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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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07 December 2007

7 December - pm

Mall employee describes deadly shooting - Yahoo! News
Police Release Images of Mall Gunman
Shots Fired in Pa. Mall Parking Lot
US shopping malls boost security after shooting
Microsoft pulls plug on potty-mouth Santa - Network World
Murdoch Said to Have Plan for Shake-Up at Dow Jones - New York Times
London Times' chief to head Wall Street Journal
James Murdoch steps up as News Corp heir apparent: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Al Gore in Norway to receive Nobel prize
China Says West Should Deal With Warming
Recording Nets Charges for NY Detective
China says father of bird flu victim also infected | Health | Reuters
My Way News - FBI: Gitmo Detainee Was With Bin Laden
IDF to show US nuclear data on Iran | Jerusalem Post
Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a mid-term election.
Intel report sinks CNN Iran special - Entertainment News, Exclusives, Media - Variety
Israeli study says regular mobile use increases tumour risk
Pelosi calls Cheney swipe undignified - Mike Allen - Politico.com
My Way News - Tax, Spending Issues Frustrate Democrats
Wikipedia Germany sued for Nazi images | Jerusalem Post
Man jailed for not taking TB medication - Yahoo! News
WSLS.com | Students Dress as VT Victims, Cause Outrage
3rd Mexican Musician Found Dead
Slain Mexico singers compete from grave for Grammy | Entertainment | Reuters
2 shot by Horn in Pasadena were here illegally | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Homosexual hate crime bill starved of votes in the House - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Wikipedia sued for 'aiding neo-Nazis' - web - Technology - smh.com.au
FOXNews.com - Holes Found in Fund to Equip Iraq Forces - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Spared by judge, Iranian hangs anyway - Iran- msnbc.com
Nafta Superhighway Ron Paul's Imagination part 1 of 2
Nafta Superhighway Ron Paul's Imagination part 2 of 2
Ron Paul smeared by cnn's Jeffrey Toobin about NAFTA highway
WorldNetDaily: 'Declaration of North American Integration' unearthed
WorldNetDaily: Documents disclose 'shadow government'
SPLCenter.org: Paranoid Style Redux
Position Statement | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
North American Union & Security and Prosperity Partnership | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
The amero conspiracy - The Boston Globe
YouTube - doublespeak 101
YouTube - Ron Paul @ CNN Republican Debate 11-28-07
EUROPA - Gateway to the European Union
EUROPA - Panorama of the European Union - United in diversity
EUROPA - Panorama of the European Union - How is the European Union organised?
pdf:varied - north american union
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza
The Government of Canada, the Government of the United Mexican States, and the Government
Welcome to the Department of Commerce
European Superstate in the Making | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
EU treaty is simply the old constitution reborn, says creator Giscard d'Estaing | the Daily Mail
United States of Europe: Will Once Great Nations Sacrifice Their Sovereignty? | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Is the North American Union Conspiracy Theory Really Real?
$1B In Military Equipment Missing In Iraq, Exclusive: Report Shows Vehicles, Machine Guns And More Meant For Iraqi Forces Unaccounted For - CBS News
Ron Paul - HR 1955 (Now S. 1959) An Attack On Internet Freedom
What Happens to U.S. Troops Who Commit Mass Murder? :: from www.uruknet.info :: news from occupied Iraq - it
RIA Novosti - World - Poland does not need U.S. missile defense base - ex-PM
BBC NEWS | Americas | Panama schools to teach Chinese
Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies
Warships head to Mediterranean in Russian show of strength | Russia | Guardian Unlimited
House vote on illegal images sweeps in Wi-Fi, Web sites | The Iconoclast - politics, law, and technology - CNET News.com
devil in the details - pdf
DEVELOPMENT: Food Prices Climbing, With No End in Sight
Did Da Vinci hide God's face in painting? - Telegraph
Bisphenol A in infant formula at 'dangerous' levels, says group
FOXNews.com - 28 Women Miscarry After Receiving HPV Vaccine Gardasil; FDA Says No Reason to Re-Examine Approval - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News
Olbermann: Giuliani Tied To Terrorist Group
Politico uncritically cited anonymous White House aides touting Bush "vindication" on stem cells, air traffic improvements
Media Matters - MSNBC's Brewer, U.S. News' Walsh didn't note Huckabee's reported acknowledgment that he had not even heard of NIE on Iran
Media Matters - Matthews and others on NBC networks have repeatedly linked Clinton to fictional Nurse Ratched
Media Matters - O'Reilly blamed killing of two alleged burglars on "Houston's sanctuary city policies"
Media Matters - Shuster on Morning Joe : DuMond not as big an issue as Horton "because [Huckabee's] a conservative guy from a conservative state"
Media Matters - Wash. Post and NY Times ignored Hadley's claim and denial that Bush was told to "stand down" upon learning of Iran intel
Media Matters - On Hannity & Colmes, Gingrich cited Morris column containing numerous falsehoods to illustrate Bill Clinton's "limited connection to factual accuracy"
Media Matters - Slate's Kaus theorized racial motives for why "Hillaryland Hates Obama"
Media Matters - NY Times, Wash. Post chronicled Huckabee's rise in polls -- but not recent developments in DuMond case
Media Matters - O'Reilly "runner-up" in "Worst Person" for claim that he defeated "forces of darkness" in the "war" on Christmas
Media Matters - AP report on Romney's "Faith in America" speech uncritically reported Romney's decrying "religious test" for office
Media Matters - Despite his own interview with Rep. Ellison, Beck asked, "[W]hy are we going to a candidate and asking about religion?"
Media Matters - Fox News' Hill is worst person "runner up'' for saying that "something about what [Clinton] said ... drove [Eisenberg] over the edge"
Media Matters - Savage calls Retired Brig. Gen. Keith Kerr a "gay, phony general"
Media Matters - CNN's Bernstein cited Russert's misleading debate question to Clinton as an explanation for "what led to the problem in the Clinton campaign"
In Giuliani ad fact-check, Kurtz asserted "fierce dispute among economists" on tax cuts and revenues, but cited only one economist
Matthews objected to religious questions at GOP debate, but not colleague Russert's religion question at Dem debate
In "Clinton Chapters" segment, Hannity omitted key points from journalist on whose reporting he based the segment
NPR reported on McCain's criticism of Romney over waterboarding issue, but not his support for Mukasey
NY Times article quoted only Republicans in support of claim that Democrats "fear ... sharing the ticket" with Clinton
Fox News' Hill's take on newspaper article: "[S]omething about what Sen. Clinton said just sort of drove [Eisenberg] over the edge"
Chicago Sun-Times ignored problems with Wash. Post 's reporting on Obama's Hopefund
CNN's Henry reported that Murtha said "surge is working," ignored his continued call for Iraq withdrawal
Matthews described Obama as "almost Third World in his sort of presentation"
Baer Suggests Saudis Could Stage Terror In America to Instigate Iran Attack
Post-Pearl Harbor 'Jap Hunting License' All Too Similar to Post-9/11 'Terrorist Hunting Permit'
Cartel Heads Greenspan and Welch Confronted Over Grossly Concentrated Power
wcbstv.com - NYC Doorman Suspended For Having Bad Breath
U.S. Mortgage Delinquencies Rise to 20-Year High
The NAFTA Secretariat
Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America

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