"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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24 December 2007

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! - 24 December


frosty the snowman

Iran to seek bids for 19 atomic power plants: MP | Reuters
'This isn't the country I grew up in. No one speaks a word of English these days,' says Dame Shirley Bassey | the Daily Mail
abc7chicago.com: Driver charged after crashing into ABC7 studio 12/24/07
Can GPS system track my dog? Putin asks - Yahoo! News
Crisis may make 1929 look a 'walk in the park' - Telegraph
Israel okays short-range missile defence shield: army radio
Illegal immigrants "self deport" as woes mount - Yahoo! News
Apple to launch iPod with automatic volume control that can protect your hearing | the Daily Mail
Fathers Christ-mashed | The Sun |HomePage|News
Aliya to Israel drops to 20-year low | Jerusalem Post
WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News: Police Begin Fingerprinting on Traffic Stops
Some voters don't have to wait for election year - USATODAY.com
My Way News - Mike Huckabee Another Bill Clinton?
'Israel could survive nuclear war' | Jerusalem Post
Ron Paul won't rule out third-party run - Daniel W. Reilly - Politico.com
Subdued GOP activity in Iowa reflects uncertainty - USATODAY.com
Giuliani Hits a Rocky Stretch as Voting Approaches - New York Times
My Way News - Paper Gives 'Anti-Endorsement' to Romney
Early odds in U.S. presidential race - International Herald Tribune
Huckabee campaigning for 23% sales tax - Los Angeles Times
My Way News - Paul Defends Asking for Special Projects
My Way News - Bethlehem Celebrates Christmas
Elect me and oil prices instantly drop, says Hillary Clinton in Iowa
Remembering Harry Elmer Barnes
Ron Paul, Murray Rothbard, and the Kids
Ron Paul and 'That' $500 Donation
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace
The Cancer Drug
Abandon Congress
The Hopelessness of Neil Cavuto
Is Santa Running a Sweatshop?
British Revolution
Running for Tyrant
A Roman Senator's Opulent Townhouse
Is It Really Hatshepsut?
Why the Counterculture Should Support Ron Paul
Want Free Financial Markets?
Ron Paul and the Fed
Are Conservatives Aliens?
Nonintervention: The Original Foreign Policy
Rep. Ron Paul on War, Peace, and the News Media
The Iraq War Funding Bill
The Scandal at Walter Reed
The Neoconservative Empire
3000 American Deaths in Iraq
My Years With Alan Greenspan
The Gold Standard: An Austrian Perspective
Gold or Tyranny
The Trouble With Washington
ReviewJournal.com - Opinion - EDITORIAL: High noon in the living room
Puerto Rico accepts camera surveillance, Florida approaches it cautiously -- OrlandoSentinel.com
GE Capital to acquire most of Merrill Lynch Capital - MarketWatch
Record Smoking Ban Complaints Lead To Increased Fines - Health News Story - WEWS Cleveland
The Raw Story | Congressman and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul warns of 'soft fascism'
Peter Wehner - Huckabee's Co-Pilot - washingtonpost.com
Is Google Dropping Conservative Sites They Disagree With?
The Raw Story | New Hampshire newspaper issues Mitt Romney 'anti-endorsement'
The Raw Story | Giuliani: It was 'impossible' for the 9/11 firefighters to have working radios
It’s a photo finish in N.H. - BostonHerald.com
Romney Strategy in Peril With Huckabee's Ascent - washingtonpost.com
Union Leader - NH Presidential Primary
Smoking Ban Complaints Lead To More Fines
Putin: Can GPS System Track My Dog?
Passport Law Delayed Until 2009
Homeland Security Interfering With Farmers
Angry Populace Destroying British Cameras
Dog & Taser Used On Man Hiding In Closet
FBI To Auction Off Stolen Liberty Dollars
Kissinger Endorses McCain
NYC's Total Snoop Grid Moving Forward
France fears arrival of cigarette-smoking ban - Telegraph
Britain Set To Release Secret UFO Files
Wisconsin Police Requiring Thumbprints
My Way News - Unpaid Credit Cards Bedevil Americans
NYPD Moves Ahead With Plate Scanners
Japanese Defense Gets Ready For Alien Attack
Ron Paul Says He Would Eliminate Income Tax
Ron Paul Sparks A Movement
As Primaries Begin, the FEC Will Shut Down - washingtonpost.com
Report: CIA Obstructed 9/11 Investigators
Video: Ron Paul On Meet The Press
Italian Says 9/11 Solved
Chocolate Makers Considered Price Fixing
U.S. Military Deaths Approach 4,000 In Iraq
Turkey Bombs Kurds Again
Police Confiscate 55 Vehicles At Checkpoint
Hoover Planned Mass Jailing In 1950
Californians Back $2 Hike In Ciagarette TAx
Former PM Blair Converts To Catholicism
NYPD Going Green On Electric Scooters
For Some Flouridated Water Hard To Swallow
Belgium Releases 14 Terror Suspects
FBI Aims For World's Largest Biometrics Database
DHS Developing X-Ray Snoop Device
CBN Report On The Ron Paul Revolution
No Trial, No Conviction: FBI Steals Millions of Dollars Worth of Gold
GAO Says Government Failed Yet Another Financial Audit
Saudi's Biggest Group Of Al-CIAda Fighters
Scientist who claimed GM crops could solve Third World hunger admits he got it wrong
Lab comes one step closer to building artificial human brain
Anti-dollar clerics lobby the Saudi oil minister
DHS finalizing plans to turn spy satellites on Americans
Commercial brain computer systems are coming
NSA Gets Real Time Access to Your Email
Phone and Email Data-Mining Used in War on Drugs, Too
NORTHCOM Cementing Unified Response Network
Putin Secures New Gas Pipeline, Undermining U.S. Plan
Blair called for BAE inquiry to be halted
Iran, Russia discuss defense ties
Clinton: One last stop before Christmas
In Iowa, women cool to Hillary
Archdiocese of Cincinnati turns to online collection baskets
Fake Christmas tree sparks fire; destroys house
Fake Lottery Win Brings Good Luck to Single Mom
Southwest free flights for more than 170 Texas troops
Open government
Funeral For Western Maryland Police Officer...
OSHA investigates fire at central Illinois Caterpillar factory
Coast Guard Suspends Search for Two Missing Crew Members
Priest reinstated in Lexington
Yonkers man killed in NYC drive-by shooting
Extradition Hearing Today For Man Accused In Brooklyn Mom Shooting
Bush Calls 10 Overseas Troops on Christmas Eve
A Victory for Thailand's Ex-Leader
At Least 5 Killed in Egyptian Building Collapse
Israeli, Palestinian talks to resume amid disputes
Modi well-placed to realise dreams of Golden Gujarat
Uzbekistan Re-elects Its President
Uzbek leader gears up for long rule after election
Holiday gloom as more flights axed
US aid 'diverted' in Pakistan
End of Nepal monarchy - or trouble?
Opposition Leaders Target Musharraf During Campaign
South Africa's Mbeki says no internal ANC war, but new party ...
Pilgrims flock to most peaceful Bethlehem in years
Police fire tear gas as Kenya election campaigns end
Saudi Arabia Arrests 28 Al-Qaida Suspects for Attack Plot
Bangladesh launches hunt for stolen antiques
30 killed in gunbattle in Lanka
New 'coup plot' claim in Georgia
Spain's troops in Afghanistan as long as needed: minister
Ron Paul Shines on Meet the Press
Ron Paul Tied for Third in Iowa
NORTHCOM: Constitution Not Important
Edgar J. Hoover Planned Mass Jailing in 1950
China clinic gives 'web addicts' shock treatment
Israel to have access to U.S. National Ballistic Missile Defense System
History Channel Admits WTC Tower Fell At Freefall Speed
Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God
FBI Now Admits Evidence Used to Connect Oswald to Kennedy Assasination Was Bogus
Non Peak Oil Update
Secret Air War in Afghanistan
Ministry of Homeland Security Program Indoctrinates the “9/11 Generation”
Former Italian President: 9/11 Op Run by CIA and Mossad
Santa Delivers 37,000+ Copies of Constitution to Bush
Enter The Modification Matrix
What Is Fascism?
Ad for implanted RFID chip
Hoover’s Memo on Mass Detentions
Radio host gunned down in Christmas Eve
TSA is as unpopular as the IRS
Borg Look and Feel “Wearable Computers”
Little Manchurian Candidates
The “North American Consciousness” and “European Identity”
Evidence of NSA Hacking Your Computer
Converting Airports to Gestapo Zones Does Not Make Flying Safer
American Conservative Cover Portrays Rudy Giuliani as Fascist
New York’s Total Snoop Grid Moving Forward
Pew: Nearly Fifty Percent of Americans Buy Into Neocon Mass Murder Campaign
Chertoff Attacks Bill of Rights
GOP Contest Heats Up in New Hampshire
Romney's Nomination Strategy in Peril
In Season of Love, Dems Keep Shoving
Huckabee Runs as GOP Rebel
Huck's Campaign Makes This Evangelical Queasy
State of the Unions
Can Anyone Win This Thing?
Clinton, Obama Are Odds-on Picks for Presidency
Caucus No Predictor in Primary to Follow
Subverting Bush at Langley
America's Fear of Global Treaties Must Stop
Our Misery is Gore Crowd's Happiness
The Plight of Bethlehem
The Stable Door is Open. Anyone Can Come in
Christ and the Grand Inquisitor
The Greatest Gift: Our Troops & Their Families
On This Night, a Comforting Message
Paul on MTP
Rudy on This Week
Ditch the Christmas Scramble and Give Memories
Living Within The Truth
Let the Fed Clean House
Heads in the Sand on Iraq Progress
During Recess, Democrats Push Back
Victorious Dems' Big Ideas Yielded Small Results
U.S. Officials See Waste in Pakistan Aid
In District 22 Race, Candidates' Roots at Issue
General Petraeus On "Fox News Sunday"
In Iowa, Bill stays on message
D.C. social scene re-created in Iowa
Obama echoes legendary populist Wallace
Politico's populist pop quiz
Romney knows bupkis
Obama questions Edwards' toughness
Rush responds to Huck peace offering
Huckabee runs as GOP rebel
Bill hits trail hard for Hillary
Calif. to host 'Super Tuesday' debates
Giuliani: His shifting stances leave some voters confused about his political philosophy
Clinton, Obama continue their duel
Two Democrats claim high road on lobbying
Rights vs. security: Candidates take stance
The campaign before Christmas
Tancredo backed Romney to buck Huckabee
Huckabee defends religious tone in commercial
Not being an insider to Washington might be asset, Giuliani says
In shifting race, Edwards aims for the gut
The GOP's Immigration Opportunity
Did The "Do-Something" Congress Deliver?
Obama: I Am The More Electable Democrat
Ron Paul Rising
How Bad Is The Zionist Influence In America?
Lies, Injustice And The Capitalist Way
Chicago Business News, Analysis & Articles | Big retailers shelving plans to add area stores | Crain's
My Way News - Producers Favor Tracking Cloned Animals
And Days Of Auld Lang Syne
Chrysler CEO tells of financial woe 4 months after buyout - Dec. 21, 2007
Ex-CIA official: Israel will attack Iran on its own | Jerusalem Post
22. Pesticide Effects on Sex Last Generations in Rats | Sex & Reproduction | DISCOVER Magazine
Israel unveils settlement plans on peace talks eve | Reuters
Will Smith: My Work Ethic Will Make Me A Legend - The Daily Record
Russert's Disgusting Affront To Ron Paul
Ron Paul will win by a landslide
Tony Blair converts to Catholicism - as immigration means Britain is now a Catholic country | the Daily Mail
The new world order that threatens Uncle Sam | Comment | The Observer
LA Or Mexico? Third World Trashing America
Estimating Ron Paul's Support
Carey Roberts --Hillary Clinton, Cultural Marxist
German WWI Naval Raiders
Exposed: The Diana inquiry cop who was on £1,000 a day| News | This is London
Think Progress » Huckabee: ‘If Anything,’ We Treat Inmates At Guantanamo Bay ‘Too Nice’
BBC NEWS | Business | Blair 'fears' on Saudi arms probe
Death of the Dollar - Part One
Death of the Dollar - Part Two ...
David Icke returns to News for the Soul
The Canadian National Newspaper: Famed NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are here
» Privacy Fast Becoming Obsolete
» NSA Controls SSL Email Hosting Services
» Giuliani Secrecy
» Congress begins reversing secrecy
» VIDEO: Thousands surrendered but still killed by US
» Torture, interrogation and intelligence
» History of Presidential Drug & Alcohol Abuse
» IPCC Menezes decision a ’scandal’
» Police officers cleared in De Menezes case
» VIDEO: How many times can you vote?
» History of Presidential Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Achtung! Der Lightbulb Police Haff Spoken!
The True Cost of Illegal Immigration
Whining All the Way to the Bank
Welcome to CareerTV - Careers Brought To Life
The Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007 | LaRouche Political Action Committee
Signers of the Homeowner and Bank Protection Act Petition | LaRouche Political Action Committee
Part One: James Fenimore Cooper
Part Two: The Patriot File, Unearthed
Part Three: Rediscovering Mathew Carey
Part Four: John Quincy Adams Battles For the American System
Part Five: Lafayette's Visit to the United States, 1824-1825
Part Six: Andrew Jackson as A Treason Project
Jeff Steinberg's Weekly Political Overview
"Monoline' Insurers" Default May be Imminent
California "Tent City"-- First Bushville in the Nation
Japan to End "Firewalls" Amidst Financial Crisis
Imperial Bankers: Will They Bring the World Down With Them?
Blair Caught in New Devastating BAE Revelations
British Pound Crash Could Finish Brown--As LaRouche Warned
UPDATE: The Thug Life of Wikipediphilia
pdf /The End of Our Delusion!
The Devil in Your Laptop 1
The Devil in Your Laptop 2

John Lennon - "Happy Xmas"

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