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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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10 February 2008

10 Feb - (click here: Ron Paul link)

Clinton turns on waterworks listening to veteran in Maine
'You can't please all the people all the time'
Arizona senator forcing them to recalibrate pitches to primary voters
'This shows that Washington pundits don’t pick the nominee'
'You have to have someone who can attract voters from the center, or you can't win'
'Since he was endorsing my opponent, the recommendation rang a little hollow to me'
Victories in Louisiana, Nebraska, Washington slice Clinton's delegate lead
'I was in limbo … but now, after the rally today, oh my God, I'm ready to run now'
'Model of moderation' — morning jogs, pickup basketball, studying, socializing
'Would certainly not last long, a black man in the position of president'
Blacks go for Obama, McCain makes little headway among religious voters
Election Center 2008: Primary Results by date - Elections & Politics news from CNN.com
'They beat me (in 2000). I would certainly be happy to have them give us advice'
'No longer about past preferences or differences ... about what is best for our country'
Dismisses 3rd-party run – vows to remain Republican in contest
$550 fine for 'driving while Republican'? – police say no, rear window blocked
CPAC voters gave him narrow support over McCain – Huckabee, Paul trail far behind
Ex-flyer says vaporized jet oil contains sarin-related elements
Decision overturns lower court ruling that state need not recognize switch from Islam
Teachers making accommodations, preparing to counsel other students
Alternatives offered to parents worried about 'repudiation' of Christian morals
Regents reject tenure request without evidence, testimony
Small Afrocentric elementary academy sends 99% of its students to college
Flooding Mexican consulate in Phoenix for documents to enroll children in Mexico schools
'We're not going to turn America into a bilingual country to accommodate you'
2 cases of drug-resistant meningococcal disease found – 1 in North Dakota
Upgraded Zelzal can target Israel's international airport
Security official: 'It's like a return to the Cold War'
Cost of building security forces for future state to dwarf existing commitments
Terror suspects in Britain bugged
Calls culture of arranged marriages between 1st cousins the 'elephant in the room'
'Officer made a willful illegal transfer of a firearm to a prohibited person or persons'
Victim's boyfriend led angry group to man accused of assaulting mom when kids nearby
People board decorated tractors, trucks, carry posters for parade downtown
Call for Williams to quit part of backlash over sharia comments
WND's $165 million case heading to trial
$100,000 bond for lawyer charged with injuring shoulder of prosecutor
Airspace violated over uninhabited island just south of Tokyo
Uses 1 of last major speeches of his presidency to deliver defiant message to West
Frighten people: 'He did not want them practicing and drilling in a highly visible area'
For 1st time equal emphasis on winning hearts and minds as on defeating enemies by force
GOP loyalist says U.S. brought to country 'worst of America – our bureaucrats'
Common food items, over-the-counter medications, prescribed pain killers could get you 4
U.S. Embassy official's request violated long-standing U.S. policy
Say woman 'intentionally, recklessly and/or negligently' endangers their health
1st case of 2nd-hand smoke causing an immediate death, study says
FDA: 'Increasingly likely' there is connection between Champix, serious psychiatric problems
Sightless kids taught pioneering echolocation technique to visualize surroundings
Police forces would ID suspected prostitutes to telephone companies
Parole, probation-officer mom makes boy stand on corner with sign: 'I am a thief'
Parents have moved aggressively to take control of daughter's life since she was hospitalized
It is believed woman was alone when she made find, called out in shock
'I can't believe it. I just forgot he was there'
Turkish engineer pieces together '1 of the most fascinating stories' of WWII
Cynthia Lennon's eye-witness account of how flower power went global
McCain Aide Is Dual Citizen of Mexico
Could Ron Paul Become the "Cinderella Man"
'US, Israel cut internet cables'
Ron Paul - CPAC Speech
Farce: Control of the Village through Terror
Watch Out for The Depression
Mancow & Frank Caliendo Prank Alex Jones
Ron Paul Pivots to His Reelection
Newt Gingrich Compares Obama to JFK
Mid-East Cable Cuts Now Affecting 85-Million — Are Terrorists Involved?
Manchurian Neocon McCain: Bomb Iran
Britain is Slithering Down the Road Towards a Police State
Financial Crisis: Asset Securitization — The Last Tango
Teenage Rebellion Now Considered Mental Illness
Metabolic Syndrome Tied to Diet Soda
How the Clintons Will Destroy John McCain
“Not Another Clinton” Sign Disallowed at Event
Citizens Confront “Fascist Pig” Bill Clinton
AOL Writer Takes Paul to Task for Not Running Third Party
McCain’s Presidential Ambitions Set To Be Swiftboated
How The Banksters Ensured US WWII Intervention
Murrieta, CA UFO Flat, Square Or Possibly Triangular - Photos
End In Sight For Deadly Mammograms
Zimbabwe - Another Long, Dramatic Week
End Injustice Now!: “Before the Nevada primary, Dennis [Kucinich] was visited by representatives of Nancy Pelosi and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — AIPAC”
Russian Economist Predicted Strikes on America
Ron Paul's Goodbye
NPR: Document Shows Army Blocked Help for Soldiers
Bad science: Fluoride, teeth, and an argument that's full of holes | Science | The Guardian
Ancient Secret Societies, UFOs, and the New World Order
Ancient Secret Societies, UFOs, and the New World Order - Part II
The Bush Financial Bust of 2008: “It's All Downhill From Here, Folks”
Newsvine - Slate editor calls Obama speech style 'fascistic'
Roberts - Here Come the Brownshirts, Again
France's Le Pen Sentenced For WWII Remarks!
Salmonella leads to voluntary recall of fish - The Honolulu Advertiser - Hawaii's Newspaper
Symptoms: Metabolic Syndrome Is Tied to Diet Soda - New York Times
Flu vaccine may not provide enough protection - Cold and flu- msnbc.com
U.S. Army shifts focus to nation-building - International Herald Tribune
ABC News: Killer Germ Comes Home With Troops
Larry Pratt -- Bush Justice Department: What Constitution?
Mary Starrett -- Super Tuesday Top of the Heap or Bottom of the Barrel?
CNN Deletes Claim Tax Rebates are a Refund Advance | NewsBusters.org
Inside A Government Chemtrail Sprayer? Not!
Maan News Agency
FDIC Chairperson Bair: "Housing Crisis Has Just Begun" - Realty Check with Diana Olick - CNBC.com
Ron Paul - 'There Will Be No Third Party Run'
Putin, in Speech, Accuses U.S. of Setting Off 'New Arms Race' - washingtonpost.com
Rare benefits: Goldman Sachs covers sex changes - Feb. 8, 2008
Martial-Law Enforcement Has Been Privatized!
Mourning in Missouri as Shooter’s Motives Emerge - New York Times
Wooldridge - Brain Dead Voters
Recession to be longer than usual: UMich | U.S. | Reuters
History and Necessity Unite Bush, McCain - washingtonpost.com
LA Observed: Words of Chairman Sam *
Bush Admits He Plans To Attack Iran
A Credit Card You Want to Toss - AOL Money & Finance
Bill to improve health care…in Mexico!
Moneyweb - Mining - Brutal gold damage
Russia's Vladimir Putin in new arms race threat - Telegraph
CapeCodTimes.com - Retailers report worst January in nearly 40 yearsbsb
Charge: Freddie and Fannie taking on too much debt - Feb. 7, 2008
Hillary's Secrets
Pope Softens Conversion Prayer To Appease The Pharisees
Chuck Baldwin -- McCain Madness
Peopling the Mythical Landscape
Why Obama Is A Sure Loser
Why the price of 'peak oil' is famine - Telegraph
Mullen: Army must return to 12-month tours - Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Army Times
The Astonishing Dimensions Of US Debt
Naomi Wolf - Fascism Is Falling Upon Us
Satanic Kidnapping Of Children - Johnny Gosch
Individual And State
With Romney Gone, What Will McCain Do? - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
The "Real" Gold Price
Statiscal Vote Count 'Miracle' In California!
ALIPAC: Fighting Back Against the American Nightmare!
Four More American Drug Planes Seized
Another Meatpacker With Neurological Symptoms
Lies, Damn Lies And The Murdock Empire
Researchers Create Gold Aluminum, Black Platinum, Blue Silver
Transformed UN proposed to create 'new world order' - World Politics, World - Independent.co.uk
Bloggers Try To Counter Anti-Israel Media Bias
Can't Pay Your Mortgage? Trash Your House And Leave
Bush's Digital Dysfunction
Congress Moves To Seize Control Of All US Water
Reuters AlertNet - Taliban set for windfall from Afghan opium crop-UN
How the Church has Emasculated Men - No Apologies
Obama's Plan To Privatize Social Security
naked capitalism: Evidence Wachovia Knew of and Profited from Theft
Hillary Hopes You've Forgotten - Have You?
Makow - Our 'Leaders' Are Sex Addicts
The Anti-Empire Report: NATO is a treaty on wheels
cbs13.com - Homeland Security Getting Flashlight Weapon For Law Enforcement
Paul Craig Roberts: Why Were the 9/11 Tapes Destroyed?
Reverse Speech Analysis exposes the guilt of Joran Van der Sloot
Obama Economic Controller Is Skull And Bones Member
'Change' WHAT Change?
Makow - Terminated! Freemasonry's Final Revelation!
Mikes pick up the sounds of cancer - Telegraph
Democratic Debate between Obama and Clinton
Henry Kissinger — Sith Lord
Customs Seizing Laptops and Cellphones
Condoleezza Rice Trip to Afghanistan Raises Questions
A Dangerous Fix for Election Security
Disease-free Babies Goal of New Procedure
Obama Sweeps 3 States, Huckabee Takes 2
Hillary Clinton - Yahoo! News Photos
My Way News - Huckabee Wins Kansas Caucuses
Huckabee Pledges to Stay in Race
ABC News: Saturday Clean Sweep for Obama
Yahoo Board to Spurn $44B Microsoft Bid
European lab spacewalk delayed for a day | Reuters
My Way News - Atlantis Delivers New Space Lab
McCain a 'True Conservative,' Bush Says
Wilder Still Sore Over Clinton Comment
Obama will be assassinated if he wins: Nobel winner Lessing
Call For LA Paparazzi Crackdown Over Britney Chaos |Sky News|Media
ESPN - US group asks Mexico officials not to allow Morrison to fight - Boxing
Paulson: 'It will take time to work through the current financial turmoil'
'It'll be nuclear winter if we don't ratify this'
World's leading finance ministers hold off on sweeping solutions
'The bond insurers are really on people's minds. This is a horribly complex issue'
Stimulus checks welcome, but poll reveals desire to cut war spending
Importers pay more or cancel orders – U.S. firms could shift manufacturing elsewhere
Real-estate segment earnings sank 93% to $22 million in 4th quarter
Popular anti-wrinkle drug linked to children's deaths, botulism-like side effects
'Neither perfect nor perhaps all that we deserve for the countless hours of hard work'
Online retailer to repurchase $1 billion in shares
Wall Street Journal reports board members believe offer too low
Keeping Yahoo independent could depend on portal outsourcing search engine ad biz
Following terrible quarter, PC maker sells unit for $100 million to 4 private equity firms
Closing factories in Massachusetts, Mexico, Netherlands, cutting 450 jobs
Presides over ceremony for British supermarket giant Tesco
'It is not that we suddenly turned into a nation of Orthodox Jews'
'When he saw that there was no mark on the cork he didn't want to drink it any more'
Dave Ramsey offers wisdom on debt, in-laws, mortgage escrow accounts
Relationship may suffer following move to new corporate culture
'She has had her day, absolutely. I would bet you 50 cents she will be sold for scrap'
Exclusive: Henry Lamb asserts Divine intervention needed to stop 'unprecedented government expansion'
Pat Buchanan presents pros, cons of conservatives making nice with senator
Exclusive: Joseph Farah praises his mom for casting vote for 'Les Paul'
Exclusive: The Richmans call for end to policy that increases foreign ownership of U.S.
Exclusive: Pat Boone wallops agency whose long approval periods cost lives
Exclusive: Olivia St. John cheers efforts to pull kids out of 'trashed' public schools
Author shares harsh campus realities, urges parents to pull children
Exclusive: Ellis Washington joins effort to have Bush vacate his anti-gun brief
Jonathan Falwell describes resolution chronicling impact his dad had on America
Exclusive: Greg Laurie looks at consequences of children being under- or over-praised
David Gitlitz describes practice dating back to 13th century
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey says we fight the enemy over there or fight them over here
Robert Knight talks of infamous coach with whom he's been confused
McCain found a tool with which to woo conservative Republicans: Israel - Haaretz - Israel News
FM: No hope of Palestinian state while Qassams persist - Haaretz
Sderot residents block entrance to Jerusalem - Ynet
Blair: Arab view of peace deal 'very close' to Israel's - Jerusalem Post
Census: 3.76 million Palestinians live in W. Bank, Gaza, east J'lem - Jerusalem Post
IDF: Hezbollah deploys rockets, missiles in south Lebanon - Haaretz
Jordan says Hamas seizes aid convoy sent to Gaza - Ynet
PA official: Peace talks at a standstill - J'lem Post
G7 leaders turn pessimistic on global economy - Reuters
Shuttle delivers $2 billion lab to space station - Atlantis links up after backflip; NASA takes close look at blanket - AP
Gates appeals to Europe in Afghan conflict - Washington Times
AP Poll: Exiting Iraq would boost economy more than stimulus - USA Today
Major fire at London's famous Camden market - More than 100 firefighters and 20 vehicles were battling the blaze - MSNBC
Japan Deploys Fighter Jets After Russian Bomber Violates Airspace - Fox
Putin accuses U.S. of setting off 'new arms race' - Says Russia will field new weapons in response to missile defense system - Washington Post
Bomb Kills at Least 20 at Pakistan Election Rally - Fox
State Dept. Accused of Wasting Millions, Bringing 'Worst of America' to Iraq - Fox
Obama sweeps; Huckabee takes 2 of 3 - USA Today
Bush, Congress fall in approval ratings - AP
'A battered town, abandoned by 20 percent of its residents' - Jerusalem Post
When the melting pot boils over - Clarence Page
Grave near Kiev is reminder of 20th century's only blood libel - Anti-Semitism? Anshel Pfeffer
Israeli self-analysis - Abraham Rabinovich
Polar Politics - Don't expect the "post-partisan" era to arrive anytime soon - Duncan Currie
Can Mrs. Clinton Lose - With Grace? - Peggy Noonan
Sieg Heil, TSA by Becky Akers
Randy Barnett's Wrong-Headed Defense of the Iraq War by Jacob G. Hornberger
Liberal Democracy Is a Sham by Jeff Knaebel
IBM explores 67.1m-core computer for running entire internet | The Register
Don't It Make Your Brown Eyes Blue? -- Quill 2008 (201): 1 -- ScienceNOW
Humans are evolving to resist disease - Telegraph
Credit Crisis: Precursor of Great Inflation - Thorsten Polleit - Mises Institute
Hillary still in bed with '96 scandal - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Will Conservative Republicans Back McCain? Following Romney's Departure, John McCain Appears Set to Become GOP Nominee
Examining Clinton & Obama's Stances on the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, Universal Healthcare, Privatizing Social Security and Nuclear Energy
Former Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney Seeks Presidency as Green Party Nominee
EXCLUSIVE: Former 9/11 Commission Chief Philip Zelikow on Allegations He Secretly Allowed Karl Rove & White House to Influence 9/11 Probe
Wash. Post repeated McCain's false claim that he called for Rumsfeld's resignation
Wash. Post claimed McCain "diverged from conservatives" on immigration, taxes, without noting his flip-flops
Coulter: Obama's "first big accomplishment" was "being born half-black. ... He wouldn't be running for president if he weren't half-black"
On Today , Coulter falsely asserted Clinton "has not denounced the Swift Boat veterans"; referred to "girl president"
Media figures call Obama supporters' behavior "creepy," compare them to Hare Krishna and Manson followers
Shuster responds to firestorm over his Chelsea Clinton comments
After viewing Rove's erroneous analysis, Wallace touted Rove's "level of analysis"
Ignoring McCain's immigration flip-flop, Fox's Carlson doubts "straight-talk guy" would "change his opinion"
NY Post editorial falsely asserted that Kerry "borrowed" money from his wife for presidential campaign
Despite reversal, NY Times claimed McCain's advocacy for border security first is not a "change" in "his basic position"
What makes a "liberal"? National Journal says: support for 9-11 Commission recommendations, health care for more kids, and stem-cell research funding
BillOReilly.com link to story of "sex offenders living under a bridge": "Those weren't veterans John Edwards, they were sex offenders"
Claiming that McCain's "straight-talker image" would be jeopardized by flip-flops, Gannett News Service doesn't note they've already occurred
CNN aired Laura Ingraham saying conservative "suicide voters" might vote for Clinton over McCain
Print press repeats media mantra of McCain as "maverick"
MSNBC's Brzezinski asked if McCain is "the perfect candidate" without disclosing that her brother advises him
NBC's Gregory spread McCain's false claim that Romney "disparaged the service and courage" of WWII vet Bob Dole
Politico 's Martin said McCain has "reluctantly allowed his campaign" to highlight Vietnam experience -- but he showed little reluctance in 2000
NBC's Holt surprised that primary voters say a "woman candidate" "would make the best commander in chief"?*
Matthews on Bill Clinton: "Things always change when he inserts himself"
Wash. Times editorial cropped Obama quote to falsely claim he argued against protecting "babies who survive botched late-term abortions"
Matthews: "We ask if Hillary's crying for real. But we don't" wonder if McCain's Super Bowl conduct was "fake"
Ignoring reversals and shifts, Wash. Post claimed "conservative maverick" McCain committed "heresies on taxes, immigration"
In Wash. Post , Kurtz failed to note "neutral" Bennett's campaign contributions to McCain, Romney
Wash. Post 's Cohen ignored Obama's criticism of Farrakhan and award by church magazine
Wash. Times runs column on Obama under the headline: "Black horse"
Hardball panel ponders reasons Clinton "teared up" with Yale former colleagues
NY Daily News editorial lauded McCain's "straight talk" on immigration, ignoring his reversal
Zakaria falsely claimed Clinton "won't say" she favors the U.S. "reducing its own nuclear arsenal"
Novak falsely claimed Clinton did not argue "until her presidential campaign" that Levin amendment would subordinate U.S. decisions to the U.N.
Savage: "America's not ready for an affirmative action presidency"
Fox News' Hill: Are Latinos "going to vote for the person who basically is going to give them the most for ... the least?"
Echoing GOP attack line, Blitzer referred to "the class warfare argument that the Democrats make"
Brzezinski falsely asserted that McCain "stood by" his views on immigration
Olbermann named O'Reilly "Worst Person" for suggesting New Orleans homeless encampment does not exist
Radio host Mark Williams: "I have yet to meet anybody who likes" Sen. Clinton during his time in upstate New York
Disregarding McCain's reversal on issue, Newsweek 's Thomas touted McCain's refusal "to soften his stance on immigration"
By falsely accusing Clinton of playing the "race card," Wash. Post columnist Meyerson himself fueled "race card" politics he calls "despicable"
Fred Barnes: "MoveOn.org -- which hates the war, hates the military, hates America -- endorsed Obama"
Echoing McCain talking point, Chris Wallace asked Clinton: "Why are you so determined to declare defeat" in Iraq?
Scarborough again denies Rove's role as Novak source in Plame leak
IBD editorial falsely claimed Clinton said that "we must slow the economy to save the earth"
Obama's Speech to Virginia's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
President Bush's Speech to CPAC
Dick Morris & Lanny Davis on "Hannity & Colmes"
Panel on the Democrats' Superdelegates
Brooks & Shields Discuss the Latest from Congress
Interview with Colin Powell
Huckabee's CPAC Speech
Who's Better Against McCain?
GOP Candidates in Kansas
Colin Powell Discusses Who He Will Vote For
Coulter Continues Her Controversy
Comedians Gets in Parting Shots at Romney
Obama landslides could break deadlock - Ben Smith - Politico.com
796 Insiders May Hold Democrats' Key - washingtonpost.com
The Republican Reformation - New York Times
Next Up for the Democrats: Civil War - New York Times
So Much for a Warm Welcome | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
The Disaffected Voters Who'll Decide 2008 - washingtonpost.com
The Inconvenient Truths of 2008
The irrelevance of Obama's Color - The Boston Globe
A changing color scheme -- chicagotribune.com
Jim Hoagland - Promises They Can't Keep - washingtonpost.com
The Chicken Doves : Rolling Stone
The Professional
Archbishop, you've committed treason | - Times Online
Lexington | The people versus the powerful | Economist.com
The Coming Change - washingtonpost.com
Republicans Weighing the Benefits of Bush's Embrace - New York Times
Obama calls on Mainers to transform hope into action | Portland Press Herald
Nothing To Fear?
RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Republican Delegate Count
RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Democratic Delegate Count
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Road To a GOP Minority
RealClearPolitics - Articles - GOP Has Some Growing Up to Do
McCain can sure sound like a conservative - OCRegister.com
Police set to search for guns at homes - The Boston Globe
France Halts Genetically Modified Corn
OPEC Could Ditch Dollars For Euros
Man May Need To Live In Space To Survive
NORTHCOM Ready To Implement Martial Law
Why Has Paul All But Suspended His Campaign?
More Questionable Al-Qaeda Videos Surface
IRS Auctions Off Brown's Possessions
Ron Paul Decides Not To Run 3rd Party
Nuclear Fusion Is Coming
U.S. Ship Nearly Fired At Iranians
Military Loses Records On Bin Laden's Driver
FBI: Professors and Students Are Al-Qaeda
RIAA chief calls for copyright filters on PCs | The Register
Paul: McCain Friends With Feingold & Kennedy
WHO Launches Global Anti-Smoking Project
Afghan Poppy Set For Another Big Year
Gunman Kills Government Tyrants
U.S. economy's descent steepens
DARPA: Mach 6 Planes, Giant Robotic Blimps, Next-Gen Networks
Biofuels Deemed A Greenhouse Threat
Gunman With City Hall Grudge Goes On Shooting Spree
Hersh: Israel pressed me to agree Syrian site was nuclear
VIDEO: FOX-5 Foreknowledge of WTC-7 Collapse
Courts freeze $12 billion Venezuela assets in Exxon row
Exclusive! The FBI Deputizes Business
H.G. Wells: Subdue yourselves to the federation of the world, or else
U.S. Agents Seize Travelers' Devices
VIDEO: Sen. Rockefeller Lets Slip the Spying Truth
Spies Mine YouTube for Intelligence
DARPA 2009: Brains-on-a-Chip, Transparent Displays
U.S. money for Russia is linked to Iran nuclear plant
Veterans not entitled to mental health care, U.S. lawyers argue
Bush to veto spy bill if immunity omitted
U.S. sees Russia, China, OPEC financial threat
Clinton health plan may mean garnishing wages
DHS Ponders Real ID Rules For Cold Medicine
OK College Joins Global Corporate College
ICBC Deposes Citigroup as Chinese Banks Rule in New World Order
Banks lose billions
Remote-control DNA 'pistons' could power tiny robots
Olympians forced to sign no-criticism-of-China contract
Huckabee banks on Texas, Norris