"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 November 2008

3 November

'Governator' Schwarzenegger mocks 'skinny' Obama - Yahoo! News
'My Heart and My Values Didn't Change'
Ancient mummy has no modern children
As Taliban Overwhelm Police, Pakistanis Hit Back - NYTimes.com
Attractive fathers do not pass their looks on to sons - Telegraph
Barack Obama 'could worsen crisis' Rupert Murdoch The Australian
Barack Obama described as prophet Moses by bishop Toby Harnden
Berkeley cracks down on street shrines
Boehner stumps for McCain in Oxford - Front Page
Cars 6 Chinese knock-offs - BYD F8 vs. Mercedes CLK (1) - FORTUNE
Central Banking and Credit Quality by Michael S. Rozeff
China handing down 'death sentence' to Tibetans Dalai Lama
DAILY NATION - Bull awaits Obama win in Kogelo village
Do You Solemnly Swear To Ignore the Constitution by Andrew P. Napolitano
Don't Vote by David Ker Thomson
Dross and Debt by Jim Fedako
Fighting to hold down congressional losses - International Herald Tribune
FOXNews.com - School Clams Up on 'Gay' Pledge Cards Given to Kindergartners - Local News News Articles National News US News
FT.com - Companies - Airlines - US airlines pull out of a tailspin
German Engineering by George Giles
Germany's richest woman embroiled in blackmail sex tape scandal
Granddad's crime shatters once-close family ajc.com
How Low Can It Go Richardson Pegs Middle Class as Those Making Under $120,000 - FOXNews.com Elections
How The Times followed a trail to find Barack Obama’s aunt - Times Online
IRS, Justice Target Undisclosed Assets In Swiss Accounts
London to get bomb-proof recycling bins
Marine vet at Russell rally Murtha a 'fat little bastard' PolitickerPA
McCain to visit seven cities in states in last day of campaigning as national polls show Obama's lead stretching to 11pts Mail Online
Mexican troops stray across border www.azstarnet.com ®
My Way News - CEOs, famous investors hit hard by market plunge
My Way News - Obama, McCain battle across campaign's closing day
My Way News - Rabbis' ruling puts thousands of converts in limbo
My Way News - The morning after Half of us will be disappointed
My Way News - US deaths in Iraq plunge to wartime low in October
Obama Called Out for Comments About Bankrupting Coal Fired Power Plants
Obama Is a Chickenhawk by Justin Raimondo
Ohio Coal Association Says Obama Remarks Make It Clear Obama Ticket Not Supportive of Coal
Outrage over 'chastity belt' lingerie fitted with GPS tracking system Mail Online
Palin Unleashes New Attack Against Obama On Coal - From The Road
Pastor's son Forgive father's killer Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati.Com
Poll California gay marriage campaign tightens
Prepare for chaos U.S. electoral system warned it 'can't cope' as historic number of voters cast their ballot for McCain-Obama Mail Online
Revenge of the Left across the world - Telegraph
Sacha Baron Cohen crashes LA rally as 'Bruno'
Saddam Hussein’s body was stabbed in the back, says guard - Times Online
SignOnSanDiego.com News Mexico Tijuana & The Border -- Police in Baja under the gun
Teens who watch Sex in the City more likely to get pregnant - Times Online
The Ballad of the Two Hunks by Mike (in Tokyo) Rogers
The Lew Rockwell Show - 59. Wrestling the State
West Virginia Record Coal official calls Obama comments 'unbelievable'
While Mickey Cohen dodges bullets, the squad seeks revenge on gossip columnist Florabel Muir - Los Angeles Times
Why Austrian Economics Matters More Than Ever by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
YouTube - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger For John McCain
YouTube - Obama Civilian Security (2)
YouTube - Obama Civilian Security
YouTube - Oprah sees own vote being dropped by voting machine
Joyous Treason We Don’t Need Anymore Reasons
Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader
Are You a ‘Violent Extremist’ FBI’s Analytical Lexicon Lowers the Bar
Borders Are For Sissies
Lessons from the Election on U.S. Power
McCain holds final town hall meeting in NH
site - Patriot Brigade Talk Radio Network
The Election-Industrial Complex
The End of Prosperity
The Psychology of Denial in the Age of Consumerism
The Truth about Rising Seas
U.S. Supreme Court Writ of Certiorari and Application for Stay of the Presidential Election
Voting For Hope
You Are How You Vote
'A liberal agenda so scary its effects will be felt for a generation'
'A lot more gays are more open about their relationships'
'Apparently someone was shooting at them from inside that home'
'Come on guys, get back on the bus'
'Courageous Sure. Guilty as charged'
'Do you know who I am You can't f---ing stop me'
'Governments around the world are pulling out all stops to save the system'
'He believes there are a lot of factors that contribute to obesity, heart disease'
'His inability to grasp that babies born alive need medical care was disturbing'
'I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated'
'I am ready to sit down and talk ... I hope we can'
'I don't mind they call me The Nose. I just wish people would use their nostrils more'
'I love rich people! I want all of you to be rich. Go for it'
'I think it's just moving on. It's rediscovering something else'
'I was blindsided this time. It was my own fault'
'I'm going to be asking 'paper or plastic' or 'do you want fries with that''
'I'm trying to stick to the sale items and the essentials'
'If this is how he takes care of his family, what will he do to yours'
'It could set off retaliatory action which would certainly damage the world economy'
'It kind of feels like a shotgun wedding'
'It's over-cooperation by certain people'
'Joe the Plumber' Plans Life After 2008 Election
'John McCain and Sarah Palin they call this socialistic'
'Missing money,' checkered past dog campaigner behind mercy mission to Gaza
'People go into the discussion area and say, 'This is my situation, what should I do''
'President Bling-Bling' New YouTube hit pokes fun at status-conscious politician
'Real need for a film that emotionally engages audiences on ... the birth of Islam'
'Right-wing conspiracy' leader pushes congressman who called constituents racists
'Serious since the routine deviation has been going on for a long time'
'So open-ended ... they can basically do whatever they want to with the money'
'Special Report' Panel Breaks Down the Weight of Each State in the Election, Will Dems Win a Filibuster Proof Majority in Senate
'That's where I go totally berserk or just freak everybody out'
'The leaders of the developed countries should not neglect the issue of global warming'
'The market may not like who wins, but it will like knowing'
'There is no telling how many voters it frightened away'
'There's Joe the Plumber, Joe Sixpack and my personal favorite, Joe Biden'
'They are different in terms of beauty, shape and how eye-catching they are'
'This is above politics. This is about our foundation of democracy'
'Thought reform' dropped in 2008, but 3 times proposed for 2009
'Tunnel owners have money and respect. They are the football stars of Rafah'
'We are about to set a course that will affect our country for generations'
'We cannot continue to rely only on our military'
'We have a righteous wind at our back,' says candidate
'We reward people violating our laws, and we penalize people here legally'
'We're respected because we provide people with what they need to live'
'What is the point It's just going to make it bigger for next year'
'With his own power and will, he can fix it'
12 Steps to Help India Avoid Collapse
13-year-old questioned for 19 hours, says cops ignored her pleas for parents
2007 interview Proposes government create 'price signals' to control behavior
2008-11-03 - Download the proof that barack obama is not an american citizen based on his grandmothers words telephone recording
2nd incursion across border in past 3months
54 Dead in Vietnam Flooding
56-year-old residing in Boston slum ignored judge's order 4 years ago
6 Reasons Obama Will Cost America Jobs
6 wounds claimed – government denies any mutilation to executed leader
A Closing Argument for John McCain
A Race Like No Other
A Tale of Two Activists
A Test That's Sure to Come
AAA SITE FEATURE - The Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Absentees nixed for signature problems, 'overvotes'
Actress Pleads Guilty to Drug Charge
Ahmadinejad's Unforgettable November 4
Al Gore campaigns in West Palm Beach for Obama
Almost $8 for every presidential vote, compared with $5.50 in 2004
Amazing Nano Technology's Near Future
Amazon.com making packaging simpler, less wasteful
America's Burden Is To Lead the World
America's Epochal Election
American school in Syria obeys order to close
Americans among those told rabbis will no longer honor their faith
An Afternoon with Israel's Iron General
An Appraisal He Gave Voice to Many, Among Them Himself
An Open Letter to Barack Obama
Analysis -Syria raid suggests new US stance - International Herald Tribune
ANC sues defectors over name
And Now We Vote
Another Self-Immolation
Anti-Gay-Marriage Groups Look for Ariz. Redemption
Anti-Socialism = Racism
Anti-war, Obama-supporting group pretends to be GOP 'staffers'
Applying money to pay, pensions for executives will be criminal offense
Argentina Impoverishes Itself Again
Army discharges soldier for beating Jewish trainee
As if on Cue, Syrians Protest US Incursion on Their Soil
Asks 5-year-olds to promise to defend transgender, bisexual students
At Stake Tomorrow
audio - Sinclair Interview
Barack - 'She asked if I had seen him, and I had to say no'
Barack Obama Bankrupt Coal Industry (Video) - Right Pundits
Barack Obama Gun Control Policy - Right Pundits
Barack Obama Red Diaper Baby
Barack uses VP's endorsement of McCain as ammunition against him
Barron's says they could climb more than 50% to around $60 over next year
Beijing says it will wipe out 'dark' trade of adding chemical melamine
Being deciding ballot 'It's still a chance, it's like buying a Powerball ticket'
BERG LAWSUIT -Application to Justice David H. Souter for Stay - pdf
Berg Releases Obama Grandmother Tape - Audio File
Berg Releases Obama Grandmother Tape - Transcript
Bible doesn't say ancient boat landed where many people assume
Bill Kristol Accentuatin' The Positive
Billionaire says 'male acquaintance' threatened to release pictures of their encounters
Blacks see hope, doubt in an Obama victory
Blacks' Dreams Will Come True. Then What
Blasts mass immunization program as 'experiment,' charges inadequate safety testing
Blue States Will Pay Obama Tax Bill
Brown - Govt Can't Ensure Data Safety
Bush’s Midnight Regulations
But 2nd ship fails to hit 2nd target rocket that was fired
C&L Live Chat with Stefan Forbes On Boogie Man The Lee Atwater Story
Camp Obama trainer steers youth away from military service
Campaign Against Israeli Genocide
Campaign Events with Sen. Barack Obama, Sen. John McCain and Jill Biden
Campaign Events with Sen. Joe Biden, Sen. John McCain and Cindy McCain
Campaign Hits Swing-State Churches on Final Sunday
Campaigns uncork get-out-the-vote operations
Cancer survivors improve chances with good diet
Candidates Put 11th-Hour Focus on Pennsylvania
Change Could Offer Economic Boost
Charter Schools Top Public Schools on Statewide Exams - pdf
Chavez offers talks with black man in W.House
Cheney Endorses McCain, Obama Unloads
Chevy Chase I wanted Carter to win
Chicago's 'Fast Eddie' alderman headed for trial
China envoy gets hostile welcome on Taiwan mission
Chinese Toy Makers Face Bleak Christmas
Christian Leaders Back Bipartisan Abortion Ad Campaign
Circuit City to Close 155 Stores, Cut US Workforce
Clinton presses case for Obama
Confident Obama campaigns with Springsteen
Congo aid agencies cautiously resume help amid ceasefire worries
Conservationists Warn of Ecological Credit Crunch
Conservatism's blonde moment
Conyers calls for investigation into leak of info about Obama's aunt
Could Another Presidential Race End Up in the Hands of the Supreme Court - Filibuster Soup
Could McCain Win Minnesota
councilman 'It's not like she was running around naked'
Cut caffeine, pregnant women told
Dalai Lama Says Diplomacy With Beijing Has Failed
Daylight Saving Time Reduces Overall Heart Attack Risk
Def Jam VP Shakir Stewart Committed Suicide, Police Confirm
Democratic Victories Could Bring US Energy Policy Shift
Democrats head toward expanded majorities in House, Senate
Democrats Should Fear the 'Brady Effect'
Democrats take issue with McCain nuclear comments
Dems poised to sweep House, Senate
Denies spot pulled due to criticism – promises response message to Democrat
Dewey-Obama Defeating Truman-McCain
Dictator's vessel could fetch more than$34 million
Did Jesus Say Anything About Voting
Diplomacy and Duplicity-Dennis Ross
Do-It-Yourself Fact-Checking
Does Palin help or hurt McCain
DOJ’s Internal Watchdogs Probing Leak of ACORN Investigation
Dollar mixed, yen retreats on risk appetite
Doubts persist about Obama birth certificate
Dreams from Frank Marshall Davis
East Bound and Down A Homeless March on Washington
Economy has 'crystallized the trade-offs that consumers are willing to make'
Economy Sinks As We Save Bankers
Effort Aims To Counter Christian Zionism
Election Offers a Distinctive Choice
Electoral College the real deciders
Ends 8-week strike that cut airplane maker's profits, stalled jetliner deliveries
Equipment picks Ralph Nader when John McCain is chosen
Erica Jong - Bloody 'Second Civil War' If Obama Loses
Evangelism Experts Prepare to Equip, Inspire Church Leaders for Outreach
Evita Peron Obama
Exactly Wrong, Again
Exclusive ..Chuck Norris motivates Americans off political bleachers, onto battlefield
Exclusive ..Jack Cashill adds yet more evidence to media-ignored Obama scam
Exclusive ..Roger Simmermaker highlights U.S.-made security
exclusive Phil Elmore warns how new OnStar® technology can be used by government
Exclusive.. Barbara Simpson cautions U.S. is electing president, not seeking savior
Exclusive.. Chuck Norris motivates Americato get off political bleachers, onto battlefield
Exclusive.. Craig R. Smith urges citizens to 'just say no' to Obama's massive government
Exclusive.. David Kupelian shows how senator uses envy and guilt to make believers of millions
Exclusive.. Doug Powers warns Democrats will spread welfare state already gone wild
Exclusive.. Ellen Ratner forsees next president inheriting truly troubled nation
Exclusive.. Joseph Farah proves Democrat candidate favors weakened America
Exclusive.. Michael Ackley recalls memorable remarks made by candidates
Exclusive.. Pat Boone sees America on cusp of choosing capitulation over freedom
Exclusive.. Samuel L. Blumenfeld exposes senator's early ties to leftist party
Exclusive.. Vox Day encourages Americans to be true to principles
Expert's Fear Over Garasil Vaccine
Extremists could kill national leader in attempt to foil peace moves with Palestinians
Fact Check The myths that wouldn't go away
Farewell Dubya - All-Time Loser President
Fast-food outlets changing offerings, raising prices to reflect higher costs
Father Of Portfolio Theory On the Crisis
FCC Considers Bigger Space for Wi-Fi
FCC could free up 'white space' for broadband use
FDA Faulted for Stance on Chemical in Plastics
Feline lovers equip kitties with digital cameras
Fickle Voters Fill Pollsters With Dread
Final Polls - Weird
Finally The End of a Subprime Administration
First Presidential Debate
Five people shot dead in California homeless camp
FLASHBACK - Exclusive.. Joseph Farah exposes senator's desire for domestic army
flyers 'If you do not leave, you will be slaughtered in 3 days'
For some white voters, Obama's race is seen as a 'bonus'
Former Chicago alderman to pleads guilty
FOX News Sunday Wallace Asks If The 50 State Strategy Is Arrogant On Obama's Part
Fred Barnes Early Voting Was Crowded With Poor Old People
Free sex toys — and much more — for voting
Free The Palestinian Journalists
French aid worker kidnapped in Kabul
Gaining Weight During Pregnancy Linked To Big Babies
Gay-marriage backers make the political personal
Gazprom To Start Gas Drilling In Venezuela
Getting the 'Ayers Issue' Straight
Global End of Economic Libertarianism
Global Financial Matrix Disintegrates
Global Markets End Oct - Worst Losses Ever
Gloves Come off in Idaho (It's About Time!)
GMAC Insurance to sell reinsurance operations
Goldman UK To Give $14B Salary-Bonus Package
Goodyear revenue growth bucks weak US market
Google, and Its New Monopoly
GOP operatives may have broken the law in spreading 'Obama's aunt' smear
Gordon Brown, Falling on Deaf Ears
Government probing if any laws broken in disclosure that woman in U.S. illegally
Government tacitly admits contamination by industrial chemical widespread in food supply
Growing Human Organs In Labs Closer
Guantanamo jury finds Yemeni guilty
Gullible Limbaugh, exemplar of the right
Hamas delegation in Egypt for inter-Palestinian dialogue
Hamas frees Fatah prisoners
Hamas official in Cairo to discuss Palestinian reconciliation
Hamas Threatens to Boycott Palestinian Unity Talks
Has Obama Overplayed the Race Card
Has the Media Lost Its Credibility
Health minister urges Scots to talk about sexual issues
HI Agrees W-Martin - Obama COLBs Are False
HI Officials Waived Secrecy On Obama COLB
High Above Your Head, A Portal Is Opening...
Hillary Clinton's words and voice, John McCain's message
History shows Democratic sweep better for stocks
How an Obama presidency could change comedy
How President Obama Will Govern
How Smart is the American Voter
How Will the Electoral Map Change
Human rights group Killers charged 13-year-old with adultery
Humans Will Need a Second Planet by 2030
HYMAN - Obama's Kenya ghosts - PDF
idc 3Q microprocessor shipments up; outlook murky
If McCain wins, he'll be tested by Congress
If Obama Wins, ‘Preemption Will Be History’
If the Whole World Could Vote
Independents break for Barack, boosting broad Democratic base
Independents who'd been leaning toward Democrat seen shifting to McCain
India Christian Council Condemns Terror Blasts
Investors muster gains at end of one of worst months in Wall Street history
Iran marks US embassy takeover
Iraq Prez Son Warned About AIPAC-JINSA
Iraq still volatile though casualties decline
Iraqi Vote on Religious Minorities Marks Step to Elections
Is Paulson’s Plan Mysterious or Non-Existent
Is Sarah Palin Qualified PBS Wants to Know
Is The Dollar Back
Israel cuts off funding for West Bank outposts
Israel Must Prepare for Economic Crisis
Israeli Settlers Preparing For War
It Is Now Absolutely Crystal Clear That Republican Rule Is Dangerous & Authoritarian
It will take a McCain miracle to beat the terrorists' candidate
It's 3 a.m. and the Prime Minister of Israel is Calling
It's No Joke - Palin Caught!
It's Not The Economy, Stupid!
Italy's Berlusconi - Russia Should Join EU
Japan fires military chief over WWII denial
Jerrold Nadler is New York Congressman Confronted at Synagogue - Right Pundits
Jews Fear Anti-Israeli Sentiment In Germany
Joe the Plumber Questions Obama's Loyalty to the U.S.
Joe the Skinhead
John McCain the happy warrior finally reappears
John McCain, Barack Obama Make Final, Frenzied Push to Close 2008 ...
Joining China in requiring content to be filtered for all users
Judge orders King's daughter to start documenting mother's personal papers again
Judge orders White House to produce wiretap memos
Keep Virginia Red
Keeping America Safe from Terrorism by Monitoring Distillery Webcams
Kenya is abuzz about Obama
Last-minute TV ad stars Rev. Wright
Late-night TV comedy is election winner
Lawyers Aim to Roll Back Curbs on Lawsuits
Leap of Hope
Letter to Christopher Hitchens from a longtime Iraqi friend
Liberals Try Not to Think About the Worst-Case Scenario
Lindsay Graham Since Obama is the 'virtual incumbent,' he's going to lose
Listeria Rise Caused By Dated Food Use
Long Lines Cap Last Day of Early Voting
Maddow to Kit Bond Teh Gay Is Not Catching
Making it Count How to Protect Your Vote & Spot Dirty Tricks
Malkin - Throw Auntie From The Bus
Man broke rules, entered cage of lion-tiger cross during feeding time
Manufacturing activity at 26-year low
Marathon Man For McCain, a Final Burst of Enthusiasm
Mark Levin and Obama Mania - Filibuster Soup
Mars TV Special Leaves Out Major Discoveries
Massage parlors don't want police to be able to prove true nature of business if raided
Math Not Adding Up For McCain
Mayor Bloomberg Set to Sign Term Limits Bill
McCain Camp Finds Some Hope in Philadelphia
McCain Focuses on Taxes, Economy
McCain scores big on Saturday Night Live
McCain Spokesperson Ben Porritt Can't Explain Palin's First Amendment Comment
McCain tries to turn must-win states; Obama stays on offense
McCain's Last Town Hall Back in His Element
McCain's Vetting Crew Strikes Out. Again.
McCain, Palin attack Democratover threat to 'bankrupt' industry
MECHA Honcho Calls US Blacks 'Illiterate Animals'
microsoft Malware Threats Up 43%
microsoft No Xbox 360 Price Drop for Several Years
Microsoft takes two big leaps into the cloud
microsoft Trojans are huge and China is tops in browser exploits
microsoft Windows 7 will fix, avoid Vista mistakes
Microsoft's Manhattan Project
Mid-America states in recession - survey
Misery in Congo
More Barky HI 'Birth Certificate' Monkey Business
More From The Financial Crisis Front Lines
More Kids Taking Medication; Obesity Blamed
More Proof Of Electric Comets
More Radical Ties, More Media Bias - Filibuster Soup
Motorola Launches New Phone For Shutterbugs
MTV Networks in deal to monetize uploaded videos
MTV, MySpace The New Ad Men Of Pirated Video
Musicians make last attempts in supporting Obama
Muslims Stone Somali Rape Victim, 13, To Death
My wife made me canvass for Obama; here's what I learned
MySpace Hopes System Solves Copyright Issues
Myths and Realities on Voting Behavior
N Korea Releases Photo Of Kim
NASA Gets Ready As Space Junk Is Set To Slam Earth
Nation already battling backlash from melamine found in milk, eggs
Negative Liberties and Obama Newspeak
Neo-Nazis, Obama, and the real domestic terrorists
Netflix 'Watch Instantly' For Mac In Public Beta
Netflix Service Now Available For Mac Users
New Gaddafi Energy Ties With Russia
New Pennsylvania GOP Ad Features Barack Obama’s Ties To Reverend Jeremiah Wright - Right Pundits
New Pennsylvania GOP Ad Features Barack Obama’s Ties To Reverend Jeremiah Wright - Right Pundits
New visitors center will document religious heritage
Next President Will Shape the World
No More Economic False Choices
No mystery in how the Times OnLine found Obama's aunt
Number of kids on medication jumps alarmingly
NYC mayor set to sign measure easing term limits
Obama - Change We Can Believe In - Not! - Pt 4
Obama and the Better Angels of Our Nature
Obama and the Fate of the Democratic Party
Obama and the Post-Racial Illusion
Obama and the Runaway Train
Obama backers stress importance of caucuses - pdf
Obama campaign director in Nevada dies at 44
Obama Crowds Flood Ohio Cities
Obama is upbeat -- but still cautious
Obama or McCain for Turkey
Obama plunges in the IBD Poll - Right Pundits
Obama promises a press conference - for Wednesday
Obama runs against Clinton prosperity by attacking deregulation
Obama Staff - Mass Brainwashing, Mind Control
Obama supporter caught on tape calling for fatal demise of McCain backer
Obama The Chicken
Obama the Justifier
Obama to Critics Just Shut Up
Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations
Obama voices confidence on election eve
Obama wants to destroy agriculture too
Obama Wants To Force People To Go Green
Obama with Significant Lead Over McCain Before Final Day
Obama Would Bankrupt The Entire Coal Industry!
Obama's 'Zero To Five' Big Brother Plan
Obama's 50 Lies - Obama Not Exactly
Obama's Adam Smith Problem
Obama's Aunt Living In US Illegally
Obama's Contempt For Our Constitution
Obama's Contemptuous Quest for Ohio and Pennsylvania
Obama's Middle East Studies Mentors
Obama's True Place Of Birth Remains Unknown
Obama's Marxist Mentor Sold Coke, Pot w-Barky
Obama, McCain eye potential administration teams
Obama, McCain face off in Wall Street Journal
Obama, McCain make final pitches
Obama, Palin stump in Columbus, Ohio
Obama...'Change' You Can Believe In NOT!
Obama...Possession Is 9-10 Of The Law
Obama’s Non-Plan for Social Security
Obama’s relatives in Kenya upbeat as campaign enters final hours
Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Often Go Hand in Hand
Ocean floor off coast of Alaska rocked, no reports of damage
Official pamphlet says 'hated' Israel plans to cleanse region of Arabs
Oil falls as much as 4% as demand concerns prevail
Our Electric Solar System
OUR VIEW, Hear a rumor -Check out the truth yourself
Oz PM - A Nuke Strike Makes 9-11 Insignificant
Pakistan Warns US Against Further Airstrikes
Palin criticizes Obama's remarks about coal plants
Palin fans 'Vote McCain, Not Hussein'
Palin suggests Chronicle withheld Obama remarks
Panic of 2008 Is Better Than the Alternative
Panicky America Set To Lurch To the Left
Pastors Preach Prop. 8 as Moral Issue
People Wonder Why Obama Is Called Radical- Filibuster Soup
Personal Accounts for Social Security Still the Best Deal
Petraeus Meets Pakistani Officials
Petraeus Plans More Cross Border Raids
Police say shooter was lying in wait, harbored prolonged dispute
Police seek caller as 5 SoCal homeless found dead
Policing “target communities”
Politics1 - Guide to American Political Parties
PolitiFact - The Barack Obama file
PolitiFact - The Joe Biden file
PolitiFact - The John McCain file
PolitiFact - The Sarah Palin file
Power Cuts Dim Lights In Pakistan
PR pros predict '08 election
Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader
Presidential candidates to do 1-on-1 interviews during halftime show
Pro Obama US Media Fails The American Public
Progressive US & Retrograde Indonesia
Prop 8 Campaign Misrepresents Obama's Position in Mailers to African-Americans
Pumpkin profits Holiday virtually unknown in 1994, now a $200 million industry
Purchases of firearms surge as uncertainties stoke fears
Questions answered about giving, borrowing to invest, paying for financial planning
Ralph Nader’s Campaign Produces Another Bizarre Advertisement - Filibuster Soup
Rand WWIII Recommendation Likely Disinfo
Real Time Best Election Ever Recap
Record deal for boosted solar panels
Rein in Britain's Public Sector
Remarks and Q&A by the Director of National Intelligence
Remarks and Q&A by the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
Remarks by the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
Republican group brings out the Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Republicans Scrambling to Save Seats in Congress
Resources - C-SPAN Special Pages - C-SPAN
Resources - Featured Links Archive - C-SPAN
Resources - Media Organizations - C-SPAN
retailer Early sales based on consumers already jump-starting holiday shopping
Rev. Wright Making Late Appearance In Campaign Ads
Revenge of Left Against Laissez-Faire
Richardson says Obama to cut taxes for those making less than $120,000
Rove appointee sends an ugly message to would-be Obama assassins
Rupert Murdoch 'The bludger should not be our national icon'
Rupert Murdoch's NWO Challenge To Oz
Russia Says US Behind Financial Crisis
Russia, Georgia, EU - A Kremlin Victory
S.F. Christians Out to Break 'Sodom and Gomorrah' Mentality
Salesforce.com Leaps Into Cloud Computing
Sarah Palin Gets The VP Job Description Wrong. Again.
Sarah Palin starts final day of campaign in Ohio
Sarah Palin talks about the first 100 days of a McCain Presidency Thinks we're at war with Iraq and Iran
Say Goodbye to America
Scientists, Theologians Gather for Vatican Conference on Evolution
Second Presidential Debate
Secret of how some of us can resist urges may soon be unlocked
Seeing the Benefits of the Eurozone
Sen. Ted Stevens takes pitch to the people
Senator reminisces about his portrayal of Barbra Streisand
Series of Bombs Kill 10, Injure 39 in Iraq
Sex offender in Vermont seeks state Senate seat
Sexual Dysfunction Affects Almost Half of American Women
shameless McCain goes after Obama's patriotism, Obama camp responds
Site - Awakening Dimensional Consciousness Multi-Dimensional Meditation — Higher Balance Institute
SITE - Born Alive Truth
Site - Morty's Cabin - Something for Everyone
SITE - National Rifle Association
site - redemptionservice.com
Skeptical Mideast Public Awaits the Election
SNL Skewers Keith Olbermann
So now IBM is worried about Apple, too
SolFocus to Install World's Largest CPV Project
Soros Wants to Abrogate the Constitution
Source says U.S. helicopters allowed into country to take out al-Qaida leader
South Korea Plans $11 Billion in Tax Cuts, Other Stimulus
South Korea's Kimchi Deficit
Spokeswoman says president won't respond to Waters' allegations
Spotting the Camouflaged Candidate
Spreading the Wealth and Killing the Goose
State of the Race
State-Building vs. Counterinsurgency
Still Not Ready To Spell
Stocks likely to recover no matter who's president
Strange Scenario
Strong dollar, recession fears drove investors into less volatile assets
Studs - The Passing Of An Icon
Studs Turkel A working man till the end
study Teen Pregnancies Tied to Tastes for Sex-Laced TV
Supreme Court to hear FCC appeal over dirty words
symposium Why do so many Jews still vote Democrat
Tax Competition Pushing Down Personal Tax Rates
Tesla Promised Another $40 Million
The Best Race Ever Not By a Long Shot
The Boss gives Obama a boost
The Bush-Obama-McCain Administration
The Case for Humanitarian Intervention
The Coming Obama Global Test
The Dark Side of Global Credit System Redesign
The Dems election day 'Aces in the hole'
The Desertion of Chinese Factories
The Electoral College - The Penultimate Firewall to Electoral Fraud
The Employee Suppression of Choice Act
The End Of Economic Prosperity
The EU Communitarian Agenda - The New Feudalists
The Failure To Confront Is No Alibi
The Federal Reserve Is Inflating Money by 341 Percent
The five minute guide to the Obama fundraising scandals
The Future
The Monitor To Enter Second Century Of Existence In Digital Form
The New York Post looks back on Obama's first term
The Obama Bubble Could Cost the Democrats
The Opening Obama Saw
The Racism of McCain… and Obama… and the Media
The Repugnance of Socialism
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
The Satanist Banker Conspiracy
The Seduction of Sarah Palin Eugenics, CNP, and the Pioneer Fund
The Uses of Early Economic Adversity
The ‘Business Case of the Century’
Third Presidential Debate
This Question Must Be Answered
Thomas Sowell - Signs of Barack Obama's self-centered immaturity are painfully obvious
Thousands Pray for Spiritual Revival at TheCall California
Three By Brody
Top Obama Advisor Has Long Ties To Neocons
Transcripts... Campaign Managers Davis and Plouffe
Transcripts... Sen. Kerry and Fred Thompson
Transcripts... Governors Kaine and Sanford
Transcripts... Mayor Bloomberg & Madeline Albiright
Transcripts... McCain's Midnight Rally in Miami
Transcripts... Obama Campaigns in Columbus
Transcripts... Obama's Interview with MTV
Transcripts... Obama's Remarks in Jacksonville
Transcripts... Sens. Ensign & Schumer (PDF)
Treason From Within
Troops Have to Fight for Their Right to Vote
Truth and rumor mix in Indian terror shooting
TV weatherman keeps cool as world around him falls apart
UK social workers leave dad with terrible moral dilemma
Ukraine Faces Devaluation as Politicians Haggle
UK Crack Down Israeli Settlement Exports
UK To Hire Foreign Soldiers As Police
Upset of the Century
US Above The Law
US Crisis Of Massive Judicial Corruption
US election Top Senate Democrat Harry Reid says Alaska senator Ted Stevens should leave office
US military jury convicts Yemeni in 2nd Guantanamo war crimes trial
Vatican Issues Screening Guidelines for Priests
Vice President of the West Virginia Coal Association, calls Obama unbelievable
VIDEO - Israeli Settlers Prepare for War
video - 2012 Debunked - Part 1
video - 2012 Debunked - Part 2
video - Amazing Nano Technology's Near Future
video - If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing
video - Obama To Create New 'Civ Military Force'
video - Proof Obama Born In Kenyan Village
video I’m Confused A double-standard - Filibuster Soup
VIDEO- 'Indoctrinate U,' an Assault on Free Speech
video... McCain Interview with ABC News
video... Affleck As Olbermann
video... Biden Campaigns in Ohio
video... Biden Rallies in Tallahassee
video... Biden Speaks at Alma Mater
video... Coleman Says Franken Has 'Crossed the Line'
video... Coleman to Air Two-Minute Closing Argument
video... Ditka Campaigns with Palin
video... DSCC Says Coleman is Running from Reporters
video... Gore Urges Floridians to Get Out and Vote
video... Kerry & Thompson on Meet the Press
video... McCain Campaigns in Virginia
video... McCain Fights On in Pennsylvania
video... McCain Interview with ABC News
video... McCain on 'SNL'
video... McCain on Good Morning America
video... McCain's Midnight Rally in Miami
video... New Ad Has Obama Praising McCain
video... New Obama Ad on Cheney's Endorsement
video... Obama Campaigns in Nevada
video... Obama in The Situation Room
video... Obama Interview with Rachel Maddow
video... Obama Mocks Cheney Endorsement of McCain
video... Obama on His Aunt Living in America
video... Obama on The Daily Show
video... Obama on the Stump in Columbus
video... Obama Talks to Brian Williams
video... Palin Campaigns in Columbus
video... Palin Interview with Greta Van Susteren
video... Palin on Good Morning America
video... RNC Robocall Uses Clinton
video... Schwarzenegger Rallies Support for McCain in Ohio
VOA News - Indonesia Steps Up Security Ahead of Bali Bombers Execution
Vote for National Survival
Voters offered free coffee, ice cream, bubbly, sex toys
Voting In The US - A Complete Waste Of Time
Waiting for Bali bomber executions
Warnings issued ahead of Bali bombers' execution
Was Jesus a Socialist That is the question.
Wayne Slate r- McCain, Obama vow to end polarization; can it work
Wealth Distribution = Socialism - Filibuster Soup
What if McCain Wins
What Makes a President Great
What Makes Your Polling Place Work — Or Not
What We Know About Obama
What Will Be Left of the GOP
What You Must Do Before You Vote
What's Going On
When asked if she'll be next vice-president, young girl responds 'You betcha!'
When The Zionists Came For...
Who Enforces the Constitution's Natural Born Citizen Clause
Who has edge in races for White House, Congress, governors
Who Is Barack Obama
Why do you think Barack Obama is so popular with the American public
Why India Shifts Its Policy on Burma
Why the World Dislikes America
Windows 7 leaks to Web, pirates downloading
Woman in financial distress deeded home but expected to stay for life
World is facing a natural resources crisis worse than financial crunch
Would create Japan's largest electronics maker
Would McCain Negotiate With Syria
WSJ Poll Obama's Lead Narrows; McCain Sees Hope Among Undecideds
YouTube - Celeb
Zambia opposition demands vote recount
Zionist Jews And The 9-11 Cover-Up
The Fourth World War - Information Clearing House - ICH