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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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24 December 2007

21st Century Rebel -"A Shot Heard Around the World!"

24 December
Unpaid Credit Cards Bedevil Americans
My Way News - Ariz. City Cops Ask Citizenship Proof
'This isn't the country I grew up in. No one speaks a word of English these days,' says Dame Shirley Bassey | the Daily Mail
WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News: Police Begin Fingerprinting on Traffic Stops
Israel okays short-range missile defence shield: army radio
Iranian police remains puzzled over porno images on city billboard : Middle East World
Billions in aid to Pakistan was wasted, officials assert - International Herald Tribune
Giuliani Hits a Rocky Stretch as Voting Approaches - New York Times
Clinton supporters urged to caucus ... 11 days late - Ben Smith's Blog - Politico.com
Rivals Liken Huckabee to Bill Clinton
Huckabee angers some Catholics | Reuters
Paul Defends Asking for Special Projects
Early odds in U.S. presidential race - International Herald Tribune
Huck offers olive branch to Rush, asks for him to get in touch - Jonathan Martin's Blog - Politico.com
Rush responds to Huck peace offering - Jonathan Martin's Blog - Politico.com
Elect me and oil prices instantly drop, says Hillary Clinton in Iowa
Britain set to release secret UFO files - UPI.com
Edgar J. Hoover Planned Mass Jailing in 1950
Ron Paul Shines On Meet the Press
Ron Paul Tied for Third in Iowa
Former US Intelligence official: Israel will attack Iran
Ron Paul on Glenn Beck for a Full Hour
Paul On "Meet The Press"
Huckabee On "Face The Nation"
Obama On "Face The Nation"
Giuliani On "This Week"
Novak On Baptists & Huckabee
Obama's Financial Plans
Rockin With Huckabee
Obama: "Enough"
Politico Wrong On Giuliani Story?
Iowa's Effect On New Hampshire?
Romney Spokesman On "Hardball"
Rice Responds To Huckabee
Democratic Courage: "Santa Obama"
New York Times Follows Edwards
KTIV On Thompson
New Hampshire Gallup Poll
Romney On His Dad Marching With MLK Jr.
Mrs. Obama In Iowa
Romney: "It's Personal To Me"
Richardson & The Sentinel Editorial Board
Dick Morris on the Christmas Ads
Dean on GOP Candidates
Fred's Campaign Update
Ron Paul on CBN
Edwards' 20 Hour Day
McCain Down Only 3 Pts; Obama Up 2 Pts
Democrats' Big Ideas Yielded Small Results
With One Year to Go, Bush's Legacy a Mixed Bag
It's About Hillary, Stupid
Can We Trust Mayor Giuliani?
2 Candidates, 2 Fortunes, 2 Views of Wealth
Who Owns the Vietnam War?
Patriots' Season Not Perfect Without Title
FNS: Petraeus
MTP: Paul
FTN: Obama
ABC: Giuliani
The New World Order That Threatens U.S.
China: A Fierce Yet Fragile Superpower
Congress' Meager Accomplishments
Americans Are Eager to "Roll the Dice" in '08
Obama is Fired Up and Ready to Go
Huckabee as GOP Class Warrior
When a Romney Claim Becomes Offensive
Thompson the Tortoise
McCain Deserves New Look From GOP
Is Bill Savior or Saboteur?
Get Ready for Democratic Era
Gore Can't Handle the Truth
The Closing Of The American Mind
In Defense of Waterboarding
RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls
A Talent Contest We're Losing
The Islamist War on Muslim Women
Endorsement Wars
Trade and Prosperity
Obama Can End Decades of Division
Romney Should Not Be the Next President
Radical Terrorism: Is It War?
Iran Cited In Iraq's Decline in Violence
Dems Make 'No Child Left Behind' an Election Issue
US Plans Assessment of MidEast Peace Moves
General Petraeus On "Fox News Sunday"
The Terribly Mixed Record of Alan Greenspan
Fred Thompson's Video Christmas Card
Is Real Clear Politics Restricting Conservative Reader Input?
A Postive Man for a Positive Future
Dumpster Diving As Politics
Israel disappears on PLO maps
The 2007 Dishonest Reporting Awards
Obama Toys With Foreign Policy ... And Fails
The Saudis Are Coming ...
Why the Drive-By Media Must Continue to Ignore/Stop Fred Thompson
Modern Day Slavery
Petraeus: No News is Good News, Just Don’t Forget the Troops
Shermanesque Petraeus: I Will Not Serve as President
The Mormon German Shepherd and The Bull Dog
Sunni, Shia March Together in Baghdad for Peace
John Edwards Discusses Infidelity Allegations With Wolf Blitzer
U.S. Official Displays "Arrogance" Towards Israel
Former aide admits Arafat founded Black September
Swiftboating History
The ISIs “Staged Escape” of Pakistani Terrorist Rashid Rauf
Senate Report Debunks Global Warming "Consensus"
Christians in gaza bow with fear to Islamic Murderers
Twilight of the Idols in America
Ms. Pelosi, Meet Mr. Gingrich
Huckabee and Homeschoolers
Why al Qaeda is Still Important (Exclusive)
REID: "Surge Hasn’t Hurt..Okay, It Helped"
Republicans Cross Over Windowpane in Huckabee Christmas Ad
The Cooling Globe
Big Spending Bush Winks at Libs, Guts Border Fence, Screws Conservatives
Rice Laughs Off Bush Needing Palestinian State for Legacy
More Inconvenient Truths
U.S. sole no vote on U.N. budget - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Olmert rules out truce talks with Hamas - USATODAY.com
Fatah map shows all of Israel as Palestine | Jerusalem Post
American Conservative Cover Portrays Rudy Giuliani as Fascist
New York’s Total Snoop Grid Moving Forward
Wisconsin Police Fingerprinting On Traffic Stops
TSA is as unpopular as the IRS
Borg Look and Feel “Wearable Computers”
Little Manchurian Candidates
The “North American Consciousness” and “European Identity”
FBI Steals Millions of Dollars Worth of Gold from Individuals on Deposit with Liberty Dollar, Plans Auction
Evidence of NSA Hacking Your Computer
Former Italian President: 9/11 Op Run by CIA and Mossad
GOP Contest Heats Up in New Hampshire
Huckabee Gives Church Sermon; Unapologetic About Christmas Ad
Elevating higher ed
CIA withheld al Qaeda tapes: paper
Baby Jesus getting GPS for Christmas
Fake Christmas tree sparks fire; destroys house
Suspect arrested in shooting death of Crown Heights nurse
ARH nurses agree to new contract, strike ends
Fake lottery ticket crushes mother's hopes
Crews Battle Massive Tire Blaze
Burning corpse discovered at RPB church
Threat Forces Flight to Land in Omaha
Father and Son Killed in Otoe County Train-Car Crash
Hit-And-Run Accident Snarls Shopping Traffic
Highway 101 crash leaves one dead
100 forced out by fatal blaze in apartments
Election triumph could herald Thaksin's return
Israel unveils settlement plans on peace talks eve
Hindu icon Narendra Modi sweeps back to power
Maoists to rejoin government as Nepal deal axes king
Saudi Arabia Arrests 28 Al-Qaida Suspects for Attack Plot
Zuma Sweeps South Africa's ANC Party Vote
Turkish planes strike northern Iraq: Kurd official
Govt failed to combat militancy: Benazir
Israeli, Palestinian talks to resume amid disputes
US aid to Pakistan diverted, squandered: report
Italian Prime Minister Visits Afghanistan
French, Australian Leaders Visit Kabul
Young 'cheetahs' on the campaign trail in Kenya
More than 200 flights canceled at London-area aiports
Uzbekistan Polls Close; Karimov Favorite in Controversial Election
Sri Lanka says weekend war death toll tops 40
Japan's Cabinet approves higher budget
Emission Cuts Are `Feel Good,' Won't Save World, Lomborg Says
Birthplace of Jesus hijacked by Muslims
'Veterans Disarmament Act on way to president'
Lovesick 'astronut,' wide-stance senator, beauty pageant meltdown only beginning
Basilica of St. Anastasia in Rome linked to ancient worship of sun god
'In its earliest days, Christianity did not celebrate the Nativity at all'
'One thing led to another and result was some decorations prohibited'
'Forgive me, but I thought [Jesus] was the point of the whole day'
Appearance at John Hagee church sparks concern
Clinton blames Ronald Reagan for dismantling Jimmy Carter's energy work
'This nonsense about being a liberal is pure nonsense'
Glitch on cards had Iowa event marked as Jan. 14, sted Jan. 3
Republican wants to eliminate foreign aid to Israel, other countries
Exclusive: Chuck Norris announces best holiday message from a candidate this season
Dickens character possibly inspired by 19th century gravedigger in Holland
Weather causes massive flight delays, driving hazardous through holiday
Weakening U.S. currency harms overseas markets
Defense office: 'There has always been a great deal of interest in this subject'
'They would land, lie on the ground, flap and die'
Attorneys reviewing charges of violating mandatory ed law
Report called global warming worries 'entirely without merit'
Basing policy on carbon dioxide levels 'potentially disastrous economic folly'
But opponents believe Bush will find other ways to keep program rolling
'International community should be concerned about increased persecution' in China
Cabinet minister says more homes to be built in disputed east Jerusalem
'Iron Dome' expected to be operational within 2 years
'He thought about quitting, but he stuck at it'
'The general public expects equal treatment under the law'
Despite England's official break with pope in Rome more than 400 years ago
Big cat's pelt was peeled off, limbs chopped off from knees
'We would like to retain, as far as possible, parental choice'
'It's a decision made by the property owners'
Educator says women with buns in oven enjoy relations most
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