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- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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07 December 2007

7 Dec.

Microsoft pulls plug on potty-mouth Santa - Network World
Clintons to attend Google wedding - Times Online
US shopping malls boost security after shooting
Israeli study says regular mobile use increases tumour risk
IDF to show US nuclear data on Iran | Jerusalem Post
Talk show host indicted for child porn - Examiner.com
KCBS - KGO Host Indicted on Child Porn Charges
Man jailed for not taking TB medication - Yahoo! News
Obama Campaign Seeks to Translate `Oprah Effect' to Politics - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Recording Nets Charges for NY Detective
Action 3 News - Omaha, Nebraska News, Weather, and Sports | Mall Massacre
My Way News - Mall Employee Describes Deadly Shooting
McEnroe fears mafia infiltrating tennis
Solid Job Gains, Wage Growth in Nov.: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Romney firm on Mormonism - Examiner.com
WorldNetDaily: Mitt's Hour of Power
ABC News: Bill Clinton in Hillary's Cabinet Meetings?
Judith Nathan got security earlier
Obama not capitalizing on grass roots, Dukakis says - The Boston Globe
Yeas and Nays: No Playboy for Plame - Examiner.com
Passenger wees on plane | The Sun |HomePage|News
Latenight audience flight - Entertainment News, WGA Writers Strike, Media - Variety
Is the North American Union Conspiracy Theory Really Real?
P. Harbor 'Jap Hunting License' All Too Similar to 9/11 'Terrorist Hunting Permit'
The Unknown Dangers of Nanotech
Another Shooter With A History Of Anti-depressant Use
CNN: Seymour Hersh 'vindicated' by new Iran intel estimate
Brown's Future as Prime Minister Hangs on Pound: Matthew Lynn
Bush Official : "He Doesn't Represent The US Government...We Very Much Disagree With Him"
Chinese Dissidents Establish Transitional Mainland Government
Nanotechnology a 'bigger concern' than GM foods
Experts: Nanotech Risk Higher Than You Think
Nanotech meets big business
Singapore opens first nano-scale measurement facility, Expands Trade
Has Morgan Spurlock Found Osama Bin Laden?
FDR: They Call It a New Order... It Is Not New and It Is Not Order
Alexander Tytler: "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years
Burlingame Plan: Volunteers Patrol With Radar Guns
SAFE Act won't turn mom-and-pop shops into WiFi cops
More than 100 websites blocked in growing wave of online censorship
Olbermann: The Pathological President
21st Century Global Police Force
Mountain Dew Ad Campaign Portends Fascist Future
Alberta Government Admits NAFTA Superhighway
Neocons in a Frenzy Over National Intelligence Estimate Report
Travelers Love Being Scanned by the Ministry of Homeland Security
Against the Terrorism Regime
We're Winning
A Rigged 'Scientific' Poll
How Much Did the Ancients Know?
Ron Paul's Empty Pot
Neocon Radio
No Mass Murder of Iranians?
Don't Believe in the Prince of Peace
Reich-Wing Bloggers
Anti-Iranian Propaganda
Why Be Sniffy About Sci-Fi?
The Biggest Youth Freedom Movement Ever
Did 'Isolationism' Cause World War II?
Cryer Inspires Would-Be Tax Critics in Dallas
Pockets Full of Perks
Wallace Shooter Freed; Others Never Caught
WorldNetDaily: Book of hate
Proposed federal rules for HIV-infected foreign visitors blasted
BBC NEWS | Europe | Deadly parcel bomb blast in Paris
Headbutting Police Dogs – A ‘PC’ Step Too Far
KGO-AM 810 NewsTalk
abc7news.com I-Team: KGO Radio's Bernie Ward Indicted on Child Porn Charges
Firefighter stabbed in Eastie pack attack - BostonHerald.com
Pentagon eyes China nuke talks - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
New Australian Prime Minister Flip-flops on Climate Change Pledge | NewsBusters.org
FOXNews.com - Bush Mortgage Plan Will Freeze Certain Subprime Interest Rates for 5 Years - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
UN chief: Israel's settlement expansion plan 'not helpful'
France urges world to raise pressure on Iran - Haaretz
Text of Gov. Romney's Faith Speech at Bush Presidential Library
Palestinians to Get 25 Armored Vehicles - Jerusalem Post
PLC passes law to make any concessions on J'lem illegal - Jerusalem Post
Female Suicide Bomber Kills 16 In Iraq - Reuters
Skepticism Mounts Over NIE Findings - NewsMax
CIA Director: Agency Taped Terror Interrogations, Destroyed Tapes Over Leak Fears - Fox
Bush Letter to North Korea Offers Relations If Nuclear Program Is Disclosed - Fox
Episcopal diocese set to vote to depart - Washington Times
Saudi Arabia, U.S. named the worst 'climate sinners' - USA Today
Evacuations Ordered in Flood, Mudslide Risk Areas of Southern Calif. Ahead of Powerful Pacific Storm - Fox
France, Germany Back U.S. on Iran - USA Today
The Army's $200 billion makeover - March to modernize proves ambitious and controversial - Washington Post
Rice Battles to Convince Skeptical Russians on Need for New Iran Sanctions - Fox
U.S.: Iran Ambitions Not Benign - Ynet
Wall Street Flies on Mortgage Plan - Reuters
CAIR's Islamist quizzers featured at prez debates - WND
Romney: No religious test for president - MSNBC
GOP Wary of Bush's Rate Freeze - Washington Times
U.S. wants details on plans to build homes in East Jerusalem - Haaretz
'Israeli-Arabs planned attack on soldiers' - Ynet
'Hamas-Fatah unity possible': Minister in Abbas' government says Fatah will join ranks with Hamas if Israel attacks Gaza - Ynet
Striking A Blow For Liberty - Paul Greenberg
(Jewish) State of — and in — peril - Caroline B. Glick
Nuclear Deceptions - Kenneth R. Timmerman
Keeping faith amid the ruins - Deborah Simmons
The Flaws in The Iranian Report - John Bolton
Conflicted Intelligence - Claude Salhani
Hillary, Huckabee and Trade - Tony Blankley
Osama targets Europe - Walid Phares
Study: Abortion Fueling Cancer Epidemic - Sylvia Hubbard
December 7: How to Handle Sin After Salvation - Charles Stanley
December 7: Repentance - Oswald Chambers
December 7: Rely on God, Not Self - Streams in the Desert
Activists posing as ordinary citizens influencing national security dialogue
Change would reverse years of edging toward GOP
'I was absolutely thrilled. Mitt distinguished himself'
Social-conservative activists concerned about socially liberal background, not creed
Read columnists' analyses of Mitt's speech about his faith
Author John Grisham serves as master of ceremonies for holiday-themed event
Campaigns silent, refuse to answer even simple questions about issues
'It's so irrelevant to being president that I wouldn't even get into that'
Construction dispute discovery targeting group's financial records
Director says material was security risk, critics call move illegal
Nearly dozen – including brigadier general – fled military training facilities
Bi-partisan plan suggests terms be commuted before Christmas
Court says 1st Amendment trumps ban on religious warnings that upset bar patrons
Cancellation of property sale could affect dividing Jerusalem
Exclusive: Aaron Klein whacks secretary for requesting additional cash for terrorists
Female bomber strikes offices of anti-al-Qaida group
Bureau says he knew of al-Qaida leader's role in 9/11
'Just stop it, stop it,' Perino tells reporter
'Can you even believe this would be a controversy?'
But activist victimized by attack under state rules remains wary
'What they are doing for other faiths. We should be accommodating the needs of all faiths'
Magazine ridicules North American Union, superhighway as baseless conspiracies
'I was young and fearless. Today, I can't even watch them butcher a chicken'
Became ward of state in 2002 – received addiction, mental-health, behavioral counseling
Teen offended over comments made about gunman
Intercepted conversations, messages at 1st dismissed as disinformation tactic
Editor: 'To run anything else would not seem to be serving the reader'
San Francisco broadcaster claims downloaded images were research for book
Christian groups decry film, 'viciously anti-God' author
'Here's somebody who knows nothing about what Jews eat'
Organisms in stomach limit production of methane gas
'I am happy to oblige them, there is no problem. I do get a bit windy'
Denies pressuring parole board: 'I just regret politics is reduced to that'
'I can't help but want to support my own gender, and she's as experienced as any of the others'
Some condone lying, cheating, violence in ethics survey
'It's like they used to do in the 1700s and 1800s'
Libraries, coffee shops liable for $300,000 fine for not reporting obscene pics
Becoming more vulnerable because of increasing popularity
Bilked friends, family of $800,000 – said secret-agent wife could ID disease from space
'If you ingested enough, it could affect the heart, it could affect the lungs'
Missing component in liver lets mice eat sugars, starches without converting to flab
'I cried and I felt like someone had died and I don't want to take it down'
Law professor: 'It's a big deal, it's a very big deal'
Exacavated complex believed linked to famed royal convert to Judaism
Find indicates contacts as early as 2650 B.C. – over 2,000 years earlier than thought
Venezuelan strong man insists he's 'not finished' with self-declared revolution
Laudatory biography featured military victories, heroism – no mention of Holocaust
New studies appear to show no limit to intelligence of other creatures
Comes with glow-in-the-dark hands, 5 loaves of bread, 2 fish, 1 water into wine jug
'I think this will appeal to young people as well as grandmothers'
State's investments leave officials struggling to make payroll
Community leaders took advantage of trust, language barriers to swindle some
Problem likely to get worse in coming months, mortgage association says
'That's providing a glimmer of hope. But there's some skepticism'
Rangel, Reid drop demands to link it to proposed increase on private-equity executives
Faces certain filibuster in Senate, veto threat from White House
'Those retailers that did a lot of promoting were able to drive traffic'
Retailer to offer in-store specials for holiday shoppers like day after Thanksgiving
Les Hinton, mogul's longest-serving lieutenant, to take CEO role
'It's 1 of a gazillion domestic functions that are going to have to compete for dollars'
Authorities also said to be miffed over U.S.'s continued arms sales to Taiwan
Currency's rising value against dollar means less made on exports
Controversial new marketing program broadcast users' purchasers to their friends
Designed to position kids in seniority ranks if they chose to work with union as adults
New coin, representing pyramid, depicts riches unearthed from Tutankhamun's tomb
Pat Buchanan claims Romney's defiance in faith speech sure to enamor Americans
Exclusive: Joseph Farah agrees with some rhetoric but says Mitt still can't be trusted
David Limbaugh: Key to highlighting Clinton's negatives is to get her off-script
Exclusive: Hal Lindsey sees NIE as sign an agreement is in works between U.S., Iran
Exclusive: Melanie Morgan offers testimony discrediting Reid's intelligence estimate
Bill Press: After release of Iran intel report, 'the Bush Doctrine is dead'
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer blasts the West for 'congenital stupidity' about religion's followers
Phyllis Schlafly charges government with helping to assure 'Press 1 for English' remains
Exclusive: Andrew Longman does the math on benefit of having mall-goers armed
Exclusive: Reader warns against government intervention in use of ministry funds
Rep. Eric Cantor ridicules Dems by putting pop song to footage of failure
Amy Goodman asserts CNN talker plays fast and loose with the truth
Exclusive: Jack Cashill recommends dozen tomes sure to stir up American complacency
John McWhorter sees chief problem for African-Americans inside their own community
Appeals Process Started for Ramos and Compean
Testimony Begins at Guantanamo Bay
Hugo Chavez's Opposition Plans to Keep Moving Forward
NAFTA Trade Corridors Are Real | The John Birch Society - Truth, Leadership, Freedom
Government of Alberta: NAFTA Trade Corridors & State Truck Standards
Senate Passes Peru FTA
Texas To Track Emergency Evacuees Using RFID
Romney says his White House bid not defined by Mormon faith
Wife Of Missing Canoeist To Be Quizzed By Police
911 callers describe Omaha mall massacre
Police piecing together mall gunman's steps
Family Says Voice Mail Proves Stacy Peterson Did Not Run Away
Drew Peterson says he's been shunned, betrayed
'A lot of lying' -- trucker was in Louisiana, not Illinois: source
Dive teams search canal for Peterson - Naperville, IL - Naperville Reporter
Airport screener boards flight without a ticket
N. Ireland leaders on joint trip to US
Lawmakers Back Limits on Interrogation Tactics
Congress to clash with Bush over 'torture' technique
Iowa Mom Gets Probation for Attempting to Sell 4-Year-Old Son to ...
Woman convicted of trying to trade son put on probation
Pearl Harbor vets recall the terror, flames, confusion and dead
Pearl Harbor memorial gets survivors' big OK
NC Community College System names president
Supporters Pump Ron Paul Full of Hot Air
Get ready Boston for the Ron Paul ... blimp
Gennifer Flowers embraces the other Clinton
Fire forces residents and visitors to jump from building
Electoral Revision Misses June Ballot
State formally accuses pilot of negligence in bay oil spill
Senate renews debate today on farm bill after breaking deadlock
Capito says she was kept in the dark on page board
Huckabee: Politicization of rape victims' deaths 'heartbreaking'
Q&A With New Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl
Wife of canoeist flies back to UK
Zimbabwe: Mugabe Storm Holds Summit Hostage
Rice, Lavrov to Discuss Iranian Nuclear Issue in Brussels
Of the Shadow War …
Delegates Forge Ahead at Bali Climate Change Conference
NATO warning over Kosovo violence
Bosses detained as china mine blast death toll rises
Pakistani Opposition Party Deadlocked Over Electoral Demands
Small pro-Putin party won't contest president vote
Bush Writes to North Korean Leader
Sri Lanka Warns of More Rebel Attacks Against Civilians
Ships Collide, Oil Spills Off Korean Coast
Cyclone intensifies as heads towards Fiji
Secretary killed in Paris parcel bomb attack
Global Survey Finds Latin America Ranks 4th in Demanding Bribes
Israel says US questions settlement move
Lack of Donated Copters Harms Darfur Effort, UN Leader Says
Oprah Winfrey Presents: Barack Obama
From hospital, Somali leader laughs off health scare

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