"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

23 December 2007

Sunday - 23rd December

VIDEO: Giuliani Will Release Medical Info

VIDEO: The Roundtable


VIDEO: Edwards on This Week

VIDEO: Economy At 'Stall Speed'

VIDEO: The Roundtable

VIDEO: Countdown to Iowa

VIDEO: George's Romney Analysis

VIDEO: Biden Wants CIA Tapes Special Counsel

VIDEO: Gingrich: NIE Report 'Misleading'

VIDEO: Gingrich: NIE Report 'Misleading'

Videos:Face The Nation 12.23.2007

Videos:Face The Nation 12.23.2007

My Way News - Obama Criticizes Edwards' Record
My Way News - Clinton: We Don't Vote for Advisers
Huckabee: Stronger Military, Families
My Way News - Romney Takes on McCain Over Taxes
Giuliani glad to be back in N.H. - Yahoo! News
Clinton, Obama seek to lock in key votes before Christmas
Top news story: Virginia Tech killings - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Santa on Cross Protests Commercialism
Hoover Planned Mass Jailing in 1950 - New York Times
Rocket launched into space; carries satellite to guide weapons -- OrlandoSentinel.com
FBI Prepares Vast Database Of Biometrics
Iraq Qaeda group confirms top figure killed: Web | Reuters
Online NewsHour: Newsmaker Interview | Interview with Sen. Harry Reid | December 21, 2007 | PBS
Leading Democrat in Senate Tells Reporters, ‘This War Is Lost’ - New York Times
Gates Criticizes Congress on War Funding
FT.com / Companies / Financial services - Saudis plan huge sovereign wealth fund
Consumer Spending Surges in November: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Fed: Another $20B Auctioned to Banks: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Huck offers olive branch to Rush, asks for him to get in touch - Jonathan Martin's Blog - Politico.com
My Way News - Clinton Makes Closing Argument to Women
Savior or Saboteur? - New York Times
HRC staff ordered to lower expectations - Roger Simon - Politico.com
Dems duel over foreign policy advisers - Yahoo! News
13 brutal murders in last 18 months bear signs of underworld executions
Counteroffensive: Agents attacked nearly 1,000 times during 1-year period
Flagging economy, tough new legislation cracking down on employers, sparks exit
'Veterans Disarmament Act on way to president'
System causes massive flight delays, driving hazardous through weekend
Now Christ child on display equipped with GPS tracking device
Basilica of St. Anastasia in Rome linked to ancient worship of sun god
'One thing led to another and result was some decorations prohibited'
Christian attorneys fight back in Oklahoma City case
In 1st public statements, veteran pitcher refutes steroid charges
Attorneys reviewing charges of violating mandatory ed law
'The general public expects equal treatment under the law'
But opponents believe Bush will find other ways to keep program rolling
Report called global warming worries 'entirely without merit'
Basing policy on carbon dioxide levels 'potentially disastrous economic folly'
'International community should be concerned about increased persecution' in China
'This nonsense about being a liberal is pure nonsense'
'I feel great now, I feel terrific. I've been tested out, everything came back 100%'
47% say they will vote against each no matter who else appears on ballot
Blasts 'absurd' convictions of border agents, suggests he might pardon them immediately
GOP hopeful has fervent followers, message that resonates
Says good image is being spoiled by work that depicts him as callous, unlawful
GOP strategist says book will offer 'candid, careful look' at Bush's presidency
'The book wouldn't have sold 10 books. It was badly written. It was a piece of trash'
Girl moved in with coach after graduation, relationship began when she was 16
Says suggestive e-mails left her 'embarrassed and ashamed' – 'terrible, horrible idea'
Files suit against district – woman gets 8-year suspended sentence, 3 years of probation
Confidential, nationwide list ID's 24,500 punished for wide array of offenses
States' different standards for reporting means information not thorough
WorldNetDaily: The big list: Female teachers with students
Wanted Truman's approval to 'protect the country against treason, espionage and sabotage,' says report
$1 billion project to include images of irises, faces
Accused of helping to organize al-Qaida plot to attack ship
Hailed as martyr, scholar, holy-war fighter on audio tape posted on Islamist websites
Defense secretary: 'Situation on the ground' makes it likely 1st 5 brigades will leave
'The terrorist organization of the PKK will see and understand that there is no secure place left'
Other driver with concealed-carry permit shot him in leg
Under the radar: Trading in baggy pants, bandanas for more conventional attire
$30: 'At first they thought it was a joke'
Woman already on lifetime probation for 2003 abuse death of 3-month-old baby
Suspect reportedly had 'gone berserk,' slit pit bull's throat
'Somebody sounded like they were getting slammed up against a wall'
3 armed suspects met by gunfire, 2 flee
Physician took picture of patient's private tattoo during surgery
15-year-old's 2 tosses at girl's belly results in premature birth
Suffers heart failure after undergoing operation to remove 80% of his stomach
But skeptics say 214,200 reindeer traveling at 650 miles per second required for feat
But jail staff pitches in, cleans up: 'We just got to help him out'
Police hunt snarling, biting youngster found living with pack of wolves
'I think the people at the Discovery Channel went way too much 'CSI''
Armor, church bell, clay smoking pipes, chamber pot among items found at early settlement
Had been regular worshiper at Mass with his family
Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jew confront differences over meaning of Christ's life
Treasury-backed fund 'not needed at this time'
Political backlash: Potential investments likely to be subject to greater scrutiny
Initially refused to pay for liver transplant: 'They took my daughter away from me'
Senate to debate Assembly-passed bill as Feb. 5 primaries draw near
Service has never been out of red since its launch in 1971
Plan to take 50 animals dropped, but 'no changes' to stance on research whaling itself
Man protests Christmas commercialism with holiday display of St. Nick nailed to cross
Beats trend with 7 consecutive months of circulation growth
Must convince prosecutors they have full control of his millions so he can't use them to flee
Corrects 10 years of errors in stock-option accounting
'I wanted to get away from the tattered, really old tote bag with an in-your-face eco-message'
Study: Vapor from top-selling butter substitutes linked to rare respiratory disease
'We are reaching new heights of hysteria. ... Personally I feel depressed'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah expresses outrage over U.S. government's totalitarian mandate
Exclusive: Olivia St. John protests judge order against homeschooling mother
Exclusive: Pat Boone commends Huckabee's fearless celebration of Christian holiday
Exclusive: Jonathan Falwell treasures Jesus' love during secularized, banned holiday
Exclusive: Henry Lamb tells a tale of Christmas generosity and warm compassion
Exclusive: Ellis Washington revels in God's most precious gift to all humanity
Exclusive: Greg Laurie encourages readers to discover the cure for inner restlessness
Exclusive: Dave Welch blasts columnist for ignorant assessment of Huckabee surge
Jennifer Rubin: We could generously give them 'incomplete,' but 'F' is more accurate
Joseph Wilson flays Barack for his foreign policy 'inexperience'
President Bush does best to avoid commenting on White House race
Pat Buchanan: Republican race likely to have pair of candidates still in race by Jan. 9
Andrew Dilnot and Michael Blastland: Newspaper figures are convincing, not accurate
Why the Counterculture Should Support Ron Paul
Stop the Name Calling
Keep Your Eyes on Bernanke's Shoes
Small Acts of Rebellion
Let the Bankers Pay
A Real Defense for America
War on Earth
From Liberalism to Murdochracy
The Authoritarian Temptation
U.S. plans confidential appraisal of Israeli and PA peace moves - Haaretz - Israel News
'True War' Rages in Gaza; Israeli PM rejects peace talks with Hamas; Olmert vows to continue military operations in Gaza Strip - Fox
Russia seeks role in Israel-Syria talks; Moscow, in bid to gain greater clout, will also promote relaunched Israeli- Palestinian talks. - J'lem Post
CIA denies obstructing 9/11 Commission probe - MSNBC
Iran: Bushehr nuclear plant ready by March - CNN
Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Rafi Eitan says no promise was given that Israel would not continue building in Har Homa; over 1,000 new apartments in 2008 budget plan - J'lem Post
Hamas says uncovered network of collaborators; Islamist group's internal security service arrests three Palestinians it suspects assisted IDF in targeted strikes last week - Ynet
Hamas has taken over the estimated 150 smuggling-tunnels from Egypt to to Gaza; a former IDF commander believes over 30,000 rifles have been smuggled in last 2 years - Israel National News
Bin Laden talking again; Al-Qaeda leader’s propaganda effort can’t mask group’s radical, murderous nature - Yoram Shweitzer
UN approves $4.17 billion 2-year budget: US only member to object sum which includes funds for follow-up to 'anti-Israeli racism conference' - J'lem Post
UN: PA donors' conference is step towards Palestinian state - Haaretz
Barak, Mubarak to discuss truce with Hamas in Egypt Wednesday - Ha'aretz
Iraqi defense minister: Sunni tribal militias won't become separate army - J'lem Post
Report: Hamas mulling unconditional Gaza truce with Israel - Haaretz
Haniyeh advisor: Hamas willing to discuss a truce with Israel - Ha'aretz
9/11 Commission Chairmen Believe CIA Impeded Inquiry by Withholding Interrogation Tapes - Fox
French, Australian leaders pledge commitment to Afghanistan during visits - J'lem Post
Venezuelan Leader Chavez Presides Over Oil Summit in Cuba - CNN
In new Fatah map all of Israel is Palestine - J'lem Post
Turkish warplanes hit Kurds in Iraq - AP
FBI aims for world's largest biometrics database - Reuters
China Controlling More of U.S. Economy - MSNBC
Gates Sees Division in Chinese Actions - Washington Times
40,000 troops may be home by July if the situation in Iraq remains stable says Gates - Washington Times
Bush Thanks Military Families - USA Today
Report: Israel, Hamas to renew Shalit negotiations; Senior Hamas official tells Ynet Egypt will broker renewed negotiations - Ynet
Islamic Jihad says Hamas did not ask group to join reported ceasefire efforts. 'Truce is not on the table in light of Israeli aggression' says Jihad spokesman - Ynet
Five wounded as Egyptian guards fire on African refugees on Israel border - Haaretz
What causes Earth’s seasons? - Our planet’s tilt dictates cycle of winter and summer - MSNBC
Sarkozy Puts Faith in France - Urges More Active Role For Religion in Public Life - Washington Times
Even In Minority, GOP Managed to Get Its Way - S. A. Miller
Missile Defense Going Global - James T. Hackett
Commentary: You Can't Take Christ Out of Christmas - Roland S. Martin
Global Agenda: What Lies in Store - Pinhas Landau
December 23: By Faith Abraham Obeyed - Streams in the Desert
December 23: How Can I Personally Partake in the Atonement? - Oswald Chambers
December 22-23: The Value Of A Humble Heart - Charles Stanley
Nave's Topical Bible
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
Christian News Reported from White House Focusing on Israel
CARM Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
Ron Paul Racist Propaganda Exposed
Gun Owners Group Condemns "Treacherous" Legislation
Former US Intelligence official: Israel will attack Iran
Israel to have access to U.S. National Ballistic Missile Defense System
Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God
Gun Owners Get Stabbed In The Back -- Veterans Disarmament Act on its way to the President
Always Wrong…And Now Out Of A Job
Ralph Nader on Government Terrorism
FBI Now Admits Evidence Used to Connect Oswald to Kennedy Assasination Was Bogus
Experts: World Population Will Explode by 2025 with Influx of 'Megacities' of 10 Million People or More
DNA Pandora's Box
Culling the herd
History Channel Admits WTC Tower Fell At Freefall Speed
New York’s Total Snoop Grid Moving Forward
FBI Steals Millions of Dollars Worth of Gold from Individuals on Deposit with Liberty Dollar, Plans Auction
Evidence of NSA Hacking Your Computer
CIA Obstructed 9/11 Investigation
Former Italian President: 9/11 Op Run by CIA and Mossad
J. Edgar Hoover’s Plan to Detain 12,000 “Disloyal” Americans
Pew: Nearly Fifty Percent of Americans Buy Into Neocon Mass Murder Campaign
NORTHCOM: Constitution Not Important
U.S. Soldiers Stage Mutiny
Smokers Confronted with Increased Tax Slavery in California
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Freedom!
FBI Prepares Vast Biometrics Database
Fake Christians: NAFTA Highway Is Holy
Blackwater in Baghdad: “It was a horror movie”
Santa Delivers 37,000+ Copies of Constitution to Bush
Enter The Modification Matrix
Estulin: Neo-Cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul
Ministry of Homeland Security Developing X-Ray Snoop Device
Oil Baron Al Gore Disses Climate Change Skeptics
Staring into the Abyss: The Collapse of the Modern Day Banking System
Converting Airports to Gestapo Zones Does Not Make Flying Safer
CIA Fights Terror With GI Joe Action Figures
Southern California Anarchist Conference Shut Down by Cops
Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US
Minnesota Family Terrorized by SWAT Thugs
DHS Finalizing Plans for Domestic Spy Satellite Program
Chicago Tourists and Photographers Now Considered al-Qaeda
Borg Hive Technology Now Nearly Main Street
Planned Parenthood: “Choice on Earth” instead of “Peace on Earth”
How Many More Will Die in ‘Gun-Free’ Zones Before the Media Start Asking Why?
Street Photography Now Illegal In United Kingdom
Lakota Indians secede from the United States?
U.S. Warrantless Wiretapping predates 9/11
Congress Slams Second Amendment
What Is Fascism?
Ad for implanted RFID chip
FAQ on the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment
Gun Owners of America Summary of Gun Control
Never Mind Latest NIE: Neocons Will Attack Iran
Police State America: A Look Back and Ahead
2007: The Year in Thugs
Latest Pathetic Mud-Slinging Attempt Smears Ron Paul As “Zionist Shill”
NSA Gets Real Time Access to Your Email
Surprise Over Government Criminality in the Corporate Media Echo Chamber
Surveillance Society: New High-Tech Cameras Are Watching You
Unconstitutional Rewards
Neocon Historical Revisionism in Grade School Textbooks
Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Another Milestone on the Road to Serfdom
U.S. sole no vote on U.N. budget - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Body Armor CEO Seeks Release From Jail
Pelosi's first year as House speaker marked by little change on war
Fatah map shows all of Israel as Palestine | Jerusalem Post
Guilty verdict for black dad in shooting death of white teen on Long Island
Illegal immigrants leaving Arizona - USATODAY.com
Hugo-nomics - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Government under fire over 'black only' school trips funded by tax payer | the Daily Mail
Nature's 'doom' is tourist boom - Telegraph
Olmert rules out truce talks with Hamas - USATODAY.com
Racial Undercurrent Is Seen in Clinton Campaign
Giuliani’s Stock Declines
Winter Storms Cause Traffic Deaths, Flight Delays
Transcript: Democratic Response to President Bush's Radio Address
Get Ready for a Democratic Era
Hijacked FedEx Truck Driver: Strange NYC Ride Was 'Nightmare'
FedEx driver recounts five grueling hours with bumbling hijackers
Stark contrasts as families react
Warning over Pentagon war funding
Bal Harbour Goes High Tech To Protect Baby Jesus
Baby Jesus statue gets GPS for Christmas
Body found in missing Marshall student's apartment
Police Reports Finding a Body that Could Be Leah Hickman
Hang-ups in governor's budget plan
Man pleads guilty to impersonating CIA officer in $20000 fraud
Panel Recommends Easing Va. Commitment Standards
Pro-Thaksin Party Tops Thai Polls
Controversial Hindu Wins Resounding Re-election in Indian State
Italian PM Prodi visits Afghanistan
Turkish planes strike northern Iraq: Iraqi Kurds
Israeli PM Says No Cease-Fire Talks With Hamas
Olmert says "war" in Gaza to continue
Pakistani Investigators Search for Clues in Deadly Suicide Blast
South Africa's Zuma to look into inflation targeting
Saudi Arabia Arrests 28 Al-Qaida Suspects for Attack Plot
Chavez deepens Venezuelan investment in Cuba
Queen Elizabeth II Launches Royal Channel on Youtube
Woodward refuses to rule out Omagh inquiry
Israel unveils settlement plans on peace talks eve
Pakistan opposition charges Musharraf will rig vote
Sri Lanka says kills 22 rebels, destroys bunkers
Man Gives $3,100 to Salvation Army
Ministry: 28 Arrested in Saudi Arabia
Israel Building Plans Could Spur Fury
Board: Companies Can Bar Union E-Mail
Holiday Cheer for the Visually Impaired
Man to Stand Trial in Mo. Girl's Slaying
Iranian Ex-President Attacks Hardliners
First Dec. 25 Xmas Tied to Pagan Shrine
Santa on Cross Protests Commercialism
Collapse Survivor Slowly Rebuilds Life
Technology Unites Kin, GIS on Holidays
Months After Mummy Claim, DNA Still Lags
Challenges Facing Egypt's DNA Lab
Paper Gives 'Anti-Endorsement' to Romney
Romney Takes on McCain Over Taxes
Riding High? Amtrak Sees Ridership Rise
Ghana Leader: Oil Reserves at 3B Barrels
Edwards to Unveil Economic Plan
Majority Democrats' Power Checked by GOP
Justice Drops Case Against Shipper
Toy Removed for Asbestos Link
Thompson Tries to Stay Alive in Iowa
FDA Warns of Deaths From Fentanyl Patch
US Special Envoy for Sudan Resigns
Senate: Paid Travel to Troop Funerals OK
Rice: Huckabee Wrong About Bush Policy
Va. Tech Families to Lobby Legislature
Dec. 23: Ron Paul - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC- msnbc.com
U.S. objects to U.N. budget, GA approves - USATODAY.com
Omnibusting: Omnibus Spending Bill, Earmarks, Pork and Budget Gimmicks
Democrats Make No Child Left Behind an Election Issue - New York Times
Union Leader - NH Presidential Primary
FCC acted a bit late to help newspapers : Corpus Christi contributors | Caller-Times |
The News-Press, news-press.com, Election, Florida may add 14,000 to primary voting rolls
Detainee Evidence Probe Weighed
Negroponte to Testify in Probe of Destroyed CIA Tapes
This Is the Sound of a Bubble Bursting - New York Times
Charlie's movie
Former PM Tony Blair Converts To Catholicism |Sky News|Politics
Boeing Signs $1B Outsourcing Agreement With India | December 23, 2007 | AHN
Newsmax.com - Zogby: Ron Paul Will Surprise You
Democrat Blocks Passport Requirement at Canada, Mexico Borders -- 12/21/2007
Edwards says he'll battle any efforts to smear him | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
‘Legend’ conjures up those 9/11 fears again
The Raw Story | Bush Administration falls behind in keeping track of US history
Iraq becomes focus on presidential campaign again - Yahoo! News
NYPD Moves Ahead With Plate Scanners
Japanese Defense Gets Ready For Alien Attack
Ron Paul Says He Would Eliminate Income Tax
Ron Paul Sparks A Movement
As Primaries Begin, the FEC Will Shut Down - washingtonpost.com
Chocolate Makers Considered Price Fixing
U.S. Military Deaths Approach 4,000 In Iraq
Police Confiscate 55 Vehicles At Checkpoint
NYPD Going Green On Electric Scooters
For Some Flouridated Water Hard To Swallow
DHS Developing X-Ray Snoop Device
CBN Report On The Ron Paul Revolution
Chertoff Attacks Bill of Rights
Free Competition In Currency Act
No Trial, No Conviction: FBI Steals Millions of Dollars Worth of Gold
Ron Paul 2008 Revolution - Ron Paul for President 2008 | Restore the Republic - Think and Grow Rich!
informationliberation - The news you're not supposed to know...
Giuliani Snuck 2,000 Boxes of Records Out of New York's City Hall
Senate to return to controversial FISA update after new year
Phone and Email Data-Mining Used in War on Drugs, Too
Commercial brain computer systems are coming
One in Five Americans Must Borrow to Heat Homes This Winter
DHS finalizing plans to turn spy satellites on Americans
Anti-dollar clerics lobby the Saudi oil minister
Russian railways seek help from dancing robots
Scientist who claimed GM crops could solve Third World hunger admits he got it wrong
Saudi's Biggest Group Of Al-CIAda Fighters
Lab comes one step closer to building artificial human brain
Putin Secures New Gas Pipeline, Undermining U.S. Plan
Blair called for BAE inquiry to be halted
Iran, Russia discuss defense ties
GAO Says Government Failed Yet Another Financial Audit
The New World Order That Threatens U.S.
China: A Fierce Yet Fragile Superpower
Congress' Meager Accomplishments
Americans Are Eager to "Roll the Dice" in '08
Obama is Fired Up and Ready to Go
Huckabee as GOP Class Warrior
When a Romney Claim Becomes Offensive
Thompson the Tortoise
McCain Deserves New Look From GOP
Is Bill Savior or Saboteur?
Gore Can't Handle the Truth
The Closing Of The American Mind
In Defense of Waterboarding
How to Avoid Recession? Let the Fed Work
A Talent Contest We're Losing
The Islamist War on Muslim Women
Trade and Prosperity
Radical Terrorism: Is It War?
A Step Forward in Iraq
The McCain Prescription
Iran Cited In Iraq's Decline in Violence
Dems Make 'No Child Left Behind' an Election Issue
US Plans Assessment of MidEast Peace Moves
With One Year to Go, Bush's Legacy Mixed
President Bush's Year-End Press Conference
AUDIO: This Week Podcast
12/20/07 - VIDEO: This Week All Week Webcast
Online news, breaking news, feature stories and more
African Union
Council On Foreign Relations
European Central Bank
European Union
European Council On Foreign Relations
Federal Reserve
Department Of Homeland Enslavement
International Monetary Fund
United Nations
U.S. Northern Command
Security and Prosperity Partnership
U.S. Strategic Command
World Bank
World Affairs Council
World Health Organization
World Trade Organization
Bank For International Settlements
Center For Strategic International Studies
informationliberation - Operation Gladio
informationliberation - Zeitgeist
informationliberation - Mohamed Atta & The Venice Flying Circus
informationliberation - American Dictators
informationliberation - Matter of Heart: The Extraordinary Journey of C.G. Jung
informationliberation - The Wisdom of the Dream
informationliberation - Spin
informationliberation - Codename Artichoke
informationliberation - Outfoxed
informationliberation - Unconstitutional
informationliberation - The Secret World of Mohamed Atta: An Interview With Atta's American Girlfriend
informationliberation - The Death of Vince Foster - What Really Happened?
informationliberation - The Panama Deception
informationliberation - Angels Don't Play This HAARP
informationliberation - Are You a Manchurian Candidate?
informationliberation - Alan Watts - The Art Of Meditation
informationliberation - Life under the World State
informationliberation - Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future
archived news
Welcome to the world of nano foods
A generation is all they need
Bush Moves Toward Martial Law
The White House Warden
Why I believe David Kelly's death may have been murder, by MP
Bush Admin Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway
America's robot army: Already there are killing machines operating by remote control. Soon the machines will be able to kill on their own initiative. A new warfare is on its way.
Harvard Sets out to Clone Human Beings for Research
Genetically Engineered Human Clones Receives Backing
NIH eugenics project a flashback to Nazi research
U.S. Scientists To Begin Human Clone Farms For Stem Cell Harvesting
The new breed of soldier: Robots with guns
Warbots to Replace Human Soldiers?
Pentagon Plans War on the Internet
New Anti-Terror Training Manual Says ''Property Rights Activists'' Are Terrorists
Contamination Report Reveals Worldwide Illegal Spread of Genetically Engineered Crops
Holland To Allow ‘Baby Euthanasia’
CFR President: State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era: In the age of globalization, states should give up some sovereignty to world bodies in order to protect their own interests
Anti-matter weapon systems million times more powerful than nukes
We are moving ever closer to the era of mind control: The military interest in new brain-scanning technology is beginning to show a sinister side
U.S. is back in assassination business: George W. Bush secretly repealed a prohibition on assassination
GM Foods: New study shows unborn babies could be harmed
Computer chips get under skin of US enthusiasts
The Age of Autism: 'A pretty big secret': No Vaccines, No Autism
TiVo Files Patent For RFID Video Recoder Based On Implant Chip
ALERT: EPA To Allow Pesticide Testing On Orphans & Mentally Handicapped Children
Brave New World of Tesla Technology
Wall Street's 'Brainwashing Machine': 10 psychological strategies controlling your mind
A remote control that controls humans: Headset sends electricity through head, forcing wearer to move
Flashback: Scientists find way to make us slaves
Flashback: DARPA seeks to create cyborg servant race
Super-soldiers may get brain-chip
Open season on DNA may not be far away
EFF cracks hidden snitch codes in color laser prints
GM crop 'ruins fields for 15 years'
Weather War?: New evidence suggests US & Russia are embroiled in an illegal race to harness the power of hurricanes & earthquakes
Spychips Sees an RFID Conspiracy
Bush Cites Military Takeover In Case Of Flu Outbreak
Peak Oil is a Corrupt Globalist Scam
'Thought police' are here
Sweetener manufacturer disputes validity of new health research
New Flu Vaccine is Loaded With Mercury
Car which will book you for speeding: Vehicles will automatically cop themselves for speeding
Colombian police find human fetuses hidden inside statues of Christian saints alongside crucifixes and medals: 'apparently for use in satanic rituals'
Is Normal Now A Mental Illness?
Martial Law: The Pretext Is Now Set
Martial Law: Police State America - We're So Close Now
RFID Chips Helps Morgue Track Katrina Victims
Oil reserves are double previous estimates, says Saudi
Bush eyes bigger military role in disasters
National Security Agency gets fix on Internet users
US troops use 250,000 bullets for every rebel killed
Bill Would Permit DNA Collection From All Those Arrested
MasterCard says millions no-touch RFID cards to be issued
Big Brother under the skin
Total Dehumanization In China
Blair Revelations Reiterate Elite Occult Obsession
EU moves to log all Internet, phone communication
Pentagon Pulls Draft That Discusses Pre-Emptive Use Of Nukes From Website
Witchcraft And Nail Clippings: The Weird World of Cherie Blair?
New trigonometry is a sign of the times: Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents
Is 'Peak Oil' a put on?
Why You Should Resist the National ID Card
New Orleans: A New World Order Showcase: Foreign troops, gun confiscation, jackbooted privatized fascism
Chipping away at our freedom
Everybody Loves Martial Law
U.S. State Department Says New Testament Is Anti-Semitic
'Charm tour' to promote ID cards
Overkill: Feared Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans
U.S. Envisions Using Nukes on Terrorists
Scientists create human embryo without a father
Animal organs 'will soon be used for transplants'
Terror "suspects" to be fitted with "tracking devices"
Researchers: Doctors are helping hasten the deaths of sick children
New World Orleans: Microcosm for the "New America"
Sonic 'Lasers' Head to Flood Zone
Pot, Kettle, Black: State Department Tells Us How to Identify Misinformation
Patriot Act Defense In Homeless Transit Case Gets Boost From Feds
Poll: Support for Patriot Act shrinks the more people know about it
London Bombing ringleader, Haroon Rashid Aswat – double agent for MI6?
Feds Warn That Terrorists May Pose as Homeless
Brits happy to ditch civil liberties

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