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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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06 December 2007


Talk show host indicted for child porn - Examiner.com
KCBS - KGO Host Indicted on Child Porn Charges
The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Longtime Libtalker Indicted On Child Pornography Charges
Bernie Ward: (about arrest) audio
My Way News - Romney Vows to Serve 'The Common Cause'
State Spent $265K On Hawkins' Care - Omaha News Story - KETV Omaha
Action 3 News - Omaha, Nebraska News, Weather, and Sports | Mall Massacre
weatherplus.com - Weather News - Evacuation Orders Set For Thursday Night In OC Burn Areas
Man talking on cell phone killed by train in San Leandro
Dow Jones CEO Zannino to leave company | Reuters
Murdoch son to lead News Corp Asia, Europe: source | Reuters
My Way News - Hayden Says CIA Videotapes Destroyed
My Way News - FBI: Gitmo Detainee Was With Bin Laden
Vatican: Michelangelo Sketch Found
Some Airlines to Offer In-Flight Internet Service - New York Times
Romney firm on faith and Mormonism - Examiner.com
Romney Seeks to Defuse Concerns Over Mormon Faith - New York Times
WorldNetDaily: Mitt's Hour of Power
ABC News: Bill Clinton in Hillary's Cabinet Meetings?
Gennifer Flowers Mulls Vote for Clinton
China bans Hollywood movies to protect its own film industry - Independent Online Edition > Asia
The Biggest Youth Freedom Movement Ever
The Recession of 2008
POP-Mail Is Antique
America's Ch'in Shih-huang
Can't Win?
Did 'Isolationism' Cause World War II?
Sweet Dreams
An Open Letter to RP Supporters
It Turns Out Ahmadinejad Was the Truthful One
Right on Drugs
What's the Power of First Impressions?
Intricate Death Vase
'Hamas-Fatah unity possible'.... Minister in Abbas' government says Fatah will join ranks with Hamas if Israel attacks Gaza
PLC passes law to make any concessions on J'lem illegal - Jerusalem Post
Iranian President Claims Victory in Nuclear Dispute - NewsMax
Text of Gov. Romney's Faith Speech at Bush Presidential Library
US Nuclear Report Based on Notes of Iranian Officials - Jerusalem Post
Interstate 5 still closed; Washington flood damage could top $1 billion, FEMA reports being filed - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Two Palestinian Cities Planned For West Bank - Jerusalem Post
Bush Letter to North Korea Offers Relations If Nuclear Program Is Disclosed - Fox
France, Germany Back U.S. on Iran - USA Today
Wall Street Flies on Mortgage Plan - Reuters
Thursday's Shuttle Launch Abruptly Called Off - Fox
Christian Ministry Rebuffs Senate Finances Probe - Fox
Bush unveils mortgage crisis proposal Plan would freeze adjustable rates; President says this is not a bailout - MSNBC
Dollar up as BoE, ECB rate decisions eyed - Reuters
Mitt Romney Offers Comfort to Religious Conservatives With Faith Speech - Fox
Floods recede, leaving mess in Northwest - USA Today
Iraqi Officers go Missing in U.S. - Washington Times
EU Calls For Unity Against Resurgent Russia - Washington Times
Romney: No religious test for president - MSNBC
'Israeli-Arabs planned attack on soldiers' - Ynet
GOP Wary of Bush's Rate Freeze - Washington Times
Reservists say no to Division-Wide Drill - Ynet
Pulpit Was The Springboard For Huckabee's Rise - NY Times
Second Temple Palace Uncovered - Jerusalem Post
Conflicted Intelligence - Claude Salhani
Dreaming of a ‘Green’ Chanukah? - Jonathan Tobin
Osama targets Europe - Walid Phares
The Flaws in The Iranian Report - John Bolton
December 6: Receiving Answers to Our Prayers - Charles Stanley
December 6: Leave it With Him - Streams in the Desert
December 6: The Bow in the Cloud - Oswald Chambers
Bi-partisan plan suggests terms be commuted before Christmas
Bureau sets up El Salvador office targeting notorious MS-13, 18th Street
Why are some presidential candidates avoiding WND?
In major speech says he should not have to explain Mormon faith
'I do not define my candidacy by my religion'
'I believe in my Mormon faith and I endeavor to live by it'
Would enjoy '1st spouse' duties such as Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas decorations
Margins from 28 percentage points to 36 percent among Democrats
Suggested Barack a Muslim who wants to destroy United States
'I can't help but want to support my own gender, and she's as experienced as any of the others'
Ex-governor calls story 'complete exploitation'
Denies pressuring parole board: 'I just regret politics is reduced to that'
'From fertilization we are dealing with something that represents the will of God'
Questions whether Republic, 'of, by and for the people' will survive
Magazine ridicules North American Union, superhighway as baseless conspiracies
News organization's annual quest for year's most under-reported stories
Jihadists took over believed birthplace of Jesus, accused of Christian persecution
Day after U.S. announced $400 million to bolster Palestinian leader against terror group
Exclusive: Aaron Klein whacks secretary for requesting additional cash for terrorists
'I was up front, and everybody except me was shot. It's a blur'
Surrogate mom: Troubled teen was improving before Omaha rampage
Law professwor: 'It's a big deal, it's a very big deal'
Judges asked to remove Him from motto, Pledge of Allegiance
'Citizens are being denied the right to have their vote count'
Urges communist regime to fully disclose its nuke programs
California parents start reacting to new 'education' requirements
Some condone lying, cheating, violence in ethics survey
Family group suggests proposal 'runs counter to free speech'
Jerusalem Post's Caroline Glick added to roster of experts at Dallas event
Traders hopeful housing slump will get boost from government help
Nardelli reportedly tells employees, automaker won't confirm number
Hailed as 'angel from heaven' for jumping in front gunman
Trysts continued even after teacher married fellow instructor
Minister rebuffs federal inquiry on salaries, spending
Crosses to be removed from chaplain badges
'We assess that Tehran is determined to develop nuclear weapons'
Would set caps on U.S. greenhouse gas emissions beginning in 2012
Wire service: 'Change is occurring too quickly for [plants and animals] to evolve'
'I think the stakes are way way too high to be playing around'
Seeks universal, global agreement before the end of 2009'
Juveniles range in age from 14 to 15, were riding home after school
Online clip shows victim taunted before onslaught begins
'We've definitely got the Holy Grail'
53-year-old husband named suspect, but maintains innocence
Woman slipped on floor while responding to 9-1-1 call
Study: Problems even among those who eventually slim down
'Took action to protect his community from an obviously dangerous drunk driver'
Prosecutor says not illegal 'as shocking and offensive as they are'
'It seems like [administrators] are trying to silence the activist groups'
'Now he will be joining us in spirit with his name emblazoned'
New 'View' co-host Sherri Shepherd gives Whoopi something to think about
Stocks cheer bailout, foreclosures/jobless up, $88 oil, $800 gold
Democrat lawmakers, presidential contenders quickly blast plan as being too timid
Bond market frets: 'Even a 1-notch downgrade would be very serious'
All those empty houses mean no one's around to clear sidewalks
Said teaming up with Amazon.com to compete with Apple's iTunes
Proven way for regular folks to build real wealth with micro-cap shares
Say turbines could kill untold numbers of migratory birds, damage bay
Report cites chronic incompetence, disagreeable or impersonal welcome
Could lead recipients into 'phishing' schemes to steal credit card info
'People looking for a house should use all the resources they can'
California AG petitions EPA to impose standards on industry
Gals who go out to work still do bulk of household chores
Its mortgage investments declined by $9 billion in November
Company in bankruptcy, new owners plan to manfuacture in Indiana
Would set aside more than $1.5 billion to compensate 700 counties in 39 states
Rejecting Trump's golf resort 'would deter global investment'
Exclusive: Joseph Farah gives Mike lesson in true Christian compassion
See compilation footage of candidate's best rhetoric
Murray Waas releases letters by women pleading for continued jailing of rapist
Exclusive: Jane Chastain rips candidates for pandering to Iowans, big agribusinesses
Exclusive: Craige McMillan tells readers they too can 'participate' in re-election mania
Larry Elder reports data showing more GOPers claim to have excellent mental health
Exclusive: Dan Roodt looks at how recent Muslim riots forecast demographic tsunami
Exclusive: Jack Cashill recommends dozen tomes sure to stir up American complacency
Rebecca Hagelin asserts it's individuals, not government, that can cheer downtrodden
Mike Lester sees Clinton in more of a rectangular than oval 'office'
Exclusive: Burt Prelutsky tears into actors whose behaviors qualify them as 'male bimbos'
Isabel Lyman profiles Florida's Christian QB whose 'kryptonite is hubris'

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