- 10 things the media don’t want to discover about Sandy Hook « Jon Rappoport's Blog
- Are we all living inside a virtual simulation? « Jon Rappoport's Blog
- OpEdNews - Article: Down and Dirty- The Republican Assault on Our Postal Service
- Super Bowl 2013 Recap: The Illuminati Agenda Continues - The Vigilant Citizen - The Vigilant Citizen
- Study Finds 80% of All Antibiotics in US Used for Big-Ag | Common Dreams
- Former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps - C-SPAN Video Library
- Toxic Light - The Dark Side of Energy Saving Bulbs - YouTube
- Judge Napolitano Tears Into Obama Drone Policy: 'Very Dangerous Stuff ' - YouTube
- Exclusive: U.N.'s Drone Investigator Backs Brennan for Top CIA Job | Danger Room | Wired.com
- Facebook developing app that will track your every move ¿ even when it¿s turned off | Mail Online
- Electronic Product Magazine - Component and Technology News
- PressTV - US silences national witness who debunked official 9/11 report
- Sandy Hook DA cites 'potential suspects,' fears witness safety
- Caught on Camera: Joe Biden admits gun control will not stop mass shootings or save lives - YouTube
- MI5 to install 'black box' spy devices to monitor UK internet traffic | Mail Online
- Messier 106: Four-Armed Galaxy Dazzles In New Hubble PHOTO
- Largest Prime Number Known Is 17-Million Digits Long, Mathematician Says
- Avoid the Flu With Traditional Chinese Medicine - Waking Times : Waking Times
- Own a gun? Time to buy violence liability insurance, California Democrats say | Fox News
- Why Police Officers Lie Under Oath - NYTimes.com
- NRDC: Nature's Voice - A Boom in Fracking Threatens Communities Across America
- Confirmed: The More Mammograms You Get The More Harm They Do
- When Trees Die, People Die - Lindsay Abrams - The Atlantic
- US Actress And UN Goodwill Ambassador Visits Vienna « Kawther Salam
- Is America The Next War Zone? - YouTube
- JB Williams -- Is Obama Pushing for a Civil War?
- Another Shiny Object Spotted On Mars - Mars Curiosity - 2013 - YouTube
- Homeland Only Fully Approves 10% of Freedom of Information Requests | The Weekly Standard
- Iran's New $40 Million Natural Gas Platform Sinks
- Silent Circle's latest app democratizes encryption. Governments won't be happy. - Slate Magazine
- PressTV - Top US commander reveals list of "high-value" targets in North Africa
- Egyptian Security Attempting to Eradicate Muslim Brotherhood « Kawther Salam
- The Corbett Report | Calling Out The Hypocritical, War-Loving Left
- Final Warning!
- Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by David Martin
- Has NASA's Curiosity rover found alien body parts on Mars? | Science & Tech | Entertainment | Daily Express
- Evidence Mounts That Iconic 1951 Movie was CIA UFO Acclimation Project
- PressTV - US urged to put end to N-proliferation
- Justify Theory: Occult Swim
- Philadelphia Courts Begin Using Computer Forecasts to Predict Future Criminal Behavior, Determine Jail Time | StratRisks
- Charles Manson killed 'a bunch of other people' according to cult member's lawyer in never before heard tapes - Americas - World - The Independent
- *Charles Manson and the Family - CharlieManson.Com
- All in the Family
- The Manson Family Music Compilation: One Mind - YouTube
- News
- The Light Bulb Conspiracy - YouTube
- Israel did 9/11 - All the Proof in the World - YouTube
- All Wars Are Bankers' Wars - YouTube
- Just Because It's On The Internet Doesn't Mean It's True (F*ck You!) - YouTube
- The End of the Free Internet As We Know It? | _
- Is America The Next War Zone? | XRepublic
- Activist Post: New Bill Seeks to Severely Restrict Homeschooling in South Carolina
- The Meat Industry Now Consumes Four-Fifths of All Antibiotics | Mother Jones
- George Soros: China will be the NEW world revered currency | InvestmentWatch
- Usury is the Weapon For Getting Our Minds - Morris - YouTube
- Targeted Killings: The White Paper Allows the Government to Kill a US Citizen who is not on the Battlefield” :
- A breakthrough speech on monetary policy | Anatole Kaletsky
- Colin Powell: Conned or Con-Man? | Veterans News Now
- DHS Watchdog OKs 'Suspicionless' Seizure of Electronic Devices Along Border | Threat Level | Wired.com
- The Running Man … For Real | Eric Peters Autos
- The Fema Camp Bill is Back! - BlackListedNews.com
- The U.S. Government Is Preparing For War Against The American People - BlackListedNews.com
- DHS May Seize Electronic Devices from Americans Up to 100 Miles from Nation’s Borders - BlackListedNews.com
- Unpunished and unreformed, the bankers have got away with it | Phillip Inman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- Social Security to Run Out of Money Sooner Than Estimated - BlackListedNews.com
- Subliminal Message Hidden In Global Central Bank Reflation Effort Exposed - BlackListedNews.com
- At last, the truth: Butter is GOOD for you - and margarine is chemical gunk | Mail Online
- DHS Are Militarizing Local Police to Create Federalized Law Enforcement Agencies | OCCUPY CORPORATISM
- It Has Happened Here in America: The Police State is Real | Global Research
- blogdog: New False Flag Op Underway to Demonize Police, Military Vets & the 2nd Amendment? — Manhunt For Fired L.A. Cop Who Endorses Gun Ban While Vowing to Murder LAPD Cops & Officials Who Wronged Him
- Report: Obama ‘covertly recruiting’ Muslims as diplomats | World Tribune
- Sheep delivers 'human' foetus in Minna
- You’re Under Surveillance In a National Forest? | USAHM Conspiracy News
- The Federal Reserve Has Become the Government | Dprogram.net
- How Western Leaders Terrorized Muslim World Using A Fake Clash of Civilizations
- ‘Brennan The Perfect Guy To Head CIA… If Its Job Is To Create More Terrorists’
- The Global Water Grab
- Assassination Court: Senators Mull Pre-Execution Trials -- News from Antiwar.com
- How We Made Killing Easy by David Cole | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books
- The Warrior King - By Micah Zenko | Foreign Policy
- MOSCOW - Retired Russian colonel convicted of coup attempt - World - TheState.com
- Rand Paul’s War Against “Radical Islam” by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com
- The Jihad That Wasn’t by Kelley B. Vlahos -- Antiwar.com
- Ron Paul’s Statement on Sniper’s Death Not ‘Appalling’ by Ivan Eland -- Antiwar.com
- Corbett Report: Rummaging Around FBI’s Skeletons
- Corbett Report- Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B, Protected Terrorists & Stifled Investigations
- Men Wearing Explosives Arrested in Mali
- On Assignment at the Academy Awards: Secrets from the Red Carpet (VOA On Assignment Feb. 8)
- Iran says English-language TV channel dropped in North America
- Violent LAPD Shoots First at Anything Resembling Suspect's Car
- Another FBI Patsy Arrested in Fake Bomb Plot to Start a Civil War
- Whitewashing Extrajudicial Killing
- Police Helicopter Lands to Harass Woman for Her Papers
- Syrian rebels are training child soldiers
- Washington and Israel Target Iran
- All Wars Are Bankers' Wars
- Prominent Surgeon Speaks Truth to Power at the White House
- This is Common Sense on Gun Control
- Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
- Restricted U.S. Army Air and Missile Defense Operations Manual
- U.S. Northern Command CONPLAN 3501-08 Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA)
- Restricted U.S. Military Multi-Service Tactical Chat Manual
- West Point Combating Terrorism Center Report: Understanding America’s Violent Far Right
- Restricted U.S. Army Training for Reconnaissance Troop and Below in Urban Operations
- U.S. Northern Command Title 10 Dual Status Commander Standard Operating Procedures
- White Paper: Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a U.S. Citizen Who Is a Senior Operational Leader of Al-Qa'ida or An Associated Force
- Obama Lauds Panetta for Decades of Public Service
- The Real New World Order. Bankers Taking over the World
- American Foreign Policy – Have our War Lovers Learned Anything?
- America’s WMD Pretext to Wage War on Iraq – Ten Years after Colin Powell
- Firms Make Billions as Middlemen in Government Cover-Up of Wall Street crimes
- Brainwashing and Obama’s War Propaganda: Pentagon Gearing Up to Fight the ‘PR War’
- “Adam Lanza may have not acted Alone”. Other “Potential Suspects” in Sandy Hook Massacre?
- Obama’s Proposals Fail to Prevent Gun Violence
- *Ron Paul Calls on United Nations to Confiscate Domain Names of His Supporters
- Jim Rogers and His Case for the Asian Century | Laissez-Faire Bookstore
- 9/11 Researcher Found Dead: Wrote Book Implicating Bush Administration In The 9/11 Attacks | 9/11 and Ground Zero
- Obots Starting to Kill Birthers. | Alternative
- Chilling: Jim Marrs Discusses How approximately 500 Top Level Bankers Have Re-Located And Martial Law | Alternative
- Why Ex-Federal Government and Wall Street Executives are Going Into Hiding
- Animal Drugs in Your Food? Probably! | Health
- Clinton Body Count At 47... That We Know Of! | Alternative
- CIA Project Pandora Radio Remote Brain Manipulation | Alternative
- Millions of People Will Soon Disappear | Alternative
- Evidence Nemo Was HAARP Created To Favor 'The Elite' | Alternative
- RFID Slavery Is Here - Dr. Katherine Albrecht Slams Wal-Mart | Alternative
- WikiLeaks Assange:"You Will Be Killed By White House" | Alternative
- Another Alien Moon Structure Found, UFO Makes Albuquerque TV News, UFOs Sighted In Australia, UFO Disclosure In Russia | Space
- Pink Planet In Our Solar System Investigated | Space
- Dreams From My Real Father: The Hand of Frank Marshall Davis - Video | Obama
- 65 Outrageous Lies By President Obama (Video) | Obama
- Faster Hair Growth Vitamins: Alpha Renew Hair Vitamins Works Fast | Health
- Deer Antler: A Controversial Health and Longevity Remedy | Health
- Time of Eating Matters As Well As What You Eat, Studies Reveal | Health
- DIY Decongestant Chest Rub | Homemade Nasal Decongestant
- Homemade 'Vicks Vapor Rub'
- How to Make Natural Vapor Rub - Homemade Recipe | Wellness Mama
- Big Bear Locked Down Amid Dorner Manhunt | KTLA 5
- Trail of fugitive ex-cop turns very cold in Big Bear - latimes.com
- Exclusive: Illegal Immigrant to Testify in Senate Next Week--With ICE Agent Who Cannot Arrest Him
- The Wall Street Journal: Ben Carson for President - WSJ.com
- Emanuel Becomes Emotional As He Discusses Challenges Facing Chicago Youth « CBS Chicago
- Brown University's student health plan will cover sex changes | The Daily Caller
- Sperm smuggling alleged at terror prison - CNN.com
- Quinnipiac Poll: Hillary Clinton ‘Easily The Most Popular Actor On The American Political Stage’ « CBS DC
- Lew's Cayman Islands Fund a Likely Issue at Confirmation Hearings - NYTimes.com
- Jamie Foxx: 'Black People Are The Most Talented People In The World' | NewsBusters
- Survey: Young Adults More Stressed Than Other Generations « CBS Philly
- +Andrew Napolitano; Lessons From the American Revolution
- Download: Andrew Napolitano; Lessons From the American Revolution
- Will There Be a US War on China? by Eric Margolis
- The Running Man … For Real | Eric Peters Autos
- The Killers Among Us by Robert Wenzel
- Rambo Supports Assault Weapon Ban
- Stephen Colbert Cozies Up to Democrats on Hill
- Egyptian Preacher: Raping Women in Tahrir Square Justified
- Sex Trafficking: Dominican Republic Becoming Thailand of the West?
- Panetta's Testimony Calls Obama's Benghazi Explanations into Question
- Obama Rejected Security Advisers' Recommendation to Arm Syrian Rebels
- 7.0 Magnitude Quake in Colombia: USGS
- Egypt Court Orders YouTube Blocked for a Month
- World View: Egypt PM Warns Women to Clean Breasts
- Benghazi: Who Was Minding the Store?
- Lawmakers Differ on Middle East Weapons Trafficking
- Colorado Democrats Declare War on Guns
- Obama Considers Natural Gas Proponent for Secretary of Energy
- GSA reconsidering controversial green building program
- Pelosi to Bring Newtown Student to State of the Union
- Rand Paul to Give Tea Party Response to SOTU
- Obama Mental Health Proposals Mirror Ignored Bush Plan
- Jesse Jackson To Fugitive Murderer: I Feel Your Pain
- Obama Immigration Meeting Heavy on Labor, Progressive Partisans
- Benghazi Threatens Clinton's Popularity
- Navy Releases Records for Double Murder Suspect Christopher Dorner
- Chicago Police Want 12% Raise
- Postal Service Attorney: Our Workers Above Local Law
- Reagan Staffers Counter Rove's Claim to Directing 1980 Texas Campaign
- Disgraced Jesse Jackson Jr. Agrees to Plea Deal
- Public University Buys Butt Plugs, Dildos For Student Event
- Anonymous Attacks Threaten to Derail Very Reforms They Want
- Obama Goes Nativist: 'The Border Crossed Them'
- Tea Party Groups Attack Rove Machine
- Trump: Rove a 'Total Loser'
- Nanny Bloomberg Moves to Ban Styrofoam
- Poll: Hillary, Rubio More Popular Than Obama; Boehner Hits Bottom
- Congressional Democrats Greet Clinton More Warmly Than Obama
- ObamaCare Survival Guide Hits No. 2 New York Times Bestseller
- Murkowski: “Energy is Not a Necessary Evil”
- Economy to be Obama's Focus in State of the Union
- Treasury Nominee Lew to be Challenged Over Caymans Investment
- McCain: Congress Will Back Immigration Plan
- Ben Carson: America Like Ancient Rome, Obama Not My Target
- Obama Bids Farewell to Panetta, Still Supports Hagel
- Rand Paul to Deliver Tea Party SOTU Response
- Karl Rove Is Not a Conservative, CNS News Chief Tells Steve Malzberg
- Obama Nonprofit Involved in Va. Political Event
- Jesse Jackson Jr. Facing ‘Significant Jail Time’
- Tea Party Patriots' Martin to Steve Malzberg: We’re Here To Stay
- Vatican Celebrates Knights of Malta's 900 Years
- Flu Season: Worst Is Over
- Asteroid to Pass Satellite Zone While Sparing Humans
- Rat-Sized Animal May Be Man's Ancestor
- Water Levels in Two Great Lakes Plunge to Record Low Levels
- New Ice Age may be Caused by Obamanomics
- Revenues and budget issues show Unreliability of Tax Prophecies
- Cheney and Bush Bashers Give Obama Pass on Drones
- News Media Immigration Bias rages on
- Obama's Priority: Fire Up Base for 2014
- Prof: Time Mag ‘Trying To Sell Copies’ with Rubio Cover
- CBS, ABC Chicago Ignore GOP Primary Debate to Replace Jesse Jackson, Jr.
- Dan Rather: Bush AWOL Documents 'Not Proven' False
- NY Times on Menendez: Reid 'Needs to Remove His Gavel'
- Media Encourages Criminality With Hacked Bush Emails
- Univision Staffer Calls Marco Rubio 'Loser'
- Chris Dorner, America's Most Unlikely Gun Control Advocate?
- Disingenuous Reporting on the Gun Issue
- The Amazing Grace restored to America by Dr. Ben Carson
- Is Fatherhood Being Killed so the State Can Play God?
- The joint Obama-Rove betrayal destined to unite conservatives
- How Many People Can the Planet Sustain?
- Benghazi – Where was the Commander-in-Chief?
- Obamacare and the DSM-5: Be Afraid; Be Very Afraid
- Permanent Legal Immigration vs. Amnesty
- Sign of a financial Armageddon?
- Pioneering- Ancient Recollections
- Dr. Benjamin Carson tears into Obama policies at National Prayer Breakfast
- Clash of Faith and Tyranny
- Bloody hands: The Southern Poverty Law Center
- More laws to address unlawfulness
- Obama's drone deception
- Gun-rights supporter? Now you're crazy
- The secret life of gun-haters
- I found America in the Bible!
- Does the Republican Party have a future?
- J. FARAH: It's time to update some old proverbs
- B. DEAN: 'Gay' attack on Scouts: The sword and not the shield
- D. LIMBAUGH: Obama's comeuppance: Sooner than you think
- J. KNOX: Coalition to fight erosion of 2nd Amendment
- Signs of life from America's true conservatives
- A. COULTER: The Republicans' primary problem
- Weak starts and strong finishes
- Steadman stands firm in final civil unions Senate debate | KDVR.com – Denver News, Weather & Sports from FOX 31 News in Denver, Colorado
- Ahmadenijad trying to entice Egypt into forging alliance with Iran | Fox News
- Obama punted to Panetta for U.S. response to Benghazi attack - Washington Times
- Obama says his agenda will put Pelosi back in charge | The Daily Caller
- Ahmadinejad Attacked in Cairo a Second Time - Middle East - News - Israel National News
- The PJ Tatler » Hey Look, ObamaCare is Going to Make Something Else More Expensive
- Hamas-linked CAIR-Arizona chairman leads Arizona lawmakers in anti-Jewish, anti-Christian prayer - Jihad Watch
- Stepson and estranged wife charged with murder of decorated Green Beret in 1977 | Mail Online
- Bad Beyonce halftime pics spark a meme | Hot Topics | an SFGate.com blog
- Bahrain princess on trial for torture during Arab Spring protests | Fox News
- MISS U.S. PAY! Former beauty queen says order by judge to pay $5 million to Donald Trump will 'financially devastate' her - NY Daily News
- Birth of a conservative intellectual, Part 2
- ‘Genius’ John Lennon wins 2013 ‘Telly’
- ‘Earth will have 15 minutes to protect electronics’
- Visions of Jesus appearing to Muslims?
- Four Eerie Species of Fish Found at One of the Deepest Places on Earth
- The Only Way to Fully Understand How Amazing These Expanding Sculptures Are Is to Watch This Video
- Conservative Doc Reveals Why He Spoke Out Against Obama’s Policies at Prayer Breakfast — Plus, Would He Ever Run for President?
- FAA Releases New Drone Authorization List — See Who Applied to Have Them
- Currency Wars: Something Big Is Happening In Venezuela
- ‘We Have the Right to Defend Ourselves’: Community Rallies Around Utah Man Arrested for Shooting at Burglar
- Gun Confiscation Bill Proposed in California: ‘We Can Save Lives’
- ‘Unacceptable’: Teacher Suspended After Allegedly Pouring Pencil Shavings Into Student’s Mouth
- Which Rep. Says Nixing Saturday Mail Delivery Will Hurt Minorities and Single Mothers?
- ‘I Have the Right to Refuse Service’: Restaurant Owner Turns Away Group After He Learns What They Advocate
- Woman Who Flipped Off Judge in Viral Vid. Appears Back in Court — Hear What Was Said This Time
- CAROL MARIN: President needs to come home
- Report: Businesses Will Benefit from High-Speed Rail
- Jackson Jr. mum amid plea deal reports
- Chicago Auto Show officially opens
- Wanted ex-LAPD cop Christopher Dorner shifts from being hunter to hunted
- Colbert-Busch To Get Fundraising Help From Her Famous Brother
- Will Rep. Paul Broun be Karl Rove's first 'unelectable' target?
- State of the Union 2013: What to Expect From President Obama's Speech
- Bill Clinton warns victorious Dems, "Nothing is permanent"
- Can Hillary Clinton sustain her popularity with voters through 2016?
- “I am Trayvon Day of Remembrance Peace Walk”
- Steven Seagal helps Sheriff Arpaio train posse members
- Fear of assassinations haunt Egypt opposition
- Six Killed in Shelling of Iranian Refugee Camp in Iraq
- France probes suspects 'linked to African jihadists'
- Cabinet Shift Within Syria Seems Aimed at Economy
- FSA accused over tainted horsemeat sent to Europe
- Liberman says peace with Palestinians impossible
- Russia activist Sergei Udaltsov under house arrest
- Gunmen Kill Nigerian Polio Vaccine Workers in Echo of Pakistan Attacks
- Stakes High for Third North Korean Nuclear Test
- Google's Schmidt gets option to sell a chunk of his stock
- Google's AdWords Update: Are Desktops The New Fax Machines?
- Facebook Briefly Killed the Internet
- Boeing 787 Completes Test Flight
- Hey, AOL, you've got sales!
- Venezuela devalues currency 32% against dollar
- Action Line: IRS regulation of tax preparers barred by court
- Should Facebook Buy LinkedIn or Be LinkedIn?
- How the Post Office Made America
- China Passes US to Become World's Biggest Trading Nation
- Horsemeat scandal: more food regulation, not less, is the answer
- Curiosity rover finishes its first complete drill
- NASA: Asteroid to Pass Very Near Earth - YouTube
- Asteroid to Make Closest Flyby in History
- Asteroid Impact That Killed the Dinosaurs: New Evidence
- Obama's address: Could it start a sea change for climate issues?
- EPA Readies Climate Adaptation Plan as Earth Warms
- COLUMN-Obama will not match climate rhetoric: Gerard Wynn
- Natural History Museum to host 'Darwin Day' events
- 35 Ancient Pyramids Discovered in Sudan Necropolis
- More specialty pharmacies linked to illnesses and deaths
- Couple addicted to coffee enemas
- IBM's Game Show Winning Watson Computer Goes To Work Treating Cancer
- Could this 'Star Trek' headband help banish migraines?
- Grammy nominees 2013
- Even for the Dead, There's a Race to Make the A-List at Oscars
- Steven Tyler's Privacy From Photographers Bill Close To Becoming Law In Hawaii
- Frank Oz ready to return to Yoda for 'Star Wars' spinoff movie
- Volunteer discovers a new 17 million-digit prime number | Ars Technica
- Whitney Houston’s Mother Will Not Attend Clive Davis’ Grammy Party: To Be Invited Was ‘Obscene’ (UPDATED)
- Shark Tank Vulture Chides Couple For Making Product In U.S.A.
- Hacker Uncovers The Artistic Endeavors Of George W. Bush
- How Organizations with Ties to Hate Groups Are Trying to Influence the Immigration Debate
- Religious Fanatics on Texas State Board of Education Rewrite Teaching,Textbook Standards
- WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Urges Leak of US Drone Rules
- Here's Some Common Sense About Chris Christie's Health
- Facebook's Latest Outage Highlights A Serious Privacy Concern
- Tea Party Students Protest Butt-Plug Giveaway at NC State University
- Bill Maher Blasts Donald Trump for Suit Over Orangutan Joke
- Hannity and Graham Flog Latest Benghazi Conspiracy Theory
- Iraq War Contractor Fined for Late Reports of 30 Deaths
- Chris Christie Makes Angry Phone Call to Doctor
- Sen. Sanders Introduces Bill to End Offshore Tax Havens
- Please Be True: Franken-Bachmann Senate Showdown?
- For Republicans, Everything is the Holocaust
- Jon Stewart Slams Al Gore Over Selling Current To Al Jazeera
- Pastor Apologizes for Praying Alongside Muslims, Jews at Newtown Vigil
- Dangerous Times: Italy stares Into the Abyss
- Some Thoughts on the Recent 'Payroll Tax' Increase
- 'Assault Weapons' Bans Are Just the Beginning
- Somebody Needs to Make the Case For the Constitution
- Timbuktu and the Nazis
- Divestment and the Destruction of Israel
- Confederalism
- Republicans: The Story of Us
- Hedegaard TV Interview
- Some on the left cheering on LA cop killer
- Reports: Jesse Jackson, Jr. signs plea agreement, will do prison time
- Some offshore accounts are more equal than others
- As sequester looms, both sides preparing to blame the other
- The president is lying about Benghazi
- Freedom of the Press (to Incite Murder)
- Ambush at Hilton Hollow
- Obama says he will focus on 'job creation' - for the 10,000th time
- America Gives Up
- Calling Their Bluff on Immigration Reform
- Three Principles for Immigration Reform
- Video: Voter Fraud Strikes Again, Discovered in Ohio
- Video: Bizarre: Michael Moore Actually Asks Lucid and Important Questions for a Change! (On Mass Shootings and Antidepressant Drugs)
- Video: Dr. Ben Carson Attacks Political Correctness, National Debt and Taxes in Front of Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast
- Video: Lindsey Graham Grills Panetta, Dissects the Benghazi Facts
- Video: ObamaCare Broken Promises: Michelle Malkin Debates Juan Williams
- What evil lurks in the brain? German neurologist says he's found a 'dark patch' | Fox News
- Invisible Smartphone on the Horizon? : Discovery News
- Picasso's Genius Revealed: He Used Common House Paint | LiveScience
- Oakland ‘Bomb Plot’ Raises Questions of Entrapment | Politics and Breaking News | Oakland, Berkeley, Bay Area & California | Seven Days
- Documents: Alleged San Jose Bomber Suffers From Mental Illness | NBC Bay Area
- Prison Planet.com » Michael Savage Covers Infowars’ DHS Ammunition Story
- Prison Planet.com » Special Report: Bilderberg 2013 Returns to Chantilly, Virginia?
- Prison Planet.com » Special Report: 30 Year CIA Vet Admits West Runs Al-Qaeda
- Prison Planet.com » Anderson Cooper Asked About Green Screen
- Ron Paul, Are We in a Currency War?: Video - Bloomberg
- Rand Paul Introduces Audit the Fed Bill
- Prison Planet.com » Daniel Ellsberg on NDAA: Obama Has More Power Than King George
- No suspicion necessary: DHS can still seize belongings without reason — RT
- Administration’s New Climate Report: Next Ice Age ‘Has Now Been Delayed Indefinitely’ | CNS News
- Prison Planet.com » Study Finds Flame Retardants in 80% of Baby Products
- Mold? Leaky Roof? Obama Administration Says All Americans Must Have 'Healthy Housing' | CNS News
- 'Eye in the sky' drones flying in San Diego County - San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 - cbs8.com
- » Adam Kokesh Interviews Founders of Infowars Denmark Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- Why uranium would make a North Korean nuclear test especially scary
- George Will: Break up the big banks - The Washington Post
- Commentary: Rand Paul's Seminal Speech | The National Interest
- Kathleen Parker: Hillary Clinton and the ghosts of Benghazi - The Washington Post
- Happy-Face Statism | First Things
- How the Gun-Control Movement Got Smart - Molly Ball - The Atlantic
- The State of the State In Illinois - Points and Figures | Points and Figures
- Run Your Family Like a Business - WSJ.com
- EDITORIAL: Rand Paul's foreign-policy vision - Washington Times
- A New Front in Global Trade Wars - NYTimes.com
- The Wall Street Journal: Ben Carson for President - WSJ.com
- Obama Must Fight One More Campaign: To Keep Senate & Win House in 2014 - The Daily Beast
- Dereliction of Duty: Obama Did Nothing to Save American Lives in Benghazi--and Lied About It
- You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way Journalists Blow - Reason.com
- The Persistence of Racial Resentment - NYTimes.com
- Why President Obama is about to deliver his most important State of the Union address
- Strassel: A Jewell Who's Rough on Jobs - WSJ.com
- Whose side is Google on? We’re going to find out this year. | RedState
- RealClearPolicy - President Obama Disguises Tax-and-Spend as 'Tax Reform'
- Obamacare's Shell Games Collectivize Our Consciences | Cato @ Liberty
- Boston Review — Charlotte Witt: The Good of the Child
- How The GOP Would Make Undocumented Immigrants America's Next Permanent Underclass | ThinkProgress
- 10 Russian Myths About U.S. Adoptions | Opinion | The Moscow Times
- One day the world will thank Bush for shaking up the Arab region | Chatham House: Independent thinking on international affairs
- The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post
- Open-letter-to-President-Obama - Al-Ahram Weekly
- House of Earth by Woody Guthrie: Book Review - USATODAY.com
- RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary
- Beer Science: If Yeast Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy
- Do plants 'veto' bad genes? : Nature News & Comment
- Icing Organs | The Scientist Magazine®
- Attenborough documentaries 'ignore gay animals' - Telegraph
- UF researchers include humans in most comprehensive tree of life to date | University of Florida
- Real Clear World - Video - Raw: 'Syrian Soliders' Dance To Usher
- Real Clear World - Video - Young Afghan Actors Get Ready For The Oscars
- The Big Question: What's Holding Back the US Economy? | RealClearPolicy
- Real Clear Markets - Video - Rogers: I'm Buying Something Everyone Hates
- Real Clear Markets - Video - Disney Empire Strikes Back
- The Savage Nation - February 08 2013 FULL SHOW ...
- 2013-02-08 THE ALEX JONES SHOW
- Infowars Nightly News : Friday (2-8-13) - YouTube
- Feb. 8, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
- Friday, February 8th, 2013/ RED EYE 1
- Friday, February 8th, 2013/ RED EYE 2
- The Manning Report – 8 February 2013
- Alex Jones - 2013-Feb-08, Friday
- 02/08 The Mark Levin Show
- The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday February 08 2013 Hour 1
- The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday February 08 2013 Hour 2
- The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday February 09 2013 Hour 1
- The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday February 09 2013 Hour 2
- World Crisis Radio Saturday February 09 2013 Hour 1
- World Crisis Radio Saturday February 09 2013 Hour 2
9 February
Beatles: Ed Sullivan Show
- 9 February 1964: The Beatles' first Ed Sullivan Show appearance | The Beatles Bible
- The Beatles | Ed Sullivan Show
Political Video
February 9
Obama Weekly Address: A "Balanced Approach" To Averting The SequesterBuchanan: Obama "Claiming A Right To Execute Americans On Foreign Soil"
Bill Maher: Obama's Drone Program "Really Is The Same Policy" As Bush
Sen. Murkowski Delivers Weekly GOP Address On "America's Energy Future"
David Brooks: Establishment Will Eventually Win Fight Against Tea Party
Eleanor Clift: Drones Are A "Blessing"
The McLaughlin Group 2/8/13
Carlson & Powers On Media Dismissing Politically Motivated Shootings
Gutfeld & McGuirk On Christie, Taco Bell Ad & Obama Skeet Shooting
February 8
Eastwood: If DC Doesn't "Give A Damn," Why Do They Expect Anybody Else To?Tina Brown: Obama Would "Be Impeached By Now For Drones, If He Was George W. Bush"
Hannity Interviews Dr. Ben Carson About National Prayer Breakfast Speech
W. Kamau Bell On Drones: "Obama Isn't Hitler, He's Bush"
Glenn Beck: Rove's New Group "A Recipe For Death Of The Constitution"
Granholm: On Drones, Do We Trust Obama More Than Bush?
Ron Paul: Trade War Through Currency Devaluation Is Very Dangerous
Rachel Maddow: High Value Target Capture To Kill Rate Is 1 In 4700
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli Open To Legalizing Marijuana
Sen. Angus King: Drones "A Lot More Civilized Than What We Used To Do," A "More Humane Weapon"
Wyden: Should Obama Let Americans "Surrender Before Killing Them?"
Bill O'Reilly: The Debate Over Guns Ramps Up
"Special Report" Panel On U.S. Strategy In Syria
Maddow: There Is A Partisan Divide Over The CIA Sharing Information
O'Donnell: The Boundaries On Drone Killings Are "Pretty Clear"
transcripts … etc
Boehner: Pathway to Citizenship "Worthy of Consideration"
Interview with Senator John McCain
Interview with Senators Mike Lee & James Risch
Interview with Representative Peter King
Analysts on the Latest With Iran's Nuclear Program