"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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29 January 2008


Romney, McCain: Tight Race As Fla. Votes
Giuliani fights for survival as Florida votes | Reuters
Primary day glitches few but frustrating -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
BostonHerald.com - Blogs: Presidential Briefing» Blog Archive » Romney depicts loose cannon McCain - updated
Florida primary turnout may set record - 01/28/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
wcbstv.com - Giuliani: 'In The Past I've Done The Impossible'
High Enthusiasm Propels Democrats - New York Times
Washington elite lead Clinton backlash - John F. Harris - Politico.com
Clinton's Risky Gamble
Honoring Nazi victims as witnesses fade - International Herald Tribune
Smith to Kennedy: 'Agents of Change End Up Being Targets, As You Well Know' | NewsBusters.org
TheHill.com - Clinton, Obama steal Bush’s final show
Mike Wallace Recovering From Bypass
MyFox Los Angeles | Democratic Race Heats up in the Southland
My Way News - Kennedy Endorses Obama _ 'Change in Air'
Barack Obama, Camelot's New Knight
Dow Jones Plans Move to Midtown New York: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Hollywood couple sentenced in maid 'slave' case
EU court: Downloaders can stay private - Yahoo! News
A Frosty Moment Between Clinton, Obama
Iraqis mock US soldiers and themselves on You Tube
My Way News - Bush Urges Econ Action, Iraq Patience
Bush Says Faith Helped Him Beat Drinking
Charles Bremner - Times Online - WBLG:
Rogue trader's account raises new questions about bank oversight - International Herald Tribune
FT.com / In depth - Further revelations dent SocGen’s reputation
Transgender debate draws crowd - News - GainesvilleSun.com
Reluctant Nichol allows sex-workers show at W&M -- dailypress.com
Fly naked on Germany's first nudist holiday flight | International | Reuters
Middle-age is truly depressing, study finds | Health | Reuters
U.S. 10-city home price drop a record in Nov: S&P | Reuters
Home Foreclosure Rate Soars in 2007: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Obama takes big risk on driver's license issue
Stirring the Hate?
US envoy 'committed suicide': World: News: News24
El Paso Times - Soldiers can't visit Juárez
NYT: AZ Prop 300 'Frightening' Away Illegal Alien Students | NewsBusters.org
Daily Express: The World's Greatest Newspaper :: News / Showbiz :: Europeans think Islam is dangerous
Don't treat the old and unhealthy, say doctors - Telegraph
Orwell Would Be Proud - January 28, 2008 - The New York Sun
Disgruntled Bedouins fire at Gazans - Israel News, Ynetnews
Graveyard Shift for Islamic Jihad: A Visit to a Gaza Rocket Factory - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Homosexuals Squelch Facts About MRSA Outbreak, Conservatives Say -- 01/28/2008
Iran cracks down on corruption - with execution of customs contractor | the Daily Mail
Shas MK proposes 'rehab centers' for gays - Israel News, Ynetnews
One cannabis joint 'is the equivalent of smoking 20 cigarettes' | the Daily Mail
FOXNews.com - Bush, Fresh Off State of the Union, Set to Sign Order Directing Fed Agencies to Ignore Earmarks Not Voted On by Congress - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
WorldNetDaily: Half of gold in central banks gone?
WorldNetDaily: Obama aide wants talks with terrorists
WorldNetDaily: Obama's pastor disses Natalee Holloway
WorldNetDaily: Full text of president's address
WorldNetDaily: 'Palestinian state temporary ruse to destroy Israel'
WorldNetDaily: 'Peace partner' grieves death of infamous terrorist
WorldNetDaily: WND's Vox Day silences atheist critics
Truman's Daughter Dies at 83
ABC News: Clinton's Appearance Overly Scrutinized?
Bush challenges Congress on the economy - The White House- msnbc.com
MK Zeev: Gay 'plague' could destroy Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews
Florida primary turnout may set record - 01/28/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Too close to call as Fla. voting begins - Decision '08- msnbc.com
Obama takes big risk on driver's license issue
'We chose not to call witnesses because there was no need to'
'In real life would mean a terrorist was headed toward a plane with a bomb'
Some concerned outsiders might disrupt Choate graduation
'I can't play football no more. I can't shoot my basketball'
Editor joins Breitbart, Horowitz at Conservative Political Action Conference in D.C.
WND launches new Christian video collection for inspiration, entertainment
'Doomsday vault' will provide vital genetic resource in event of global catastrophe such as asteroid strike
Woman indicted on 22 counts of aggravated sexual assault of child
38-year-old shot to death while unloading groceries
Active people have younger cells on molecular level than those of couch potatoes
'Main message is no medication left in the hands of a 3-year-old is safe'
'I was just playing pool in the church hall when my ear made a popping noise'
Considered 'emergency allowance' to pay for operations beginning Oct. 1
'They range from the outright crazy to the absolutely insane'
'They had all the info needed from witnesses who were on scene'
Activists turn attention to swine after seeing success with dogs
Teen gets in hot water for whiffing teacher's gel
'I invited them in, but they didn't want to come'
For canceling 1965 concert back in Fab 4's heyday
After it took decades for authorities to check how old she was
25% more likely to develop condition than those who never saw wood
President Bush's State of the Union
The Democratic Response to the State of the Union
Reaction to the State of the Union
Panel on the Kennedy Endorsement
Sen. Kennedy Endorses Barack Obama
Obama in "The Situation Room"
McCain and Romney talk to Anderson Cooper
Clinton: "Lifetime"
Sean Hannity Confronts Chuck Norris
Gallup's New National Polls
McCain's Thoughts on the State of the Union
Newt Gingrich on "The O'Reilly Factor"
Sharpton Tells Bill Clinton To Be Quiet
Obama Responds to the State of the Union
Romney Responds to the State of the Union
Kennedys Discuss Their Endorsement
Liz Cheney Endorses Romney
The Kennedy Endorsement
Obama: "Lift" and "First"
McCain: "A Tale of Two Mitts" Web Ad
Clinton Surrogates on MSNBC
Giuliani at a Boca Raton Synagogue
Obama at Harvest Catherdral Church
Giuliani: "Not Endorsed" Web Ad
Huckabee's Sunday Media
McCain on "Meet the Press"
Clinton on "Face the Nation"
Obama on "This Week"
Police Officers Endorse Giuliani
Barack Obama's South Carolina Victory Speech
Crist Endorses McCain
In Florida, GOP Sniping Takes Center Stage, CBSNews.com Reports: Republican Candidates Hammer Each Other In Battle For Sunshine State - CBS News
Final Year's Realities Push Big Ideas Into Background - washingtonpost.com
The Kennedy Mystique - New York Times
Ask Not! Why Obama is No JFK - Widmer
South Carolina Reshapes the Races - Michael Barone (usnews.com)
Capital Journal - WSJ.com
Success in Iraq could mean defeat for Giuliani - James Kirchick - Politico.com
OPENING ARGUMENT: Perils Of The Race And Gender Cards (01/28/2008)
The Truth About Jena
Final Thoughts on Florida - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
Bush's End Game - WSJ.com
The State of the Union - New York Times
Security first | The San Diego Union-Tribune
A president of his region and times | The Australian
Kennedy Backs Obama With ‘Old Politics’ Attack - New York Times
Candidates, slurs fly on campaign trail - 01/28/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Obama Mines Small, Traditionally Red States - washingtonpost.com
RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Geographic Coalitions Key To FL Win
RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Market's Echo Chamber
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A 'Stimulus Package'?
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Single Women Coming Out to Vote
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Staying The Coarse
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hobbled by Hubby
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Only Hillary Can Reunite Republican Party
Despite nationwide meltdown, industry says now's time to buy
Followed by Florida, Michigan, California
Prices plunge, builders facing with huge backlog of unsold houses
Dave Ramsey dispenses advice on buying small business, life insurance for 27-year-old
Carmaker suffering staggering losses due to pro-homosexual policies
213,000 more automobiles than 9.284 million U.S. giant made last year
Otherwise, California company could have been forced out of business
For 2nd time in year as energy, commodity costs spiral higher
Gives investors chance to assess entrepreneurial skills of ex-vice president
Investors shifting bets toward prices weakening in near future
American, United, US Airways double amount to $40 on domestic roundtrips
Burger CEO: 'We've navigated through tough times before'
'Once you have got a qualification in management you can probably go anywhere'
As of Friday, AOL officially will end its support for fading browser
French rogue trader now free on bail
Investors say current board hasn't acted aggressively enough
Will subsidize development of wind, solar, biomass, hydro-electric sources
Wal-Mart-owned chain will no longer charge more for larger cups
'I wanted to do the thing I loved the most while being with the people I loved'
Bill Calls For Aspartame Ban
Gold & Platinum Hit Record Highs
Ron Paul Hopeful About Maine
$3 ATM Fees?
Rudy Hints Of Dropping Out
New Flu Vaccine May Not Need Needles
Cash-Strapped States Resort To Odd Taxes
Ron Paul Interview On Fox Seattle
Chinese Shares Sink 5% In Morning Trade
U.S. Recession To Dwarf Dotcom Slump
China's Mobile Network Spy Tools
UK: Coercion To Force Use Of ID Cards
Paul: U.S. Has Run Out Of Money
Jesse Benton A Suspicious Figure
Bush orders NSA to snoop on US agencies | The Register
The Fear Factory : Rolling Stone
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Grim secrets of Pharaoh's city
James Bond: the spy who changed me - Telegraph
Get your hands off my light bulbs, Big Brother
Organized Thugs in Las Vegas by Doug French
This Ain’t No Dixie Chick by Vedran Vuk
Is Ron Paul Wrong on Abortion? by Laurence M. Vance
Ron Paul's Competing Currencies by Peter Brimelow
Suharto, the Model Killer, and His Friends in High Places by John Pilger
Money: Pathology and Reality
The Great Credit Unwind of '08 by Mike Whitney
Zimbabwe Economics by Bill Bonner
Bev Harris: New Hampshire Recount a "Criminal Enterprise"
Neo-Con Hugh Hewitt Excludes Ron Paul Results from Primary Listings on Blog
Ron Paul Can Win Maine
TV News Report on Fluoride Poisoning
Chávez pushes for withdrawal of international reserves from U.S. banks - International Herald Tribune
Satellite is weeks away from hitting Earth - CNN.com
Staging the Largest Terrorism-Response Drill in U.S. History
Population Control and the Scientific Breeding of Humans
Transhumanism & the Specter of coercive eugenicism (Eugenics Wars argument)
Frequency Clear - On The cyber Punk Apocalypse
What Presidential Candidates are part of the CFR?
Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove Depicted Classified Plans
Scientists create synthetic genome
9/11 conspiracy theories originate from ignorance
New Hampshire Recount Delay Stokes Suspicions
The Greatest Grassroots Campaign in Political History: Ignored by Big Media
Did Ron Paul Win The Louisiana Caucus?
Waving Goodbye to Hegemony
Out of the Ashes: a New World Order
French TV cites Bilderberg Group Power
What Referendum? British MPs Confronted on Yielding to EU
Kidney racket scandal shocks country
Edward Bernays: How to Brainwash a Nation
McCain Promises More War
US blacks see 'financial apartheid' in subprime crisis
Bad Management Sinks Bank
An Almost “Gannon Moment” Between Bush and Frank?
EU’s “Climate Change” Plan “Economic Suicide”
The Homeland Security Campus: Repress U
History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks an Inside Job
Romney Fed Answers During Debate
Questions unfolding throughout New Hampshire
Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims
CIA Brainwashing Techniques
Covert Bid to Push US Troops into Pakistan
The Danse Macabre of US-Style Democracy
The Huckster’s Take on Neocon Lies: Saddam Moved WMD to Jordan
Orwell Rolls in His Grave
Harris Calls For Resignations In New Hampshire Recount Fiasco
American Liberty Teetering on Edge of Abyss
Endgame, Loose Change, and Freedom to Fascism Rank High at Google Video
RFID Panopticon
Alabama Republican Assembly Endorses Ron Paul for President
Ron Paul Gold Rush Revolution
David Limbaugh: Race-baiting against Obama dredges up memories of couple's ruthlessness
Exclusive: Mychal Massie defends his right to write in candidate, come what may
Pat Buchanan: Clintons' have so 'ghettoized' Barack, he may be history by next week
Exclusive: Andrew Longman looks at percentages each governor raised taxes
Exclusive: Janet Folger unveils TV ad taking Mitt's challenge to look at his record
Dennis Prager rebuts e-mail circulating for years about what a GOPer must believe
Exclusive: Joseph Farah declares, 'World government is a profoundly un-American idea'
Exclusive: Les Kinsolving charges Bush with double standard in Middle East
Exclusive: Josh Hasten looks at plight of Jews in border town subject to daily assaults
Elliot Cohen decries Bush administration plan to step up government monitoring
Exclusive: Chuck Norris stresses importance of electing a fiscally frugal U.S. leader
Mark Steyn spotlights latest attempts not to ruffle feathers of Muslims
Kennedy says he and the Clintons are still friends
Kennedys Describe Obama as an Heir to the JFK Legacy
McCain on Fund's Alito Quote: I Don't Recall Saying That
McCain: Romney favored Iraq withdrawal
Judge revokes bond, orders jail for Rezko
New York's turn to shine in primary season
Polls show Giuliani falling behind in NY as Clinton leads Dems
Clinton: "I'm Going to Take My Case to the People" of Missouri
Republican Presidential Contenders Seeking Lead in Florida Primary
Analysis: Bush overshadowed by presidential race
Bush's final State of the Union: Boost 'uncertain' economy
Three Snowmobilers Missing in Colorado Mountains
Person of Interest Questioned in Indiana Carjacking That Left ...
Seniors' free rides begin March 17—if they have RTA photo IDs
Chicago Business News, Analysis & Articles | Sales-tax increases for transit start April 1 | Crain's
Good Samaritans Help Drunken Driver Escape Car Before Train Crash
Metra trains collide with van in Hinsdale
Mother May Face Homicide Charges in Fire Death of 1-Year-Old Daughter
Celebrity Coroner Accused of Trading Cadavers
'DC Madam' VIP Re-Emerges From Scandal
Texas Supreme Court backlog reaches record level
Global tourism soaring, led by Mideast, despite financial crises: UN
Bodies, heads found in northern Iraq
FACTBOX-Facts about Kenya's post-election crisis
Smashed border fence costs Gaza's smugglers
Is Musharraf losing his grip?
Berlusoni demands early elections
Four admit plot to behead Muslim soldier in UK
Afghan Women Protest Aid Worker’s Kidnapping
S.Lanka says captures rebel positions, kills dozens
Celebrity chef is elected as Prime Minister of Thailand
Fayed 'approved couple's hotel exit plan'
Diana's sister testifies at inquest
Pakistani Police Battle Militants in Karachi
NATO's Afghan mission 'in jeopardy'
UN graft meeting seeks new ways to chase the money
Robbers refuse to give up hostages in Venezuela siege
Securitas Robbers Sentenced to as Long as 30 Years in Prison
Turkish parties launch compromise on headscarf reform
Algeria car bomb on police post kills two - APS says
Olmert Braces for Report Knocking Lebanon War Conduct (Update1)
Pioneering Blackwater Protesters Given Secret Trial and Criminal Conviction
Shape-Shifting Robots in Action
Half of gold in central banks gone?
Army Seeks Fountain of Youth in Body's Powerhouses
Army Enlists Comic Books, iPods in Insurgent Fight
World’s Most Powerful Rail Gun Delivered to Navy
The Global Battle for Food, Oil and Water
CDC Suppressed Toxic Trailer Warnings
AT&T's plans to filter the Internet
EU plans to see our economy blown away
Hovering Drones Rushed to Iraq
Weak Dollar Fuels China's Buying Spree Of U.S. Firms
UN calls water top priority for global agenda
Giuliani: "Clear"