"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

04 November 2008

4 Nov 08 - Election - click for Joe the Plumber Site

ARCHIVE ARTICLES - Sherman Skolnick's Report
World Hopes for a 'Less Arrogant America'
'As a parent, we can explain that it was just excitement'
'Better Angels' of American Character
'Economic hardship is the mother's milk of prophetic progression'
'For like 1 week, he was more famous than George Bush'
'From a blast technology side, it's just something that should be there'
'Going to be the fastest-growing market in the world'
'He would have had to do certain things and bacon would have been involved'
'I didn't leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left me'
'I think they're just doing some marketing hype'
'I'm going to be asking 'paper or plastic' or 'do you want fries with that''
'If she is violating laws, those laws have to be obeyed'
'It's the worst sales month in the post-World War II era'
'Just as important as making sure that people don't starve'
'Lenders are expected to remain cautious on portfolio growth in 2008 and 2009'
'Next stage of globalization will require even more international cooperation'
'Prices are falling, but they're falling for the wrong reasons'
'She was the person who encouraged and allowed us to take chances'
'Shocked by the Bible' author hits radio waves to shatter misconceptions
'So open-ended ... they can basically do whatever they want to with the money'
'That industry has been, for lack of a better word, decimated'
'The economic horizon has now significantly darkened'
'The knocking quickly turned into the sound of smashing glass'
'The weakened environment has resulted in a slowdown of consumer spending'
'There was blood everywhere. I mean everywhere'
'These are drugs that many are taking for the rest of their lives'
'This sort of thinking creates racial problems and should be stopped in its tracks'
'We cannot continue to rely only on our military'
'We're respected because we provide people with what they need to live'
'We've got a real good shot at catching the guy'
10 most viral videos of the campaign
11 states choosing governors Tuesday
2 bombs in southern Thailand wound 71
2007 interview Proposes government create 'price signals' to control behavior
21 at Revere Middle treated after meningitis death
3-year study is 1st to link viewing of racy shows with risky behavior
5 Most Controversial Presidential Elections in American History
7 superheros included, boy's grandmother no longer speaking to him
87 Percent Chance Obama Will Become Next US President
9-11 Follow the Money
A Dark Secret I Still Like President Bush
A look at the closest races for state legislature
A Quiet Deal with Pakistan
ABC News The Note Ready to Go
Abortion, The Silent Issue
Across Time Zones, Americans Watch and Wait
Adalah - Hebrew University Security Harmed Basic Rights of Palestinian Students Bahar, Odeh
ADM Eyes More Brazilian Ethanol Deals
Afghan Officials Aided an Attack on U.S. Soldiers - NYTimes.com
Africans gear up to celebrate an Obama victory
After Epic Campaign, Voters Go to Polls
All that's left is to vote, even for Obama
Amazing Race of '08 Arrives at Finish Line
America Need An Anti Zionist President
Americans Cast Ballots Across the Country
Americans Murdering Their Judges, and the US Crisis of Judicial Corruption - Dr Les Sachs
Americans stream to the polls for crucial election
An Election Worth Learning From
An Open Letter to Barack Obama Between Hope and Reality
Annals of Crony Capitalism
Apple Hires IBM Veteran as Device Engineer
apple No New Macs Under The Christmas Tree
apple Soon to Be a Mobile Gaming Force
Applying money to pay, pensions for executives will be criminal offense
Are Exit Polls Reliable
Artificial pancreas would dial up diabetes control
Artist, 'It is more about questioning Obama-mania'
As Taliban Overwhelm Police, Pakistanis Hit Back - NYTimes.com
At Gitmo, life sentence for bin Laden propagandist
At issue, Disputed chunk of radio spectrum available for public use
AT&T experiments with data limits to curb 'bandwidth hogs'
AT&T to try limits on monthly Internet traffic
Atlas Shrugs ATLAS EXCLUSIVE JERROLD NADLER Obama didn't have the political courage to make a statement and walk out [of Reverend Wright's racist church]
Authorities Eye Voter Perks
Autism linked with rainfall in study
Azerbaijan Plays Russia Off Against Europe in Contest Over Gas
Bangladesh-Burma (Myanmar) maritime boundary dispute escalates
Barack Obama 'could worsen crisis' Rupert Murdoch The Australian
Barack Obama described as prophet Moses by bishop Toby Harnden
Barack Obama votes in Chicago
Barack Obama's Kenyan family to celebrate by slaughtering bulls, chicken and goats - Times Online
Barcelona Chosen as Headquarters for Mediterranean Union
Battle for Hearts and Minds in Pakistan
Bible doesn't say ancient boat landed where many people assume
Biden Mentions New World Order
Bidens band together on Election Day
Bill Clinton wades into Amendment 2 fray Q Florida Politics
Bin Laden Son Seeks Asylum in Spain
Black conservative 'Zo' states why African-Americans should reject liberalism
Black liberation theology, birthplace,religion still remain question marks
Blacks see hope, doubt in an Obama victory
Blasts rock Baghdad, at least 13 killed
Blessed Are the Peacemakers, Not the Warmakers by Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
Blondes make good girlfriends but brunettes are better wives - Telegraph
Blowout Opening
Bone fragments confirmed as Fossett's
Bosnia's Balkan Ghosts
Boston Housing Agency Barred from Checking Obama’s Aunt’s Immigrant Status
Both parties expect Democratic Senate pickups
Brain cancer treatment
Brazil signs new oil deal as Cuba hopes for economic revival
Breitbart.tv » Kenyan Witch Doctor Predicts Obama Win
Broken Machines, Shortages Plague Voters Around the Country
California GOP Files FEC Complaint Over Obama Visit to Grandmother
Can Obama win popular vote but lose election - Yahoo! News
Candidates make halftime appeal
Catholics Shouldn't Fear Supporting Obama
Causes and Solutions to the Global Financial Crisis
Chavez offers talks with black man in W.House
Chevy Chase and His Presidential Memories
Chicago property later sold to next-door neighbor, Barack Obama
China, Russia, Belarus renounce the US Dollar
China, Taiwan Inks Historic Pact
Chris Hedges explains why Obama's views are too right-tilting to get his vote
Cloning From the Frozen Dead
Close Gubernatorial Races in N.C., Washington
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Soggy ballots challenging scanning machines in Chesapeake, VA « - Blogs from CNN.com
Coal efficiency set to get boost
Coastal Maine tide change a mystery - Boston.com
Compared to last year, drivers paying 20 percent less
Complete L.A. Noir - Los Angeles Times
Confusion, Contrast and Unreliability in the Polls
Congo cease-fire boosts aid efforts
Congressman explains to concerned Jewish voters why Democrat didn't bolt from Wright's church
Connecting the Dots in the New World Order - US Is Funding Iran's Nuclear Program
Considerable evidence still points to candidate's birth in Kenya
Contradicts earlier investigation's findings
Controversial campaign figures show up at Chicago South Side school
COSMOLOGY IN CRISIS - Electricity in Space Part 1
COSMOLOGY IN CRISIS - Electricity in Space Part 2
Could Preemption Hurt Drug Companies
Court - Ruling stands on challenged ballots
Court wrestles with TV profanity case
Crisis Creates New German Politics
Curtain Finally Falls on the Race
David Limbaugh lists reasons voters should be scared stiff of Barack taking reins
David N. Bass takes look at controversy over Dole opponent's atheist supporters
Def Jam Executive Is Found Dead
Defeats McCain by count of 15 to 6 in Dixville Notch
Democrat scratches face with middle finger as he congratulates opponent
Democrats are looking for bigger House majority
Dennis Prager analyzes reasons various segments of electorate favor Barack Obama
Did Obama Win Yet
Dismissal Is Setback for Iran’s Leader
DNA in Bones Near Plane Crash Matches Fossett’s
Dollar falls against rivals
Down to the Stretch, Uncertainty Remains
Drops F-bomb in on-air diatribe laden with expletives
Eatery decorated with framed photographs of classic vehicles
Eating fish twice a week may help diabetes patients
Economy has 'crystallized the trade-offs that consumers are willing to make'
Economy Looms Over Victor
Election 2008 Historical for the Record Books
Election Day stock rally
Electoral College for dummies
Electoral Lessons
Electoral system warned it 'can't cope' with historic number of ballots expected
Ends 8-week strike that cut airplane maker's profits, stalled jetliner deliveries
Enemies China, Taiwan Sign Trade Deals
Ethanol Innovation Turns Wood Into Sugar at Room Temperature
EU Set to Move 'Internet of Things' Closer to Reality
Eugenics Quotes Social Control in their own words
Europe builders seen up, defense down if Obama wins
Even James Bond Needed America's Help
Exclusive ,David Kupelian shows how senator uses envy and guilt to make believers of millions
Exclusive ,Gary Meredith on why he's voting for '1st Amendment-shredding' McCain
Exclusive, Alan Keyes looks at Christ's life in arguing against choosing evil to limit it
Exclusive, Jack Cashill rebuts Brit who dismissed charge Bill Ayers wrote Obama memoir
Exclusive, Janet Porter applies 'just words' phraseBarack plagiarized to his own statements, actions
Exclusive, Joseph Farah calls Obama-Biden Pharisees for failure to give to the needy
Exclusive, Julia Gorin figures a president who embraces 'Communislam' is our best bet
Exclusive, Les Kinsolving rebuts lawmakers who seek to reinstate 'Fairness Doctrine'
Exclusive, Mychal Massie highlights stark choices faced by voters today
Exclusive, Vox Day encourages Americans to be true to principles
Exit Strategy
Experts Predict Obama Supporters May Feel Let Down If He Wins
Explosion targets gas pipeline in western Canada - International Herald Tribune
Factbox, Electoral College elects president
FCC Chief Pulls Plan to Rework Phone Fees
FEC Commissioner ‘Doesn’t Know’ If Analysts Can Catch Foreign Contributions
FEMA official admits agency was slow in Ike response News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Texas Regional News
Fettered to the Federal Government
Fifteen Races To Watch On Election Day
Financial Leaders Go AWOL In Meltdown
Firefighters take victim, still attached to john, to hospital for removal
FIRM KICKS HBO - New York Post
Five Great Depression Myths
Flag-waving gunman closes Calif. highway for hours - Yahoo! News
FLASHBACK - Exclusive, Joseph Farah exposes senator's desire for domestic army
Florence Henderson - TV Has Strayed from 'Brady Bunch' Values
Florida High School Will Keep Klan Leader’s Name
For McCain supporters, memories of Truman
For Obama, Bigger is Much, Much Better
Forty die in Philippines ferry accident
Four Election Day Scenarios
Four Reasons to Vote for Obama
FOXNews.com - Prosecutor Doctor Tried to Accelerate Patient's Death - Health News Current Health News Medical News
France May Seize Banks - German Bailouts Grow
Free Gaza Movement Protest Boat Arrives in Gaza Port
Free Starbucks Coffee On Election Day After Illegal Ad - News Story - KIRO Seattle
Freeway noise probably masked shooting of 5 in California
French Euro Summit Call Gets Scant Support
From 9-11 to 11-4 How Soon We Forget
Frozen mice cloned - are woolly mammoths next Science Reuters
Fujitsu updates tiny LifeBook tablets
GE Boosts China's Commercial Aviation Prospects
General Motors Bankruptcy An Economic Nightmare
Global Cooling is Here
Google's growth makes privacy advocates wary - Yahoo! Philippines News
Greedy world needs Tibet's compassion - Dalai Lama
Gross Domestic Product declines, Fed lowers key rate
Has Foreign Money Bolstered Obama
Health Buzz - Rainfall's Autism Link and Other Health News
Hebrew University in Jerusalem Denies Freedom of Expression to Chair of Palestinian Student Union
Here's What Vote Fraud Really Looks Like
Hillary Clinton casts vote for Obama
Historic vote underway across America
History and high anxiety as Campaign '08 closes
History May Not Dwell on Bush’s Low Ratings, Analysts Say
Hostage in Afghanistan worked for French aid group
How McCain Could Win
How the crooked bailout was passed by Congress
How to Repair US's Alliances
Hubris and Nemesis - World Shipping slowly grinding to a halt.
I Sold My Soul To Rock & Roll & Mind Control
IAEA lauds GCC policies on nuclear technology
IMF Bailout Of The United States Coming
In Iran, A Call for Suicide Bombers to Attack the U.S.
Inheritance From Hell ,Presidential Economics
Iran Accuses Detained US Student Of Security Offense
Iranian Parliament Begins Impeachment of Interior Minister Ali Kordan
IRS, Justice Target Undisclosed Assets In Swiss Accounts
Is Obama Swiping the Tax-Cut Issue
Is the Sky Falling On U.S. Newspapers
Israel, US Heading for Collision Course
Israeli High Court Confirms Use of Guilt by Association and Policies of Racial Discrimination
Israeli industrial zones using West Bank as chemical dump
It'll Be Closer Than They Think
It's the Economy, and the Markets, Stupid
Jack Johnson vs. John Jackson by Johnny Kramer
Jigme, the Tibetan monk who spoke against Chinese police, is arrested - Times Online
John McCain's Immigration Achilles
Journalists in Denial Over Link Between Industry Collapse, Liberal Bias
Jury of military officers announces verdict in Gitmo's 2nd war-crimes trial
kenya What an Obama Win Means for the Country
L.A. Times 'That mischievous smile seems to confirm plenty'
Land and Housing Rights in al-Issawiya, Israeli Occupied East Jerusalem
Lifelong Republican EPA Chiefs Back Obama
LiveLeak.com - Ronald Reagan--A Time For Choosing
London to get bomb-proof recycling bins
Long lines form early as voters finally decide
Major Ethanol Producer Bankrupt
Many gather to ponder end of Maya days - Los Angeles Times
Mark-to-Market Manipulation
Massive waves a mystery at Maine harbor - The Boston Globe
McCain campaign sues over overseas military ballots (2)
McCain campaign sues over overseas military ballots
McCain casts ballot in Phoenix, gives thumbs-up
McCain Makes Final Push For Pennsylvania
McCain makes final Western swing on Election Day
McCain the Choice for Freedom, Prosperity
McCain turns black and Obama goes white to focus voters on the issues - Haaretz - Israel News
McCain, Obama show no signs of slowing down
McCain, Palin attack Democrat over threat to 'bankrupt' industry
Measuring the Obama effect
Merc Firm Offered to Post “Sentries” at Polling Places
Meth found in boy's Halloween trick-or-treat bag
MGM Sets 'Three Stooges' Movie for 2009
Michelle Obama's 'give up piece of pie' remark invokes Marxism
Microsoft SIR informs but offends
Mock debate a political exercise for those too young to vote
More Elite US Combat Troops Deployed In US
More from the Front Lines of the Financial Crisis
More US kids being treated for chronic diseases
Morgan Stanley Call And End To Bear Market
Most Presidents Ignore the Constitution - WSJ.com
Mummified body 'almost perfectly preserved' for more than 5,000 years
Music - The Collector Julius H. Block’s Rare Classical Music Recordings from Late 19th-Century Russia to Be Released - NYTimes.com
My Way News - Landslide a loose concept at best
My Way News - Obama, McCain head toward voters' verdict
My Way News - Rabbis' ruling puts thousands of converts in limbo
My Way News - The morning after Half of us will be disappointed
MySpace and MTV's new revenue model challenges YouTube
N Korea Building New Missile Base
N.Y. Catholic Cardinal Compares Abortion to Hitler’s Holocaust
Nardelli explains downturn in U.S. auto market is 'unprecedented'
Netflix Stops Selling DVDs
Networks may call election before some polls close Politics Reuters
Networks May Call Race by 8 Eastern
Networks ready Election Night gizmos
New Bio Lab on a Texas Island Worries Environmentalists and Locals - NYTimes.com
Newly released 'document' could solve mystery of Democrat's citizenship
News media using more caution analyzing exit polls
Next president to face 'daunting' threats
Next President Wartime Leader
Nice try, Bush revisionists
No Cavalry for Congo
No More Stimulus Packages, Please
No US bases in northern Iraq without Baghdad nod Talabani
Nudist group wants clothing-optional polling site
Number of kids on medication jumps alarmingly
Obama a Uniter Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Obama and McCain vote, prepare their final pitch
Obama avoids same-sex marriage fight
Obama Campaign Instills New Pride
Obama casts ballot with wife and daughters
Obama Looks to Rewrite Electoral Map
Obama makes final-hour push in Indiana
Obama Must Decide How to Fix the Economy
Obama Supporters Flock to Manassas Rally
Obama thanks 'gracious' press
Obama's Agenda Reality vs. Rhetoric
Obama's Attack Ad On Himself
Obama's Challenge is to Convince the Country
Obama's Grandmother Dies a Day Before Election
Obama's Grandmother Dies
Obama's grandmother remembered as calm, assured
Obama's grandmother's absentee vote counts
Obama, Dems Headed for Big Win
Obama, McCain hit battlegrounds hours before vote
Obama, McCain Make Last Pitch for Florida
Obama’s Trade, Security Stances Concern Some in Asia
Obama’s “Zero To Five” Big Brother Plan - Real Jew News
Officer Shoots, Kills One Of Three Alleged Carjackers
Officers ordered to 'have their riot equipment with them'
Official was making serious call about bomb threat when flippant remark uttered
Ohio's voting systems tested by big turnout for presidential race
Oil Falls as U.S. Manufacturing Slows, Curbing Fuel Demand
Oil Rises More Than $7 as Dollar Drops, Stock Markets Advance
Old Europe Sees G20 Opportunity
One of the five shot at camp in Long Beach wasn't homeless, family says - Los Angeles Times
One Triumph Won't Solve Failure of Blacks
One-Party Domination Possible in A Dozen State Legislatures
Organ harvest surgeon’s trial begins in SLO
Osama bin Laden's son seeks asylum in Spain ,government
Outrage over 'chastity belt' lingerie fitted with GPS tracking system Mail Online
Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Grows Again
Paid GOP workers say they misled Wis. voters
Pair charged in Las Vegas drug case
Pakistan Seeks Financial Support from Saudi Arabia
Palestinians in Syria protest US raid
Palin 'humbled' by vote
Palin says she hopes and prays for an election win
Palin, 'Now is not the time to experiment with socialism'
Palin, Biden Make Final Arguments in Ohio
Pardon Me, Mssrs. Obama and McCain, But Do You Have a Minute To Speak With Me, Mark the Roofer by Mark R. Crovelli
Pat Buchanan wonders when Republicans will repudiate policies that sunk W's popularity
Planned 'Gas OPEC' meeting delayed until 2009 Gazprom spokesman
Political Blogs, Conservative Blogging, Republican Bloggers, The Politics Blogspot Townhall.com
Political Punch
Polls Show Obama With Clear Advantage
Poor Aren't Poor Because Rich Are Rich
Prepare for chaos U.S. electoral system warned it 'can't cope' as historic number of voters cast their ballot Mail Online
Preparing for First Blue President
Questions answered about buying truck with cash, renting to a friend, the Stupid Tax
Rahm mulls White House promotion
RAND Lobbies Pentagon Start War To Save U.S. Economy
Record number of voters expected to deluge polls
Rein In Executive Pay It's Doable
Reinventing a Markets Watchdog
Remembering the End of the World
Report - ES&S Voting Machines Can Be Maliciously Calibrated to Favor Specific Candidates
Report Backs Palin in Firing of Commissioner
Report cites al-Assad's secret endorsement of attack
report Google, Yahoo Revise Search Advertising Deal
report Obama backs Palestinian capital in Jerusalem
Revenge of the Left across the world - Telegraph
Robert Edmondson Testified Against the Jews
Rock stars and their alien encounters - Times Online
Romney 2012
Ron Paul on Rachel Maddow Show
Russians Divided Over How Election Outcome Could Affect Bilateral Ties
Says lead for Obama can be expected among those responding
Scientists Discover their Sixth Sense
Security Bug Bites Adobe Reader
Security tight as Bali bombers' executions near
Senator gains traction with anti-atheist ads in N.C., filibuster hangs in balance
Sensenbrenner Says Real ID Would Have Prevented 9-11 Terrorists From Boarding Planes
Shops sell everything from fish burgers to chopsticks bearing Democrat's name
Skipping soda, walking among steps you can take to improve health
South Africa to host regional summit on Zimbabwe crisis
Space Junk From ISS Reaches Earth, Splashes Into Ocean
SPACE.com -- Strange Portal Connects Earth to Sun
Splitting the ANC
Sprint Nextel affiliate iPCS files injunction to delay WiMAX deal
State ballots feature hot-button social issues
State legislative elections a nationwide contest
Stevens refuses to cry 'uncle'
Stopping the Hybrid Critters - Some possible reasons behind the mystery of Roswell
study Counties with more rainfall have higher autism rates
Study Links Violent Video Games, Hostility
Swift-Boating of Obama Isn't Working
Taliban to US - There is nothing to talk about
Talking with the Taliban
Ted Olson report of phone calls on 9-11 undermined
Ten Questions For Election Day
The Associated Press Long Beach, Calif., police baffled by 5 slayings
The Associated Press Muslim's suit over scarves in Calif. jail settled
The Bilbao Initiative—Civil Society Action for Justice in Palestine
The British Airways staff who posted comments about 'smelly' passengers on Facebook Mail Online
The Congo in Flames
The curtain finally falls
The Daily Star - Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9-11 hijacker'
The Days of Laissez-Faire Are Over
The economic horizon has now significantly darkened
The Fed as a central bank to the world
The Final Days of McCainism
The First Internet Election
The Ghosts in Grant Park
The Insanity of Mass Democracy
The Insanity of Mass Democracy by Anthony Gregory
The Lew Rockwell Show - 60. Fed Chairmen I've Known (and Opposed)
The Lucifer Particle
The Moral Hazard of Regulation by Ron Paul
The Other 'Election' the FCC White Spaces Vote
The Pentagon Is the President's Private Army by Fred Reed
The repudiation of Karl Rove
The sad campaign of John McCain
The scariest video game of all time - Telegraph
TheHill.com - Schumer on Fox Fairness Doctrine ‘fair and balanced’
Things Only Got Worse An Interview with Israeli Journalist Amira Hass
Things to watch on Election Day
Thousands Expected Downtown For Obama Rally
Time to bring attention to the seriousness of diabetes
Today's Certain Loser President Bush
Toledo Police brace for possible civil unrest News WNWO NBC24
Toledo police set with riot gear in case of election-related problems
Top US general takes tour to Afghanistan
Traders cautiously begin November despite bleak economic report
Traders have already 'priced in' Obama victory
Transcripts.. Governors Kaine and Sanford
Transcripts.. Sens. Ensign & Schumer (PDF)
Transcripts..Analysts Look at the Final Polling Numbers
Transcripts..Campaign Managers Davis and Plouffe
Transcripts..Fmr. Govs. Vilsack and Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts..Interview with Cindy McCain
Transcripts..Mayor Bloomberg & Madeline Albiright
Transcripts..McCain's Midnight Rally in Miami
Transcripts..McCain, Obama Interviews on 'Monday Night Football'
Transcripts..Obama Campaigns in Columbus
Transcripts..Obama Interview with Katie Couric
Transcripts..Obama's Interview with MTV
Transcripts..Obama's Remarks in Jacksonville
Transcripts..Panel - Will It Be An Upset or Landslide
Transcripts..Sen. Kerry and Fred Thompson
Turnout records fall even in GOP-friendly states
Two More U.S. Military Units Assigned For Homeland Security
Typical glitches hinder voting in some East Coast states
U.A.E. implements oil cuts agreed by OPEC, Hamli says
U.S. Combat Deaths Near Historic Low for October, Analysis Shows
UFO's and Extraterrestrials Part I
UFOs and the Military Bases
UK Firms Channel Cash To US Politicians
UQ Wire - Spitzer Filed Legal Brief
US A Constitutional Republic, Not Democracy
Using front group to claim responsibility for attacks
Utah polling places brace for voting stampede, possible record turnout
Vermont musician lost her arm because of botched injection to relieve nausea
video - Obama's Rally in Manassas
video - Biden Votes in Delaware
video - Coleman to Air Two-Minute Closing Argument
video - DSCC Says Coleman is Running from Reporters
video - Kerry & Thompson on Meet the Press
video - McCain Fights On in Pennsylvania
video - McCain on the Trail in Florida, Tennessee
video - McCain's Midnight Rally in Miami
video - Obama Criticizes McCain Economic Fundamentals Comment
video - Obama on His Aunt Living in America
video - Obama on the Stump in Columbus
video - Obama Votes in Chicago
video - Obama's Grandmother Passes Away
video - Obama's Interview with Katie Couric
video - Obama's Rally in Manassas
video - Palin Votes, Talks to Press
video - Schumer on The Fairness Doctrine
video - Vilsack and Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Video - NORAD 1995 - America West 564 UFO Sighting
Violent Video Games Tied To Kid Aggression (Duh)
Virtual world keeps tabs on presidential election
Vote and get free coffee, donuts and a felony
Vote for Obama & Seismic Change
Voter surveys litter Interstate 4 roadside - St. Petersburg Times
Voter turnout heavy at polling places
Voter Turnout Records Fall Even in GOP-Friendly States
Voters culminate presidential campaign, swarm to polls
Voters Decide on Divisive Social Issues Nationwide
Voters Guide - What a McCain win might mean to Arizona
Voting GOP for the First Time
Wall Street stages Election Day rally Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Wants Anthony Kennedy-type justice, meeting with ayatollahs
Washington Times - Obama's grandmother dies
We Could Be In for a Lurch to the Left
Weak Dollars, Weak Presidencies
What If the Presidential Election Is Tied
What if Wright played a bigger role
What If... The Presidents We Never Had
What your eyes tell you about your health - Times Online
When Politics Is Funny
Where Did Bush Go Wrong
Where the Church REALLY Stands
Where's the money gone Not here, say guilty three - Times Online
Who Killed the Constitution - Introduction
Why American Youth Will Vote
Why I Will Vote McCain
Why Obama Should be our Next President
Why Ron Paul Didn’t Win by Michael S. Rozeff
WHY You Pick the Candidate You Vote For
Will America Take a Gamble
Will Democrats Bring Back the Fairness Doctrine
Will Europe Get the America It Wants
Win or Lose, How Will We Cope
Wind power can prevent climate change study
With emotions running high, America votes
Woman seductively removes clothing to underwear as 15-year-olds cheer
Women's Hands Home to More Types of Germs
World Exclusive E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
Worldwide Revenge Of The Left
Worse than the Great Depression
Yahoo, Google revise deal in hopes of approval source Technology Reuters
Yemeni Bin Laden aide gets life at Guantanamo trial
Your guide to the Obama Grant Park rally
YouTube - Dean Barkley for U.S. Senate - Middle Class - 30 TV
YouTube - Excellent Ron Paul Video Banned
YouTube - Hillary Clinton Talks In The Polling Station
YouTube - Obama Civilian Security
YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!
YouTube - Ron Paul CNN American Morning 11-04-2008
Robert Fisk’s World Arabs have to rely on Britain and Israel for their history
Obama's Little Red Book Is redistribution really all that bad
No Currency Left to Buy the Big Lies
Election Day - Tuesday November 4th
Another Self-Immolation
Auto Sales Worst Since 1992
Barky's Illegal Aunt Big Talk With Hispanics
Berg Releases Obama Grandmother Tape - Audio File
Berg Releases Obama Grandmother Tape - Transcript
Can Obama Win Popular Vote But Lose Election
Chaos Coming - US Electoral System 'Can't Cope'
Dead Mouse Lives After Frozen Dead 16 Yrs
Defeat Obama - Advice For Voters
Fanatics On Obama - 'He's Been Sent By God'
Farewell Dubya - All-Time Loser President
Finally The Duopoly Is Unmasked
Gas Drops To $2.45 Gal - Oil Down To $63 Barrel
Growing Human Organs In Labs Closer
HI Officials Waived Secrecy On Obama COLB
High Above Your Head, A Portal Is Opening...
Looting Continues - Middle Class Doomed
McCain Defies Age In Final 22 Hr Sprint
MECHA Honcho Calls US Blacks 'Illiterate Animals'
More Barky HI 'Birth Certificate' Monkey Business
More Pre-Election PPT Chicanery
Obama Gives McCain & America The Finger
Obama Grandma Knew Frank Davis - Death Predicted
Obama Or McCain - Which Ignites The Backfire
Obama Paternal Grandma Says At His Birth In Kenya
Obama Would Bankrupt The Entire Coal Industry!
Obama's Grandma Dies
Reward Offered In Obama Friend Young's Murder
Robert Edmondson 'Testified Against The Jews'
Sinclair Comments On Obama Grandma's Death
Stop The Election Accurate Count Impossible
Top Obama Advisor Has Long Ties To Neocons
Treason From Within
UK Crack Down Israeli Settlement Exports
US Manufacturing Shrinks To 26-Year Low
video - 2012 Debunked - Part 1
video - 2012 Debunked - Part 2
video - Amazing Nano Technology's Near Future
video - Obama Unquestionably Flips Off McCain
Watching TV Sex Doubles Teen Pregnancy
When The Zionists Came For...
Who Is Barack Obama
'Gaffeless' Joe Biden
'Take it to the Bank, Pennsylvania is Turning Red'
A Message From Howard Dean Don't Blow It
A Tale of Two Activists
America Need An Anti Zionist President
Baehr, Moran, Morrissey, and Rubin on the air
Beware of exit polls
Bin Laden's Media mouthpiece convicted
Blue America Candidate Round Up Are you ready
Dirty Tricks Done Dirt Cheap
Drudge Losing It Claims Obama Flipped McCain The Finger
Election Prediction
Executive director of group that produced Rev. Wright TV ads worked on the infamous 'Clinton Chronicles'
FOX News Sunday What the hell is Rick Davis smoking
Get ready for the right's post-election delegitimization drive
I was was wondering what rock Ann Coulter was hiding under.
If Obama Wins ... or if McCain Wins
If Sarah Palin is the GOP's future, our ears will be the first to suffer
Joe the Plumber questions Obama's loyalty to the US
Obama and the Fate of the Democratic Party
Obama Supporter Calls for Joe the Plumber's Death
Obama Wins! In Dixville Notch, that is
Obama's election rally
Obama's Grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, dies of cancer UPDATED with Video
Obama's Middle East Studies Mentors
Prop 8 The Ad That Upset the Mormon Church
Sarah Palin completely exonerated in new 'Troopergate' report
Say Goodbye to America
Shades Of The Sopranos Someone Leaves Severed Goat Head At Charlie Brown HQ
So who's the chump
Sudden talk of a McCain win in the press
symposium Why do so many Jews still vote Democrat
The Coming Obama Global Test
The Obama Bubble Could Cost the Democrats
The True Name of Barack Obama's Change Intolerance
Turnout heavy - everywhere
Was Jesus a Socialist That is the question.
Will Obama Win the Character War