"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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28 January 2008

28th Jan

YouTube - Vietnam Veterans Against McCain
YouTube - John McCain Lies at Fox Debate and is EXPOSED by Ron Paul
YouTube - Tom DeLay: John McCain Has Done the Most to Hurt the GOP
YouTube - John McCain vs. John McCain
YouTube - Worst Person In The World: John McCain
YouTube - John McCain Gets Owned on Meet The Press
YouTube - John McCain- Weak on Immigration
YouTube - Ron Paul @ Fox Debate Pt.5 1-10-08
YouTube - CFR / NAU & 2008 Presidential Candidates
YouTube - Presidential Candidates For North American Union
McCain Celebrates CFR Anniversary
As The Great Lakes Water Levels Drop, Hardship Flows
Broken Spy Satellite To Crash To Earth Soon
News Analysis: Israel's Experimental Pressure Strategy Backfires
The Choice Between Food And Fuel
Growing Number Of Americans Hit Health Insurance Benefit Limits
Pakistan Rebuffs Secret U.S. Plea For CIA Buildup
In More U.S. Court Cases, Combat Trauma Is Taking The Stand
Romney, McCain Trade Barbs In Florida
Barack Obama Is Big Winner In South Carolina
Newt: A GOP Dark Horse? - HUMAN EVENTS
BostonHerald.com - Blogs: Green World» Blog Archive » Newt Gingrich wants both major political parties to ‘go green’
StumbleUpon Demo - The Book on Mitt Romney
RNC Chairman: Barack Obama is the Wrong Kind of Change
Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections
Kennedy Chooses Obama, Spurning Plea by Clintons - New York Times
Clinton’s Camp Seeks Gentler Role for Ex-President - New York Times
Mitt Romney, John McCain Trade Charges
U.S. electorate tunes in to wide-open 2008 race | Special Coverage | Reuters
New Home Sales Fall by Record Amount: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Free music downloads site in chaos as record giants pull out| News | This is London
Brattleboro to vote on arresting Bush, Cheney: Rutland Herald Online
My Way News - Disabled Spy Satellite Threatens Earth
American spy satellite 'the size of a bus' is out of control and hurtling towards Earth | the Daily Mail
Chinese snow storms strand 200,000 at station in new year exodus - Times Online
Iran receives last nuclear fuel shipment - Yahoo! News
Don't stop Brazil Carnival but be careful: Lula | International | Reuters
No Country For Old Men positioned for Oscar | Entertainment | Reuters
My Way News - Clinton Brings Campaign to Florida
ABC News: Clinton's Appearance Overly Scrutinized?
Brady says he will be fit for Super Bowl | Sports | Reuters
Final SOTU unlikely to yield surprises - David Rogers - Politico.com
Bush Looks to Beef Up Protection Against Cyberattacks
Toyota Beats GM in Global Production
My Way News - French Bank Says Trader Hacked Computers
Rogue trader in £3.6bn fraud threatens to 'name names' as bank admits he may have had a gang | the Daily Mail
Home Prices Fell in ’07 for First Time in Decades - New York Times
US mortgage crisis creates ghost town
US blacks see 'financial apartheid' in subprime crisis
Chávez pushes for withdrawal of international reserves from U.S. banks - International Herald Tribune
Spy v spy as Airbus joins the fight against whaling - Whale watch - Specials
For Bill Clinton, Echoes of Jackson in Obama Win | The Trail | washingtonpost.com
UCL professor: Terror 'Palestinians' moral right' | Jerusalem Post
Gadhafi son tied to Iraq bombing - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Hard partying with prescription drugs is the new fashionable killer - Times Online
FOXNews.com - Son of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sibelius Designs Raunchy Prison-Themed Board Game - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Chavez advises pulling U.S. deposits - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Suharto, Indonesian Dictator for 32 Years, Dies at 86
Orbiting U.S. spy satellite could crash to Earth | Science | Reuters
French Futures Trader in Police Custody - washingtonpost.com
Woman Cited Hours Before Highway Deaths
CFP: Baby Dolphin Murders Blamed on US Military… Culprit OTHER Dolphins!
CFP: Soros Backs Corporate Democrats
Gandhi's Grandson Quits Peace Center
Anger in Iran after law student dies in custody - Telegraph
Subprime mortgage crisis hurts pets
'White girl goes off, gives it up' in Aruba, candidate's pal claims
'I think his harsh style hurt Senator Clinton'
What do you think of ex-President Clinton's efforts to get his wife elected?
JFK's brother Ted, daughter Caroline inspired more by Barack
Has become campaign issue because of long association with Obama
Candidates accuse each other of harboring liberal tendencies
Woman who famously labeled Bill Clinton '1st black president'
Rudy maintains: 'I'm confident that we're going to win'
'The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine'
'Now it's a delegate race, so there's not a state you're not going to do a little bit in'
Mother of 5 calls Mitt 'the leader our country needs'
John to campaign in Florida, while Obama, Clinton plan to attend
Campaign spokesman launches website to 'kick him where it hurts – his wallet'
Exclusive: Chuck Norris stresses importance of electing a fiscally frugal U.S. leader
'People want to express themselves and they want to say how they feel'
Hezbollah's dangerous media arm
Joseph Farah interviews columnist Vox Day about hot, new book
Exclusive: Vox Day provides excerpt of his new book, 'The Irrational Atheist'
Briefly seized students, teachers in country's volatile northwest
'I was hurt. I didn't know what to do. I was scared. Terrified'
'The more catastrophic thing would be an asteroid'
States pursuing new penalties, closing loopholes
Most comprehensive account on Internet of female predators on campus
District still hasn't approved benefits, months after being attacked in class
Say filmmaker's ID of burial site falls on statistical, DNA, epigraphic evidence
'Few media vehicles out there that reach that size audience'
Boys mimicking 'A Christmas Story' injured after licking frozen flagpole
Run down by suspected drug smugglers mile north of Mexico
Hinckley might be best known for aggressive attitude in building LDS temples
Pollster Rasmussen says McCain trials stem from opposing tax cuts
Skeptics of candidate's immigration stance highlight appointment
Leads some to say ex-president running race-baiting campaign for wife
'At this point right now, we're not going to charge anything nefarious is going on'
'We are not sure whether one of these children even knew he was being used'
Key religious adviser tells of different Bush behind born-again image
'I've seen some screwy things, but I've personally never heard of anything like this'
Suspect sitting in back seat with his arm around money holder
Report says heart attack could be real culprit
Jack Nicholson says tragedy could be warning about dangers of certain sleeping pills
'You're just reallocating money from time-sensitive to price-sensitive'
Officer holders have 'moral obligation' to draw on Judeo-Christian standards
'It was locked on. The bite has gone down to the bone'
Surgery expected to leave feline with 3 limbs
Breakthrough could mean humans don't die for hundreds of years
'Natural' mental decline could be related to how much absorbed decades before
Controversial study throwing new light on masterpiece
Huckabee on "Fox News Sunday"
Clinton and Giuliani on "Face The Nation" (PDF)
McCain on "Meet the Press"
Ted Kennedy Prepares to Pass the Mantle to Obama
The Economy Is Fine (Really) - WSJ.com
Rahm Emanuel - The Seven-Year Slide - washingtonpost.com
The Case for McCain - January 28, 2008 - The New York Sun
Winging It - WSJ.com
Clinton and Obama: A Contest of Realistic vs. Romantic Worldviews -- New York Magazine
McCain's one-two Florida punch - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
A Problem-Solver Whose Time Is Now by David Frum on National Review / Digital
FT.com / Columnists / Lawrence Summers - Beyond fiscal stimulus, further action is needed
The Bush Who Got Away - New York Times
How Bush Decided on the Surge
Behaving badly | The San Diego Union-Tribune
Obama's rhetoric soars, but what does his record suggest? - Opinion - USATODAY.com
President Bush looking forward - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
The Panic of 2008
Kennedy Will Endorse Obama In Blow to Clinton - washingtonpost.com
The Associated Press: Romney Focuses on Economy
Florida primary turnout may set record - 01/28/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
Obama Gains, But Still Lags In Big States - WSJ.com
Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | Hillary's biggest asset? Now Bill is looking like a liability
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Clinton Gambles with Latino Firewall
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Surprising General Election Opening for Republicans?
Cage Match: McCain vs, Romney - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
The Daily 2008 - Real Clear Politics - Mid Term Elections - Elections 2008 - TIME
Paying the Price for the Fed’s Success - New York Times
Pro Libertate: A Snitch In Time
Taki's Top Drawer: The Death of Music from the Spirit of Government Subsidies
The Revolution Was by Garet Garrett
American Liberty Teetering on Edge of Abyss by Paul Craig Roberts
An Open Letter to Small Business Owners by Stephen Fairfax
The Ron Paul Rope-a-Dope by Johnny Kramer
Aggravating the Agony by Robert Anderson
The Broken Window Fallacy Reapplied by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Countrywide Financial Corporation and the Failure of Mortgage Socialism by Eric Englund
Getting to American Neutrality by Michael S. Rozeff
NorthJersey.com: providing local news, sports & classifieds for Northern New Jersey!
McCain Promises More War
TV News Report On Fluoride Poisoning
Kindergarten Student Slapped in Handcuffs, Terrorized Over Acting Out in Class
The Black Box Economy
Vermont Town to Vote on Bush-Cheney Arrest for War Crimes
NSA, FBI, Pentagon to Collaborate in Attacks Against Computer Network Threats
The Homeland Security Campus: Repress U
Joseph Stiglitz Warns of Dangerous “Liquidity Trap”
How Did Hillary Steal New Hampshire?
CIA Brainwashing Techniques
Covert Bid to Push US Troops into Pakistan
New Hampshire Primary: Sham Chain of Custody
MSNBC Offers Lame Explanation of Romney Whisper
The Danse Macabre of US-Style Democracy
The Huckster’s Take on Neocon Lies: Saddam Moved WMD to Jordan
Orwell Rolls in His Grave
Endgame, Loose Change, and Freedom to Fascism Rank High at Google Video
RFID Panopticon
Ron Paul Campaign Files Caucus Challenge with Louisiana GOP
Alex Jones on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
Alabama Republican Assembly Endorses Ron Paul for President
Ron Paul Gold Rush Revolution
Surprising Few, Italy’s Government Collapses
UN calls water top priority for global agenda
Tip-off thwarted nuclear spy ring probe
Bush Order Expands Network Monitoring
ObjectVideo Awarded DARPA Contract to Support Next Generation Surveillance System
America – A Bankrupt Empire
Central Bankers Confront A New Inflation Calculus
VIDEO: History Channel Admits Anthrax Attacks an Inside Job
Clinton Surrogates on MSNBC
Giuliani at a Boca Raton Synagogue
Obama at Harvest Catherdral Church
Giuliani: "Not Endorsed" Web Ad
Huckabee's Sunday Media
McCain on "Meet the Press"
Clinton on "Face the Nation"
Obama on "This Week"
Police Officers Endorse Giuliani
Barack Obama's South Carolina Victory Speech
Crist Endorses McCain
Giuliani: "Clear"
The Latest Bill Clinton Comments
Giuliani in Sarasota
Edwards: "Grown Up" Radio Ad
Romney on "AM Tampa Bay"
Huckabee: "Common Sense"
Obama Rallies Beaufort, SC Crowd
Romney: "Democrats' Favorite Republican" Web Ad
McCain: "Health Care Alert"
Edwards Rallies in His Hometown
Huckabee's Morning Media
GOP Candidates Discuss Iraq
Dick Morris' Latest Analysis
Romney: "Economia"
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson warns terrorism is rampant while PC candidates skirt issue in run for '08 presidency
Exclusive: Joseph Farah embraces crash of RINO's campaign, warns voters about posers
Exclusive: Kathleen Willey warns senator about Clinton's dirty-trick machine
Exclusive: Michael Ackley revisits Obama's golden opportunity to rip Hillary's record
Exclusive: Doug Powers bids farewell to last viable candidate to quit nomination race
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith exposes Sharpton, Jackson's bias, disregard for Christ
Exclusive: Pat Boone spotlights physicists who discredit notion humans are responsible
Ruben Navarrette: We never take responsibility for personal decisions we've made
Warner Todd Huston: Is having moral convictions a disqualifier on popular talent show?
'Few media vehicles out there that reach that size audience'
Average price so far $4,300 for game; total dollar volume could set record
'I had my American Dream but it became a nightmare'
'I can't believe I signed it. I didn't accept that'
600,000 troubled homeowners could win new terms after easing terms of FHA
Says delay will risk drawing resentment of frustrated American public
'Demand is in its traditional winter hibernation'
'Web music is booming but we have a lot of issues of illegitimacy's
'We have knifings. We have killings, and they're taking me to court'
'There was a big enough audience looking to have silly, mindless fun'
'I cannot guarantee to you 100 percent that there was no complicity'
'Things are moving very fast. There are announcements and rumors every day'
'The whole social networking phenomenon is quite substantial'
Son of Kansas governor creates board game based on prison rape
Proposal to cut tailpipe emissions could further depress struggling industry
'We feel it's habitable from the casino up through the 26th floor'
01-28-2008: Jesse Benton A Suspicious Figure
Bush orders NSA to snoop on US agencies | The Register