"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

31 December 2007

31st December -am

click above: Ron Paul link


Late night shows return, but will the stars come out? - USATODAY.com
Benazir Bhutto's son to have 24-hour armed guard while studying at Oxford| News | This is London
Arizona firms brace for immigration sanctions law | U.S. | Reuters
Sydney kicks off global New Year celebrations
For hopeful Iraqis, New Year's parties at last | Reuters
Conroy announces mandatory internet filters to protect children - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Prominent Clinton supporter criticizes Iowa « - Blogs from CNN.com
The half ton mum: Tragic story of world's heaviest woman | the Daily Mail
Gold edges up towards record highs on Pakistan unrest, low dollar
This is showtime, folks, let's pick a president - Times Online
YouTube - Fred's Message to Iowa Voters
My Way News - McCain, Huckabee Assail Romney
Candidates Digging for a Deeper Pool of Iowa Voters - New York Times
Hillary says she risked life on White House trips -- Newsday.com
My Way News - Texting Fuels Arkansas School Panic
Bedbug epidemic attacks New York City
From the sub-prime to the ridiculous: how $100bn vanished | Business | The Guardian
Download Uproar: Record Industry Goes After Personal Use - washingtonpost.com
cbs11tv.com - Woman Escorted Off Fort Worth Transit Bus For Reading Bible Aloud
My Way News - Chelsea Clinton Guards Her Words
WorldNetDaily: Michael Savage lawsuit links CAIR to 9/11 plot
Teenage son to take on Benazir Bhutto's legacy - Times Online
Bhutto 'blocked from hiring US bodyguards' - Telegraph
Pakistanis spurn aid in Bhutto probe - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Bhutto party will take part in Pakistan election: party official - Yahoo! Singapore News
CFP: CNN and Hillary Destabilize Pakistan
DEBKAfile - Bhutto Murder Closes Anti-Terror War Cycle Bush Launched after 9/11
Effort to Block California Anti-Bias Bill - New York Times
Ex-detainee ‘linked to Al-Qaeda cleric’ - Times Online
Bill would deny ‘anchor baby’ birth certificates | EastValleyTribune.com
DEBKAfile - Osama bin Laden vows to liberate “the whole of Palestine from the river to the sea”
S.F. Zoo's history of mismanagement; morale down under new director
JBS President McManus Spreads Word in Freedom Movement
In Reaction to Bhutto Assassination, Giuliani Calls for Military Buildup
Legal analyst: In wrong hands, FBI biometric info 'can follow you forever'
Now We are Human Commodities
How to Lose Your Job on Your Own Time
Obama Admits: “They Don’t Poll Ron Paul”
Top Economist Says America Could Plunge into Recession
“Mushroom Cloud” Fred Thompson’s Message to America
McCain Wrangler Lindsey Graham Worried About Ron Paul in Iowa
“Mushroom Cloud” Fred Thompson’s Message to America
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » The Ron Paul Legacy of Freedom: How people will govern themselves
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Fox News Fascism: Ron Paul Excluded From Debates
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Winning According to Brit Google Searches
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Join the Ron Paul Revolution to Restore Health Freedom to America
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Joseph Farrah Ignores Ron Paul
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Joseph Farrah Ignores Ron Paul
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Ron Paul on Bhutto and Pakistan
TruthNews.us » Blog Archive » Neocon Warmonger Complains About BBC Endorsement of Ron Paul
Irish Stock Market Crash and Global Depression
Super Digital Cameras Snoop Drivers in Britain
Huckabee Exposed as New World Order Puppet
“Global Democracy,” Neocon Style
Gas Prices Ready to Go Through the Roof
Airport profilers: They’re watching your expressions
Colorado Cops and Firefighters Not Doing Enough to Fight Terror
Pilot Complains About Worthless TSA Procedures
King George Continues to Defy Congress and the People
It Can’t Happen Here… Why Not?
Clueless Congress Critter: Redeploy Troops to Pakistan
Anglo-American Ambitions behind the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the Destabilization of Pakistan
Creeping Fascism: History’s Lessons
ISI Main Suspect In Bhutto Killing
Japanese Government to Censor Internet
Bhutto Assassination Video Trojan Surfaces
Shameless Selectee Huckabee Exploits Bhutto Assassination
Bhutto: Hold Musharraf “Responsible” for Her Assassination
Did Pakistan’s ISI Kill Benazir Bhutto?
Al-CIA-Duh Claims Responsibility for Murder of Benazir Bhutto
Your Private E-mail Messages and You
Are You Scheduled for Political-Termination? HR 1955 & S.1959
United Nations Propaganda Comic Book Designed to Brainwash Kids
CFR Favored Bhutto
Mexico to Microchip Central American Migrants
Bank Predicts Ron Paul Win, U.S. Depression
Daily Kos and Huffington Post Connive to Slander Ron Paul as Racist
Operation FALCON: Police State America in Real Time
US Police Slogan: Go Out, Cause PTSD
NORTHCOM: Constitution Not Important
Indications terror network sending cells to Jewish state using foreign passports
WorldNetDaily: Droopy pants at mall leads to family jailed
Palestinian official claimed group would willingly disband
Exclusive: Chuck Norris nails biggest risk to Americans with 2 million deaths per year
Police battle rioters who charge president stole his way to re-election
Officials say notes can be serious or silly, public can sign up online
Talker amends lawsuit against organizer of Muslim boycott to include RICO charges
Outbreaks spread panic in some of city's richest neighborhoods
Unable to go 'further in a church that continued in a false gospel'
Small clinic matches infertile couples with local women
Arizona senator finds himself on top for 1st time, Huckabee, Giuliani close
NYC mayor's advisers quietly canvassing potential campaign consultants
Only 300,000 expected to participate in Iowa Caucuses
Iowa 'is going to make or break 3/4 of all the candidates'
'I hope we answer the alarm clock and take this nation back for Christ'
AP says she 'utters not a single sentence and doesn't even say hello'
Exclusive: Michael Ackley lists qualifications he expects from new U.S. leader
Endorsement sparks 66 percent surge in posts about candidate
Peppered by questions over issue of illegal immigration
Released images show man firing point-blank from only feet away
Following unrest triggered by Bhutto's assassination last week
Chief: 'It was a tremendous effort, they were really brave boys who killed her'
Commission meets today to consider postponing election for several weeks
Unassuming Oliver North called 'truly a class act'
Says losses from housing recession could triple over next several years
Dozen deputies called in to secure dangerous thief
Estimated 24.5 inches blankets Oshkosh this December
Winter fun in Oregon turns deadly
Take astounding precaution after mother, sibling die of cancer
Announcement 2 days after receiving 2nd delivery of fuel from Russia
Zoo personnel told police men reporting escaped cat might be mentally disturbed
'It could start off with how babies are made and progress from there'
'Too many bishops are not taking this seriously'
'No intention of ordering local bishops to bring in garrisons of exorcists'
County had told 2 groups to buy 2.5 acres or stop their meetings
Challenge claimed petition signers' names improperly rejected by state
Brief seeks conclusion to decades-long dispute over Mt. Soledad memorial
'I got kind of allergic to pistols being held to my forehead'
Mint to spend year moving motto from edges back to prominence
'Fewer than half of Chinese Christians own God's Word; demand overwhelming'
'We cannot let other religions use it, because it will confuse people'
State attorney general says transfer plans fall within guidelines
'The majority of Chinese think the Olympics is bigger than human rights'
Remains of child discovered in luggage under dead woman's bed
Woman whacks boyfriend in face when he wanted canine to bathe with them
Stiffed client: 'She played with my life for almost a year and a half'
Passengers escape injuries, captain orders 'free drinks on the house'
Cops pull over newlyweds for going twice speed limit
'When we throw something away, what does 'away' mean?'
Laws vary across America ever since Prohibition repealed
Exclusive: Carey Roberts shares startling facts on Hillary's embrace of radical gender ideology
Exclusive: Joseph Farah dubs diehard Marxist activist a genius at selfish manipulation
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson expects election to impact balance between good, evil
Exclusive: Joseph Farah gives thanks to God, contributors for WND's enduring success
Exclusive: Doug Powers predicts series of future U.S. events, humorous developments
Exclusive: Joe Kovacs remembers lovesick 'astronut,' beauty pageant meltdown
Exclusive: Vox Day reviews Jonah Goldberg's forthcoming, contentious book
Exclusive: Craig R. Smith shares essay on reason for embracing holiday greeting
Exclusive: Ellen Ratner dubs former Pakistani prime minister 'metaphor for civilization'
Zachary Karabell: Is separation of church and state a myth in America?
Peter Hitchins: University is being asked to accept Islamic call to prayer
Says losses from housing recession could triple over next several years
Problems with credit, housing, financial sector likely to keep nerves on edge
'There will be cash flows that come in right at the beginning of the year'
Soviets' last great secret said to be miraculous treatment
Expected canal revenues to reach $4.6 billion, highest ever
'Now is a time where we can all get together, get on the same page'
Rock groups consider posting new music online without usual help
Record industry goes after personal use
14-year-old daughter Jessica already putting pressure to revisit character
'As long as there's something to be done, the French will do it'
New Phantom coupe makes its mark on forecourt
'Our clients [include] people who have acquired a lot of money very quickly'
'The theft of timber is a criminal issue and should be prosecuted as such'
Huckabee, Obama On "Meet The Press"
Thompson On "Fox News Sunday"
Clinton, Thompson On "Late Edition"
David Yepsen On "Reliable Sources"
White House Press Conf. On Defense Spending
John Edwards On "Political Capital"
Breaking Down The Closing Arguments
Clinton's First Interview About Bhutto
McCain On "Hannity & Colmes"
Ron Paul In "The Situation Room"
Giuliani, Romney, Thompson On "Hannity & Colmes"
Edwards, Giuliani, Obama On "Larry King Live"
Duncan Hunter In "The Situation Room"
Huckabee In "The Situation Room"
Democrats Make Case for Change
Do Dems Want a Divider?
McCain's Old Magic, With a New Twist
Thompson, McCain, Giuliani and Paul Battle for 3rd
What's the Matter With Iowa?
A Blueprint for Homeland Security
The GOP & the Conservative Base
Hillary Now Dependent on Husband for Win
A Primer on Momentum, Part 2
Huckabee on Foreign Policy, Leadership & Romney
Only McCain and Giuliani Are Qualified
Michelle Obama: First Lady in Waiting
Pitching Populism in the Heartland
So Much Good Economic News, So Little Cheer
Bhutto Killing Caps West's Year of Failure
Year of Wonders: Petraeus on Iraq Progress
The Office Pool, 2008
Daily '08
General Petraeus: Man with a Message of Hope
'08: President Clinton, Google Grows, $100 Oil, but No US Recession
Rotate Regional Primaries
Survival of the Earmarks
Bloomberg Moves Closer To Running For President
Romney Claws Back in Iowa Polls
Obama Makes Run to Middle
Huckabee, Romney Make Sunday Push for Evangelicals
A Conversation with Sally Bedell Smith
Romney: "Everywhere"
Edwards' Townhall In Boone, Iowa
Dodd Rallies Supporters
Huckabee's Morning Media
Giuliani Slipping In New Hampshire?
McCain's "Momentum" Web Video
Edwards Talks To Candy Crowley
Fred's Message to Iowa Voters
Edwards On "Face The Nation"
McCain On "This Week"
Clinton On "This Week"
Obama On "Meet The Press"
Thompson On "Fox News Sunday"
Huckabee On "Meet The Press"
Congressman Murphy For Dodd
McCain: "Respect"
Huckabee On "Today"
Carl Cameron Explains The Caucuses
Richardson Says 2013 Is Too Long
Huckabee Leadership Checks In
Romney: "Permanently"
Obama: "Interest"
Giuliani On "Hardball"
Trust Huckabee: "Who Can You Trust?"
The Straight Media vs. Ron Paul
Kristol Clear
The State's Language of Menace
Holy Treason
In Defense of Ron Paul's Earmarks
Dear Ron:
An Open Letter to Left-Libertarians
Ron Paul Is Right About Pakistan
The Church of Keynes
Establishment Libertarianism
Where Is the Schmaltz of Yesteryear?
U.S. Democrats try various styles, and pronouns
Israeli army faces new challenges in training officers
Jail protests by militants win privileges
Pakistan to delay elections
At least 94 killed in Kenya election protests
At least 16 dead in attacks in Iraq
Australia, Asia welcome in 2008
2008 presidential hopefuls offer last pitches for Iowa
Pakistan elections set for weeks-long delay
CDC seeks fliers exposed to drug-resistant TB
Violence follows re-election of Kenya's president
Scores dead in Kenyan clashes
Existing home sales rose last month
N. Korea likely to miss end-of-year deadline
Video Spurns New Doubts Over Bhutto Murder
Huckabee, Romney, Rivals Clash In Iowa
'07 U.S. Troops' Deadliest Year In Iraq
Where's The Change, Ask Venezuelans
Clinton leads in Iowa but Edwards gains
Colombia rebels keep hostages and Chavez waiting
Video games make history in 2007
Protest by stranded Gaza pilgrims
UN to begin Darfur peace mission
Blast in Afghanistan kills Canadian soldier, injures 4
Ex-Daewoo tycoon among 75 pardoned in South Korea
Taliban highway ambush leaves 8 dead
Iraqi security forces on alert on 1st anniversary of Saddam's execution
Stranded hajj pilgrims protest in Egypt
Some fear smoking ban slices soul of French cafes
Civility abandoned as negative campaigning works
New Bin Laden tape warns Sunnis against working with US
Bin Laden To Sunnis: Don't Fight Al Qaeda
Abbas to urge Hamas to accept early elections
Mogadishu violence kills 6,500 in '07: rights group
Shared mission for the Edwardses
Head-on collision in Ohio kills 5
55-year-old orangutan dies in Miami zoo
Some aid for I-35W bridge-collapse victims stalled
Now rain might save Atlanta from record
Memo: FEMA Katrina recovery head to retire
Ariz. truck search reveals 37 suspected illegal immigrants
Rash Of Racial Killings In Gangland
4 Die In Fiery "Mud-Bogging" Accident
Lost Diamond Ring Turns Up In Fudge
The Frequent Flier Fanatics
Visiting The Psychic Capital Of The World
Giuliani cuts a different path in White House race
Guantanamo prisoner dies of cancer: U.S.
U.S. court overturns $156 million award in terror case
Warren Buffett, investor on a hot streak, makes more deals
Web worlds for the grammar-school set
Individual privacy under threat in Europe and U.S., report says
EBay takes on Craigslist in classifieds
Merrill in talks to sell another big stake
Oil set to end a record-breaking year
Ask an Expert: Big trends in small business
Who created the mortgage mess? Take your pick
The ads of 2007: From ad-mirable to ad-dlebrained
Google, IBM deals in news, but sector's shares slip
Wachovia may face new mortgage write-downs
Island nations to join eurozone
Hundreds stung by jellyfish in Brazil (AP)
Times Square confetti to carry messages (AP)
Police: Stolen GPS unit leads to arrest (AP)
Bush's days are numbered in 'Office' calendar
Man leaves $50,000, car to waitress
"Holy smoke" in nunnery tops 2007 weird news
Mobile phone operators merging networks
Space shots: New worlds
Record number of data breaches in 2007
Marketers target cell phones
Should Web Giants Let Startups Use the Information They Have About You?
Ancient Baby Mammoth Lands in Japan
Extreme Weather Is the Norm in 2007
Get ready for a rocking '08 in networking tech
New security rules for batteries on planes
Web swap program turns trash into treasure
Internet opens elite college materials to all
Chance of asteroid hitting Mars increases to 4%
Vonage and Nortel settle patent dispute
PC World: Latest Technology News
PC World - Technology Advice You Can Trust
US Bans Spare Lithium Batteries from Checked Bags
Philips to Unveil 52-inch Multi-Touch LCD at CES
Searching for similar diagnosis through DNA
Finding Alzheimer's before a mind fails
U.S. hospitals chase a nuclear tool to fight cancer
On the ground and in the water, tracing a giant wave's path
As Cuba's economy withers, its ecology thrives
Breast CT scan faster, more effective than mammogram: study
Triglyceride blood fat levels linked to stroke: study
Restaurant chain set to reduce trans fats
Sperm power could drive nano-scale robots
Giving birth outsourced to India
Should officials force care on mentally ill?
7 simple diet fixes for the new year
Bird flu still a threat 10 years after leap to humans
Aspirin could hinder prostate cancer therapy
The Debate On California's Pot Shops
Bush Extends Children's Health Program
Honey Making A Medical Comeback
Small Dairy's Milk Likely Caused 2 Deaths
Alcohol warnings before New Year
Thousands to try to quit smoking
NHS e-records launched
Waits for hearing aids 'too long'
Call for UK ban on fake-nail glue
Bhutto Killing Points To Pakistani ISI
New Super Cameras To Snoop On Drivers
Sudanese Central Bank Switches To Euro
Individual Privacy Under Threat
CNN Video Report On Mexican Biochips
Police anger at Commons march 'ban' | Politics | The Observer
Police In Thought Pursuit
Canada better than U.S., U.K. at protecting citizens' privacy: study
Fed Increases Lending To Banks
UN To Team Up With Marvel Comics
Al-Qaeda Denies Bhutto Assassination
Police Abandoned Posts Prior To Bhutto Killing
Iraq official: 75% of al-Qaeda network gone - USATODAY.com
Cities Enticing Residents To Go Green
First Israeli DNA Database Underway
New Fake Bin Laden Tape To Be Released
FBI Mug Shots To Hit Digital Billboards
Top Economist Says America Could Plunge into Recession
China Buys Wall Street
INFORMATION WARFARE: Chinese Thought Police Gone Wild
Raiding The Enemy's Mind
Army's high-tech future is near
CIA-ISI Created “Qaeda Network” Blamed for Pakistan Troubles
Bhutto email named killers weeks before assassination
Pakistan at Standstill as Discord and Unrest Grow
Snorting a Brain Chemical Could Replace Sleep
Robot Surgeons Closer Than You Think
VIDEO: Bhutto said Omar Sheikh murdered Osama bin Laden
CFR: Turning Water into Gold
Flu Shots Allow Practice Drills
America faces a diplomatic penalty as the dollar dwindles
Giuliani helped sell Oxycontin safety
Wars Cost $15 Billion a Month, GOP Senator Says
Militirization Of Schools Draw Critics
informationliberation - The Root of the Problem
informationliberation - The Responsibilty for War
informationliberation - Alan Watt: Reality Check
Alan Watt /Knowledge Fights Fear in the Coming New Year - Dec25 2007 /audio
informationliberation - 'You Haven't Done Nothing'
informationliberation - We Are All Prisoners Now
informationliberation - Book argues that Bell stole phone idea
informationliberation - Little Man vs Big Machine
Tens Of Millions Of Birds Disappearing
TV News Report On Danger Of Fluoride
Heroic Orthodox Jews Demonstrate Against Zionism
Saddam's Great Achievements & Legacy
The Truth About Saddam - Part 2
The Truth About Saddam - Part 3
Israeli Helicopters Attack Civilians
Misunderstanding The Depravity Of George Bush
FAA Withholds Pre-9/11 ID Confirming Aircraft Serial Number Data Of 9/11 Planes | 911Blogger.com
Moscow News - World - Gorbachev Worries About Missile Plan
Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2007 | Judicial Watch
Citizen 'Army' Needed To Monitor Iowa Voting
YouTube - RON PAULITICS: Fox News Judge Napolitano Endorses Ron Paul
OpinionJournal - Cross Country
WorldNetDaily: Ron Paul excluded from debate? Not exactly
The Media Hounds Unleashed on Ron Paul -- How the CIA Will Use Liberals to Destroy the Anti-Empire Candidate
Liberty Line (In The Sand): Will There Be a Run on NewsCorp (NWS) Holdings?
Urban wireless to serve intel and PSYOP forces « parallelnormal
Why The Bankers Love The Left
Bhutto broke her agreement with the CIA, she wanted to talk with the Islamists
Best Motive In Bhutto
Anglo-American Ambitions behind the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the Destabilization of Pakistan
Bhutto No Ghandi - Made For TV Martyrdom
Bhutto Wanted Ties With Israel, Mossad Protection
The Idiocy Of Accepting Second Best
Mars Rover Sundials - A Quick Survey On Observation
NY TV Reporter Assaults 911 Victim Family Member
Pot Beats Corn, Wheat Combined As Top US Cash Crop
Walt Disney & The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
American Intifada Or Democratic Revolution?
Michael Cutler -- Flim-Flam Huckabee
Greg Evensen -- The Clock is Ticking on America's Last Year of Freedom
Sharon Hughes -- Jews Who Speak Up for Christmas
No Place In Iraq Is Safe, Admits US Military
Pakistan Polls Set for Delay - New York Times
Sudan's Central Bank opts for euro
Dollar Posts Biggest Decline Versus Euro Since 2006 on Housing
LiveScience.com Blogs » Blog Archive » Odd Event in Earth Orbit: Space Objects Collide?
Electric Universe Continues to "Baffle" Astronomers
Comment is free: Down the rabbit hole
The Consortiumnews.com
Honey And Healing
Ron Paul Is Correct About 'Not So Honest' Abe Lincoln
A Case for Mistaken Identity
» VIDEO: Pop Mec Test Drives Electric Car
Privacy rights 'fragile' in 2007
Driver fined for leaving engine running as car defrosted outside his home
Oil falls but heads toward biggest gain in decade | Markets | Hot Stocks | Reuters
Coming Soon -- Microwave Gun That Can Destroy Your Car From 600 Feet Away
Rockefellers "Joked" About Controlling The World
Gun Owners Group Condemns "Treacherous" Passage Of Anti-Second Amendment Legislation
DHS Finalizing Spy Satellite Program To Watch Americans Without Congressional Oversight
Karl Rove Worried About Ron Paul "Momentum"
Opposition leader's assassination 'moves us closer' to potential nuclear apocalypse, expert says
Gore Vidal On Ron Paul
Panel Prepares to Target Bogus "Homegrown Terror"
U.S. and Britain: "Endemic Surveillance Societies"
Code Pink's Benjamin Gets in FBI's Face Over "Criminal Database"
Feds won't enforce rule on firing illegal immigrants | ajc.com
Illegal immigrant's message to other wannabe workers: Stay put
No evidence of Iran smuggling weapons for Taliban: ISAF
China, India building trust in first joint military exercises: official
Japan Test Fires Its First Raytheon-Built Standard Missile-3
Population, Religion and Sex Education
Paul, Texas may be factors in GOP race
VOA News - CIA Says It Cooperated With 9-11 Commission
Giuliani faces 9/11 backlash - Los Angeles Times
American Conservative Cover Portrays Rudy Giuliani as Fascist
Report: Prisoner swap deal for Shalit to be set in next 2 weeks - Haaretz
Syria: Our Ties With France Are Strong - Jerusalem Post
Israel gets warned: Al-Qaida coming! - Indications terror network sending cells to Jewish state using foreign passports - WND
Warning: Al-Qaeda planning attacks on Israeli targets in Turkey - Ynet
Study: Number of Palestinians killed by IDF dropped 43% in '07 - Haaretz
Fatah's armed wing, the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, on Sunday called for the murder of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salaam Fayad for "collaboration" with Israel and the US - J'lem Post
Syrian-run media calls on U.S. to launch direct dialogue promptly - Haaretz
Activist Fights For Unborn 'Persons' - Washington Times
Gold heads for largest yearly rise in 3 decades - Reuters
Pakistan: Opposition Parties Vow to Proceed With January 8 Elections - NY Times
Oil above $96, eyes biggest gain this decade - Reuters
Taliban Kill 23 Afghan Police, Soldiers in attack - Fox
U.S. to stop hiding 'God' from face of dollar coins: Mint to spend year moving motto from edges back to prominence - WND
Huckabee Stands by 'Christ' Comment - AP
Poll Shocker: Edwards Now Leads in Iowa - NewsMax
‘Peaceful borders’ dangerous: Israel's so-called peaceful borders in fact constitute grave threat to their future - Ynet
U.S. Market Serving as Magnet to Israeli Companies - Ynet
Pakistan: Long-Term Instability? - Christine Fair
Demagoging Pakistan's Crisis - Washington Times
A Mixed Review For '07 - Suzanne Fields
How Bhutto Won Washington - Elisabeth Bumiller
Fallen in The Line of Duty, 2007 - Washington Times
December 31: A Fresh Encounter With God - Charles Stanley
December 31: Yesterday - Oswald Chambers
December 31: Waiting For Resurrection - Streams in the Desert
Huckabee: Romney running 'dishonest' campaign
2000 travelers stranded in Colorado
Wicker Named to Replace Mississippi's Lott in Senate (Update1)
Barbour Expected To Name Wicker As Lott Replacement
Monday's Top Political Blogs
Bloomberg to attend '08 campaign "unity" talks
Five From Md. Family Dead in Ohio Crash
Transportation commissioner Ric Williamson dies
Fred Thompson says he's not running to satisfy personal ambition
Transcript: Fred Thompson on 'FOX News Sunday'
Firefighter killed in crash on his way to work
Nonja The Orangutan Died Of A Brain Hemorrhage
Hours after carjacking, police find Perata's vehicle
Knoxville police kill suspect in fatal shooting at Hooters
Arson suspected in Oak Forest blaze
Former Indiana governor on ship that hits glacier
Advocates hope for tougher laws on animal abuse
The Associated Press: Advocates Hope for Animal Abuse Laws
Search Helicopter Crash Kills 3 in Ala.
Indicted NC legislator hires attorney
Man charged with raping girl smuggled into United States
Deadly Rioting Over Kenyan Election Results
Politics, tribalism volatile mix in Kenya
Pakistan's Political Turmoil
Candidates hustle to show their Pakistan 101 skills
Joint AU, UN Peacekeeping Force Takes Over in Darfur
Frustration grows as Colombia hostage deal put off
Abbas govt says thwarts Hamas suicide attack
Number of Israeli-Palestinian fatalities dropped in 2007, says report
Asia kicks off global New Year party
Bin Laden warns Sunni Arabs in Iraq to back Al Qaeda
Sri Lanka To Kill LTTE Chief In 6 Months
Some Iraqis Mark Anniversary of Saddam Execution
Police 'prevented Bhutto autopsy'
Cruise bug claims 80 victims
Camilla’s ‘cursed’ cruise ship is struck by winter sickness bug
UK drug firms told to hand over files in Iraq investigation
Nepal's Former Maoist Rebels Rejoin Government
Nepal's Maoist former rebel ministers take office
US December death toll in Iraq second-lowest of war
France ends contact with Syria over Lebanese presidential election
23 Police Officers, Afghan Soldiers Killed in Attacks
Three die as trucks drive into inferno
Bhutan Steps Toward Democracy with Vote for National Council

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