"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 November 2008


'My Heart and My Values Didn't Change....
abbas Peace agreement is not possible by the end of the year - Jerusalem Post
Aid convoy into east Congo rebel zone planned - UN trying to reach thousands - MSNBC
An African Pastor’s Uncomfortable Warning to America About Obama's Ties to a Dangerous Kenyan Politician - J. Lee Grady
An Election Day Note Thanks, President Bush - Andrew Breitbart
Ballot initiatives turn green
Barak.. Settlers trying to fracture State's authority
Central bank chief says Israeli economy resilient - J'llem Post
China landslide leaves 15 dead, 34 missing - J'lem Post
China, India wary of taint of global economic crisis - Reuters
Cindy McCain fits the role of first lady - Reuters
Doubts persist about Obama birth certificate Considerable evidence still points to candidate's birth in Kenya - WND
Epic Riding - Getting Political
European banks suffer, recession a reality - Reuters
Excitement, frustration as early voters brave long lines - CNN
Global Labor and Politics - Ayers and Obama in regular contact says source close to Obama candidacy
GOP scrambling to save seats in Congress - NY Times
Gov't withdraws support from all settler outposts
Hamas leader in Beirut on rare visit - J'lem Post
Hamas warns Israel against conducting rescue op for Schalit
Immigrants the new face of 'real America'
Iranian Jews want Habad House in Teheran - J'lem Post
Iraq earmarks $15B for reconstruction - USA Today
Iraq Official U.S. Will Respond to Ammendments to Iraqi Security Deal After Election - Fox
Is America really going to do this - Melanie Phillips
Jerusalem sites being beamed live on-line to Christian world - Jerusalem Post
lieberman Israel acting like battered wife with Egypt - Ynet
Likud MK petitions High Court Order Olmert to end peace talks - Ynet
livni Syria must cut Iran, terror ties before we give it what it wants - Haaretz
Livni to brief Quartet next week
Look who's rooting for Obama -----
Loss in confidence in banks causes huge shifts in deposits - USA Today
mazuz PM can continue talks with Syria - Jerusalem Post
McCain told to target Jewish vote in his last moments before the election - AFA
medvedev U.S. to Blame for Global Financial Crisis - Fox
Murdoch Says An Obama Win Could Worsen Financial Crisis - Report - AP
New Arab Knesset party in the making - J'lem Post
Next president to face 'daunting' threats
npr Rudin's Call - Obama 291, McCain 247
obama Most Secretive Democratic Candidate Ever - David A. Patten
Obama not the only star among young voters
Obama to kill coal Swing states erupt - McCain, Palin attack Democrat over threat to 'bankrupt' industry - WND
Obama Would Fail Security Clearance - Daniel Pipes
Obama's Israeli adviser Next White House chief of staff -Ynetnews
Obama-Farrakhan Ties Are Close, Ex-Farrakhan Aide Says - Newsmax
On Politics, Religion and the Internet - Tick Tales of Misery and Occasional Ecstasy
Pakistan Warns Petraeus Against Missile Strikes - Fox
Praying for Election Day miracles - Religious Americans turn to a higher power on the candidates' behalf - MSNBC
Rump Politics — Moderate Republicans Irrelevant - The Crone Speaks
The Business of Politics Drudge, FoxNews and the MSM - Business Pundit
Top GOP-ers ..It’s Bush and Rove’s fault
TV networks battle FCC indecency rules - 'Fleeting expletives' revive debate - Washington Times
U.S. Navy Intercepts Ballistic Missile Shot From Hawaii Base - Fox
Understanding Obama The Making of a Fuehrer - Ali Sina
Was He Wrong About Everything - Jonathan Tobin
Who says Jews are Smart - Jonathan Rosenblum
WSJ Poll Obama's Lead Narrows; McCain Sees Hope Among Undecideds - Fox
Yes, Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate - David Kupelian
Your vote is extremely important - William Koenig
Fox's Garrett defends Obama - Politico.com
10 most viral videos of the campaign
Blue America Candidate Round Up Are you ready
Davis.. Holdouts could tilt election
Dirty Tricks Done Dirt Cheap
Election countdown T-minus 24 hours
FOX News Sunday What the hell is Rick Davis smoking
Fred Barnes Early Voting Was Crowded With Poor Old People
GOP-ers chart path to McCain win
Hatch ..U.S. would 'lose stature' - Andy Barr - Politico.com
Making it Count How to Protect Your Vote & Spot Dirty Tricks
Media experts still making campaign ads
Nader campaign Obama has no nuts
Obama avoids same-sex marriage fight
Obama campaign tries lucky charms
Obama, Clinton reach common ground
Secretaries of state give Dem firewall
Stevens juror lied about father's death - Politico.com
The blueing of New Mexico
The repudiation of Karl Rove
What if Wright played a bigger role