"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

16 December 2007

Sunday - 16th Dec.


Bill Clinton Says Obama Isn’t Ready - New York Times
The Register's caucus endorsements: McCain, Clinton | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Democratic endorsement editorial: Why Clinton | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Republican endorsement editorial: Why McCain | DesMoinesRegister.com | The Des Moines Register
Democratic endorsement
Republican endorsement
Google to tackle Wikipedia with new knowledge service - Times Online
My Way News - Analysis: Romney Won't Go Quietly
Romney: Huckabee Critique Un-Republican
Political Radar: Elizabeth Edwards: "Republicans Scare Me"
AdelaideNow... Russia warns of US missile shield retaliation
Younger generations following Obama's lead - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Hillary Clinton vows not to quit
Clinton Library Got Funds From Abroad
Obama Showing New Confidence With Iowa Sprint - New York Times
Globe endorses McCain, Obama - The Boston Globe
Israel: US report on Iran may spark war - Yahoo! News
My Way News - WHO to Investigate Pakistan Bird Flu
Film-maker Zeffirelli vows to help Pope with image | International | Reuters
Bill Richardson: NAFTA
Bill Richardson: U.S.-European trade
Bill Richardson: Ethanol
Bill Richardson: Education and the global economy
Mitt Romney: Workers
Mitt Romney: Ethanol
Mitt Romney: Education and the global economy
John McCain: Education and global competition
John McCain: Ethanol and other alternative fuels
John McCain: NAFTA
Dennis Kucinich: Energy and the environment
Dennis Kucinich: NAFTA
Dennis Kucinich: Education
Dennis Kucinich: Social Security
Mike Gravel: Earmarks and the federal budget
Mike Gravel: Ethanol and environmental concerns
Mike Gravel: Taxes and Social Security
John McCain: Status of the war in Iraq
John McCain: Health care
John McCain: Immigration
John McCain: Foreign relations
John McCain: How Iraq unfolded
John McCain: Climate change and the environment
John McCain: Education
John McCain: Farm subsidies
John McCain: Vladimir Putin
John McCain: Vision for America
Fred Thompson: War in Iraq
Fred Thompson: Illegal immigration - border control
Fred Thompson: Medicare and Social Security
Fred Thompson: Tax code
Fred Thompson: Constitutional amendment on gay marriage
Fred Thompson: Illegal immigrants in the U.S.
Fred Thompson: Iraq progress and future stakes
Fred Thompson: Vision for America
Fred Thompson: Why he's running
Duncan Hunter: U.S. military needs
Duncan Hunter at the State Fair soapbox
Duncan Hunter: Securing U.S. borders
Duncan Hunter: Iraq plan
Duncan Hunter: Education and inspiring kids
Clinton's reaction to Pentagon response on Iraq
Hillary Clinton: Supreme Court justice appointments
Hillary Clinton: Reduce health care costs
Hillary Clinton: Universal health care a must
Hillary Clinton: College accessible to everyone
Hillary Clinton: Why she says she can win
Tom Tancredo: Vision for America
Tom Tancredo: Social Security and Medicare
Tom Tancredo: Multiculturalism and clash of civilizations
Tom Tancredo: Deporting Illegal immigrants
Bill Richardson: Iraq
Bill Richardson: Vote to deauthorize Iraq war
Bill Richardson: Immigration
Bill Richardson: No Child Left Behind
Bill Richardson: Education plan
Bill Richardson: The federal deficit
Bill Richardson: Electability
Bill Richardson: His vision for America
Bill Richardson: Health care plan
Bill Richardson: Health care philosophy
Barack Obama: His vision for America
Barack Obama: Teachers and better training, pay
Barack Obama: Health care plan
Barack Obama: Social Security and Medicare
Barack Obama: No Child Left Behind
Barack Obama: What would justify a war
Barack Obama: Pre-war Iraq assessment
Barack Obama: Withdrawing from Iraq
Barack Obama: Immigration
Barack Obama: Early childhood education
Joe Biden: Darfur
Joe Biden: First actions as president
Joe Biden: What voters are looking for
Joe Biden: Budget deficit
Joe Biden: Health care
Joe Biden: Energy
Joe Biden: Education
Joe Biden: Foreign policy
Joe Biden: Iraq funding vote
Joe Biden: Iraq
Christopher Dodd: Iraq
Christopher Dodd: Foreign relations
Christopher Dodd: Health care
Christopher Dodd: Why he's running
Christopher Dodd: Immigration
Christopher Dodd: Renewable fuel
Christopher Dodd: No Child Left Behind
Mike Huckabee: What concerns Americans
Mike Huckabee: Stem cell research
Mike Huckabee: Social Security and Medicare
Mike Huckabee: Religion
Mike Huckabee: No Child Left Behind
Mike Huckabee: Iraq war views
Mike Huckabee: Iraq lessons learned
Mike Huckabee: Immigration policy
Mike Huckabee: Immigrant raids by ICE
Mike Huckabee: I'm pro-life
Mike Huckabee: Health care philosophy
Mike Huckabee: Art and music education
Dennis Kucinich: Iraq plan
Dennis Kucinich: Immigration
Dennis Kucinich: Health care
Chinese kids get foreign-brand toys - Yahoo! News
DA: Q train attack was hate crime
WorldNetDaily: Church shootings on rise in U.S.
FOXNews.com - NYC Councilman Decries 'Thug Chips' Snack Food Line - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
Indonesia cleric warns of big disaster if bombers executed | Reuters
Vatican nativity does away with the manger - Telegraph
In China, Farming Fish in Toxic Waters - New York Times
Businesses Will Fight Immigration Legislation - washingtonpost.com
Pa. Shop Owner Backs English-Only Policy
Hamas: We'll never recognize Israel | Jerusalem Post
Pelosi hits bottom - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Avoid the Crowd
Government Justice
Mock Outrage on Torture
Gold, Prosperity, and Ron Paul
An Open Letter to Pagans
The Task for Libertarians
Let's Build a Fence
Harry Reid, Tool of Cheney-Bush
Glühwein and Lebkuchen
The Ties That Bind Rick Perry & Rudy Giuliani
Estulin: Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
Over 100 Prominent Scientists Challenge UN Move For Global Carbon Tax
7/7 Terror Exercise Manager Peter Power "Grins and Bears" Tough Questions on False-Flag
Gold is for Survivalist Flakes
Snoop States Prompts Symbiotic Relationship Between Government and Telecoms
Botnets linked to political hacking in Russia
Vietnam Hardens Internet Censorship
Frank Zappa: the Cutting Edge Interview
EU Terror Assault Against Data Rights
Bush Secret Shredding Soars
AT&T Offers GPS and RFID Child Tracking
What We Should Expect From Hillary Clinton
Mobile Labs to Target Iraqis for Death
[VIDEO] Ron Paul on PBS NOW
Trans-Texas Corridor:Alex Jones on Lou Dobbs
Ron Paul on Federal Reserve,Banking &Economy
YouTube - Ron Paul on Mad Money
Paul: 'There's no constitutional authority to rule the world'
YouTube - Ron Paul Iowa Debate Highlights (12-12-2007)
AFP: US secret court rejects call to release wiretap documents
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Bolton: Bush must 'rein in' Rice
Eight Worldwide Earthquakes in Past 32 Days 6.5 Magnitude and Above - USGS
Olmert: Stop commenting on US Iran report - Jerusalem Post
At Rally, Hamas Vows to Never Recognize Israel - Haaretz
Celebrating anniversary, Hamas warns of Intifada - Reuters
Dichter: US report on Iran could bring about another Yom Kippur War - Ynet
Azerbaijan: 15 convicted of treason gave Iran information on Israel - Haaretz
'Gaza Strip Will Become A Graveyard For IDF Soldiers' - J'lem Post
Turkish Planes Hit Rebel Targets in Iraq - USA Today
Strong earthquake sends residents fleeing in eastern Indonesia - Jerusalem Post
Triple Rocket Explosions Kill 5 Outside Afghan Police Headquarters - Fox
Bribery probes seen changing oil services business - Reuters
Two U.S. Muslims plead guilty to plot targeting L.A. synagogues - Haaretz
Church shootings on rise in U.S. - 'Leaders must be prepared to defend congregations' - WND
Blacks move from Hillary to Obama - NewsMax
Exclusive: Annual Israeli Intelligence Estimate - Ynet
Qassam hits Negev factory as gov't declares 'special situation' - Haaretz
Move to the Galilee - By moving to Galilee, settlers will turn from national problem to a solution - Ynet
China port power play - Richard Halloran
Younger generations following Obama's lead - Brian DeBose
The Pulpit and the Potemkin Village - Would Reagan survive in today's GOP? And is Mrs. Clinton in for a fall this winter? - Peggy Noonan
Dangerous friendship - Foreign Minister Livni can befriend Condi Rice if she wishes, but not at Israel’s expense - Uzi Landau
December 16: Discovering God's Graces - Streams in the Desert
December 16: Wrestling Before God - Oswald Chambers
December 15-16: The Foundation of Praise - Charles Stanley
Nave's Topical Bible
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
Prophecy Central - SITE
Rabbi Marty's messages and Torah teachings
Judge gives Utah woman 1 day to finish enrollment
Audit reveals funds sent to school terrorists boast is used for jihad
Figure would still be subject to approval by Congress
Saint Peter's Square nativity scene nixes stable for Joseph's workshop
'People don't think of it this way, but it's really a secular holiday'
But high-school senior claims e-mail was merely joke
'It was fantastic. It was a very quiet ceremony'
Offending pamphlets quoted ad: 'Man seeking boys ... age not so relevant'
Campaign admits candidate doesn't have claimed religious credential
Also thumps Bush for failing to pursue al-Qaida in Pakistan
Divided border-enforcement movement says Gilchrist doesn't speak for them
On Dem side, Globe favors Obama while Des Moines Register takes Hillary
'It's been declining since the late spring and early summer'
Discovery of rare photos electrifies gathering in Pennsylvania
'It's an embarrassment. I've also heard other words used, like 'criminal,' 'scandal''
'Leaders must be prepared to defend congregations'
Church also provides venue for 'Islamic punk' program
Accused of asking mistress to get inside information in criminal case
Philly precedent could be used against museums, radio station
State lining up to become 28th to limit unions to 1 man, 1 woman
Insists developing states must take fair share of cuts under Bali process
'3 colleagues ... escorted him out of the hall. It was all very dramatic'
'We believe lowering barriers is good for American consumers'
'When you wear Jesus glasses, you cannot see the truth'
Student suspended for classroom pics of teacher posted on Facebook
On hook for at least $95,000 in lawyers' fees under legal settlement with angry families
Youngster charged with possession of weapon on campus
Vanatu: World's happiest country rejects cash to preserve its culture
Pop culture affecting way children expect fauna to act
Said he imposed control 'against my will, as a last resort' to save Pakistan
48 killed in 6 months – armed groups better equipped than Iraqi police
Police want to keep sex offenders, crime suspects off same buses with most vulnerable
Experts say 'most dangerous urban fault in America' runs under densely populated areas
Served 14 months for his role in 1994 attack on skater's Olympic rival, Nancy Kerrigan
Says 21-year-old heavy-metal musician used music to have sex with underage girls
11-, 13-year-olds impregnated by clergyman – new charges delay sentencing
Detectives say bullet projectiles from suspects .357 revolver match crime site
Threatened to tell of affair: 'Here's to hoping your life is still a living hell'
Survival of the fittest: Darwin supporter killed by knife
'When the bag hit, it broke open, and poop went flying'
Dead criminal had at least 12 arrests for felonies, 6 convictions over last 13 years
Plan for master's in science education fuels debate over instruction about origins
Letter says those who go against 'mind' of church risk being excluded from councils
Franco Zeffirelli: 'Even his wardrobe needs to be revised'
Couples that clean together, stay together, say researchers
'We were forced to cut the lion's willy off with the aid of a computer'
'At one point he was right there next to me. He does come in and out, you know'
Vanatu: World's happiest country rejects cash to preserve its culture
'My dollar's the same as your dollar, finally'
Salaries expected to rise 9% to 15% on average next year
Big Mexican banks profit as many poor borrowers get trapped in maze of debt
Struggling homeowners taking out payday loans when they fall short
'Given what we had this week, it could get the inflation hawks all excited'
Wouldn't it be a crime if inflation was really twice as high as reported?
Oscar-winning producer charges studio with hiding its profits
Dashed hopes of early settlement threatens Golden Globes, Oscars
Forbes ID's actors whose incomes not matched by films' earnings
Not discriminatory – same as free meals for children, early-bird dinners for seniors
Helped write computer code that underpins popular virtual world
'We're kind of picky about what their living arrangements are'
Currency parity sparks move to eliminate confusion among consumers
Device stores data on flash memory, not hard drive, runs open-source operating system
Power-tool maker cuts 4th-quarter earnings guidance because of product recall, bleak home market
Quality, safety issues drawing more attention as incomes grow
Homeowner not even customer of utility company
Dave Ramsey advises man who can pay cash for house, guy with sprendthrift fiancee
Exclusive: Ellis Washington compares two radicals wholly obsessed with acquisition of limitless power
Exclusive: Joseph Farah drubs Bush team for double standard when it comes to island
Star Parker: In politically charged PC culture, honesty itself is now out of bounds
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith stamps out firestorm over questions about Mormon beliefs
David Limbaugh: GOP candidate sounds like a liberal theologian and politician
Exclusive: Jonathan Falwell blasts consumerism, modern culture's omission of 'Christ'
Exclusive: Jayme P. Evans leaks list of U.S. representatives who 'voted against Christ'
Exclusive: Greg Laurie unveils the secret to experiencing pure, heaven-sent joy
Exclusive: Anthony LoBaido unearths never-ending treasures awaiting believers
Exclusive: Henry Lamb exposes quack for using more fossil fuel than whole villages
Amitabh Pal: Arctic may be almost completely ice-free by summer 2012
Exclusive: Pat Boone drains lifeblood from claims of superior socialized medicine
Ron Paul: 'Millions of acres taken by eminent domain for international highway'
Cal Thomas: Gun-control laws cannot match one armed, trained, law-abiding citizen
12-13 INGRAHAM VS HUCKABEE.mp3 (audio/mpeg Object)
Predictions for '08 Mean Little - HUMAN EVENTS
Immigration: The New Third Rail of American Politics - HUMAN EVENTS
Republicans' Worst Debate Yet - HUMAN EVENTS
Ecuador To Evict U.S. & Give Base To China
LA Times Says Gold For Conspiracy Theorists
AFRICOM: America's Next Middle East
Putin Put Opponent In Mental Hospital
Mortgage Crisis Inflicts Collateral Damage
UK Inquiry Into Failed Plots Point To Al-CIAda
189 Republicans Support Torture
Icelandic Woman Detained By DHS
Russia To Dump Waning Dollar
Dems May Give Immunity To Telecoms
Greenspan: Recession Odds Increasing
World Stocks Plummet Despite Infusion
Panel Releases Deep Report on Brain-Computer Interfaces | Wired Science from Wired.com
Blackwater To Build Camp Despite Disapproval
Miami Men Accused Of Terror Plot Acquitted
Liberty City Seven Shows Terror War Is Fraud
Whitman Wants Out Of 9/11 Suit
Raw Footage Of WTC Collapse
YouTube - Hillary Clinton criticizes Bush for being too soft on Iran
Bush Became A Government Unto Itself
Paul campaign balloons as cash rolls in | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
The North American Union - Stop It Now
Hotel Drinking Glasses Outrage
Ill., Calif. investigating Countrywide
VOA News - Russia to Resume Iranian Nuclear Plant Construction
CorpWatch : Domestic Spying, Inc.
Watch The Hideous Truth Of Abortion
Stop The FCC And Big Media
FCC Proposes Greater Media Consolidation -
Chuck Baldwin -- Buy A Gun
Shell Terrorizes Irish Townspeople, Pollutes Their Water
Ahmadinejad, Pike Featured On Google Video
New Videos by Iranian President and Pike
No Way Back - The Horrible US Economic Morass
We need GM crops, says new chief scientist - Times Online
Monsanto: Winning the Ground War
Mark Lattimer on the brutal treatment of women in Iraq | Iraq | Guardian Unlimited
How Software Rigged The 2000 Election
Following Zakheim and Pentagon Trillions to Israel and 9-11 | Memes.org Memes are Mind Viruses
There’s A Press Blackout on S 1959, the Thought Crime Prevention Bill; Why?
American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Statement on the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
House Passes Thought Crime Prevention Bill
GovTrack: H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (Vote On Passage)
HR 1955
GovTrack: H.R. 1955: Text of Legislation
Wooldridge - Mutterings About What's Left Of America
A Case for Impeachment Hearings directed against Vice President Cheney
Bush and Cheney: All Dressed up and no Place to Go
Kosovo: We're On The Brink Of A Balkans Bloodbath
The 2008 Presidential Election: Concepts Progressives Must Know About Monetary Policy and History
Prison interrogation techniques in Israel: Now you are paralyzed, as we promised
Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind
Big Brother: DARPA's Control Freak Technology
GMO Seeds: 'MNCs Gaining Total Control Over Farming'
The Clintons and the Bushs – Political Twins
What We Should Expect From Hillary Clinton
Truth About The FCC/Big Media Takeover Attempt.....
Bank to Westminster: Lionel de Rothschild's journey to parliament, 1847-1858
YouTube - Ron Paul vs Ben Bernanke - Monetary Inflation - 11.08.07
YouTube - The CFR controls American media
YouTube - How Television Works
YouTube - Nanobots replacing neurons
Rageh Inside Iran
Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine - Part 1 of 6
YouTube - Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine - Part 2 of 6
Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine - Part 3 of 6
Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine - Part 4 of 6
Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine - Part 5 of 6
Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine - Part 6 of 6
YouTube - The Shock Doctrine by Alfonso Cuarón and Naomi Klein
Banned BBC Documentary - Bush Stole 2004 Elections
MySpaceTV Videos: Haarp - Advanced Tesla Technology by Doctor Braino
YouTube - Aids HIV Bayer
YouTube - Rabbi Weiss: "We Suffer with the Palestinian People!"
YouTube - 9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage
Connie Fogal On The Corporate North American Union
Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: Media & the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population
YouTube - Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump
YouTube - Blackwater: Shadow Army
Web of Deceit
Goddess Magick Radio
All Things Pagan Radio
Cauldron Living: The new online portal to meet the needs of the Wiccan, New Age, Spiritualists community
Cygnus Radio...the signature station of independent music
The Unexplained World - Monthly Broadcast Show
Statio News - Ghostly Talk - News : Mystic Age Radio
Occult Radio
Pagan Radio Network - Home
RoundTheStars Radio
N.O.R.M. Radio
BrewCast Radio
The Witching Hour Radio Show
World Pagan Radio (WPR)
The Enochian World of Benjamin Rowe
Collection of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
Norton's Imperium -- Enochian Magick Papers & Links
The Sacred Texts
wtprn.com( radio )
Alex Jones & Ron Paul - 12/12/07
YouTube - Ron Paul Tea Party Ad
Exclusive: Ron Paul on IRS, Civil Disobedience
Exclusive: Ron Paul on Gun Control
Exclusive: Ron Paul on Israel, Iran
YouTube - A Change Is Gonna Come
The Ron Paul Revolution
Genesis Communications News
Russia orders British Council offices to be shut down
Inflation seen hanging over 2008 world economy
DHS unveils Real ID grants
Stage6 · 100 reasons why evoultion is stupid - Video and Download · DUKE_OF_URL
Stage6 · Creation Science · Dinosaurs and the Bible - Creation Seminar 3 - Video and Download
Stage6 · Dark Side of Darwinism - Video and Download · hotbosscol
GCN Network
Democratic Endorsement Editorial: Why Clinton
For the Republicans: John McCain
Obama Shows Confidence in Iowa Sprint
Clinton Machine To Be Tested in N.H.
McCain's Last Stand: He Still Has a Chance
The Sleeper: How Edwards Could Win Iowa
Are Voters 'Prepared to Roll the Dice'?
Hillary vs. Rudy Is Put on Hold
America's Democracy Stands Apart
Tested. Ready. Now. America Needs a Leader
A Realistic and Principled Foreign Policy
America's Priorities in the War on Terror
Remembering the Comeback Kid
Justice William Jefferson Clinton?
Fed Spreads The Runway Foam
Government Entitlement For Risk Takers
Gates Has Become the Anti-Rumsfeld
Consensus in Bali on Global Warming
Children? Not If You Love the Planet
Clinton, McCain for Iowa Caucuses
Bill Clinton: Hillary Needs a 'Miracle'
Obama Is Hitting His Stride in Iowa
In Florida, Giuliani Seeks To Brake Fall
Romney On "Meet The Press"

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