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Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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30 December 2007

30 Dec.

McClatchy Washington Bureau | 12/30/2007 | Edwards surges, Huckabee's bubble bursts
Rasmussen Reports™: The most comprehensive public opinion coverage ever provided for a mid-term election.
My Way News - Bhutto's Son, Husband to Succeed Her
Individual privacy under threat in Europe and U.S., report says - International Herald Tribune
Iran says its first atom plant to start in mid-2008 | International | Reuters
Pakistan: Al-Qaida behind Bhutto killing - Yahoo! News
My Way News - Pakistan's Largest City Paralyzed
Iraq says most of Al-Qaeda network destroyed in 2007
My Way News - Bin Laden Issues Warning on Iraq, Israel
Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on Satan | the Daily Mail
Vatican denies exorcist expansion - UPI.com
My Way News - LA Gang F13 Accused of Targeting Blacks
cbs2chicago.com - Woman On Plane Had Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Times Square confetti to carry messages - Yahoo! News
This is showtime, folks, let's pick a president - Times Online
Huckabee stands by 'Christ' comment - Yahoo! News
Huckabee calls Romney 'desperate' - Mike Allen - Politico.com
Sioux City Journal: Thompson: 'Not particularly interested in running'
Candidates Digging for a Deeper Pool of Iowa Voters - New York Times
Political Radar: Bill Clinton Won't Attend NSC Meetings in a Hillary White House
Warning of Threats, Clinton Sells Clinton
My Way News - McCain: 'I Am Legend'
Download Uproar: Record Industry Goes After Personal Use - washingtonpost.com
Bedbug epidemic attacks New York City
Politics - Prison report cites valley fever risks - sacbee.com
My Way News - Trucker Drives Off San Diego-Area Pier
WorldNetDaily: Michael Savage lawsuit links CAIR to 9/11 plot
Teenage son to take on Benazir Bhutto's legacy - Times Online
Bhutto 'blocked from hiring US bodyguards' - Telegraph
Pakistanis spurn aid in Bhutto probe - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Bhutto party will take part in Pakistan election: party official - Yahoo! Singapore News
CFP: CNN and Hillary Destabilize Pakistan
DEBKAfile - Bhutto Murder Closes Anti-Terror War Cycle Bush Launched after 9/11
Perata's carjacked vehicle found in Richmond
ll. Woman Embarrassed About Search
Effort to Block California Anti-Bias Bill - New York Times
Ex-detainee ‘linked to Al-Qaeda cleric’ - Times Online
Transcript: Chaotic scene at zoo - CNN.com
DEBKAfile - Osama bin Laden vows to liberate “the whole of Palestine from the river to the sea”
LA Gang F13 Accused of Targeting Blacks
My Way News - Iraq on Alert for Saddam Anniversary
Thompson: Doesn't like campaign process, 'will not be devastated' if he loses - On Politics - USATODAY.com
Bill would deny ‘anchor baby’ birth certificates | EastValleyTribune.com
The illegal immigrant named Texan of the Year | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Released images show man firing point-blank from only feet away
'Remember Rawalpindi is a garrison city'
'My mother always said democracy is the best revenge'
Blasts Musharraf government for rejecting international assistance with investigation
Aides say Musharraf refused to allow foreign contractors to operate in country
Not expected to be named as prime ministerial candidate of People's Party
Chief: 'It was a tremendous effort, they were really brave boys who killed her'
Arizona senator finds himself on top for 1st time, Huckabee, Giuliani close
Candidate claims Fox is afraid of him, but forum canceled
'I hope we answer the alarm clock and take this nation back for Christ'
'I am not consumed by personal ambition. I will not be devastated if I don't do it'
'I think he would play the role that spouses have always played for presidents'
Mailing to South Carolina voters highlights differences in belief
Strategy called for exploiting compressed season, focusing on big states
'I think he's a lot tougher than people think. He's not afraid to stand up'
Endorsement sparks 66 percent surge in posts about candidate
Peppered by questions over issue of illegal immigration
County had told 2 groups to buy 2.5 acres or stop their meetings
Challenge claimed petition signers' names improperly rejected by state
Brief seeks conclusion to decades-long dispute over Mt. Soledad memorial
Says immigrants must accept country's Christian culture
'I got kind of allergic to pistols being held to my forehead'
Strict policy of arrest, prosecute, jail has shown significant success
Authorities suspect border-city's cops have been colluding with drug-trafficking gangs
Biblical defense of bearing arms by man who fought terrorists attacking church
'Too many bishops are not taking this seriously'
'No intention of ordering local bishops to bring in garrisons of exorcists'
Mint to spend year moving motto from edges back to prominence
'Fewer than half of Chinese Christians own God's Word; demand overwhelming'
'We cannot let other religions use it, because it will confuse people'
Family shocked when 10-year-old turned on gift purchased from Wal-Mart
Unassuming Oliver North called 'truly a class act'
On 1st anniversary of execution, gravesite shows little sign of becoming shrine
State attorney general says transfer plans fall within guidelines
Pushes U.S. goods: 'We must buy American while there's still something American to buy'
Part of broader campaign by government to encourage 'civilized behavior' at games
Hormones released in womb during pregnancy blamed for eating disorder
Maine hits owners with 5% use tax if aircraft in state more than 20 days
'We intend to liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the river to the sea'
Launch orders given after satellite sensors misinterpret high-altitude clouds as missiles
Actor to play Abbie Hoffman in Spielberg play about Chicago 7 trial
'It's about giving young people structure, and love and attention'
'It was a vicious-looking thing and massive, coming almost up to my waist'
Cell-phone records indicated she left voluntarily with male friend from California
Began fake essay with powerful line: 'My daddy died this year in Iraq'
Unmarked tank is nearly 90 feet high – 'my advice would be not to go too close to it'
Lands single engine plane from 16,000 feet with oil cover windshield
From Obama Girl to lions, buffaloes and crocodiles, videos go viral
'I am a little concerned why a plane would break in 1/2'
3,220-pound bovine consumes 80 pounds of hay, corn each day
New study aims to show whether loam can be vital in protecting pregnant women from harm
Who would win? And other sporting questions
'This is the worst possible scenario for foreign investment'
Potential purchasers sitting tight, waiting for slump to shake out, deliver lower prices
Stocks worry about housing, commodities rise as safe haven
'Investors now may be more willing to purchase debt from local and state officials '
'Efforts have not been successful in gaining market share from Microsoft's Internet Explorer'
His writings continue to accrue royalties, but whose money is it?
Unprecedented influx of Eastern Europeans leading to displacement, critics charge
'No matter how much power the project generates, it cannot make up for the losses'
Bay Area coffee company is tortoise to better-known brewer's hare
Galleons laden with fortunes from New World hold riches along coastline
'I doubt that Harry would be the central character. I feel I've already told his story'
Dave Ramsey deals with questions about cash vs. credit, time-share maintenance fees
Exclusive: Pat Boone predicts next U.S. president, Iraq progress, border tightening, economic change
Exclusive: Jonathan Falwell laments 'there is little hope of a more peaceful tomorrow'
Patrick J. Buchanan: Parties will engage in sustained barrage attacks with vicious ads
Exclusive: Joseph Farah dubs diehard Marxist activist a genius at selfish manipulation
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann: Memoirs devoid of proof of any part in process
Exclusive: Henry Lamb credits candidate for opening Pandora's box of freedom
Star Parker: Pediatric neurosurgeon, gifted author teaches profound life lessons
Exclusive: Joe Kovacs remembers lovesick 'astronut,' beauty pageant meltdown
Exclusive: Ellis Washington condemns court emphasis on procedure rather than veritas
Exclusive: Greg Laurie rejoices in awareness that death isn't the end for Christians
Raul Reyes: Some day we will look back at this anti-immigrant period with shame
Fast-food commercial uses all candidates in latest product push, upsets Kucinich backers
Ralph Peters: She did nothing to move in new direction, sought to enhance own power
As Vote Nears, Hopefuls Go Negative
McCain Busts a Move
America's Choice Between Hope and Fear
Hillary's Final Strategy: Be Afraid
Tireless Clinton Tries To Answer Nagging Questions
Iowans Testing Electability
Stop Invoking My Father's Name
A Ron Paul Surprise in New Hampshire?
Obama Transcends Race
Bhutto and the Candidates
Where's Outrage Over Bhutto's Assassination?
Democracy Delusion in Pakistan
The Great Fall of China
He Could Care Less About Obama's Story
A Clarification on Waterboarding
A Marine's Order: Feed the Hand That Bit You
'08 Choices Underwhelming
Clinton's 'Experience:' Exactly What Is It?
Tracking Campaign Cash
We Must Restore Faith in the Power of Global Liberty
Bush Signs Child Health-Care Extension Into Law
Reid Reflects on Rough Year
Romney Eyes Huckabee Lead
Remarks on Pakistan Are Tailing Huckabee
Huckabee Fights Back
Can Huck Hang On?
It's Showtime in Iowa
The Grand Old Coalition in Flux
Edwards Fights to the Finish
Richardson Promises Iowa Surprise
Pakistan's Blood-stained Democracy
Musharraf Is Not The Answer
Should Celebrities Set the Global Agenda?
Huckabee on MTP
Obama on MTP
Thompson on FNS
Digging for a Deeper Pool of Voters
Bill Clinton Warns of "Unexpected"
Assassination Killed West's Foreign Policy
Bipartisan Group Eyes Independent Bid
CNN.com - Transcripts - Bhutto Assassinated; Interview With David Yepsen
Thompson On "Fox News Sunday"
Huckabee On "Meet The Press"
Congressman Murphy For Dodd
McCain: "Respect"
Huckabee On "Today"
Carl Cameron Explains The Caucuses
Richardson Says 2013 Is Too Long
Huckabee Leadership Checks In
Romney: "Permanently"
Obama: "Interest"
Giuliani On "Hardball"
Trust Huckabee: "Who Can You Trust?"
Dems Make Their Closing Arguments
Dodd: First Lady Experience Not Enough
Last Night's "Kudlow & Company"
Richardson Discusses Pakistan On "Morning Joe"
United Nations Propaganda Comic Book Designed to Brainwash Kids
CIA-ISI Created “Qaeda Network” Blamed for Pakistan Troubles
CFR Favored Bhutto
New Jersey Bans Sex Offenders from Using Internet
Pilot Complains About Worthless TSA Procedures
Irish Stock Market Crash and Global Depression
Super Digital Cameras Snoop Drivers in Britain
Mexico to Microchip Central American Migrants
King George Continues to Defy Congress and the People
It Can’t Happen Here… Why Not?
Clueless Congress Critter: Redeploy Troops to Pakistan
Anglo-American Ambitions behind the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the Destabilization of Pakistan
Creeping Fascism: History’s Lessons
ISI Main Suspect In Bhutto Killing
Japanese Government to Censor Internet
Bhutto Assassination Video Trojan Surfaces
Shameless Selectee Huckabee Exploits Bhutto Assassination
Bhutto: Hold Musharraf “Responsible” for Her Assassination
The Great Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Hoax Exposed
Huckabee Exposed as New World Order Puppet
“Global Democracy,” Neocon Style
“Enhanced” RFID Driver’s License Soon Available in Washington
Presidential Candidates Gear Up for Iowa Caucuses
WRAPUP 1-Huckabee hits back at Romney in close Iowa race
Transcripts Show Chaos of Tiger Attack
Thompson insists he has the desire to win the White House
The Passion of the Fred
State senator's stolen car recovered in Richmond
Report: No survivors from helicopter crash
Three killed in helicopter crash in north Alabama
Windy Weather Expected New Year's Eve, Day
Search continues for 19-year-old who went missing 6 months ago
Rain Might Not Save Atlanta From Record
United Plane Evacuated After Taking Wrong Turn on Runway
Airliner Gets Stuck In The Mud
Missing woman says she wanted to start a new life in California
World's Oldest Orangutan Dies
'Psycho' sought in shootings of 6
Pakistan in crisis, awaits election decision
Riots erupt after Kenya's president
Bhutto dynasty affirmed, Pakistan poll in question
Colombia hostage release put off another day
Pakistani Military Assures Nuclear Stockpile Remains Secure
Japanese PM Warms Ties on China Visit
Jacob Zuma: A new liberator takes the reins in South Africa
Freed Australian Guantanamo convict in hiding
Bin Laden warns Sunni Arabs in Iraq to back Al Qaeda
Maoists rejoin Nepal government
Gunfire kills one Palestinian pilgrim, wounds four
Sri Lanka rebel chief could be dead in 6 months - army
Citing interference in Lebanon, France cuts off contact with Syria
Full democracy for Hong Kong questioned
Olmert warns Palestinians on security after attack
Some Iraqis Mark Anniversary of Saddam Execution

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