"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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04 November 2008

Tues - 4th

Justice Souter denies injunction for stay of predidential election
Savage Archive- listen to - 3 Nov 08 - great show
'Jesus-Like' Obama Pic Latest Psy Op On Net
1000's Of Lawyers For Obama Head To FL
20th Sinclair Interview - audio
87 Percent Chance Obama Will Become Next US President
A Repeat of 2004 Philly Voter Chaos, Fraud
ACLU Demands Info On Military Domestic Ops
America is jittery as election's outcome draws near
America Need An Anti-Zionist President
An Open Letter to Barack Obama
Another Self-Immolation
Ayers Dedicated His Book To Sirhan Sirhan
Barky Lays Plan To Deaden Expectations
Barky's Illegal Aunt Big Talk With Hispanics
Barrack Hussein
Beginning Of Hyperinflation
Being 'All You Can Be' Didn't List 'Torturer'
Berg Releases Obama Grandmother Tape - Audio File
Berg Releases Obama Grandmother Tape - Transcript
Bill Ayers Worked With Cuba Says FBI Report
Bin Laden Aid Convited Of Terrorism
Blacks see hope, doubt in an Obama victory
Bretton Woods II Stiglitz calls for new monetary order
brzezinski Obama Will Face “Imminent” Foreign Policy Problems
Bush Wants Schools To Drug Test Students
Campaign Against Israeli Genocide
Can Obama win popular vote but lose election
Can Obama Win Popular Vote But Lose Election
Chaos Coming - US Electoral System 'Can't Cope'
Charley Reese - 545 People
Chertoff DHS Demands Integrated Defense
China Is Becoming the Biggest Producer of Pharmaceutical Ingredients in the World
Dead Mouse Lives After Frozen Dead 16 Yrs
Defeat Obama - Advice For Voters
Dewey-Obama Defeating Truman-McCain
Did An Ayers Bomb Kill A Policeman
Downing Memo Shows How Blair Aided Murdoch
Effort Aims To Counter Christian Zionism
Egyptian - Pyramids Get Makeover
Election Challenges Are Guaranteed
Elite combat brigade for homeland security missions raises ire of ACLU
Elite Combat Unit For Domestic Operations
Enemies China, Taiwan Sign Trade Deals
Evidence of sunspot involvement in climate change compelling
Fanatics On Obama - 'He's Been Sent By God'
FCC Probe Shows How Obama Will Crush Dissent
Fidel Castro praises Obama but doesn't endorse him
Finally The Duopoly Is Unmasked
Flag-waving gunman closes Calif. highway for hours
flashback - Obama’s National Security Group Teeming With Globalists
France Threatens To Seize Banks
French EU defence plan is not anti-NATO, minister says
Frozen mice cloned - are woolly mammoths next
Gazprom to start exploratory gas drilling in Venezuela
Global Financial Matrix Disintegrates
Global interest in U.S. election reaches a crescendo
Goldman Fund Loses $990M After 10 Months
Google caught up in row over gay marriage vote - Times Online
Google's growth makes privacy advocates wary
Growing Human Organs In A Lab One Step Closer
Growing Human Organs In Labs Closer
HI Agrees W-Martin - Obama COLBs Are False
HI Officials Waived Secrecy On Obama COLB
High Above Your Head, A Portal Is Opening...
Hitler Realized The Unstoppable Power Of TV
Homeland Security Program Riddled With Problems
How To Choose Obama-Caused Employee Layoffs
HYPE - The Obama Effect
If The Next President Gives 20 Million Amnesty
IMF Bailout Of The United States Coming
Iraq Prez Son Warned About AIPAC-JINSA
Is a 'global superorganism' in our future
Is Barky Toast - Analysis
Is This The End Of Daily Newspapers
JERROLD NADLER ..Obama didn't have the political courage.....
Jews Fear Anti-Israeli Sentiment In Germany
Jong - Bloody 'Second Civil War' If Obama Loses
Justice Souter Denies Berg Injunction Request
Keller.. End of Election Will Create 'Significant Cost Savings' For Times
Kidd - Obama...Possession Is 9-10 Of The Law
LA Times Hides Info About Obama
LA Times Hides Obama - Radical Muslim Tape
LaRouche - Obama Assassination UK's Next Move
Larry Sinclair-Barack Obama - $10,000 REWARD OFFERED IN DONALD YOUNG MURDER
Looting Continues - Middle Class Doomed
Magnetic Portals Connect Sun And Earth
Major Ethanol Producer Bankrupt
Malkin - Throw Auntie From The Bus
Man Parks Manure Near Democrats' Campaign Office to Protest Obama -
McCain - LA Times Protecting Obama (And It Is)
McCain campaign sues over overseas military ballots
McCain Defies Age In Final 22 Hr Sprint
McCain Ties Obama To Terrorist
McCain To Purge CIA If Elected
MECHA Honcho Calls US Blacks 'Illiterate Animals'
Mercenary Firm Offers to 'Detain Troublemakers' on Election Day
Mercenary Firm Offers To Detain Troublemakers
Mexico death industry thrives on drug war killings
Military Investigates Amnesia Beams
More Barky HI 'Birth Certificate' Monkey Business
More Elite US Combat Troops Deployed In US
More non-terminally ill seek Swiss suicide aid - study
More Pre-Election PPT Chicanery
Morgan Stanley Calls An End To Bear Market
Moscow denies Pentagon claims of ’stolen’ Russian nuclear weapons
Most Presidents Ignore the Constitution - WSJ.com
Muslim's suit over scarves in Calif. jail settled
Muslims Stone Somali Rape Victim, 13, To Death
My Way News - AT&T to try limits on monthly Internet traffic
My Way News - The morning after Half of us will be disappointed
N Korea Building New Missile Base
Networks may call election before some polls close
New Video Of WTC-7 Collapse
Number Of Jews In Congress May Reach New Record
Obama - Another Trilateral Stooge
Obama - Change We Can Believe In - Not! - Pt 4
Obama - Personal Responsibility, Accountability
Obama - The Teflon President
Obama and McCain vote, prepare their final pitch
Obama As Hercules On Coins In Greece!
Obama big winner in early NH towns' votes
Obama Didn't Write 'Dreams From My Father'
Obama Gives McCain & America The Finger
obama Government Should “Change Behavior” by Raising Energy Bills
Obama Grandma Knew Frank Davis - Death Predicted
Obama Logo Symbolism
Obama Offers DLs & SS Benefits To Illegals
Obama Or McCain - Which Ignites The Backfire
Obama Paternal Grandma Says At His Birth In Kenya
Obama Staff - Mass Brainwashing, Mind Control
Obama Targets Second Amendment For Death
Obama Tells The Greatest Lies Ever Told
Obama Took Millions In Illegal Foreign Donations
Obama Wants 12M Illegals To Get Citizenship
Obama Wants To Force People To Go Green
Obama Win Will Not Change Rigged Economy
Obama wins in 2 N.H. villages, Ron Paul gets write-in votes
Obama Would Bankrupt The Entire Coal Industry!
Obama's 'Zero To Five' Big Brother Plan
Obama's Agenda Is Radically Gay
Obama's Contempt For Our Constitution
Obama's Grandma Dies
Obama's grandmother dies after battle with cancer - CNN.com
Obama's True Place Of Birth Remains Unknown
Obama's Useful Idiots
Obama's Marxist Mentor Sold Coke, Pot w-Barky
Obama, Ayers And Sidley Austin LLP
Obama-DNC Database Reveals Startling, Wide-Spread Vote Machine Probs in NV
Obama...'Change' You Can Believe In NOT!
Ohio police ordered to have riot gear ready for election 'unrest'
Op-Scan Machines Have Trouble Reading Ballots
Our Electric Solar System
Outrage over 'chastity belt' lingerie fitted with GPS tracking system
Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Grows Again
Police Fear Riots If Barack Obama Loses
Political Blogs, Conservative Blogging, Republican Bloggers, The Politics Blogspot- Townhall.com
Prepare for chaos U.S. electoral system warned it 'can't cope' as historic number of voters cast their ballot
Prepare for chaos U.S. electoral system warned it 'can't cope' as historic number of voters cast their ballot
Pro Obama US Media Fails The American Public
PRUDEN ..Taking everything on blind faith
Rand WWIII Recommendation Likely Disinfo
Restocking For Another Decade Of War Part One
Reward Offered In Obama Friend Young's Murder
Robert Edmondson 'Testified Against The Jews'
Ron Paul on Rachel Maddow Show
Ron Paul’s California write-in votes will be tallied
Rupert Murdoch's NWO Challenge To Oz
SA Runs OUT Of KrugerRands
Scanner 'reads minds' to spot early signs of dementia
Schumer on Fox, Fairness Doctrine ‘fair and balanced’
Security Guru Says Internet Too Loose
Sensenbrenner Says Real ID Would Have Prevented 9-11 Terrorists From Boarding Planes
Sinclair Comments On Obama Grandma's Death
Some Kansas City polling place have wrong registration books
Stocks In Biggest Election Day Rally Since 1984
Stop The Election Accurate Count Impossible
Studs - The Passing Of An Icon
Taliban's New Super-Bombs Take Larger Toll
Tell Truth About Oligarch Links, Mandelson Told
The Bush-Obama-McCain Administration
The End Of Economic Prosperity
The Failure To Confront Is No Alibi
The first Boys From Brazil Nazi graveyard discovered deep in the Amazon rainforest
The Great Obama Swindle Of 2008
The Mark Levin Show from 11-03.
The More Things “Change” The More They Stay The Same
The Most Fateful Day In US History
The Ugly Truth - Obama's Foreign Policy Advisers
Thomas Jeffereson Knew About The Banksters
Top Obama Advisor Has Long Ties To Neocons
Treason From Within
Two More U.S. Military Units Assigned For Homeland Security
U.S. Stocks Advance in Biggest Election Day Rally Since 1984
UK Company Offers “Carbon Credit” Gift Packs
UK Firms Channel Cash To US Politicians
UN Aid Workers Find Congo Refugee Camps Empty
Union for Mediterranean FMs look to bridge differences
US air force inks 'tactical' space-war deal
US A Constitutional Republic, Not Democracy
US Manufacturing Shrinks To 26-Year Low
US Treasury wants to borrow record 550 bln dlrs
Venezuela raids offshore banker Stanford Bank
video - Amazing Nano Technology's Near Future
video - Bad Astronomy vs Good Science
video - Black Panthers Block Voters In Philly
video - Bush Tries To Pardon Self From War Crimes
video - Corsi On Obama's Radical Influences
video - FL Residents Buy Guns Fearing Obama
video - How Intl Bankers Gained Control Of America
video - If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing
video - New Documentary 'Indoctrinate U'
video - Obama To Create New 'Civ Military Force'
video - Obama Unquestionably Flips Off McCain
video - Obama Wants To Redistribute Your Wealth
video - Philly Cops Control Happy Fans - Next Tuesday
video - Powell Predicts Crisis On Jan 21 Or 22
video - Proof Obama Born In Kenyan Village
video - Remembering The End Of The World
VIDEO - Schumer on Fox Fairness Doctrine ‘fair and balanced’
video - The Complete Idiot's Guide To The NWO
video - The Real Truth About Alaskan Oil
video - Tiny Homes Becoming Popular
video - Trick Or Treat At Obama's House
video TSA Agents Searching People at New Hampshire Town Hall Meeting
Voter Intimidation in North County
Voter surveys litter Interstate 4 roadside
Voting In The US - A Complete Waste Of Time
Voting Machines Flunk Last-Minute Accuracy Tests
Voting problems as Election Day gets underway
Voting Rights Watch New problems in Virginia, Florida, and Mississippi
War's Drone AI Will Come Home To Roost
What If... The Presidents We Never Had
What You Must Do Before You Vote
When The Zionists Came For...
Who Is Barack Obama
World Exclusive... E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
Worldwide Revenge Of The Left
Your New President - Zbig Brother
YouTube - Hillary Clinton Talks In The Polling Station
YouTube - Obama Civilian Security
YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!
YouTube - Security patrols stationed at polling places in Philly
Zionist Jews And The 9-11 Cover-Up
A Message From Howard Dean Don't Blow It
Breitbart.tv - Fox News Black Panthers Block GOP Access to Philadelphia Poll
Chris Matthews Thinks McCain Deserves Credit For Not Invoking Reverend Wright
Mary Matalin on the Bush Years,... We're Going To Look Back at a Pretty Remarkable Presidency
Paul Krugman G.O.P. has become the party of intolerance.
The Rachel Maddow Show... Don't Let Them Steal Your Vote
Today is the day Has a real crisis beaten the Lee Atwater school of smear politics
Will Obama Win the Character War