"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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29 December 2007


Click above: Ron Paul link
Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on Satan | the Daily Mail
My Way News - McCain: 'I Am Legend'
Girl won Hannah Montana tickets with fake essay - USATODAY.com
Text of alleged al-Qa'eda phone call - Telegraph
What About the Nukes? | Print Article | Newsweek.com
World Tribune — Sol Sanders: Unreported: The State Dept. role in the Pakistan disaster
Mich. AG: Only Legal Residents Can Drive
Affirmative action may be on ballots - USATODAY.com
China finds U.S. firms eager allies on security - International Herald Tribune
A little sanity on the border - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Soccer: Betar J'lem punished for fans' racist chants | Jerusalem Post
The Local - Sweden's population boom continues
Islam vs. Free Speech - HUMAN EVENTS
Inside the Ring - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Pakistan's Turmoil Could Spread
Pakistan's Crisis Is Test For Candidates
Obama Can End the Racial Barter
Which Democrat Is Most Electable?
McCain Could Be Comeback Codger
Huckabee Slipping?
Romney Controls His Own Destiny
Mitt Romney Down For The Count?
The Context of Huck's Devilish Question
Scrambling For The Undecideds in Iowa
What the Campaign Vets Are Saying
Dodd Unloads on Clinton, Obama
In Iowa, Bill Clinton Still Casts a Spell
Lessons From the Surge
Is Rice Rushing Pakistan's Elections?
Defying Fate Was Pointless
Reviving America's 'Soft Power' Through Radio
Musharraf's Moment
How the Candidates Did on the 'Pakistan Test'
Iowa Means More to the Democrats This Year
Perfection for the Patriots
McCain and Giuliani Point to Pakistan
Obama Aide Ties Pakistan to Iraq War
Guiliani, Huckabee Battle in Florida
Cashing In From the Outside
John Edwards On "Political Capital"
White House Press Conf. On Defense Spending
"Our Moment Is Now"
Giuliani, Romney, Thompson On "Hannity & Colmes"
Edwards, Giuliani, Obama On "Larry King Live"
McCain: "Consider"
Richardson's Policy Speech In Des Moines
An Unaired Attack On Romney
Obama: "Unify"
Thompson Asks For Money
Clinton Calls For Intl. Investigation
Biden On Pakistan
Huckabee's New Ads
Clinton: "President"
Romney: "Ready"
Obama's Movement
McCain Responds To Romney
Romney On "Today"
Biden: "Office"
Last Night's "Hannity & Colmes"
Edwards: "Born For" & "Native Son"
McCain: "Endorsed"
Romney: "Future"
The Latest From Huck & Chuck
Obama's "Our Moment Is Now" Speech
McCain Explains His Rising Popularity
Dodd On "Countdown"
Romney Talks About Bhutto On "H&C"
Responses To The Bhutto Assassination
Clinton: "Stand By You"
Endorsement sparks 66% surge in online posts about candidate
Peppered by questions over issue of illegal immigration
Individual endorsements only – group as whole will not back a candidate
'His views and my views were very similar'
Change on abortion 'more than just a flip-flop, this was an extreme makeover'
Man who murdered newlywed couple after release should have served year more
Family shocked when 10-year-old turned on gift purchased from Wal-Mart
Chief: 'It was a tremendous effort, they were really brave boys who killed her'
Not bullets, not bomb: Government says former prime minister hit head on sunroof
'Assassination ... presents serious problems in a country that is already unstable'
Unassuming Oliver North called 'truly a class act'
County had told 2 groups to buy 2.5 acres or stop their meetings
'I got kind of allergic to pistols being held to my forehead'
2007 demands from Congress will be implemented in 2009
'We cannot let other religions use it, because it will confuse people'
'Fewer than half of Chinese Christians own God's Word; demand overwhelming'
Challenge claimed petition signers' names improperly rejected by state
Brief seeks conclusion to decades-long dispute over Mt. Soledad memorial
State attorney general says transfer plans fall within guidelines
'Thanks be to God that we have a pope who has decided to fight the devil head-on'
'This boils down to, this is a very, very religious community'
New England has chance to become 1st NFL team to ever have perfect 16-0 season
Told pep rally Penn State coach 'on death bed,' 'someone needs to find him a casket'
Says no link shown between fundraising activities, murder of boy by Hamas
Moscow negates Tehran reports of agreement to supply advanced S-300 missile systems
Concerns over tightening measures will likely restrain gains next year
Book to be sent to 1 million U.S. school kids to show superheroes working with 'blue hats'
Candidate cites volatile situation to argue for building U.S.-Mexico barrier
Gaffe: Seemed to suggest incorrectly Pakistan under martial law
Criticizes rivals as campaign in Iowa enters home stretch
'I've never done well by contemplating defeat'
Administration plan would sell highly accurate bomb-guidance kits to desert kingdom
Dislikes provision exposing Iraqi government to lawsuits for damages from Saddam era
'This petition is as radical as the Declaration of Independence'
Government says letting makes follow their interests can help them in school
Told 15-year-old girl sexual relationship part of martial-arts program
Those caught online would face 18 months in jail, $10,000 fine
'She felt she wasn't loved enough and everyone didn't appreciate her'
Firefighter busted for exposing himself to sunbather appeals 'entrapment' conviction
New book calls Gore ''crook' presiding over eco-business that pumps out cash'
He didn't run. He tried to help ... it was him who ended up getting it the worst'
'Obviously these have nothing to do with each other'
Official says health of 18-year-old cat had been on decline
800-year-old dregs suggest ancient Pueblo Indians fermented corn
Archaeologists say find shows Aztec city at least century older than thought
16-year-old wants to kill U.S. troops ... and emigrate to America
Steep decline in new home sales stir concerns over continued weakness in housing
Supply of homes for sale at 9-year high
Now judges favorably citing law he argued decade ago
'The current-account deficit should continue to improve'
Charges alleged builder paid his workers in cash, deducted no withholdings from wages
'Declining sales, ... unable to identify sufficient growth opportunities'
Will be able to book guests who won't cross Guild picket line
Change follows Hewlett-Packard decision to discontinue technology behind service
'We're talking about a very significant change in the online-video-rental landscape'
New Delhi firm to work on a local news, advertising sections
'This is a temporary situation until we can realign our business model'
Spends 364 days a year preparing for 1 big event – nationwide party linking 4 time zones
Demand for colorless, odorless gas derived from natural gas production is ballooning
Health officials say dairy likely source of bacterial illness
Exclusive: Pat Boone predicts next U.S. president, Iraq progress, border tightening, economic change
Exclusive: Jonathan Falwell laments 'there is little hope of a more peaceful tomorrow'
Patrick J. Buchanan: Parties will engage in sustained barrage attacks with vicious ads
Exclusive: Readers discuss government jobs, branded citizens, Christmas before Jesus
Exclusive: Joseph Farah dubs diehard Marxist activist a genius at selfish manipulation
Dick Norris and Eileen McGann: Memoirs devoid of proof of any part in process
Exclusive: Henry Lamb credits candidate for opening Pandora's box of freedom
Star Parker: Pediatric neurosurgeon, gifted author teaches profound life lessons
Exclusive: Joe Kovacs remembers lovesick 'astronut,' beauty pageant meltdown
Exclusive: Ellis Washington condemns court emphasis on procedure rather than veritas
Exclusive: Greg Laurie rejoices in awareness that death isn't the end for Christians
Raul Reyes: Some day we will look back at this anti-immigrant period with shame
Fast-food commercial uses all candidates in latest product push, upsets Kucinich backers
Ralph Peters: She did nothing to move in new direction, sought to enhance own power
In Reaction to Bhutto Assassination, Giuliani Calls for Military Buildup
Surge Success Results From Buying Sunni Support
Would Abolishing Public Education Be A Good Thing For America?
Free trade and Federalism
Bifurcated Conservatives
Take That, New York Times
Christmas Music: A Postmortem
A Deadly Status Quo
Do Nothing to Pakistan
Fraudulent Lessons
What Bhutto's Assassination Means to America
Hey, Noam
Tangled Webs
The Purpose of Movies
Concerned About Global Warming?
French Scientist: Al Gore A Crook
Enhanced Driver's License Available In WA
Euro Reaches England
Gold Hits One Month High
First Israeli DNA Database Underway
New Fake Bin Laden Tape To Be Released
Media: Pakistan Now A Nightmare Scenario
Cities Enticing Residents To Go Green
NJ Bars Some Sex Offenders From Internet
Port Workers To Get Homeland Security IDs
British Drop War On Terror
Clinton & Paul Winning Big On Straw Poll
ISI Main Suspect In Bhutto Killing
Flu Shots Allow Practice Drills
More Special Forces To Pakistan
Police Abandoned Posts Prior To Bhutto Killing
Ron Paul Excluded from Fox News Forum
The Great Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Hoax Exposed
Japanese Government to Censor Internet
Bhutto Assassination Video Trojan Surfaces
Shameless Selectee Huckabee Exploits Bhutto Assassination
Bhutto: Hold Musharraf “Responsible” for Her Assassination
“Global Democracy,” Neocon Style
“Enhanced” RFID Driver’s License Soon Available in Washington
Bank Predicts Ron Paul Win, U.S. Depression
Did Pakistan’s ISI Kill Benazir Bhutto?
Al-CIA-Duh Claims Responsibility for Murder of Benazir Bhutto
American Intifada, or Democratic-Revolution?
Teenager Arrested for Aiming Laser Pointer at Jetliner, Bus, Police Helicopter
Code Pink’s Benjamin Gets in FBI’s Face Over “Criminal Database”
Gas Prices Ready to Go Through the Roof
DNA - World - Bhutto aide says bathed body, saw bullet wound - Daily News & Analysis
Benazir murder becomes fodder for US Prez race-The United States-World-The Times of India
How newspapers got into such a fix, and where they go from here
WHO confirms human-to-human birdflu case | Science | Reuters
The Raw Story | Police abandoned security posts before Bhutto assassination
Dollar Posts Biggest Weekly Decline Since April 2006 on Housing
Hillary Clinton and Ron Paul winning big on AOL straw poll
Economic Beat - Barron's Online
Gold to Pass Record in 2008 on Inflation, Survey Says
Miners in pole position at end of volatile year - Independent Online Edition > Business News
Political Pulse | The Associated Press-Yahoo! News Poll on Yahoo! News
Bhutto death makes McCain man of the moment - Roger Simon - Politico.com
Oil rises on inventory shortfalls | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Bhutto photographer: 'Gunshots rang out and she went down' - CNN.com
Aero-News Network: The Aviation and Aerospace World's Daily/Real-Time News and Information Service ::.
Candidates go into overdrive, one week before Iowa caucuses - CNN.com
Recession Ahead? - Forbes.com
Euro reaches field that is for ever England - Times Online
The State | 12/28/2007 | Ads to target Huckabee
Iran receives second nuclear fuel shipment - USATODAY.com
The Raw Story | Pakistani paramilitary have orders to shoot on sight as violence continues
It's still the economy, stupid | Capitol Hill Blue
Bhutto sent Blitzer security e-mail - Yahoo! News
China approves gold futures trading_English_Xinhua
Gold rises near 1-month high on tensions, strong energy
Vermont Public Radio: Leahy says wiretapping bill is a top priority
Edwards reaches new heights in Iowa - David Paul Kuhn - Politico.com
Mobs torch city in anger of Benazir’s death
Benazir Bhutto, 54, Lived in Eye of Pakistan Storm - New York Times
Spending on internal security to reach $178bn by 2015 - Yahoo! India News
Ron Paul, Our Last Hope, Won't Be Allowed To Win
The Raw Story | Paul: 'We're getting ready to bomb Iran'
Tax Hike Mike!
Poll: Bush, Hillary Clinton most admired - Yahoo! News
Newsmax.com - IRS: Late Tax Fix Delays Refunds
What Terrorism Does Best - HUMAN EVENTS
N.J. Orders HIV Testing For Pregnant Women - washingtonpost.com
AFP: Moving Forward
Pakistan faces horror of civil war after Benazir Bhutto is assassinated in suicide attack - Telegraph
Bolton denies he is a Huckabee adviser
National security not a second-tier issue
Stem cell, contraception groups paid Huck
State of the States: Strategy and tactics
Blogger works for firm paid by McCain
The final countdown
Mitt Impresses Undecided Voter
Bosses can show they care by letting workers caucus
Candidates split along party lines on health
Group wants clean energy pledges
N.H. House conservatives initiate impeachment against Coffey
More money for NH reps?
Advisor details Clinton's Colo. foreclosure response
Voters get high-tech, personal messages
Famed tax protester wins minor victory
Attacking McCain's record seen as risky for Romney
Clinton refocuses rhetoric on Bush
Romney cites record on positive changes
What they're saying about Huckabee
Dem Candidates Spar Over U.S.-Pakistan Policy
Obama Unpacks Closing One-Two Punch
Bush Vetoes Defense Policy Bill
Undecideds Still Rule The Day In Iowa
The Edwards Faithful
The Year In Earmarks
Did Giuliani Really Clean Up Times Square?
Gore Vidal On Ron Paul
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Neocon Warmonger Complains About BBC Endorsement of Ron Paul
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ron Paul on Bhutto and Pakistan
U.S. expats facing tax 'sticker shock'
A member of a new generation, Obama walks a fine line
Tide of migrants strains Greek islands
Nigeria's graft catcher is sent for training
Official: 75% of al-Qaeda in Iraq's network destroyed
Kenya: Violence erupts as election tensions simmer
Blame For Bhutto Killing Is Debated
Pair Charged With Murder In Wash. Massacre
Letterman Makes Deal With Writers
Pakistan Rudderless After Bhutto's Death
Bush finally warms to warming
U.S. fears Pakistan spillover
Pakistan gov't accused of cover-up
Passports pose security risk
Cities offer incentives to go green
Bhutto party accuses government
Iraq gains are "reversible": Petraeus
Abbas's government dismantling militant groups: minister
Candidates seek to strike chord with crowds
Ten Saudis return home from Guantanamo Bay prison
Kenyan opposition claims victory
South Africa robbers attack envoy
HK to elect leader by 2017
South Africa's top presidential candidate charged with corruption: lawyer
Bhutto's death could echo on Afghan mission: former diplomat
Castro: 'Not a person clinging to power'
Petraeus: U.S. must boost Iraqi services, economy
Bhutto buried beside her father as mourners promise revenge
Kenyans throw out old guard
China abandons Yangtze dam
Troops sent in to quell riots as PPP takes to the streets
Authorities point the finger at militant pro-Taliban leader
Bhutto's death leaves no obvious heir for now
Australia frees Guantanamo convict
London's Absent Dads
Beijing: Hong Kong Can Elect Its Leader
Former Yankee Leyritz arrested after car death
Wal-Mart says resolved December 26 gift card issues
U.S. stocks likely to advance in first week of New Year
2007 Cars of the Year
Stocks in focus for Monday
Beer closing in on cocktails as drink of choice
Ex-First Republic investors sue Merrill Lynch
Wal-Mart shuts online video shop
Man accused of pushing car off mountain (AP)
Thief, not Santa, found stuck in chimney (AP)
Furs found after 30 years in storage (AP)
Chihuahua helps police find suspect (AP)
Miss France keeps crown after photo controversy
Student wins lottery, leaves school
Bush's days are numbered in 'Office' calendar
Georgia brewheisters steal 2,600 cases of beer
Report: Grandma finds mouse in Christmas cracker
Google veterans leaving the nest in search of bigger jobs
Cellphone ads ring up privacy concerns
Marketers target cell phones
AOL pulls plug on Netscape Web browser
From Cellphone to Sell Phone: Can the Marketers Be Stopped?
Aspiring radio hosts need only a computer & phone
Saudi Blogger Arrested, Held Without Charges
Hackers Take Aim at Mac OS X
Record ownership for digital TVs
Length of sleep key in regulating kids' behaviours: study
Finding Alzheimer's before a mind fails
As Cuba's economy withers, its ecology thrives
Can Turning 65 Make You Healthier?
Pesticides May Up Asthma In Farm Women
Brain disease lurks in minds of most seniors
Yoga may reverse risk of heart disease
FDA warns against Chinese-made supplements
Dolly the sheep pioneer knighted
Scientist dismisses detox diets
Doctors fear rickets resurgence
Drug target to stop cancer spread
Newsmax.com - Edwards Ties Rivals to Special Interests
Newsmax.com - Huckabee on Illegal Pakistanis
Newsmax.com - Voters Still Undecided on '08 Candidates
Newsmax.com - New Poll: Obama, Huckabee Lead in Iowa
Newsmax.com - Obama: Desperation in Hillary Camp
Newsmax.com - Israel Preparing for WMD War
Newsmax.com - Bolton: U.S. Partly Responsible for Bhutto Assassination
Newsmax.com - Giuliani: I Could Lose Florida
Newsmax.com - Edwards Hits Rupert Murdoch
Newsmax.com - Missing Illinois Woman May Be Alive
Newsmax.com - Iraq Touts Gains Against Terror Group
Newsmax.com - Venezuela Launches Hostage Recovery
Newsmax.com - First Signs of Hope Appear in Iraq
Newsmax.com - Transcript of Alleged al-Qaida Intercept
Ancient Mammoth Carcass Arrives in Japan
Runway Incursion Reported at LAX
Suspected Drug Cartel Member Arrested
Azerbaijan's Leader Signs Amnesty
Trekkie Claims Auctioned Prop Was a Fake
NYPD Officer Charged With Rape
Chronology of News Events in 2007
Jena School Arson Unrelated to Race
Vermont Town Seeks Bush, Cheney Arrests
Lebanon Again Delays Presidential Vote
Virginia Tech Massacre Voted Top Story
Israelis, Palestinians Try for Peace
La. Village Drops 666 From Its Number
A Look at the Bhutto Family Dynasty
Pakistan: Bhutto Died of Skull Fracture
Iowa Could Make or Break Democrats
Will Iowa Caucuses Shake Up Republicans?
Buffett Move Boosts Guarantor Industry
U.S. Lawmakers Were to Meet With Bhutto
Clinton's Family Business Hits the Stump
Candidates Fine-Tune Campaign Pitches
Obama Jabbing From Defensive Stance
Clinton Ad Emphasizes Housing Crisis
FEMA Hires New Public Affairs Director
EPA Is to Reveal Greenhouse Gas Papers
Clinton plays to health care strength, military support in ad
Washington Murder Suspect: 'I'm Sorry They're Gone'
Woman safe following expensive search
Texas Prosecutor Apologizes for Messages to His Secretary
Oil spill's effects now 'mostly out of sight'
New York Is Said to Have Inquiry in Tankleff Case
Kwanzaa's Lights Go Dim
Transcript: President Bush's Radio Address
Bush: Congress must do more
Waitress Gets $50000 And A Buick As Posthumous Tip
Violence Reported in Kenya as Vote Count Continues
S. Africa's Zuma to face corruption trial
Mission begins to free Colombia hostages
Convicted Charity Workers Return to France From Chad
Former Guantanamo Bay Detainee Hicks Freed from Australian Jail
Japan PM says to consider cabinet reshuffle soon
Beijing Says Hong Kong Democracy Possible in 2020
Commentary: Bhutto failed to modernize Pakistan
Close to two thousand Palestinian pilgrims trapped in Egypt
France willing to aid Egypt nuke program
Pesticide Effects on Sex Last Generations in Rats | Sex & Reproduction | DISCOVER Magazine
Miners in pole position at end of volatile year - Independent Online Edition > Business News

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