"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

17 December 2007

17th Dec.


Minuteman founder stresses support conditional on 'leave or get arrested'
WorldNetDaily: Celebrating Jesus' 'Condescension'
Mitt says Mike 'raised 21 taxes,', 'supported amnesty for illegal immigrants'
'Anything that gives us a new deck of cards is a good thing'
As Mitt recalls Mormon move to allow black priests
Supports give 'money bomb' during Boston Tea Party event
Political maverick is independent, but caucuses with Democrats
Judge gives Utah woman 1 day to finish enrollment
PM warns officials against openly criticizing U.S. intel report
'It was a positive action ... to change their attitude and it was a correct move'
Discipline challenged by dozens of pregnancies at U.S. base in Afghanistan
Church leader's cancellation of property sale could affect dividing city
Audit reveals funds sent to school terrorists boast is used for jihad
'People are too literal, No. 1, and they don't have a true sense of humor, No. 2'
Accuses group of seeking 'harm to those who speak against violent agenda'
Saint Peter's Square nativity scene nixes stable for Joseph's workshop
Law firm offers advice if critics bring case
Spectacular 'Declaration of Independence' unlike any other book you've ever seen
'I'm not stupid. I would never put a sign out to hurt my business'
Student: 'I don't fully understand why I got suspended for something I felt was right'
'Those who support the Americans are despicable scum'
Maximum increase now feared to be 64 inches, instead of 32
Bali latest pushes debates about U.S. participation into next administration
Wind power making remarkable comeback thanks to modern innovations
Conference in Paris aims to raise billions of dollars to help emergence
Part of broad crackdown on 'immoral behavior' in Islamic state
Washington accuses Tehran of arming, funding, training Muslim militias
Singer-songwriter was driving force in 'soft rock' of 1970s
But high-school senior claims e-mail was merely joke
Ex-cop transferred money in weeks after disappearance of wife
'People are tired of illegal immigration and our politicians not listening to us'
Discipline challenged by dozens of pregnancies at U.S. base in Afghanistan
Offending pamphlets quoted ad: 'Man seeking boys ... age not so relevant'
'Leaders must be prepared to defend congregations'
Church also provides venue for 'Islamic punk' program
Campaign admits candidate doesn't have claimed religious credential
'The times call for competence. Americans want their government to work again'
On Dem side, Globe favors Obama while Des Moines Register takes Hillary
Accused of asking mistress to get inside information in criminal case
State lining up to become 28th to limit unions to 1 man, 1 woman
Doctors successfully removed 4 extra arms, legs last month
'I honestly view it as life-saving surgery'
'If what I did was an error in judgment on my part, I apologize'
Thousands of postal workers not paid this week due to glitch
'He obviously lacked common sense. It's not something you train (them for)'
Facing harsh crackdowns, Central America's maras try to lower profile
Disturbing: 'Rest of the world doesn't seem to think this is a big deal any more'
Economic growth threatens to stall while food, energy prices soar
Stores hope last-minute shoppers will salvage holiday sales
Economic woes possibly caused uneven business, growth just 18 percent
Authors will be able to attach ads to their work, take share of revenues
Search giant looks to deliver computing services over Internet
'Chipmunks' finishes No. 2 at box office with $45 million opening
Pennsylvanians turn to casino to help to restore long-lost prosperity
Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman top list
Nintendo, GameStop issuing rainchecks for popular toy
'Astonishing testament to the playboy lifestyle enjoyed by Saddam and his entourage'
Flight attendants' exposure causes at least 1 government to complain
'People are finding out ... they can get this free content'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah marvels at selfless sacrifice, Christ's courage to become powerless, helpless baby
But his Hebrew name Yeshua is everywhere in Bible code
Exclusive: Chuck Norris debates whether Christ expects us to fight or 'turn other cheek'
Exclusive: Doug Powers suspects Mitt's issue isn't his faith, but a more disturbing flaw
Senate debate: 'I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country'
Exclusive: Michael Ackley questions blackballing of African-American GOP candidate
Exclusive: Vox Day declares majority of GOP has been overlooked by party elite
Adam Nagourney: Party is hitting a wall after dominating U.S. politics for 35 years
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson wages war on enemies who strip religion from holidays
J.J. Jackson: Do your civic duty this joyful season, take a moment to annoy a liberal
Exclusive: Readers kick around transsexuals, Christianity, Huckabee, church shootings
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner slams companies with conditions unfit for elves or humans
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith stamps out firestorm over questions about Mormon beliefs
Christopher Orlet: Only in the U.S. is there widespread guilt about locking up convicts
Michael Burke: Thanks to Mayor Bloomberg, humility won't be found at tower site
Two Debates, Two Countries
The Flap Over Obama's Drug Use
Mormonism, Romney, and Race
For the GOP, Falling In Love is Hard
Rudy On the Brink
Democrats Assess Hill Damage, Leadership
Arnold Takes Risky '08 Strategy To the Polls
The Real Mortgage Fraud
Another False Dawn from N. Korea?
The Recipe for Economic Growth
Canada's Thought Police
Huckabee Seeks To Broaden His Appeal
Bill Clinton: Hillary Needs a 'Miracle'
Obama Is Hitting His Stride in Iowa
In Florida, Giuliani Seeks To Brake Fall
How Petraeus Turned Around Iraq
Iraq - the Best Story of the Year
Huckabee as a Kinder, Gentler Buchanan
Huckabee's Foreign Policy Foolishness
Obama Becomes Anti-Change Candidate
Obama's Pragmatism Angers the Left
Hillary Agonistes
Thoughts on Religion and Politics
A Dangerous Confusion on Faith, Citizenship
Social Conservatism is Not Going Away
GOP Retreating on Fiscal Discipline
Voters Focus on Who's Coming into America
Taxing Time For Democrats
Bernanke Blows Smoke
A Civilian Partner for Our Troops
Al Jazeera Goes Mainstream
Then They Came for Mark Steyn...
Gen. Petraeus, Man of the Year
The Algerian Terror Lesson
Challenge in Kosovo
The Durban Emergency
Obama: No Surprises In My Past
Candidates Scrambling to Cope With Rise of Huckabee
McCain Gaining Unlikely Backer: Lieberman
Paul's Money Train Steamrolls On
Panel On 2008; Hoekstra & Harman On Tapes
A Time For Leadership
Twenty Days To Iowa; Clinton Camp Troubles
Panel On Clinton/Obama, Huckabee's Hire
Romney On "Meet The Press"
Thompson On "Face The Nation"
Edwards' Sunday Morning Media
Giuliani's Introduction And Full Speech
Bill Clinton On Charlie Rose
Putin Says He'll Be Prime Minister
My Way News - Russia Makes 1st Nuke Shipment to Iran
Official says Iran won't stop making atomic fuel - Yahoo! News UK
Iran says U.S. report a declaration of surrender | Politics | Reuters
Iran shuts down 24 cafes in Internet crackdown - Yahoo! News
Experts warn major Israel quakes fast approaching
Synthetic DNA on the Brink of Yielding New Life Forms
Floods of tears as climate change 'hard man' breaks down at summit | the Daily Mail
Global warming may soon see Santa don shorts
French President Sarkozy steps out with ex-top model Bruni
Anchor Lane arrested in NYC | Philadelphia Daily News | 12/17/2007
Videotape shows Sharpton cutting a deal | Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/15/2007
Outside Phoenix store, border debate rages on
My Way News - For Gangs, Tattoos Out; College Look In
Obama Showing New Confidence With Iowa Sprint - New York Times
My Way News - Obama Describes Faith Amid False Rumors
Younger generations following Obama's lead - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Clinton Library Got Funds From Abroad
Pope decries 'pleasure at all costs' - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Paul Raises $6 Million in 24-Hour Effort
In ’08 Race, the Other Clinton Steps Up Publicly - New York Times
Mitt wept when church ended discrimination - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Republican hopefuls squabble over Bush foreign policy
My Way News - Giuliani: Nation Needs Bold Leadership
McCain snags endorsements; Rudy retreats - Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Women more willing to forgive Monica scandal than Judi Giuliani's trysts
Michael Savage - Radio - Boycott - New York Times
Google to tackle Wikipedia with new knowledge service - Times Online
Retailers Face an Ominous Holiday Sign - New York Times
New Clinton campaign out to show her likability - USATODAY.com
Abstinence Programs Face Rejection
Fla. Woman Has 10 Husbands, Charges Say
School attack alarms staff
Tossed from a car and shot in cold blood
Pelosi Urged to Condemn Open-Air SF Sex Fair
Wife of Aldous Huxley Dies at 96
Death in a seaside paradise
Exposed: U.S. funded Hamas university
UK troops return Basra to Iraqis
Indiana congresswoman dies
Gangs ditch tattoos, go for college look
In China, Farming Fish in Toxic Waters
Anti-Semitism in the Netherlands rises sharply | Jerusalem Post
Top UK terror suspect escapes | UK News | The Observer
Columbia Still Roiled by Iranian's Visit - washingtonpost.com
CFP: Skeptical Scientists Urge World To ‘Have the Courage to Do Nothing’ At UN Conference
TheStar.com | GTA | Friends `cheated' out of teen's funeral
Next Texas evacuees will face criminal checks
Plot posed a real, immediate threat, experts say
At last the great divide is coming into focus
Congressman Ron Paul Introduces the Property Tax Deduction for All Act
Poor College Students Sacrificing Precious Christmas cash for Ron Paul
Would Ron Paul Be Endorsed by the Founding Fathers? Lawyer Says Yes

A closer look at the Ron Paul Revolution
Russia may dump weakening US dollar in its energy deals
Russia delivers first nuclear fuel to Iran
Bush 'twisting NIE to support Iran war'
Russian nuclear submarine test-fires ballistic missile
How the Government Will Toll Existing Roads
How Ron Paul Has Already Won
ETA bomb explodes in northern Spain, no injuries
UK hands control of Basra to Iraqi forces
Ron Paul promises to rescue the republic, and drink tea…
Attacks Don't Work, Now They Mimic Us
Ron Paul 'Listen to what he has to say'
It May Very Well Be Ron Paul's Time
The man behind Paul's fundraising curtain
The Libertarian Surprise: Ron Paul
IRS defense attorney to speak at Ron Paul rally in Las Vegas
Report Says That the Rich Are Getting Richer Faster, Much Faster
London plot suspect escapes in Pakistan
Iraq sees need for foreign troops for 10 years
Small group of US experts insist global warming not man-made
PJB: Is World War III on Hold?
The seduction of indifference, again and again and again
An Open Letter to Anarchists on Behalf of Ron Paul
Cindy Sheehan: Impeach Pelosi for collaboration with Bush administration on torture
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Texas Readies Police State Tech for Possible Hurricane Evacuees
Government's Evasiveness about 9/11 is Proof of Guilt
United Nations Model for the New World Order is China
Report: Ohio voting machines have 'critical flaws,' could undermine ’08 election
AT&T engineer says Bush Administration sought to implement domestic spying within two weeks of taking office
Interpol chief warns of virus attack at sports event
Iraq rejects permanent US bases
Paul: 'There's no constitutional authority to rule the world'
Bush, Iran and the Politics of Doomsday
Russian special forces plan to storm doomsday sect cave
Coalition forces retake Taliban town - Yahoo! News
9/11 Victims' Lawyers Blast Ground Zero Toxic Air Lies In Court
Ten of millions will be tracked by mobile phone within years
Surveillance videos bring new angle to film drama 'Look'
Bush Secret Shredding Soars
New Attorney General stonewalls Senate over CIA tapes
Countdown: Giuliani Making Millions From Data Mining Company
Activists see Senate Dems backing down to Bush, ready to give immunity to phone companies
Scottish School To Get Talking CCTV Cameras
Next Texas evacuees will face criminal checks
Alex Jones w/ Jerome Corsi
Alex Jones w/ Naomi Wolf
Alex Jones w/ Ron Paul
Alex Jones w/ Ron Paul
Alex Jones w/ Ron Paul
Alex Jones w/ Randy Weaver And Elaine Brown
Alex Jones w/ Ron Paul
Alex Jones w/ Ron Paul
Alex Jones w/ Jerome R. Corsi
Wider Spying Fuels Aid Plan for Telecom Industry
Paul would remove America from War
Ron Paul Tops Google Zeitgeist List
Rany Who? Philly 9/11 Truth Exposes Senator Bob Graham
Bush urges full NKorea nuclear disclosure after Kim's reply
Co-Chair of Congressional 9/11 Inquiry and Former Head of Senate Intelligence Committee Confirms White House Cover Up
China urges Taiwan military: resist independence moves
Offshoring interests and economic dogmas are destroying the US dollar
Forbes Says Bloomberg to Spend Big Bucks to Derail Ron Paul
Gold is for Survivalist Flakes
Snoop States Prompts Symbiotic Relationship Between Government and Telecoms
Paul Supporters Have Austin Tea Party
Bloomberg Really Aims at Ron Paul - Free Market News Network
Mineweb - COMPANY RELEASES - Barrick Gold extends deadline for $10 million Unlock the Value program
India gold buying slack as traders eye dips | Business | Reuters
Greenspan Sees Early Signs of U.S. Stagflation | Reuters
Nation & World | "Muslim" issue resurfaces for Obama | Seattle Times Newspaper
CorpWatch : Domestic Spying, Inc.
Son’s Past Could Come Back to Bite Huckabee | Newsweek Periscope | Newsweek.com
Armed forces 'superbug' menaces UK | UK News | The Observer
Bush administration pushes for control of promotions of military lawyers - The Boston Globe
Ron Paul Campaign Iowa Announces Press Conference in Wake of Record Fundraising
Immigration a big issue to NH, Iowa GOP - Yahoo! News
Britain bows out of a five-year war it could never have won - Independent Online Edition > Middle East
Clinton invites voters to 'inspect' her - Yahoo! News
Townhall.com::Rudy's incredible shrinking campaign::By Salena Zito
Huckster haunted by Ark. ghosts - BostonHerald.com
U.S. paid $32M for an Iraqi base never built - Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Army Times
Gordon Brown in ‘crisis of morale’ - Times Online
Kennedy family split on endorsements - Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
The Raw Story | Congress will defy Justice Dept. on destroyed CIA tapes; Harman: 'We're in Constitutional crisis'
ABC News: Congress Defies Bush on CIA Tape Probe
Bush Appeals to Congress for Iraq Funds
Bush Faces Pressure to Shift War Priorities - washingtonpost.com
Iraq condemns Turkish attacks - CNN.com
Ron Paul Supporters Work Hard in New Hampshire
Gore Accuses U.S. of Obstructing Climate Talks
Birching Congress on the North American Union
Ex CIA Agent Says Waterboarding Torture “Necessary”
Congress Must Be Held Accountable for Solving the Illegal Immigration Crisis
If You Don't Like the State
Connecting the Dots
When the Bureaucrats Have to Get Jobs
Writing Is Not a Team Sport
Counting Change
An Open Letter to Hispanics
Be a Clear-Eyed Homeschooling Mom
The People's Pottage and Ron Paul
The Lawless Surveillance State
A good night's sleep? Dream on... - Telegraph
Commies Loved Westerns
Be a Clear-Eyed Homeschooling Mom
Rense - Fulford Interview - Part 1 7-5-7
Rense - Fulford Interview - Part 2 7-23-7
The History Of The Illuminati
Makow - Chinese Secret Society Challenges Illuminati
The Secret History Of The Freemasons In Japan
Benjamin Fulford On Jeff Rense: Hours 1, 2 & 3
Benjamin Fulford - Interview Transcript #2
BenjaminFulford - Site
Better World Links - Site
Refuse & Resist! - Site
Socialist Worker - Site
A collection of Articles & Reports by Mr. Robert Fisk + Audio & Video
Index for Mr. Robert Fisk Articles - 2000-2004
Archive 2 for Mr. Robert Fisk Articles 2005 to 2007
Index for Mr. Robert Fisk Articles - 2006
The Big Eye -- Site
UK has left behind murder and chaos, says Basra police chief :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
A call from Gaza: BREAK THE SIEGE! :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Nahr al-Bared treated outside of the law :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Sunday: 1 US Soldier, 90 Iraqis Killed; 30 Iraqis Wounded :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Iraq picks Russia firm to fix Syria pipeline :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Israeli soldiers confess to committing acts of violence against Palestinians :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Olmert gov't gives green light for targeting Hamas leaders, institutions :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Allies losing Afghanistan war, Australian minister warns: report :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Iraqi Refugees Are Arrested in Lebanon :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Blackwater in Baghdad: "It was a horror movie" New testimony from witnesses and victims provides the most in-depth, harrowing account to date of the U.S. security firm's deadly rampage in Iraq. :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
The No-State Solution :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
PFLP, DFLP and Islamic Jihad call on Hamas and Fatah to reconcile :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Did Bush Eat Popcorn While Watching the Torture Tapes? :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
'The Shia militias in Basra are better armed than Iraqi forces' :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
A Revealing Incident Where U.S/NATO Militaries Have Killed Afghan Civilians in the Ongoing Afghan Conflict :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
GandhiServe Foundation - Site
VIDEO: America's "Long War". From the Truman Doctrine to the NeoCons
VIDEO: Canada and the Afghan War
VIDEO: 100,000 Iraqi Kids Killed
VIDEO: British Mercenary Company Kills Iraqi Civilians
US Apache Helicopter massacring Iraqis
Miami: Collapse of Liberty City 7 case exposes fraud of “war on terror”
Inside the CIA's notorious "black sites"
Political Assassination: Media Disinformation regarding the Death of Dr. David Kelly
Tens of thousands demand Cheney Impeachment
How to Watch the News
PR Watch - Site
Media Cover-up
Internet: U.S. Military Plans to Control Internet
Government, Military Corruption
Operation Northwoods
Seeds of Deception - Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Cover-up. Genetically Engineered Food.
War Cover-up
Health Cover-up
9/11 Hijackers Alive
9/11 Research
Government, Military, Intelligence Officials Question 9/11 Commission Report
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
The Four Reasons - Site
International Socialist Organization - Site
Paul's one-day haul a record - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Bookmakers Hit Mark With Ron Paul Money Bomb Bet
China's 'Queen of Trash' finds riches in waste paper - International Herald Tribune
Wall Street will resume nanotechnology financing
Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS
The North American Union - Stop It Now
Merck Scientist Admits Injecting Cancer Viruses
Cramer And Ron Paul On CNBC
Sealed Off by Israel, Gaza Reduced to Beggary :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
Credit crisis worsens as Alan Greenspan says the Fed is powerless - Times Online
New Gimmicks To Salvage A Sinking Economy
The Heroic Scientist Who Tried To Stop GM Insanity
Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind
"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic
Monsanto: Winning the Ground War
Devvy Kidd -- Huckabee broke, Romney borrows, Giuliani ducks terrorist ties
Big Machines Parked In Orbit - Black Ops, Star Wars Or ET? Or All Of The Above?
Ron Paul Fundraiser - We CAN Do It, And Do It We MUST!
The Real SMOKING GUN As To Life On Mars
The Planned Collapse Of USA
The Planned Collapse Of America - Part Two
Makow - Surviving The New World Order
Israeli calls for assassinating Haneyya and Hamas political leaders escalate ::

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