"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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All truth passes through three stages.
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30 January 2008

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WarcraftMovies.com - World of Warcraft Movies
Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films
Liberated Films
Insane Films
Why Edwards Never Caught On
Edwards, Giuliani reportedly ending campaigns
Edwards quitting presidential race
Obama brings rare moment to Kansas
Chelsea Clinton Finds Her Voice
Obama Returns More Rezko-Linked Cash
The Associated Press: Edwards Tells Georgians He Understands
Group Files Complaint Against Huckabee Over Governor’s Portrait
Huckabee: Missouri a Must-Win Primary
Giuliani, 3rd in Florida, close to dropping out of race
McCain wins in tight Florida GOP primary
McCain Gets Moderates, Elderly, Hispanics and Regulars in Florida ...
Mukasey Refuses to Judge Waterboarding
Prosecutor to appeals court: NYC lawyer got 'slap on the wrist'
Immigration reimbursement advances
Fla.: Slot Machine Backers Hit Jackpot
Shooter in 1998 Arkansas School Massacre Is Convicted Anew on ...
Three lanes of northbound 101 open
Vermont Anti-Bush Petition Sparks Anger
Bush Talks of Past Addiction
At faith-based event, Bush recalls drinking problem
Baby's body found in Galveston, child safety seat nearby
Astronauts go out on risky spacewalk to fix power system
A New Burst of Killings in Kenya
China Struggles to Cope With Winter Storms as More Snow Forecast
No Way Home for China's Migrants
Abbas tells Hamas in Gaza crisis talks to end "coup"
Abbas rules out talks with Hamas
Conway to step down at next election
Lebanon War Report Could Pressure Olmert
Israeli war report backs Olmert, officials say
First Officer Removed from Air Canada Flight
Australia to apologize to Aborigines
The Associated Press: US Troops Reductions May Slow or Stop
VOA News - Australia Sets Date for Formal Apology for Mistreatment of Aborigines
S.Lanka bombs rebel positions, army blamed for blast
Italy president to meet potential PM over crisis
Presidential candidate Bogdanov denies Kremlin ties
Beheading plotter 'had al-Qaida material'
Venezuela hostage-takers arrested
Thailand's Samak takes office as PM
Bomb Explodes Near US Patrol in Iraq
INTERVIEW-Too soon to call Mosul push "final" - US
Indonesia Rocked By Earthquake, Tsunami Warning Issued
Mick LaSalle : Obama, Hillary
Mahatma Gandhi's ashes to be scattered
Ashes at sea, India pays homage to Mahatma Gandhi
Two Chinese cargo ships collide, at least 15 dead
Arrested chief justice brands Musharraf as brutal
Canada Afrocentric school sparks debate
Romney Hopes to Halt McCain Wave of Momentum - You Decide 08!
Edwards to Drop White House Bid, Leaving a Two-Person Race - You Decide 08!
Disgruntled Bedouins fire at Gazans - Israel News, Ynetnews
Shas MK proposes 'rehab centers' for gays - Israel News, Ynetnews
MK Zeev: Gay 'plague' could destroy Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews
Bill Clinton’s Business Ties Face Scrutiny | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
San Luis Obispo County’s website | 01/28/2008 | Students pinched by birth control pill costs
Islamic extremist gang 'plotted to kidnap British Muslim soldier and behead him like a pig' | the Daily Mail
Attorneys for Guantánamo captives back Obama's bid - 01/29/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Mother 'killed her baby in the microwave' | the Daily Mail
One cannabis joint 'is the equivalent of smoking 20 cigarettes' | the Daily Mail
Dems Give al Jazeera Prime Real Estate for State of Union | NewsBusters.org
Entertainment Lawyer Sentenced in Milberg Case - January 29, 2008 - The New York Sun
Two-Year Term Sought for Lawyer in Milberg Conspiracy - January 29, 2008 - The New York Sun
Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs
Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan
Calif. Health Initiative on Deathbed - washingtonpost.com
Harris Calls For Resignations In New Hampshire Recount Fiasco
Multiple Voting Machine Problems Reported In Florida
Primary states lost 1.5 million manufacturing jobs under Bush
Plans to make announcement at event in New Orleans
Governor will meet all GOP candidates today in Los Angeles
'It shows one thing. I'm the conservative leader who can unite the party'
Former New York City mayor finishes distant 3rd in Florida
Wife: 'We feel as though the conservatives are starting to rally around Mitt'
Click for interactive chart of candidates' strong zones
'Sorry. Nothing to be done. Needless to say, I'm furious'
'I've been there, I've done that. You can find much better'
Arizona senator considers backing out of public financing
More than $70,000 in contributions linked to indicted Chicago businessman
Foreign adviser's 'anti-Israel policies,' sympathy for Hamas, raise concerns
Protected is 'inner sense of being, without regard to sex at birth'
Famed 1st Amendment champion offers 'Sweet Land of Liberty' column
'Government may not arbitrarily censor viewpoints in open forums'
Student journalist originally 'failed' for reporting on actor's Christianity
President cites First Amendment, 'defining traditions of openness'
Ahmadinejad won't bow to Western pressure to halt uranium enrichment
Palestinians create intel apparatus to thwart property sales to Jews
Clashes aimed at getting Kikuyus out of Rift Valley not considered genocide
Ex-strippers invade Vegas to preach Jesus Christ
Likely to follow up on last week's bold action
WorldNetDaily: Christians launch crusade against new U.S. mosque
Economic Outlook: More Darkening Clouds by Dom Armentano
Who Cares About a Non Urban Dictate (NUD) Anyway? by Wilton D. Alston
An Open Letter to Neal Boortz Listeners by Jim Cox and David Brookshire
Isn’t It That 'Oath Thingy'? by Brian Wilson
No Third Party Candidate Can Win the Presidency by Johnny Kramer
Doctor Have Mercy by William H. Huff
Brace Yourselves by Jacob G. Hornberger
Will Ron Paul Disappoint Me? by Kevin Hildebeidel
TARFUSI and Absurdity by Tony Pivetta
None Dare Call It Treason- by Justin Raimondo
Bombs Away Over Iraq by Tom Engelhardt
Bud Light's brilliant dude ads. - By John Swansburg - Slate Magazine
Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains parting of ways with Coulter, Limbaugh, Hannity over Romney
Nat Hentoff whomps ACLU, others for inhibiting 1st Amendment
Walter E. Williams pounds pols for 'triumph of political arrogance over common sense'
Exclusive: Jill Stanek says despite feminists' column, she won't seek 'common ground'
Exclusive: Judith Reisman notes finding predators today is like shooting fish in a barrel
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky looks at increasing blur between movie stars, politicians
Exclusive: Joel Hesch tells of deadly fraud in Boston public-works fiasco
Exclusive: Maralyn Lois Polak honors Florida widow who succumbed to cancer
Mike Thomas: What's need is another call to sacrifice to deal with energy dependence
Vin Suprynowicz sees myriad methods to free up cash for infrastructure costs
Ben-Peter Terpstra offers test to see if your fellowship falls under such a classification
Exclusive: Mychal Massie defends his right to write in candidate, come what may
Daniel Pipes: Letting Cairo take responsibility would 'break the Arab-Israeli logjam'
'There are others who may be foolish enough to follow'
Possible fraud, insider trading violations in connection involving risky borrowers
Because of industry restructuring, rising raw materials, regulatory costs
'It has been the worst break-up of my life'
'The scope of what needs to be done is a manageable scope'
To meet rising competition, maintain share of online auction market
Biggest purge since it jettisoned 650 in wake of dot-com bust 7 years ago
Financial paper heading for midtown Manhattan
Record labels, film studios can't demand telecommunicators hand over names
Dave Ramsey dispenses advice on buying small business, life insurance for 27-year-old
Index 'confirms our outlook that the housing shock is by no means over'
'When you are questioned by police or judges, you have the right to lie'
Will enable maps, videos to be beamed before wearer's eyes
'A lot of money in the music business, but it has stopped coming to the artists'
Romney Loses Florida NewsTalk Host's Vote to Ron Paul
Bush: US will 'confront' Iran if necessary
Ban music thieves from web, says U2 manager
Ron Paul - TV Ad: The Only One
Howard Highlights Ease Of Recount Fraud State employees using same red ink as counters
Ron Paul Patriots Go Undefeated
Breakthrough during experiment to suppress obese man's appetite
My Way News - Giuliani to Exit Presidential Race Today
Florida free-fall sends Giuliani from hero to zero
John Edwards to Quit Presidential Race
Damaged Cable Cuts Internet in Mideast: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
My Way News - Romney Vows to Carry on With Campaign
My Way News - Long March in Store for McCain, Romney
Economy Nearly Stalled in 4th Quarter: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Greenspan doubts Fed's ability to prevent recession
TV chat queen Oprah gets a less than flattering tubby bronze statue cast in her honour| Showbiz | This is London
Swedish Bank Stops Digital Theft: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Banks May Write Down $70 Billion, Oppenheimer Says
Vermont anti-Bush petition lambasted - Yahoo! News
Brazilian carnival-goers to get access to morning-after pills
abc7.com: Schwarzenegger hints at endorsing McCain 1/29/08
Rush Does Not Concede, Vows to Fight On
Iran sees nuclear power this time next year | International | Reuters
Probe Says Israel Didn't Win Lebanon War -- Newsday.com
AF General: Spy Satellite Could Hit US
Chico Enterprise Record - Bicyclist tased when he runs for minor infraction
Woman Put Grandson In Dog Crate After He Laced Drinks, Police Say - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh
John Hood on Florida Primary on National Review Online
Why Clinton can count on Latinos - Los Angeles Times
Townhall.com::McCain's No Threat to the Left::By Terence Jeffrey
For Giuliani, a Dizzying Free-Fall - New York Times
Seeing Red Over Hillary - New York Times
Rudy Giuliani's Florida Speech
Rudy Giuliani's Florida Speech
The 'war on terror' licenses a new stupidity in geopolitics | Guardian daily comment | Guardian Unlimited
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- One More Year Living Dangerously For Unsung Commander In Chief
Democratic primary: Quiet battle for the other delegates | csmonitor.com
Kicking Democracy’s Corpse in Russia - New York Times
Rudy defeat marks end of 9/11 politics - Ben Smith and David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
Will Florida victory matter for Clinton? - 01/29/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Base is Wrong About the Gang of 14
Trust and verify: Electronic voting machines pose problems
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Determining America's Future in Iraq
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Chasing John Kennedy & Ronald Reagan
Rudy gets routed
RealClearPolitics - Articles - McCain May Win, Romney Can't
Did Hillary Clinton really win in Florida? | Salon News
McCain Wins Florida, Becomes Front-Runner - WSJ.com
Sunshine for McCain - WSJ.com
Ahmadinejad tells West: Accept Israel's 'imminent collapse' - Haaretz - Israel News
Much Ado About Not Much
Scientists discover way to reverse loss of memory - Science, News - Independent.co.uk
Under 1 percent of U.S. adults have HIV: report | U.S. | Reuters
Patio heaters targeted in Europe's climate fight | Environment | Reuters
Woods impressed by Barack Obama
Clinton and the King
Before Olympic Games, China quells dissent - International Herald Tribune
Iraq not using oil cash to rebuild - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
NY Feminists Accuse Kennedy of Betrayal
FT.com / In depth - FBI in subprime crackdown
My Way News - Clinton Wins Primary but No Delegates
RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - How McCain Won
For McCain, Momentum That May Be Hard to Stop - washingtonpost.com
Russia's most famous - and glamorous - female bodyguard killed as her Porsche is carjacked in Moscow | the Daily Mail
Anti-McCain "Surprisingly Liberal" Ad
Clinton Responds to Obama Charges About Florida
Gov. Sebelius' Endorsement of Obama
Kennedy & Obama Do Univision
Flight to London makes emergency landing after co-pilot suffers mental breakdown| News | This is London
Carter Stays Neutral in Race, But Praises Obama's Oratory - WSJ.com
TheHill.com - Romney: ‘In a two-person race, I like my chances’
WESH-TV Covers the Results
McCain's Florida Victory Speech
Giuliani's Florida Speech
Obama: "Caroline"
Giuliani's Morning Media
Candidates En Espanol
Huckabee in "The Situation Room"
What Will Rush, Hugh Say if McCain Wins? | The New York Observer
Lebanon war a 'serious' failure for Israel
City passes transgender ordinance - News - GainesvilleSun.com
Edwards to Quit Presidential Race
John McCain's Florida Victory Speech
Hillary Clinton Talks to Chris Wallace
Panel Previews the Florida Races
Obama's "Reclaiming the American Dream"
Romney's Morning Media
Hillary Clinton's Florida Speech
Election 2008: McCain vs. Clinton and Obama