"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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15 December 2007

Saturday 15th

Bill Clinton ... Well, He Just Puts Everything On The Table. Read It.
My Way News - Huckabee Sees WH 'Bunker Mentality'
Videotape shows Sharpton cutting a deal | Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/15/2007
Report Says That the Rich Are Getting Richer Faster, Much Faster - New York Times
Designer baby fear over heart gene test - Times Online
Fineman: Huckaboom and Hillabust - Decision '08- msnbc.com
Clinton denies White House run is in trouble
The Denver Post - Wyo. Dem chief: Clinton would hurt party
DeLay nemesis Travis County DA Ronnie Earle to retire | TOP STORIES | Breaking Houston News, Weather, Sports, Traffic, Video from KHOU.com | 11 News
NPR : Greenspan: Recession Odds 'Clearly Rising'
OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan
Huckabee Pushes National Sales Tax in NH
Huckabee's Theology Answer to CBN Causing Stir - The Brody File: David Brody Blog - CBN News
WorldNetDaily: Activist 'banned for life' from criticizing homosexuality
'Leaders must be prepared to defend congregations'
Church also provides venue for 'Islamic punk' program
E-mail to ministry: 'I have studied, practiced teachings' of occultists
Campaign admits candidate doesn't have claimed religious credential
Divided border-enforcement movement says Gilchrist doesn't speak for them
National Review: 'Under-vetted former governor ... manifestly unprepared to be president'
Supporters raised close to $300,000 necessary to place candidate's name on airship
'What Senator Clinton said is absolutely absurd. She hasn't been a huge player'
Romney well ahead in New Hampshire survey
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith stamps out firestorm over questions about Mormon beliefs
Accused of asking mistress to get inside information in criminal case
Law firm offers advice if critics bring case
'Now does this also go to agnostics and atheists and Muslims'
'I'm about as left as it gets, but I think that's in bad taste'
State lining up to become 28th to limit unions to 1 man, 1 woman
'We believe lowering barriers is good for American consumers'
Philly precedent could be used against museums, radio station
'When you wear Jesus glasses, you cannot see the truth'
Officials say personalized messages with cross violate church-state separation
Not reported: Driver hitting autistic girl with metal pipe, sexual molestation
Used condensation on window to spell out 'Call 911' for someone to read
Cheese-steak shop owner charged with discrimination by city
Officials say presence of U.S. crime groups makes it harder to infiltrate U.S.
Florida crackdown targets group transplanted from Southern California
'It's a country that has lost a little of its will for the future'
'This is a significant social landmark but it is also a very tragic story'
Population surge to come from children born under freer family planning rules in '80s
Tough new immigration law has companies running scared
Cursing at overflowing toilet no criminal offense, judge says
'As of Jan. 31, you are required to have proof of citizenship – a birth certificate and ID'
'They used a girl at the door while they hid ... they came rushing in'
Officers who write most tickets, have most DWI and felony arrests to be rewarded
City offers $350,000 reward for information on double homicide at mall
Also shot man trying to help them during botched holdup attempt
Officers arrest 44-year-old accused of having online affair
Arrived in South Florida in 2002, promptly began marrying men
Families of murder victims say lawmakers never considered their viewpoints
New Jersey allows exemptions on religious grounds or for medical reasons
Baghdad official tells U.S. general men will protect them
1 of 7 suspects acquitted, 6 in hung jury – government to retry case
'Referendum, we want a referendum. The people of Europe deserve to decide for themselves'
Despite push for socialism, some close to Venezuelan leader remain attached to luxury
Request to suspend man's official's security clearance denied
Man mistakenly introduced her by name of woman widely alleged to be her love rival
'This has potential to save billions in energy costs world-wide'
Killed in stampedes after disappearance of sea ice caused them to crowd onto shoreline
'We have a compromise, which is a good situation for everybody'
Man giving anonymous gifts of cash to random recipients at stores
'Is it an artwork or is it a relic of the era? It's a little bit of both'
'We are very A.D. oriented and you live in the days of Moses'
Tough new immigration law has companies running scared
Thousands face foreclosure because of ballooning interest rates
Plan to help troubled funds seen as just 1 step in resolving debt crisis
Asian institutions own over quarter of marketable Treasuries
Weak dollar, costly crude mean foreign companies looking anew at U.S.
Never-before-used rules to force lawmakers into session to address $14 billion deficit
Rise may force Fed to forgo new rate cuts
Global financial system struggles to restore public confidence
Listen to Swiss America's daily financial audio report 'The Golden Minute'
'It's just a matter of time before the weakness spreads to the rest of the economy'
Country has 3rd-largest proven reserves after Saudi Arabia, Iran
Civilian employees to be laid off next week to free up money for combat troops
From props companies to cleaners, vendors struggle to adjust to cash-flow crunch
Taking backseat to Britain after 47 years in top spot
Charge 'serious design flaws' after breaking in over 9-month period
Government's crackdown on corruption has made buying with cash more expensive
Exclusive: Ellis Washington compares two radicals wholly obsessed with acquisition of limitless power
Exclusive: Joseph Farah drubs Bush team for double standard when it comes to island
Star Parker: In politically charged PC culture, honesty itself is now out of bounds
Exclusive: Readers tackle baseball steroids, 'gay' recruitment, Tancredo for president
David Limbaugh: GOP candidate sounds like a liberal theologian and politician
Exclusive: Jonathan Falwell blasts consumerism, modern culture's omission of 'Christ'
Exclusive: Jayme P. Evans leaks list of U.S. representatives who 'voted against Christ'
Exclusive: Greg Laurie unveils the secret to experiencing pure, heaven-sent joy
Exclusive: Anthony LoBaido unearths never-ending treasures awaiting believers
Exclusive: Henry Lamb exposes quack for using more fossil fuel than whole villages
Amitabh Pal: Arctic may be almost completely ice-free by summer 2012
Exclusive: Pat Boone drains lifeblood from claims of superior socialized medicine
Ron Paul: 'Millions of acres taken by eminent domain for international highway'
Cal Thomas: Gun-control laws cannot match one armed, trained, law-abiding citizen
Avoid the Crowd
Government Justice
Free Michael Vick and Barry Bonds
Mock Outrage on Torture
An Open Letter to Pagans
The Task for Libertarians
Paleo-Trots and Neo-Trots vs. Ron Paul
Let's Build a Fence
Harry Reid, Tool of Cheney-Bush
Glühwein and Lebkuchen
Gold, Prosperity, and Ron Paul
An Open Letter to Pagans in Support of Ron Paul by Christopher Quick
An Open Letter To Homeschoolers by Rick Fisk
The Ron Paul I Know by Carol Paul
'Mr. Speaker, Peace Is Always Superior to War' by Anthony Gregory
An Open Letter to Home Schooling Parents on Behalf of Ron Paul by Georgia Clifton
Ron Paul's Revolution Problem by George Ajjan
Ron Paul YouTube Channel
Nonintervention: The Original Foreign Policy
Rep. Ron Paul on War, Peace, and the News Media
The Iraq War Funding Bill
The Scandal at Walter Reed
The Neoconservative Empire
3000 American Deaths in Iraq
The Gold Standard: An Austrian Perspective
Ron Paul’s Position Is Correct: Drug Criminalization Is Neither Compassionate Nor Conservative by Jesse Starrick
Disgusting Media Spins the Debate by John Keller
Ron Paul’s Appeal to the Youth by Anthony Gregory
Economic Outlook 2008: Darkening Clouds by Dom Armentano
Harmless As Doves - Christian Pacifism & Anarchism
New Statesman - Happy Newton Day!
New Statesman - Unity Mitford and 'Hitler's baby'
New Statesman - How Catholic-bashing became respectable
Opensecrets.org--Money in politics data
Playing The News Dissector: How does U.S. TV cover Venezuela? | Free Speech TV Community: Participatory Media
Is junk media making you sick??? | Free Speech TV Community: Participatory Media
YouTube - Voices of the Venezuelan-American Diaspora
Obama versus Clinton versus Plutocracy | Free Speech TV Community: Participatory Media
Chomsky: Their Terrorism and Ours
Noam Chomsky: The World After Iraq Invasion - Audio
Chomsky: How an Honest Reporter From Mars Views the U.S.
Chomsky: The New World Order: Latin America
Chomsky: The World After Iraq Invasion - Video
Edward Said on 9/11
Oil, Power, & Empire: Iraq & the US Global Agenda
Strategy for Security or Blueprint for Empire
Good vs Evil: Bush's Theology of War
Only the Beginning
Anti-War Compilation
Orwell Rolls in His Grave
The New Media Revolution
Online Activism: A New Era in Politics?
Independent Media in a Time of War
Interview with Greg Palast
Pirate TV
Interview with Jim Hightower
Rich Media - Poor Democracy
Looting the Public Treasures
Media Ownership Concentration
Media is the Mirage: Mumia Abu-Jamal
Two-Sided Media?
Columbus Didn't Discover Us
Indigenous Resistance: Conquering Columbus
Bioneers: The Earth, the City, and the Hidden Narrative of Race with Carl Anthony
Bioneers: Building Alliances: Labor, Immigration, and the Environment with Maria Elena Durazo
Bioneers: Biology, Resistance, and Restoration: Sustainability as an Infinite Game
Bioneers: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World with Paul Stamets
Bioneers: 25 Years of an Inspirational Journey: From Love Canal to the Nation with Lois Gibbs
Bioneers: Stopping the Energy Colonization of Sacred Native Lands
Keynote: Treaty of Nuclear Non-Proliferation - The Case With Iran
Against the Grain
A light spoof on preservation of energy and multilevel marketing
A Gathering of Waters: Rio Grande, Source to Sea
Keynote: John Perkins
Case Studies in Hypocrisy:U.S. Human Rights Policy, Part I (Audio Only)
Case Studies in Hypocrisy:U.S. Human Rights Policy, Part II (Audio Only)
Thinness of a Dime: an Interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal
War on the Poor, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
Democracy in the Workplace
Workers Lives: The realities of the Mexico-US border
Labor Express
Welfare Reform = Union Busting?
The Laborers of Freehold
Days of Human
On the Right Track
Immigrant Workers
Workers In A Global Economy
Whose Globalization?
Facing Down the FTAA
Trading Free Speech for Free Trade (FTAA)
Report On the MST (The Brazilian Landless Movement)
A Better World Is Possible
Our World Is Not For Sale
The Racist Vilification of Hip-Hop
Death, The Poor's Prerogative? Mumia Abu-Jamal
USA Patriot Act
The Murder of Fred Hampton
Mumia Abu-Jamal: True African American History:
Bioneers: Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders and the People Who Fight Back
Bioneers: Turning Defense into Offense: Challenging Corporations and Creating Self-Governance
Bioneers: Accentuate the Positive: Reclaiming the Country From the Nation with James Hillman
The Architect: Karl Rove and the Master Plan for Absolute Power
Green Candidate Names the Enemy:Capitalism
US Social Forum #1: Gulf Coast Reconstruction
US Social Forum #2: War, Militarism and the Prison Industrial Complex
US Social Forum #3: Idigenous Voices: From the Hearth of Mother Earth
US Social Forum #4: Immigrant Rights
US Social Forum #5: Integrating Gender and Sexual Justice Across Our Movements
US Social Forum #6: Workers' Rights in the Global Economy
Liberty News
Keynote: KPFA's 9/11 and the American Empire pt.1
Keynote: KPFA's 9/11 and the American Empire pt.2
Keynote: Scott Ritter - Crisis in US-Iranian Relations
Keynote: Jesse Jackson
Mardis Gras: Made in China
Keynote: Michael Parenti on Empire
Keynote: Jeff Cohen - Media Fact or Fiction
Keynote: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Liberty News: Taking Back America
Feathers and Coins
Keynote: Jeremy Scahill "Blackwater"
Down with COLONialism: Free Panchimama
Bloodletting: Life, Death, and Healthcare pt. 1
Part II Bloodletting: Life, Death, and Healthcare
Keynote: Norman Soloman Part I
Keynote: Norman Soloman Part II
Labor Beat: Brewing Solidarity
Liberty Watch gives 2008 hot and not list for Nevada politics
Liberty Watch Magazine >> Walter Williams >> A Minority View
Take a Chill Pill
More Thoughts on the Rollins-Huckabee Marriage
Mike Huckabee: Too Much Like Tom Brokaw?
How Much Do the Democratic Campaigns Hate Each Other?
Did Huckabee Just Hire the Kiss of Death?
Media Matters - Savage makes degrading comments about House Speaker, other prominent Dem women
Media Matters - Blitzer calls Clinton a "flip-flopper" over coffee preferences
Media Matters - Joe Klein: Earlier in the year, Clinton spoke "from ... her diaphragm. Now she's speaking much more quickly again and through her nose"
Media Matters - O'Reilly: Helen Thomas "is consistently anti-American in her point of view"
Media Matters - O'Reilly response to assertion that Tim Robbins made "valid" points: so did Nazi official Von Ribbentrop
Media Matters - Wash. Post 's Givhan suggested political motivation for Obama's choice of tie colors
Media Matters - Savage referred to residents of New Hampshire as "drunks" and "yokels"
Media Matters - Wash. Post 's Solomon ignored Planned Parenthood support for Obama's abortion votes
Media Matters - While moderating GOP debate, Des Moines Register editor cited McCain's "maverick" reputation
Media Matters - O'Reilly to caller: "I don't think your assessment" that Oprah's "voting for [Obama] because he's black" "is wrong"
Media Matters - O'Reilly: "I think that Obama needs to answer some questions about his point of view, not only on the USA, but on a lot of things"
Congress Stalls on Publishing Founders' Papers
Musharraf to 'Protect' Nuclear Weapons
Bush's Budget Wins May Cost Him
US Now No. 2 Donor to Fund for Poor Nations
Iraqi Kurd Media Bill Draws Protest
British Commander Blames 'Spin' for Low Morale in Iraq
UK Commander Cites 'Upsurge' in Afghanistan Support at Home
Zawahiri Slams Annapolis Conference
Chief Says NATO No Global Police Force
ID Clues Rare in Mass Graves in Iraq
UK Army: Iraq Can Handle Policing in South
US Calls on Mongolia to Continue Sending Soldiers to Iraq
Money, Time Runs Out for Iraqi Refugees
Many Iraqis in Syria Fled During US Troop Buildup
UN Issues ATM Cards to Assist Iraqi Refugees
Marginally Less Pessimistic: But Poll Shows Most Americans Still Agree Iraq War Not Worth Fighting
Russia, Belarus Downplay Merger Talk
Russian Opposition Activist Held in Psychiatric Hospital
ETA Gives Terrorists Disguise Manual
EU Decides to Deploy Police Mission to Kosovo
EU: Serbia Must Turn Over Suspects to Join
Bosnia Deports Muslim Former Soldiers Deemed Security Threats
Somalia's Top Clan Says Ethiopian Pullout Only End to Deadlock
Somalia Aid Arrives Via Armed Delivery
African Union: Burundi Forces to Deploy in Somalia
Algiers Bombers Were Freed in Amnesty
Ethiopia Forcing Civilians to Patrol Rebel Areas
Libyan FM to Meet Rice in US
Bolivian Military Mobilized as Provinces Prepare to Declare Greater Autonomy
Colombia Protests Over Nicaragua's FARC Remarks
Separatists in Philippines Agree to Reconcile
The Islamic Bomb
Prince of Darkness: Richard Perle
Iran Reformists Criticize Ahmadinejad's Policies
UN to Keep Troops at Israel-Syria Border, Reiterates Call for Peace Talks
Israeli FM Rules Out Peace Talks With Syria
Iraq Deputy PM to Lead Delegation for Weekend Damascus Visit
Gaza Tensions Flare After Abduction and Funeral Blast
PFLP Calls on Fatah to Reconcile With Hamas
US to Offer $500m in Aid to Palestinians
Saudis' $1.4 Billion Support for Palestinians Now in Doubt
NATO Allies Agree to Afghan Master Plan
Gates Says US Will Tone Down Appeals for More Help in Afghanistan
Australia to 'Stay the Course' in Afghanistan
Officials Claim al-Qaeda Plot to Kill Musharraf
Musharraf’s Rural Support Seems Less Than He Claims
On Retainer in Pakistan, to Ease Military Rulers’ Path
India Speeding Up Long-Range Nuclear Missile Production
Sri Lanka Scolds Envoys Over Rights Demands
North Korea Is Disabling Plant but Holding Back on Data, US Aides Say
North Korea Replies to Bush With an Offer and a Condition
South Korea Ends Troop Deployment to Afghanistan
US, Japan Tighten Missile-Defense Ties
Aussie PM's Plan to Use Navy to Monitor Whalers Could Harm Japan Relations
China Urges Taiwan Military: Resist Independence Moves
Politeness of China Talks Can’t Disguise the Discord
100,000 Workers Face Furlough at Pentagon
Congress Gives Bush His War Funds
FBI Probes Army's Inspector General for Iraq
US Paid $32 Million for Iraqi Base That Wasn't Built
No Prosecution for State Dept Official in Iraq Rape
Inside the CIA's Notorious 'Black Sites'
Mukasey Rejects Call for CIA Tape Details
Ex -Worker: Air Firm Aided CIA Renditions
Iran Reformists Form Coalition to End 'Crisis'
Think Again: the Nth Time Is Farce: Neocons Attack the NIE, Yet Again
What Is Probably in the Missing Tapes
Liquidation of Empire
Neocons Attack the NIE, Again: Alterman/Zornick
Postwar Elections and Peace Prospects: Alan Bock
Blackwater Horror Movie: Jennifer Daskal
Estulin: Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
The Ties That Bind Rick Perry & Rudy Giuliani
7/7 Terror Exercise Manager Peter Power "Grins and Bears" Tough Questions on False-Flag
Over 100 Prominent Scientists Challenge UN Move For Global Carbon Tax
Greenspan Says Odds of Recession in U.S. Are `Clearly Rising'
Impeachment will trump executive privilege
FBI agent threatened to arrest CIA interrogators in 2002.
Have Bilderberg Kingmakers Selected Perry for Giuliani Running Mate?
Estulin: Global Elite Consider Ron Paul Assassination
Brown signs EU Treaty as experts warn Britain will surrender control of immigration
Brown rules out EU referendum as opponents begin 3-month battle to block treaty
Pelosi and Harman Aided and Abetted 9/11 Cover Up
Countdown: Giuliani Making Millions From Data Mining Company
Breaking the Trance: "A new world order can emerge..."
Is Blackwater the Private Mercenary Army of the Oligarchy?
Vietnam Hardens Internet Censorship
Liberty City Seven Shows Terror War Is Fraud
Genetic Monstrosities: Glow in the Dark Cats
Crashed Gitmo Torture Jet Did Double Duty as a Coke Mule
National Anti-Radar Front Blows Up French Speed Cameras
Bush Secret Shredding Soars
AT&T Offers GPS and RFID Child Tracking
What We Should Expect From Hillary Clinton
Newspaper Reporter Arrested Covering Story
Mobile Labs to Target Iraqis for Death
Oblivious to Inflation, Consumers Flock to Malls
Top 100 Contractors In Iraq And Afghanistan
Ron Paul Warns Middle Class Being “Wiped Out” In Final Debate
Giuliani: Message Boy for Rockefeller and the New World Order
Congress authorizes war funds and sends bill to Bush - Yahoo! News
U.S. Stocks Drop as Inflation Tops Forecasts; Retailers Slump
After the Mitchell Report, a Fog of Generalities - WSJ.com
Reyes, Hoekstra 'stunned' By DOJ Blockage Of CIA Video Probe, By John Bresnahan - CBS News
WorldNetDaily: Huckabee's theology degree? Now says ain't necessarily so
Right-wing Christians now plague GOP | ajc.com
Emotional hearing about thousands of suicidal veterans - On Deadline - USATODAY.com
Tea Party 07 - Ron Paul for President Mass Donation Day
FOXNews.com - Why are the Wheels Coming Off the Clinton Bandwagon? - Blogs
Free Preview - WSJ.com
LewRockwell.com Blog: Mitt Romney's VC Firm to Buy Clear Channel
Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America
9-11 SOLVED118
German WWI Naval Raiders
Wake Up: War Is Not A Video Game! (Video)
Aerosol Crimes 1st Edition: Chemtrail Research (Video)
Zionism: The Real Enemy Of The Jews (Video)
Prof. Steven Jones: Thermate at WTC (Video)
Message of the Iraqi Resistance to the American People (Video)
OLBERMANN: Making It Up As They Went Along! (Video)
Explosions Before WTC 7 Collapse? (Video)
David Ray Griffin In Copenhagen, Denmark (Video)
Bush Reserves The Right To Repeat Katrina Failures (Video)
Depleted Uranium - The Ultimate Dirty Bomb (Video)
Olbermann Names The Real Terrorists (Video)
Bush on Iraq: It's Never Been "Stay The Course" (Video)
Winning Hearts & Minds? Iraq The Real Story (Video)
Before You Enlist, Watch This Video!
Child Abuse:Jesus Camp With A Cardboard Bush (Video)
"The President Owes This Country An Apology" (Video)
Evidence U.S. Government Planned & Executed 9/11 (Video)
Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Disappearances (Video)
What's in a Flu Shot? (Video)
FEMA Detention Camps Being Readied In America (Video)
Albanese Short Film From Ground Zero 09/11/06
Keith Olbermann Blasts Bush At Ground Zero (Video)
Lauer Challenges Bush On Secret Prisons And Torture (Video)
Lou Dobbs Takes A Look At E-Voting Problems (Video)
Loose Change Vs. Popular Mechanics (Real Media Video)
Loose Change On Paula Zahn (Video)
Poker Face - Tear It Down (Unplugged Video)
9/11 Truth: The War On Terror Is A Fraud (Video)
Olbermann's To Bush: "Have You No Sense Of Decency, Sir?"
John Dean: "This Is Text Book Authoritarianism" (Video)
Mayor Rocky Anderson On Bush And Patriotism (Video)
Rocky Raises A Little Hell At Fox And Friends (Video)
Keith Olbermann's Commentary on Rumsfeld (Video)
Jon Snow Confronts Israeli Ambassador On Israeli 'Terror'
Great Rebuttal By CNN Anchor Against A Israel Spokeswomen
Video Israel Doesn't Want You To See
Bush says: "Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11"
Countdown On Terror And Politics (Video)
The Death Of The Internet? (Video)
Pastor Davidson Loehr - The New World Order Story (Video)
Cafferty On The NSA Ruling: Bush Is Breaking The Law!
Jonathon Turley: Bush's NSA Eavesdropping Program Is Illegal
Aaron Russo UNPLUGGED in Chicago on 7/30/06
Scarborough: "Is Bush An Idiot?"
Evidence That The U.S. Government Planned And Executed 9/11
TDS's Middle Eastern Correspondent, Aasif Mandvi (Video)
George Galloway Rips Skynews a New One (Video)
9/11/06 Demonstration - Stockholm, Sweden (Video, Adult Language)
What Did He Know? (Bush's odd behavior the morning of 9/11)
911: The Greatest Lie Evers Sold
Evidence That The U.S. Government Planned And Executed 9/11
Alex Jones Predicts 9/11 Attack In July 2001
Cease Fire Now! (Video)
The Qana Massacre In Lebanon (Video)
Ambulances Are Hit By Israeli Forces In Lebanon (Video)
Phosphorus Weapons Cause Suffering In Lebanon (Video)
JFK Speech on Secret Societies and Freedom of the Press (Video)
Hijacking Catastrophe: The Rise Of The Neo-Cons (Video)
Harry Belafonte Cleans Wolf Blitzer's Clock! (Video)
Europeans Meacher And Von Bulow Speak Out On 9/11 (Video)
Chris Matthews and Pat Buchanan On The Neocons (Video)
ABA President Calls for Congress to Wake Up! (Video)
Images Of Lebanon The Mainstream Media Will Not Show (Video)
Williams Confronts Kristol: "You Just Want War, War, War" (Video)
Professor Kevin Barrett on Hannity and Colmes (Video)
Mike Berger Of 911Truth.Org On Scarborough Country (Video)
Outside The Box: Featuring Mike Berger 911truth.org
Loose Change Blog: L.A. Presentation (Video)
Roger Waters - The Other Wall (Video)
Dana Priest Smacks Bill Bennett Around (Video)
Keith Strikes Back Against NYTimes Bashers (Video)
Scarborough chooses Jefferson (Video)
James Blunt: No Bravery (Video)
Controlled Demolition - Compilation (Video)
Alex Jones Terror Storm (New Video)
Molten Metal WTC Thermite (Video)
Must See Thermite Experiment (Video)
RBN Host Jim Fetzer on Fox's Hannity And Colmes (Video)
Who Killed John O'Neill (Video)
9/11 Vendetta (Video)
An Hour Long Smorgasbord Of Content From Louder Than Words Productions By Dylan Avery (video)
Iraq Murders Covered Up By Marines, Maybe Higher. (Video)
What's The Truth (Video)
Scarborough: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!
CNN"s Jack Cafferty: "A Full Blown Dictatorship"
Rummy and McGovern On The Daily Show
The Biggest Scam In U.S. History!
McGovern Confrontation Of Rumsfeld Discussed On Lou Dobbs
Neil Young Speaks Out On Show Biz Tonight (Video)
CBS 60 Minutes: Ex-CIA Chief Tyler Drumheller on WMD
Want To Ignore The Constitution, Just Do It!
Bob Barr vs. Dana Rohrabacher On The Constitution
Military Refused To Show This Training Video To Our Troops
9/11 Chairman Kean Confronted At Texas University
BBC Report On The Bilderberg Group, Secret Association Of Bankers, Captains Of Industry, Politicians and Heads of State.
Whistleblower Indira Singh, Former IT Professional, with JP Morgan-Chase, uncovered link to terrorist funding.
Fired Customs Agent Diane Klieman, Reveals The Sham Of Homeland Security And The War On Drugs.
Fintan Dunne's Interview with FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds On The Cover-up Of The FBI's Infiltration.
The New Pearl Harbor David Ray Griffin: Disturbing Questions About The Bush Administration And The 9/11 Attacks.
Fintan Dunne, Seymour Hersh On Murder And Abuse At Abu Ghraib, Is Zarqawi CIA Creation And Flu Vacine.
Sex, Fear, Smears, and Mirror Image Illusions
Ted Gunderson: Satanic Cults and Child Kidnappings
9-11 Truthers Conspiracy Lite
Killtown: Flight 93 and Val McClatchey Hoax
John Hankey: JFK Jr. Murder
Christopher Jon Bjerknes: Terror Plot and Zionism
No Planes at WTC Fairytale Nonsense
New Orwellian Script for 9-11 Discussion
Protocols of Zion Documentary
Patriot Movement Illusion: Lies or Reality
Allen Kirkpatrick Discusses The Da Vinci Code
Shanksville Flight 93 Unanswered Questions
United 93 and Patrick Kennedy Drunken Driving
Vyzygoth Discusses The Da Vinci Code
IRS, Art Bell, Elections, and Jeff Rense
Texe Marrs on Phony Televangelists
Alex Jones and Rense Caught Red-Handed
World Government Organized Crime Syndicate
Alternative Media Betrays Patriot Movement
Greg Szymanski Fakery Plus Mothman Prophecy
The Root of Evil in the Middle East
Shanksville Flight 93 Hoax SOLVED
CIA Outsourcing and Corporate Spooks
Anatomy of a 9-11 Cover-Up
Flight 93 Crash in Shanksville
Animal Farm and More
Fox News and Alt Media Mind Control Techniques
Inside Job Controversy and 9-11 Gatekeepers
George Noory Railroads Eric Hufschmid
Illegal Immigration and CAFTA
London Bombing Foreknowledge
London Terror Attacks
GCN an ABC Affiliate
Ten Questions for Alex Jone
Alex Jones Censorship Cover-Up
Alex Jones Censors Archives
Alex Jones Exposed
republic broadcasting network / (listen)
The Secret -law of attraction
Science and Shamanic Knowledge
Trippin': DMT
The Secret Conspiracy
The Secret Behind Secret Societies
Martix of Evil (Alex Jones)
TerrorStorm Deluxe High Quality (Alex Jones)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement
The Order of Death (Alex Jones)
Alex Jones - Cashless Society
America Destroyed By Design (Alex Jones)
Alex Jones on George Orwell's 1984
Alex Jones - Jim Marrs JFK interview
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports EXPOSED! (Alex Jones)
Masters Of Terror - Alex Jones
American Dictators
Greg Palast on The Alex Jones Report
OKLAHOMA CITY: What Really Happened? (alex jones police state martial law)
Alex Jones Wake Up Or Waco
Historic Interview with Aaron Russo, Fighting Cancer and the New World Order
Alex Jones Matrix Of Evil Speech UNEDITED
Alex Jones - Aaron Russo & Joe Banister IRS interview
Police State III: Total Enslavement
The corporation
Alex Jones Police State 2000 Martial Law Posse Comitatus
Edwards: "Fight"
Bill Clinton On Charlie Rose
Huckabee & Norris On O'Reilly
Giuliani's Introduction Video

Ron Paul on Mad Money with Jim Cramer
A Discussion About the Mitchell Report on Performance-Enhancing Drugs
John Edwards On "Morning Joe"
Working For Working Americans

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