"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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22 December 2007

Sat. 22nd

Mustangs patrol U.S.-Canada border - Yahoo! News
Relative Of 9-11 Hijacker Charged In Guantanamo - Investigations News Story - WNBC | New York
FOXNews.com - Florida Principal Faces Child Porn Charges After Nude Images Found in Office - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
S.F. must pay $1 million in attorneys' fees in discrimination suit
WorldNetDaily: Congress cuts funding for Mexican trucks
Aggression 'makes men more humorous than women' - Independent Online Edition > Science & Tech
'Polars bears on the brink? Don't you believe it' | the Daily Mail
Ohio.com - Teacher takes heat for illegal-immigration project
40,000 troops may be home by July - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
European leaders celebrate fallen borders where Iron Curtain once stood - Yahoo! Singapore News
Several arrested in Pakistan suicide attack: officials - Yahoo! Singapore News
Judge Supports Arizona Law on Immigrants - New York Times
WorldNetDaily: Ramos, Compean pardons? 'No,' 'No,' says Bush rep
My Way News - Clinton: We Don't Vote for Advisers
My Way News - Obama Criticizes Edwards' Record
Huckabee: Stronger Military, Families
My Way News - Romney Takes on McCain Over Taxes
Giuliani glad to be back in N.H. - Yahoo! News
Clinton, Obama seek to lock in key votes before Christmas
Top news story: Virginia Tech killings - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Santa on Cross Protests Commercialism
Hoover Planned Mass Jailing in 1950 - New York Times
Rocket launched into space; carries satellite to guide weapons -- OrlandoSentinel.com
FBI Prepares Vast Database Of Biometrics
Iraq Qaeda group confirms top figure killed: Web | Reuters
Huck offers olive branch to Rush, asks for him to get in touch - Jonathan Martin's Blog - Politico.com
Political Radar: Giuliani: Hospital visit was a result of a “headache worse than I’ve ever had”
My Way News - Clinton Makes Closing Argument to Women
HRC staff ordered to lower expectations - Roger Simon - Politico.com
Dems duel over foreign policy advisers - Yahoo! News
Ron Paul Racist Propaganda Exposed
Gun Owners Group Condemns "Treacherous" Legislation
Huckabee's Copy Cat Money Bomb... a Dud?
Former US Intelligence official: Israel will attack Iran
Israel to have access to U.S. National Ballistic Missile Defense System
PROOF Mike Huckabee is BOUGHT and PAID for!
Chicago Tourists and Photographers Now Considered al-Qaeda
American Thinker's New Smear about Racist Ron Paul
J. Edgar Hoover’s Plan to Detain 12,000 “Disloyal” Americans
Pew: Nearly Fifty Percent of Americans Buy Into Neocon Mass Murder Campaign
NORTHCOM: Constitution Not Important
Estulin: Neo-Cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul
Ministry of Homeland Security Developing X-Ray Snoop Device
Oil Baron Al Gore Disses Climate Change Skeptics
Chertoff Attacks Bill of Rights
DHS Finalizing Plans for Domestic Spy Satellite Program
U.S. Soldiers Stage Mutiny
Smokers Confronted with Increased Tax Slavery in California
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Freedom!
FBI Prepares Vast Biometrics Database
Fake Christians: NAFTA Highway Is Holy
Staring into the Abyss: The Collapse of the Modern Day Banking System
Converting Airports to Gestapo Zones Does Not Make Flying Safer
CIA Fights Terror With GI Joe Action Figures
Irate Shopper Tasered in Florida Best Buy
Planned Parenthood: “Choice on Earth” instead of “Peace on Earth”
U.S. Warrantless Wiretapping predates 9/11
Blackwater in Baghdad: “It was a horror movie”
Santa Delivers 37,000+ Copies of Constitution to Bush
Enter The Modification Matrix
Southern California Anarchist Conference Shut Down by Cops
Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US
Minnesota Family Terrorized by SWAT Thugs
What Is Fascism?
Ad for implanted RFID chip
FAQ on the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment
Gun Owners of America Summary of Gun Control
Never Mind Latest NIE: Neocons Will Attack Iran
Police State America: A Look Back and Ahead
Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind
Clinton: We Don't Vote for Advisers
CIA Says It Cooperated With 9/11 Panel
Transcript: Democratic Response to President Bush's Radio Address
Body That May Be Missing Student Found
Dominguez family recovering from ordeal
Holiday heist: FedEx truck hijacked and later found in NYC
Remembering Tom Murphy: Politicians, public pay their respects
Cops: Garbage Grinch makes off with tips
Man impersonates CIA officer in scam
Boom times for toy makers outside China
Thailand's post-coup election unlikely to end divisions
Pakistani Investigators Search for Clues in Deadly Suicide Blast
Sarkozy Says France Could Add Troops in Afghanistan
Turkish planes bomb Kurds in northern Iraq
Rice Says Serbia, Kosovo, Will Stay Separate
Difficulties in changing your faith
Chavez pushes his regional oil strategy
Israeli Officials Back Hamas Truce
Hajj pilgrims buy gifts as memories of Mecca
Novak On Baptists & Huckabee
Obama's Financial Plans
Rockin With Huckabee
Obama: "Enough"
Politico Wrong On Giuliani Story?
Iowa's Effect On New Hampshire?
Romney Spokesman On "Hardball"
Rice Responds To Huckabee
Democratic Courage: "Santa Obama"
New York Times Follows Edwards
KTIV On Thompson
New Hampshire Gallup Poll
Romney On His Dad Marching With MLK Jr.
Mrs. Obama In Iowa
Romney: "It's Personal To Me"
Richardson & The Sentinel Editorial Board
Dick Morris on the Christmas Ads
Dean on GOP Candidates
Fred's Campaign Update
Ron Paul on CBN
Edwards' 20 Hour Day
Huckabee's Campaign Update
Edwards In "The Situation Room"
Romney Profile On "World News Tonight"
Edwards "For The Country" DVD
47% say they will vote against each no matter who else appears on ballot
Democrats embrace faith in effort to negate Republican advantages among Christian voters
Says Huckabee most like Gipper, will win Iowa
'I'm the only candidate that's put forth a detailed plan on immigration'
On campaign trail, ex-president hails senator's experience
Time editor: 'She's just held to a different standard in every respect'
Spokesman won't allow questions to be asked
Attorneys reviewing charges of violating mandatory ed law
Spy agency denies withholding interrogation tapes – says no specific request made
$1 billion project to include images of irises, faces
Report called global warming worries 'entirely without merit'
Famous photo taken in mid-summer – animals' numbers not down
'The terrorist organization of the PKK will see and understand that there is no secure place left'
Man protests Christmas commercialism with holiday display of St. NIck nailed to cross
Leader: 'I am an atheist and it is time we atheists stood up for ourselves'
Woman cites discrimination against Christians, Jews, others in court filing
Teacher: Since boy has no interest in religion, he can't celebrate birth of Christ
Pageant organizer: 'She must resign immediately, and if not we will make her leave'
Had been regular worshiper at Mass with his family
Scholar says controversial translation that said Jesus ordered own betrayal is wrong
'If my girls didn't know God, and I didn't know where they were going ... I probably couldn't'
'International community should be concerned about increased persecution' in China
Smelted aluminum provided to U.S. in effort to prove no secret nuke program exists
Intelligence experts dispatched to Washington to counter findings of NIE report
Revived broadcast after year hiatus seen as effort to recruit men to terrorists' ranks
'You start thinking about the price those kind of people pay so we can have freedom'
Over 1,000 caught up in spirit of reciprocity at Starbuck's drive-through
Alaska senator scores $20 million earmark for 'expeditionary craft' to rural peninsula
'Verbally profane, abusive, loud and irate' woman not violent when taken down
Life savings seized – must prove assets not from ill-gotten gain
Woman injected her own blood into kids – required hospitalization
Some Texans have tried to block progress by refusing to let surveyors come on properties
Rules man must stay in U.S. so he can be called as witness
Philly newscaster formally charged with assaulting police officer
Says he studies Bible and prays daily, sees his acting as form of preaching
Face of 10-year-old girl superimposed on pictures of nude adult women posing as children
12-year-old girl suspended after being given tiny vodka-filled chocolate in hall
ACLU takes case: 'I don't feel like I should have to hide my sexuality'
Suing state for denying him right to practice ancient Nordic religion behind bars
Mom says 48-pound son couldn't have been going more than 10 mph
Says military response against peaceful aliens illegal under nation's pacifist constitution
'If this is real, it could have almost immediate impact'
1 in 300 chance of cosmic collision by 160-foot wide space rock
'On ... ridges we can see white tips, which can only be freshly exposed ice'
545 coins minted around 5 B.C.: 'Each ... was like a 500 euro note today'
Artwork was once buried under volcanic ash
'Part of a residential high-class neighborhood, where probably senators and knights used to live'
'They were so quiet. They just came right up on us; they were quick'
Abandoned at 15, boy lived in shed until rescued by teachers who helped him succeed

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