Spoken Word Book
FOXNews.com - Susan Estrich: Race and the Democratic Party - Opinion
Obama's first coming | The Australian
Guild Leaders Urging Writers to Vote: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Showrunners back to work Monday - Entertainment News, WGA Writers Strike, Media - Variety
My Way News - Medical Issue Delays Space Lab Work
Minister warns of ‘inbred’ Muslims - Times Online
Hillary rips MSNBC's Shuster - Kenneth P. Vogel and Michael Calderone - Politico.com
Shuster Suspended For "Pimped Out" Comment
Reporter initially defended Chelsea comment - Michael Calderone - Politico.com
Bush orders clampdown on flights to US | World news | The Guardian
Heather Mills set to question Sir Paul McCartney in court - Times Online
Wilder Still Sore Over Clinton Comment
McCain a 'True Conservative,' Bush Says
Hillary still in bed with '96 scandal - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
McCain's Presidential Ambitions Set To Be Swiftboated
McCain Aide Is Dual Citizen of Mexico
Could Ron Paul become the "Cinderella Man"?
Campaign Donations: Rockefeller Backs Hillary; Kissinger Backs McCain
Farce: Control of the Village through Terror
Watch Out for The Depression
Mancow & Frank Caliendo Prank Alex Jones
Ron Paul Pivots to His Reelection
Newt Gingrich Compares Obama to JFK
Teenage Rebellion Now Considered Mental Illness
Why Has Ron Paul All But Suspended His Presidential Campaign?
“Not Another Clinton” Sign Disallowed at Event
Citizens Confront “Fascist Pig” Bill Clinton
AOL Writer Takes Paul to Task for Not Running Third Party
Guantánamo detainees said to face 9/11 trial
Former IRA driver spy ‘worked for MI5′
Tortured Justifications
The threat of a police state looms over us
Ron Paul Will Fight On
History Channel - Anthrax Attacks Inside Job
Ayn Rand's First TV Interview - Part 1
Ayn Rand's First TV Interview - Part 2
Ayn Rand's First TV Interview - Part 3
Watch The Hideous Truth Of Abortion
The End Of America
The Electric Universe
How Israel Controls America
Eustace Mullins presents: The World Order
Rense - Fulford Interview - Part 1 7-5-7
Rense - Fulford Interview - Part 2 7-23-7
Full Rense-Fulford Reverse Speech Analysis #1
Full Rense-Fulford Reverse Speech Analysis #2
Latest Ben Fulford Conversation With Jeff Rense
Makow - Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati
The Secret History Of The Freemasons In Japan
Benjamin Fulford On Jeff Rense: Hours 1, 2 & 3
Election Center 2008: Primary Results by date - Elections & Politics news from CNN.com
Ron Paul's Goodbye
Ron Paul - 'There Will Be No Third Party Run'
Mitt Romney Walks Out
Obama Defeats Clinton in 3-State Sweep - New York Times
End Injustice Now!: “Before the Nevada primary, Dennis [Kucinich] was visited by representatives of Nancy Pelosi and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — AIPAC”
Mary Starrett -- Super Tuesday Top of the Heap or Bottom of the Barrel?
Hillary's Secrets
Hillary's Secrets
Why Obama Is A Sure Loser
A McCain-Lieberman Ticket in 2008?
The BRAD BLOG : Filling in the Ovals on LA County's Super Tuesday 'Double Bubble' Debacle
With Romney Gone, What Will McCain Do? - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Statiscal Vote Count 'Miracle' In California!
YouTube - Ron Paul on the Economic Collapse!
YouTube - Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America
YouTube - Montel turns the tables on a Fox Morning Television show
aterboarding for God, With Decency and Compassion
McCain found a tool with which to woo conservative Republicans: Israel
No room for two states
Out of America
Hillary, Will You Renounce Your Ties to Monsanto?
No need to wait for Russia or China - Haaretz - Israel News
General: Iran ready to teach U.S. lesson - People's Daily Online
Using the Internet as a weapon
Exxon 'seeking to damage' Venezuela
Adrian Hamilton: Nato should not be fighting this war in Afghanistan - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - Independent.co.uk
Bin Laden, Omar not operating in Pakistan-official | Reuters
Obama set for clear Maine victory
Clinton shuffles team to blunt Obama's momentum
After primary losses, Sen. Clinton replaces campaign manager
Huckabee Looks to Virginia, Maryland
Bush Backs McCain, Issues Advice for General Election
Bush Says McCain a True Conservative
Clinton Has Lead With Party Insiders
Obama Ties Clinton to Past
Clinton takes questions in Virginia
Clinton, Obama Head To Chapel Hill
Clinton courts Edwards' support
Bill Clinton Says He Understands 'Immense Pride' in Black Vote
Democratic race poses 'dilemma' for Bill Clinton
Obama positions himself as best candidate to take on McCain
Obama Sweeps Weekend Contests
Clinton Family Campaigns in Md.
This year shows why primary system must change
Can a Black Candidate Woo Hispanics?
Maine to Obama; Clinton Replaces Campaign Leader
Sixth Body Found at Ga. Refinery
Wind Driven Fires Threaten SC Homes
Bitter cold, high winds hit upper Midwest, Great Lakes
Governor calls for overhaul of Louisiana ethics laws
East Timor President Wounded, Rebel Commander Killed in Attack
Archbishop tears up script to face critics
Kenya's Opposition ODM to Propose Power-Sharing Government
US warning on Nato's Afghan role
Oil platform woman to face court
Burma's Military Government Says Elections in 2010
Olmert, Barak want more time before ordering Gaza offensive
Pakistan blast toll rises to 27
Army Sniper Convicted of Killing Iraqi
Bomber kills 23 Iraqis at checkpoint
Seoul's iconic ancient city gate destroyed by fire
Chad rebels say occupy eastern town of Am Timan
Pakistanis bury suicide attack victims
Zimbabwe’s Opposition Sure of Victory in General Elections
UN: 12000 Flee Darfur for Chad
Obama wins Democratic caucus in US Virgin Islands
US Said to Seek Execution for 6 in Sept. 11 Case
Governor calls for overhaul of Louisiana ethics laws
Ex-Marine From Indiana Missing in Florida
Row erupts over Berkeley's anti-Marine stance
Bush Honors Lincoln's Memory
London celebrates Year of the Rat
'Post' report on J'lem talks sparks fury | Jerusalem Post
Bush orders clampdown on flights to US | World news | The Guardian