"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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06 June 2010

6 JUN '10/D DAY

YouTube - You're Being Decieved


Green tea extract may slow leukaemia, researchers have suggested - Telegraph

Do aliens live on a Saturn moon? | Mail Online

Tiananmen Square memoir claims China decided to 'spill some blood' - Telegraph

Illegal snooping by town hall staff is up sixfold | Mail Online

Tony Blair our very special adviser by dictator Gaddafi's son | Mail Online

Satellite tracking for the most dangerous psychiatric patients - Times Online

Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee - Telegraph

Minister: Britain will open door to Frankenstein food | Mail Online

Obama secretly deploys US special forces to 75 countries across world - Times Online

savethemales.ca - Is Steiner's "Anthroposophy" a Satanic Cult?

Zionists Fabricate As US Digs Deeper Hole

Interracial marriages at an all-time high, study says - CNN.com

Israel Invites The World To Revolt!

Understanding the Signs of the Times

Mother Finds Kidnapped Children Through Facebook | NBC Bay Area

Supertankers Could Clean up The Gulf Oil Spill, BP Won’t Listen Supertanker-solution-1 – Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World

savethemales.ca - Waldorf Schools Reminded Teacher of Nazi Era

How The Jews Are ‘Spinning’ Flotilla Crimes | Real Zionist News

My Way News - BP chief won't quit over Gulf of Mexico spill

Health tourists’ debts cost NHS millions - Times Online

Minister lets US ‘mole’ roam MoD - Times Online

Cameron brings in ex BP boss as his Whitehall axeman | Mail Online

How 'BT Sarah' spies on your Facebook account: secret new software allows BT and other firms to trawl internet looking for disgruntled customers | Mail Online

Only a totalitarian state disarms law-abiding citizens: we want no more oppressive gun laws – Telegraph Blogs

Onion domes to rise in Paris - Times Online

GM lobby helped draw up crucial report on Britain's food supplies | Environment | The Observer

Stun Gun Assault: Angry Father Uses Stun Gun on Daughter's friend over Naked Photo - KDVR

Space, the final frontier of Chinese news manipulation | World news | The Observer

Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers - Times Online

Swine ’flu and Big Pharma: why is there no scandal? – Telegraph Blogs

Coming Out of Babylon

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

Iran using Dubai to smuggle nuclear components - Telegraph

AP Enterprise: Sub attack was near US-SKorea drill - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - Obama Under Fire for Backing Deal to Lift Global Ban on Commercial Whaling

Lost Youth Employment In Illinois

Illinois - A State In Crisis

Ohio Supreme Court Rules Officers Can Just Guess How Fast You’re Going | autoinsane

More Teens May Be Getting High off Prescription Drugs - ABC News

Genetics & the Jews | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

MTV’s New Big Penis Show Doesn’t Understand High-School Popularity -- Vulture

Israeli War Crimes: From the U.S. Liberty to the Humanitarian Flotilla

The hijacking of the truth: Film evidence 'destroyed' - Middle East, World - The Independent


YouTube - AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 1: The Orange and the Pea

YouTube - The Voice of America — Part 2 The Treasonous Dollar Drain


YouTube - The Rothschilds controls the gold market!

YouTube - Obama Helps Obstruct Israel Investigation (Article)


*Pictures that tell the truth about the oil spill

Pictures that tell the truth about the oil spill


YouTube - israel got Green Light From U.S. Before The Humanitarian Aid Flotilla was Attacked


YouTube - Helen Thomas Mocks Gibbs Over White House's Lack Of Condemnation Of Israel's Act Of War


Alex Jones: Bilderberg Is Running Scared


US attendees at ‘world government’ meeting may be breaking law: activists | Raw Story

How crazy can it get? Scientists propose sun block for the entire planet to save it

Euro 'will be dead in five years' - Telegraph

Israel thumbs nose at world anger « Aletho News

American Jews eye Obama's 'anti-Israel' appointees - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Turkey not flexing its muscles but pressing for universal values

Flotilla Raid Fires Up Israel Lobby « Aletho News


Robert Fisk: The truth behind the Israeli propaganda - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Egypt to strip men married to Israelis of citizenship

Gulf Oil Spill: Cap Placed Over Leak Collecting Only Fraction Of The Oil

Bilderberg See People With Income As “A Threat” To Their Agenda

Israel, Nazi propaganda chief Göebbels would have been proud of you :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

SOUTH LEBANON: The Right to Exist: Who Has It? Where Is It? Why?

Israel vs. The Rest Of Humanity : Political Theatrics

Understanding Israel's criminal seige of Gaza; one facet of US Orwellian "leadership"

Turkey Threatens to Suspend Relations With Israel, Issues Ultimatum | Tikun Olam-תקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place

Massacre on the Mediterranean: Synopsis (1) » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Israeli War Crimes: From the U.S. Liberty to the Humanitarian Flotilla [Voltaire]

Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Globalists In Crisis, Supportive Of Attack On Iran

Are We Sure About “Hate Speech”? « This Is Aaron's World Blog


*Reagan.1984:The Boys of Pointe Du Hoc

Frequently Asked Questions for D-Day and the Battle of Normandy

Facts and figures of war - Telegraph

D-Day June 6, 1944


The American Debate: BP dug the hole, but Obama is taking the hit | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/06/2010

Slick talk aside, O's just not up to the job - NYPOST.com

Oil spill tests President Obama's management style - Glenn Thrush and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Obama, the Oil Spill, and the Carter Comparisons - Newsweek.com

In gulf oil spill's long reach, ecological damage could last decades

The Times They Are a-Changin’ .  .  . | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - The Thrill is Gone

Suddenly, Republicans want an active federal government | NJ.com

$13,050,826,460,886.97 - NYPOST.com

Fair Game - Banks Say No to Freddie and Fannie, but Taxpayers Can’t - NYTimes.com

After the flotilla attack, it's time for a new, kinder Israeli narrative

Rex Murphy: UN condemns Israel first, investigates later | Full Comment | National Post

Peter Beinart on Why American Dominance Must End - The Daily Beast

A mosque at ground zero? - The Boston Globe

Lessons from the spill

Stimulus aside, we're not seeing increase in jobs

Editorial - The Doctor Payment Follies - NYTimes.com

Editorial: Never forget their sacrifice » Opinion » Traverse City Record-Eagle

Democrats launch effort to get 2008 first-time voters back to polls for midterms

‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ May Haunt Effort to Taint Obama (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Geithner: Fannie and Freddie next for reform - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

California Governor Race News: In GOP Primary, Whitman's Cash Trumping Poizner's Doctrine - WSJ.com

06-06-2010: Space, the final frontier of Chinese news manipulation

06-06-2010: APD hands out $30,000 in grocery vouchers for guns

06-06-2010: Companies Now Requiring Job Applicants to Already Have a Job

06-06-2010: Sub attack was near US-SKorea drill

06-06-2010: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

06-06-2010: Japanese firm wants to transform the Moon into a giant solar power plant

06-05-2010: Claims Emerge That Australia Spiral Was Falcon 9 Rocket

06-05-2010: The Mystery Of Mars Moon Phobos Continues

06-05-2010: Bilderberg 2010: Between the sword and the wall

06-05-2010: Bilderberg 2010: Why the protesters are your very best friends

06-04-2010: SpaceX Rocket Achieves Earth Orbit on First Flight

06-04-2010: US attendees at ‘world government’ meeting may be breaking law: activists

06-04-2010: Monsanto’s 475-ton seed donation challenged by Haitian peasants

06-04-2010: Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

06-04-2010: Oily Politics Grease the Wheels of Control

Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

Japanese firm wants to transform the Moon into a giant solar power plant

Activists: Israeli boat raiders had ‘assassination list’

US to go ahead with 'essential' drone attacks in Pakistan despite UN call to stop

Glenn Beck pins blame for 9/11 attacks on Saudi Prince, major News Corp. stakeholder

World Govt Non-Elect: Engdahl on Bilderberg

Video: Similiarties Between 1979 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill And 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

50 Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport

The Truth Behind the Israeli Propaganda

What Lethal Arrogance Looks Like

Americans More Optimistic About War On Terror

Real People v. Corporate “People”:

Who are the Bilderberg Group?

The Most Perilous Nuclear Arsenal in the World: Israel invites the World to Revolt

NATO Could Not Have Been Unaware

Why Did Israel Attack Civilians in the Mediterranean?

Soldier with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Punished by Army

For a More Ethical Civilization

Plenty of Money for War, None for Jobless


*McCain and the POW Cover-up


Police To Search City Beachgoers

Police And Courts Regularly Abusing Wiretapping Laws To Arrest People For Filming Cops Misbehaving In Public Places

All charges dropped against cop in fatal crash

Fourth-grade climate realist wins junior division of National Science Fair... With Al Gore on the judges panel!

Stalin bust installed at D-Day Memorial

Doug Casey on Anarchy

Revolution in Cuba: Free Markets

For Paul Family, Libertarian Ethos Began at Home

FTC floats Drudge tax

Interview With Jim Rogers: The CPI Is A Lie And Inflation Is Going To Increase

YouTube - Qaeda Killed (Again), Bilderberg Updates, WHO's to Blame - Sunday Update


***Leaked Attendee List of the Bilderberg Conference




YouTube - Charlie Skelton Reports Bilderberg Scared of Global Awakening Via Mr. Jones on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Charlie Skelton Reports Bilderberg Scared of Global Awakening Via Mr. Jones on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - NWO, Bilderberg has fight ahead


YouTube - Jim Tucker Reports Nwo's Next Phase of Operation from Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Jim Tucker Reports Nwo's Next Phase of Operation from Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


Bilderberg 2010: Photographs


YouTube - Obama Heckled On A Shuttle Bus!


YouTube - Bilderberg 2010 (1/5)

YouTube - Bilderberg 2010 (2/5)

YouTube - Bilderberg 2010 (3/5)

YouTube - Bilderberg 2010 (4/5)

YouTube - Bilderberg 2010 (5/5)


Israel: UN Security Council ignoring basic precepts of justice

Obama: Life Imprisonment Without Trial

Chinese Supercomputer Is Ranked World’s Second-Fastest, Challenging U.S. Dominance

White House Now Says It Discussed USAID Position with Candidate Andrew Romanoff to 'Avoid Costly Battle' in Colorado

Congressman Seeks Full Accounting of White House Efforts to ‘Clear the (Primary) Field’

White House Misled Media: Originally Denied Sestak Job Offer That It Now Confirms

Former Medicare Chief Says Comparative Effectiveness Research Is Not Rationing, Contrary to View of Obama Nominee Donald Berwick

Primatologist Jane Goodall: ‘The Future of the Planet’ Will Make Us ‘Tighten Our Belts’

Top Republicans to White House: Alleged Facts in Your Sestak Memo Appear to Document Lawbreaking

Holder Tells Arab-Americans He Will Prosecute Hate Crimes

The Summer of Corruption Plot Thickens

OpEdNews - Article: The August Gulf Oil Gusher Scenario-- Solutions in and out of the water

OpEdNews - Article: Democrat Benedict Arnold's Betray Net Neutrality

OpEdNews - Article: The Continuing Nightmare Saga of BP

OpEdNews - Article: Tomgram: Bill McKibben, Can Obama Seize the Energy Moment?

Die, Baby, Die...

The BRAD BLOG : Media Watchdog FAIR Slams ABC, Stephanopoulos for Repeating NYT's False ACORN 'Pimp' Coverage

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”

Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News | Reuters.com

Hillary Clinton seeks to boost tricky Latin America ties

Gates defends U.S. spy chief nominee

Primary Voters Ready to Unleash Anger on Candidates

Michele Bachmann Is 'Hot Property'

Halter, Lincoln Trade Jabs in Ark. As Runoff Nears

Ill. Senate Race: All Insults, All the Time

Obama's Dealmaking Exposes His Political Manipulation

Gates: New US Intelligence Chief 'Perfect Fit'

Obama's Oil Spill Point Man: Gulf Held Hostage

Rough Outline of Kagan Emerges in Records

Kagan Memos Reveal Clinton's Legacy Obsession

Kagan Documents Include Mysterious Reference

Sabato: GOP Could Pick Up 8 Governorships

Kagan Helped Defend Late-Term Abortion Ban Veto

Kagan: Affirmative Action Good Law, Good Politics

Poll: 41% Strongly Disapprove of Obama

Vatican Says World Ignores Christians in Mideast

Officials Tiptoe On Message of Oil Spill Progress

Ex-FEC Boss: GOP Should Filibuster Finance Law

Germany, Russia: We Support New Iran Nuke Sanction

US Weighing New Options for North Korea

Fight Ahead for Obama's Intelligence Chief Choice

For Many, Recovery Means Lower Expectations

Some States Chafe at Pentagon Control in Disasters

Joint Chiefs Chairman Pays Tribute to D-Day Fallen

Apologetic BP Ads Get Criticism, Not Sympathy

Australia Launches Google Investigation

ACLU Sues Government for 'Spying' Information

Some Blocked Websites Now Accessible in China

Obama Seeks Hollywood's Help With Oil Spill

Energy Bills Will Skyrocket Under Obama's Plan

Prop 14 Favors Democrats, Restricts Party Choice

Newspapers Question Obama's Competence

Free Countries Won't Take Notice of China's Space Warfare

Pelosi Uses Religion to Advance Liberal Agenda

Obama Incompetent in Face of Gulf Spill, Debt Crisis

Obama Rejects Notion of Limited Govt

Karzai Replaces Top Officials Following Taliban Attack

Russia Says Afghan Drug Trade Threatens World Peace

Two Americans Arrested on Terrorism Charges

Pope Appeals to End Bloodshed in Middle East

Tuberculosis Linked to HIV Is Biggest Killer in South Africa

Justice Sotomayor Returns to Bronx Roots to Cheer Community College Grads

Expert: Oil spill will triple if cap fails

BBC: Israelis Board The Rachel Corrie Without Incident

Rachel Maddow: This is America's Deepwater Horizon Disaster. We all own it.

Former Interrogator: All George Bush Did is Give Al Qaeda Another Recruiting Tool

Get the Waaaaaaahmbulance, stat! Paul McCartney disses W, and Republicans have a hissy

Live Chat: Blue America Welcomes Beth Krom (D-CA)

Now Glenn Beck loves American Nazi sympathizers: Promotes book by prominent Hitler advocate of the 1930s

Natural Gas Well Blowout In Marcellus Shale Brought Under Control After 14 Hours. What Happened To The Blowout Preventer?

Steve Blair fired by Prescott radio station for racist remarks about school mural

Sarah Palin Reassures Rich Folks About Alaska's Tort Liability, Brags About Stiffing Victims

Unemployment Length of 34.4 Weeks Sets Longest U.S. Record. Whee!

President Obama's Weekly Address: Their Lives May Never Be the Same

Saturday Open Thread with the Driftglass and Bluegal Weekly Podcast: It's all Obama's Fault! (In honor of Steve Gilliard)

1979 Gulf Oil Blowout Shows Us Progress Will Be Measured In Years, Not Weeks

BP losing the Twitter wars

New Rule: Al Gore Must Call His Sequel An Inconvenient Truth 2: What the F**k Is Wrong With You People?

Barbour: Media doing more damage than oil spill

Cornyn defends Israel's right to kill American citizen


**Newstalgia World Week - June 1-4, 2010 | Newstalgia


NYPD: 2 NJ Terror Suspects Had Tried to Go to Iraq

Fewer Young Criminals Push States to Close Prisons

BP Capturing More Oil From Busted Gulf of Mexico Well

Calif. Freeway Closed After Bear Wanders in Lanes

1 Killed, 1 Hurt in Small-Plane Crash in W. Colo.

Muslim-Turned-Preacher Faces University Inquiry

Gates, in Baku, Seeks to Shore up Afghan Supply Chain

Hispanic College Success: It's All in the Family

Israel Rejects International Panel to Study Raid: Envoy

AP IMPACT: Many Gulf Fed'l Judges Have Oil Links

Top US Officer: Vets Need Not Suffer Alone

Iran Revolutionary Guards Ready to Escort Gaza Ships

At Least 1 Climber Missing After Rainier Avalanche

Lack of Water Threatens Iraq's Long-Term Stability

Immigration Law Supporters Rally at Ariz. Capitol

Russia Says World Needs to Do More for Afghanistan

Reforms Help States Cut Foster-Care Populations

Lawyers Want Defendant's Neo-Nazi Tattoos Covered

Couple Hurt in Crash Married at Ind. Hospital

Stacy Peterson Search: Cops Act on Lead, Search Rural Illinois

Japan Ruling Party Support Leaps

Calif. Mom Finds Missing Children Using Facebook

Ala.'s Riley, Coast Guard Agree on Protection Plan

NYC Team Bringing Transitional Shelters to Haiti

Guns Could Be a Tough Topic for Texas Candidate

Porn Actor Sought in Slaying Threatens Suicide

Obama Congratulates New Japanese Leader


*6th/Politics Video:Sens. Kerry & Cornyn On Oil Spill & Israel

Thad Allen: "Ultimately, I'm Accountable"

Huffington Blames Oil Spill On Bush & Cheney

Gov. Barber: The Real "Economic Damage" Has Come From "News Reports"

Sen. Nelson: Spill Could "Alter Our Way of Life"

"FOX News Sunday" On Obama's Response To Oil Spill, Sestak & Romanoff

"This Week" Roundtable On Stopping The Leak And Job Numbers


*5th/Obama's Weekly Address From Grand Isle, LA


Debbie Schlussel:D-Day: Would We Have the Guts to Do it Today?

The Associated Press: 'Shrek Forever After' leads slow Hollywood weekend

Rush Limbaugh Weds for 4th Time, and Elton John Sings - Weddings, Elton John, Rush Limbaugh : People.com

Miley Cyrus denies lesbian kiss on 'Britain's Got Talent' and tells media to 'get over it!'

Gary Coleman’s Will Surfaces | TheCelebrityCafe.com

Gary Coleman funeral plan 'pending' as executor takes over - CNN.com

Crawford the Pot Head | TheCelebrityCafe.com

Eminem learns to fly in his 'Not Afraid' video: Watch it here | EW.com

Charlie Sheen, Theatre Aspen working on a deal | AspenTimes.com

Movie Awards Story | 'A-Team' Stars Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel Reveal Secrets To A Great Kiss - Show Story | Headlines | MTV

"Karate Kid" Won't Erase Memories of the Original - ABC News

Dean Richards interviews Karate Kid stars - chicagotribune.com

‘Marmaduke’ a good movie - The Record Entertainment: Serving Troy and its surrounding communities (Troyrecord.com)

TH - Opinion:Should the U.S. Senate confirm Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supremem Court? This centrist not necessarily the best choice for court

The Associated Press: Documents offer sketchy clues to pragmatic Kagan

Glimpses of Kagan’s Views in Clinton White House - NYTimes.com

Altered mural fuels racial debate in Arizona - USATODAY.com

Small Plane Crashes Into Long Island Building | AHN

Fla. Gov. Crist Denies Fundraising Knowledge

Andrew Romanoff Breaks Silence on White House Job Talks - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

FOXNews.com - Republicans on Hunt for Evidence of Other White House Job Offers

Obama under fire for election tactics with Sestak, Romanoff - USATODAY.com

Porn Actor Dies After Standoff With Police | NBC Los Angeles

'This Week' Transcript: Allen, Kerry and Cornyn - ABC News

In Calif., tea party starts looking past elections - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

The Associated Press: How financial overhaul stands to affect consumers

U.S. Senate runoff in Arkansas

Arizona's SB 1070 immigration law an unpleasant reminder of Chandler's past - latimes.com

The Associated Press: Immigration law supporters rally at Ariz. Capitol

D-Day June 6, 1944: Normandy Landings | Damego

Police investigate new Stacy Peterson lead - CNN.com

YouTube - Ill. Police Probe Lead on Stacy Peterson

YouTube - "Largest Intelligence Enterprise On The Planet" Has New Head

FOXNews.com - 2 New Jersey Terror Suspects Had Tried to Go to Iraq, Authorities Say

5th UPDATE: BP Says 10,500 Bbl Oil Collected From Gulf Leak Sat - WSJ.com

YouTube - BP oil spill cap in action: New underwater video of Gulf leak

YouTube - Footage of Gaza aid flotilla protests in France

YouTube - Taliban 'rejects' Afghan peace offer

Afghan Leader Forces Out Top 2 Security Ministers - NYTimes.com

Israel peacefully intercepts Gaza-bound ship | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

YouTube - Israel moves to expel Rachel Corrie activists

The Associated Press: Gates prods China on NKorea, military ties to US

Seoul"s appeal to UN over ship sinking rattles Pyongyang : Voice of Russia

The Hindu : News / International : New Thai cabinet named amid promises to seek reconciliation

Iran offers escort for Gaza ships

BBC News - Outdoor services commemorate Cumbria shooting victims

Congo Police Chief Suspended Over Death of Activist | Africa | English

Russian President Medvedev Warns Iran to Heed Voice of International Community | Middle East | English

BBC News - Pakistan to increase defence spending

Egypt to revoke citizenship of men wedded to Israelis - Israel News, Ynetnews

Researchers Study Brain Scans for Insight to Marriage - NYTimes.com

Perfect marriage baseball game Al Tipper Gore Armando Galarraga Jim Joyce - baltimoresun.com

BBC News - David Miliband claims promises 'broken' over cuts

Five NATO Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan | Europe | English

The Associated Press: Bombs kill 6 in Iraqi capital, including policemen

Yemen holds U.S., French students on security concerns | Reuters

The Hindu : News / International : Kan pledges close ties with U.S.

Cyclone Phet Hits Southern Pakistan; Thousands Left Homeless - BusinessWeek

Vatican Decries Plight of Mideast Christians - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Pope in Cyprus calls for dialogue between faiths


The Business of Politics by Susan Estrich on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent



As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather - NASA Science

FOXNews.com - Obama Under Fire for Backing Deal to Lift Global Ban on Commercial Whaling

Iraqi official says Iranian troops cross border

Queen's birthday gaffe leaves Hillary Clinton red faced - Telegraph

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Rating Cut by Fitch on Wealthiest U.S. State

Man mauled after smoking pot can get workers' comp

Joran Van der Sloot, suspected of killing 2 women 5 years apart, likely a 'serial killer': official

News - Miley Cyrus Defends Simulating Lesbian Kiss - Celebrity News - UsMagazine.com

Support for Confirming Kagan Trails That of Recent Nominees

White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents | Kagan Watch

Documents Covering Supreme Court Nominee Kagan's Clinton-Era Service Are Released - WSJ.com

Kagan: Affirmative action good law — good politics - Yahoo! News

Second Document Has Kagan Defending Clinton Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Veto

Drivers could be over limit after less than a pint under new law | Mail Online

Claim: Ellen being gay hurt 'Idol' ratings -- The Live Feed | THR

Obama not above political manipulation after all - Yahoo! News

Steele: White House effort to 'deny, obfuscate, and mislead' in job incidents - TheHill.com

My Way News - GOP wants Justice probe of White House dealmaking

Lawmakers uneasy with DNI pick - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Porn actor sought in slaying dies in hillside fall

BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill - Telegraph

Thousands rally in favor of Arizona immigration law

Breitbart.tv » Cash-Strapped CA to Build $1M ‘Fish Ladder’

Naked Man Yells That He Is Jesus, Causes Accident

The Associated Press: Normandy ceremonies mark 66th anniversary of D-Day

Memories of D-Day still vivid | Tulsa World

D-Day Pointe du Hoc site gets facelift to save it

NY Times Says Circulation Holding Up to WSJ Assault - Bloomberg

My Way News - Gulf oil spill's threat to wildlife turns real

FOXNews.com - Gulf Lawmakers Plead With Obama to Ease Drilling Ban, Warn of Economic Blow

Oil Stains Beaches And Tourists As Slick Spreads : NPR

In Gulf, It Was Unclear Who Was in Charge of Rig - NYTimes.com

Stun Gun Assault: Angry Father Uses Stun Gun on Daughter's friend over Naked Photo - KDVR

Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla?


YouTube - NWO: Bilderberg Group meets to control world


YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - Paul Watson Details The Globalists Panic Over Euro Collapse on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Paul Watson Details The Globalists Panic Over Euro Collapse on Alex Jones Tv 2 2


YouTube - British Journalist Charlie Skelton Investigates Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - British Journalist Charlie Skelton Investigates Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Mark Anderson's Call in Report from Bilderberg Spain 2010 Meeting on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Mark Anderson's Call in Report from Bilderberg Spain 2010 Meeting on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


*AUDIO: Savage calls for peace

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Michael Savage calls for Helen Thomas' WH credentials to be 'stripped immediately; response to Thomas' 'Jews should go back to Poland/Germany' remarks


Veil of secrecy shrouding dead CIA officer lifted - Washington Times

Brazen bum Bernie - NYPOST.com

My Way News - Obama names Pentagon official to head spy agencies

Al-Qaida aid charges stun Hempstead man's family | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

» DNC, Obama Now Astroturfing Talk Radio - Big Journalism

My Way News - Obama not above political manipulation after all

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

NY passes students who get wrong answers on tests - NYPOST.com


For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 2


Sir Paul: Deep as a Thimble, Classy as a Gushing Groupie

‘Prince of Persia’ Recognizes Evils of Taxation

The Hoosiers Nation: Elaine, Dennis and I

Obama Nation: BO+BC=BS


The Politics of Unemployment

Obama’s Gulf of Energy Tax Illogic

Saturday Open Thread: Tank Man Edition

Runaway Census Cost Is Frightening Preview of True Obamacare Price Tag

Helen Needs To Go!

Congressman Phil Hare Fails With Vets and Threats

The U.S. Economy Needs Fewer Public School Jobs, Not More

Unions Battle Reform in GOP Stronghold

Sunday Open Thread: D-Day Edition

America’s Deficit Spending Addiction

D-Day: When Dems and the N.Y. Times Prayed for America

Book Review: Broke U.S.A.

NewsBusted: Who Trusts Congress with the Economy?

For ‘Real’ Feminists, Only Politically Correct Environmentalists Need Apply

‘Journalist’ Helen Thomas: Jew-hater, Democrat fundraiser

Inside the Obama Media War Room: Game-Changer

Sunday Morning Thread: Should Hearst Fire Helen Thomas?

D-Day Open Thread: Martha Gellhorn At the Normandy Invasion

Obamas to attend Ford's Theatre gala

NJ men accused of trying to join Somali terrorists

Containment cap offers hope even as oil spews on

Study: Radiation boosts prostate cancer survival

Soccer fans stampede outside South African stadium

Turkish group releases photos of Israeli soldiers

Father dies saving girl from river

Zambian editor to appeal sentence

Pay rubbish schemes to be scrapped

Containment dome increases oil collection to 10,000 barrels

G20 drops support for fiscal stimulus

Will new iPhone be an anticlimax?

The changing face of human rights

Sons of killer say he was 'nicest man'


Normandy 6/6/84: President Reagan Speaks at D-Day Anniversary Ceremony

Terror Raids at JFK Airport: Feds Stop Two New Jersey Jihadists Heading for Somalia

Porn Actor Wanted for Samauri Sword Murder Jumps Off Cliff During Standoff

NSFW: Andrew Sullivan & Judd Apatow Marvel at Size of Al Gore’s Genitalia

Airline Apologizes for Magazine Image of Fake Bin Laden Boarding Pass

Former Marine ‘Stuns Crowd’ at Georgia Tea Party Event

‘Really Disgusting’: Rabbi Who Interviewed Helen Thomas Says ‘It’s Time’ for Her to Go

Wasilla Showdown: Sarah Palin Defended by Bill Maher & Van Jones?

RNC Head Slams Obama’s ‘Transparency’ Amid Dustup Over Special Deals

App-Curious: Washington Examiner Demonstrates Popularity of GrindR in DC

Fake ‘BPGlobalPR’ Twitter Account Skewers Oil Co.

Fallen Evangelical Leader Ted Haggard Set to Start New Church


*podcast page archive: The New Ledger - Big Government

*podcast page archive:ricochet - Big Government

*Cartoon pages ; archive /Big Hollywood » Chris Muir

*Cartoon pages ; archive /Big Hollywood » James Hudnall and Batton Lash


Crony Capitalism Strikes Again

Fair Tax? Non sense!

From the Mouths of European Babes

21st Anniversary of Tiananmen

Death Panels and Mom

Big Government's Katrina

When a Tax Is Not a Tax

A Question of Priorities

Homo Politicus

WaPo's profile of Netanyahu short on facts

Hillary sends birthday greetings to Queen Elizabeth - a week early

A Dying Profession

Hamas Helen and Hearst

WaPo news and editorial pages disagree on Gaza flotilla

If D-Day had been reported by today's MSM

Homeland Security cracks down on canoeists

Obama: I can handle this

Tech Cooperation With India, Not China

NYT Finds a New Angle From Which to Attack Israel

Pre-War Shipments from Iraq to Syria

Health Care Statists on the March

'Leader with a Plan' Invites a Health Care Nightmare

Green Tech Defined

You Can Still Remain Silent -- Just Say So

Losing the War of Ideas in Afghanistan

Israeli and Kurdish victims of Turkey

Sir Paul and Sir Barry

Wal-Mart to create 500,000 new jobs - Telegraph

"Key Indicators of a New Depression" by Neeraj Chaudhary, FSU Editorial 06/03/2010

Pro Libertate: We Bought The Bullets

U.S. weighing new options over North Korea - Yahoo! News

WHO scandal exposed: Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers

WHO and the pandemic flu "conspiracies" -- Cohen and Carter 340: c2912 -- BMJ

Courthouse News Service:'The Plan Is to Let Us Die,' Coastal Parish President Says

BP and Feds Withheld Videos Showing Massive Scope of Oil Spill - ABC News

BP Among the Companies Vying for Iraq's Oil - TIME

Doubts Grow Over Israel's Value as U.S. Ally - IPS ipsnews.net

Castro speculates Obama might strike Iran to win second term

YouTube - Ron Paul: U.S. Shouldn't Support Israel's Gaza Blockade

YouTube - Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro

YouTube - World Govt Non-Elect: Engdahl on Bilderberg

Tweety Does Full 180 on Bush's "Mission Accomplished" Moment

Canada wins key fight against bank tax - The Globe and Mail

Israeli War Crimes: From the U.S. Liberty to the Humanitarian Flotilla

Genetics & the Jews | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

MTV’s New Big Penis Show Doesn’t Understand High-School Popularity -- Vulture

Great Highlights in Marxist “Leadership”: Or, When Change Turns Malignant

A Liberal Writer Blasts Obama for Interfering With Voter’s Rights

How We Became the Proxies of Islam

AAP Rejects Genital Mutliation: Sort Of

Turkish Paper Publishes Pictures of Beaten Israeli Commandos

Redefining our Muslim enemies

Obama’s manufactured fury

Hello, Goodbye Mr. McCartney

The anatomy of a hoax Hillary never signed the U.N. Gun BanTreaty

NBC Partners with Castro’s Intelligence

The Arizona Immigration Law And The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution

Rahm Emanuel: Another Tax Avoiding Obama Appointee

Pay attention to sunspot forecasts

Stop the War on Carbon

Obama to use Oil Spill Disaster to renew push for Cap & Trade

Tracking HSUS’s Shocking Snubbing of Local Shelters

Inhofe Comments on EPA’s Air Quality Standard for Sulfur Dioxide

Gov. Christie Knows Teachers Unions are the Schoolyard Bullies

A Right to Lawful Command

Why Is Helen Thomas Still Being Paid as a Journalist?

Is Sustainable Development Global Governance?

D-Day - June 6, 1944 - Then and Now

America’s Prophets: Reeds shaken in the wind?

Echoes of Churchill

Why it is Patriotic to Side with Cities that Boycott Arizona

Illegal Immigration: Will Tea Party Movement Force Illinois Politicians To Take A St

Mexican Border Dog and Pony Show Redux

National Healthcare Saves $$ By Letting Some Patients Suffer


White House press icon Helen Thomas, 89, apologizes for saying Jews should 'get out of Palestine'

YouTube - Helen Thomas tells Jews to go back to Germany


*Christian News Reported from White House Focusing on Israel


Thousands of anti-Israel protesters take to streets across Europe - Haaretz

Jews round the world demonstrating support for Israel today - Jerusalem Post


***Bilderberg 2010: Final List of Participants

*Bilderberg 2010: Prisonplanet.com Master Page

YouTube - Paul Dorneanu Shows Photos of Globalist at Bilderberg Spain 2010 Meeting on Alex Jones Tv

*Bilderberg 2010: Video Of Protests


Israel under fire for doctoring flotilla recordings

YouTube - Unedited Radio Transmission Between Gaza Flotilla and Israeli Navy

US demands N. Korea be made to pay for ‘provocations’ | Raw Story

The Folly of Blindly Trusting the Government

Scientists claim to have identified stem cells that spread cancer | Raw Story

Darpa Wants to Predict Deadly Pathogens with ‘Prophecy’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

Giant airship to carry science back to 1930s - tech - 26 May 2010 - New Scientist

Einstein's Brain Unlocks Some Mysteries Of The Mind : NPR

BBC News - A space odyssey of the mind

SPACE.com -- Flying NASA Telescope Snaps First Photos from Stratosphere

Matter: The next generation - physics-math - 01 June 2010 - New Scientist

Ancient mayor's 'lost tomb' found south of Cairo - Telegraph

Answers as elusive as evidence on topic of alien abductions - The Boston Globe

Japan plans to build robot moon base by 2020

BBC News - Asteroid probe 'on home straight'

SPACE.com -- Planet Triple Play: Saturn, Mars and Venus Appear Together

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

Coffee 'does not make the brain more alert' - Telegraph

BBC News - Hubble captures odd star motion

It's a dog's life — Sydney hosts canine concert - Animal weirdness- msnbc.com

True believer on trail of Sasquatch in Va., claims 14 sightings - The Boston Globe

Luna Ring Would Harness Solar Power on Moon and Beam It to Earth - AOL News

Forget the Da Vinci code! Experts find Michelangelo code hidden in the Sistine Chapel | Mail Online

Doctors to be able to 'print' new organs for transplant patients | Mail Online

Shuttle successor succeeds in first test flight - Space- msnbc.com

BBC News - Jupiter collision 'was asteroid'

Are Alien Artifacts in Our Solar System? : Discovery News

Dog Sniffs Out Prostate Cancer in Small Study

Archaeology Magazine - The Skull of Doom

Muslims want privacy in public cemetery

Member of parliament: Execute those Christians!

'We Con the World' mocks coverage of flotilla conflict

Is flotilla battle signaling start of 'Gog and Magog'?

Helen Thomas needs to go

BP Buys Search Engine Phrases Redirecting Users - ABC News


*American Minute for June 6th:William J Federer's American Minute


Saudi Clerics Advocate Adult Breast-Feeding - AOL News

gulfnews : Oldest Omani man dies at 137

Answering the objection, 'But God made me gay'

Is belief in 10 Commandments legalistic?

Reports of sexual misconduct taint profession, teachers say | ajc.com


*The big list: Female teachers with students


Bungee jumping 'killed off' by new safety rules - The Local

520 Days in a Tube: Moscow Team Begins Simulated Flight to Mars - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

At least 1 million in evangelical march in Brazil | ajc.com

Rule of the Gun - With U.S. Aid, Warlord Builds Afghan Empire - NYTimes.com

The pandemic that never was: Drug firms 'encouraged world health body to exaggerate swine flu threat' | Mail Online

Report: Some Sunscreens Speed Up Skin Cancer - News Story - KFOX El Paso

Cape Coral octogenarian charged with stalking, aggravated assault | news-press.com | The News-Press

Obama, extremist cronies dragged into light for world to see


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Only 41,000 jobs created in private sector'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Boycotting BP: 'Turning anger into action'


toledoblade.com -- Toledo couple held for alleged aid to terror organization Hezbollah

Guv endorses imam accused of preaching taking up arms

KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona Pakistani citizen caught crossing border into Arizona

Hot Air » Founder of Ground Zero mosque part of group that helped fund Gaza flotilla

Obama nominates his new spy chief - Telegraph

White House linked to flotilla organizers

Organizer: ship deaths 'premeditated murder' - The Local


Report: Erdogan considering visiting Gaza to 'break blockade' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Reclusive Turkish Imam Comes Out Against Flotilla - WSJ.com


U.S. public demanding probe of Obama in Sestak-gate

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

The Standard | Online Edition :: Obama promises to visit Kenya after referendum


Arizona school asks artists to lighten face of Hispanic student on mural

Muslims want privacy in public cemetery

EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Kagan's Liberal Opinion on Social Issues - Crossroads - CBS News

Obama Calls Spill 'Brutally Unfair' as Oil Continues to Gush - AOL News

Obama told how bad Gulf oil spill would be days after BP's rig exploded: report

In Gulf, It Was Unclear Who Was in Charge of Rig - NYTimes.com

Some Say BP's Oil Spill Heralds the Apocalypse - Newsweek

EU, US pledge to respect Islam while fighting terrorism - Summary | Earth Times News

Scandal of aborted IVF babies - Times Online


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Asking the right questions about eligibility

Recusal sought for 'Twitter' judge in eligibility case

Army slams door on Obama details

Poll shocker! Majority wants Obama records