- Is America The Next War Zone? - YouTube
- JB Williams -- Is Obama Pushing for a Civil War?
- Sandy Hook DA cites 'potential suspects,' fears witness safety
- Protesters interrupt CIA nominee Brennan hearing
- Silent Circle's latest app democratizes encryption. Governments won't be happy. - Slate Magazine
- Nearly Half of All US Farms Now Have Superweeds | Mother Jones
- Dangerous drug-laced ‘slimming coffee’ brand still sold in US
- 85 Percent of Major Brands of Chewing Gum Still Contain Aspartame and Sucralose - Waking Times : Waking Times
- Just Say No to GMO Hemp! - Waking Times : Waking Times
- The 5th Estate
- Who’s going to step up? President Obama Must be Impeached | This Can't Be Happening
- Hypocrites, Freeloaders & Traitors « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson
- Grossly Illegal Contradictions
- New model changes earthquake predictions - CBS News Video
- Too Big & The Sharks
- Debunking the GMO Talking Points with Ease | Farm Wars
- US media kept Saudi drone base secret for two years - Telegraph
- John Brennan: the drone apologist with the president's ear | World news | guardian.co.uk
- PressTV - Brennan denies US terror drone hits have caused high civilian casualties
- Iran broadcasts footage 'extracted from CIA spy drone' | World news | guardian.co.uk
- ‘You’re holding a gun against Iran’: Tehran rejects direct talks with US — RT
- Iran is a nuclear state but has no intention to launch attack on Israel – Ahmadinejad — RT
- Barack Obama's visit to Israel 'will focus on Iran, not peace talks' - Telegraph
- PressTV - Shin Bet, Israel Lobby vs. Mideast peace
- PressTV - US forces have killed hundreds of Afghan children since 2008: UN
- America Is Not Broke! We Are Being Lied To! | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
- The big fat Greek food fight: Hundreds fight each other for free vegetables on the streets of Athens | Mail Online
- PressTV - US propagandists wage war on nations to reap economic benefits: Prysner
- Warning: Tea Party group pushing protests on 2/23 may be up to no good - ALIPAC
- Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary - YouTube
- "Retired CIA Director/Defense Secretary Robert Gates Declined to Directly Challenge the Roswell UFO Story..."
- Dogs think like babies, researcher says - CBS News Video
- DHS Insider
- High Time for Hemp | Common Dreams
- U.S. Health Care Ranks Last « Dr. Brownstein
- THE EXECUTIVE: Obama's Real Reason He Wants Your Guns (Full Documentary) - YouTube
- Fox News expert on solar energy: Germany gets "a lot more sun than we do." [VIDEO]
- Robotic finger or door handle to hidden chamber? Mars rover Curiosity discovers mysterious metal object sticking out of rock | Mail Online
- Marc Faber - "The Purchasing Power Of The US Dollar Will Going To Decrease Significantly | XRepublic
- Secret War Expoxed - White House Faces Scrutiny Over Drone Program | XRepublic
- The Real New World Order. Bankers Taking over the World | Global Research
- Gun Control -- No matter what your opinion, you need to see this - YouTube
- Obama Waives Bush Law Banning Child Soldiers | The Liberty Beacon
- Rand Paul 'The Federal Reserve Creates The Boom-Bust Cycle' | XRepublic
- 30-Year CIA Vet Talks False Flag At Brookings Institution :
- What Did the Northeast Learn From Sandy? Apparently, Not Much | _
- Caught On Camera ~ Joe Biden Admits Gun Control Will Not Stop Mass Shootings Or Save Lives | XRepublic
- The Internet’s ‘Six Strikes’ Rule and You -- Daily Intelligencer
- The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal « THE INTERNET POST
- What Actually Are or Will Be Obama’s Foreign Policies in the Vampire-Empire? - BlackListedNews.com
- Soros Fears ‘Rebellion’, Warns “The Euro Could Destroy The EU” - BlackListedNews.com
- Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome - YouTube
- Christopher Dorner's Manifesto, In Full - 12160 Social Network
- Awaken slaves! - How The Private Central Bank Ponzi Scheme Trapped And Destroyed America | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
- Newsalert: Clint Eastwood on CNBC: America Needs to Cut Spending (Video) 2-08-13
- Prozac: It's brought relief to millions but is linked to suicide, low libido and birth defects | Mail Online
- Activist Post: The U.S. Economy Is Now Dangerously Detached From Reality
- Imams visit Holocaust site to show tolerant Islam | The Times of Israel
- Activist Post: 9 Tips for Building an Emergency Food Supply
- Reality Check: President Obama's Rules For Assassinating U.S. Citizens? - Liberty Crier
- Suicide training in Job Centres? Cancer patients scrubbing floors? Welcome to Cameron¿s Brave New World | Mail Online
- Activist Post: Is Democracy America's Deadliest Export?
- Activist Post: Fed's Biggest Concern About Legal Weed States Does Not Apply to Hawaii
- World Of Technology: US man quits job after '666' stamped on tax form
- Audacious Hack Exposes Bush Family Pix, E-Mail Hacker breached AOL account - 12160 Social Network
- It Has Happened Here by Paul Craig Roberts
- Frontline: Secret History of the Credit Card (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
- Global Warming or Global Governance? (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
- Food Is Your Medicine, Not Pills - Waking Times : Waking Times
- House Dems unveil gun-control proposals - The Hill
- Feinstein clears protesters from Brennan hearing after repeated interruptions - The Hill's DEFCON Hill
- Piers Morgan Fan Goes On Shooting Rampage, Killing Three… | Weasel Zippers
- Biden: “It is clearly within the right of the government to determine what type of weapons can be owned by the public” | The Liberty Beacon
- Report: Jesse Jackson Jr. Plea Deal to Include ‘Significant Jail Time’ | _
- The Droning of the Constitution and American Citizens | _
- Alleged Killer Printed Angry Manifesto Saying His Violent Acts Were ‘A Necessary Evil’ - 12160 Social Network
- Gulf War Syndrome, Other Illnesses Among Veterans May Be Due To Toxic Environments | _
- "Currency Wars Leads To World War" - Gerald Celente | XRepublic
- LAPD, Torrance Police Shot At Innocent People In Frenzied Hunt For Former Cop Christopher Dorner | _
- Jim Rogers "If The World Economy Is Gonna Be Based On Printing Presses, It's A Bad Scene" | XRepublic
- Chinese survivor of Tiananmen Square cautions against allowing gun control in America. | XRepublic
- Sandy Hook DA cites ‘potential suspects,’ fears witness safety | _
- Obama On Letterman: 'Not Sure How Much The Debt Is' - Home - The Daily Bail
- Christopher Dorner, murder suspect manhunt has led to two mistaken identity police shootings - 12160 Social Network
- Philadelphia Courts Begin Using Computer Forecasts to Predict Future Criminal Behavior, Determine Jail Time | StratRisks
- Restricted U.S. Army Training for Reconnaissance Troop and Below in Urban Operations - BlackListedNews.com
- College Graduates Are The New Debt Slaves - BlackListedNews.com
- 3D-Printed Human Embryonic Stem Cells Created for First Time - Yahoo! News
- FLUORIDEGATE An American Tragedy
- In a Major Privacy Victory, Seattle Mayor Orders Police to Dismantle Its Drone Program After Protests
- EFF clarifies laws behind unlocking and jailbreaking phones
- From Fingerprints to DNA: Biometric Data Collection in U.S. Immigrant Communities and Beyond
- Is This the Secret U.S. Drone Base in Saudi Arabia?
- 5 Homeland Security 'Bots Coming to Spy on You (If They Aren't Already)
- Beware the Big Errors of 'Big Data'
- DHS Watchdog OKs 'Suspicionless' Seizure of Electronics Along Border
- Gang of Eight: DHS secretary to determine if border is secure
- Corbett Report- Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B, Protected Terrorists & Stifled Investigations
- The Global Water Grab: Meet the “New Water Barons”
- What they Don’t Tell You About the Economy
- American Foreign Policy – Have our War Lovers Learned Anything?
- “Adam Lanza may have not acted Alone”. Other “Potential Suspects” in Sandy Hook Massacre?
- US Violating Human Rights of Children, Says UN Committee
- Firms Make Billions as Middlemen in Government Cover-Up of Wall Street crimes
- Brainwashing and Obama’s War Propaganda: Pentagon Gearing Up to Fight the ‘PR War’
- Globalization and Social Destruction: Stealing Wealth and Health in India
- Extrajudicial Killing: Official US Policy
- It Has Happened Here in America: The Police State is Real
- +BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 6, 2013
- +BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 7, 2013
- The Cost of War Includes at Least 253,330 Brain Injuries and 1,700 Amputations
- Prepare Earthquake:Tennessee, Oklahoma, Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois And Mississippi. | Earthquakes
- Disney UFO Documentary Admits Aliens Are Real, Prepares Humans For Contact | Beyond Science
- 9/11 Researcher Found Dead: Wrote Book Implicating Bush Administration In The 9/11 Attacks | 9/11 and Ground Zero
- Who is this LAPD murderer?
- Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn Renews Effort for Assault Weapons Ban (VIDEO) | Alternative
- Did God Write the Bible or Did Man? | Religion
- Lindsey Williams: The Elite Want America Drown In Debt And Taxed Into Oblivion During The Next Two Years – 2/4/2013 | Alternative
- Is The Universe A Computer Simulation? German University Study Suggests So! Video | Space
- Where do you Get your Calcium? | Health
- Where do you Get your Calcium? | Guiding Instincts
- Hacker Exposes George W. Bush’s Bizarre Oil Paintings
- Recolonization of Africa, a Symptom of Our Addiction to Growth: Differential Accumulation, Why GDP Growth Rates Influence Foreign Policy
- FBI Believed Nazi Monks Had A Secret Base In The Amazon Rainforest During World War II
- Ordering A Pizza In The Panopticon
- Why Police Officers Lie Under Oath
- ‘Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?’
- Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary: Full Uncut Version 2013 HD - YouTube
- U.S. Goading Japan into Confrontation with China Will Japan Take the Bait?
- Washington Speaks With Forked Tongue to Iran
- Israeli Myths & Propaganda
- WANTED – A Psychiatric Diagnosis of Nazi Holocaust Denial
- Arab Leaders: Waiting To Count The Dead Bodies
- Poll Says It’s Illegal to Target Americans: Ok To Kill Foreigners
- Tribalism And Agreed-Upon Lies
- American Foreign Policy Have Our War Lovers Learned Anything?
- It Has Happened Here The police state is real
- Who’s going to step up? President Obama Must be Impeached
- US Media Yet Again Conceals Newsworthy Government Secrets
- Has Scotland Yard name become toxic?
- Obama Grants Self License To Kill
- The U.S. Congress: From One Crisis to Another, The Politics of Debt Default
- 'A Place At The Table' - Will it Match the Magnitude of 'Food, Inc.'?
- Obama's Drone Strike Policy: 'This Is the Power Claimed by Kings and Tyrants'
- FAA Releases New Drone List—Is Your Town on the Map?
- EU Funds Cyber Trolls to Propagandize Critics
- We are Being Pulled Into the Matrix Like Never Before
- It Has Happened Here: The Police State is Real
- GMOs: Not Even in Moderation
- Mini Dictatorships Form as Creeping Fascism Takes Hold
- Extreme Weather Fluctuations as the Climate Reacts to Geoengineering
- Super Bowl 2013 Recap: The Illuminati Agenda Continues
- Cyber Warfare: US & Chinese Gov Use Hackers To Attack Digital Infrastructure
- Pakistani Girl Shot by Taliban Discharged from UK Hospital
- Gen. Vallely: Drone Policy Reflects 'Tyrannical' Government
- LIGNET: Drone Leak Could Undermine Counterterrorism Efforts
- Former Bush Official Yoo Rips Obama Policy on Killing Americans
- Rubio's Mom Changed His Mind on Immigration
- Justice Sotomayor Does an About Face on Cameras in Courtroom
- Judge Seals Details in Chandra Levy Case
- Lieberman: 'Shocked' If Iran Gives Up Its Nukes
- Mayor Bloomberg Planning for Life After City Hall — in London
- Jesse Jackson Jr. Facing ‘Significant Jail Time’
- BU Professor, Retired Colonel: Benghazi Blown Out of Proportion
- 'Killer Cop' Praises Obama, Biden, Christie in Bizarre Manifesto
- IRS Nabs 389 Tax Identity Theft Suspects
- Quinnipiac: Hillary Clinton More Popular Than Obama
- Rove: We're not Done With Attack Ads Against Judd
- Tens of Thousands Mourn Slain Champion of Tunisia 'Arab Spring'
- Bert Dohmen to Moneynews: Phony Inflation Numbers Mask Recession
- Middle Class, Wealthy Receive Top Tax Breaks
- Researchers: Mini-Fast Prevents Alzheimer's
- Job Stress Doesn't Raise Cancer Risk
- Is Zinc the New Wonder Supplement?
- Asteroid to Pass Satellite Zone While Sparing Humans
- Primaries lead Rove, GOP Groups, to seek Party Power
- New Ice Age may be Caused by Obamanomics
- Health: Mysterious Disease Discovered Locally, Strikes Mainly Young Women « CBS Philly
- Futurisms: Fables of Posthumanity
- The Real New World Order. Bankers Taking over the World | Global Research
- The Curious Case of the Non-Libertarian, George Jonas by Walter Block
- Off-grid community 'The Citadel Project' gets 07FFL
- A Chef’s Guide to Losing Weight | The Art of Manliness
- 'They're Out of This World!': Mysterious Purple Spheres Found in the Desert Spark Speculation
- Activist Post: Home Video Surveillance Without a Warrant? EFF Asks Appeals Court to Reconsider
- Judge Rodriguez-Chomat, Jailer Of Teen Penelope Soto, Has History Of Violence, Second Lowest Approval Rating Among Local Attorneys - informationliberation
- Judge Napolitano Criticizes Florida Judge for Sentencing Teen to 30 Days in Jail for Mouthing Off - informationliberation
- Christopher Dorner Update: Ex-Los Angeles cop's "manifesto" hints at racism as motive for killings - Crimesider - CBS News
- Short US Government Bonds ‘Right Now’: Jim Rogers
- Coming to a City Near You? Assassination and Sanction Blowback The Future of Freedom Foundation
- Patent Troll Says It Owns Podcasting; Sues Adam Carolla, HowStuffWorks | Techdirt
- China's Increasingly Good Mock Air Battles Prep Pilots for Real War | Danger Room | Wired.com
- China retains top spot in Gold production for 6th year
- The Federal Reserve Has Become the Government | Dprogram.net
- Citizen Presents Eloquent Defense of 2nd Amendment Before Bureaucrats: Video | Dprogram.net
- Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 1
- Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 2
- Activist Post: Codex Alimentarius and GM Food Guidelines, Pt. 3
- Feb 2 2013 - Afghanistan War Revealed - YouTube
- Feb 3 2013 - Clearing & Dowsing - YouTube
- Coast to Coast AM - Feb 4 2013 - Aliens Abductions & Synchronicities C2CAM - YouTube
- C2CAM Body Chemistry & Health FEB 05 2013 - YouTube
- Feb 6 2013 - Akashic Records / Solar Flares & UFOs - YouTube
- Coast To Coast AM - 02-07-2013 - Digital Identities & Privacy - C2CAM - YouTube
- The Savage Nation - February 07 2013 FULL SHOW - YouTube
Alex Jones
- Alex Jones Show: Thursday (2-7-13) Full Show - YouTube
- 2013-02-07 INFOWARS Nightly News Alex Jones PRISONPLANET TV - YouTube
- Asian astrologers warn of stormy Year of Snake - FRANCE 24
- Could this 'Star Trek' headband help banish migraines? | Mail Online
- BBC News - Earliest placental mammal ancestor pinpointed
- Asteroid to Traverse Earth’s Satellite Zone, NASA Says - Bloomberg
- Jeff Meldrum and William Barnes on the aerial drone hunt for Sasquatch - Panama City Paranormal | Examiner.com
- Closest 'Alien Earth' May Be 13 Light-Years Away | Space.com
- Bacteria Found Deep Under Antarctic Ice, Scientists Say - NYTimes.com
- Moles Smell in Stereo to Find Food, Dodge Predators
- Neanderthals Died Out Earlier Than Thought | LiveScience
- Baby Boomers Take Huge Hit On 401k Plans. Now What?
- Code Pink Interrupts Brennan CIA Nomination Hearing
- Obama Tells Dem Caucus He's Still Chasing The Grand Bargain
- Shocker! Public Trust For Fox News Sinks To Record Low
- Bill O'Reilly Blames Epidemic of Disrespect on Public Schools
- So God Made A Banker
- Dana 'Fruit Loop' Rohrabacher Hints Obama Let Ambassador Die
- Republican Strategist: GOP Full of "Cranks, Haters and Bigots"
- Colbert Touts Sister's House Bid in South Carolina
- New Proof That JPMorgan Lied To Customers. Why No Criminal Charges?
- Iowa Bill Would Jail Raped Women for 'Murder' of Single-Cell Zygotes
- Yoo Too, President Obama?
- Neil Barofsky: Why TARP Failed to Aid Troubled Homeowners
- Pastor Apologizes for Praying Alongside Muslims, Jews at Newtown Vigil
- Stephen Colbert Cozies Up to Democrats on Hill
- Newtown Children's Choir to Perform at Grammy Awards Amid Controversy
- Bradley Cooper Plots 'American Sniper' Movie to Explore Gun Control
- New Film Calls Climate Change Skeptics 'Greedy Lying Bastards'
- Brennan Letter: FBI Training 'Substandard and Offensive' to Muslims
- Exclusive: Illegal Immigrant to Testify in Senate Next Week--With ICE Agent Who Cannot Arrest Him
- Exclusive—Reagan Biographer: Rove's Claimed Ties to Gipper 'Clearly Untrue'
- Univision Grills Menendez Over Alleged Sex Scandal
- Rahm Emanuel: I Was Born a Poor Black Child
- #MyJihad: Chicago Muslim Outreach Campaign Spreads Across Country
- Sessions to OMB: Could Be 'Difficult' to Confirm Lew for Treasury Sec.
- Trumka: Immigration Talks with Chamber of Commerce 'Going Well'
- Nancy Pelosi: Push for Gun Control While We Have the Chance
- Most Republicans Disapprove of GOP Congress
- Penny Pritzker Eyed for Commerce Secretary
- Senators Seek Deal on Gun-sale Background Checks
- Kasich Embrace of ObamaCare Shows Medicaid Addiction
- Catholic Bishops Reject Revised HHS Mandate
- Melgen's Cousin Voted Against Port Deal Due to Lack of Competitive Bid
- Florida Man: Menendez Donor Melgen's Medical Recklessness 'Caused My Mother's Death'
- Senators Introduce Mental Health Bill in Wake of Sandy Hook
- Cardinal Dolan: 'Healthcare for All Does Not Mean Freedom for Few'
- Anonymous Declares War on Los Angeles Police Department, Offers to Release Info from Cop Killer
- Al Gore: 'I Walk the Walk' with Solar-Powered House Boat
- Report: Jesse Jackson Jr. Plea Deal to Include 'Significant Jail Time'
- Former Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh Launches Anti-Rove Super PAC
- Outgoing Secretary of Transportation LaHood: 'America Is One Big Pothole'
- Lawmakers Differ on Middle East Weapons Trafficking
- Hagel Vote Must Come Soon, or Not at All
- 'Foreign Policy': 50-50 Chance Hagel Withdraws
- Democrats Claim Double Standard on Hagel Disclosures; Ignore Kissinger, Clinton Precedents
- UN Investigating Iran Link to Yemen Arms Seizure
- Mexican Mayors Admit Paying Cartels to Stay Alive
- Sen. Rand Paul: Was Obama Admin Running Guns from Benghazi?
- World View: Libor-Rigging Scandal, Lying on Wall Street
- Dereliction of Duty: Obama Did Nothing to Save American Lives in Benghazi--and Lied About It
- Saad Hariri: 'Friend' of Hamas, Supporter of Hagel
- Secret Hagel Donor?: White House Spox Ducks Question on 'Friends of Hamas'
- Panetta: Obama AWOL on Night of Benghazi Attack
- CBS, ABC Chicago Ignore GOP Primary Debate to Replace Jesse Jackson, Jr.
- Prof: 'Time Mag ‘Trying To Sell Copies’ With Rubio Cover
- NBC Stars Admired By Alleged L.A. Killer Falsely Linked Palin to Tucson Killings
- CNN Stars Admired by L.A. Murder Suspect Falsely Linked Palin to Tucson Killings
- Piers Morgan: L.A. Murder Spree Has 'Nothing To Do With Politics'
- Message-Carrying Dog Saves Homeless Man
- Second Horsemeat Scandal Hits British Stores
- Iraq Car Bombs Kill 16
- Gunmen Kill 9 in Attacks on Nigeria Polio Clinics
- NHS Hospital Scandal: Systemic Failure Led to Suffering, Death
- Permanent Legal Immigration vs. Amnesty
- Sign of a financial Armageddon?
- Dr. Benjamin Carson tears into Obama policies at National Prayer Breakfast
- Justice Department Connections to Left-Wing Domestic Terrorist Enablers
- UK –David Cameron’s push for gay marriage is the death knell for the Conservative Party
- Sally Jewell: Obama’s Interior choice knows how to kill jobs, and that’s the whole idea
- DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse
- Al Jazeera and the Global Jihad in America
- All the cool universities are applying for FAA drone licenses
- Green Movement Founder Opposes Wind Turbines in His Backyard
- Obama to drastically cut immigration and border security budgets
- Obama’s minions meet with police brass to discuss immigration
- Getting a Meddling Government Out of Our Lives
- "Conservatism" in retreat on radio! Beck declares he is Libertarian!
- Sequestration is the only Road Forward for the Republicans
- Fox News’ Jesse Watters Exposes The Exposed
- Levin Blasts Hillary Clinton: I’ll Tell You What Difference It Makes, You Jerk!
- Levin: THIS IS HUGE! “Obama Was AWOL” On Night Of Benghazi Attacks
- Limbaugh: Why Was Obama Disengaged On Night of Benghazi Attacks?
- RUSH: Hispanics That Vote Obama Think Rubio Is Something That He’s Not. Think He’s A Sellout.
- Obama Lebanon Ambassador Funds Hezbollah Tourist Sites; Crashes US Car Into Wall, Shells Out Hezbo Cash
- Largest U.S. Credit Card Scam Ever Busted – Guess The Religion
- Uggh – VIDEO: Rapper Who Threatened to Kill Girlfriend Raps in Michigan Court; Thanks, Judge Chmura
- Limbaugh: ‘Obamaite’ Krugman Admits: We Need Death Panels
- FAA Releases New Drone Authorization List — See Who Applied to Have Them
- Once You See the Video of a Skateboarder Setting Off a Speed Camera at 68 MPH You’ll Realize Why Cops Are Looking for Him
- These Are Apparently Pictures of George W. Bush’s Personal Paintings That Were Released After He Was Hacked
- Here’s the Ironic Explanation Behind the Super Bowl’s Blackout (Beyoncé and Illuminati Not Involved)
- See the Prayer Breakfast Speech That’s Grabbing Headlines: Doctor Attacks Political Correctness, National Debt in Front of Obama
- Tony Bennett’s Confusing Gun Theory: We Need Gun Control to Prevent Times Like When the Nazis ‘Came Over and Created Tragic Things’
- Michelle Malkin Tears Into Celebrities: Obama Ain’t Your Daddy, Boyfriend or God
- Lesbian Couple, Gay Man Listed as Three Parents on Baby’s Birth Certificate
- S.E. Cupp Explains the Not-So-New Al Qaeda Threat in the Maghreb
- You Know the CIA’s Secret Drone Base in Saudi Arabia? Looks Like These Satellite Pics Just Outed It
- Meet the Mormon Presidential Candidate in Mali Who Has a Bold Plan for Combatting Islamic Extremism
- More States Consider Legalizing Assisted Suicide as Baby Boomers Age
- Anti-Smart Meter Activists Fill City Council Meeting, Say City Broke Its Own Laws Arresting Two Women
- Why Did Some Local Media Edit Out Anti-NRA, Pro-Obama Portions of Accused Cop-Killer’s Supposed Manifsto?
- Whole Foods CEO: ‘Capitalism Is the Greatest Creation Humanity Has Done for Social Cooperation’
- Horror: ‘Devilish’ Mob Strips, Tortures and Burns Alive Woman Accused of Witchcraft in Papua New Guinea
- Obama Was Absent During Benghazi Attack — Shocking Truths Emerge At Second Senate Libya Hearing
- Homeland Security Soliciting Bids for 26.1 Million Rounds of Ammunition But Former SEAL Explains Why It’s Completely Normal
- Judge Napolitano Makes the Case for Libertarianism: Freedom Doesn’t Come From the Government
- Obama’s America: From World Superpower to Welfare State
- President Obama’s Rumored Pick for Commerce Secretary Has a ‘Shady’ Background
- Rubio vs. Paul: Will the Leader of ‘the New GOP’ Please Stand Up?
- Fed Has Bought More U.S. Gov’t Debt Than Treasury Has Issued So Far in 2013
- Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin Double-Team Juan Williams on the Issue of Obama’s ‘Lies’
- FactCheck.org: Sen. Reid Caught Making False Claims About Spending Cuts
- Pool Report Outs Sleepy John Kerry: ‘Open Mouth’ Yawning Throughout National Prayer Breakfast
- Rand Paul Makes It Clear: ‘I Really Think’ The Admin May Have Had a ‘Gun-Running Operation’ in Libya
- There Could Be a Big Problem With the Discovery of King Richard III’s Bones
- Obama Delivers Intensely-Religious Prayer Breakfast Speech: ‘As Christians We Place Our Faith in the Nail-Scarred Hands of Jesus Christ’
- Obama gets his ‘medicine’ on live TV
- Hagel to Withdraw? | The Weekly Standard
- Can Leak Detection End the Pipeline Impasse? Interview with Adrian Banica
- Obama Interior nominee received Obamacare waiver for REI | The Daily Caller
- Family Research Council attacker pleads guilty
- Watch Hysterical Mock Ad for Online Dating Site Exclusively for Members of Westboro Baptist Church | Video | TheBlaze.com
- 9-year-old Mexican girl gives birth - SFGate
- 35 ancient pyramids discovered in Sudan | Fox News
- Pop! Goes the soda shop | StarTribune.com
- Want to Know How This Happened? | Video | TheBlaze.com
- Video Captures High-Speed Police Chase Ending in Giant, Flaming Crash | Video | TheBlaze.com
- Watch the Secret Video Iran Says Is From the U.S. Drone It Captured in 2011 | Video | TheBlaze.com
- Wall Street Vultures Drive Up Food Prices While Billions Starve | American Free Press
- Thought Police Won’t Stop Prosecuting Historians | American Free Press
- If the Constitution Doesn't Matter...
- Armed Citizens are Responsible Citizens
- 'Skeeterism' and Obama's Columbia Years
- A Sleepy Compliance with Tyranny
- F-16s for Egypt but not for Taiwan
- Still more UN hypocrisy
- 'Get the Government Out of Marriage' is a Red Herring
- The Twisted Truth on Obama's Benghazi Response
- Murder of Daughter Earns Saudi Preacher Wrist-slap
- Christopher Dorner: When Moderates Go Bad
- Lars Hedegaard Support Website
- America Gives Up
- The Third Sex in Massachusetts
- Will Obama Let Iran Start World War III
- Calling Their Bluff on Immigration Reform
- The Great Gun Debate
- Three Principles for Immigration Reform
- Doomed Again to Repeat the Past?
- Planning the Decline of America
- Video: See Why Flipping Off the Judge is Not Recommended in Court
- Video: Dr. Ben Carson Attacks Political Correctness, National Debt and Taxes in Front of Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast
- Video: Lindsey Graham Grills Panetta, Dissects the Benghazi Facts
- Video: Dan Bongino's Impassioned Speech at Guns Across America Rally
- Video: ObamaCare Broken Promises: Michelle Malkin Debates Juan Williams
- Video: Iran Shows Off Video from Captured CIA Drone
- Video: School Choice: What You Should Know
- talkers
- Feb. 7, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
- The Manning Report – 7 February 2013
- 02/07 The Mark Levin Show
- Alex Jones - 2013-Feb-08, Friday
- Alex Jones - 2013-Feb-07, Thursday
- Friday, February 8th, 2013 / Red Eyre - 1
- Friday, February 8th, 2013 / Red Eyre - 2
- The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday February 07 2013 Hour 1
- The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday February 07 2013 Hour 2
- Ron Paul vs Rand Paul? - YouTube
- Genesis Communications Network GCN News California Announces Semi-auto Confiscation Plan «
- Genesis Communications Network GCN News Who Controls The Money? An Unelected, Unaccountable Central Bank Of The World «
- Genesis Communications Network GCN News Is George W. Bush Depressed? «
- Genesis Communications Network GCN News Curriculum used in 70 per cent of schools districts in Texas labeled “mind control” «
- Genesis Communications Network GCN News 30-Year CIA Vet Talks False Flag At Brookings Institution «
- Genesis Communications Network GCN News Globalist Funded Think Tank Says Poverty Will Save Planet «
- Genesis Communications Network GCN News Meet Rex: the $1m bionic man with working heart, set of lungs and human face «
- Sheriff: Burned Truck Is Christopher Dorner's - YouTube
- Sheriff: Tracks Found in Dorner Search - YouTube
- The truck authorities have identified as belonging to ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner is towed in Big Bear Lake California. 7 February 2013
- Canadian spy jailed for 20 years New
- Young hands on a keyboard
- Photos may show ex-SEAL Chris Kyle before death
- Man arrested in alleged bomb plot at California bank
- DNA tests in New Zealand for McCann look-alike
- Dorner 'a scary guy,' deputy says
- Diets through history: Good, bad, scary
- No new peace proposals in Obama visit to Israel – only Iran, Syria
- Six Russian satellites enter orbit successfully
- The world will see the Great Russia someday
- The phenomenon of homosexuality in today's world
- World crisis plotted by Standard&Poor's?
- Mysteries of stone circles in Russia's Bashkiria
- Cuba on the way to turning cancer into a chronic disease
- +Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.8.13
- The World is Going to War-Gerald Celente
- Australia to Ban Blowing Out Birthday Candles
- What This Inmate Did After He Found a Trooper’s Lost, Loaded Gun Could Pay Dividends | Video | TheBlaze.com
- Prison Planet.com » Daniel Ellsberg on NDAA: Obama Has More Power Than King George
- Prison Planet.com » Bilderberg 2013 Secret Location Uncovered?
- Prison Planet.com » Video: Cop Lands Helicopter to Harass Woman
- Prison Planet.com » It Has Happened Here
- Prison Planet.com » Foreign Agent Piers Morgan Talks About Repealing 2nd Amendment
- Prison Planet.com » Gun Control Advocate Goes On Gun Rampage
- Skeptics say Iran's new stealth fighter is a plastic fake | The Verge
- Prison Planet.com » Arm Syrian Rebels: CIA, Pentagon And Hillary Said Yes; Obama Just Said No
- Prison Planet.com » Nasa: 2012 DA14 asteroid ‘will not impact Earth’
- Dinosaurs died out 'within a gnat's eyebrow' of devastating meteor impact 66million years ago | Mail Online
- Former Assange ally accuses him of becoming L. Ron Hubbard — RT
- Prison Planet.com » Subliminal Message Hidden In Global Central Bank Reflation Effort Exposed
- Prison Planet.com » The Prepper Filter – 11 Questions That Will Help You Be A Better Prepper
- The Voter Fraud That ‘Never Happens’ Keeps Coming Back - By John Fund - The Corner - National Review Online
- Prison Planet.com » Study suggests chicken pox vaccine responsible for triggering nationwide shingles epidemic
- Prison Planet.com » Yet more evidence emerges that our universe is a grand simulation created by an intelligent designer
- A Victory for Liberty in The Fluoridation Wars - YouTube
- John Brennan: The Nexus of Torture and Drone Assassinations - YouTube
- The Coming Drone Wars - YouTube
- The US-Canada Border's Constitution-Free Zone | The Nation
- Terrorist tweets: how Al Qaeda's social media move could cause problems - CSMonitor.com
- El Paso: FBI stats deem border city safest In the country 3 year - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
- Cole Bombing Suspect Hearings On Hold As CIA Interrogation Techniques Questioned
- » Watch: Greeks Fight For Food: “I Never Imagined That I Would End Up Here” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- » This Before And After Image Of Afghanistan Is Hard To Believe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- » The Nature of Reality Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
- Drones, cyber attacks & the new war on terror on "Face the Nation" - CBS News
- Border Patrol Arrests in Arizona Lowest in Nearly Two Decades - Phoenix - News - Valley Fever
- “Third Nation” along the US-Mexico border | OUPblog
- 'Al-Qaeda spreading its influence in other parts of world'
- France boosted al-Qaeda in Mali by paying £11m in ransoms, says US ambassador - Telegraph
- China DM refutes Japan's allegations on radar targeting - Xinhua | English.news.cn
- The Illuminati Culture - YouTube
- It's time to update some old proverbs
- Signs of life from America's true conservatives
- Another Islamic attack on an elderly Dane
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- Karl Rove steps up war on conservatives
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- Andrew Carnegie and limousine liberalism
- Why was fraud Alex Haley quoted at inauguration?
- ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ threatens ‘Bush-the-moron’ narrative
- When the left liked guns
- ‘Shall not be infringed’ – period!
- Sprinting toward Gomorrah
- Bozell, Hannity Discuss How Media Are Ignoring Left-wing Inspiration of Cop Killer Dorner
- Bozell on Cavuto 2/7/13
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- Reason TV: The crack epidemic plaguing the city of Los Angeles
- Wow. Both Hillary and Obama awol during Benghazi attack
- Hagel receive funding from group called “Friends of Hamas”?
- Lindsey Graham grills Panetta during Benghazi hearing
- Mark Levin on Benghazi hearing: Our men were fighting for their lives and Obama did NOTHING!
- Mark Levin explains how only Obama could have ordered military operation in Benghazi and he didn’t do it
- See how ABC, NBC, and CBS News covered the Benghazi hearing
- Mark Levin blasts Karl Rove as a propagandist, interviews Steve King on Rove
- Walid Phares: Obama seeking negotiated solution for Syria’s civil war, but won’t use military
- Dr. Ben Carson’s amazing speech at National Prayer Breakfast with Obama
- Iran trying to woo Egypt into forging an alliance
- Soopermexican: “So God made a liberal”
- Obama ready to cut US nuclear weapons arsenal by a third
- “I Voted Twice for Obama” – Obama poll worker admits on camera
- Karl Rove’s claim to have worked for Reagan DISPUTED
- Jesse Jackson Jr. going to jail for felony
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- Kids these days can't even answer dumbed-down teen 'Jeopardy' questions [VIDEO]
- Obama threatens popular spending programs unless GOP agrees to higher taxes
- Abortion-pill mandate a sinking ship Obama refuses to abandon
- Steve King uses attacks by Karl Rove-backed group as opportunity to fundraise
- Charity should be the American way
- Was Obama’s Skeet-Shooting Image Photoshopped? Kirsten Powers And Fox Panel Weigh In
- Ann Coulter Slams ‘Mainstream Media’ As ‘Threat To Democracy’
- Fox Analyst Defends Drones: If An American Takes Up Arms Against Fellow Citizens, ‘You Kill The Sucker, Period’
- GOP Rep. Peter King Dismisses Concerns About Drone Warfare: ‘So Much Liberal Hand-Wringing’
- MSNBC Host Defends Liberals Who Trust Obama With Drones: Would You Trust Bush With Nuclear Codes?
- Bill O’Reilly Defends NBC Drone Coverage Claim By Denying He Said What He Said
- Dick Morris Wants To Moderate GOP: ‘I Showed Dems How To Move Center’ — Now It’s Republicans’ Turn
- ‘Black Comedian Criticizes Black President’: Late Night Host Compares Obama To Bush On Drones
- The Kill List ‘Debate’: Why Liberal And Conservative Media Have No Clue How To Handle The Story | Mediaite
- Dem. Senator To CIA Head Nominee: Should Obama Let Americans ‘Surrender Before Killing Them?’ | Mediaite
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- Limbaugh Links Same-Sex Parenting To "Be[ing] Able To Marry Your Dog" | Video | Media Matters for America
- Nugent Says Obama Has A "Racist Agenda" After Week Of Mainstream Press Praise | Blog | Media Matters for America
- Geraldo Rivera Reiterates That He Will Remain On Fox News "Until Five Minutes Before" He Files For Senate Run | Video | Media Matters for America
- Jeremy Scahill: Assassinations of U.S. Citizens Largely Ignored at Brennan CIA Hearing
- Decade After Iraq WMD Speech at UN, Ex-Powell Aide Lawrence Wilkerson Debates Author Norman Solomon
- CBO and small biz: Yeah, about keeping your health care plan if you like it « Hot Air
- Rand Paul’s Dangerous Approach to Iran « Commentary Magazine
- TaxVox » Blog Archive » Finally, a Permanent Estate Tax, Though Just for the Wealthy Few
- Should We Compensate the Losers from Free Trade? | Cato @ Liberty
- Real Clear World - Video - Raw: 'Syrian Soliders' Dance To Usher
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- Real Clear World - Video - Four People Throw Shoes At Iranian President Ahmadinejad [VIDEO]
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- Charting a New Course for the U.S. & the Environment
- Zero GDP Exposes Real Deficit: Economic Growth
- Jemima Khan on Julian Assange: how the Wikileaks founder alienated his allies
- Westward Ho! - By Yun Sun | Foreign Policy
- Open-letter-to-President-Obama - Al-Ahram Weekly
- Egypt's corruption woes – Global Public Square - CNN.com Blogs
- An uneasy courtship as Iran and Egypt test the waters - The National
- Commentary: Rand Paul's Seminal Speech | The National Interest
- 10 Russian Myths About U.S. Adoptions | Opinion | The Moscow Times
- For Millions of Chinese Men, Lonely Life as “Bare Branch” Looms | Tea Leaf Nation
- Obama And The Drone Awakening
- Drones are gruesome, but would we prefer boots on the ground? - Telegraph
- Neil Macdonald: U.S. media complicit in Obama's drone doctrine - World - CBC News
- Soviet lessons for the Arab world | Full Comment | National Post
- Robert Kagan: Rand Paul’s conventional dissent on foreign policy - The Washington Post
- Kagan’s Condescending Response to Rand Paul | The American Conservative
- The End of the Latin American Left - By Alvaro Vargas LLosa | Foreign Policy
- Immigration and the demography factor - latimes.com
- Another way to look at the national debt - The Washington Post
- Restored Payroll Tax Pinches Those With the Smallest Checks - NYTimes.com
- How Much Would You Pay for the Apple Ecosystem? | Institutional Investor
- Bretton Woods III by Sanjeev Sanyal - Project Syndicate
- Erasing Ronald Reagan: The Illiberal War On Truth - Forbes
- Has China Quietly Joined the Currency War?
- Department of Awful Statistics: Income Inequality Edition - The Daily Beast
- So David Einhorn is the Dumb Money on Apple | EconMatters
- Currency Wars Return, 1930s Style: Who Will Lose Out?
- BBC - Future - Science & Environment - Will we ever… simulate the human brain?
- Marijuana: the Gateway Drug (to Nicotine) -
- The Moose Cleanse - Mallory Ortberg - The Atlantic
- Why Insects Should Be in Your Diet | The Scientist Magazine®
- Talking Poop With Author of “The Origin of Feces” – News Watch
- Fresh Clues In Dinosaur Whodunit Point To Asteroid : NPR
- Baby Talk | New Republic
- US Unemployment Is 7.9%—Are Robots to Blame? | Singularity Hub
- The DEA's pot defense [Blowback] - latimes.com
- Science isn't on the drug warriors' side [Blowback] - latimes.com
- RealClearScience - Pop Vitamin C Tablets, Get a Kidney Stone
- UF researchers include humans in most comprehensive tree of life to date | University of Florida News
- nsf.gov - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Animal Magnetism: First Evidence That Magnetism Helps Salmon Find Home - US National Science Foundation (NSF)
- American Friends of Tel Aviv University: A Privacy Risk in Your DNA
- Caffeine Jitters | February 4, 2013 Issue - Vol. 91 Issue 5 | Chemical & Engineering News
- When the United States Went to War Against the Mormons
- Scientology hides from grave allegations behind the mask of religion | John Sweeney | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- Meet the Tech Company That's Bringing The Vatican Into the Digital Age - Forbes
- Obama adviser Joshua DuBois to leave Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships - Under God - The Washington Post
- 5 tech turnarounds that actually worked - Fortune Tech
- PC Shipment Numbers: A Tale Of Two Spins - Hardware - Desktops/PCs -
- Meet the Man with a Cheap and Easy Plan to Stop Global Warming | MIT Technology Review
- A culture of lies and laziness
- How to Use Windows 8? Search for It - NYTimes.com
- Why I Haven’t Given Up on Windows 8 as a Concept | TIME.com
- Piecing Together the Dark Legacy of East Germany's Secret Police
- Chris Kyle: al-Shaitan of Iraq | Iraq | Command Posts
- Why Berlin cannot forget the Stasi - Europe - World - The Independent
- Revered and Reviled: D.W. Griffith’s ‘The Birth of a Nation’ | The Moving Arts Film Journal
- Can Obama pair Keystone, climate action? - Andrew Restuccia - POLITICO.com
- Fuel Fix » Steffy: With a new energy secretary, we need a new energy strategy
- The American Spectator : America's Oil Revival
- 100 pct renewables: it may be closer than we think : Renew Economy
- Let's Inaugurate a Term of Energy Realism - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune
- Fuel Fix » Oilmen hope to make new history at Spindletop
- Biomass Breathing New Life Into Coal Plants - Forbes
- Energy Innovation: New Fracking Methods? | The Energy Collective
- Top 5 reasons why intelligent liberals don’t like nuclear energy | The Curious Wavefunction, Scientific American Blog Network
- Can you improve economy by chipping your car's engine? - Telegraph
- More Energy Efficient Motors with Help from New AC Kinetics Software
- America is Back -- and Looking Forward | RealClearPolitics
- A New GOP? Not Yet - The Daily Beast
- FiberWAN, Terry Childs: Gavin Newsom on why governments should outsource technology. - Slate Magazine
- Rove: How the President Can Aid Immigration Reform - WSJ.com
- Rothenberg: Youth Vote Could Seal GOP's Minority Status : Roll Call Politics
- Opinion: Why conservatives should back immigration reform - Al Cardenas - POLITICO.com
- President Obama is enjoying a second political honeymoon. But how long will it last?
- Bam’s wise kill-don’t-capture rule - NYPOST.com
- Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
- The Tipping Point | RedState
- GOP: Rebranding vs. Rethinking | RealClearPolitics
- Obama Sequester Plan: Hope Republicans Blink First
- Return to a True Conservative Foreign Policy | RealClearPolitics
- Rand Paul’s confused foreign policy speech
- Ditching Palin, Talking Nice Won’t Revive Republicans - Bloomberg
- Henninger: Obama's Colossal Politics - WSJ.com
- At John Brennan’s C.I.A. Confirmation Hearing - NYTimes.com
- Death of 'jobs council': Mission accomplished - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com
- Will five-day mail service shock Congress into action on postal reform? - The Washington Post
- Is a Franken-Bachmann Showdown on the Horizon? | RealClearPolitics
- The Persistence of Racial Resentment - NYTimes.com
- Michael Barone: When the stars were in alignment for immigration reform | WashingtonExaminer.com
- You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way Journalists Blow - Reason.com
- Why the GOP's Resistance to Medicaid Expansion Is Eroding - NationalJournal.com
- Dereliction of Duty: Obama Did Nothing to Save American Lives in Benghazi--and Lied About It
- Obama Must Fight One More Campaign: To Keep Senate & Win House in 2014 - The Daily Beast
- Byron York: With public focused on jobs, Washington fights other fights | WashingtonExaminer.com
- Geithner doctrine lives on in Libor affair - FT.com
- Kick That Can - NYTimes.com
- Keystone XL Would Be a Boost for the U.S.
- 5 Reasons to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants - Reason.com
- Dan Liljenquist: Illinois needs to solve its own pension problems | Deseret News
- When It Comes to Patents, Congress Needs to Act | Wired Opinion | Wired.com
- Want a Pro-Growth Pro-Environment Plan? Economists Agree: Tax Carbon. | Brookings Institution
- Strassel: A Jewell Who's Rough on Jobs - WSJ.com
- Higher Oil Taxes Would Lift the Economy - Bloomberg
- Detroit Sinks With Belle Isle - NYTimes.com
- To go or not to go: Supreme Court at the State of the Union
- Supreme Court to Hear Major DNA Case
- Friends, family say goodbye to slain teen
- Ex-DA denies misconduct in wrongful conviction
- Dorner manhunt: Sheriff says ex-cop not a threat to ski resorts
- FBI: Calif. ex-con tried to bomb bank to start civil war
- Bush family emails hacked; 'can happen to anyone,' experts say
- Week Ahead: State of the Union and More Earnings
- Kerry promises Keystone XL decision in 'near term'
- Ohio Amish beard-cutting ringleader gets 15 years
- Collateral damage: Brennan's dubious claims about civilian casualties
- 2016 WATCH: Rand vs. Rubio in rival State of the Union rebuttals
- Jesse Jackson Jr. pleads guilty to conspiracy
- Why uranium would make a North Korean nuclear test especially scary
- China Denies Directing Radar at Japanese Military
- Woman burned alive for 'sorcery' in Papua New Guinea
- Should we be worried about the latest Facebook glitch?
- Microsoft launches 'Don't get Scroogled' campaign against Google
- NASA: Asteroid fly-by next week closest ever of its size
- The 130,000 Ton Asteroid Heading Toward Earth - YouTube
- Rat-Size Ancestor Said to Link Man and Beast
- Rare 'Strobe Light' Star May Actually Be Twins
- US professor finds longest prime number with 17425170 digits
- With Unfinished Business, NASA Plans More Missions to Mars
- Study: Magnetism helps salmon home in
- The genes behind Fido's facial features
- 35 Ancient Pyramids Discovered in Sudan Necropolis
- Kevin Ford: Space exploration very important to Planet Earth
- Chile Pepper Genome Sequenced, Unlocking Potential Genetic Improvements
- Oil Exports Trim US Deficit as Fuel Gap Shrinks: Economy
- Power Company Takes Blame for Super Bowl Outage
- Venezuela announces currency devaluation
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- New Study Finds Southern Diet Could Be Linked to Strokes
- Florida couple are 'addicted' to coffee enemas
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- Runway Jams: Songs Played at 2013 Fall New York Fashion Week Shows
- Star Wars: Frank Oz Would Do Yoda Again–But Not the Puppet
- Richard Stern dies at 84 - chicagotribune.com
- Iraq car bombings kill 33 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
- Rebel push into Damascus raises fears of long fight, mass exodus | CTV News
- VOA Denies Chinese Allegations on Tibetan Self-Immolations
- Hackers said to hit Bush family, exposing sensitive information | Security & Privacy - CNET News
- YouTube yanks video of 3D-printed rifle magazine | Internet & Media - CNET News
- Lt. Gen. Norman R. Seip: Ask What You Can Do for Your Country: Combating Climate Threats to Our National Security
- Food Innovation’s Newest Potato Chip Flavors: Sriracha, Chicken and Waffles, and Garlic Bread – News Watch
- Doctors are Addressing Big Data Challenges Using Watson - YouTube
- IBM Touts 'Watson' Supercomputer for the Health-Care Industry - TheStreet
- BOR: Texas Wants a Medicaid Expansion. Why Doesn't the Governor?
- Millennials Are More Stressed Out Than Older Generations: Stress In America Survey
7 February
- William J Federer's American Minute for February 8th
- Today in History: February 7
- February 8 Events in History
- This Day in History for 8th February | HistoryOrb.com
- What Happened on February 8th This Day in History
- Today in History: February 7
- February 8th in History
- Today in History for Friday, February 8th - YouTube
February 8
Sen. Angus King: Drones "A Lot More Civilized Than What We Used To Do," A "More Humane Weapon"Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli Open To Legalizing Marijuana
Granholm: On Drones, Do We Trust Obama More Than Bush?
Eastwood: If DC Doesn't "Give A Damn," Why Do They Expect Anybody Else?
Wyden: Should Obama Let Americans "Surrender Before Killing Them?"
O'Donnell: The Boundaries On Drone Killings Are "Pretty Clear"
Bill O'Reilly: The Debate Over Guns Ramps Up
Maddow: There Is A Partisan Divide Over The CIA Sharing Information
"Special Report" Panel On U.S. Strategy In Syria
February 7
Obama: "More Than Willing To Engage" GOP On Need For More TaxesKarl Rove Promises Getting "Better Conservative Candidates"
Krugman: "The Best Thing To Do Right Now Is To Kick The Can Down The Road"
Coulter: Mainstream Media "A Threat To Democracy"
Dr. Benjamin Carson Addresses National Prayer Breakfast, Criticizes Obamacare
Rand Paul: "Sequester Barely Cuts Any Icing Off The Top Of The Cake"
Brennan: Waterboarding Is "Reprehensible" And "Should've Been Banned"
Brennan Defends Intelligence, Drone Policies At Confirmation
Jon Stewart: Obama Only Transparent About The Last Guy's Secrets
Lt. Col. Bill Cowan: Slippery Slope Could Allow Drone Killings Of Americans Inside U.S.
McConnell: Take Advantage Of Divided Government To Solve Our Economic Challenges
Corn: U.S. Has Right To Kill Traitors With Drones
O'Reilly: "There Is An Epidemic Of Disrespect In America"
"Special Report" Panel On ObamaCare's Effects In 2013
Kornacki: Gun Control Will Be An Issue In 2014 Elections
Boehner: Pathway to Citizenship "Worthy of Consideration"