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Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 February 2008

Review: 11/12 Feb. News - (archives)

-late review: past 2 days-

Fluoride An Argument That Is Full Of Holes
Why It Was Called Water Torture
Huckabee Protests Washington Results
DC Launches New Crime Cameras
NYC To Install Cameras In Parks
U.S. Girls Reaching Puberty At 8?
Man-Made Droughts/Floods To Disrupt Economies
Video: Woman Unlawfully Strip Searched
Whites To Be Minority In U.S. By 2050
U.S. Wants To Execute Six Patsies For 9/11
Analyst: Dozens Of U.S. Banks Will Fail By 2010
DHS Eases Immigrant Background Checks
UN Chief Calls For Climate Change Action
Absurd Cop Video Warns Of 7 Signs Of Terrorism
Internet Video Clogging The Pipes?
Credit Card Rates Continue To Rise
100K Votes May Not Be Counted In Los Angeles
Russian Bombers Violate Japanese Airspace
Global Warming Compared To Terrorism
Travelers To Europe Face Fingerprinting
Iran Launches Own Investment Banks
Taxi Convoy Protests In-Car Cameras
How The Spooks Took Over The News
DHS: Pregnant Women Could Be Terrorists
GM Posts Huge Loss & Offers Buyouts
Ron Paul Calls For March On Washington
Cowardly Cop Dumps Man From Wheelchair
Uncensored History Of 9/11 Commission
Banks Plan Effort To Stop Foreclosures
FEMA: Trains To Take You To The Camps
NJ EZ-Pass Tracks Drivers Not On Toll Roads
Clinton 'planned to divorce Hillary to be with one of his many lovers' | the Daily Mail
Several arrested in Chinese spy sweep - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
The EU is a self-perpetuating racket
'Earth-Shattering' Events Worry Chertoff
New super-cameras mean no hiding for drivers who smoke, eat or use a phone | the Daily Mail
Police set to search for guns at homes - The Boston Globe
Call to scrap 'anti-teen' device
Principal Electrical Engineer for WTC: "Fuel and Planes Alone Did NOT Bring the Towers Down"
Egomaniac Thug Cop Assaults 14 Year Old Kid
Is John McCain Ineligible to be a US President?
Russia expresses surprise over reports of bombers' interception
Up to 100K Los Angeles voters likely won't have ballots counted
EFF and chums sue Feds over border laptop inspections
Henry Kissinger — Sith Lord
'They will kill Obama if he becomes US president': Outcry over Nobel Prize winner's assassination warning
Torture Is Impeachable and It Has Been Confessed to
Clash of the cola companies as Pepsi launches 'healthy' option made from all natural ingredients
Legislators consider aspartame ban
Police launch dawn raid on boy of 12 'over school fight'
Citizens Confront “Fascist Pig” Bill Clinton
When Surveillance Cameras Talk
AUTHOR of REAL ID ACT gets Confronted
High-pitch alarm quietens youths
MI5 will hold veto over phone tap evidence
Obama sweeps 3 states, Huckabee 2
Why Has Ron Paul All But Suspended His Presidential Campaign?
Challenger gives Ron Paul a run for his money in congressional contest
The White House wants a $1.4 billion stimulus/national security package…for Mexico
Proposal in Texas for a Public-Private Toll Road System Raises an Outcry
Hillary: "Not a lot of truth" to North American Union
McCain Aide Is Dual Citizen of Mexico
Ron Paul is right to see Fed as unconstitutional
Help, The Mainstream Media Swallowed Ron Paul!
DARPA’s iXo Artificial Intelligence Control Grid
Yes, The Strike Was Worth It
Obama, McCain sweep primaries
Hill Conservatives (Slowly) Moving to McCain
White House open race 2008: Candidates quit, leaving Huckabee, McCain
Four Reasons Huckabee will be McCain's VP
Fidel Castro Terms John Mc Cain Words Incredible
Report: McCain's Son On Diverted Plane
Will McCain Give Up His Senate Seat?
Clinton Pins ' 08 Hopes on Texas Rebound
US chief: Pakistan terror threat rising
ABC News: Killer Germ Comes Home With Troops
Muckraker | Talking Points Memo | Mukasey: No, I Will Not Enforce Citations for Contempt of Congress
Analysis: Obama has advantage in head-to-head with McCain - CNN.com
The Raw Story | Congressman Tom Lantos, only Holocaust survivor elected to Congress, dies
Bush pledges no permanent bases in Iraq - Yahoo! News
Anxious time ahead for markets as G7 hints at worsening global gloom - Times Online
Chavez threatens to cut off U.S. oil supply from Venezuela - MarketWatch
Crooks and Liars » Lieberman Sends Nuclear Note to Executive Branch
McCain found a tool with which to woo conservative Republicans: Israel - Haaretz - Israel News
Power, coal supply resume as China keeps prices stable
The Raw Story | Judge OKs inquiry of White House techs
The Raw Story | Senate passes Bush-approved FISA update, Dodd sees House as best bet to strip immunity
Strong earthquake shakes southern Mexico - Yahoo! News
Home builders seek survival tips at somber annual conference - MarketWatch
Bush Calls on France for Help - by Paul Craig Roberts
kdka.com - CBS: Texas Gov. Perry Asks Mike Huckabee To Drop Out, Support John McCain
McCain rallies House GOP members - Yahoo! News
Congress eyes defense cuts | csmonitor.com
Global inflation climbs to historic levels - International Herald Tribune
U.S. mortgage crisis spreads past subprime loans - International Herald Tribune
U.S. Banks, Paulson Plan Effort to Cut Foreclosures
How tax rebates work in stimulus package
IDF to step up Gaza assassinations - Haaretz - Israel News
'A new phase in the arms race is unfolding' says Putin - Europe, News - Independent.co.uk
The Raw Story | Lieberman moves closer to attending Republican National Convention
Yahoo rejects offer as undervalued; Microsoft renews bid
Obama Looks To Ride Wave Of Momentum, Ahead Of 3 Tuesday Primaries, Clinton Dismisses Talk That Her Campaign Is In Trouble - CBS News
US charges 6 for roles in 9/11 attacks, seeks death
Nation & World | Biofuels make greenhouse gases worse, scientists say | Seattle Times Newspaper
Cheney Blocking Aides' Depositions - Free Market News Network
Election Eve Musharraf Popularity Ebbs - Free Market News Network
U.S. Seeking Execution for 6 in Sept. 11 Case - New York Times
The Raw Story | 'Tactical mistake' to focus on me, Bush warns Democrats
Poisoned cake kills 2 in Baghdad - World - smh.com.au
From Bush, Foe of Earmarks, Similar Items - New York Times
Deep State Coup Averted in Turkey - by Christopher Deliso
Obama takes on new aura of momentum
Sebastian Mallaby - A Malaise Election - washingtonpost.com
Obama’s Path to Victory - New York Times
Michael Tomasky: Obama's fate is in the hands of the white working class | Comment is free | The Guardian
Getting to 270 - WSJ.com
How will it all end? | Salon News
Why Democrats must choose Obama
Huckabee Seeks His Miracle - TIME
Jackson Diehl - Life After Chávez - washingtonpost.com
How George Bush, Big Spender, Destroyed Nirvana: Kevin Hassett
Unbending on Spending
Clinton badly needs Virginia victory - Kenneth P. Vogel and Jonathan Martin and Lisa Lerer - Politico.com
Democratic Party Voters Befuddle the Pollsters: Albert R. Hunt
J.C. WATTS: Change Washington? It will never happen
The archbishop of Canterbury's dangerous embrace of sharia. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
OPENING ARGUMENT: The University Has No Clothes (02/11/2008)
Tom Lantos - Swampland - TIME
Wiretap Showdown - WSJ.com
Pakistan's questionable election - The Boston Globe
Hillary Clinton's Last Hope - February 11, 2008 - The New York Sun
MicroHoo - washingtonpost.com
Pelosi calls Iraq a 'failure' - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Clinton Replaces Top Aide Amid Losses - washingtonpost.com
In Virginia, Democrats Find Hope Amid Challenges
Local News | Huckabee won't concede state; GOP resuming delegate count | Seattle Times Newspaper
In Virginia Beach, Obama says he can beat GOP -- dailypress.com
Edwards meeting with Clinton, Obama on endorsement
Gilmore endorses McCain campaign - News - inRich.com
Candidates Take Aim at Md., Va., D.C. as Primaries Mean More This Year - You Decide 08!
State catches a rare case of ballot buzz -- baltimoresun.com
Can Obama Keep the Momentum? - TIME
Should conservatives back Mac? - Opinion - USATODAY.com
The Election, the GOP--and Iraq
When Reality Bites - New York Times
The conventional wisdom says Clinton is doomed. Don't believe it. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
McCain and the Talk-Show Hosts - WSJ.com
Sherrod Brown on How to Win in Ohio
The Clintons' Terror Pardons - WSJ.com
Underestimating al-Sadr — Again - TIME
Iraq Is Not the Worry
Lantos dies, House's sole Holocaust survivor
No End in Sight - New York Times
8 Questions the Potomac Primary Could Answer - washingtonpost.com
OFF TO THE RACES: Up For The Count (02/12/2008)
The numbers add up to John McCain - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Townhall.com::GOP Rearrangement Syndrome::By David Limbaugh
MotherJones Blog: The John Edwards Endorsement: A Last Chance To Prove He's No Phony
Alter: The Theater of Big Change | Newsweek Voices - Jonathan Alter | Newsweek.com
Is Obama Really the Liberal Reagan? - Capital Commerce (usnews.com)
Editorial: Democrats' Superdelegates | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/12/2008
The McCain Mutiny
Gates, Truth and Afghanistan - New York Times
Putting al-Qaeda on trial - BostonHerald.com
Stimulus plan sails through. Now, about that deficit... - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Obama, McCain win across area - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Local News | McCain still winner after caucus count | Seattle Times Newspaper
Hillary hits Obama on transparency, rhetoric - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Campaigns Cover the Region In Last Effort to Charm Voters - washingtonpost.com
In Annapolis, McCain focuses on uniting GOP -- baltimoresun.com
Obama says Kaine is on 'short list' for administration spot - Breaking News - inRich.com
Clinton visits GM plant in White Marsh -- baltimoresun.com
Huckabee tells Henrico crowd he wants to abolish IRS - News - inRich.com
Congress mourns 'champion of human rights' - Patrick O'Connor - Politico.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Decision Time for Conservatives
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Redefining Conservatism
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - On the State of the Democratic Race
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Party Divided by Sensibility
RealClearPolitics - Articles - End of a Romance: Why the Media and Independent Voters Need to Break Up with John McCain
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Race and the Democratic Party
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Last Nominee Standing
RealClearPolitics - Articles - 'Change' Message Takes On Congress
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Bradley Effect?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Can Obama Close?
February 11 White House Press Briefing
Interviews with Huckabee, Michelle Obama
Interview with Attorney General Mukasey
Frank Luntz Focus Group; Colmes Interviews Hannity
Panel Discusses Weekend Votes
February 12 White House Press Briefing
Treasury Secretary Paulson Discusses Home Foreclosures
Rove, Card Analyze Potomac Primary Results
Panel Looks at Superdelegate Situation
Barack Obama's Potomac Primary Speech
John McCain's Potomac Primary Speech
Jerusalem Post report on 'Dividing Jerusalem' talks sparks fury
Secretary Rice Meets with U.S.-Palestinian Partnership - State Dept. Transcript
'We are building all over Jerusalem' - J'lem Post
'We'll build an Arab city in the North' - J'lem Post
U.S. military weighing if Russia in cold war pose - Reuters
Venezuela's oil minister: We're to cut off oil to US if necessary - J'lem Post
U.S. Navy Intercepts Russian Bombers Flying Near Ships - Fox
John McCain funded by George Soros since 2001: Candidate's Reform Institute also accepted funds from Teresa Kerry - WND
Palestinians burn Joseph's Tomb: Judaism's 3rd holiest site - WND
Google Earth: Israel 'stole Palestinian land' - WND
Where Lincoln prayed - J. Ben-Joseph
McCain and his critics - Paul Greenberg
'Major earthquake in Israel – a matter of time' - Roee Nahmias
Secretary Gates is Absolutely Right - Washington Times
Secrets of the Great Seal of the United States Revealed - Fox
Terrorists Crossing the Border: Genuine Threat or Hard-Right Ploy ...
The value of a vote should NOT be determined By where the voter lives ! - William Bailey - Feb 11, 08
Ground Zero For Hillary?
Planning Underway for an EU-USA Common Market
New and Improved Biometrics Registry Standard
The Coming Global Cooling
Customs Seizing Laptops and Cellphones
Condoleezza Rice Trip to Afghanistan Raises Questions
Wake Me When the Real Estate Market Improves by Doug French
For Christ and for Caesar by Laurence M. Vance
Mr. Franck, Meet Mr. Randolph by Kevin R. C. Gutzman
The Plug-in Drug by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
NeoAmerica by Jim Panyard
An Open Letter to Ron Paul Supporters by Rick Fisk
An Open Letter to the Objectivist Community on Behalf of Ron Paul by Chris Baker
Mohandas Gandhi and Dr. Ron Paul: Brothers in Thought by John Suarez
Ron Paul Has Already Won by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
All Quiet on the Granite (State) Frontier by Jack Kenny
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Diet' foods weight gain puzzle
I was dumped on Facebook - Telegraph
Loss of Civil Liberties Since 9/11
Truthdig - Reports - The War Against Tolerance
Taki's Top Drawer: Only a Revolution Will Do
The Trouble With Child Labor Laws - Jeffrey A. Tucker - Mises Institute
The Rise of the Imperial Class- by Justin Raimondo
MichaelCrichton.com | Complexity Theory and Environmental Management
Travellers who 'smuggle' poppy seeds face Dubai jail - Times Online
Cryptome Thread On Undersea Cable Cuts
The Mother of All Rip-offs
The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine
Speak Out Against Aspartame
NAU Police Force in California?
McCain’s 10,000 Years Music Video
Cold War Redux: Navy Intercepts Russian Bombers
Senate OKs Immunity for Telecoms
World markets lose $5.2trillion
Space weapons ban proposed to US
Overseas Funds Resist Calls for a Code of Conduct
Congress eyes defense cuts
U.S.-led Sunni militias turn guns on Iraqi police
Interdependence is Totalitarian: Mankind at the Turning Point Part 1
Pentagon Official Arrested In Chinese Spy Sweep
Ex-Boeing engineer charged in China spying case
How the spooks took over the news
Navy Research Paper: 'Disrupt Economies' with Man-Made 'Floods,' 'Droughts'
Chertoff Worries About Earth-Shattering Events
Bush orders clampdown on flights to US
Russian bomber violated airspace, Japan says
Gov. Schwarzenegger Backed Immoral Sex Pheromone Spraying Continues...
Russia not seeking West clash, but will punch weight: Ivanov
Your Doctor, Your Dealer
Chavez Threatens To Cut Off Oil Sales To U.S.
Pentagon Plots Sim Iraq for Propaganda Tests
Britain's benefits generation
Britain kow tows to China as athletes are forced to sign no criticism contracts
Toll on interstate sparks debate
John McCain funded by Soros since 2001
GOP establishment promotes 'presumptive' nominee
Gold reserves to hit sale block
Huck's Hour of Power
Hey, McCainiacs: Can't we all just get along?
Unconditional love: What a crock
Second Amendment Battle in DC
The WSJ editorial page lies about our surveillance laws