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"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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31 January 2008


Romney Scoots When Radio Host Mentions Ron Paul
The Latest "We Distort, You Comply" Propaganda
Ron Paul Gold Rush Revolution
Bush's State of the Union: Mandate for Iran Attack
Harris Calls For Resignations In New Hampshire Recount Fiasco
American Liberty Teetering on Edge of Abyss
Satire: The George W. Bush Gallon Coin and Martial Law Collection
I Won't Back Down
The Twilight of Democracy: The Bush Plan for America
NAU's North American Leader's Summit to be Held in New Orleans
Questions unfolding throughout New Hampshire
Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims
Bill Calls for Aspartame Ban
CIA Brainwashing Techniques
Covert Bid to Push US Troops into Pakistan
January 2008: Two 9/11 Drama Movies Premiering
Pioneering Blackwater Protesters Given Secret Trial and Criminal Conviction
An Almost "Gannon Moment" Between Bush and Frank?
EU's "Climate Change" Plan "Economic Suicide"
Indonesian tsunami detector 'was severed': official
AF General: Spy Satellite Could Hit US
Internet outage hits business from Cairo to Colombo
Methodist Ministers Against Bush Library
'Unknown' Obama struggling to woo California Hispanics
My Way News - Detroit Mayor Pleads for Forgiveness
My Way News - Democratic Race Will Last Past Tuesday
My Way News - Obama Calls Clinton Divisive Figure
My Way News - Romney Accuses McCain of 'Dirty Tricks'
My Way News - Gov. Schwarzenegger to Endorse McCain
Starbucks axes sandwiches as part of fix - Yahoo! News
Damaged Cables Cut Internet in Mideast: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
wcco.com - Police: Cabbie Attacked By Passenger With Ax
Political Radar: Clinton Says She Can Control Her Husband
ABC News: Clinton Remained Silent As Wal-Mart Fought Unions
An Ex-President, a Mining Deal and a Big Donor - New York Times
Florida Fallout: Super Tuesday Looks to be a McCain Blowout - HUMAN EVENTS
Is McCain a Conservative?
McCain Criticized for Slur / He says he'll keep using term for ex-captors in Vietnam
Bill: "We Just Have to Slow Down Our Economy" to Fight Global Warming
Shell's 'obscene' £13.9billion profit is biggest ever by British company | the Daily Mail
Lou Dobbs alert: Illegal immigrants may get rebates - The Crypt's Blog - Politico.com
10 Questions for Susan Sarandon - TIME
Mutant Flu Virus Is Found That Resists Popular Drug - New York Times
Heath Calvert: Why I Support Ron Paul - Politics on The Huffington Post
Why Is Bernanke Trying to Fight the Bear? - Mises Institute
Piecing Together the Dark Legacy of East Germany's Secret Police
Shoes were worn at least 40,000 years ago - Telegraph
President George Bush trying to sidestep Congress on permanent bases question | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
Michael Dirda - Painting the World - washingtonpost.com
BBC News | Technology | World Edition
An Open Letter to Conservatives On Behalf of Ron Paul by Tyler Watts
Could Ron Paul Trigger a GOP Revival? by Colin Colenso
Disposing of Unwanted Dictators by Tom Chartier and Elizabeth Gyllensvard
Cold – A Death Blow to Empire by Tim Case
Giuliani Admits Ron Paul Won All The Debates
DARPA's iXo Artificial Intelligence Control Grid
Mitt Romney-John McCain-Ron Paul Debate Wednesday Night?
Folk Legend Arlo Guthrie Endorses Ron Paul for President
Early Show's Smith Bizarrely Hints At Obama Assassination - Politics on The Huffington Post
Bush Issues Signing Statement On Defense Act, Waiving Ban On Permanent Bases In Iraq
Economic Outlook: More Darkening Clouds
Did the Central Banks Make Off with the Gold?
Kucinich puts off effort to impeach Bush
Bush's State of the Union: Mandate for Iran Attack
European Union set to ban patio heaters
US government, FEMA, implicated in poisoning Katrina victims
Don't say mum and dad... teachers told not to assume pupils have heterosexual parents
The Fear Factory : Rolling Stone
Bush: US will 'confront' Iran if necessary
The Post
Thousands Of Childrens DNA Held On Police Database
Future Shock
Ron Paul - TV Ad: The Only One
John McCain and Miss Teen USA South Carolina
McCain vs. Clinton?
Romney Loses Florida Host's Vote to Ron Paul
Foo Fighters Concert Pensacola | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron Paul Revolution
John McCain wins Florida Primary, Ron Paul gets Dissed
USA Today Censors Paul
Neo-Con Hugh Hewitt Omits Ron Paul from Primary Results on Blog
British PM Wants to Build a "New World Order"
Bush seeks to make amends on New Orleans
Dark Days: Selective breeding-- It happened everywhere—even, as one researcher discovered, in America
Morgan Stanley Strategist: Head For The Hills
Bush Waves Ban On Permanent Iraq Bases
U.S. slump spreading around the globe, IMF warns
State spying that would make the Stasi proud | the Daily Mail
Revealed: 800 public bodies now have powers to 'snoop' on our phones and emails | the Daily Mail
Big Brother is not in the public interest - Telegraph
Congress Extends Spying Law For 15-Days
FOREX-Dollar falls broadly as Fed slashes interest rates | Currencies | Reuters
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.1
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.2
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.3
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.4
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.5
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.6
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.7
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.8
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.9
Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.10
The California GOP Debate
John Edwards' Withdrawal Speech
Panel Looks at Campaign Departaures
Obama on "The Past Versus the Future"
Luntz Focus Group on Last Night's Debate
Interview with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
President Bush Discusses the Economy in California
Kilpatrick Apologizes to Detroit
Obama's "Reclaiming the American Dream"
President Bush's State of the Union
Nightline Joins Clinton on the Trail
Dick Morris on the Campaign Dropouts
Clinton: "Freefall" & "Can Do"
Groups Says Romney Won Debate
McCain's Debate Highlights
Romney's Debate Highlights
Giuliani Endorses McCain
John Edwards' Withdrawal Speech
Clinton: "Hillary and the Band"
Anti-McCain "Surprisingly Liberal" Ad
Romney's Morning Media
Clinton Responds to Obama Charges About Florida
Gov. Sebelius' Endorsement of Obama
Hillary Clinton's Florida Speech
Kennedy & Obama Do Univision
WESH-TV Covers the Results
McCain's Florida Victory Speech
Giuliani's Florida Speech
Obama: "Caroline"
Giuliani's Morning Media
Candidates En Espanol
Huckabee in "The Situation Room"
Kennedy & Obama on "Today"
Clinton: "Lifetime"
Sean Hannity Confronts Chuck Norris
Simi Valley Showdown
McCain vs. Romney on Iraq - washingtonpost.com
The New Rules of Politics - WSJ.com
Peter Beinart - A Good Fight - washingtonpost.com
Next to JFK, Obama's a newbie - but that's beside the point
Comment is free: Destined to fail
Republicans Unite; Democrats Divide - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
Romney and McCain Tangle at Debate, but Also Try to Mold a Two-Man Race - New York Times
Edwards's Exit Weighs on Outcome - WSJ.com
Are Republicans Losing Panhandle Grip? - WSJ.com
Down and out: Edwards' divisive message falls flat - Opinion - USATODAY.com
Has defeat at the polls deterred Chávez? - 01/31/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Four in the Forefront - washingtonpost.com
McCain, the Phoenix | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Opinion: Editorials
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Schwarzenegger, Giuliani and McCain Republicans
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Is McCain a Conservative?
The Giuliani Campaign, RIP
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Longer Race Benefits Obama
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Dems Want to Lose -- But GOP Doesn't Want to Win
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Media Swallows Kennedys' Arrogant Presumption
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Front-Runners Can't Celebrate Just Yet
RealClearPolitics - Articles - House Republicans Face Late Exodus
Nascar Bernanke - WSJ.com
Fed May Be Raising Rates Before Summer's Over: John M. Berry
Wall Street tail looks to be wagging the policy dog - Telegraph
William H. Gross - It's the Housing Market Deflation - washingtonpost.com
Time To Apply The 15% Solution: Making Bush Tax Cuts Permanent
The crazy world of the superstar encourages risk
Beloved Loser
Recessions and Bears - Forbes.com
Jim Rogers: 'It's going to be much worse' - Jan. 31, 2008
Forbes.com: Digital Rules By Rich Karlgaard
Message from UBS: Its Not Just Subprime - Mergers, Acquisitions, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds -- DealBook - New York Times
The Wealth Report - WSJ.com : The Taxman Targets the Rich
Morgan Stanley - Global Economic Forum
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Time to Crack Piggy Bank for HOG?
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Decoupling Myths Expose Trade Deficit Myths
RealClearMarkets - Articles - Double Trouble for Economy, Markets
The Cash Machine is Broken
US Economy Stalls In Q4'07
Now lawmaker suggests 'om' opens door for prayers 'in Jesus name'
WorldNetDaily: A bipartisan call to draft Newt Gingrich
WorldNetDaily: Credit card company: No more buying guns
Held psychological screenings for more than 400 California peace officer applicants
State Department provides license for sale of advanced computers through U.N. program
Search on after Russia warns of increased uranium trafficking
'Our students have wisdom to put such programming in context'
Student dropped matter, declined prosecution, in exchange for man quitting
Democrats want to tack $32 billion onto House measure
Paper says she was to be placed on 'mental evaluation hold' at hospital
Huckabee has Norris, McCain has Stallone
On campaign trail says 'we have to save the planet for our grandchildren'
Final 4 meet at Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in last standoff before big day
Primary states lost 1.5 million manufacturing jobs under Bush
With harsh words for rivals, 'spoiler' says his candidacy matters more than ever
Ready to move with $1.7 trillion in windfall profits from oil-price spike
Analyst says Fed 'architect of the coming deep recession'
'Is money from project enough to justify 30 years of protests?'
5-year-old girl in serious condition, charges considered as food recalled
Officials deny they voted down plan because of Baptist opposition
Inflammatory drawings to be preserved for posterity – but probably never put on display
'It has lost its reason to be and will sooner or later fall'
'Acting in a peculiar manner, talking loudly to himself' ... 'He was very, very distressed'
Officials stop answering phone because of 'nastiness' of calls from websurfers
Suing federal agents who arrested him after telling vice president policies 'disgusting'
Homeowners out of luck – federal law makes agency immune from such complaints
'We missed what was right in front of our eyes'
Smoggy secret: Need to burn coal to create nonpolluting fuel
Critics say city did not file environmental-impact report before outlawing sacks
With harsh words for candidates, 'spoiler' says his candidacy matters more than ever
'I am very proud to endorse my friend and fellow Republican – a hero'
Hewitt: Conservatives' hostility toward legislative history shouldn't surprise anyone
Romney took more votes from self-described conservatives, says poll
Presidential candidate donates more than $70,000 in contributions to charity
Says Hillary too polarizing to win presidency, takes politically expedient positions
Some women say pic proves Hillary ignored, 'snubbed'
U.S. official confirms attack was aimed at 1 particular al-Qaida leader
Communist island's defense minister bested his brother in 2005 parliamentary vote, too
Young nun bound, chained to cross, denied food, water for days during ritual
Former president insists gathering strictly religious, not political
New ABC drama features lawyer arguing vaccine caused syndrome
'The only thing I ever missed about the White House was having a car and driver'
Actor broke promises to get clean for drug abuse, reports say
Smoking joint equivalent to 20 tobacco smokes in terms of threat to lungs
Study finds men 3 times more likely to have cardiac event on days favorite team plays
Radiating feature unlike anything seen elsewhere in solar system
Mom responding to sick child cited for improper U-turn by policeman
Minute circuitry could create discernible readouts offering driving directions
'Degraded' service after undersea cable cut
'You have this potential for this huge spread'
53 dead mammals at reserve call into question government's ability to protect
Some 'innocent' terms so tainted by fascists' use they're now completely taboo
'There is a double meaning to that word and I didn't know it. I was horrified'
German travel agency to offer nude flight
Bernanke: 'Financial markets remain under considerable stress'
'People who think these issues will go away overnight ... are mistaken'
'You hear a lot of talk of recoupling. No one's talking of decoupling'
Swiss banking giant says it expects $11.45 billion hit in 4th quarter
5-day World Economic Forum is over – financial elite partied as economy tanked
Economy expands by weak 0.6% rate – latest indication of recession?
Foreign cash ignites political concerns as Beijing money rescues American companies
Societe Generale's top executive offers resignation for 2nd time, but board declines
'Superiors closed their eyes about the methods and volumes committed'
'The sector cannot pass these extra costs on to final consumers'
Offers applications for credits to Western polluters
Web retailer got boost by both international, crucial holiday sales
Coffee chain plans to limit pace of domestic store openings
Expensive additive alkylate, which replaced MTBE, in short supply
Survey says 71% expect prices to hit dreaded figure by summer
German automaker says purchases rose more than 14% in 2007
Domino's to let customers watch progress of order
Elite matchmaking service sets up speed-dating events for 'sugar mamas'
Video - CNBC.com/Fed, Economy & You
Bloomberg News Video
Wall Street Journal Video - WSJ.com
IMF Head Reverses Course, Calls for Global Spendathon
Sibel Edmonds Tops Ron Paul in U.S. Media Blackout Race | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Sibel Edmonds Tops Ron Paul in U.S. Media Blackout Race
A Strange Conception of "Cutting the Fat"
Trashing McCarthy Becomes a Lot More Difficult
Senate Rejects Attempt to Remove Immunity for Utilities Aiding Warrantless Wiretapping
"Change": the Buzzword of the U.S. Presidential Election Season
Scientists discover way to reverse loss of memory
Wal-Mart expands RFID requirements
FBI opens subprime inquiry
UK gov't doc reveals plan to "coerce" Brits into national ID register
The Great Credit Unwind of 2008
Pioneering Blackwater Protesters Given Secret Trial and Criminal Conviction
Shape-Shifting Robots in Action
Army Seeks Fountain of Youth in Body's Powerhouses
World's Most Powerful Rail Gun Delivered to Navy
The Global Battle for Food, Oil and Water
CDC Suppressed Toxic Trailer Warnings
EU plans to see our economy blown away
Hovering Drones Rushed to Iraq
US recession will dwarf dotcom crash
Musharraf rejects CIA bid to hunt Taliban
ObjectVideo Awarded DARPA Contract to Support Next Generation Surveillance System
After touting his presidential prospects, Matthews said Giuliani "never really offered a big idea as to why he would be a great president"
Once again, NBC's Myers ignored Obama's specific response countering suggestion that Rezko "may have essentially subsidized" Obama's home purchase
NY Times ' Nagourney says Romney vulnerable to charges of inconsistency ... but McCain isn't?
Byron York's admittedly "wildly inappropriate" comparison: Giuliani's Florida concession speech and slain Italian hostage's final words
Imus on President Clinton: "This is a fat, low-rent hillbilly"
Ignoring response at debate, Matthews praised McCain's "candor" and "honest[y]" on economic knowledge
Scarborough on Giuliani: "America's Mayor ... will endorse John McCain"
CNN's King, WSJ reported McCain has shifted "emphasis," "subtly altered" position on immigration -- but he has reversed himself on it
CBS characterized "attack" as "unusual position" for McCain -- but it's not, even as he has denounced negative campaigning
CNN reporter on issue of driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants: "It literally drives some off the deep end, like Lou Dobbs"
NBC's Myers ignored key facts in reporting on controversy over Obama's home purchase
Carlson -- who has said Obama "seems like kind of a wuss" and "sounds like a pothead" -- now claims he "gives the guy a pass at every turn"
Echoing Bush, Hannity and Luntz misrepresented impact of allowing Bush tax cuts to expire
Wash. Post attributed defeat of Bush health-care proposal to partisan politics without reporting Democrats' substantive criticisms
CNN's Bash and Snow omitted McCain "shift" on immigration when airing McCain quote that Romney "flip-flopped"
NY Times ' Hulse falsely suggested Dem Congress primary defender of congressional earmarks
Scarborough called Crawford "only guy" defending Bill Clinton's Jackson comment -- ignoring Jackson himself
NY Times article falsely suggested authority to eavesdrop on terrorism suspects expires on Feb. 1
Scarborough on Giuliani: "I guess once you're called America's Mayor, you stay America's Mayor"
Olbermann named Beck "runner-up" in "Worst Person" for his "hypocritical" comments about Obama, race
On Fox News, Cunningham repeatedly referred to Obama as "Barack Hussein Obama"
Limbaugh compared Bill Clinton to segregationist "Bull" Connor
NY Times called McCain "the maverick flyboy of the Republican Party"
Mitchell falsely suggested Giuliani "decided to skip all of the early primaries"
Fox News' Hill: Sen. Kennedy "is" the "hate speech and the partisanship that you've seen in Washington"
Wash. Post falsely sclaimed "three leading Democrats" in presidential race have "refused... to acknowledge the indisputable military progres" in Iraq
Russert let McCain mislead on Clinton's Iraq withdrawal proposal
CNN's Borger on McCain's mother: "[N]ow we know where he gets all the straight talk from"
USA Today editorial revived false claim that Obama "said he'd invade" Pakistan
Ariz. Republic , Fox News, WSJ repeated McCain's defense of vote against Bush tax cuts
York asserted that SC white men who did not vote for Clinton "voted against" her
Beck said "to be consistent," Clinton should give Obama "5 percentage points" because of affirmative action
Joe Klein on Bill Clinton in the White House: "There's a kind of, something that's spiritually skeevy about it"
Boston Globe 's Canellos on SC primary: "A lot of black women voted as blacks rather than as women"
Media Matters - Hannity exaggerated Reagan's record on jobs, federal revenue
Media Matters - Scarborough: Clinton campaign is "at war against African-Americans, and now they are at war against the Democratic Party"
At Senate Hearing, Attorney General Michael Mukasey Refuses to Say if Waterboarding is Torture, Illegal
Edwards' Campaign Manager Bonior Explains Sudden Departure From Presidential Race
Ralph Nader Launches Presidential Exploratory Committee to Mull '08 Run
Newt: Clinton Machine Race Baiting > Newt.org > Newt News and Opinion DB
The Evolution Of Change > Newt.org > Newt News and Opinion DB
Let The Markets Work > Newt.org > Newt News and Opinion DB
Newt Discusses Obama's Recent Endorsement on The O'Reilly Factor > Newt.org > Newt News and Opinion DB
Newt on McCain's smashing victory in Florida, watching Clinton stumble, and who will get Edwards' voters
ABC News - Gingrich Pushes Bush for Change Now
Gingrich Demands 'Real Change'
Exclusive: Jane Chastain sees pair getting together as best means to stop John McCain's nomination
Exclusive: Perry Atkinson and Bob Just envision '2nd Reagan Revolution'
Ann Coulter: As we know from Florida, 'Republicans are unalterably stupid'
Ben Shapiro: Mitt needs to put on some jeans and go get his hands dirty
Diana Furchtgott-Roth: Senator represents 'smaller government and a strong defense'
Larry Elder asserts 'race-baiting misdirection' on Obama won't work
Exclusive: Tristan Emmanuel sees dearth of manliness among evangelicals
Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains why he'd like to punch D.C. 'journalist' in the nose
Exclusive: Jack Cashill wraps up series on Obama's Clinton-tied national security adviser
Robert Weissman seeks reversal of 13 results of Bush administration
Patrick J. Michaels links climate-change policy to budding global food riots
Nat Hentoff whomps ACLU, others for inhibiting 1st Amendment