"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

05 June 2010

5 JUNE '10


YouTube - Helen Thomas tells Jews to go back to Germany


Oily Politics Grease the Wheels of Control


A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport


YouTube - Roberts: 'AIPAC purchases US elections'

EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Kagan's Liberal Opinion on Social Issues - Crossroads - CBS News

Large 'bruise' on Jupiter 'was caused by | Mail Online

Obama's right-hand man dragged in to trial of disgraced governor - Americas, World - The Independent

White House in fresh job offer allegations - Telegraph

My Way News - Cap collecting Gulf oil, still unclear how much

YouTube - McKinney: 'Israel bought the executive branch'

US Media's Pro-Israeli Bias

savethemales.ca - Do You Believe in the Electoral Process? Prove it!

Correcting The History By Opening the Records

Dream of the Coming Global Collapse

My BP Mole Spills the Secrets of BP's Cleanup Ops | Mother Jones

Obama fails the test of leadership - Keith Koffler - POLITICO.com

Judge Weinstein Takes On Child Pornography Laws - NYTimes.com

Bob Ostertag: Causes and Consequences of the BP Oil Catastrophe: What We Know, What We Don't Know, and What We Will Never Know

1 of 8 Americans on Food Stamps « Fellowship of the Minds

RealClearPolitics - Video - Census Worker Claims Job Numbers Are Being Inflated


YouTube - USS Liberty : This month in history (Original)


YouTube - AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 1: The Orange and the Pea

YouTube - The Voice of America — Part 2 The Treasonous Dollar Drain


YouTube - The Rothschilds controls the gold market!


* e book:The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion

The Absolute Best Authentications Of The Protocols Of Zion


YouTube - Zionist Racist Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul

YouTube - Racism Rand Paul and Rachel Maddow

America's Complicity In Evil

savethemales.ca - Slow Death: Brazilian MD Speaks Out On Vaccines


*292 pg/Bloodlines of Illuminati by: Fritz Springmeier, 1995

Who Are The Illuminati?


Myron Fagan Exposes the Banker funded Illuminati with all it's many faces and organizations

Listen; mp3/Myron Fagan Exposes Bankers with their Illuminati, CFR, UN, Godless Communism, National Council on Churches etc.


*e book:Secrets Of The Federal Reserve - Eustace Mullins - 1952

*430 pg/The Rothschilds, Financial Rulers Of Nations - John Reeves - 1887



savethemales.ca - Cocaine Funds NWO Takeover in S. America

savethemales.ca - David Cameron's Roots in Jewish Banking, Opium

savethemales.ca - Von Braun: Illuminati Plan For E.T. Deception

savethemales.ca - Oil Spill = Illuminati's Covert War on America


YouTube - On Bilderberg Follow-up with Daniel Esturin after Press Conference in European Parliament

What are the Bilderberg Group really doing in Spain? - Europe, World - The Independent

Bilderbergers Green Light Attack On Iran

YouTube - Daniel Estulin exclusive: Bilderberg are terrified!

The Bilderberg Group: fact and fantasy - Telegraph

YouTube - World Govt Non-Elect: Engdahl on Bilderberg

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 4th With Nigel Farage


**Bilderberg 2010: Prisonplanet.com Master Page

Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Globalists In Crisis, Supportive Of Attack On Iran

Bill Gates To Attend 2010 Bilderberg Conference

Bilderberg See People With Income As “A Threat” To Their Agenda

Bilderberg 2010: Globalists Panic Over Euro Collapse

Bilderberg Group meets to control world: Luke Rudkowski on Russia Today

Euro the focus of secret Bilderberg meeting: Charlie Skelton On Russia Today

Large Protests, Extensive Media Coverage Signifies Awakening To Bilderberg Agenda

*Bilderberg 2010: Video Of Protests

Global Covert Govt Inc.: Bilderberg gather forces near Barcelona

World Govt Non-Elect: Engdahl on Bilderberg

Bilderberg 2010: Why the protesters are your very best friends | World news | guardian.co.uk


*White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents

*Kagan/ letter


Fixing Global Warming for Fun If Not Profit


*15 pg/The Will to Be Free The Role of Ideology in National Defense/ JEFFREY ROGERS HUMMEL


Israeli forces board the Rachel Corrie | World news | guardian.co.uk

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

Genetically Modified Foods Could Cause Long-Term Sterility

Obama secretly deploys US special forces to 75 countries across world - Times Online

EDITORIAL: FTC floats Drudge tax - Washington Times

Castro speculates Obama might strike Iran to win second term

Major Intrigue In North Korea, As Key Leader Is Found Dead Before Possible Power Handoff

The Folly of Blindly Trusting the Government

Is Deepwater Horizon Not Being Blown Up Because BP Secretly Hopes To Drill From It Again?

Mercantilism and Inflation

CHART OF THE DAY: The Scariest Job Chart Ever Just Got Even Scarier

Second Document Has Kagan Defending Clinton Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Veto

Census Worker Claims Job Numbers Are Being Inflated

DeMint: Over 90 Percent of Bills Passed Secretly With No Debate, No Vote

Surveillance cameras in Birmingham track Muslims' every move | UK news | The Guardian

Minister: Britain will open door to Frankenstein food | Mail Online

U.S. Economy: May Employment Gain Trails Forecast (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

FCC Talks Up Sovietization of Media

Do aliens live on a Saturn moon? | Mail Online

Report condemns swine flu experts' ties to big pharma | World news | The Guardian


*Bilderberg 2010: Photographs


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 2nd With Charlie Skelton


YouTube - Mark Anderson's Call in Report from Bilderberg Spain 2010 Meeting on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Mark Anderson's Call in Report from Bilderberg Spain 2010 Meeting on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro

Tracking the American Epidemic of Mental Illness - Part I

Tracking the American Epidemic of Mental Illness - Part II



Oily Politics Grease the Wheels of Control

Say goodbye to full-time jobs with benefits

CEO: BP will make good on $10 billion in profit payouts to shareholders, despite spill | Raw Story

IDF Retracts Claim al-Qaeda was on Flotilla, Corporate Media Silent

Yes We Can, Afghanistan

New Law Will Require a License to be a Journalist

WHO and the pandemic flu "conspiracies" -- Cohen and Carter 340: c2912 -- BMJ

The “Vaccine Shock” of the Year

Pacific islands 'growing not shrinking' due to climate change - Telegraph

Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee - Telegraph

The Canadian Press: Obama confronts heated immigration issue in meeting with Arizona governor

BP and Feds Withheld Videos Showing Massive Scope of Oil Spill - ABC News

Halliburton Snaps Up Boots & Coots - DailyFinance

Doubts Grow Over Israel's Value as U.S. Ally - IPS ipsnews.net

BP Among the Companies Vying for Iraq's Oil - TIME


A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport


PR-USA.net - Timelines, Inc. Launches RodBlagojevich.com



YouTube - Upbeat Blagojevich Goes on Trial for Corruption

Blagojevich tries to make friends in courtroom :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Trial may keep Blagojevich from daughter's graduation :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Blagojevich dines at courthouse cafeteria during trial, smiles at fellow diners during lunch - WQAD

What do you want to hear out of the Blagojevich trial? – Chicago Tribune (blog … – MSMDC News (blog) « MSMDC News


Rahm Emanuel Was a Little Late Paying His F—ing Property Taxes « Going Concern: Accounting News for Accountants & CFOs

The Associated Press: Obama not above political manipulation after all

No Party ID for Disgraced Dem Blagojevich, But Times Passes Them Around When GOP's in Trouble


American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead « unSpy

Jews' Genetics Make Them A 'Distinct Population': NYU/Yeshiva Study

Zionism’s un-Christian Bible

How Dare I: Hamas and Al-Qaeda and Iran!...oh my

Under Scrutiny, IDF Retracts Claims About Flotilla’s Al Qaeda Links

Yes, Obama is “Engaged” – in a Colossal Crime

YouTube - Ed Koch and Jeremy Scahill Debate Israel's Justification for Attacking Aid Floatilla

YouTube - Gilad Atzmon on RT.mov

Proof emerges IDF audio of radio communication with Mavi Marmara is fabricated. #flotilla - Ali Abunimah

YouTube - CoreOfCorruption.com - 4 Suspects in World Trade Center Before 9/11 Doing Construction

Under Scrutiny, IDF Retracts Claims About Flotilla’s Al Qaeda Links

JAMES PETRAS: Israeli War Crimes: From the U.S.S. Liberty to the Humanitarian Flotilla | My Catbird Seat

un[redacted] news: CIA's Favorite Newspaper Says: U.S. 'secret war' expands globally as Special Operations forces take larger role under Sociopaths

Rep. Sherman: Prosecute U.S. Citizens involved with Gaza Flotilla « LobeLog.com

Massacre on the Mediterranean: Synopsis (1) » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Most Members of Congress Remain Committed to Israel’s Blockade of Gaza – Forward.com

Gordon Duff: Autopsy Shows Israel Executed Wounded, Worse Than Munich 1972 : Veterans Today

YouTube - Obama Helps Obstruct Israel Investigation (Article)

satire:Goon Squad: Israel's Currently Picking Our Next President

What if BP Never Stopped the Oil in the Gulf of Mexico? - ABC News

Citizen's death may push US to review probe options into raid

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - A Glimpse Into Jewish Collective Morbidity-introduction By Gilad Atzmon


Demand that Hebrew U. Dismiss Judge Goldstone from Board - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Robert Fisk: The truth behind the Israeli propaganda - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

timesofmalta.com - US warship disrupts pirate attack on Maltese flagged ship

Josh Ruebner: Justice for All? A Tale of Two Victims: Leon Klinghoffer and Furkan Dogan.

Preparing the American Invasion of Pakistan :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Another War Is Required to Burn $13 Trillion of U.S. National Debt :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

FOXNews.com - US schools switching to 4-day weeks to save money amid sluggish economy


US Government OFFICIALLY attacks Conspiracy Theories!,

Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation - America.gov

The Top September 11 Conspiracy Theories

AIDS as a biological weapon

How to Identify Misinformation


Time for law-abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 1 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 2 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 3 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 4 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 5 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 6 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes and start a new government? 7 of 13

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism1

Totalitarian Collectivism2

Totalitarian Collectivism3

Totalitarian Collectivism4

Totalitarian Collectivism5

Totalitarian Collectivism6

Totalitarian Collectivism7

Totalitarian Collectivism8

Totalitarian Collectivism9

Totalitarian Collectivism10


hr1955;“The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act”.


Breitbart.tv » Helen Thomas Tells Jews — ‘Get the Hell Out of Palestine’ and Go Back to Germany & Poland

Increasingly Hawkish Fed Ponders Raising Rates - CNBC

FBI is sole Justice agency prepared for terror attack, report says

Reports accuse WHO of exaggerating H1N1 threat, possible ties to drug makers


*Conscious Media Network - Video Page


11thhour/ 1:28:47

2012: Science Or Superstition/DarkData.Net

2012: The Odyssey {2007}

AIDS Inc. (Gary Null) (2007)/ 1:54:09

Beyond Treason /1:28:53

The corporation (911, David Icke, Illuminati, Conspiracy, 9-11, September, WTC, Mind Control, MkUltra, CIA, Fritz Springmeier, Mike Ruppert)


Unveiling our Hidden History & Telepathic Future: Humanity's Spiritual Awakening 1:54:28

Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties 1:08:20


YouTube - NWO Busted: Man who exposed Bilderberg reveals conspiracy secrets to EU

06-04-2010: UFO spotted similar to Norway spiral spotted over eastern Australia

06-04-2010: BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill

06-04-2010: SpaceX Rocket Achieves Earth Orbit on First Flight


*06-04-2010: US attendees at ‘world government’ meeting may be breaking law: activists


06-04-2010: Monsanto’s 475-ton seed donation challenged by Haitian peasants

06-04-2010: Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

Universities Are Offering Doctorates but Few Jobs

06-04-2010: Mars minerals found by Nasa suggest planet was wetter than thought

06-04-2010: Lawyers Claim Google Wi-Fi Sniffing ‘Is Not an Accident’

06-03-2010: Video: Similiarties Between 1979 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill And 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

06-03-2010: Denver airport's latest sculpture: God of the dead

KBR Employee Says She Was Raped and Beaten By Fellow KBR Employee in Iraq

Los Angeles police ask public's help in fighting terrorism threat

50 Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

The Back Art Of ‘Master Illusions’

U.S. 'Secret War' Expands Globally

Americans More Optimistic About War On Terror

Real People v. Corporate “People”:

Who are the Bilderberg Group?

Click and Dagger: Inside Wikileaks Factory

Boycott of Cuba, Iran OK, But Illegal to Boycott Israel

Top Health Journal Slams WHO's Handling of Pandemic

From the 1953 CIA Overthrow of Democracy in Iran, to the Iraq War, to the Criminal Gulf Catastrophe and Deaths, BP Was There

Plunged into Chaos: Europe on the Eve of the Bilderberg Conference

VIDEO: Economic Meltdown. US Public Debt Level at an All-Time High

Desperate Financial Situation, Biggest Debt Bubble in World History: Fifty Statistics About The U.S. Economy

Facebook and Muslim Outrage: Gleaning the Wrong Lesson, Again

For a More Ethical Civilization

The Psychopathic Criminal Enterprise Called America

U.S. 'secret war' expands globally as Special Operations forces take larger role


YouTube - Doug Casey -The Greater Depression Has Arrived: What's Next? Pt.1

YouTube - Doug Casey -The Greater Depression Has Arrived: What's Next? Pt.2

YouTube - Doug Casey -The Greater Depression Has Arrived: What's Next? Pt.3


Former HUD Secretary Cisneros: Profiteers, Not Government, To Blame for Housing Crisis

25 Questions To Ask Anyone Who Is Delusional Enough To Believe That This Economic Recovery Is Real

FCC and FTC: Enemies of Free Press and Free Speech

Liberal Coalition Demands FCC Move to Shut Down Talk Radio

Lieberman Bill Gives Feds 'Emergency' Powers to Secure Civilian Nets

Obama: Life Imprisonment Without Trial

Bilderberg See People With Income As “A Threat” To Their Agenda

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”

Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

Newspapers See Signs iPad Restores Ad Sales

Money Manager: Gold Is Best Haven in Next Decade

Ill. Senate Race: All Insults, All the Time

Missing Moon Rock May Have Been Found in W.Va.

Gates: Ship Sinking Reveals No Hole in US Forces

Israeli Naval Commandos Seize Gaza-Bound Aid Ship

Obama: I'll Stand With the Gulf

BP: Cleanup Costs for Oil Spill Will Be 'Severe'

BP Plans More Payments for Oil-Related Losses

Calm No More, Obama Lashes out at BP On Gulf Visit

Oil Pours From Cap Over Gulf Gusher, Some Captured

Kagan Memos Reveal Clinton's Legeacy Obsession

Helen Thomas Apologizes for Jewish Remark

Steele: DOJ Should Examine Obama Dealmaking

Kagan Documents Include Mysterious Reference

McCain and Romney Campaign Together

Sabato: GOP Could Pick Up 8 Governorships

Kagan Helped Defend Late-Term Abortion Ban Veto

Kagan: Affirmative Action Good Law, Good Politics

O'Reilly Praises Newsmax for Newsweek Bid

Lou Ferrigno Made Honorary Deputy by Arpaio

Poll: 41% Strongly Disapprove of Obama

Laura Bush Sidesteps Obama Criticism On Oil Spill

Hugs, Handshakes at Blagojevich Trial

Obama's Line-Item Veto Bid Paves Way for Stimulus III

Obama Rejects Notion of Limited Govt

Euro Ready to Collapse

Obama Incompetent in Face of Gulf Spill, Debt Crisis

Pelosi Uses Religion to Advance Liberal Agenda

Obama Seeks Hollywood's Help With Oil Spill

Energy Bills Will Skyrocket Under Obama's Plan

Prop 14 Favors Democrats, Restricts Party Choice

Newspapers Question Obama's Competence

Free Countries Won't Take Notice of China's Space Warfare

White House Now Says It Discussed USAID Position with Candidate Andrew Romanoff to 'Avoid Costly Battle' in Colorado

Inspector General’s Memo: Census Says It Hired More Workers Than It Needed As a ‘Cost-Saving Measure’

Congressman Seeks Full Accounting of White House Efforts to ‘Clear the (Primary) Field’

‘Potty Parity’ Toilet-Discrimination Bill Gets House Hearing, While Immigration and Jobs Wait In Line

White House Misled Media: Originally Denied Sestak Job Offer That It Now Confirms

Former Medicare Chief Says Comparative Effectiveness Research Is Not Rationing, Contrary to View of Obama Nominee Donald Berwick

Primatologist Jane Goodall: ‘The Future of the Planet’ Will Make Us ‘Tighten Our Belts’

Targeted Killings, Including U.S. Drone Strikes, Come Under U.N. Human Rights Council Scrutiny

Top Republicans to White House: Alleged Facts in Your Sestak Memo Appear to Document Lawbreaking

US General: Most al-Qaida Leaders in Iraq Killed

Kagan Files Show Pragmatic Streak in Tobacco Talks

Price Tag for Oil Spill Cleanup: $69 Million and Counting

Chrysler Recalls Dodge Caliber over Sticky Pedals

Economy Adds 431,000 Jobs but Few in Private Sector

Kagan Helped Defend Late-Term Abortion Ban Veto

Obama: Economy 'Getting Stronger by the Day'

Report: Burma/Myanmar Seeking Nuclear Weapons

NYC Offers Ceremonies for Domestic Partner Unions

Holder Tells Arab-Americans He Will Prosecute Hate Crimes

Four-Day School Weeks Gain Popularity Across U.S.

The Summer of Corruption Plot Thickens

There Is No Money by Gary North

Cancer: More Care, More Cost, Less Cure by Bill Sardi

Interview With Jim Rogers: The CPI Is A Lie And Inflation Is Going To Increase

Discrimination and a Free Society by Laurence M. Vance

Gazan Survivalism by Karen Kwiatkowski

Key Indicators Of A New Depression | iStockAnalyst.com

Universities are offering doctorates but few jobs - latimes.com

Iodine's another reason to eat fish

The Other Side of Grilling | The Art of Manliness

HealthDay:Dog Sniffs Out Prostate Cancer in Small Study

Doctors to be able to 'print' new organs for transplant patients | Mail Online

Shuttle successor succeeds in first test flight - Space- msnbc.com

BBC News - Jupiter collision 'was asteroid'

Are Alien Artifacts in Our Solar System? : Discovery News

Archaeology Magazine - The Skull of Doom

SPACE.com -- Planet Triple Play: Saturn, Mars and Venus Appear Together

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

Coffee 'does not make the brain more alert' - Telegraph

BBC News - Hubble captures odd star motion

Darpa Wants to Predict Deadly Pathogens with ‘Prophecy’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

Giant airship to carry science back to 1930s - tech - 26 May 2010 - New Scientist

Einstein's Brain Unlocks Some Mysteries Of The Mind : NPR

BBC News - A space odyssey of the mind

SPACE.com -- Flying NASA Telescope Snaps First Photos from Stratosphere

Matter: The next generation - physics-math - 01 June 2010 - New Scientist

Ancient mayor's 'lost tomb' found south of Cairo - Telegraph

Answers as elusive as evidence on topic of alien abductions - The Boston Globe

Japan plans to build robot moon base by 2020

From butterflies' wings to bank notes -- how nature's colors could cut bank fraud

BBC News - Asteroid probe 'on home straight'

Airport security: Could the blink of an eye or a tiny muscle spasm ID a terrorist? - latimes.com

Pigeon Held in India on Suspicion of Spying for Pakistan

SPACE.com -- Pale Blue Crescent: Earth Photographed from Deep Space


*site page:ARPAST.org - Online Articles

*site page:ParaExplorers.com - News&Events

*site page:MarieDJones.com - Radio Show Archives

MarieDJones.com - Printed/Online Articles


YouTube - Marie D Jones 2013 & 11:11 @ The Mind Body Spirit Business Network Montlhy Meeting


YouTube - The 11:11 Phenomena


YouTube - 11:11 Higher Consciousness Pt.1

YouTube - 11:11 Higher Consciousness Pt.2


TERROR DATE 6/23/2010 CONFIRMED! First Illuminati Warning Found & Decoded., page 1


Rachel Maddow: How Not to Respond to an Oil Spill -- Booming Fails on Louisiana Coast

Jindal Opposes Offshore Drilling Moratorium

Wife: Deepwater Horizon Crew Member Was So Worried About Safety, He Wrote His Will

What FOX Won't Say About Arizona: Brewer's "Secure the Border" Mantra is Bogus

Los Lobos cancels show in Arizona


Foxheads freak out when Rep. Linda Sanchez points out the white supremacists lurking behind Arizona's immigration law

Demonsheep Everywhere Mourn Carly Fiorina's Climate Change Denial

Beck says progressives 'co-opted' the Civil Rights Movement. Seems he forgot what conservatives did.

Despite What They've Been Telling Us About Retraining, There Simply Aren't Many Jobs.

Prescott, Arizona mural altered to lighten children's skin tone

Corporate "Smart" Initiatives Will Test California Voters' Smarts Tuesday

Petroleum Engineer: How To Close Hole In The Gulf

Obama on Larry King Live: "I'm furious, but ultimately this isn't about me"

Report: Israel Willing To Allow Gaza Aid Shipments With International Inspections

Expert: Oil spill will triple if cap fails

BBC: Israelis Board The Rachel Corrie Without Incident

Rachel Maddow: This is America's Deepwater Horizon Disaster. We all own it.

Former Interrogator: All George Bush Did is Give Al Qaeda Another Recruiting Tool

Get the Waaaaaaahmbulance, stat! Paul McCartney disses W, and Republicans have a hissy

NYC Team Bringing Transitional Shelters to Haiti

Gulf Oil Spill Siphoning Shows Progress

Restored Theme Building Marks LAX's Turnaround

Obama Names Retired General New Intelligence Head

Obama: Oil Spill Upends Life for Gulf Residents

In Idaho, Students Learn to Think on Their Feet

U.S. Appeals to China to Restore Military Ties

S. American Critter Found Sleeping on Ill. Porch

Arizona Police Officer Challenges Migrant Law

Legally, Many US Hotels Lack Fire Sprinklers

Berlin, Moscow Eye Quick U.N. Move on Iran Sanctions

Bee Winner Part of Indian-American Streak

U.S. Says Weighing New Options Over North Korea

Last of Turks Wounded in Israeli Ship Raid Return Home

Japan Ruling Party Support Leaps on New Leader: Poll

Reforms Help States Cut Foster-Care Populations

Maine Video Producer Recounts Gaza Flotilla Ordeal

La. to OSHA: Investigate Oil Spill Cleanup Safety

Colleague Says US Professor Still Jailed in Rwanda

South Korea Lee Says No Possibility of War in Korea

John Wooden, Peerless U.S. Basketball Coach, Dies

Plane Lands on Highway Near Anchorage

NY Man Admits Killing Wife With Cyanide in Coffee

Houston Police: Man Sought After 3 Found Dead

U.S. Appeals to China as It Weighs More N. Korea Options

Police. Md. Gov's Daughter Had Alcohol Poisoning

Chile Deports Dutch Murder Suspect to Peru

Ore. Helicopter Crash Families to Settle Lawsuits

Soldier Charged in 3 Afghan Civilian Deaths

Porn Actor Charged With Murder; Reward Offered

Lawyers Needed for Utahans Charged in Boy's Death

Opening Statements in Blago Trial May Come Tuesday

Feds Settle Lawsuit Over Protection for Penguins

YouTube - Flotilla attack - Sarah Colborne gives eyewitness account

More anti-Israel demos across the globe

NATO Could Not Have Been Unaware


YouTube - Watch the WOCU evolve

Wocu - The WDX Organisation has developed a currency-basket instrument called the Wocu

World currency unit intended to rival U.S. dollar for supremacy


YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - British Journalist Charlie Skelton Investigates Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - British Journalist Charlie Skelton Investigates Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Jim Tucker Reports Nwo's Next Phase of Operation from Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Jim Tucker Reports Nwo's Next Phase of Operation from Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Alex Jones - Bilderberg Clubs plan - Russia Today - Dprogram.net


YouTube - Alex Covers More Anti Free Speech Attacks from Our Government on The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Alex Covers More Anti Free Speech Attacks from Our Government on The Alex Jones Show 2/2


FCC Talks Up Sovietization of Media

Cancer will kill 13.2 million a year by 2030: U.N. | Reuters

YouTube - Goldman Sachs Dumps 44% of it's BP Stock Weeks before Oil Rig Disaster!!!


White House linked to flotilla organizers | Before It's News

Thanks Obama – The Coming Shortage Of Doctors And Hospitals That Will Destroy American Health Care | Before It's News

According to the Tax Foundation’s Microsimulation Model, | Before It's News

Opt-Out Required to Prevent Your Yahoo! Mail Contacts From Being Used for Social Network | Electronic Frontier Foundation

The American Spectator : The Coming Resignation of Barack Obama


Obama’s New World Order - HUMAN EVENTS

Did Interior Department's Michael Saucier Just Accidentally Reveal A Total Ban On Offshore Drilling?

Scientists Create Artificial Mini 'Black Hole': An Omnidirectional Electromagnetic Absorber Made Of Metamaterials | Before It's News

An omnidirectional electromagnetic absorber made of metamaterials

NYC: The Truth About the Ground Zero Mosque | Before It's News

Wearable Absence: Intelligent Textiles with LEDs Reflect the Changing Moods and Emotions of the Wearer | Before It's News


*The Setting Up Of The Antichrist Rule/Noahs signs/Peace and safety/ June 4, 2010 | Before It's News


YouTube - Rotating Golden Globe in Vatican

YouTube - Helen Thomas tells Jews to go back to Germany

Glenn Beck's long history of vicious personal attacks | Media Matters for America

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather - NASA Science

Laser Plane Gets More Cash to Blow More Stuff Up | Danger Room | Wired.com

China ready to say goodbye to dollar

Six Giant Banks Made $51 Billion Last Year; The Other 980 Lost Money - Forbes.com

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Is George Soros Down to His Last Billion?

ViroLab Virtual Laboratory For Infectious Diseases Free and Open; May Hasten Personalized Medicine | Before It's News

Missing | Before It's News

Al Shabaab Threats Against the United States? | Before It's News

Militia Movement Infiltrates Six Nations - Part 1 | Before It's News

Militia Movement Camel's Eye Treaty Hoax - Part 2 | Before It's News

Eneco thermal-electric converter technology re-emerging | Before It's News

Contaminated Cocaine Can Cause Flesh to Rot - Yahoo! News

Hemp for Victory! | Tenth Amendment Center

Radar for the Blind Developed, Ben-Gurion System Helps Sightless People Maneuver Around Obstacles | Before It's News


The 25 Best Fashion Design Blogs on the Internet


RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Michael Savage calls for Helen Thomas' WH credentials to be 'stripped immediately; response to Thomas' 'Jews should go back to Poland/Germany' remarks


My Way News - Obama not above political manipulation after all

Obama Heads to Gulf as ‘Furor’ Shifts to White House (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Officers subdue 2 men near Obama's motorcade

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals | Washington Examiner

Whites in state 'below the replacement' level

Al-Qaida aid charges stun Hempstead man's family | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

'73 cop-killer to be released - NYPOST.com

Man mauled after smoking pot can get workers' comp

Commentary » Blog Archive » Poof Goes the Myth


*AUDIO: Savage calls for peace


Iraqi official says Iranian troops cross border

Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney takes cheap shot at President George W. Bush at White House event. - HUMAN EVENTS

Queen's birthday gaffe leaves Hillary Clinton red faced - Telegraph

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Rating Cut by Fitch on Wealthiest U.S. State

CNSNews.com - Inspector General’s Memo: Census Says It Hired More Workers Than It Needed As a ‘Cost-Saving Measure’

Euro zone faces zero growth: Roubini | Reuters

SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Reaches Orbit on First Flight (Update1) - BusinessWeek

Bilderberg 2010: Prisonplanet.com Master Page

My Way News - GOP wants Justice probe of White House dealmaking

Steele: White House effort to 'deny, obfuscate, and mislead' in jobs flap - TheHill.com

Obama not above political manipulation after all - Yahoo! News

Obama loses the Left: suddenly, it's cool to bash Barack - Telegraph

Claim: Ellen being gay hurt 'Idol' ratings -- The Live Feed | THR

Federal Debt, Terrorism Considered Top Threats to U.S.

Drivers could be over limit after less than a pint under new law | Mail Online

Second Document Has Kagan Defending Clinton Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Veto

Kagan: Affirmative action good law — good politics - Yahoo! News

Documents Covering Supreme Court Nominee Kagan's Clinton-Era Service Are Released - WSJ.com

White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents | Kagan Watch

Support for Confirming Kagan Trails That of Recent Nominees

Calm no more, Obama lashes out at BP on Gulf visit - Yahoo! News

Obama Heads to Gulf as ‘Furor’ Shifts to White House (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Congressional Republicans seize on oil spill crisis to attack Obama

My Way News - Oil pours from cap over Gulf gusher, some captured

FOXNews.com - Gulf Lawmakers Plead With Obama to Ease Drilling Ban, Warn of Economic Blow

Flotilla passengers: Go back to Auschwitz - Israel News, Ynetnews

Krauthammer: Those troublesome Jews

Erdogan: Hamas not a terrorist group

Breitbart.tv » Cash-Strapped CA to Build $1M ‘Fish Ladder’

Google to give private Wi-Fi data to European regulators: FT

The Associated Press: Fidel Castro claims Obama lives in fantasy world

Muslim praise for Obama dries up a year after Cairo speech - Yahoo! News

NY Times Says Circulation Holding Up to WSJ Assault - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - The Trouble With Confronting Terrorists

That stubbornly high unemployment rate | Analysis & Opinion |

RealClearPolitics - Obama is Failing the Test of Leadership

Obama fails the test of leadership - Keith Koffler - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - David Souter, Jim Crow & the Living Constitution

David Souter, Jim Crow, and the Living Constitution - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Hope, Change & Sleaze

How Obama Should Respond to the Gulf Crisis - Newsweek

Obama, about that BP oil spill – just get the job done | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | The Guardian

Arthur Brooks: Slouching Towards Athens - WSJ.com

Turkey's Treachery & Washington's Denial--Ralph Peters - NYPOST.com

Cancelled Asia trip is an opportunity for humility in Obama's foreign policy - By Peter Feaver | Shadow Government

China needs to stop enabling North Korea - The Denver Post

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

KRAHMER: 'Green New Deal' is a raw deal for the U.S. - Washington Times

How the euro made Europe's PIIGS even weaker - Jun. 4, 2010

Forget PIIGS, US Debt Is Out of Control | Markets | Minyanville.com

Praising Blanche Lincoln's Derivatives Proposal - Forbes.com

Obama White House Exodus: 20-Something True Believers Burning Out - The Daily Beast

Major League Busybodies « John Stossel

Turkey's Erdogan bears responsibility in flotilla fiasco

Oil spill is tainting national confidence

Japan's new prime minister: Meet the boss | The Economist

Iranian menace must be faced | The Australian

Democrats launch effort to get 2008 first-time voters back to polls for midterms

‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ May Haunt Effort to Taint Obama (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

Geithner: Fannie and Freddie next for reform - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

California Governor Race News: In GOP Primary, Whitman's Cash Trumping Poizner's Doctrine - WSJ.com


*5th/Politics Video:Obama's Weekly Address From Grand Isle, LA

Obama's Weekly Address: Speaking from Louisiana on the Oil Spill

*4th/Gov. Christie: This is Not About Teachers

CNBC's Mark Haines Makes Sexist Comment About Women And Sports

Oil Spill: Where Has Al Gore Been?

MSNBC Anchor Confuses Bush For Obama While Talking About Oil Spill

Former DNC Chair McAuliffe Blasts Obama: Bill Clinton "Would Have Moved The White House" To Gulf

Obama Applauds Biden For "Scandal-Free" Execution Of Recovery Act

Obama Lauds Jobs Created By Census

O'Reilly Vs. Ingraham On Oil Spill Response

New Flotilla To Israeli Navy: "Go Back To Auschwitz," "Don't Forget 9/11"

Romanoff Further Explains White House Job Offer

Gov. Christie To Teachers' Unions: "You Punch Them, I Punch You"

Helen Thomas To Jews: "Get The Hell Out Of Palestine"

Ari Fleischer On Obama's Handling Of Oil Spill

Alan Colmes Defends Obama, Calls Hamas "Elected" Government

BP Launches Ad: "We Will Make This Right"

Geithner: Fannie And Freddie To Be Reformed

O'Reilly: We Need A Federal Investigation Of WH Job Offers

Rep. Melancon: "We've Been Lied To"

Countdown: Is Jindal More Concerned About The Oil Companies?

Krauthammer: White House And Sestak Stories "Don't Stack Up"


*3rd/Transcripts: Interview with President Barack Obama

Governor Brewer on Meeting with Obama

Interview with White House Adviser Carol Browner

Interview with Rep. Charlie Melancon

Obama's Remarks at the U.S.-India Reception

Secretary Clinton Opens Dialogue with India

Bernanke's Remarks on Small Business Lending


REVIEW: Michael Douglas & ‘Solitary Man’ Deserve an Audience

NEW TEASER TRAILER: ‘The Expendables’

REVIEW: Tense, Well-Directed ‘Splice’ Will Either Horrify You or Just Freak You Out

Daily Gut: Bush Says He’d Waterboard Again

For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 2

Republican Gary Miller: Earmarks, Land Deals and FBI Investigations.

Rep. Phil Hare Threatens Constituents Who Point Out He Isn’t a Veteran

Relax America, Politicans Just Want To Improve You

SEIU’s Latest Target? The Red Cross

Have Census Job, Will Travel: Census Wastes Money Shuffling Workers Around the Country

Obama, Advisor Cass Sunstein Remarkably Attacked Bush in 2006 for ‘Undermining Constitution’

Government Created 10x More Jobs than Private Sector in May

audio page:The Politics of Unemployment

Obama’s Gulf of Energy Tax Illogic

Saturday Open Thread: Tank Man Edition

Runaway Census Cost Is Frightening Preview of True Obamacare Price Tag

Helen Needs To Go!

Congressman Phil Hare Fails With Vets and Threats

Are Journalists Finally Getting Over their Pro-Teacher-Union Fetish?

First Things First: the MSM’s Priorities and the VP Disconnect

Shameless: Another ‘Objective Journalist’ Changes Teams, Joins the Left

Helen Thomas: Jews Should ‘Get the Hell Out of Palestine and Go Back To Germany And Poland’

Sing Along With the Intifada: ‘We Con the World’

Correction Request: Media Matters Senior Fellows Should Fact Check Each Other

The ‘Myth’ Of Media Bias — Could the Timing Be Worse?

NewsBusted: Who Trusts Congress with the Economy?

For ‘Real’ Feminists, Only Politically Correct Environmentalists Need Apply

‘Journalist’ Helen Thomas: Jew-hater, Democrat fundraiser

James Cameron - Cameron Explains 'Morons' Jibe Aimed At Oil Disaster Experts - Contactmusic News

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Polls: Obama at 48 percent approval at 500 day mark « - Blogs from CNN.com

Robert Reich: Why We're Falling Into a Double-Dip Recession

Global halt to oil drilling in eco areas urged

FOXNews.com - Gulf Lawmakers Plead With Obama to Ease Drilling Ban, Warn of Economic Blow

With DoJ threatening prosecution, Obama slams BP for ‘lawyering up’ | Washington Examiner

Kagan: Affirmative action good law _ good politics

» Helen Thomas: Jews Should ‘Get the Hell Out of Palestine and Go Back To Germany And Poland’ - Big Journalism

Helen Thomas Survey - from PJTV

Hot Air » Helen Thomas: Hey, sorry about that whole “Jews out of Palestine” thing

The Plum Line - Saturday Roundup: Hearst won't say whether Helen Thomas will keep job

Helen Thomas Survey - from PJTV

Ari Fleischer Says Hearst Should Fire Helen Thomas | NewsBusters.org

» Helen Needs To Go! - Big Government

Michele Bachmann is cool to mainstream media, and an increasingly hot property

News Analysis - Oil Leak Crimps White House Agenda - NYTimes.com

ABC's Davis to SEIU - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com


‘Really Disgusting’: Rabbi Who Interviewed Helen Thomas Says ‘It’s Time’ for Her to Go

Wasilla Showdown: Sarah Palin Defended by Bill Maher & Van Jones?

RNC Head Slams Obama’s ‘Transparency’ Amid Dustup Over Special Deals

App-Curious: Washington Examiner Demonstrates Popularity of GrindR in DC

Barbara Boxer Fights For Her Political Life in California

Colorado Dem: I Was Not Promised a Job

Caught on Tape: Car Goes Airborne at Texas Toll Booth

CNBC Anchor to Erin Burnett: ‘This is Why Women Aren’t In Charge of Sports’

Helen Thomas Tells Jews — ‘Get the Hell Out of Palestine’ and Go Back to Germany & Poland

FTC Journalism ‘Reinvention’ Report Sparks Debate on Government Control

Private Sector Adds Just 41K Jobs in May

Primatologist Jane Goodall: ‘Future of the Planet’ Will Make Us ‘Tighten Our Belts’

Detroit Pitcher on Botched Call: ‘Nobody’s Perfect’

SC Senator Calls GOP Gubernatorial Candidate, Obama ‘Ragheads’

NY Man Found Alive in Ditch Four Days After Crash

Oil Washes Ashore Florida Beaches

‘I Am Furious’: Obama Revs Up Anger Over Oil Spill for Larry King Interview

Flotilla Passenger to IDF Soldiers: ‘Go Back to Auschwitz…Don’t Forget 9/11′

iPad Used During Surgery in Japan

The B-Cast: Helen Thomas Really Doesn’t Like the Jews


Cap collects some oil even as slick taints beaches

Obama names Pentagon official to head spy agencies

Growing ranks of long-term jobless face long odds

Ill. police probe lead on ex-cop's missing wife

Bank of America workers across U.S. sue for overtime

Dutch murder suspect now in Peru to face charges

Rough outline of Kagan emerges in Clinton records

3rd Iraqi candidate from Sunni-backed party killed

Kan, Obama agree to make efforts to fulfill Japan-U.S. base accord

Dutch murder suspect arrives in Lima

Drug boosts survival in major skin cancer study

NYC team bringing transitional shelters to Haiti

Pakistan unveils $40 bil. budget for 2010-2011

Pope urges support for Mideast Christians

Sweden to boycott Israeli cargo

'Some agreement on Iran sanctions'

China defends ban on top military links with US

Photographer Brian Duffy dies

US considers fresh punishment for North Korea

Gates: North Korea must face account in ship sinking

G20 drops support for fiscal stimulus

10 million passengers and only one runway

PM backs dialogue on conversion bill 'to ensure unity'


Debbie Schlussel:Who Are Huwaida Arraf & Adam Shapiro? Gaza Flotilla Leaders Sheltered “Mike’s Bar” Homicide Bombers

Debbie Schlussel:Pat HAMAS Buchanan: Qaeda Attacks on US Justified b/c of Israel – TownHall, Human Events, WND Run Column

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Frau Helen Thomas wants to join Pat Buchanan’s Army, Too

Debbie Schlussel:Detroit Red Wing Fans for Hezbollah: Shlumpy Toledo Muslims Get Caught

Debbie Schlussel:MUST WATCH – HAMAS’ Love, er . . . Hate Boat: My Lyrics & Pics, Their VIDEO – Capt. Mohammed Stubing, Jihad Gopher Welcome You Aboard


From the Mouths of European Babes

21st Anniversary of Tiananmen

BP and the Minerals Management Service: the Legacy of Capture Theory

When It Rains in Chicago, It Pours

Churchill's Bad Idea

The 2010 Census and Our Fair Share

Self-Inflicted Defeat

Worse than a Depression

Immigrant Assimilation 80 Years Ago vs. the L.A. School Board Today - My Mother's Story

Hypocrisy is the 'Mark of Kane.'

DeMint On The Senate's 'Secret Bills'

Paul McCartney plays the Fool on the Hill

FTC draft study proposes massive bailout of newspapers

'Hello, goodbye' Mr. McCartney

Anger toward Israel misplaced

The 'Prove Dennis Kucinich has a brain' Game

WaPo's profile of Netanyahu short on facts

Hillary sends birthday greetings to Queen Elizabeth - a week early

Advice to BP: Shrug

Homo Politicus

New York's 29th Congressional District Denied Representation

A Question of Priorities

When a Tax Is Not a Tax

Big Government's Katrina

Death Panels and Mom

BBC News - Belfast protest against Israel Rachel Corrie seizure

YouTube - Seized flotilla: reactions in Gaza

YouTube - Pope on first 'pilgrimage' to divided Cyprus

Protests flare across Egypt against Gaza blockade | Reuters

YouTube - Egypt fails to block Gaza tunnels

Illegal gold mining leads to scores of deaths in northern Nigeria - CNN.com

Lead poisoning from mining kills 163 in Nigeria | Reuters

Iran’s Supreme Leader Assails Opposition - NYTimes.com

U.S. seeks to dispel doubts on India partnership | Reuters

The Associated Press: UK police study family feud over mass shootings

AFP: Ahmadi sect pleads for help after Pakistan killings

Shanghai Expo 2010 - latimes.com

Apology follows inflammatory comment in S.C. race

Gulf Oil Spill Major Political Challenge For Obama | USA | English

Obama vs. Oil - Chaos vs. Control - NYTimes.com

Obama will meet with families of dead oil rig workers | Deepwater Horizon | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

allAfrica.com: Rwanda: Conservationists Convene in Kigali

The Associated Press: Gates prods China on NKorea, military ties to US

UPDATE 1-U.S. appeals to China to restore military ties | Reuters

No chance of full scale war on Korean Peninsula: Lee Myung-bak

Pro-Palestinian march in Paris draws Jews, Muslims | Reuters

Delegates at Afghan peace conference back Karzai's plan to talk to Taliban

Medvedev: Russia Concerned About European Currency Crisis | Europe | English

BBC News - Bangladeshi housing-block fire kills more than 100

Cap Slows Loss of Oil, but Engineers Move Cautiously - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Obama: I'll Stand With the Gulf


Drew Peterson Wife, Stacy Peterson Body Found!

Stacy Peterson's body buried in private hunting grounds? - Crimesider - CBS News

Update: State Police Following Stacy Peterson Lead | NBC Chicago

Break in Stacy Peterson Case? Police Search Rural Illinois for Remains - ABC News

Police to dig for Stacy Peterson's body near Peoria :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: News

FOXNews.com - Following New Lead, Illinois Authorities Dig for Body of Stacy Peterson


The Associated Press: Rough outline of Kagan emerges in Clinton records

YouTube - Sean Carter "Elena Kagan Confirmation"

The Associated Press: GOP wants Justice probe of White House dealmaking

YouTube - GOP Demands Investigation Into White House Deals

Republicans: Investigate White House Dealmaking | USA | English

FOXNews.com - McCartney's Put-Down of Bush Draws Jeers from Republicans

California's possible solution to partisan politics

Independents will decide Senate race :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Carol Marin

Political Memo - Tempting Area for Exaggeration Meets Tools of the YouTube Era - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - Artist Asked to Paint Children's Faces 'A Lighter Color' in Arizona School Mural

All We Can Eat - First lady to chefs: "It's got to be a collaboration"

Michelle Obama, chefs aim to spice up school food | Reuters

City Brights: Zennie Abraham : Helen Thomas says Jews should get out of Palestine

Blagojevich trial expected to start Tuesday - Chicago Tribune

Arizona immigration law in Florida: Police unease argues against a similar immigration law in Florida - latimes.com

The Fix - Blanche Lincoln calls on Bill Clinton to close Senate runoff

Gov. Paterson moves $775M in health care savings into emergency budget bill

FOXNews.com - Former Iowa Governor Branstad Seeks to Regain Old Job

Consumer advocates call for tough protections in final regulation law

The Associated Press: Jimmy Buffett laments the fouling of his paradise

BBC News - Spelling their way to success

Obama nominates new director of national intelligence - CNN.com

Obama Urges Clapper’s Confirmation - NYTimes.com

Chace Crawford Busted for Pot Possession - ABC News

Miley Cyrus responds to critics over "Britain's Got Talent" lesbian kiss - NYPOST.com

New will surfaces in Gary Coleman saga - Salt Lake Tribune

Coleman’s funeral canceled as parents, ex fight - Celebrities - Entertainment - TODAY Show

Charlie Sheen Faces a Most Uncommon Jail in Aspen - ABC News

Elin Nordegren Takes The Kids to China – Briefly - Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods : People.com

James Cameron calls BP 'morons' | EW.com

The Associated Press: NYC man guilty of burglary in Dunst handbag heist


Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-04, Friday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/6-4

06/04 The Mark Levin Show

June 4, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


NHS 'preparing to cut millions of operations': Patients will lose out to ensure £20bn savings | Mail Online

Useless, jobless men – the social blight of our age | Camilla Cavendish - Times Online

The £18,000 council job you can't apply for if you are white | Mail Online

YouTube - The Future of Medical Care

Copyright bill makes it easier to go after illegal file-sharing

Liberal Groups Want FCC to Police Talk Radio, Cable News

Redefining our Muslim enemies

Obama’s manufactured fury

NBC Partners with Castro’s Intelligence

The Arizona Immigration Law And The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution

The time line on an AWOL “president’s” handling of the gulf oil Spill

Student Who Outed Beat the Jew Game Threatened

Don’t Hurt the Loser’s Feelings: Kids Told Not to Win Games By Too Much

Sir Paul shows no grace in accepting Gershwin prize

The Obama Administration Sides With Hamas

Live Chat: Blue America Welcomes Beth Krom (D-CA)


Wal-Mart to create 500,000 new jobs - Telegraph

site:Funny Pictures at WalMart(www.peopleofwalmart.com)


*site:IfItWasMyHome.com - Visualizing the BP Oil Disaster


Illinois - A State In Crisis

Satellite tracking for the most dangerous psychiatric patients - Times Online

Tony Blair our very special adviser by dictator Gaddafi's son | Mail Online

Illegal snooping by town hall staff is up sixfold | Mail Online

Tiananmen Square memoir claims China decided to 'spill some blood' - Telegraph

Russia builds listening post sparking fears of Georgia strike - Telegraph

Green tea extract may slow leukaemia, researchers have suggested - Telegraph

Oil discovery in Falklands hailed as biggest of its kind since North Sea Oil | Mail Online

8,000 MTA Workers Earned at Least $100K Last Year - DNAinfo.com

Half Past Human March 2010 Predictions Of Oil Disaster

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Evil Spirit of 5 US Presidents - And Biggest Threat to World Peace | Before It's News

savethemales.ca - Is Steiner's "Anthroposophy" a Satanic Cult?

Uri Avnery - Kill A Turk And Rest

UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet | Environment | guardian.co.uk

L.A. Times smears exposé outing president

White House linked to flotilla organizers


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Only 41,000 jobs created in private sector'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Boycotting BP: 'Turning anger into action'


Toledo couple held for alleged aid to terror organization Hezbollah

Arrests 'frustrate' area Muslims

'Guns may have been thrown overboard'

Wallander writer may bar Hebrew version of books - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

Report: Turkey to seek ICC action over Gaza flotilla - Israel News, Ynetnews

Turkey Jews fear flotilla backlash will turn into anti-Semitism - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Reclusive Turkish Imam Comes Out Against Flotilla - WSJ.com

Helen Thomas needs to go

White House 'explanation' suggests criminal 'evasion'

Jobs flap seeps across Senate map - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

U.S. public demanding probe of Obama in Sestak-gate

Prez wielding 'unlawful influence' on elections?

Is anti-amnesty campaign working?

'Keep Out Kagan' campaign announced

On Congress: Congressional news and analysis - POLITICO.com

EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Kagan's Liberal Opinion on Social Issues - Crossroads - CBS News

New Supreme Court Documents Show Elena Kagan's Pro-Abortion Position

Israel-South Africa in nuke alliance?

1,000 word pictures - On Media - POLITICO.com

Some Say BP's Oil Spill Heralds the Apocalypse - Newsweek

EU, US pledge to respect Islam while fighting terrorism - Summary | Earth Times News

NHS 'preparing to cut millions of operations': Patients will lose out to ensure £20bn savings | Mail Online

Debbie Wasserman Schultz touts healthcare reform in Hollywood - Broward - MiamiHerald.com


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Army slams door on Obama details

Recusal sought for 'Twitter' judge in eligibility case

Poll shocker! Majority wants Obama records

Asking the right questions about eligibility


Muslims want privacy in public cemetery

Member of parliament: Execute those Christians!

'We Con the World' mocks coverage of flotilla conflict

Is flotilla battle signaling start of 'Gog and Magog'?

Helen Thomas needs to go


*American Minute for June 5th:William J Federer's American Minute


CNSNews.com - Comedy Central's 'J.C.' is 'Designed to Be Offensive to Christians,' Religious Conservative Coalition Says

CNSNews.com - McDonald’s Airs TV Commercial Featuring Homosexual Teen in France

What divides Israel from Palestinians

Israel was too easy on flotilla

6 lessons and a warning from Arizona

Other huge spills to worry about

Un-Shacking the church

Is sustainable development global governance?

Manure spreader? Guilty as charged

Mercy: The underrated virtue

Chris Durang: I Want My Earth Back

The gap between the rich and the poor

KNIGHT: We're smarter than God - Washington Times

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Democrat Tells Libtalker He Wants Republicans Sent To Prison

Doctors 'regrow a knee from scratch' in pioneering procedure | Mail Online

Russian kills himself with home-made guillotine | News.com.au

Greenpeace activist 'harpooned' while freeing tuna in the Mediterranean | News.com.au

New research: One people!