"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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07 June 2010

7 Jun '10


Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-06, Sunday


Bill Cunningham 6/6/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/6/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/6/10 Hour 3


site:Exceed My Expectations


Join The Cult! Facebook Hoodie With Mysterious Insignia Found On eBay


*article links:Weekly Southern African Report


Understanding the Signs of the Times

Mother Finds Kidnapped Children Through Facebook | NBC Bay Area

Supertankers Could Clean up The Gulf Oil Spill, BP Won’t Listen Supertanker-solution-1 – Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World

How The Jews Are ‘Spinning’ Flotilla Crimes | Real Zionist News

Only a totalitarian state disarms law-abiding citizens: we want no more oppressive gun laws – Telegraph Blogs

GM lobby helped draw up crucial report on Britain's food supplies | Environment | The Observer

Space, the final frontier of Chinese news manipulation | World news | The Observer

Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers - Times Online

Swine ’flu and Big Pharma: why is there no scandal? – Telegraph Blogs

Coming Out of Babylon

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

AP Enterprise: Sub attack was near US-SKorea drill - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - Obama Under Fire for Backing Deal to Lift Global Ban on Commercial Whaling

Genetics & the Jews | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine

savethemales.ca - Illuminati's Biggest Crime? Suppressing Tesla Technology

Is Israel Exempt from International Law?

AP IMPACT: Many Gulf federal judges have oil links - Yahoo! News

Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres - WREG

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather - NASA Science

Ari Fleischer: Fire Helen Thomas

Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla?

Zionists Fabricate As US Digs Deeper Hole

Tiananmen Square memoir claims China decided to 'spill some blood' - Telegraph

Satellite tracking for the most dangerous psychiatric patients - Times Online

Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee - Telegraph

Obama secretly deploys US special forces to 75 countries across world - Times Online

savethemales.ca - Is Steiner's "Anthroposophy" a Satanic Cult?

Lost Youth Employment In Illinois


June 7, 2010 Russia Orders Troops To Prepare For War With US


YouTube - Conspiracy of Silence: Who are the Bilderberg Group?


YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (1/5) 10:10 | 0:43:56

YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (2/5) 0:43:56

YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (3/5) 0:43:56

YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (4/5) 0:43:56

YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (5/5) 0:43:56


AFP: British troops have to stay in Afghanistan: Fox

Netanyahu: International inquiry panel would create problematic precedent - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

AFP: Iran's Ahmadinejad to visit China

Political Memo - Democrats Skip Town Halls to Avoid Voter Rage - NYTimes.com

New oil plume evidence uncovered - CNN.com

BP oil spill clean-up costs rise to $1.25bn - Telegraph

PHR report: CIA personnel engaged in human experimentation - War Room - Salon.com

YouTube - Gulf coast Birds in Oil: AP video

YouTube - Israel Bans the Basics of Life


Congressional Record: JP Morgan & Co purchased all major media for propaganda: 1917. And now…?

What is the big picture for human evolution? Evil govt. liars making us debt slaves? 2012? ETs? JC?


The Uncle Sam Interviews: Helen Thomas from FOD Team - Video


un[redacted] news: The Rogue State - Israeli War Crimes: From the U.S.S. Liberty to the Humanitarian Flotilla

BP: 500,000 pounds of emissions released

Leader Capital Markets CEO commits suicide - Israel Business, Ynetnews

un[redacted] news: Meet the Southern Poverty Law Center: peek behind the facade to find poverty pimping, race baiting and much, much worse

Amount Of Neurotoxin Pesticide Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops 1 Million Gallons | Alexander Higgins Blog

The Raw Story | Clinton warns of likely Iranian 'stunt' ahead of UN sanctions vote

"Yes Massah" - Obama shows who owns his sorry ass

Yet Another Government Conspiracy Theory « LewRockwell.com Blog

Gitmo becomes $500 million Camp Costly - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Refreshing News: 18 Biggest Problems with Modern Medicine

Social Crisis in America. Coming Soon: Corporate Town Halls Against Social Security

America's $13trillion debt 'set to overtake GDP' | Mail Online

Every Google search to be logged and saved for 2 years under Euro MP plan | Mail Online

Read the Govt’s Report Blasting Drilling Regulators on Ethics, Drugs and Porn - ProPublica

t r u t h o u t | Banks Profit From Near-Zero Interest Rates: Another Reason for States to Own Their Own Banks


Time for law-abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 1 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 2 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 3 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 4 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 5 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 6 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes and start a new government? 7 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 8 of 13


RealClearPolitics - Oil, the Economy & Obama's Bind

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 07, 2010 - AP Essay: Gov't fails latest test of trust in Gulf

Wyden-Gregg a Good Start on Tax Reform - Newsweek

Terrible Twins: Turkey, Brazil and the Future of American Foreign Policy - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

A Predictable Crisis | The Weekly Standard

Anti-deficit pressures weigh on Democrats - latimes.com

How the BP Spill Offers Obama a Chance to Rise to the Occasion -- New York Magazine

Election wish: Do no more harm | state, election, california - Opinion - The Orange County Register

White House and Allies Set to Build Up Health Law - NYTimes.com

Obama Must Shut Office of Political Affairs --Kirsten Powers - NYPOST.com

Fred Barnes: Does Obama Want the Congressional Democrats to Lose the Midterm Elections - WSJ.com

Obama's crude awakening: In wake of the Gulf disaster, he needs to think big - especially on energy

RealClearPolitics - The Dangers of Success

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Op-Ed Contributor - Reagan’s Secure Line - NYTimes.com

Turkey's foreign policy moves raise concern in West and at home

EDITORIAL: Running scared - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Turkey must tone down the Gaza flotilla rhetoric - CSMonitor.com

Free Gaza | The Nation

Coalition approach to cuts will minimise pain - Telegraph

Lawmakers Eager to Respond to Oil Disaster - WSJ.com

Unions Support Halter to Defeat Senator Lincoln in Arkansas Runoff - NYTimes.com

Cash-strapped states press Congress for more Medicaid help - TheHill.com

Nevada Senate: Harry Reid knows whom he wants to win GOP primary - latimes.com

Pam Platt | Honoring their legacy | courier-journal.com | The Courier-Journal

With oil spill, White House struggles to assert control of the unknown

Political Times - Obama, the Oil Spill and the Chaos Perception - NYTimes.com

SHERMAN FREDERICK: Obama's motto: It's all about me - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Gulf oil spill: Obama's opportunity for real leadership - latimes.com

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - A Promise Obama Must Keep

Death Panels and Mom

Big Government's Katrina

When a Tax Is Not a Tax

Homo Politicus

Israeli and Kurdish victims of Turkey

Losing the War of Ideas in Afghanistan

You Can Still Remain Silent -- Just Say So

Green Tech Defined

'Leader with a Plan' Invites a Health Care Nightmare

Health Care Statists on the March

Tech Cooperation With India, Not China

NYT Finds a New Angle From Which to Attack Israel

Pre-War Shipments from Iraq to Syria

The Changing Climate in Sweden

NYT disputes Israel's right to blockade

Aesop (and some others) on Ground Zero Mosque

The Commission to Study Deficits is Broke

Yet Another Stalin Sighting

Shunning Helen Thomas

Iran offers military escort for next Gaza flotilla

Reuters Photocropping for Jihadis

Obama Fails the Test of Office

Barack Obama: Let Them Eat Tar Balls

Charge the Real War Criminals

Shouldn't We All Be Israelis Now?

Obama and Hamas

Brave New Scams

Glenn Beck, the Moon and Woodstock

Libertarianism: Left and Right

Crony Capitalism Strikes Again

Fair Tax? Non sense!


*AUDIO: Savage calls for peace


RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Michael Savage calls for Helen Thomas' WH credentials to be 'stripped immediately; response to Thomas' 'Jews should go back to Poland/Germany' remarks


» DNC, Obama Now Astroturfing Talk Radio - Big Journalism

Suspected New Jersey terrorists set their sights on American troops, authorities say

Obama brings Nixonian twist to oil spill | Washington Examiner

My Way News - Obama not above political manipulation after all

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

NY passes students who get wrong answers on tests - NYPOST.com

Joseph C. Phillips : The Sestak Affair Will Not Go Away - Townhall.com

Brazen bum Bernie - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - 6 bodies found in cave near Cancun, 3 with hearts cut out; attack on girl's party kills 3


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Boycotting BP: 'Turning anger into action'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Only 41,000 jobs created in private sector'


'03/Saddam general: WMDs in Syria

'04/Saddam's WMDs are in Syria

What is Assad hiding in his backyard? - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Pajamas Media » Satellite Photos Support Testimony That Iraqi WMD Went to Syria


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Army slams door on Obama details

Recusal sought for 'Twitter' judge in eligibility case


Michael Savage: Obama may be foreign 'usurper'


YouTube - Michael Savage says Obama is a Usurper, questions Military on Obama's eligibility 6/4/10


Waldorf Schools Reminded Teacher of Nazi Era

Obama's Queer Agenda

Slow Death: Brazilian MD Speaks Out On Vaccines

Do You Believe in the Electoral Process? Prove it!


UK Welfare State = Family Breakdown, Emasculated Men

Dream of the Coming Global Disorder


**Bilderberg 2010: Prisonplanet.com Master Page


Bilderberg Wants Americans Disarmed And Dependent On Government


Bilderberg See People With Income As “A Threat” To Their Agenda


Large Protests, Extensive Media Coverage Signifies Awakening To Bilderberg Agenda


Goldman Sachs May Explain PPT’s Vanishing Act: Caroline Baum - BusinessWeek


**Bilderberg 2010: Final List of Participants


Alex Jones: Bilderberg Is Running Scared


*Bilderberg 2010: Video Of Protests


YouTube - NWO: Bilderberg Group meets to control world


YouTube - Charlie Skelton Reports Bilderberg Scared of Global Awakening Via Mr. Jones on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Charlie Skelton Reports Bilderberg Scared of Global Awakening Via Mr. Jones on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Paul Dorneanu Shows Photos of Globalist at Bilderberg Spain 2010 Meeting on Alex Jones Tv


Bilderberg 2010: Between the sword and the wall | World news | guardian.co.uk


YouTube - World Govt Non-Elect: Engdahl on Bilderberg


Bilderberg 2010: Why the protesters are your very best friends | World news | guardian.co.uk


YouTube - Jim Tucker Reports Nwo's Next Phase of Operation from Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Jim Tucker Reports Nwo's Next Phase of Operation from Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


Bilderberg Wants Americans Disarmed And Dependent On Government


The Road to Sitges Part I: The Prussian Prince

The Road to Sitges Part II: Obscure 1943 Book Foretold Teutonic Push for World Domination





YouTube - Nigel Farage Discusses His Plane Crash and The EU's Control over England on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Nigel Farage Discusses His Plane Crash and The EU's Control over England on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


Government Desperate. Gold Tax Imminent?

U.S. National Debt 2010

Sir Paul and Sir Barry

Top Nazis Planned EU-Style Fourth Reich

Arthur Laffer: Tax Hikes and the 2011 Economic Collapse - WSJ.com

CNSNews.com - U.S. Will be Like Greece in ‘Seven to 10 Years,’ Say Congressmen, Experts

Israel’s Crude Forgery of Tape Backfires

Pro Libertate: We Bought The Bullets

G8/G20 security costs could reach $900-million! | Sovereign Independent

After leaving pot on stove, Jersey City man, 80, finds Secret Service waiting for him | - NJ.com

US says North Korean defiance is obstacle to effective sanctions - Monsters and Critics

IDF Retracts Claim al-Qaeda was on Flotilla, Corporate Media Silent

Satellite tracking for the most dangerous psychiatric patients - Times Online

IDF: Five Gaza flotilla activists linked to Hamas, Al-Qaida - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

More Dim Bulb Homegrown Patsies Arrested

Obama’s Lawyer May Recommend Executive Privilege to Block Kagan Papers

New Law Will Require a License to be a Journalist

WHO scandal exposed: Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers

WHO and the pandemic flu "conspiracies" -- Cohen and Carter 340: c2912 -- BMJ

U.S. Soldier Arrested in WikiLeaks Inquiry After Tip From Former Hacker - The Lede Blog - NYTimes.com

BP: 500,000 pounds of emissions released

Halliburton campaign donations spike - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Obama becomes the first U.S. President to hold press conference without any American Flags present

BP Among the Companies Vying for Iraq's Oil - TIME

Castro speculates Obama might strike Iran to win second term


**Site:Kagan Watch


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 4th With Nigel Farage

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 3rd With Victor Ostrovsky

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 2nd With Charlie Skelton


CNSNews.com - U.S. Will be Like Greece in ‘Seven to 10 Years,’ Say Congressmen, Experts

On The Imminent US Debt To GDP Parity

Brain scans 'could be used to snoop on thoughts' - Telegraph

Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers - Times Online

North Korea Parliament To Hold Rare Second Annual Session Monday, Major Announcement Expected

Canada wins key fight against bank tax - The Globe and Mail

The hijacking of the truth: Film evidence 'destroyed' - Middle East, World - The Independent

Europe is Heading for a Mini-Depression

Key Indicators of a New Depression

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

The Folly of Blindly Trusting the Government

In 5 Years, UK Will Be Spending More On Interest Than Schools, Climate, And Transport Combined

College Students This Is Your Future: High Unemployment And Student Loan Hell

U.S.’s $13 Trillion Debt Poised to Overtake GDP Chart of Day

Euro 'will be dead in five years' - Telegraph

CNSNews.com - Poll: 60 Percent of Americans Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

Antidepressants during pregnancy cause alarming 68 percent increased risk of miscarriage

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather - NASA Science

Scientists claim to have identified stem cells that spread cancer | Raw Story

Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: News :: Bin police will fine you £1,000

The Raw Story | US used cluster bombs on Yemen civilians: Amnesty

Every Google search to be logged and saved for 2 years under Euro MP plan | Mail Online

Summer Streets Of Rage Predicted For Europe & U.S.


NWO: ‘Bilderberg controls the world’ — Alex Jones


White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents | Kagan Watch

FTC floats Drudge tax

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”

Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

The USS Liberty, a Flubbed-up False Flag

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order


YouTube - Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 1

YouTube - Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 2

YouTube - Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 3

YouTube - Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 4

YouTube - Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 5

YouTube - Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 6

YouTube - Transhumanism Special With Tom Horn & Alex Ansary - Part 7


**12 Events That Will Change Everything, Made Interactive: Scientific American


*TERROR DATE 6/23/2010 CONFIRMED! First Illuminati Warning Found & Decoded.


DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, Which Did Not Prosecute New Black Panthers, Is ‘Conscience’ of Nation, Holder Says

On Anniversary of Cairo Speech, Obama Has Yet to Connect with American Muslims, Some Say

Removal of Two Key Afghan Officials Seen As A Blow to the West

Defense Secretary Gates Says Sacking of Afghan Officials an Internal Matter

Iran's Revolutionary Guard Ready to Escort Gaza-Bound Ships

Supreme Court Turns Down ‘No Child Left Behind’ Case


*Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Lawsuit Involving Clinton’s Eligibility to Be Secretary of State


Two-Thirds of Americans Want Stricter Enforcement of Immigration Laws, Quinnipiac Poll Finds

Helen Thomas High School Speech Canceled Over Her Anti-Israel Remarks

Obama Moves to Improve Relations With Azerbaijan

NJ Men Accused in Terror Plot Appear in Court

Defense Secretary Gates Backs Obama’s Choice for U.S. Intelligence Chief, But Senators in Both Parties Voice Concerns

Secretary of State Clinton Expects Iran to ‘Pull Some Stunt’ in Next Few Days

California High School Ends 'Beat the Jew' Game

IAEA Chief Calls Iran's Nuclear Program A Special Case

Trained Noses to Sniff Out Gulf Seafood for Oil

The Summer of Corruption Plot Thickens

‘Oil Addiction’ Lies

Pelosi as the Anti-Pope: A Pepto-Bismol Moment

Men Arrested at JFK Airport Sought al-Qaida Training to Kill Americans

Mullen: al-Qaida in Iraq "Devastated"

Gates: New US Intelligence Chief 'Perfect Fit'

Vatican Says World Ignores Christians in Mideast

GOP's King Blasts Obama's Israel Policies

Gallup: Obama Approval Plunges Among Hispanics

Election Spooks Democrats into Spending Curbs

Analysis: Obama Flunks Test of Trust in Gulf

White House Criticizes Thomas for Israel Remarks

Erin Brockovich to Visit Region Hit by Oil Spill

Scott Brown: US Should Be 'Unwavering' to Israel

Fleischer, Davis: 'Bigot' Thomas Should Be Fired

Despite Scandals. Rangel Running Again

Poll: Democrats More Partisan than Republicans

Agency Drops Helen Thomas after Israel Remarks

Barbour: Media Hurting Miss. More than Oil

Official: Spill Will Persist 'Well Into the Fall'

Joint Chiefs Chairman Salutes D-Day Fallen

Iran, Immigration Top Obama's Latin America Agenda

BP Making Progress with Gulf Containment Cap

SC Democrats' Hopes Ride on Nasty GOP Fight

Ark. Democrats Vie for Black Voters in Senate Race

'Democracy Hijacked' as California Goes to Polls

Guns Could Be a Tough Topic for Texas Candidate

Chavez Bashes Israel In TV Speech

Laffer: 2011 'Tax' Collapse Coming

Report Quotes Madoff: 'F**k My Victims'

Reich: Weak Labor Pulling US Back Into Recession

Lose Your Teeth, Lose Your Mind?

'Sesame Street' Games to Cover Wii Remote Buttons

Yahoo's Site Mirrors Facebook in Latest Facelift

ACLU Sues Government for 'Spying' Information

Gary Coleman's Ex-Wife Says They Planned to Re-Wed

Click and Dagger: Inside Wikileaks Factory

Turkish Customs Deny There Were Weapons on Gaza Flotilla

The IAEA: From UN Nuclear Watchdog to US Lapdog

Wall Street is Winning---and, on the Verge, of Neutering Reform: Call to Act Now: Save and Strengthen Financial Reform

Chinese Invasion: 'Red Dawn' Remake Has Cultural Critics Up in Arms

The Most Perilous Nuclear Arsenal in the World: Israel invites the World to Revolt

The Attack on Gaza Freedom Flotilla & International Law

Why Did Israel Attack Civilians in the Mediterranean?

Drugs for Europe: Protected by Powerful Western Interests, Afghanistan Heroin Transits Through Kosovo

For Paul Family, Libertarian Ethos Began at Home

Doctors group says Bush Administration conducted medical experiments on detainees

Afghanistan: Security Companies Using American Money to Fund Insurgents, Bribe Taliban

North Korea Parliament To Hold Rare Second Annual Session Monday, Major Announcement Expected

U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe

Replicators: Builders of the Final Machine

30 Shocking Quotes About The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill That Reveal The Soul-Crushing Horror This Disaster Is Causing

Why Banks Try to Make Borrowers Feel Like Sinners When They Can’t Pay off Their Mortgages

GM lobby helped draw up crucial report on Britain's food supplies

06-06-2010: Animal-Human Hybrids Banned in Some States

06-06-2010: G-20 Coordination Fails as Global policy makers start to clash

06-06-2010: MTV Airs Ridiculous Show About Nerd With Large Genitalia

06-06-2010: Space, the final frontier of Chinese news manipulation

06-06-2010: Companies Now Requiring Job Applicants to Already Have a Job

06-06-2010: Nato warns of strike against cyber attackers

06-06-2010: Japanese firm wants to transform the Moon into a giant solar power plant

06-05-2010: The Mystery Of Mars Moon Phobos Continues

Becoming Gods

The Truth Behind the Israeli Propaganda

The Hijacking of the Truth: Film Evidence 'Destroyed'

With U.S. Aid, Warlord Builds Afghan Empire

Teachers Unions' Runaway Spending Ensured by Dems

Criminal Illegal Immigrant Gangs Infest U.S.

Elton John Sings at Rush Limbaugh's Wedding

Obama Lacks Answers to Gulf Oil Spill

Real Estate Agents Land the Deals

Cleansing our minds of crime and vice. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

Transhumanist Aesthetics: A Theoretical Approach to Enhanced Existence

Lawyers Claim Google Wi-Fi Sniffing ‘Is Not an Accident’ | Threat Level | Wired.com

Mind Hacks: French government begins 'neuropolicy'

The Road To Armageddon » Publications » Family Security Matters

9NEWS.com | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | DIA's blue 'Mustang' has big competition

Megafauna cave painting could be 40,000 years old - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Will posthumans all be atheists?

A Grand Design Made to Order

Banking System Collapse: Wake Up America Your Banks Are Dying

Review: Ingeniously Crafted Splice Spawns Mutant Thrills | Underwire | Wired.com

savethemales.ca - Illuminati's Biggest Crime? Suppressing Tesla Technology

Commentary: Singularity is here - UPI.com

Making Ends Meet in the Great Depression - NYTimes.com

Army Researchers Find an Ebola Cure. But it Might Only Save Themselves. | Danger Room | Wired.com

Darpa Wants to Predict Deadly Pathogens with ‘Prophecy’ | Danger Room | Wired.com


*Poland Plane Crash | Cockpit Recording | Russia




*The American Conservative -- McCain and the POW Cover-Up


*Leaked Attendee List of the Bilderberg Conference


*site:Rod Blagojevich


Rod Blagojevich : Rod Blagojevich News and Photos - chicagotribune.com


Blagojevich Lawyers Face Decision Time On Jury

The Associated Press: Blagojevich lawyers face decision time on jury

For a more ethical civilization


EMSC - European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days

Live Internet Seismic Server


White House and Allies Set to Build Up Health Law - NYTimes.com

Gibbs rebukes Thomas - On Media - POLITICO.com

No sign of Helen Thomas... - On Media - POLITICO.com

WHCA Outraged by Helen Thomas, Considers Punishment - mediabistro.com: FishbowlDC

Crawford: I'll no longer write books with Thomas - On Media - POLITICO.com

An open letter to Helen Thomas

Man Threw Condoms Filled With Vomit: Cops | NBC Chicago

FEATURE - Costa Rica puts brakes on popular stem cell tourism | Reuters

U.S.’s $13 Trillion Debt Poised to Overtake GDP: Chart of Day - Bloomberg.com

EDITORIAL: FTC floats Drudge tax - Washington Times

Iran's Ahmadinejad to visit China

Israel navy kills 4 Gaza divers | The Sun |News

Helen Thomas retires - On Media - POLITICO.com

'World News' Political Insights: Tea Party Boil May Save Harry Reid - ABC News

Protesters descend on Ground Zero for anti-mosque demonstration - CNN.com

Wheat Ridge cemetery seeks to liven up with art, concerts - The Denver Post

Your Brain on Computers - Attached to Technology and Paying a Price - NYTimes.com

Technology’s Toll - Impatience and Forgetfulness - NYTimes.com

Closing Time for Medical Pot Dispensaries | NBC Los Angeles

BP’s CEO Hasn’t Spoken Directly With Obama About Leak (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas retires following controversial remarks -

SFGate Blog : Helen Thomas announces retirement

Helen Thomas: Should she have just kept her thoughts about Israel quiet? - CSMonitor.com

White House comments about Helen Thomas and Israel - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

With Helen Thomas, Ugliness Is Not Just Skin-Deep! – BorderFire Report « MSMDC News

Helen Thomas, 89, Retires After Controversial Remarks - mediabistro.com: GalleyCat

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Chaotic Courts and 'Unconstitutional' Justice in the United States

For the Pauls, Libertarianism Began at Home - NYTimes.com

Libertarians, Marxists, and Christianity by William L. Anderson

Tips for the TSA by Becky Akers

Tea Partiers May Need the ACLU Soon by Scott Lazarowitz

Government Desperate. Gold Tax Imminent? by Richard Daughty

How Israeli propaganda shaped U.S. media coverage of the flotilla attack - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Do You Really Believe They’re Going to Pay Off This Debt? by Vin Suprynowicz

YouTube - Gaza activist denies 'terrorist' tag

Next Japan PM to tap fiscal reformers | Reuters

Egypt authorities: Gaza border to stay open indefinitely - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Slovenians approve Croatian border arbitration agreement (SETimes.com)

BBC News - The mother of twin girls attacked by a fox is from NI

IAEA Chief: Iran's Nuclear Program is 'Special Case' | Middle East | English

Afghan Government Defends Controversial Firing of Top Security Officials | Asia | English

Iran raises Gaza threat by vowing to challenge Israel's blockade - Telegraph

China's state councilor to attend CICA summit in Istanbul

U.S. missiles killed civilians in Yemen, rights group says - CNN.com

AFP: Turkey, Azerbaijan sign deal on Europe gas transit

Police targeted in Iraq attacks | Reuters

In Afghanistan, 3 troops killed, police training center attacked - CNN.com

Israeli Navy Fires on Palestinian Divers Off Gaza, Killing Four | Middle East | English

YouTube - GOP Demands Investigation Into White House Deals

Back-room Obama | savannahnow.com


*BBC News - Row over 'Russian theft' from Polish plane wreck

*The Associated Press: Poland: money stolen from crash victim's account


The wisdom of Oz - Times Online

YouTube - 2 N.J. Men Arrested at JFK on Terrorism Charges

The Associated Press: Search for Ore. boy who vanished from school grows

U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe | Threat Level | Wired.com

Crucial contests from coast to coast Tuesday - CNN.com

Obama to speak at Michigan high school that won White House challenge - CNN.com

The End for Rangel Appears Greatly Exaggerated - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - Incumbents Fight for Political Life, Newcomers Eyeing Victory in Tuesday Elections

Crucial test for labor and Lincoln in Arkansas - Decision 2010- msnbc.com

Florida restaurant shooting leaves 4 dead, 3 wounded - CNN.com

AFP: US medical staff experimented on terror suspects: report

The Associated Press: NY joins 22 other states with e-waste laws

Obamas Wow Audience At Ford’s Theatre In Washington, DC | AHN

Small earthquake strikes near Los Angeles off California coast - CSMonitor.com

Elena Kagan and the consequences of consequentialist thinking - CSMonitor.com

What 46,700 Pages of Clinton-Era Documents Reveal About Kagan | The Atlantic Wire

Getting her start: Kagan's early influences were determination, activism » Abilene Reporter News

Fast Track: Tom Cruise is a dance machine at MTV Movie Awards - latimes.com

What Did You Think of Tom Cruise & Jennifer Lopez's Bump and Grind? - MTV Movie Awards, Jennifer Lopez, Tom Cruise : People.com

MTV Movie Awards Fashion: Which Reality Star Dressed The Best? » MTV Remote Control Blog

Elton John Performs at Rush Limbaugh’s Wedding, of All Things | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

MTV Movie Awards Fashion: Stars' Spangled Manner - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Gary Coleman Wife Shannon Price: 'I Would Never Hurt My Husband' - ABC News

Miley Cyrus: 'I promise you I did not kiss her' - USATODAY.com

'Shrek Forever After' Tops Box Office For Third Straight Weekend - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Aguilera not her usual chart-topping self, yet

Miley Cyrus defends performance - BostonHerald.com

Film archive and foundation plan partnership to preserve silent film collection, including a 'lost' John Ford romance - latimes.com

Is the China of The Karate Kid' the real China? - Movies AP - MiamiHerald.com

Kristen Stewart Apologizes For "Rape" Comments | AHN

YouTube - Passengers grabbed Israeli weapons to stop the killing

YouTube - Israel owns the USA - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

9/11 First Responders To Lose Mental Health Aid - wcbstv.com

Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla? – Michel Chossudovsky « Dprogram.net

Coalition reneges on pledge to scrap central NHS database - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Brain scans 'could be used to snoop on thoughts' - Telegraph

Meat, fish protein linked to women's bowel disease | Reuters

Scientists claim to have identified stem cells that spread cancer | Raw Story

Wal-Mart launches employee college plan | Antiwar Newswire

1979 Gulf Oil Blowout Shows Us Progress Will Be Measured In Years, Not Weeks

BP losing the Twitter wars

New Rule: Al Gore Must Call His Sequel An Inconvenient Truth 2: What the F**k Is Wrong With You People?

Barbour: Media doing more damage than oil spill

Cornyn defends Israel's right to kill American citizen

Tweety Does Full 180 on Bush's "Mission Accomplished" Moment

Investigators Report Employees Weren't Clear On Who Was In Charge Of Deepwater Rig

Following Limbaugh's Lead, Fox News Watch Panel Questions Whether David Brooks is Actually a Conservative

Bank of America Workers Sue Company Over Compulsory Unpaid Overtime

Thad Allen: Oil spill like 'insidious enemy'

Liz Cheney Defends the Bush-Cheney Administration and Halliburton

Jan Crawford: White House Doing Kagan a Disservice by Trying to Portray Her as Something Other Than What She Is

Liz Cheney Acknowledges Bush's Catastrophe in Gaza

Democrats Are Obsessed With Trying To Out-Republican The Republicans On The Deficit. It Won't Win Them Votes.

Fox News Power Players Includes Segment from Glenn Beck's Commencement Address


**Transcript/Video Daniel Estulin Bilderberg Speech at EU Parliament Press Conference | Before It's News


**Extra, Extra, Announcing Obama's Birth | Before It's News


Gateway Pundit:Barack Obama’s Brother Accused of Sexual Abuse of Teen Is Refused Entry into UK

Obama's Dealmaking Exposes His Political Manipulation

Mrs. Clinton has another fit of Tourette syndrome | Before It's News

Survival Through A Home Business | Before It's News


Militia Movement Infiltrates Six Nations - Part 1

Militia Movement Camel's Eye Treaty Hoax - Part 2


Did the US Have Negative "Real" Job Creation?

Do aliens live on a Saturn moon? | Mail Online

Why are we really visiting asteroids? | FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL

Opt-Out Required to Prevent Your Yahoo! Mail Contacts From Being Used for Social Network | Electronic Frontier Foundation


S 510 Food Safety and Modernization Act - NH Tea Party Coalition

Caltech Biologists Provide Molecular Explanation for the Evolution of H1N1 Flu Virus Resistance to Tamiflu | Before It's News

“Law Of The Donkey” Could be Applied to Joran van der Sloot | Gambling911.com

Politicians and Public Companies Who Instigate SEC Investigations in an Attempt to Silence Critics | Before It's News

6 Reasons Why The Beatles Were a Miserable Bunch | Before It's News

What the Beatles Reveal About Fame - Newsweek

UN Report: Vegan Diet Needed to Save Planet as World Reaches 9 Billion People | Before It's News

Ground Zero imam tied to anti-Israel Gaza blockade runners - NYPOST.com

Ground Zero 'No Mosque' Rally | Before It's News

Eneco thermal-electric converter technology re-emerging | Before It's News

Toke of the Town - Man Chooses 30 Days In Jail Instead Of Quitting Marijuana

Rapid, reliable, repeated and relevant information can improve food safety at food service | barfblog


*6-6/Transcripts Guests: Admiral Allen and Senator Bill Nelson

Guests: Admiral Allen; Senators Kerry & Cornyn

Interview with Florida Gov. Charlie Crist


*6-7/Politics Video:Gibbs: Helen Thomas' Remarks Were "Offensive and Reprehensible"

Sen. Schumer On Oil Leak: "This Spill Will Be Contained"

Rep. Weiner: Anyone From BP With A "British Accent" Is Lying

Fleischer On Helen Thomas' Comment: Could You Imagine If She Was Talking About Blacks?

Rabbi Who Filmed Helen Thomas Discusses Incident

South Carolina Gubernatorial Primary Heats Up

CBS Chief Legal Correspondent: White House Trying To Hide Kagan's Liberalism

*6-6/Sens. Kerry & Cornyn On Oil Spill & Israel

Huffington Blames Oil Spill On Bush & Cheney

Thad Allen: "Ultimately, I'm Accountable"

Gov. Barber: The Real "Economic Damage" Has Come From "News Reports"

Sen. Nelson: Spill Could "Alter Our Way of Life"

"FOX News Sunday" On Obama's Response To Oil Spill, Sestak & Romanoff

"This Week" Roundtable On Stopping The Leak And Job Numbers


Sir Paul: Deep as a Thimble, Classy as a Gushing Groupie

‘Prince of Persia’ Recognizes Evils of Taxation

The Hoosiers Nation: Elaine, Dennis and I

Bill Maher Loses Religion-Bashing Battle With S.E. Cupp and History’s Inconvenient Truths

The Deal With Tax Credits For Filmmakers

Unions Battle Reform in GOP Stronghold

America’s Deficit Spending Addiction

Census Reminder: Most Obama Jobs are Temporary Jobs

Barack Obama Ignores D-Day Anniversary – Goes to Theatre Party

The Oil Leak and the Blame Game: Déjà vu All Over Again

British Petroleum and Walmart Want You to Pay their Bills

Obama’s Stunning Achievement

Organizing for America and the DNC: ACORN 2.0

Inside the Obama Media War Room: Game-Changer

Sunday Morning Thread: Should Hearst Fire Helen Thomas?

D-Day Open Thread: Martha Gellhorn At the Normandy Invasion

Nappy-Headed Helens: A Tale of Two Racial Slurs

New York Times Blames Israel First, As Usual

Helen Thomas Should Not Be Fired — the Real Problem Lies Elsewhere

Helen Thomas — the Face of the MSM

Not Such Strange Bedfellows: A Review Of Andy McCarthy’s ‘The Grand Jihad’

After Flap Over Israel Remarks, Helen Thomas Announces Her Retirement

Is Hollywood Just About Money?

Sightings and events from the day - POLITICO STAFF | POLITICO CLICK

Senate fight over EPA resolution to highlight first week after recess - TheHill.com

Pols turn on labor unions - Maggie Haberman and Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Republicans still have tools to keep the heat on White House about job offers - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Lauds Jobs Created By Census

Helen Thomas retires, effective immediately - TheHill.com

Gibbs: Comments 'reprehensible' | POLITICO 44

FOXNews.com - Fallout Builds Over Helen Thomas 'Palestine' Remarks, Credentials Called Into Question

Thomas gets dropped by agency - On Media - POLITICO.com

An open letter to Helen Thomas

A Few Basic Thoughts . . . - Jay Nordlinger - The Corner on National Review Online

As 'new media' proliferate, does government have a role? - CSMonitor.com

RealClearPolitics - The Thrill is Gone

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Killers

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Obama Nation: BO+BC=BS

US military detains soldier linked to Iraq video

Sheen expected to plead guilty to misdemeanor

Stocks trade mixed after euro touches a 4-year low

Warren Buffett lunch auction gets no bids. (Yet)

Obama says US will bounce back from oil crisis

W.Va. gas well blast injures 7; flames now 40 feet

Blagojevich lawyers face decision time on jury

Obama tells Americans 'we will get through' the oil spill crisis but it will take time

China houses to expand via Hong Kong

US Jews to hold flotilla protest

Fox mauls twins in 'freak' attack


Weiner: Anyone Speaking for BP Who Has British Accent Is Lying

Tea Party Favorite Leads Race to Challenge Harry Reid

Ari Fleischer: ‘It’s Time For Helen Thomas To Be Let Go’

Helen Thomas High School Speech Canceled After Israel Comments

Hallmark Yanks Graduation Card After NAACP Charges Racism

Raw: Stampede at South African Soccer Game Injures 15

Normandy 6/6/84: President Reagan Speaks at D-Day Anniversary Ceremony

NSFW: Andrew Sullivan & Judd Apatow Marvel at Size of Al Gore’s Genitalia

Terror Raids at JFK Airport: Feds Stop Two New Jersey Jihadists Heading for Somalia

CA Cops: Dad Used Stun Gun on Man Who Sent Naked Pic to Teen Daughter

Students Charged In Connection With Woman’s Death Will Be Kept In Yearbook

Porn Actor Wanted for Samurai Sword Murder Jumps Off Cliff During Standoff


Sharyl Attkisson: Government Estimates on Oil Release Low-Balled

BP aims to gather up to 20,000 bpd from oil spill | Reuters

Clean-up workers clutch at straws (literally) as BP says oil cap is working - Times Online

BP oil spill: Mississippi governor says press coverage is more damaging than slick - Telegraph

I've long thought that Dr Kelly's 'suicide' was questionable. Now, at last, we may get some answers | Mail Online

Foxconn 'suicide factory' raises pay 70pc - Telegraph

Kim Jong-il's key ally dies, exposing political infighting ahead of succession - Telegraph

China: cracks in the Three Gorges Dam, so 300,000 people can wave goodbye to their homes – Telegraph Blogs

China's 'cancer villages' reveal dark side of economic boom | Environment | The Guardian

US cluster bombs 'killed 35 women and children' - Telegraph

US cruise missile parts found in Yemeni village where 52 died - Middle East, World - The Independent

Doctors used to 'test and refine waterboarding techniques' for terror suspects | Mail Online

UK debt interest bill will rise to £70bn without action, says David Cameron | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Britain to emulate Canada's radical solution to tackle debt - Telegraph

Bumblebees on UK pollination 'rescue mission' die in hibernation | Environment | guardian.co.uk

The changing face of human rights | UK news | The Guardian

Ad campaign to counter negative views of Muslims - Home News, UK - The Independent

Household cleaning sprays 'could be contributing to rise in cases of asthma' - Telegraph

Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla | World news | The Guardian

Israel rejects multinational inquiry into flotilla attack | World news | The Guardian

Israel blames ‘stowaway mercenaries’ for violence on Gaza aid ship - Times Online

Pixies cancel Israel gig following Gaza raid | Music | guardian.co.uk

Queen Rania of Jordan attacks Israel over Gaza - Middle East, World - The Independent

YouTube - Truth about Israel's last war


YouTube - Michael Savage - Nazi Hag Helen Thomas Attacks Jews - (Sound Clip From June 4, 2010)


Intel chief nominee Clapper held disputed Iraq WMD view - Washington Times

US: North Korea ‘Too Defiant’ for Sanctions to Work -- News from Antiwar.com




We'll never apologize for bloody commando raid, Israel's U.S. ambassador tells 'Fox News Sunday'

Russia Says Afghan Drug Trade Threatens World Peace | Asia | English


Dave Lindorff: Shot in the Back

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Analyst: Buy Barbed Wire and Guns

The Raw Story | US used cluster bombs on Yemen civilians: Amnesty

IDF admits doctoring audio of raid on Gaza flotilla | Raw Story

Lieberman heads to US to explain Israel's position on flotilla - Israel News, Ynetnews

Ambassador says Israel will do 'whatever it takes' to defend itself | Herald Sun

Rabbi Brant Rosen: Beyond the Flotilla, the Crackdown Continues

Debbie Schlussel:Buh-Bye, “Saw” Puppet Look-alike Helen tHAMAS; Don’t Let the Door Hit Ya . . .

Debbie Schlussel:OUTRAGE: Whoopi Goldberg Defends Helen tHAMAS’ Anti-Semitic Remarks

Debbie Schlussel:D-Day: Would We Have the Guts to Do it Today?

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather - NASA Science

16-Foot Pen Commemorates India's Right to Education Law - AOL News

All you need to know about the hurricane season - environment - 04 June 2010 - New Scientist

Your flight is now departing from space terminal 1: The amazing story behind Sir Richard Branson's new Virgin Galactic project | Mail Online

Luna Ring Would Harness Solar Power on Moon and Beam It to Earth - AOL News

Forget the Da Vinci code! Experts find Michelangelo code hidden in the Sistine Chapel | Mail Online

Doctors to be able to 'print' new organs for transplant patients | Mail Online

Shuttle successor succeeds in first test flight - Space- msnbc.com

BBC News - Jupiter collision 'was asteroid'

Are Alien Artifacts in Our Solar System? : Discovery News

Archaeology Magazine - The Skull of Doom

SPACE.com -- Planet Triple Play: Saturn, Mars and Venus Appear Together

Coffee 'does not make the brain more alert' - Telegraph

BBC News - Hubble captures odd star motion

Darpa Wants to Predict Deadly Pathogens with ‘Prophecy’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

Giant airship to carry science back to 1930s - tech - 26 May 2010 - New Scientist

Einstein's Brain Unlocks Some Mysteries Of The Mind : NPR

Earthfiles.com Environment | Part 1: “Greatest Equation Ever” in Binary Code in Wiltshire Oilseed Rape

BBC News - A space odyssey of the mind

SPACE.com -- Flying NASA Telescope Snaps First Photos from Stratosphere

Matter: The next generation - physics-math - 01 June 2010 - New Scientist

Ancient mayor's 'lost tomb' found south of Cairo - Telegraph

Answers as elusive as evidence on topic of alien abductions - The Boston Globe

Japan plans to build robot moon base by 2020


*Download / 6-6-10- Aaron Klein

*Download / 5-30-10- Aaron Klein


White House chief tied to BP adviser

Crisis not 'wasted': Obama to nationalize oil companies?

Success at last: BP cap catches '10,000' barrels of oil before it leaks into Gulf of Mexico | Mail Online

Oil spill tests President Obama's management style - Glenn Thrush and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Oil spill inspires a gusher of homespun fixes in Sacramento area - Carlos Alcala - sacbee.com

Gulf Coast Churches Seek God to Stop Oil Flow | Christianpost.com

Helen Thomas retires over anti-Israel comments

America: Graduating from God? Part 1

Guv endorses imam accused of preaching taking up arms

Hot Air » Founder of Ground Zero mosque part of group that helped fund Gaza flotilla

Lawmakers uneasy with DNI pick - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Herald Citizen - Police to get semiautomatic patrol rifles

White House linked to flotilla organizers

IDF: 5 on flotilla linked to terror

Turkish paper releases 'censored' photos of beaten Israeli commandos - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

'Free Gaza' to shut Cyprus office

Pro-Israel rallies planned worldwide

Iran using Dubai to smuggle nuclear components - Telegraph

New UAVs Take to Sky Near Gaza, Could be Used in Iran Strike - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Kim Jong-il's key ally dies, exposing political infighting ahead of succession - Telegraph

White House 'explanation' suggests criminal 'evasion'

U.S. public demanding probe of Obama in Sestak-gate

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

Christian conservatives target seated judges :: Something to talk about :: Post-Tribune

Prez wielding 'unlawful influence' on elections?

Analysis: Democrats flinching on agenda, basic tasks because of election fears, deficit | San Francisco Examiner

Nevada GOP Senate candidates feel 'tea party's' power - Washington Times

Is anti-amnesty campaign working?

Muslims want privacy in public cemetery

CNSNews.com - Poll: 60 Percent of Americans Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

Yikes! China paying U.S. unemployment checks

Some Say BP's Oil Spill Heralds the Apocalypse - Newsweek

These stars' backstage demands are mind-boggling. So who insisted on what? | Mail Online

Signs of Amelia Earhart's Final Days? : Discovery News

Thousands of WWII bombs found on sunken German ship - The Local

Beachcomber stumbles upon historic shipwreck - CNN.com

Oyster shells confirm drought in Jamestown - latimes.com

BBC News - Jakob Dylan's debt to the Bible and Bob

Astronauts Need Wake Up Songs, Too | Motherboard

Walt Whitman Meteor Mystery Solved by Astronomer Sleuths - Yahoo! News

Boy survives falling off balcony after bouncing off palm trees - Telegraph

Man kills 4, self at Florida restaurant

Saudi Clerics Advocate Adult Breast-Feeding - AOL News

Chain-smoking toddler in rehab - Times LIVE


*American Minute for June 7th:William J Federer's American Minute


White House chief tied to BP adviser

Crisis not 'wasted': Obama to nationalize oil companies?

Dear Obama: Lead or get out of the way

State to license journalists?

Jerry Brown: Reason for California's failure

This is my country

Liberals hate facts

Robo calls, robo response

Solving the Middle East

Helen Thomas needs to go

Obama: Step up the oil PR

In the Wake of Health Reform, Abortion Under Attack | CommonDreams.org

$13,050,826,460,886.97 - NYPOST.com

Solar panels could be a threat to aquatic insects, new research shows | Environment | The Observer

War clouds gather as nations demand a piece of the Nile - Times Online

UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Mexico: 6 bodies in cave, 3 with hearts cut out - Americas- msnbc.com

BBC News - Brain scans being misused as lie detectors, experts say

Normandy ceremonies mark 66th anniversary of D-Day - Boston.com

D-Day site under assault again — from erosion - KansasCity.com

Tiananmen crackdown remembered

Schools leave Christianity in the wilderness -Times Online

Fewer young criminals push states to close prisons - Yahoo! News

Man's attempted lawnmower repo plan goes all wrong - Forbes.com

Free heroin gives good results - Politiken.dk

Cocaine abusers face rotting skin due to dangerous ingredient levamisole


Moneyless man reveals how to live a cashless life without starving | Mark Boyle | Environment | guardian.co.uk


site:Wild Man Wild Food - Fergus Drennan the Forager