"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

04 November 2008

4 Nov 08

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Bush will go down in Israeli history - Ynet
Magnetic shield for spacefarers
12,000-year-old shaman grave site found
A Man Called Freud Can't Keep His Phobia Buried - WSJ.com
A record number of Jews in Washington - Jerusalem Post
A surprise for Obama in the Middle East - What the Arab world reallybelieves--and why - Frida Ghitis
Air Cars A New Wind for America's Roads - Four Winds 10
Alaska Results May Not Be Counted for 10 Days - FOXNews.
Annals of Crony Capitalism
As Ukraine Staggers, Its Leaders Quarrel - NY Times
Ayers Audio Could Detail What Obama Knew
Big Pharma May be Handed Blanket Immunity for All Drug Side Effects, Deaths
Broken Machines, Shortages Plague Voters Around the Country - FOXNews
Caesar's British Landing Site Pinned Down
Catholics probe aid directed to ACORN - Washington Times
Catholics, Muslims open landmark talks at Vatican - Reuters
Central bank chief says Israeli economy resilient - J'llem Post
Chaos And War Face United States As It Chooses New Leader - Four Winds 10
Computer expert denies knowledge of ‘04 vote rigging in Ohio
Consumer bankruptcies jump 40% in Oct., top 100,000 - USA Today
Crash revives talk of Taiwanese Bermuda Triangle
Decision is in voters' hands - USA Today
Deif resurfaces to threaten Israel - J'lem Post
Democrats On Track to Increase House Majority - FOXNews
Democrats try to build on 36-seat House majority - CNN
Despite Taxpayer Bailout, Fed Says Banks Tighten Loan Standards Most on Record
Destroying free and fair elections - state by state - Four Winds 10
Doubts persist about Obama birth certificate Considerable evidence still points to candidate's birth in Kenya - WND
Doubts persist about Obama birth certificate
Dying for free elections - The solution the politicians did not want - Four Winds 10
Election Timetable, Part II
Elvin Joe Swisher's Criminal Conviction and Sentence Recommendation - Four Winds 10
Everyone is Militia -- LaRouche Speaks - Four Winds 10
Ex-CIA Man Warned Top Executives To Leave New York On 9-11
FACT, Only Computer Illiterates believe in Man-Made Global Warming
Factoring Fear What Scares Us and Why
Fake McCain group blasts Corsi
Family Security Matters - Exclusive,.. Obama and the Law On Legal Issues, a Radical Turn to the Left
Giant bat thrives after near extinction
Hamas lawmakers invited to visit EU headquarters despite boycott - Jerusalem Post
Hawai'i Governor calls author Jerome Corsi a liar
Here's What Vote Fraud Really Looks Like
Holographic Universe (Part 1 & 2 ) its all illusion. - Four Winds 10
Ian Paisley and the Nazi Dalai Lama - AUDIO
Indigenous Native American Prophecy - Parts 1 & 2 - Four Winds 10
It is Not Who is Counting Your Votes, It is Who is Stealing Your Votes - Four Winds 10
Jean Charles de Menezes inquest, police were ‘out of control’
Jerusalem sites being beamed live on-line to Christian world - Jerusalem Post
John F Kennedy Speech on Secret Societies and Freedom of the Press - Four Winds 10
Kenya is abuzz about Obama - International Herald Tribune
Kenyan insiders say Obamawas part of takeover strategy
Likud to US.. We won't honor Syria deal - J'lem Post
Livni.. Elections about voting for peace - Jerusalem Post
Marxist 'mentor' sold drugs with Obama
Mayan 2012 Prediction.- Four Winds 10
McCain Makes Final Push for Votes as Obama Heads to Chicago - FOXNews.com
Merc Firm Offered to Post “Sentries” at Polling Places
Mercury Containing Flu Vaccines Pushed On Queuing Voters
Nanotechnology - Age of Convergence - Four Winds 10
New Arab Knesset party in the making - J'lem Post
No Income Tax Law -- Former 'IRS' Agent Joe Bannister - Four Winds 10
North Korea Building New Missile Site - Fox
Obama doesn't want us to know
Obama Expects to Feel Sentimental Tonight
Obama funded foreign thug who promised Islamic state
Obama Has Votes In Heaven Barack Obama Kenya and the U.S.
obama Most Secretive Democratic Candidate Ever - David A. Patten
Obama to Critics Just Shut Up
Obama – Livni, the Axis of Weakness
Obama's Lesson From Abroad - borderfirereport.net
Obama’s energy plan bankrupt coal power plants, skyrocketing electricity rates
olmert Israel's problems won't wait for new US president - Ynet
Only a Landslide Is Theft-Proof
Palin's Medical History Released - Palin's Doctor Says She's in Excellent Health - Fox
Physics the Next President Needs to Know
pictured World's first truly blue roses go on display in Japan
prediction Early states will tell the tale
President Bush Stays Out of Sight on Election Day - FOXNews
Protecting Democracy
Ron Paul assails McCain's bailout backing
Ron Paul at Four Percent and Holding...
Ron Paul could tip Montana's electoral vote
Scenarios.. Economic challenges facing the next president - Reuters
Some owners deserting factories in China
Space Station Trash Plunging to Earth
Supernatural Cleaning Methods - NYTimes.com
Supreme Court Justice Candidate for the Ron Paul Revolution
The Alinsky, Chavez, Obama connection
The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 --(video and entire e-book) - Four Winds 10
The Dual Covenant Heresy More End-Time Deception - Jan Markell
The Ed Morrissey Show.. Jim Geraghty, David Freddoso
The End of International Law
The Final Push for World Government - Four Winds 10
The Price Paid for the Republican Rejection of Ron Paul
The price Republicans will pay for dumping Ron Paul
The Riese of the United Socialist States of America - Four Winds 10
The rise of the ray gun... Fighting with photons
The Truth About UFOs
Treasury Dept. submits to Shariah law - Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
Treasury's Top Deputies to Stay for Presidential Transition - FOXNews
U.S. Forces Overseas Anxiously Await Election Day Results - Fox
U.S. Navy Intercepts Ballistic Missile Shot From Hawaii Base - Fox
U.S.-Israel relations at risk in election, says Robert Spencer - AFA
Uncounted ..The New Math of the American Elections - Four Winds 10
Understanding Obama The Making of a Fuehrer - Ali Sina
US Election Campaign Silence on War Crimes
Voters in Eleven States Electing Governors - CNN
Wall Street rallies ahead of US election - J'lem Post
What you don't know about Barack Obama - Four Winds 10
What you don't know about Barack Obama
Why I voted for John McCain - Naomi Ragen explains why she voted for staunch patriot and not for a virtual unknown - Ynet
Yes, Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate - David Kupelian
Zombie world record broken in Nottingham - Telegraph
Hacking Democracy
Only Nader Is Right on the Issues
Bush's Last 100 Days the Ones to Watch
Misconceptions of Obama fuel Republican campaign