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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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08 December 2007

8 Dec

Democrats Call for Inquiry in Destruction of Tapes by C.I.A. - New York Times
Romney, Eye on Evangelicals, Defends His Faith
Obama counts on voters to tune in as Winfrey hits campaign trail
Gunman's Suicide Note, Images Released
Embattled State Dept. Inspector General Resigning
The Early Word: Reviews of Romney’s Speech
Huckabee surges way ahead in Iowa, poll says
Why They Love Huckabee
Bush, Northern Ireland Leaders Meet at White House
Hillary Clinton seizes on the success of old enemies’ ‘double act’
Dropping of Roses Marks Pearl Harbor Anniversary
Thousands pay respects at Pearl
Fact Check: Republican Primaries
Romney Goes Negative
State police debunk one trucker's Drew Peterson story
Peterson Attorney Attracted by Challenge
Peterson case: Trucker lied
Televangelist refuses to turn over more financial documents
Two of Six Preachers Turn Over Financial Data for Probe
Pelosi Calls For 'Top-To-Bottom' Review Of Page Program
House clerk defends oversight of page program
Agriculture dean is sole finalist for Texas A&M presidency
Dueling videos focus on US climate change bill
City Close To Settling Burge Suit
Court: Gay couple married in Massachusetts can't divorce in RI
Window washer dies in 40-story scaffold fall
VOA News - New Intelligence May Spark Change in US and Iranian Policies
Democrats Call for Inquiry in Destruction of Tapes by CIA
Police After Missing Canoeist's Wife
Europe and Africa Tangle Over Trade
Mediators Confirm Deadlock on Kosovo Status
Bosses detained as china mine blast death toll rises
Tons of oil spill into Yellow Sea
Attacks in Iraq Kill 25 People
UN Envoy: New Darfur Fighting Bad Sign
Colombian leader yields ground in hostage crisis
The Great and Powerful Putin
AP Interview: Ex-wife takes up campaign against Chavez
Gates Leaves Iraq Encouraged
Petraeus Has Rare Praise for Syria, Not Sure About Iran
Not Feeling the Oprah Love - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Huckabee Surges, Obama Gains in Iowa | Print Article | Newsweek.com
Microsoft pulls plug on potty-mouth Santa - Network World
My Way News - Suburban Sex Parties Draw Complaints
Obama Gains, Huckabee Surges in Iowa
Huckabee's Mojo vs. Romney's Manpower
Clinton Turns to Women to Steady Campaign
Saint Barack of Iowa
Moving Beyond Preemption
Keep Up the Pressure on Iran
Getting Beyond Political Stalemate
A New York-Centric Presidential Election
Obama, Clinton Contort Over Health Care
The Perfect GOP Field, Except...
Prayer and the Presidency
A Free Market for Housing and Religion
A Sea Change in US Energy Policy
Bush Boom Continues
Senate Blocks Bush's Vatican Envoy
Sudan's Genocide Victory
Decoding 'The Israel Lobby'
The NIE-Iran Curveball
The Torture Tapes
A Rescue Plan That Is Worth the Price
Dissenters Are Left High And Dry In Bali
Huckabee Immigration Plan Emphasizes Security
Huckabee Making His Mark
Friends of Hillary
"Faith In America"
Pundits Like "Faith In America"
John Edwards Talks To Wolf Blitzer
Evangelical Leaders On Romney's Speech
Secretary Paulson Discusses Mortgage Crisis
What Happens In New York Doesn't Stay In New York.
Huckabee Wanted To Isolate AIDS Patients (AP)
White House rejects Dems' compromise
Clinton women hit Iowa
House rejects CIA tape-destruction claim
Mitt keeps support with S.C. evangelicals
Pelosi calls Cheney swipe undignified
Jim McCrery to announce retirement
Chelsea Clinton appearing in Iowa
Iowa: Mojo versus manpower
Huckabee called homosexuality 'sinful' - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Oprah in Des Moines - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
My Way News - Civil Rights Icon Calls Obama Too Young
My Way News - NYC to Consider Horse-Drawn Carriage Ban
Suburban Sex Parties Draw Complaints
BBC NEWS | Europe | Germany moves to ban Scientology
Syria blocks Facebook access, citing Israeli 'infiltration' - International Herald Tribune
Google co-founder set for star-studded wedding on Branson's Necker Island | the Daily Mail
My Way News - Ariz. Immigration Law Challenge Tossed
'Polars bears on the brink? Don't you believe it' | the Daily Mail
Huckabee wanted to isolate AIDS patients - Yahoo! News
Parole Case and ’90s AIDS View Trail Huckabee - New York Times
Iran accuses US of nuclear espionage | Jerusalem Post
Company News Story
NBC Decides to Run Conservative-Group Ad
Chelseas Iowa Debut - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Clinton's Mother, Daughter Hit Trail
Not Feeling the Oprah Love - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
My Way News - Omaha Mall Reopens With Extra Security
TV season's down for the count - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety
Deadline Hollywood Daily » Talks Day #8: Moguls Walk From Talks After Issuing An Ultimatum To Writers; Both Sides Accuse Each Other Of Lying
Striking writers, studios break off talks again | Entertainment | Reuters
Are Polls Deliberately Falsified or Just Not Accurate?
5 French teens sentenced to prison for firebombing bus - International Herald Tribune
Newsmax.com - Court: Gay Couple Can't Divorce in RI
FOXNews.com - Group Says NBC Refuses to Air Ads Thanking Troops Over Holidays - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
Nuclear reactor woes delaying medical tests - Health care- msnbc.com
UK four 'to leave Guantanamo' - Telegraph
Latest News | Top Stories | News Articles
CIA, Justice Review of Destroyed Tapes
Plan to lift headscarf ban angers Turkish secular elite - Times Online
Basra's murderous militias tell Christian women to cover up or face death - Times Online
WorldNetDaily: CAIR's Islamist quizzers featured at prez debates
Ex-wife takes on Chavez's socialist push - Yahoo! News
Peterson's lawyer caught in spotlight :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Search for Stacy Peterson
The Winter of the American Despot
Dissing Ron Paul
Remember Pearl Harbor
Guns Reduce Accidents
Our 'Justice' System
'Missing' Evidence
Portents of Peace
Despicable Neocons
Dining, Roman Style
The Real Da Vinci Code?
Keeping Track of Absent Relatives
Want To Avoid Cancer?
A Rigged 'Scientific' Poll
WorldNetDaily: Iran stops selling oil in dollars
Newsweek bombarded with evidence by readers after adverse story on Paul
Offered control of Ecuadorian airport, Panama opts to teach language
Surge of national support for Huckabee triggered by WND column endorsement
Poll shows former Arkansas governor now has a 2-to-1 lead over Romney
Candidate riding burst of support from evangelicals, Southerners, conservatives
Thompson spokesman says proposal 'contradicts everything he did as governor'
'We need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague'
Andrew Young: Bill Clinton has 'probably gone with more black women than Barack'
Winfrey, Clinton vie for attention of Iowa voters
Senator winning over increasing number of early-voting Democrats with foreign experience
Activists posing as ordinary citizens influencing national security dialogue
'Republicans have handled the Hispanic vote very callously so far'
'President thinks everyone should be able to describe their religion for themselves'
WorldNetDaily: Ann Coulter cleared of vote fraud
Analysts suspect ploy to stop Bush action against Tehran
Says recent report downplaying Tehran risk based on 'spying'
9 black students involved – parents claim they were provoked
Texas man says he fired on pair after they broke into neighbor's house
President Calderon welcomes Khatami in effort to bypass confrontational West
Bureau report indicates Muslim group's claims wildly inflated
CIA, Justice Department to determine if full investigation warranted
Family concerned after authorities refuse to acknowledge his arrest
47-year-old sentenced for fraud for declaring herself Christian
1st to secede in rift over role of 'gays,' lesbians
Researcher sues over dismissal because he didn't 'believe'
'I know everyone will remember me as some sort of monster'
Nebraska estimates it spent more than $265,000 on mall shooter's care
Exclusive: David Kupelian explores perilous world of doctors, drugs and demons
Court says 1st Amendment trumps ban on religious warnings that upset bar patrons
Snowman reportedly decapitated in argument-turned-violent
Domestic intelligence agency to prepare dossier on 'unconstitutional' organization
'Arrived on Thursday, bought cell phones, and by 8 in the morning on Friday they were gone'
Millionaires, billionaires in obscure nonprofit sent governor on lavish trips
Report: 3 officials say then-White House counsel urged CIA not to destroy records
Calls Republican colleagues' participation worse than pandering
'If you can build a school in South Africa, build one in South Carolina'
Says candidate not capitalizing on grass-roots supporters
'The sincerity and urgency that is needed and goodwill ... is not happening'
'Binding commitment ... not off the table, but it's crawling towards the edge'
Key members of Congress pushing hard to keep aging fleet flying beyond 2010
'This specimen exceeds the jackpot' – much of skin, bone intact
Former nursing assistant hired despite past convictions, firings, accusations
Woman told Craigslist buyers to bring $22,000 cash for purchase
'Will pay $300/month. This is strictly platonic business offer, sex not involved'
'The word will get out fairly fast. ... you're not going to get out of jail'
Death imminent for armed intruder shot 3 times
Woman, 54, so intoxicated she fell in classroom, had to be hospitalized
Charged with 7 misdemeanor counts of displaying harmful material to minors
Woman groomed, seduced by violent, sadistic man when she was 13
'They apparently fell all the way from the top'
'Crown jewel of cartography' shows Pacific Ocean before it was discovered
6 women at huge risk for deadly illness face radical procedure to prevent it
Co-founder Larry Page expected to marry fiancée this weekend at private ceremony
Attorney: Treat nuptials as merger – 'but it's a merger with a potential enemy'
Betting threat of inflation will be tempered by slower economic expansion north of border
Stocks close narrowly mixed after jobs report
'Not seeing any slowness in ... things you think might be affected by a recession'
Federal Reserve reports consumer borrowing rose in October
30 million people could get share in bad currency conversion settlement
Extra fees can take bite out of face value amount
Hints at Alabama assembly factory if military contract awarded
Beijing's production up 18.1% but EU up only 1.3%, U.S. down by 3%
'Expecting revenues beyond 2012 is not a prudent option'
'Color, plastic and labels all have lead potential. We eliminated it all together'
Industry officials acknowledge such tragedies difficult to prevent
Seasonal business: 'Most of these goods move in bellies of passenger aircraft'
Investors worried about slowing domestic growth prospects – company looking overseas
'They took advantage of an employee's mistake and I think that's terrible'
18-count indictment alleges variety of tactics used to inflate expense reimbursements
Man says he has stopped eating garlic, uses mouthwash, takes breath mints
Exclusive: Henry Lamb spotlights non-approved pact pushing 'cooperation' between Arizona, Mexican state
Footage highlights Manitoba leader talking of superhighway leaders claim is 'conspiracy'
Exclusive: Pat Boone asserts organization is responsible for prevalence of immorality
Exclusive: Joseph Farah slams schools for forcing Gore film on kids as 'mind control'
Star Parker's astonished Mitt didn't mention main issues for Christians: abortion, marriage
Juan Cole charges candidate with prejudice against secular Americans
Jonathan Falwell: Film's literary father has 'evangelistic fervor regarding his non-belief'
Exclusive: Alan Chambers shares story of TV host shouting down ex-homosexuals
Exclusive: William J. Brotherton notes high cost of cities banning train horns along tracks
Exclusive: Ellis Washington eavesdrops on Mendelssohn, son discussing Baroque master
Exclusive: Greg Laurie emphasizes foundational building block of society – marriage
P. David Hornik sees continued hardship for Arab Christians under latest 'peace plan'
Iran Accuses U.S. of Espionage - Ynet
Assad replaces communications, religious affairs ministers - Jerusalem Post
Israeli Arab leader to PA: Don't recognize Israel as Jewish state - Ynet
Gates: Gulf Nations Must Confront Iran - Ynet
Sneh: US intelligence report on Iran's nuke program `flawed' - Jerusalem Post
Thousands come to J'lem to protest plans to divide capital - Haaretz
Gates: Persian Gulf countries must coordinate to counter Iranian threat - J'lem Post
Turkey Investigates Alleged Ties Between Police, Alleged Killers of Christians - Fox
Muslim Gunmen Target Christian in Gaza - J'lem Post
Negotiations Fail to Settle Kosovo's Fate - Washington Times
Suicide attack at Police Station Kills 7 - USA Today
Russia reportedly test-fires ballistic missile - Officials tell news agency warhead is able to pierce U.S. anti-missile shield - AP
European Union, Africa Open First Summit in Seven Years - Reuters
U.S., Russia Still at Odds About Iran - Washington Times
FOXNews.com - Chinese Factory Set to Become World's Largest Bible Producer - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
California Diocese Breaks With Episcopal Church in Rift Over Role of Gays in the Church - Fox
Military Kills 12 Suspected Militants in Iraq - USA Today
Truckers Power China's Economy at a Suffocating Cost - NY Times
Wall St Week Ahead: Big Fed rate cut may spur a rally - Reuters
Huckabee Changes Tactics on Illegals - Washington Times
Poll: Obama, Huckabee Lead in Iowa - NewsMax
Oprah Lights Up the Campaign Trail for Barack Obama With Stops in 3 Early Voting States - Fox
Settlers Vow to Establlish 8 New Outposts on Sunday - J'lem Post
Muslim religious heads from Indonesia pay a rare public visit to Israel - Haaretz
U.S. wants details on plans to build homes in East Jerusalem - Haaretz
What Happened in 2003? In thinking about Iran, don't forget Iraq - William Kristol
Christian, Mormon doctrinal differences - Tal Davis
Mormon in America: How Mitt Romney came to give The Speech, and how he did - Peggy Noonan
Striking A Blow For Liberty - Paul Greenberg
Perils of Global Warming - They Got What They asked For - Jeff Stier
Nuclear Deceptions - Kenneth R. Timmerman
Conflicted Intelligence - Claude Salhani
December 8-9: Dealing With Sin - Charles Stanley
December 8: Security in Storms - Streams in the Desert
December 8: The Impartial Power of God - Oswald Chambers
Destruction of CIA Tapes Could Alter Prosecutions
Making Mormon history
In Photos and Notes, New Details on Shootings
Camera catches Omaha mall shooter
Omaha Mall, Scene Of Mass Killing, Reopens
Two Window Washers Fall 47 Floors
City to settle Burge case
Settlement for Torture of 4 Men by Police
Missing pregnant Ohio attorney found near Atlanta
Family Says Voice Mail Proves Stacy Peterson Did Not Run Away
Schillings pitch in for home's teams
Give Officials Access, Landowners on Border Are Told
US Conditionally Accepts Boeing Border-Control System
GOP headed toward a road less moderate?
Fraud Charges Filed Against British Man Who Faked Own Death
New Intelligence May Spark Change in US and Iranian Policies
Mugabe crisis hurting Africa, warns Angela Merkel
2.7M Gallons Of Oil Spill Off South Korea
Russian FM Blames West for Impasse on Kosovo
Taliban Haven Is Hemmed in by NATO and Afghan Forces
Bomber Kills 11 at Police Station in Northern Iraq
Nigeria: TI Corruption Poll - Petty Bribery Increases in Country
Global Survey Finds Latin America Ranks 4th in Demanding Bribes
Survey: World's poorest are hardest hit by corruption
Lack of Donated Copters Harms Darfur Effort, UN Leader Says
Belarus to Produce 50000 Barrels of Oil a Day With Venezuela
Leaders of Venezuela, Belarus agree to joint venture in oil ...
Outcast Kasparov still squaring up to Putin
Sri Lankan Military: 24 Tamil Rebels Killed in Clashes in North
Bomb goes off outside major Gaza security installation
Report: Hamas wants ceasefire with Israel in the Gaza Strip
Ron Paul - 60 sec. spot
Freedom is Not Free
Don’t Be THAT Girl - Ron Paul Ad
Election Season Hijinks: Bush’s Mortgage Bailout
Future Combat Systems: Point and Click War Machine
Dems Betray Promise to Exit Iraq for Third Time
Shooting War: The Horror of Iraq Goes Graphic
John Stossel interviews Ron Paul - ABC won’t show it
Why the Council on Foreign Relations Hates Putin
Ron Paul 2008
Psychotropic Drug Use Skyrockets 400%
Nearly One Third of Hudson County, New Jersey Residents Believe 9/11 an Inside Job
The High-Tech Police State Begins at the Mall During Christmas
Dems Plan Stealth Funding of Iraq Occupation
Skeptical Republicans calling for review of Iran intel
Wikipedia’s Web 2.0 Totalitarian Universe
Banksters Gone Wild
Baer Suggests Saudis Could Stage Terror In America to Instigate Iran Attack
More than 100 websites blocked in growing wave of online censorship
Olbermann: The Pathological President
Neocons in a Frenzy Over National Intelligence Estimate Report
21st Century Global Police Force
Ron & Reagan
Ron Paul Radio Ad - I’m Here to Help You
Ron Paul Radio Ad - Freedom Prosperity and Peace
Dems Betray Promise to Exit Iraq for Third Time
Ministry of Homeland Security Visited Omaha Mall Before Massacre
Freedom is Not Free
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » The High-Tech Police State Begins at the Mall During Christmas
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Wikipedia’s Web 2.0 Totalitarian Universe
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » House Votes for Big Brother Public Wi-Fi Law

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