"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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22 December 2007

Sat - 22nd Dec

Top news story: Virginia Tech killings - Yahoo! News
AAA Predicts Small Increase in Travel During Holiday Season: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Sacha Baron Cohen: Killing off Borat - Telegraph
FT.com / Companies / Media & internet - Financial Times named newspaper of the year
London, capital of the world - Independent Online Edition > This Britain
Rocket launched into space; carries satellite to guide weapons -- OrlandoSentinel.com
Problem Teacher List Made Public
Woman Allegedly Stabs Husband Over Gift
WKBT La Crosse, WI-NewsChannel 8, La Crosse Weather, La Crosse News, La Crosse SportsCrawford Co. Man Arrested for Ax Attack
Online NewsHour: Newsmaker Interview | Interview with Sen. Harry Reid | December 21, 2007 | PBS
Leading Democrat in Senate Tells Reporters, ‘This War Is Lost’ - New York Times
Gates Criticizes Congress on War Funding
FT.com / Companies / Financial services - Saudis plan huge sovereign wealth fund
Consumer Spending Surges in November: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Bonuses on Wall Street surge 14 percent - Yahoo! News
Fed: Another $20B Auctioned to Banks: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Inside the Ring - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
HRC staff ordered to lower expectations - Roger Simon - Politico.com
Dems duel over foreign policy advisers - Yahoo! News
Rice Rejects Huckabee Criticism
Ed Rollins: Huckabee Will Win Iowa, Political Players: Campaign Chairman Says His Candidate Is Most Like Reagan - CBS News
Zogby International
Family adopts slain son's military dog - Yahoo! News
Europe's east-west border is at last wide open - International Herald Tribune
Spokesman won't allow questions to be asked
But Bush administration expected to find other ways to keep program rolling
Attorneys reviewing charges of violating mandatory ed law
Report called global warming worries 'entirely without merit'
Basing policy on carbon dioxide levels 'potentially disastrous economic folly'
Famous photo taken in mid-summer – animals' numbers not down
Exclusive: Joseph Farah expresses outrage over U.S. government's totalitarian mandate
'One thing led to another and result was some decorations prohibited'
Christian attorneys fight back in Oklahoma City case
Leader: 'I am an atheist and it is time we atheists stood up for ourselves'
Woman cites discrimination against Christians, Jews, others in court filing
Teacher: Since boy has no interest in religion, he can't celebrate birth of Christ
Scholar says controversial translation that said Jesus ordered own betrayal is wrong
'If my girls didn't know God, and I didn't know where they were going ... I probably couldn't'
Democrats embrace faith in effort to negate Republican advantages among Christian voters
Says Huckabee most like Gipper, will win Iowa
'I'm the only candidate that's put forth a detailed plan on immigration'
On campaign trail, ex-president hails senator's experience
Time editor: 'She's just held to a different standard in every respect'
'They have come a long way if they now think Iowa is just survivable'
'International community should be concerned about increased persecution' in China
Smelted aluminum provided to U.S. in effort to prove no secret nuke program exists
Intelligence experts dispatched to Washington to counter findings of NIE report
Revived broadcast after year hiatus seen as effort to recruit men to terrorists' ranks
'You start thinking about the price those kind of people pay so we can have freedom'
Over 1,000 caught up in spirit of reciprocity at Starbuck's drive-through
Christian-leaning, free-market think tank praises capitalism in pro-business movie
Alaska senator scores $20 million earmark for 'expeditionary craft' to rural peninsula
'Verbally profane, abusive, loud and irate' woman not violent when taken down
Life savings seized – must prove assets not from ill-gotten gain
Woman injected her own blood into kids – required hospitalization
Budget-cutting move could potentially save about $250 million a year
Some Texans have tried to block progress by refusing to let surveyors come on properties
Rules man must stay in U.S. so he can be called as witness
Philly newscaster formally charged with assaulting police officer
Says he studies Bible and prays daily, sees his acting as form of preaching
Face of 10-year-old girl superimposed on pictures of nude adult women posing as children
12-year-old girl suspended after being given tiny vodka-filled chocolate in hall
ACLU takes case: 'I don't feel like I should have to hide my sexuality'
Suing state for denying him right to practice ancient Nordic religion behind bars
Mom says 48-pound son couldn't have been going more than 10 mph
Says military response against peaceful aliens illegal under nation's pacifist constitution
'If this is real, it could have almost immediate impact'
'On ... ridges we can see white tips, which can only be freshly exposed ice'
545 coins minted around 5 B.C.: 'Each ... was like a 500 euro note today'
Artwork was once buried under volcanic ash
'Part of a residential high-class neighborhood, where probably senators and knights used to live'
'They were so quiet. They just came right up on us; they were quick'
Abandoned at 15, boy lived in shed until rescued by teachers who helped him succeed
Amazing volume conclusively documents America's Christian foundation
Despite big mortgage-related losses, investment firms still generous
Award 1 of largest ever given to an exec, compensation expert says
Research In Motion, Merrill Lynch carry market higher after choppy week
Shares take their biggest plunge in 5 years
Hope to lure last-minute shoppers, but strategy may not work
Retailers bust out discounts, but analysts remain skeptical
Insurer initially refused to pay for liver operation – girl passes after approval given
IRS says company misclassified ground-delivery workers as contractors in 2002
Failed to do basic background check on woman convicted of theft, DUI, fleeing car accident
Government's decision to let cellular carriers shut down analog service surprise for many
Whole Foods: 'Clearly a snafu on our end, and it didn't seem right' to punish customers
Pilot shortages, long refuelings, mechanical breakdowns at root of problem
'Non-conformances to the company's animal welfare policy were found'
Most of proceeds from $5-per-customer levy will go to help rape victims
Developers of strip joint claim nudity regulations strict, 'unconstitutional'
Wisconsin mogul reportedly had net worth of $3.5 billion
Despite big runup in 2007, oil and gas producers, refiners remain big play for investors
Last fiscal year, customers redeemed over $1.04 billion worth for coffee
Exclusive: Olivia St. John protests judge order against homeschooling mother
Exclusive: Pat Boone commends Huckabee's fearless celebration of Christian holiday
Exclusive: Jonathan Falwell treasures Jesus' love during secularized, banned holiday
Exclusive: Henry Lamb tells a tale of Christmas generosity and warm compassion
Exclusive: Ellis Washington revels in God's most precious gift to all humanity
Exclusive: Greg Laurie encourages readers to discover the cure for inner restlessness
Exclusive: Dave Welch blasts columnist for ignorant assessment of Huckabee surge
Jennifer Rubin: We could generously give them 'incomplete,' but 'F' is more accurate
Joseph Wilson flays Barack for his foreign policy 'inexperience'
President Bush does best to avoid commenting on White House race
Pat Buchanan: Republican race likely to have pair of candidates still in race by Jan. 9
Andrew Dilnot and Michael Blastland: Newspaper figures are convincing, not accurate
CIA withheld al Qaeda tapes from 9/11 panel - paper
Congress Subpoenas Ex-CIA Official
Schwarzenegger vs. the Feds
Gates says Iraq security still supports troop cut
Clinton, dukes up, is raising eyebrows
Huckabee v. Romney: Escalating War of Words
Bush Names Successor as Sudan Envoy Steps Down
North Korean Tubes Found to Be Contaminated With Uranium Traces
Rice urges North Korea to stick to declaration pledge
Holiday heist: FedEx truck hijacked and later found in NYC
Ship’s navigator lacked experience
Bruno resigns from Wright Investors' Service
About a new trial, Tankleff kin say 'bring it on'
Surgeon Who Took Pics of Patient's Tattooed Genitals Out of Job
Oldest US WWI veteran dies
Suspected drug smuggler drives truck into Rio Grande
Body armor CEO may get release, of a sort, in fraud case
Judge approves house arrest for former DHB chief
Experts: New Law Driving Out Illegals
Thompson Says Enforce Immigration Law
Pakistani Investigators Search for Clues in Deadly Suicide Blast
· Law must take its course, says South Africa president
South Africa's ANC Dumps Mbeki Loyalists from Leadership
Cuba Hosts Regional Leaders at Oil Summit
Chavez extends oil largesse at Caribbean summit
South Korean President-Elect Signals Tougher Line on North Korea
Junta uneasy as Thailand goes back to the polls
Rice Says Serbia, Kosovo, Will Stay Separate
Slovenia fears Kosovo partition
Saudi Officials Foil Suspected Terror Plot as Hajj Comes to a Close
Woodward refuses to rule out Omagh inquiry
Hamas drafting terms for cease-fire with Israel
Zoe's Ark accused deny duping Chad families
Million passengers face airport chaos
London airport workers delay strike, spare holiday travelers
Serbs complain expansion of EU's border-free travel zone keeps ...
Taiwan Regrets US Opposition to Referendum Move
Why the Counterculture Should Support Ron Paul
Stop the Name Calling
Keep Your Eyes on Bernanke's Shoes
Fall of the Guitar Hero
Small Acts of Rebellion
Let the Bankers Pay
A Real Defense for America
My Christmas Gift to You by Johnny Kramer
War on Earth
From Liberalism to Mudochracy
The Authoritarian Temptation
Foreign criminals 'won't be deported' - Telegraph
Clinton donors overlap - The New York Times- msnbc.com
AKI - Adnkronos international Iran: Europe will become a Muslim continent, says Khamenei's spokesman
MSM Exaggerates American Indians Claims of Seceding From USA | NewsBusters.org
N.Y. Appeals Court Opens Door to 'Libel Tourism' - December 21, 2007 - The New York Sun
American Zionist group slams U.S. gov't on campus anti-Semitism - Haaretz - Israel News
Why the US hasn't seen smuggling tapes | Jerusalem Post
Democrat Blocks Passport Requirement at Canada, Mexico Borders -- 12/21/2007
'Slave' couple separated; Varsha sent to jail
Belgium Releases 14 Terror Suspects
Bush scolds Congress on $550B spending package
Ghana Leader: Oil Reserves at 3B Barrels
Blair Converts to Catholicism
China Jails Mine Owner in 2005 Blast
Mao Tolerated Christmas Before Takeover
IDs of 4 Who Died During Wildfire
Guatemalan Congressman-Elect Slain
Judge: '92 Papers Relevant in 9/11 Cases
Thai Ex-PM Said to End Exile Soon
Aristide Speech Targets Supporters
Congressmen Write Colombia Rebel Boss
Explorers' Penguin Drawings Found in UK
Building Troubles for John Paul's Church
UN to Wrap Up Sierra Leone Mission
Baby's Death Blamed on Thrown Football
Karl Rove Inks $1M-Plus Memoir Deal -- Newsday.com
Majority Democrats' Power Checked by GOP
Justice Drops Case Against Shipper
Clinton Campaigns With Family, GOP Voter
Medicaid Payments Cut
Thompson Tries to Stay Alive in Iowa
Edwardses to Exchange U.S.-Made Gifts
Gates Offers Hope of Iraq Withdrawals
FDA Warns of Deaths From Fentanyl Patch
Judge Rejects Part of Suit on Huckabee
Dems Duel Over Foreign Policy Advisers
The Arcane Campaign Planks of '08
High Court Asked to Review Congress Raid
Ron Paul Racist Propaganda Exposed
Gun Owners Group Condemns "Treacherous" Legislation
Huckabee's Copy Cat Money Bomb... a Dud?
Former US Intelligence official: Israel will attack Iran
Post columnist jokes: What was Cheney trying to hide with that office fire?
Always Wrong…And Now Out Of A Job
Oil Baron Al Gore Disses Climate Change Skeptics
FBI Now Admits Evidence Used to Connect Oswald to Kennedy Assasination Was Bogus
Experts: World Population Will Explode by 2025 with Influx of 'Megacities' of 10 Million People or More
Technology for a Male-less Matriarchal Society
Borg Hive Technology Now Nearly Main Street
Coercive population control: from the mouth of Frank Notestein
DNA Pandora's Box
WGBH Programs
WGBH Programs
WGBH Programs
WGBH Programs
WGBH Programs
DNA . Timeline | PBS
Culling the herd
The Population Bomb Part 1: How to Control the AMERICAN Population by Paul Ehrlich
How to Control the WORLD Population by Paul Ehrlich: The Population Bomb Part 2: Knowledge Driven Revolution
Thought based news and information dedicated to educating the public beyond the typical government propaganda
The Population Bomb Part 3: Population, Religion and Sex Education (December 24)
The Population Bomb Part 4: Those Involved in Population Control (December 31)
The Population Bomb Part 5: The Apocalypse, From Paul Ehrlich to Al Gore (January 7)
Gun Owners Get Stabbed In The Back -- Veterans Disarmament Act on its way to the President
Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God
PROOF Mike Huckabee is BOUGHT and PAID for!
History Channel Admits WTC Tower Fell At Freefall Speed
American Thinker's New Smear about Racist Ron Paul
Media hostility toward anti-establishment candidates
Ron Paul Owns Fox's Cavuto
RON PAUL on Glenn Beck Show for a FULL HOUR Dec 18, '07
Estulin: Neo-Cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul
Ministry of Homeland Security Developing X-Ray Snoop Device
Chertoff Attacks Bill of Rights
DHS Finalizing Plans for Domestic Spy Satellite Program
Chicago Tourists and Photographers Now Considered al-Qaeda
Latest Pathetic Mud-Slinging Attempt Smears Ron Paul As “Zionist Shill”
NSA Gets Real Time Access to Your Email
Surprise Over Government Criminality in the Corporate Media Echo Chamber
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Freedom!
FBI Prepares Vast Biometrics Database
Fake Christians: NAFTA Highway Is Holy
Staring into the Abyss: The Collapse of the Modern Day Banking System
Converting Airports to Gestapo Zones Does Not Make Flying Safer
CIA Fights Terror With GI Joe Action Figures
Planned Parenthood: “Choice on Earth” instead of “Peace on Earth”
Street Photography Now Illegal In United Kingdom
U.S. Warrantless Wiretapping predates 9/11
Congress Slams Second Amendment
Surveillance Society: New High-Tech Cameras Are Watching You
Neocon Historical Revisionism in Grade School Textbooks
Inside a GOP Effort to Rig the 2002 New Hampshire Elections
Blackwater in Baghdad: “It was a horror movie”
Santa Delivers 37,000+ Copies of Constitution to Bush
Enter The Modification Matrix
Southern California Anarchist Conference Shut Down by Cops
Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US
Minnesota Family Terrorized by SWAT Thugs
What Is Fascism?
Ad for implanted RFID chip
FAQ on the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment
Gun Owners of America Summary of Gun Control
Never Mind Latest NIE: Neocons Will Attack Iran
Police State America: A Look Back and Ahead
Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind
The New Skynet: Total War Control
NORTHCOM: Constitution Not Important
No Proof Airport Security Makes Flying Safer
NRA Helps To Destroy The 2nd Amendment
Media Assault On Ron Paul Campaign Continues
NASCO Wrong On Paul's NAFTA Highway Claims
FBI Aims For World's Largest Biometrics Database
CBN Report On The Ron Paul Revolution
Texas Slaps Tax On Strip Clubs
Dog's Nazi Salute Lands Owner In Jail
Enter The Modification Matrix | Thought Criminal
Zogby: Paul Will Do Double Digits In Iowa
U.S. Switching Off Light Bulbs
Experts: Influx Of Megacities By 2025
Free Competition In Currency Act
Election Software Lost In Transit
Lab Closer To Building Artificial Brain
Paul Shaping Up As Spoiler In Race
UN: PA donors' conference is step towards Palestinian state - Haaretz
Report: Hamas mulling unconditional Gaza truce with Israel - Haaretz
Strong Earthquake Rocks Eastern Indonesia - J'lem Post
Rice: U.S. ready to talk to Iran if it abandons nuke ambitions - Jerusalem Post
US: Iran could revive atom bomb bid due to IAEA curbs - Ynet
Peres: No ‘hudna’ until Qassams cease - Ynet
Venezuelan Leader Chavez Presides Over Oil Summit in Cuba - CNN
NASA Delays Mars Mission for Two Years Over Purchasing Problem - Fox
Hezbollah slams Bush's 'order' on Syrian Presidential Vote - CNN
Gates Sees Division in Chinese Actions - Washington Times
China Controlling More of U.S. Economy - MSNBC
65 Million on The Move - AAA Predicts Small Increase in Travel During Holiday Season - AP
Four quakes hit Alaska’s Aleutian Islands; aftershocks follow 7.2 temblor - MSNBC
40,000 Troups May be Home by July - Washington Times
General Motors Recalls 313,000 Cars - AP
Condoleezza Rice Says U.S. Wants North Korea to Describe Nuke Program by Year's End - Fox
Schwarzenegger proposing to free 22,000 prisoners to save the cash-strapped state an estimated $1.3 billion - Sac Bee
China taps into U.S. spy operations - Washington Times
Gates: Qaeda has regrouped in Pakistan border area - Reuters
Best of The U.S. in Pictures - Reuters
Senate stays in session over holiday to thwart Bush - CNN
US Secretary Rice welcomes decision from Israel not to build settlements in Atarot area - Ynet
Damascus: Syrian attack on Dimona nuclear reactor may be 'hard to stop' - Jerusalem Post
Israel Examines Truce Proposal With Hamas presented by Egypt - Fox
Sarkozy Puts Faith in France - Urges More Active Role For Religion in Public Life - Washington Times
Even In Minority, GOP Managed to Get Its Way - S. A. Miller
What causes Earth’s seasons? - Our planet’s tilt dictates cycle of winter and summer - MSNBC
Missile Defense Going Global - James T. Hackett
ANALYSIS: Is a truce between Israel and Hamas possible? - Avi Issacharoff and Amos Harel
Commentary: You Can't Take Christ Out of Christmas - Roland S. Martin
Global Agenda: What Lies in Store - Pinhas Landau
Should We Fear Faith? - Jonathan Tobin
What Will Israel Do? A unilateral military strike against Iran is much more likely following the latest intel report about Tehran's nuke program. - TIME
The Money Mess - Do Rising Prices Indicate Inflation? - Richard W. Rahn
Whoa, Mr. Greenspan! - Washington Times
Sarkozy and Rudd visit Afghanistan
In a northern Italian village, a tropical epidemic
A letter writer in India signs off on the new economy
CIA intentionally impeded Sept. 11 inquiry, officials say
China and Taiwan draw fire from Washington
Medicare project pays doctors for saving money
Arizona, Mexico cooperate to fight car thieves
White House hopefuls temper campaigning for Christmas
Iraq says U.S.-backed patrols can't be "third force"
Wife of missing ex-FBI agent gets no news in Iran
Flaws may ground older F-15s
Romney backpedals on statements - again
'Four held' over Pakistan bombing
Iraq warning over Sunni patrols
Lethal avalanche hits Tajik road
Hillary Clinton Embraces Husband's Legacy
White House Can Keep Its Secrets - For Now
Transplant Decision Too Late, Teen Dies
Fingerprint Toy Kit May Contain Asbestos
Tax Dollars Squandered By Air Force?
Millions of Iraqi children need help now: UNICEF report
50 killed in suicide attack outside Pakistan politician's home
5 men plead not guilty in death of Canadian biker
Putin, Japanese champ make instructional judo video
Critics paint over Banksy Bethlehem murals
Winning number in world's richest lottery announced
Military: 8 rebels, 1 soldier killed in Sri Lanka
Oil firm denies Putin stake
Mbeki accused of hypocrisy
Japan abandons plans to kill humpback whales
Apple plugs website leak in deal with student
Mould threatens Leonardo works
Baghdad residents venture out
From Dickens To Panto, A U.K. Christmas
Saudis Foil Plot Against Muslim Pilgrims
Pakistan arrests suspect in mosque suicide bombing
Mandela praises Zuma as ANC leader
France could boost troops in Afghanistan
Australia vows Afghan commitment
Eleven dead in Nile ferry sinking
Illegal immigrants leaving Arizona
Mustangs help patrols on border with Canada
Florida to register some denied voters
Family to sue insurer in girl's death
Attorneys: Illinois gov. cited in corruption probe
States step up demands for restitution
Texas Taxes Strip Club Goers
Roofing Tycoon Falls Through Own Roof
The Heat Is On In 2007
Kidnapper Gets 170 Extra Years In Prison
Three disciplined over Mel Gibson's 2006 arrest
Stores desperately seeking shoppers on Super Saturday
Californians back hiking cigarette tax by $2: poll
Police in NY groom shooting case want new venue
Shower-ready suit to go on sale in Japan (AP)
Inmate says he needs Thor's hammer, drum (AP)
Maine town to build world's tallest snowwoman
Italian court: Child cannot be named Friday
NYC to help people shred bad '07 memories
Santa cops in Calif. give good drivers holiday reward
Revealed: The seven great "medical myths"
UFO debate invades politicians' space
Dalai Lama "is not a call girl"
Should we go back for those, Sarge?
Passport office in need of spellcheck
Funeral director charged with ashes fraud
U.S. approves Google-DoubleClick takeover
MySpace cranks up heat in Facebook turf war
U.S. Gambling Ban Draws Weak Sanction From WTO
‘Legend’ conjures up those 9/11 fears again
China expected to buy gold and platinum but wait for lower copper prices - International Herald Tribune
The Raw Story | Bush Administration falls behind in keeping track of US history
Romney Takes On McCain - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Clergy cash: Obama, Clinton beat Huck - Kenneth P. Vogel - Politico.com
Can 'Mr. Nice Guy' get nasty? - Lisa Lerer - Politico.com
Mortgage-industry lawsuits | The finger of suspicion | Economist.com
CIA wants ex-agent who discussed waterboarding investigated - CNN.com
Putin Secures New Gas Pipeline, Undermining U.S. Plan
Picture of secret jailing emerging in Pakistan / Nearly 100 freed, told to keep quiet, but stories coming out
US Federal Reserve's subprime regulations shield Wall Street banks
Iraq, Afghanistan War Costs Top Vietnam - by Aaron Glantz
Iraq arms sales office to get more staff - Yahoo! News
The Raw Story | House Judiciary witness: Destroyed CIA tapes are 'ultimate cover-up'
China raises interest rates for 6th time this year
Grain supply 'sufficient' to meet demand
FBI, CIA Debate Significance of Terror Suspect - washingtonpost.com
Nuns Leave Their Brains to Science - washingtonpost.com
Mass inmate release possible in Calif. - Yahoo! News
Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a mid-term election.
Oil, metals prices see gains
SEC probing three dozen subprime cases: source - Yahoo! News
The Wrinkle-Gate Double Standard
Can Hillary Solve Her Bill Problem?
How Huckabee Scares the GOP
Huckabee's Little Rock Ethics
The FairTax is About Economic Growth
Bush's 'Axis of Evil' Scorecard
GOP is Happy to Govern by Veto
Why My Family Stopped Boycotting China
2007, A Bad Year for God Squadders
In the Beginning There is a Mystery
The Paradox of American Success in Iraq
Romney's Unanswered Questions on His Church & Race
The Secret to Mike Huckabee's Success
Can Huckabee Survive Limbaugh
Rudy: What Went Wrong?
South Carolina: Inside the 'Black Primary'
A Big Tent For Health Care Reform
A Historic Opportunity for Progressives
Choice is Clear: McCain's the One
For Dems, a Lesson in Power's Limits
Bush Is Upbeat About Economy's Prospects - washingtonpost.com
The Editors on Immigration on National Review Online
Republican Unity Trumps Democratic Momentum - New York Times
Obama Makes Gains, Is Even With Clinton in N.H.
Ex-President Supportive to a Fault?
Thompson Is Running Low on Options
Lower GOP Activity Reflects Uncertainty
The Moments That Changed Campaign '08
Thompson's Waterloo (Iowa)
Hillary Embraces Bill's Legacy
Blaming Bill For Hillary's Trouble
Obama, Edwards Go Long
Romney Learns That 'Facts Are Stubborn Things'
The Clinton Albatross
How Tancredo Influenced the Race
Why We Must Have Faith in America's Voters
The 'Theory of Change' Primary
Bush's Game of Chess in Iraq
Bush's Very Good Year
An Economic Nightmare Before Christmas
Go For the (Real) Green
Embrace China as a Partner
Washington's X-Mas Gift Still Gives
A Step Forward in Iraq
The McCain Prescription
Subprime Shake-Up
Guns and Mental Illness
Message, Method Are Behind Obama's Climb
Romney Praise of Bush Proving a Key Strategy
Rising Foreclosures in Iowa Put Pressure on Candidates
Panel On Huckabee/Rice; Axis Of Evil
Robert Novak On Baptists & Huckabee
Huckabee Responds To Rice Comments
Sen. Reid On The Year's Legislative Battles
President Bush's Year-End Press Conference
Novak On Baptists & Huckabee
Obama's Financial Plans
Rockin With Huckabee
Obama: "Enough"
Politico Wrong On Giuliani Story?
Iowa's Effect On New Hampshire?
Romney Spokesman On "Hardball"
Rice Responds To Huckabee
Democratic Courage: "Santa Obama"
New York Times Follows Edwards
KTIV On Thompson
New Hampshire Gallup Poll
Romney On His Dad Marching With MLK Jr.
Mrs. Obama In Iowa
Romney: "It's Personal To Me"
Richardson & The Sentinel Editorial Board
Dick Morris on the Christmas Ads
Dean on GOP Candidates
Fred's Campaign Update
Ron Paul on CBN
Edwards' 20 Hour Day
Huckabee's Campaign Update
Edwards In "The Situation Room"
Romney Profile On "World News Tonight"
Edwards "For The Country" DVD

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