"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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21 December 2007

21 DEC.


news and conspiracy articles of the past

WorldNetDaily: University mandates 'Merry ------mas' as holiday greeting
Basing policy on carbon dioxide levels 'potentially disastrous economic folly'
Says they should divert affections to men who live more eco-friendly lives
Massive energy bill phases out Edison's invention by 2014
'Temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as 2006 and every year since 2001'
Christmas product safety recalls continue along with import mania
'The atheists are going to conquer. We are in constant battle with the secular world'
Mental health charity sparks outrage with spoof Christmas carols
Amazing volume conclusively documents America's Christian foundation
'Time running short for president to do right thing' for Ramos, Compean
'International community should be concerned about increased persecution' in China
'Nowhere in the world is such a high price paid for being a Christian'
'These women and their husbands and their fathers must die'
Kremlin sources say he secretly accumulated wealth
Spokeswoman says 3 other GOP leaders 'awful' on immigration
Despite repeated 'recollections,' campaign says Mitt 'speaking figuratively, not literally'
Both circulate in vote-rich southern New Hampshire which holds nation's 1st primary
GOP underdog says caucus momentum will propel campaign to party nomination
Pollster's new results show candidate tied in Iowa after double-digit lead
'What (he's) doing on climate change in California is very important and significant'
Deemed to contain 'confidential advice' – 'closed' under Presidential Records Act
But security forces impose week-long ban on Jews, Christians at holy site
Israeli officials 'surprised' by American 'slap in face'
Judge ordered homeschooler to enroll kids or lose custody
Tells followers 9/11 attacks were 'catastrophe for all Muslims'
Company officials say images of churches, crosses, promote Russian culture
'Adolf' seized, man sent to prison, after fines, suspended sentences fail to end fascist displays
Villagers knew about torment but too intimidated by extremists to tell authorities
Nutritionists compile 'food lifeboat' guidelines to cover needs for at least 10 weeks
Helped woman obtain driver's license, gave her car, place to live
Man sentenced to week's curfew tells court their house is his home address
'We are legally within our rights to be free and independent'
Many manufacturers remove beneficial flavanols because of their bitter taste
Family lost legal battle to keep him on life support in hospital
Mother killed in auto accident – may watch memorial service from space station
'It was surprising to me that something this important might leave our country'
Norway royal already under fire for classes teaching how to communicate with angels
'Subjects' unhappy: 'I am not aware of any valid alternative claim to sovereignty'
Passes Victoria – now oldest monarch in British history
'We do not want to rush to make a decision, but rather to continue to listen to each other'
Special for young audience about sex, love may be hosted by Linda Ellerbee
If baby conceived in home state of Louisiana, 'felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile'
Says genetics explain why men naturally more comedic than women
Mathematician has only succeeded in showing flying practical for bank note-sized rug
Radical suggestion: Universe's end may come not with bang but standstill
Without females' yells, male Barbary macaques almost never climax, scientists find
Can travel 2,000 miles – estimated to carry 12 to 15 tons of narcotics
Man transporting special-needs kids propositions undercover cop twice
35-year-old woman charged on suspicion of sexual relations with child
'There was no legitimate law enforcement reason to treat him differently'
Man claimed she had been shot by stranger on dark suburban road
In documents judges describe 'group participation' in student's Italy murder
'Knowing the entire family is together and he will never be with them again'
Celebrity can't portray his character for 10 years as part of punishment
Told police he jogged naked because he sweats profusely when wearing clothes
'I had no idea that I had been in a car accident. No idea that my boyfriend was dead'
Agreement with Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, 'absolutely not in Europe's interests'
Unlike biofuels such as corn, sea organisms don't use up land, water used to grow food
'It lacks a balance between environmental and economic necessities'
Oracle's upbeat results poke holes in Wall Street's recent pessimism
Bad mortgages led to investment bank's negative net revenue for quarter
After mortgage mess, experts see annual bonus bonanza shrinking by $10 billion
Both to pass 1,200 plane orders thanks to growing Asian fleets
Lethargic economy, troubled mortgage market expected to drop bottom even lower
'Job-seekers don't have the hammer right now – the employers do'
Higher food prices, led by milk, hitting consumers where it hurts – in stomach
Shops reject checks because nation's dollar loses so much value before clearing
'They're doing exactly what every business tries to do'
FTC OK could mean more powerful aggregation of personal data in hands of single company
'Cosmeceutical' firms blinding consumers with junk science, group says
Manufacturer has his greatest competitor to thank for the jump in sales: China
Marketers finding more visibility in advance of game can help cover high cost
Pat Buchanan: Republican race likely to have just pair of candidates still in running by Jan. 9
Exclusive: Joseph Farah exposes fact Huckabee got endorsement of teachers' union
Phyllis Schlafly toys with possibility 2008 could produce another James A. Garfield
Bill Press decries fact a state that's 91.5% white has so much electoral power
David Limbaugh highlights candidate's dilemma involving 'narcissistic' husband
Ellen Goodman whomps Rush for drawing attention to Hillary's pruney photo
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer talks to Paul Gottfried about conservative movement's drift left
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey asserts with specific borders, Jewish state can better target enemy
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan shares content from Americans' cards to hero warriors
Exclusive: Anthony C. LoBaido tells of strange encounter that led him to flipped SUV
Exclusive: Tom Flannery stresses celebration should include fulfilled prophecies
Exclusive: Public-school instructor shares horrors of mandated curriculum
Exclusive: Jack Cashill offers hilarious description of game, poignant tribute to father
Lee Harris looks at popularity of book urging young males to live dangerously
Housing-demolition protesters clash with police in New Orleans
Belgians stop al Qaeda jail break
Belgium arrests 14 for alleged terrorist jailbreak plot
Clinton surrogates throw the jabs
Obama’s Vote in Illinois Was Often Just ‘Present’
Obama even with Clinton in New Hampshire: poll
Q&A: Arnold Schwarzenegger Vs. the Feds
Tancredo's Single Issue Victory
'Slave' husband gets bail, wife gets jail
'Slave' couple separated; Varsha sent to jail
New UM president says he is ready for skeptics
Ship That Spilled Oil Leaves Bay Area
Cosco Busan sets sail
Cynthia McKinney announces presidential bid
Bin Laden's driver is not POW, US judge says
Bin Laden Driver to Face Guantanamo Trial, Military Judge Says
Governor considers early release of 22000 from state's prisons
Analyst: 'Mortal Kombat' is no defense in murder case
Police looking for a Vallejo man in connection with fatal fire
Police look for man after house fire kills grandfather, baby grandson
Congress Subpoenas Ex-CIA Official
Updated: Virginia Tech announces plans for Norris Hall
Va. Tech's Norris Hall To House Peace Center
Tornado Causes Injuries and Destroys Property
Chancellor to meet with tribal leaders
Fermilab budget slashed by $52 million, layoffs likely
Federal funding cuts mean layoffs and scaled-back work at Fermilab
Feds: "Joe Cool" Suspect Admitted Killings
CHRONOLOGY-Attacks in Pakistan since July 2007
42 die in Pakistan suicide blast near home of former minister
Japan to drop humpback whale hunt
Japan halts humpback whale hunt
Open Borders Extended to 9 More Members of European Union
Borders abolished between Europe's east and west
Zuma’s Attorney Questions Timing of Upcoming Graft Charges
Australia gives former terror suspect his visa back
Cleared terror suspect wins right to return to Australia
Thaksin's shadow looms over Thai elections
Woodward refuses to rule out Omagh inquiry
Medvedev's Political Character Debated
Israeli troops kill Hamas militant in Gaza
Israeli diplomat: Toppling Hamas needed to forward peace
Kidnapping Trial Opens in Chad for French Charity Workers
FACTBOX-Key figures in Belgium's interim government
Russian art exhibit 'to go ahead'
South Korea president to back Lee probe: media
Australian terror supporter faces restrictions after his release
Queen becomes longest living British monarch
Former Guantanamo detainees freed after return from Guantanamo Bay
Ex-Guantanamo detainees walk free
New Zealand quake wreckage clean-up begins in 'lucky' city
Indian Troops Join Chinese Counterparts in Unprecedented Military ...
Putin: US mars Russia's image and rejects friendship
Nicolas Sarkozy Is in a Hurry
France's Sarkozy meets Pope in Rome
Whining All the Way to the Bank
Federal Budget Loaded With Earmarks
Technology for a Male-less Matriarchal Society
Des Moines Register reported on Romney's "defense" of wiretaps on "suspected terrorists" without mentioning central issue
NY Times reported on Saudi donations to Clinton foundation, ignored Sen. Clinton's criticisms of Saudi government
Politico characterized Obama as "aloof" during NH event, but the only voter quoted in story praised him
Hannity on Obama's pastor: "It seems like he's supporting a segregated church"
Fox's McNaught omitted reported U.S. role in Turkey's northern Iraq air strikes
Beck: Environmentalists "took the wolves out of Yellowstone Park," "absolutely hate people"
CNN's Malveaux: Sen. Clinton's "Come on" translates to telling Bill, "Stop sucking the air out of my campaign"
NY Times cropped Bill Clinton quote regarding whether foundation donors would try to influence a Hillary Clinton administration
Kurtz asserted little media attention to Wash. Post report on Obama's PAC, but he omitted reported problem with article
Citing "our friend Drudge," Levin reported "John Edwards love child scandal"
NY Sun mischaracterized Russert question -- which contained a falsehood -- at Dem debate
Fox News' Father Morris, MacCallum ascribed political motives to "Merry Christmas" in Obama ad
Kaus touted Enquirer story about Edwards "love child," didn't note Young's claim in story* that he is the father
Beck suggested watching news story about GE bulbs on GE-owned NBC makes viewers "feel a little like Farrah Fawcett in a Lifetime movie"
Wash. Post 's Milbank distorted Clinton quote, while claiming "it was very nearly a case of Too Much Information"
Jeff Gerth appears in trailer for anti-Clinton film by Republican activist Bossie and is listed among cast
Media Matters - Wash. Post 's Eggen called Zubaydah a "senior Al-Qaeda suspect," ignored own report questioning his significance
Belgian authorities arrest 14 in terror probe; security heightened - J'lem Post
Former US Intelligence official: Israel will attack Iran - Ynet
Hamas says fired anti-aircraft guns at Israeli helicopters - Ynet
India's Nuclear Bargain Blocked - Washington Times
Airline glitches top cause of delays - USA Today
Scientists: Asteroid Has Unusually High Odds of Hitting Mars in Next Month - Fox
China taps into U.S. spy operations - Washington Times
Police: Suicide attack kills at least 50 in Pakistan - USA Today
Deadly Homicide Bomb Blast Strikes Former Pakistan Interior Minister's Home - Fox
Scientists Weigh Stem Cells’ Role as Cancer Cause - NY Times
Report: U.S. Finds Enriched Uranium on North Korea Tubes - Fox
Hundreds of Scientists Reject Global Warming - WND
McCain Surging in New Hampshire - NewsMax
Missile Defense Going Global - James T. Hackett
ANALYSIS: Is a truce between Israel and Hamas possible? - Avi Issacharoff and Amos Harel
Commentary: You Can't Take Christ Out of Christmas - Roland S. Martin
Global Agenda: What Lies in Store - Pinhas Landau
Should We Fear Faith? - Jonathan Tobin
What Will Israel Do? A unilateral military strike against Iran is much more likely following the latest intel report about Tehran's nuke program. - TIME
'Muhammad boys' prove 'Islam will enter every house in Europe' - Ynet
Christian Supporters of Israel to sit on Jewish Agency Board - Jerusalem Post
Adalah center says it may seek supranational regime in 'all historic Palestine' - Haaretz
New Orleans OKs razing public housing, despite protests - USA Today
Military sets sights on at least 15,000 MRAPs - USA Today
Best of The U.S. in Pictures - Reuters
Archbishop of Canterbury Dismisses Nativity Scene as Nothing but 'Legend' - Fox
Experts: World Population Will Explode by 2025 with Influx of 'Megacities' of 10 Million People or More - Fox
Rabin's bodyguard to accompany Bush on Israel visit - Ynet
Bush outspoken on spending, mum on CIA tapes - USA Today
FOX News Poll: Three-Way Toss-Up in Republican Presidential Sweeps - Fox
Israel sets up express passage into Bethlehem for Christian pilgrims - Haaretz
The Money Mess - Do Rising Prices Indicate Inflation? - Richard W. Rahn
Whoa, Mr. Greenspan! - Washington Times
Sen. Reid's Stink Bomb - Washington Times
Karl Rove Worried About Ron Paul "Momentum"
2,600 Pages of Clinton Records Withheld
Ron Paul on MSNBC: Are His Supporters Even Represented in the Polls?
Lakota Indians Withdraw Treaties Signed With U.S. 150 Years Ago
Ralph Nader on Government Terrorism
FBI Now Admits Evidence Used to Connect Oswald to Kennedy Assasination Was Bogus
Taj Mahal Won't Accept Bush Dollars as India Laments Lost Value
German ire at EU fine on car CO2
Non Peak Oil Update
Romney Shows W. Love
'My husband is planning an accident in my car': Diana's sensational letter is revealed in full
www.IndependentPrimary.Com - National Online Pres. Primary for Independents
Taiwan president pushes for naval build-up
Final IndependentPrimary.Com Voting Results
www.ronpaulvotecount.com - MAKE SURE YOUR VOTE COUNTS
Device can spot cancer cells in blood: U.S. study | Health | Reuters
History Channel Admits WTC Tower Fell At Freefall Speed
WorldNetDaily: Is it down to Mitt and Mike?
Rocket launched into space; carries satellite to guide weapons -- OrlandoSentinel.com
Texas Football Succumbs to Virulent Staph Infection From Turf
Scientists doubt climate change
Boyfriend of pregnant teen Jamie Lynn Spears could face statutory rape charges | the Daily Mail
U.S. Fertility Rate Hits 35-Year High, Stabilizing Population
Consumer Spending Surges in November: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Bonuses on Wall Street surge 14 percent - Yahoo! News
Hindus protest use of gods on underwear by US firm : India World
McCain Says Allegations That He Did Favors for D.C. Lobbyist Are Untrue
Baptists Not on Board
OpinionJournal - Peggy Noonan
Huckabee, Back in Iowa, Brings Christmas Message - New York Times
Clinton says wife a 'world-class genius' - Yahoo! News
Putin, the Kremlin power struggle and the $40bn fortune | Russia | Guardian Unlimited
Ray Kelly touts dirty-bomb stop plan
AP Interview: Obama pans campaign tone - Yahoo! News
Torture chamber found in Iraq - Yahoo! News
New rules strengthen work safety
AP IMPACT: Giuliani secretive as mayor - Yahoo! News
Thursday: 1 US Soldier, 53 Iraqis Killed; 51 Iraqis Wounded - Antiwar.com
All Iraqi Groups Blame U.S. Invasion for Discord, Study Shows
Devvy Kidd -- Ron Paul's three biggest enemies
Grain supply 'sufficient' to meet demand
FM deflects Obama's toy boycott threat
China raises interest rates for 6th time this year
Want Free Financial Markets?
Ron Paul and the Fed
Google 'em All
Circumventing the MSM
Are Conservatives Aliens?
A Poet of Peace
If Ron Paul's Supporters Are Crazy
Hoard of Celtic Coins Found
No Broadband Socialism
Media Hostility Towards Anti-Establishment Candidates
Of Course, He's a Fascist
A Good Index Is a Thing of Beauty
McCain Rises from the Dead
Looking for Mr. Right
The Wrinkle-Gate Double Standard
Can Hillary Solve Her Bill Problem?
How Huckabee Scares the GOP
Huckabee's Little Rock Ethics
The FairTax is About Economic Growth
Blindly Into the Bubble
Bush's 'Axis of Evil' Scorecard
Why the Democrats Aren't Ending the War
A Cooked Up Torture Controversy?
GOP is Happy to Govern by Veto
Our Friends in Baghdad
Why My Family Stopped Boycotting China
2007, A Bad Year for God Squadders
In the Beginning There is a Mystery
As My Kids Serve, I Feel Pride and Panic
A Historic Opportunity for Progressives
Choice is Clear: McCain's the One
For Dems, a Lesson in Power's Limits
Stalled at the Border
Republican Unity Trumps Democratic Momentum
Obama Makes Gains, Is Even With Clinton in N.H.
Bush Is Upbeat About Economy's Prospects
Women Voters Could Drive Democratic Choice
President Bush's Year-End Press Conference
Huckabee & Romney Battle It Out
Panel Parses The Latest 2008 Numbers
Romney & MLK; Campaigns Too Long
John Edwards In "The Situation Room"
U.N. Body Plans To End Investigation Of Contracts
Romney On His Dad Marching With MLK Jr.
Romney: "It's Personal To Me"
Richardson & The Sentinel Editorial Board
Dick Morris On The Christmas Ads
Edwards' 20 Hour Day
Fred's Campaign Update
Ron Paul On CBN
Huckabee's Campaign Update
Edwards In "The Situation Room"
Romney Profile On "World News Tonight"
Edwards "For The Country" DVD
Tancredo Drops Out
McCain: "My Christmas Story"
Dean On GOP Candidates
Biden: "January Night"
Des Moines 1040's Jan Mickelson Goes After Romney
Emotional Reactions To The Candidates
Clinton: "Make It Happen"
Highlights Of Clinton's 99 County Tour
Dodd: "Together"
Obama's Foreign Policy Forum
Ann Coulter On "Hannity & Colmes"
Thompson's Media Hits
McCain Endorses Petraeus For POY
Paul On "Your World"
Lawyer in Haditha Case Plans to Depose Murtha - FOX6 San Diego
American Zionist group slams U.S. gov't on campus anti-Semitism - Haaretz - Israel News
Satellite-Surveillance Plan Aims to Mollify Critics - WSJ.com
Micah Zenko - A Nuclear Site Is Breached - washingtonpost.com
Venezuela may have sent more cash to Argentina - 12/19/2007 - MiamiHerald.com
New Study Shows Islamist Minority: Interior Ministry Warns of Radicalization of Muslims - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News
Top News Blog Posts powered by BlogBurst
Crackdown has illegal immigrants leaving Arizona | www.tucsoncitizen.com ®
CFP: Accuses 30 scientists on list of 400 of receiving funding from Exxon Mobile
CFP: China plays role of Scrooge for Chinese Christians
CFP: ‘Free agents by Christmas’ plan gains momentum
CFP: A “Gay Man” Trapped in a Woman’s Body and Other Nonsense
CFP: The Huckabee Hustle
CFP: A World on the Dole
CFP: 2008: The year of the nanny state
CFP: Maryland Man Gets 50 Years for Sexually Exploiting Minor Girls
CFP: Godtube.com Launches the World’s First Virtual Video Bible and Virtual Video Prayer Wall
CFP: Strangulating Freedom of Expression: Prophet’s Footprints Reach the West
CFP: Twin Satellites to make Study of the Moon
CFP: Bush Should Retire Early--In Mexico!
CFP: The Princeton Hate Crime That Wasn’t
Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel, Israeli News Source
Hezbollah: U.S. proposal to end political crisis threat to stability
Attempt to exchange messages between Israel and Syria fails
Rice welcomes Israeli decision to nix building plan in East J'lem
Jewish Agency to appoint first ever Christian board member
Outgoing senior FM official calls for military pact with Washington
ANALYSIS: Is a truce between Israel and Hamas possible?
Gov't planning to close most ulpans, privatize Hebrew studies
News / IDF soldier seriously hurt, 7 militants killed in Gaza raid - Haaretz - Israel News
One Qassam too many - Haaretz - Israel News
What about Hamas? - Haaretz - Israel News
Gov't far from finding solution for Gush Katif evacuees - Haaretz - Israel News
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Oil Baron Al Gore Disses Climate Change Skeptics
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Chertoff Attacks Bill of Rights, Corporate Media Ignores Story
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » DHS Finalizing Plans for Domestic Spy Satellite Program
Chicago Tourists and Photographers Now Considered al-Qaeda
Borg Hive Technology Now Nearly Main Street
NSA Gets Real Time Access to Your Email
Latest Pathetic Mud-Slinging Attempt Smears Ron Paul As “Zionist Shill”
Surprise Over Government Criminality in the Corporate Media Echo Chamber
Irate Shopper Tasered in Florida Best Buy
Planned Parenthood: “Choice on Earth” instead of “Peace on Earth”
How Many More Will Die in ‘Gun-Free’ Zones Before the Media Start Asking Why?
Street Photography Now Illegal In United Kingdom
Lakota Indians secede from the United States?
U.S. Warrantless Wiretapping predates 9/11
Congress Slams Second Amendment
Surveillance Society: New High-Tech Cameras Are Watching You
Unconstitutional Rewards
Minnesota Family Terrorized by SWAT Thugs
What Is Fascism?
Ad for implanted RFID chip
FAQ on the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment
Gun Owners of America Summary of Gun Control
Never Mind Latest NIE: Neocons Will Attack Iran
Police State America: A Look Back and Ahead
2007: The Year in Thugs
Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind
Hillary the Hawk
The New Skynet: Total War Control
Pope Willing to Talk With China
Inmate: Suspect in Boat Deaths Confessed
Teen Dies After Transplant Funds Nixed
Petition Seeks Protection for Seals
Poland Seeks Security Guarantee From US
EU Sheds Border Check in Eastern Europe
Report: Chinese Protesters Tear Gassed
Secret Santa Rides Again in Kansas City
Granddaughter of Ex-London PM Dies
Thailand Approves Internal Security Law
Indian Doctor Free to Return to Australia
China to Salvage Merchant Ship
Man Freed by DNA Awarded $15.5M in Ill.
Report: Uranium Found on NKorean Tubes
MoveOn.org and USO Team Up for Troops
Huckabee Surges, Giuliani Plummets
Stocks Rise on RIM, Merrill Reports
Treasury Releases Corporate Taxes Report
Audit Examines Medicare Drug Contractors
Paul Shaping Up As Spoiler in GOP Race
Bush Wants Pet Projects Reviewed
FEMA Is Lowest in Public-Approval Poll -- Newsday.com
US Has Big Plans for NYC Traffic -- Newsday.com
Bush Team Confident on Pakistan Funds
Obama Laments Negative Tone of Campaign
Thompson Says Enforce Immigration Law
Poll: Huckabee Atop Iowa, Democrats Tied
TSA Draws Travelers' Complaints
Huckabee Plays the Woe-Is-Me Card
Ron Paul Racist Propaganda Exposed
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Planned Parenthood: “Choice on Earth” instead of “Peace on Earth”
Always Wrong…And Now Out Of A Job
Big Brother Britain: How much do you earn? Are you gay? Town Hall chiefs have been ordered to find out
I've Met Osama 20 Times And He's Lovely"
Chertoff Concealed Role in Tape Destruction
Thousands of foreign criminals allowed to stay in Britain
American Thinker's New Smear about Racist Ron Paul
Huckabee's copy cat money bomb.... a dud?
PROOF Mike Huckabee is BOUGHT and PAID for!
Did They Know?
Russian commander says strategic bomber patrols to continue
Obama, Paul to lead Va. primary ballots
Paul, Huckabee lead pack in November Web 2.0 efforts
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » How Many More Will Die in ‘Gun-Free’ Zones Before the Media Start Asking Why?
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Anger at 'satanic' Coca-Cola ad
Bush, Maliki Break Iraqi Law to Renew U.N. Mandate for Occupation
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Gun Owners of America Summary of Gun Control
Ron Paul Owns Neil Cavuto
Ron Paul is leading in the national polls! 33%
Bush 'loses patience' with Syria
Huge asteroid could be on collision course with Mars
9/11 Truth Manifesto
Ron Paul and the Fed: A Rejoinder to David Frum
China, India building trust in first joint military exercises: official
US delays troop drawdown in Europe
BMD Focus: South Korea's leisurely BMD
Turkey pre-warned US of raids on Kurd rebels: Pentagon
Outside View: Arms control sense -- Part 1
Analysis: Missile defense testing advances
Indian court orders probe into French submarine deal
Pentagon orders 3,000 mine-resistant armored vehicles
Analysis: Militants threaten oil industry
The Quest For A New Class Of Superconductors
Lockheed Martin Awarded Contract For GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper
First STOVL Stealth Fighter Unveiled At Lockheed Martin
Japan Test Fires Its First Raytheon-Built Standard Missile-3
US envoy urges Iran to own up to nuclear weapons programme
Nuclear India moves closer to missile defence shield
NKorea must scrap nukes for its own good, says SKorea's Lee
Powers fail to reach deal on Iran sanctions
Rice urges North Korea to meet nuclear obligations
Problems reported at two German nuclear power plants
Bush says nuclear energy 'best' for greenhouse gases
US Combat Vets Support Ron Paul
Coming Collapse Of The Modern Banking System
Russia threatens to target US missile shield - Telegraph
Russia test-fires new intercontinental missile | U.S. | Reuters
Big Machines Parked In Orbit - Black Ops, Star Wars Or ET? Or All Of The Above?
Mystery Space Machines Overhead - Part 2
How Dirtbag Bush Supported Our Troops In 2007
The Official MSM Guide To Attacking Ron Paul
Lindorff - Those 'Tough' Democrats In Congress
Customs official in secrets inquiry over nuclear revelations | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
Putin Will Not Permit Bush's Missiles To Be Deployed
Shrinking The US Dollar From The Inside-Out
Eustace Mullins presents: The World Order
Your Indifference Become Your Own Muzzle
The 20 worst foods in America - Health - MSNBC.com
The Truth About The Talmud
A Nation Of Lemmings?
The Establishment
Israeli Internet Propaganda & 'Megaphone' Software
Narco News: Cocaine Jet That Crashed in Mexico Part of Cowboy Government Operation, DEA Sources Claim
Afghan superbug could pose threat in Canadian hospitals: agency
Weapons: Death Ray Replaced By The Voice of God
Impeachment or Treason Trials – Treason trials are easier!
Internet Thought Control Bill Under Fire
Jet From Supermassive Black Hole Seen Blasting Neighboring Galaxy - washingtonpost.com
New Document Reveals HAARP's Mystery's Powers - Juxtaposeur
The North American Union - Stop It Now
Judge Rules White House Logs Are Public
'Da Vinci Code' errors: A quick list
Scalar Wars The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics
Dead Scientists And Microbiologists - Master List
Other Mysterious Deaths...Lest We Forget
Odds Against These Men Dying In 30 Mos - 14 Billion To One
Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons In The Age Of Nuclear War
Hemp The Weed That Could Change The World
London Bombing
USS Liberty Attack
Ike - Churchill War Ciminals
Zionism - Real Enemy Of The Jews
'We Can Implant Entirely False Memories'
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
31 Questions and Answers about the IRS, Revision 3.4
A History Of US Secret Human Experimentation
The Battle of Darkness and Light
The Strange, Mysterious Eternal Allure Of Adolf Hitler
Nanotech Data
Mind Control Patents
he Mass Poisoning Of Humanity - Abject Human Stupidity
Russia Proves 'Peak Oil' is a Misleading Zionist Scam
MSG - Slowly Poisoning America
The reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln
Global Warming... Fact Or Fiction?
Update: The US Government·s Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC By Ed Ward, MD - Price of Liberty
Popular Mechanics And 911
Zionism Data Page
Zionists Made A Deal With The Devil Accepting The 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'
Ralph Schoenman: The Hidden History of Zionism (1988)
The Power Of The Rothschilds
Holocaust Debate And Zionism
Zionist Israel's Thermonuclear Blackmail Of America
Idaho Observer: Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president
Jewish Dominance in the Porn Industry
My Work on Rife
Requiem for Royal Rife
Requiem For Royal Rife Part 1
The secret to winning at rock, paper, scissors - Telegraph


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