Jeff & Linda Stone - Ritual Sex Abuse Victims - YouTube
Assad may stay? UN gives in to Russia - YouTube
Rense & Tim Rifat - Rothschild's US Presidential Elections and Iran War - YouTube
The New Jewish Class Wars - YouTube
Ron Paul says Latinos have become 'scapegoats' - latimes.com
What Is a Just War? by Andrew P. Napolitano
New Statesman - In the Assange case we are all suspects now
Shoes For Ki-Moon Because Eggs And Tomatoes Are Expensive « Kawther Salam
Rep. Marino Introduces DownsizeDC.org's "One Subject at a Time Act" - The Business Journals
TSA agent Alexandra Schmid at JFK airport stole $5,000 cash from | Mail Online
IRS to reward Snitches - YouTube
China Rejects Genetically Modified Rice, GMO Crops | Natural Society
**Russian Scientists Seeking Lake Vostok Lost In Frozen 'Land Of The Lost'? | Fox News
Ancient Aliens's Giorgio Tsoukalos Update CoastoCoast am 31.012012 - YouTube
Ancient Rhetorical Theory: What is Rhetoric - YouTube
C2CAM-The Antichrist & Prophecy- Patrick Heron 05_21_2009 - YouTube
What The Bleep Do We Know: Down The Rabbit Hole | The Occult Network
Jim Marrs-Future Technology From The Past | The Occult Network
Jordan Maxwell – The Dawn of a New Day | The Occult Network
Hidden Archeology & Ancient India - YouTube
The Naked Bible(http://michaelsheiser.com/TheNakedBible/)
The Divine Council(www.thedivinecouncil.com/)
UFO Religions(http://michaelsheiser.com/UFOReligions/)
Proof of Ancient Aliens(www.drmsh.com/artifacts.htm)
The Biblioblog Reference Library(http://bibliobloglibrary.com/)
Ancient Near Eastern Languages(www.anelanguages.com/)
Biblical Hebrew(www.biblicalhebrew.com/)
Bible Dictionaries Online(www.biblestudytools.com/dictionaries/)
Bible Tools - Strong's Concordance(www.tgm.org/bible.htm)
Learning New Testament Greek (www.ntgateway.com)
N.T. Vocabulary by Frequency(www.biblicalgreek.org/)
Resources for Learning NT Greek (www.ntgreek.org/)
Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar:
Ancient Hebrew Research Center (www.ancient-hebrew.org/)
Learn Biblical Languages(www.read-the-bible.org/)
*22 pg./Evidence Real and Imagined: Thinking Clearly About the “Jesus Family Tomb”
*251 pg./All occurrences of elohim in the Hebrew Bible
*71 pg./Elohim as the subject of a singular predicator
2 pg./Elohim as the subject of a plural verb form
*201 pg./YHWH coupled with Elohim
+VIDEO:Searching the Hebrew Bible : Elohim
+Video:Search Elohim ; Subject of a verb
+Video: Searching ETCSL( Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature) for the word “Anunnaki”
+Video: Searchingthe Chicago Assyrian Dictionary & Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary for “shumu”
Morgellons Exposed - www.morgellonsexposed.com/
Zionist Control Of America - Rense & Salbuchi [2011.10.27] - YouTube
David Duke Radio (1st February 2012) - YouTube
AA Exposes Bush’s ‘Big Lie’: Flight 11 DID NOT FLY on 911! | Opinion Maker
Paul Drockton: The Jeb Bush Dilemma
The world's biggest iceberg: 19 mile crack continues to break away from Antarctica | Mail Online
Bizarre UFO Photographed From Small Plane Over Oregon
Paul: Immigration not solved by barbed wire, guns | World news | The Guardian
Ron Paul Appeal Certain to Play Role in GOP Outcome | Sinclair News – LS News Group
Read Between the Lines: Hollywood Mogul Buys 2,600 Acres of Farmland; Moving to New Zealand
US 'no-fly' list of suspected terrorists doubles in 12 months | World news | guardian.co.uk
Global War and Hunger Porn on the way to Fat City Smoking Mirrors
Tax and regulate sugar like alcohol and tobacco, urge scientists | Science | The Guardian
Don't call 911: The disconcerting sculptures causing panic on the streets | Mail Online
The Coverup of Zionist Organized Crime! - YouTube
The experts' view on the euro's future: it doesn't have one - Europe - World - The Independent
The Hades Syndrome and the River Styx. Reflections in a Petri Dish
Keira Knightley: Why I don't own a TV - Telegraph
The Decision-Makers-of-Wars & ‘You’
Mitt Romney 'Not Concerned About The Very Poor' Remark Now DNC Ad (VIDEO)
China food safety inspection results are ‘alarming’ - AsiaInspection
U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms | Video - ABC News
Treasure hunters 'find $3 billion in platinum on sunken WW2 British ship' - Telegraph
2,4-D corn? Bad idea, and here's why. | Pesticide Action Network
US man charged with eating brains of his homeless murder victim - Telegraph
Romney: Not focused on poor, they have safety net
Three Little Wives of Newt - YouTube
Ring of Power: Empire of the City | The Occult Network
Pouring tea in a plane - upside down | Wired Science | Wired.com
National “Defense” & the Department of the “Interior”: Inside Looking Out
Brains of addicts are inherently abnormal: study - Yahoo! News
Podcast Show #75;The Boiling Frogs Presents Philip Giraldi
*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 2, 2012
*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 1, 2012
*The Quickening | The Occult Network
Anti-Neocons • Look at the money spent on war
Art Cashin Explains Why Several Hundred Thousand Jobs Are About To "Vaporize" | ZeroHedge
Activist Post: Google, Twitter Cave to International Censorship Pressure
Egypt unrest video: Protesters vs police & tear gas in Cairo - YouTube
poorrichard's blog: SHTF Planning: 20 Lessons from the Streets of Cairo
Activist Post: Obama administration’s sickening abuse of secrecy challenged yet again
Iran’s secret weapon: oil for gold | Intrepid Report.com
Refreshing News: US announces changes in the F-1, H-1B visas
Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Gould-Werritty: the Continuing Cover-Up
Will Men Stand Up Against the Sex Slave Trade in Israel? - The Huffington Post
Webster Tarpley: Obama's Aggressive War on Iran. - YouTube
New York Times loses $40million in 2011 | Mail Online
Middle Class Not Paying Their Fair Share! MSM / Wall Street Presstitute - YouTube
Anti-Neocons • American Presidential candidates Exposed
Hundreds of slaughtered civilians isn't a 'huge number' for Obama
New “Snitch” App helps you to turn in Fellow Americans - 12160
Asia Times Online :: The myth of an "isolated' Iran
RON PAUL EXPOSED!!! Is this the man we want to see running the U.S.A.? - YouTube
Activist Post: Monsanto-funded legislators suppress WA’s GMO-label bills, lie about funding
American's Journey: This Machine KILLS FASCISTS
Lone Star Watchdog: The Reason for War with Iran: Follow the Funny Money
The Iraq war-- What did AIPAC do and when did it do it?
Obama: Jesus Would Back Higher Taxes
Corruption in Fascist Business Model
Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Pushes On
Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The Dirty History of Promoting Democracy
Crops being sprayed with MSG, glutamic acid as chemical growth enhancers
Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : People That Want Freedom Should Vote For Ron Paul
For It Before They Were Against It: Google Spent $400K On SOPA Lobbying | TechCrunch
5.6 Million Americans Have Switched Their Banks In The Last 90 Days | ThinkProgress
'US Intel scapegoats Iran retaliation' - YouTube
Audio:A Noble Lie with Austin Green and Holland Van den Nieuwenhof – Episode 087 - Off The Grid News
Chris King's First Amendment Page(http://christopher-king.blogspot.com/)
Activist Post: McDonald’s Forced to Stop Using Ammonia-Tainted ‘Pink Slime’ in Meat
3 Fast Food Ingredient Secrets: Industrial Chemicals | Natural Society
**Prison Planet.com » Republican Establishment Excludes Ron Paul From 2012 CPAC Event
CPAC 2012 ; Speakers/ http://cpac2012.conservative.org/
poorrichard's blog: Vaccine-Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks
*The Rockefellers | The Occult Network
*The House of Rothschild (documentary) | The Occult Network
Review & Outlook: $5 Trillion and Change - WSJ.com
+Who are the bond holders we are bailing out? | Golem XIV - Thoughts
*51 pg./Government Support for Summary Judgment Motion
Virtual Reality Contact Lenses Could Be Available by 2014 | StratRisks
The Matrix Is Here: We Are Now Able To Harvest Electricity From Cockroaches - BlackListedNews.com
How US Fascism Comes Out on Top Via ‘Too-Big-to-Fail?’ - BlackListedNews.com
Discipline recommended in Air Force whistle-blower case – USATODAY.com
The Pirate Bay moves to .se domain after Supreme Court sends founders to jail
Google to Censor Blogger Blogs on a 'Per Country Basis' | Threat Level | Wired.com
A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors - YouTube
Goldman Sachs Employees Have Donated How Much Money To Mitt Romney?!
MF Global Missing Money Mostly Found
Mind-reading device could become reality - Telegraph
Your cell phone is a government issued tracking device - BlackListedNews.com
'Telepathy machine' close to reality, say scientists - BlackListedNews.com
New audio tape sheds light on JFK assassination | The Raw Story
Bill Gates Funds Technology to Destroy Sperm! Infowars Nightly News - YouTube
Retro Propaganda: Introducing Aspartame - YouTube
**Prison Planet.com » 27 of 35 Bush Articles of Impeachment Apply to Obama
Prison Planet.com » Lawsuit Filed Against Government Over Assassination Of U.S. Citizens
Holder’s No. 2 in 2009: Gunwalking, Fast and Furious a ‘terrific idea’
Prison Planet.com » Microsoft buys eugenics technology from Merck
Prison Planet.com » Bill Introduced To Challenge Authority Of NDAA
Prison Planet.com » What Do You Do When The Country Where You Live Is Literally Going Insane?
Prison Planet.com » Monsanto Forced Out of UK by Activists
Maine Legislators Endorse Ron Paul on Freedom Watch - YouTube
Could an infection be behind mysterious Tourette's-like syndrome affecting teenagers? | Mail Online
Poll: Mitt Romney leads in Nevada | The State Column
Prison Planet.com » TSA Trains Super Bowl Hot Dog Sellers To Spot Terrorists
Prison Planet.com » Feds Seize Over 300 More Websites On Piracy Charges
Prison Planet.com » UN Wants World Tax To ‘Help The Poor’
HSBC Under Investigation for Laundering Billions! Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports 1/2 - YouTube
HSBC Under Investigation for Laundering Billions! 2/2 - YouTube
*Videos:Prison Planet.com » War, Bank Runs, Riots & Gold Going Mainstream
Prison Planet.com » See No Evil: A Strange Absolution of Obama’s Warmongering
Prison Planet.com » The Two Headed Monster
Prison Planet.com » Diminishment of Sovereignty and More Fed Manipulations
Prison Planet.com » A Game As Old As History: The Globalist Hand Behind The Iranian Mullahs
Tritium Leaking in 48 of 65 Nuclear Sites Across America Reports U.S. NRC - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » Did Newt Gingrich Endorse ObamaCare in 2009?
Brzezinski Fears Global Awakening: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube
Rich Cabal Meet About Over Population Control: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » Kyle Bass: “Don’t Sell Your Gold”
Prison Planet.com » U.S. Rep. Justin Amash raises privacy fears with anti-radio chip stance
Sugar should be controlled 'like tobacco and alcohol' | Mail Online
Google to allow censorship of Blogger content - The Hill's Hillicon Valley
Prison Planet.com » Why Urban, Educated Parents Are Turning to DIY Education
New False Flag! U.S. Intel Director Prepares Public. Infowars Nightly News - YouTube
Alex Takes Calls on The Moral Decline of America 1/4 - YouTube
Alex Takes Calls on The Moral Decline of America 2/4 - YouTube
Alex Takes Calls on The Moral Decline of America 3/4 - YouTube
Alex Takes Calls on The Moral Decline of America 4/4 - YouTube
The Illuminati: A Global Religious War Against All Humanity with Author Fritz Springmeier 1/4
The Illuminati: A Global Religious War Against All Humanity with Author Fritz Springmeier 2/4
The Illuminati: A Global Religious War Against All Humanity with Author Fritz Springmeier 3/4
The Illuminati: A Global Religious War Against All Humanity with Author Fritz Springmeier 4/4
Reign of The Luciferian Psychopaths 1/3
Reign of The Luciferian Psychopaths 2/3
Reign of The Luciferian Psychopaths 3/3
Ritual Blood Sacrifices of The Luciferian, Global Elite
Thousands wrongly labelled as criminals - Telegraph
Secret NYPD Document Describes Which Muslims to Spy On -- Daily Intel
» Anti-HIV pill to cause AIDS epidemic? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Heinz Endowments fund Flight 93 oral histories | CNSnews.com
Polish premier stops ratification of internet anti-piracy treaty - Monsters and Critics
States are cracking down on political speech with burdensome laws - The Washington Post
Lee: Obama 'trampling' on Constitution with recess appointments - The Hill's On The Money
Mind-reading program translates brain activity into words | Science | The Guardian
The Daily Bell - Facebook IPO Is US Intel Operation?
Facebook’s new friend request: Political insiders - The Washington Post
How the Public Schools Keep Your Child a Prisoner of the State by Karen De Coster
+ Audit the Fed Reach 200 Co-sponsors Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
* Current Cosponsors, HR 459 | Campaign for Liberty
Roseanne for president: Barr files paperwork for her own 2012 White House bid | Mail Online
» Doctors Are Paid To Sell You Poison Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Doctors Are Paid To Sell You Poison - YouTube
Farah on Fox TV: Rubio not a natural-born citizen
Rubio: Life is not a political issue
+See big bank money-laundering evidence
+Banking giant accused of laundering billions
Komen backs off decision on funding cuts - Health - Women's health - msnbc.com
Court asked to halt censorship of anti-jihad speech
Santorum Warns Of Doomsday Under Obama « CBS Washington
Government meddling in faith causing ‘constitutional crisis’
Wycliffe defends changing titles for God
Comedian makes $1million a month from YouTube videos | Mail Online
» Did Top Liberal Arts College Falsify SAT Data to Legitimize Racial Preferences? - Big Government
Going mobile: Travel's eventual high-tech future
Obama pushes for veterans jobs programs
Disagreements on cyber risk East-West "Cold War"
Anonymous posts audio of FBI, Scotland Yard call
Detroit automakers say 'no' to Japan joining trade talks
Komen drops plans to cut Planned Parenthood grants
Official: 2nd teacher pulled from S. Calif. school
+New map pinpoints Lyme disease risk areas
House passes 4-year aviation program blueprint
Obama tells Congress: "don't muck up" U.S. recovery
Obama: Economic recovery speeding up
UN court slams Italy over Nazi compensation claims
Rabbi Lior compares Obama to villain Haman
Commander suspended for 'forgetting' soldier
Scientists call for curbs on own research on deadly bird flu virus
Video: ShowBiz Minute: Roseanne, Madonna, Cyrus
Video: If $50 billion leaves Russia in 2012, no problem: Ulyukayev
Video: Ireland's 1.4 billion euro house
Video: Hiring Burst Pushes Jobless Rate Down to 8.3%
Video: Entertainment Fix: Honey Boo-Boo Child
Video: Komen Foundation Cuts Ties To Planned Parenthood
Video: Billionaire Adopts Adult Girlfriend As Daughter
Video: Planned Parenthood To The Rescue: New Ad Defends Obama's Forced Contraception Edict
Video: Republican presidential hopefuls place bets in Nevada
Video: Victory For Abortion Factory
Video: 'Anonymous' Hackers Intercept Call Between FBI, Scotland Yard
Video: NATO clarifies Afghan exit strategy
Video: Obama to Congress: "don't muck up" recovery
Report: Syrian Forces ‘Torture Children as Young as 13′
Italy to Pass Labor Reforms With or Without Union Support
New York Times Laments Income Loss for Afghan Businesses
MEDEVAC Scandal: Officer Reports AMEDD Sacrificing Soldier Safety
Taliban to Retake Afghanistan While U.S. Officials Still Proclaim Success
MSM To Eric Holder’s Rescue From Big Bad Bully Darrell Issa
False Reuters, WaPo Identity Attacks Against Sen. Marco Rubio Are No Accident
NPR’s Bitter Disappointment: Komen Divorces Planned Parenthood
Politico Hides Media Matters Sourcing in RedState Editor Scalp Hunt
Which Three Senators Voted Against Banning Insider Trading in Congress and Why?
Komen Continues Funding Planned Parenthood
Audio: Unemployment News Is Good for Obama, Not as Good for the Economy
Holder Hearings: Democrats Praise Holder’s ‘Dignity and Honor,’ then Call for More Gun Control
Senate Adds Several Important Amendments to the STOCK Act
Partisan Trends: Number of Democrats Falls to New Low as More Americans Identify as Republican
Mercenary: Sierra Club Took $26 Million from Gas Industry to Fight Coal Plants
Economic Danger Signs: The Seven Warning Signs of Econoblastoma
New California Budget Crisis May Torpedo November Tax Increase Initiative
Planned Parenthood vs Komen: PP Gets Its Thug On
Reason.tv: The Foie Gras Fight – Animal Cruelty or Animal Rights Propaganda?
Senate Passes STOCK Act, Applies It to Executive Branch
Wisconsin Recall Fraud: Man Finds His Name Four Times on Recall, Claims He Never Signed
Big Labor Plans Super Bowl Chaos
Supreme Court Case Could Threaten Big Labor’s Ability to Deduct from Public Employee Paychecks
Romney’s ‘Poor’ Comment Is Plenty Defensible
Trump Endorsement: Did I Say Newt? I Meant Romney
Cartoon: There Are Two Sides to Every Debate - Big Government
Holder: No Cover-up In 'Fast And Furious,' No Effort To Hide Details Of The Operation | Fox News
Pelosi criticizes cancer charity for break with Planned Parenthood - The Hill's Healthwatch
Daily Call Sheet: Underrated Woody, Defending Debasement, and It’s Friday!
‘Spartacus: Vengeance’ Review: New Star Lost in Andy Whitfield’s Shadow
‘The Theatre Bizarre’ Review: Horror Anthology Goes for the Jugular
‘The Innkeepers’ Review: Old-Fashioned Suspense Makes a Comeback
No Joke: Roseanne Barr Is Running for President
‘Big Miracle’ Review: Greenpeace Warrior Saves Whales by Turning Water into Whine
‘W.E.’ Review: Madonna Can’t Vogue Her Way Around Film’s Insufferable Characters
‘Cultural Jihad’: Cair Wants Anti-Islamist Documentary Removed from Counter-Terrorism Training
‘The Woman in Black’ Review: Slack Tribute to the Hammer Horror Films of Yore
Carolla Endorses Donald Trump’s Work Ethic
Daily Call Sheet: Hollywood Cuts Its Own Throat and Bleeds SOPA, Letterman at 30, and Links Galore!
‘The Whistleblower’ Blu-ray Review: Weisz Puts UN Peacekeepers on Trial
Kodak’s Moment May Be Over In Hollywood
CNN's Martin and O'Brien High Five Each Other for Skewering Mitt Romney | NewsBusters.org
**NEWS VIDEOS: Victory For Abortion Factory
Paul Ryan to Bernanke: Obama’s Policies Have Failed
Government Employee Unions Raising Hell in Arizona
Planned Parenthood To The Rescue: New Ad Defends Obama’s Forced Contraception Edict
Billionaire Adopts Adult Girlfriend As Daughter
Mass Voter Fraud Discovered In Florida
Ed Schultz’ Orwellian Doublespeak On Right To Work
‘Anonymous’ Hackers Intercept Call Between FBI, Scotland Yard
Komen Foundation Cuts Ties To Planned Parenthood
2nd/Holder To Puerto Rican Congressman: ‘Wherever You’re From’
Green Filmmaker Arrested At House Energy Hearing For No Press Pass
96 – 3: Congressional Insider Trading Bill Passes Senate
MSNBC’s Bashir: Why Can’t American Politics Be Like ‘Socialist’ NFL?
Bashir, Sheila Jackson Lee Attack ‘Grotesque’ Trump Endorsement
Newt: I Care About Very Poor ‘Unlike Governor Romney’
Obama Links Re-Election Effort With Abolition, Civil Rights Movements
Congresswoman Shames Holder: ‘How Many More’ Agents Have To Die ‘For You To Take Responsibility?’
Pelosi Falsely Claims Catholic Church Supports ObamaCare Forced Contraception Policy
Pelosi: Girl Scouts’ Partnership With Planned Parenthood ‘Very Valuable’
Schumer Admits Obama Most Wall Street-Funded President
Punxsutawney ‘Phil’ Saw His Shadow
Former Bush Official Touts Third Party Option
Obama: Jesus Would Tax The Rich
DNC Chair On Trump Endorsing Romney: ‘Both Like To Fire People’
CNN’s ‘New Faces Of Working Poor’ Feeds Obama’s Class War Strategy
#OccupyOakland City Hall Break-In Caught On Tape
Koch Bros Fight Back Against Personal Attacks From Obama Campaign
Facebook Goes Public, Projected To Raise Five Billion
Lawmaker Targets ‘Violent Video Games’ For New Tax
1st/Dozens Killed In Deadly Egypt Soccer Riot
Congressman: Releasing Taliban Prisoners From Gitmo ‘Big Mistake’
Conservative Group Slams Obama Over False Solyndra Promises
Undeterred: Romney Keeps Singing ‘America The Beautiful’
31st/Panetta: Iran One Year Away from Getting Nukes
Police Suspect #OccupyCharlotte Using Storm Drain As Toilet, Call HAZMAT
Gingrich: ‘Romney Extraordinarily Insensitive To Religious Freedom In America’
30th/Muppets Go Partisan: Kermit And Miss Piggy Trash Fox News
29th/Toronto Teens Send Lego Man Into Space
Newt May 2011: I Fought ObamaCare Mandate For Two-And-A-Half Years
Newt Denied Advocating Individual Mandate During Thursday’s Debate, 2009 Audio Proves He Did
Newt In 2009: Praise For Obama’s Individual Mandate, ObamaCare Legislative Process
28th/Activists And Bloggers Fear Twitter Censorship
Why I turned down spot on 'The Daily Show'
Obama's latest vote-buying scheme
Any true Americans left among us?
The battle over Boykin at West Point
Koch brothers' anti-Obama hate machine
ANN COULTER: 3 cheers for Romneycare!
Just what makes a 'bona fide' Democrat?
ANDREW NAPOLITANO: What is a just war?
B. FARBER: The Marx brothers: Karl and Groucho
Rocky Terrain: Obama's Electoral College Map Grows Steeper - 2012 Decoded
Romney, Gingrich and the Power of Ideas | Karl Rove
One Year Later, Another Look at Obamanomics vs. Reaganomics | Cato @ Liberty
Coulter's shameful defense of Romneycare | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
How the GOP Is Resegregating the South | The Nation
The GOP’s “entitlement society” myth - Salon.com
Barack Obama | Do All Day | New Yorker | The Daily Caller
Holder should walk the plank on 'Fast and Furious' | Washington Examiner
Review & Outlook: Mitt at a Minimum - WSJ.com
A Painful Betrayal - NYTimes.com
The Newt Gingrich playbook - latimes.com
Syria: the strategic imperative - NY Daily News
The snake oil of "Who lost Iraq?" - Iraq - Salon.com
The Problem That the Buffett Rule Won’t Fix: Michael Kinsley - Bloomberg
Strassel: Reimagining Speaker Pelosi - WSJ.com
The Case for Romney - Jonah Goldberg - National Review Online
The American Spectator : His Abominations Accelerate
Ann Coulter Tries (And Fails) To Square The Romneycare Circle | The New Republic
Gadfly Online: Frank Serpico The fate that gnaws at him
Decolonisation in British Africa | History Today
‘Yellow journalism’: The back story to a sneer, 115 years on « Media Myth Alert
Klaus Fuchs -- Atom Bomb Spy — The First Atom Bomb — Crime Library on truTV.com
Treasure hunter says he found $3B WWII wreck - Yahoo! News
'The Obamas': How not to kill a book - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com
Samuel S. Vaughan, Publisher and Author, Dies at 83 - NYTimes.com
Can bells and whistles save the book? - Salon.com
Fair and Balanced: On Copyright and Fair Use | The Nation
WORLDmag.com | No pious baloney | Emily Belz | Feb 02, 12
Mormon Numbers Not Adding Up | Culture | Religion Dispatches
Pastors Answer 'What Is Biblical Femininity?', Christian News
Ministry Matters™ | Articles | Being Christian in an Election Year
Conservative Annulments | Hirhurim – Torah Musings
See no evil, report no evil » GetReligion
Her.meneutics: Learning the Spiritual Disciplines from a Mormon Blogger
America Magazine What Obama Should Say at Thursday's Prayer Breakfast
The American Conservative » Christian Jihad
University Defends Crackdown on Religious Groups | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes
Was Jesus A Socialist, Capitalist, Or Something Else? - Forbes
MWR : PBS film on Amish made with respect (preview included)
A Dangerous Practice: Catholic World Report
Jewish scholars dare to bridge religious divide - Washington Times
College officials discuss religious pluralism at AACU meeting | Inside Higher Ed
Associated Baptist Press - Mohler says insurance mandate not just 'Catholic' issue
Christopher Lane: Two Ways Of Thinking About Agnosticism: Hitchens Vs. Dawkins
A Jewish State: The Challenge of Haredim - Shalom Hartman Institute
These are not tumultuous times for the Church | Eye of Faith
Book is fresh introduction to Mormonism | Deseret News
RealClearReligion - The Perils of Making Jesus in Your Own Image
Where Do “Sacred” Values Live in the Brain? | Science | Religion Dispatches
The Lord's Supper Helps Christians 'Keep it Real', Christian News
Lizards Give Glimpse of Rare Evolutionary Process
Hormone-Regulated Genes Control Gender Behavior
The nature of humanity: What’s a man? | The Economist
One genome from many : Nature News & Comment
Russian Drill Nears 14-Million-Year-Old Antarctic Lake | Wired Science | Wired.com
Colleges need to make sure students are actually learning - latimes.com
The Real Reason Why Your Kid Has ADHD?
Addicts' Brains May Be Wired At Birth For Less Self-Control : Shots - Health Blog : NPR
MIT creates solar cell from grass clippings | ExtremeTech
Without NASA, Future of Space Coast Up in the Air - Blog
Cancer drugs affect mouse genomes for generations : Nature News & Comment
BBC News - Mona Lisa copy reveals new detail
Thomas Jefferson: Founding Father of Science - Blog
Can Science End War? - John Horgan - International - The Atlantic
Snoring dormouse video: Do hibernating animals wake up to go to the bathroom? - Slate Magazine
Rule of 6ix: Of TB, smallpox and old New York quarantine centres
Ancient Islamic architects created perfect quasicrystals - physicsworld.com
NASA Manned Spaceflight Slowly Dies - Blog
Can bells and whistles save the book? - Books - Salon.com
Facebook IPO: Is the social networking behemoth really a good business? - Slate Magazine
Silicon Valley's spotty ethical record | Dan Gillmor | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
Exclusive: Windows Phone 8 Detailed
Vampire Power Reality Check: What Tech Gear Sucks the Most? | PCWorld
How extreme do you need your PC? | ExtremeTech
BitTorrent Live attracts steady stream of interest | The Download Blog - Download.com
The cloud goes Hollywood - Fortune Tech
A sobering look at Facebook | Reuters
The Race to Build a Real Star Trek Tricorder - Popular Mechanics
Things That Were Once Amazing - NYTimes.com
Facebook's $5 Billion IPO: The Next Google? Or The Next Groupon? | Epicenter | Wired.com
What Are the Candidates' Stances on Important Tech Issues?
Neil Young is right — piracy is the new radio — Tech News and Analysis
A Truly Wireless Mobile Scanner From Xerox - State of the Art - NYTimes.com
What Is Facebook's Business? | Fast Company
What Google knows about you | Detroit Free Press | freep.com
How not to annoy people via e-mail - CNN.com
'Smart clothing' could become wearable gadgets - Technology & science - Innovation - msnbc.com
What is the 'Future of Television'? | Tech Goes Strong
A Guide to Buying Oil Investments
Opinion: Stop harassing the Koch brothers - Rep. Mike Pompeo - POLITICO.com
Political will not enough to fuel new Canadian oil sands refineries | Full Comment | National Post
An Abundant Supply of Cheap Oil is the Most Important Resource for Our Future
Ronald Fraser: Gas industry money tilts the debate on drilling - Another Voice - The Buffalo News
Obama's Green Energy Investment Continues to Deliver Lousy Results - Investors.com
Labor voices: New fuel, emissions rules will generate jobs | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com
Obama's State of the Union: What Does It Mean for the Energy Agenda? - Energy & Environment Experts
Welcome to THE COMMONS -- News and Views for Windham County, Vermont
Renewable energy a scam whose time is passed | The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME
Nuclear Power in the US: a Rigged System » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Obama's State of the Union: What Does It Mean for the Energy Agenda? - Energy & Environment Experts
The Peak Oil Crisis: Election 2012 | Energy Bulletin
Saudi Arabia's petrochemical paradox - The Barrel
Nuclear Fusion: The Power Source of the Future...the Far Off Future
Do Taxes and Regulations Threaten Dollar?
RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary
RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary
Will the great interest rate gamble pay off? - Telegraph
In Rise of Gold Bugs, History Repeats Itself - NYTimes.com
Obama Promised Regulatory Reform, But Instead Has Turned - Investors.com
What If Barack Obama And Paul Krugman Ran A Business? - Forbes
Easy Facebook money already made - John Shinal's Tech Investor - MarketWatch
Small Businesses Make a Great Big Comeback
Learn This Or Fail At Trading. | bclund
Earning Less - Why The Poor Get Poorer
Getting back to the gold standard - Portfolio Insights by Brett Arends - MarketWatch
National Debt: America’s Declaration of Dependence
RealClearMarkets - The Class Divide In White America
Waiting for Hamilton: The ‘Imbecility’ of the EU — The American Magazine
How the Fed Presidents' Assets Stack Up - NYTimes.com
*1st/Transcripts : Obama's Remarks on the Housing Market
Media Availability with Secretary Panetta
Interview with Senator Lindsey Graham
Panel on Secretary Panetta's Comments
Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod
Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders
Interview with Representative Michele Bachmann
Analysts on Super PAC Spending
Liberals and Catholic Hospitals - NYTimes.com
Bernstein: How Obama can revive housing without Congress - The Washington Post
U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Plunges To 40 Year Low Of 12.1 Percent | ThinkProgress
Writing off Afghanistan, too | Shadow Government
Holder: Of Course Bush and Cheney Were Right All Along « Commentary Magazine
Planet found at perfect spot for life - in solar system with three suns - CSMonitor.com
Virtual Reality Contact Lenses Could Be Available by 2014: Scientific American
FINAL EVENTS: Jack Parsons, UFOs and the FBI
Time in Space May Alter Astronauts' Genes | Wired Science | Wired.com
Earthfiles.com Environment | Mysterious “Chorus of Trumpets” Heard in Tennessee
Rush Suggests New Group “Hobos For Romney”
Sen. Hatch Blasts Obama: ‘Only One Person…Walked on Water’
Rush: A Message Of Hope To Homeowners From Barney Frank – Parody. HILARIOUS
Limbaugh: Romney Is A Stranger To Fundamental Conservatism
Bret Baier and Steve Hayes Weigh In On Limbaugh’s Santorum Endorsement Debate
Conservatives, think past election day!
Why Unions Defend the Worst of their Members; the NDAA 2012 Connect.
ObamaCare Abortions: Will Catholics Vote for Him A Second Time?
Broken Immigration, Broken Education
Trump’s Paper Tiger Rebellion Against Conservatives
Obama Speech at National Prayer Breakfast: Insincere Theological Farce
A Short Review of Obama’s Agenda
Make Way for ‘Saint Obama the Pious’
Agenda-driven “science” at EPA
Obama’s “green energy” policies won’t work unless pump prices are rocketing upward!
Nader Out of Inhofe-Markey Global Warming Debate
Debbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: The Photo of AZ Gov Jan Brewer The MSMedia Will NEVER Show You
Debbie Schlussel:Donald Trump & The All-Important Reality Show Ringmaster GOP Endorsement
Debbie Schlussel:Muslim Chick Whines Over Not Being Allowed to Dress Like Robber @ Gas Station
Debbie Schlussel:FUNNY VIDEO: The Martha Stewart Version of “Jackass”
Why There is 'Too Much' Money in Elections
Head Start: Can a Failed Program Ever Be Killed?
Fiscal Skills: Romney vs. Obama
The government wants you to win a free house!
Obama on Energy: An Exercise in Nuance
SEAL Team 6: A Big Secret, Unless Obama Wants to Brag
ACLU Fights Sunshine in Wisconsin Recall
243,000 jobs added in January; official unemployment rate at 8.3%
Major Party Shift Among Jewish Voters
Growing certainty among US policy makers that Israel will attack Iran
The myth of Israel's isolation
Let the Poor and Middle Class Pay Their Fair Share
Breast cancer screening, abortion, and money for Planned Parenthood
Should the GOP support 'The Buffet Rule?'
Don't insult the Edsel by comparing it to the Volt
In Mass. Senate race, GOP's Brown embracing Obama
Quincy, IL News - QuincyJournal.com - Union membership dwindles in Wisconsin, U.S.
Soldier Deaths During Training Prompt Military Probe Into Supplement Use | Fox News
Fort Hood shooter trial delayed until June - NYPOST.com
Obama: I Pushed Dodd-Frank And Health Care Reform Because Of Christ
Ron Paul gets a boost from brothel bunnies in Nevada caucuses - latimes.com
Father killed three-month-old daughter when her crying interrupted his video game | Mail Online
Palestinian kids are “fertilizer,” created to saturate the land with blood - PMW Bulletins
Russian Scientists Seeking Lake Vostok Lost In Frozen 'Land Of The Lost'? | Fox News
*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – February 1-2nd, 2012
*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – February 2nd, 2012
John Stockwell Highest Ranking CIA agent to go public - YouTube
+2 Part:The Marxian Concept is Here with Author Alan Watt | Dprogram.net
Microsoft buys eugenics technology from Merck – Mike Adams | Dprogram.net
Americans get closer to building weapon of the future - English pravda.ru
Christians Feed Their Own To The Lions – Chuck Baldwin | Dprogram.net
Drug-Resistant Bugs Found in Antibiotic-Free Meat | Wired Science | Wired.com
13 Politically Incorrect Gun Rules! | Before It's News
Activist Post: Will Organic Farmers Finally Receive Justice Over Monsanto?
Activist Post: Practical Applications for Voluntary Taxation
Activist Post: Monsanto-funded legislators suppress WA’s GMO-label bills, lie about funding
Activist Post: 5 Wars That America Must End for Peace and Freedom to Prevail
Activist Post: Crude Awakening: Mineral Oil Contaminates Everyone's Bodies
Activist Post: Obama administration’s sickening abuse of secrecy challenged yet again
While You Were Watching The Super Bowl... - YouTube
U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms | Video - ABC News
DARPA Works On Virtual Reality Contact Lenses - Government - Mobile & Wireless - Informationweek
**How to Make an Omelet | The Art of Manliness
How Do Asians Eat So Much Rice and Not Gain Weight? | Mark's Daily Apple
Why I Haven’t Gotten a Cold In Three Years Altucher Confidential
[Folder Name]
OBD III: The Motor Law Realized by Eric Peters
Ron Paul: Reactionary or Visionary by Patrick J. Buchanan
Google changes its privacy policy: Another reminder to use offshore email
How basic can you get? List #1 for beginners | The Survival Mom™
The Most Annoying, Pretentious And Useless Business Jargon - Forbes
Elaine Chao: Real Unemployment Numbers Are Double
Rush: Obama's Jobless Numbers Are 'Corrupt'
Romney, Ron Paul Forging Unlikely Alliance
Obama Plans to Curtail $21 Billion Military Expansion in Guam
Feds Green Light Wind Farms from NJ to Va.
Contraception Mandate Outrages Religious Groups
Mormon Vote to Help Romney in Next Primaries
Santorum: I'll Remain in the Race 'to the Very End'
Iran Warns of Retaliation Over Oil Sanctions
US Archives Unveils Magna Carta After Repairs
Pew Study: Facebook Users Get More Than They Give
Romney Told Catholic Hospitals to Administer Abortion Pills
Hatch Criticizes Obama for Being ‘Theologian-in-Chief’
Rep. Huizenga: ‘The Last Time the Senate Passed a Budget, the iPad Didn’t Exist’
Holder Wants 'Some Credit’ for What ‘This Justice Department Has Done’
Holder: ‘I’m Not Sure’ How I Found About Fast and Furious
Holder Admits ‘National Security Crisis Along Our Southwest Border’
Komen Drops Plans to Cut Planned Parenthood Grants
Long-Term Unemployment Remains High, Millions Leave Labor Force
GOP Freshmen Congressmen Want to Donate $1.5M in Unused Office Funds to Pay Down Debt
House Considers Contempt Charge Against Holder in Fast and Furious Case
Boehner: Obama Contraception Mandate ‘Violates Our Constitution’
Holder Denies He’s Lost Public’s Confidence, Rejects Resignation Calls
San Francisco Airport Opens Yoga Room for Stressed Travelers
NATO mulls paying for Afghan forces after 2014
Comedian Roseanne Barr Seeks Green Party Presidential Nod
Steven Tyler Defends National Anthem Performance
Iran-Venezuela Links Examined Amid Fresh Calls for Terror-Sponsor Designation
Arab Upheavals Leave Hamas Looking for New Home, Sponsors, Strategy
Shari’a Courts in Indian-Controlled Kashmir Issuing Decrees Against Christians
Trump Endorses Romney -- After Reports He'd Back Newt
Two Jewish Groups Oppose Obama Contraceptive Mandate
Nets Rush to Defend Planned Parenthood, Ignore Catholic Dispute with Obama
Santorum Warns Voters of Country's Likely Demise; 'We Cannot Listen to the Siren Song' | CNSnews.com
Symbolic Pics of the Month (02/12)
The Coroner in Charge of the Investigation of Amy Winehouse’s Death Resigns
How TV Affects the Brains of Young Children (video)
Lana Del Rey, an Artificial Creation?
Nuclear experts barred from Iran site - diplomats | Reuters
Madonna's guarantee: no half-time wardrobe malfunction
Eastern European death toll hits 150 as big freeze continues across continent | Mail Online
Santorum Warns Of Doomsday Under Obama « CBS Washington
Gingrich Shifts to Populist Tone - Washington Wire - WSJ
Stolen Babies? Mother Loses Four Kids - ABC News
Corpse Sits Among Oblivious Video Gamers For Nine Hours In Taiwan Internet Cafe
Family Furious After Calumet City Police Shoot, Kill Boy With Autism « CBS Chicago
Students caught playing ‘rape tag’ | KREM.com Spokane
Mysterious Crop Circle Codes Finally Cracked | Before It's News
Whistleblower: 'December 2012 Will See A Mass Landing Of Benign Alien Beings' | Before It's News
Matrix Mindbenders For Young And Old | Before It's News
Popes Said Freemasonry Is Satanism | Before It's News
Ancient Alien Star Stones Of Ireland | Before It's News
How To Make Cheese, Bytesize Science Presents The Chemistry Of Cheese | Before It's News
Bytesize Science Presents: The Chemistry of Cheese - YouTube
New Super-Earth Detected Within The Habitable Zone Of A Nearby Cool Star | Before It's News
Old Jewish Scrolls Found In Afghanistan | Before It's News
September 11th 2001: May Not Have Happened the Way We Were Told | Before It's News
Mark Levin on Ann Coulter's Mystifying Defense of RomneyCare | Before It's News
Watch Pirate Radio Documentary Online Free
Dempsey Told Israelis U.S. Won't Join Their War on Iran
Iran: This Is What Propaganda Looks Like
Video:Psywar: The Real Battlefield is Your Mind
Video:Robot Wars How Military Drones Are Changing War
The US Health Care Industry Racket
Santorum To Sick Kid: Don’t Complain About $1 Million Drug Costs
Feds: We obtained MegaUpload conversations with search warrant | Media Maverick - CNET News
SYRIA: Fabricating a Pretext to Launch a US-NATO Sponsored "Humanitarian War"
SYRIA: New Flawed UN Security Council Resolution: Evidence of Terrorist "Armed Entity"
"Hydrauliic Fracturing": Poland Gives Green Light to Massive Fracking Efforts
HUMAN VOCATION AND SOCIAL JUSTICE: Contributing to Society, Realizing Oneself as a Human Being
VIDEO: Syria. The Lies of the UN Security Council are Revealed
VIDEO: Syria Resolution Part of Proxy War Against Iran
The Real Economic Picture: "There is No Recovery"
BUILDING A POLITICAL CONSENSUS FOR WAR: Former US Policymakers Promote War on Iran
"Post Racist Society". The Plight of Mexican Americans: Worse Off Today Than in the Sixties
Menino, Bloomberg Team Up In Gun Control Ad For Super Bowl
GOP criticizes plan to transfer 'high-level' Guantanamo detainees
Sierra Club took $26M from gas industry to fight coal-fired plants
Romney says he 'misspoke' about concerns for poor
Bernanke urges caution in overly rapid deficit cutting
US Concerned Iran Aiding Al Qaeda
Lawmaker wants ban on taxpayer-funded ad campaigns against sodas, junk food
Cash-strapped Chicago schools spend millions on workers' unused sick and vacation days
GOP's Hatch: Someone should remind Obama he's not Jesus Christ
‘Fetal pain’ bill fails in Va. Senate committee
Obama Gets Biblical on Republican Tax Critics
Chris Rock: 'I'll Pay Higher Taxes'
Take Action to Stop Assault On Unions in FAA 'Compromise' Bill
Komen Apologizes; Pledges To Continue Planned Parenthood Grants - Updated
Rick Scott and Florida Republicans Look to Privatize Prisons
AL Lawmaker Says Teacher Pay Raises 'Against Biblical Principle,' But Not His
Komen Founder Nancy Brinker Defends Planned Parenthood Decision
The Tea Party Report: Spotlight on Mitt
Komen Executive Behind Defunding of Planned Parenthood Was Endorsed by Sarah Palin in 2010
Washington State Senate Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill
Pink Ribbons: What Are They Tied To?
Jon Stewart Knocks Romney For Saying He's 'Not Concerned About the Very Poor'
'One Million Moms' Call On JC Penney To Fire Ellen DeGeneres
Santorum to Sick Kid: Don't Complain About $1 Million Drug Costs
Seattle Truck Drivers Shut Down Port to Protest Work-Related Dangers
Should #OWS Denounce Occupy Oakland?
‘53’ States? Video of Teens Failing Miserably at a Civics Quiz Is So Depressing It’s Funny
‘Repulsive’: Jewish Leaders Angry After Church Wraps Pastor in ‘Torah’ & Exalts Him as ‘King’
Watch This Amazing Emergency Landing After Airplane Propeller Falls Off
Want to See The World’s Biggest Caliber (.905!) Rifle in Action?
Santorum on Obama‘s ’Jesus’ Tax Talk: ‘I’ve Read the Bible & I Must Have Missed That Passage’
Malicious Email Downloads ‘Drive-by Virus’ Just by Clicking Open
Anonymous Hacks Into and Records FBI Conference Call … About Them
Did This Treasure Hunter Find a Sunken Ship With $3 Billion in Platinum Bars?
Vandal Tears Up Bible, Desecrates Communion Bread & Steals $10,000 During Vicious TX Church Attack
‘Jewish Indiana Jones’ Pleads Guilty to Fraud in Bizarre Torah ‘Rescue’ Case
Google Agrees to Censor Blogs in Certain Countries
Planned Parenthood Ad Defends Obama Admin Religious-Employer Contraception Mandate
Report: Panetta Believes Israel Could Strike Iran Within Months
Graffiti Art Worth $200 Million? It Is for This Artist Who Opted for Facebook Stock as Compensation
This Is the Portion of Obamacare That the House Voted to Repeal
Islamists Take 14 Seats in Kuwaiti Election, Giving Control to Opposition Groups
Senate Passes Lawmaker Insider Trading Ban
Limbaugh Unleashes on Romney‘s ’Poor’ & ‘Safety Net’ Comments…for a Different Reason
‘Real News’ Panel Debates Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan
Watch ‘Real News’ Panel Debates Insider Trading Bill, Fast & Furious
Donald Trump Officially Endorses Mitt Romney for President
Obama at Prayer Breakfast: Jesus Would Want Us to Tax the Rich
Exclusive: Sen. Jim DeMint Calls for AG Holder‘s Resignation on GBTV’s ‘Real News’
Feb. 2, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
What Really Happened With Michael Rivero
What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-02-12 Hr 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-02-12 Hr 2
Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-02, Thursday
State of the Union 2012 - YouTube
Ron Paul - FACE TO FACE 02/01/12 - YouTube
Forget Bullets! NEW Gun Shoots Laser Guided Mini-Missiles! - YouTube
Chicago's 'hidden' performance spaces
USDA awards $40 million grants to boost local farm/food projects
Donald Trump's endorsement: An 'Apprentice' contestant's take
Trump Backs Romney, Despite Gingrich Staff Claim - YouTube
Man pleads guilty in murder of Florida girl Somer Thompson
My Take: 'Real Catholics' not opposed to birth control
Judge: Loughner Still Not Fit For Trial
Attorney predicts Bob Bashara's accuser will be charged
Roseanne Barr Wants Green Party Presidential Nomination
Will Eric Holder survive 'Fast and Furious' fiasco?
A Symbol of Democracy Is Criticized as Undemocratic
Santorum turns tough rhetoric against Gingrich
Hackers take over law enforcement websites
Egyptian kidnappers reportedly free 2 American tourists
Hackers release private FBI call about hackers
At Least 12 Dead in Latest Syria Violence
Putin Aide Says Protests Are Work of Foreign Forces
NATO: Forces Will Not Back Down During Afghan Transition
North Korea challenges Seoul to Q+A over dialogue
Gingrich makes fiery closing argument on eve of Nevada caucuses
Romney Says Obama Doesn't Deserve Credit for Jobs Growth Report
Obama says his religious values underpin his policies
Private-Equity Rallies Around Mitt Romney's Dodd-Frank Cure
What's the right tax rate for the rich?
Santorum to visit sweater vest factory
Nevada governor seeks repeal of 654 regulations
Va. House passes bill to restrict state funding for abortions
Minnesota caucuses could be key for Gingrich campaign
Doomsday warning from Rick Santorum
Biggert clears the field in GOP congressional primary
What Elizabeth Warren can teach Barack Obama
Vice President Biden coming to Tallahassee
Siblings' brain scans may hold key to addictions
Are You Wearing Red Today? If Not, Here's Why You Should
Anaesthetic use linked to ADHD
Spectacular High-Res Image of Earth: The Other Side
Scientists snare 'superprawn' off New Zealand - YouTube
Reports: Iran successfully launches small Earth-watching satellite
Hubble Telescope captures Milky Way galaxy's twin
Water World: New Super-Earth Found Near Distant Star
NASA Receives Highest Number of Astronaut Applicants in Over 30 Years
NASA takes first ever video of dark side of the moon
Great ball of fire: Fiery meteorite wows Oklahoma and Texas
SEE IT: Dramatic satellite photo shows giant crack in the Antarctic ice
NASA probe discovers 'alien' matter from beyond our solar system
NASA Identifies High-Priority Technologies for Next 5 Years
Anonymous Leaks FBI, Scotland Yard Call About Hackers
Google Told to Pause Privacy Changes in EU Over French Check
Google's New 'Bouncer' Targets Android Market Malware
Facebook's IPO May Create as Many as 1000 Millionaires
VeriSign hacked numerous times in 2010
Radcliffe admits being drunk during "Harry Potter" scenes
Madonna Feels Like 'One of the Football Players' Pre-Super Bowl
Madonna promises no wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl XLVI - YouTube
Madonna Pre-Super Bowl Video Gets Some Cred From NFL, Nicki Minaj, MIA
What a Real-Time Copy of the Mona Lisa Reveals About Leonardo
Bee Gee Robin Gibb makes "spectacular" recovery
Demi Moore -- Secretly Attended Miley Cyrus' Penis Cake Party | TMZ.com
Super Bowl ads: The art of seduction - latimes.com
Russian Scientists Seeking Lake Vostok Lost In Frozen 'Land Of The Lost'? | Fox News
Is Alaska's Cleveland Volcano about to erupt again? - CSMonitor.com
Video: Giant prawn of the deep discovered off New Zealand coast - Telegraph
*3 Feb.
American Minute for February 3rd
February 3rd This Day in History
This Day in History for 3rd February | HistoryOrb.com
Today in History for Feb. 3rd - YouTube
Post-Durban Update
Pakistan PM's Contempt Case
Qatari PM On Escalating Violence In Syria
China To The Rescue For EU?
Should U.S. End Combat Role In Afghanistan Early?
Gates Responds To Afghan Drawdown
Reports Of Rebel Advance In Homs
Raw Video: Troops, Tanks Block Syrian Streets
Leftist Protesters Attack British Banks In Buenos Aires
Raw Video: Iran Reports Satellite Launch
Taliban Willing To Negotiate In Peace Talks
The New Afghan Combat Timetable
Campaign 2012: Latin America
Arab League Looks At Syria's Future
Top Risks And Ethical Decisions 2012
Chinese Workers Kidnapped In North Africa
China's Change In Leadership
Afghanistan: Early Exit?
Clark: Afghanistan Given Fair Notice
Is Afghanistan Announcement Political?
Talat Masood About Leaked NATO Report On Taliban
Report: Taliban Encouraged By Pakistan To Fight
Greek Soccer Teams Go On Strike
Europe Hit By Record Low Temperatures
Avalanche Kills Three In Japan
Egypt Mourns Soccer Deaths
Iran And The U.S.-Saudi Relationship
How Long Can Assad Remain In Power?
Eric Holder: No One Has Been Disciplined For Fast & Furious
Rep. Steve Israel: Voters Have "Buyer's Remorse" With GOP Congress
Romney On "Poor" Comment: "I Misspoke"
Eric Holder To Puerto Rican Congressman: "Wherever You're From"
Axelrod: Romney's "Great Negative Campaign" Didn't Add To His "Luster"
Ann Coulter To Mitt Romney: "You Owe Me"
Rubio: Obama Will Try To "Absolutely Eviscerate" GOP Opponent
Palin: "Imperative That Voters Do Not Become Lazy In Primary Process"
Wasserman Schultz: Trump And Romney "Both Like Firing People"
Gingrich Ad Capitalizes On George Soros Likening Romney To Obama
Krauthammer On "Poor" Comment: Romney Can't Explain Conservative Ideas
Obama Announces 2012 Launch Of "African-Americans For Obama"
Michelle Obama Takes On Ellen DeGeneres In Push-Up Challenge
O'Reilly: There Will Be 12 Battleground States In 2012
Corn: Gingrich's "Spite and Bile" Prevent Him From Dropping Out
Fineman: Romney Makes "Extreme Statements" To Portray Toughness
"Special Report" Online Show On The 2012 Race