"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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05 November 2008

5 Nov '08 - The Morning After

Bloomberg's Budget To Have More Taxes Fewer Jobs
FCC Clears Google Backed Plan On Airwaves
France's Draconian Anti-Piracy Law Moves Ahead
Obama Selected As President
President Obama and the world
'A dream deeply rooted in the American Dream' comes true
'I cried a little today when I cast my vote, and I've been crying for the past few days'
'Medicare and Social Security are just blowing up ... starting to come to the fore'
'Medicare and Social Security are just blowing upand calculations are starting to come to the fore'
'My father used to tell us that there's no way this country would elect a black President'
'She can raise a crowd, for one thing, which means she can raise money'
'Techniques could be used to 'resurrect' animals or maintain valuable genomic stocks'
'The economic horizon has now significantly darkened'
'They forgot to include the 'I'm Barack Obama, and I approve this message' tagline'
'You would think his record]would be a big strike against him'
2008 campaign costliest in U.S. history - Jeanne Cummings - Politico.com
4,000 UK Troops A Yr - Mental Problems
40 die after Philippines ferry capsizes
5% of company's subscribers take up 50% of capacity
A Cry in the Wilderness, for Now
A Debt Beyond Redemption by Gary North
A GOP up-and-comer wins in Ohio
A Useful Culminating Point by William S. Lind
A Vote Decided by Turnout, Discontent
A worried America chooses its course for change
Admitted to stealing campaign signs in national political blog read by millions
Adobe Patches Acrobat, Acrobat Reader
Afghan Civilians Reported Killed in US Airstrike
Afghanistan's Downward Spiral
African-Americans Glimpse 'Promised Land'
After Obama Victory, Work Begins on Presidential Transition
After Victory, Real Work Begins For Obama
Aide to Ahmadinejad attempted to bribe lawmakers to withdraw from impeachment documents
Airlines mixed as Delta throws out some fuel surcharges
Al Franken falls short in Senate bid
Alaska Republican could win despite being found guilty of 7 felonies
Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens holds slim lead
Although woman also naked, court could not prove she exposed her genitals
Amazon.com's green idea is brown
America Has Come a Long, Long Way
America the Liberal
America Turns the Page
America's Emphatic Choice
Analysis ;Religion used to divide, mock in '08 race
ANALYSIS-Why John McCain lost the White House
Analysis.. For Obama, now comes the hard part
Andrew Wilson Herbert Hoover was no proponent of laissez-faire economics
Apple or IBM...
Apple readying software patch for quirky MacBook trackpads
Arizona senator says he remains 'servant' of 'the country I love so much'
Arizona voters OK amendment banning gay marriage
Artificial pancreas would dial up diabetes control
As McCain stumbled, Obama stood tall
Astronauts in Orbit Cast Votes From Space
At issue is practice of moving analog channels into digital tier
At least 112,000 people found to be double registered
AT&T Experimenting with 150-GB Bandwidth Cap
AT&T to try limiting subscribers' data use
Attacks continue as rocket hits Negev - Jerusalem Post
Audacity Wins
Autism link to wet climates has researchers baffled
Barack Obama 'He's been sent by God' - Telegraph
Barack Obama ,the view from China
Barack Obama starts new life as president-elect
Battlegrounds Tumble in Favor of Obama
Beijing Has Enough of Its Own Problems
Believed to have enough plutonium to produce about 1-2 dozen atomic bombs
Bernie Mac, Isaac Hayes in Soul Men encore
Big Step Across Taiwan Strait
Bill Bennett Obama's win means 'You don't take excuses anymore' from minorities
Bipartisanship Could Help Victorious Democrats
Black Panthers block African Americans from voting!
BlackBerry Bold Just a Name
Board rejects charge Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest was 'terrorist and racist'
Brake can fail to stop chain on its 1st application, posing risk of injury
brzezinski Obama Will Face “Imminent” Foreign Policy Problems
Bush 'Complete Cooperation' In Obama's Transition
Bush congratulates Obama, promises cooperation - International Herald Tribune
bush Obama's election shows 'promise of our nation' - CNN.com
Bush Pledges Complete Cooperation With Obama
Bush wishes Obama well on a 'great journey'
California gay marriage vote still undecided
California police baffled by 5 slayings
Calls Chicago radio station to trumpet confidence in Obama win
Canada's Anglican bishops delay action on gay issues
Canada's privileged position with US remains safe
Canadians for Obama, but Republicans for Canada
Caroline Kennedy says NBC newsman made Obama's short list
Change has come to America
Change wears some familar faces
Cheney's day is done
Chicago Cheers Its Adopted Son as Obama Speaks in Grant Park
Chicago property later sold to next-door neighbor, Barack Obama
Chicago's Grant Park turns into jubilation park
Chickens Coming Home to Roost
China backs Iranian full membership at SCO
China Is 'Elated' By Obama Win
China Is Becoming the Biggest Producer of Pharmaceutical Ingredients in the World
China Must Help Itself, Then Others
Chinese Strait Talk
Chose Obama over McCain by more than 2-1 margin nationally
Chris Matthews Thinks McCain Deserves Credit For Not Invoking Reverend Wright
Chuck Collins & Sam Pizzigati quote ex-prez decrying concentration of wealth
Cities rack up public artwork with bike racks
Citizens around the world hail the Obama victory
CNBC's Deutsch extols virtues of therapeutic presidency
CNN anchor 'I think that's against the law, but that's OK'
CNN reporter illegal but OK to vote twice
CNN's Election Coverage Meets Star Wars
Colombia army Gen. Mario Montoya resigns
Colombian Army Commander Resigns in Scandal Over Killing of Civilians
Colorado Independent - Elite combat brigade for homeland security missions raises ire of ACLU
Company offers voluntary severance packages, institutes global hiring freeze
Confirmation has to be verified by scientists, given by independent authority before payouts made
Conservatism Faces Challenges Ahead
Could Anything Have Prevented McCain's Defeat
Customers Pull Billions Out Of Fading UBS
De Menezes Train Eng Thought Cops Terrorists
Decisive Win Gives Dems New Clout
Deftones bassist in coma after car crash
Delusional Stocks Bullishness Amidst Collapse
Democrat senator compares law to regulation of pornography
Democrat's fierce stance against job offshoring could dash career hopes of many
Democratic majorities stronger, tougher
Democrats expand House edge with historic gains
Democrats gain in both houses, but appear short of their Senate dream
Democrats Increase Their Strength in the House, but Lose Some Races
Democrats rule Senate – but not with super majority
Democrats win 7 of 11 contested governorships
Democrats win open seats in Missouri, Delaware – incumbents sweep 6 states
Despite calling his own constituents 'rednecks,' 'racists'
Deteriorating Home Market Puts GMAC Unit at Risk
Diabetes Patients ; Fish May Help Kidneys
Disconcerting NYT editorial about American Jews and Israel
District of Columbia still has expanding economy due to government, government-related jobs
Dollar mostly lower as ECB, BoE cuts anticipated
Dutch Parliament Considering Forced Birth Control for “Unfit” Mothers
Economic Darkness Descends on Russia
Election officials treating matter as 'extremely serious'
Election over, Obama looks ahead to tasks of new job
Election Unleashes a Flood of Hope
Elite combat brigade for homeland security missions raises ire of ACLU
Emanuel, Kerry on Obama's list
Emotional Day Ends in Jubilation for Some, Stoicism for Others
Essay.. Of Kennedys and Kings - and Lincolns, too
Europe hails Obama victory
Europe's Wish List for President Obama
Evangelist Billy Graham at 90 The man is frail, the legacy strong
Even Keel for Obama in Final Turn to Election - NYTimes.com
Exclusive ; Burt Prelutsky confesses he couldn't care less how many obscure species perish
Exclusive ; Ellis Washington touts Ayn Rand's economics over those of president-elect
Exclusive ; Joseph Farah believes U.S. 'can't live freely as 1 people any longer'
Exclusive ; Mark Crutcher believes Marx,Lenin, Stalin are toasting each other in hell
Exclusive ; Tom Flannery predicts Palin-bashing now will be raised to an art form
Exit poll ..Obama image undented despite attacks
Extended Therapy Helps Drug-Addicted Teens
Facility on verge of bankruptcy after 389 detained in May
Failure to give 'mental stimulation' may be used in animal-cruelty prosecutions
FCC approves Sprint, Clearwire merger
FCC Open Free 'White Space' Spectrum
Fear venison distributed to poor may contain lead fragments if killed with firearm
Feds propose much fewer snowmobiles in Yellowstone
Fey's fans skewer those who are im-Palin Tina
Fla. board keeps Klan leader's name at high school
FLASHBACK - Obama’s National Security Group Teeming With Globalists
Florida Democrat's admission of multiple affairs too much to overcome
Florida voters pass amendment banning gay marriage
Following Oregon in allowing death by prescription
Former Army man wanted to make sure 'nothing funny happens'
Foster home sued over 9-year-old boy's starvation
Four killed in Baghdad airport road blast
Four Reasons Why US Went for Obama
French EU defence plan is not anti-NATO, minister says
From King to Obama, the Nation Heals
From Slavery to Obama
Fuel-Making Fungus Challenges Oil Creation Theory
Fungus Fuel
Future Military Uniforms to Dole out Drugs, Redefine Self-Medication
Gazprom to start exploratory gas drilling in Venezuela
Genentech seeks accelerated approval of drug to treat brain cancer
Get Government Out of Coin Manufacture by George A. Selgin
Gird Your Loins, Conservatives
Global interest in U.S. election reaches a crescendo
globeandmail.com Ever the activist, singer can't put politics aside
globeandmail.com George Hamilton ;The divine misery of a Hollywood ladies' man
Gold, Faith And Credit
Google Chrome Privacy Issues Prompts Plea To Google Execs
Google pulls out of Yahoo advertising partnership Financial News
Graphic tale of last survivor describes his ride 'in the valley of death' during Crimean War
Grave of 'petite' shaman 'unlike any other found'
Great Expectations and Business as Usual
Green groups convince judge transmission line from desert to coast hurts environment
Green Ink With Obama Victory, What Next for Energy
Grim jobs and services data greet new president
GX WebManager First With Embedded Google Analytics
Hacked into computer system, caused server to send out spam messages, blocked e-mail access
Hail to the Chief
Happy Days Are Here Again
Have Your Say map US Election result
Henry Schein sees weak economy helping acquisitions
High court conservatives favor indecency rule
Hillary's Grace
Hispanics, young voters, women help Obama win
Homer and homers highlight weeklong ratings
Hoping that cutting thousands of jobs can help it survive consumers reluctant to spend
House Dems win their biggest majority in 15 years
House to seek quick economic stimulus passage
How much change
How Obama Bent the Arc of History
How the GOP can recover
HPV Gardasil Vaccine Fraud
I Didn't Vote! by David Bardallis
Intel's Atom boosts chip market, but tough times loom
Iran ; Obama election inspires even if played down
Iran warns U.S. military after Obama win - Reuters
Iraq ; No hasty change in US policy with Obama win - International Herald Tribune
Iraq confident Obama won't withdraw troops too quickly
Iraqis Look Ahead to Their Elections
Is a 'global superorganism' in our future
Is the Sun Changing
Islamists stoned her to death for being raped
Israel responds to barrage launched from Gaza
Israel-Hamas violence disrupts Gaza truce - Reuters
Israel-Hamas violence disrupts Gaza truce
Israeli police to grill Olmert on graft suspicions
IT professionals stationed in U.S. may become victims of outsourcing to their country
It's the Economy Stupid, Kinda
It’s jubilation in Kogelo as history is made
It’s Obama
Jack Kevorkian says political system is corrupt'
Jackson; For African-Americans, Obama victory is reconciliation, for whites, redemption
Jefferson hopes to continue surviving scandal
John Bolton; Letter to the next president - Telegraph
Joining 27 other states in calling for 1-man-1-woman limits
Judge tells woman, 37, she's old enough to know better
Judie Brown notes how culture divorced 'the mystery of genuine love' from sex
Justices Ponder TV’s ‘Fleeting Expletives’
Karzai 'demands' Obama end civilian deaths after latest incident
Karzai appeals to Obama over civilian deaths
Kenya Celebrates President-elect Obama as Native Son
Key 'red' states swing Democrat,paving way for decisive victory
Largest African Free Trade area to become reality
Leaflet provides detailed instructions on how to select Democrat
Legislative Chamber passes SCO friendship agreement
Let the Change begin Obama considers Corzine for Treasury Secretary
Lieberman vows to work with President-elect Obama
Local News Wash. voters approve assisted suicide initiative
Lost children of DR Congo war search for their missing parents
Lost NASA Ozone Hole Movie
Magazine had already cut back to biweekly from weekly publication
Magnetic Portals Connect Sun And Earth
Major ethanol producer files for bankruptcy
Making Lemonade; Being Republican in an Obama America
Man brandishing nightstick says, 'We're tired of white supremacy'
Man convicted of killing wife, stepson over church
Man steals more than 130 panties from Dallas store
McCain Concedes Defeat
McCain concedes, acknowledges historic achievement
McCain Concedes
McCain concession casts pall over Wasilla rally
McCain's Concession
Medvedev calls for a New World Order.
Medvedev hopes Obama will try to improve U.S. ties with Russia
Meth, cash found in boy's Halloween trick or treat bag
Mexican Authorities Search Site of Crash That Killed Mourino
Mexican Govt Ministers Die In Jet Crash
Mexico's interior minister and 13 others die in jet crash
Michael Calderone's Blog Rep. Lewis 'a nonviolent revolution' - Politico.com
Michelle Obama a new type of First Lady - Times Online
Microsoft Offers Free Software to Startups
Missouri official threatens prosecution for attempts to mislead voters
Mistrial declared in Ariz. border agent's retrial
Mom gets 15 years for teen killing
Monday, November 03 - transcripts ....Fmr. Govs. Vilsack and Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Monday, November 03 - transcripts ....Interview with Cindy McCain
Monday, November 03 - transcripts ....Obama Interview with Katie Couric
More US kids being treated for chronic diseases
Moves aimed at applying diplomatic pressure on Israel to stop construction in settlements
MTV Networks in deal to monetize uploaded videos
Much of the World Applauds Obama
Murtha Wins Re-Election in Pennsylvania
My Way News - McCain concedes presidency, congratulates Obama
My Way News - Obama victory sparks cheers around the globe
My Way News - President-elect Obama faces daunting challenges
Narcissists Tend to Become Leaders
NASA sends 'please wake up' call to Phoenix lander
Nat Hentoff laments Democrat no longer defends free speech on airwaves
Near-Flawless Run
Nearing Impact A U.S. Debt Crash Course
Neighbors at odds over noise from wind turbines
Netflix Stops Selling DVDs
Networks lose ground in the fall TV season
New Cuban Escape Route Mexico
New Drug Said to Trick Body Into Burning Fat Regardless of Diet
New ways to mitigate migraines
No explanation for 12-foot rogues that caused $10,000 to $20,000 damage
No mandate for Obama, no lopsided Congress - Robert Novak
No New Mac Products Before 2009 Says Apple
Now That Obama Has Won . . . There is No Excuse
Now the Chinese know the Guangxu Emperor was poisoned. But by whom - Times Online
Now to Governing
Now we can say President Obama
Number Of Jews In Congress May Reach New Record
NYC mayor; US must now unite
Obama 'This is your victory' - CNN.com
Obama and the Supreme Court
Obama elected president
Obama Faces A Dangerous World
Obama faces dangerous crises from day 1
Obama Foreign Policy May Keep Some Bush Initiatives
obama Government Should “Change Behavior” by Raising Energy Bills
Obama Leveraged Record Fundraising, Spending to Defeat Rivals
Obama makes history; turns to sobering challenges
Obama Offers Chief of Staff to Rahm Emanuel
Obama quickly looks ahead
Obama rides wind of change to historic US victory
Obama to Be the Next President
Obama turns to task of building administration
Obama victory signals new push for unity
Obama Victory Will Change America
Obama vows to be president for all; seeks patience
Obama Win Fails To Rouse Markets
Obama win may bring good times for sustainability
Obama win sparks celebrations outside White House
Obama Win Will Not Change Rigged Economy
Obama Wins , What It Means for Health Care
Obama Wins White House, Becomes First Black President
Obama Won with Clear Message of Change
Obama's 'Crime Policy' Assures Coming Crime Wave
Obama's election redraws America's electoral divide
Obama's historic journey shows how far U.S. has come
Obama's Historic Victory
Obama's Kenyan relatives elated, holiday declared
Obama's Post-Racial Promise
Obama's promises, vision to collide with reality
Obama's victory met with tears and traffic jams
Obama's victory speech One for the ages
Obama's victory, Democratic gains will change Washington agenda
Obama, 'A funny name,' a compelling story
Obama, A new dawn for America
Obama, McCain propose longer use – 1 in 80 chance of losing crew on each launch
Obama’s turnout historical in numbers, diversity
officials Emanuel offered chief of staff job
OH Secy State Gets Guards After Death Threats
Oil Price Up As Saudis Cut Production
Oil slides below $68 as demand ebbs
Oklahoman seeks to set record for weather balloon inflation
Old-school moderate Connecticut Republican Shays goes down in defeat
One Free-Thinking African American
Only Problem with Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Search Is It's Awful
Ordered to 'hold and die' – stopped advance of 20,000 North Vietnamese with 600 men
Over 1 Trillion Dollars Worth of Credit Default Swaps Against Governments
Palestinians Welcome Obama Election, Israelis Skeptical
Palin loses; Alaska weighs Sen. Stevens' future
Pat Buchanan wonders when Republicans will repudiate policies that sunk W's popularity
Pelosi renews call new economic stimulus bill
Pentagon Ready to Brief Incoming Administration Immediately
Perfect solution for pet-loving families who don't have space for animals
Phyllis Schlafly combats growth of teaching that emphasizes U.S. as oppressor nation
Plane crash kills Mexico's interior minister
Plane Crash Kills Mexico’s Point Man in Drug War
Planning to burn Ronald in effigy to protest wages, hours
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner is 'high maintenance,' ex Holly Madison says
Plenty of pressing matters await next president
politics-us Top Obama Advisor Has Long Ties to Neocons
Powell calls Obama's election 'historic'
President Barack Obama
President Dmitri Medvedev orders missiles deployed in Europe as world hails Obama - Times Online
President Obama - washingtonpost.com
president-elect 'I need your help, you're a leader on so many important issues'
President-Elect Barack Obama Captures The Imagination Of The World
President-elect Obama faces daunting challenges
President-elect reportedly will tap Illinois congressman Rahm Emanuel
Profiles of new governors
Profiles of new US senators
Public universities look more attractive but beleaguered states may need to hike fees
RAND Corporation 'Reorganizing U.S. Domestic Intelligence'
Reaction to Obama elected 1st black US president
Reaction to Obama Winning Presidency
Recount likely in Minnesota US Senate race
Reeves Not Liable for Injuries
Registered sex offender takes shotgun blastto chest as he breaks through basement door
Reject plan to set up challenge to Roe v. Wade
Remembering Days When Obama Talked Pitching
Renewable Energy Industry Says the Future Looks Bright
Report; Drilling on U.S. lands could be faster - USATODAY.com
Republicans Got the Thumping They Deserve
Republicans Ponder Path to Renewal After Party Suffers a Harsh Setback - WSJ.com
Restocking For Another Decade Of War Part One
Results of some notable ballot measures
Resveratrol - Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, Muscle Gain
Ron Paul on Rachel Maddow Show
Russia Plays Mediator
Russia to base missiles on EU border Medvedev
Russia Warns of New Missile Deployment
Russia's 'Wake Up Call' To America
Saks To Close Club Libby Lu Chain After 5 Turbulent Years
SanDisk cranks up solid-state drive speed
Says bucking EU's 'bonkers' regulations could lower produce prices by up to 40%
Scanner 'reads minds' to spot early signs of dementia
Schedule includes campaign response to questions on Obama birthplace
See Obama's victory speech in Chicago
Send Fake Calls to Your iPhone
Seniors' disposable income doesn't match strain on nation's social services
Sensenbrenner Says Real ID Would Have Prevented 9-11 Terrorists From Boarding Planes
site - CheapBooks® - Buy Cheap Books Textbooks Used Books
Six French aid workers kidnapped in Somalia
Skin color 'important' to nearly 1 in 5 voters – more of them voted for Democrat
Smoking raises food insecurity risk
Some experts claim old way of compensating workers may soon have to change
Soul of the Age ; The Life, Mind and World of William Shakespeare by Jonathan Bate, review - Telegraph
Spendster.org gives opportunity to reveal uncontrollable splurges
Spot portrays missionaries invading lesbians' home
Stage set for Bali bombers' execution in Indonesia
State opens doors to 'gay' marriage in 1 week
Stocks ; New president, same problems
Stooges Mania! The (Nyuk Nyuk) Dream Team
Study ; Folic acid, B vitamins offer no cancer protection
Sudden Death Risk Highest 30 Days After Heart Attack
Swiss financial guru sees gloom for global bourses
Swiss Financial Guru Sees US Bankruptcy
Taiwan protest over Beijing envoy
Termination Fees Are Focus of Sprint Suit
Text of McCain's concession speech
That's What Elections Are For
The American Eagle Needs Two Wings to Soar
The Bailout; More Changes, More Questions
The Challenge For Obama, No Time for Laurels; Now the Hard Part
The Change Prescription
The Change Prescription
The Decency of George W. Bush
The Fed as a central bank to the world
The Great Fear of the Unknown
The Joy Of Being Gentile
The Lew Rockwell Show - 61. Genocide Revisited
The Obama Revolution
The Polls Were Right
The Role of Race, It Was Important
The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace - WSJ.com
The True Name of Barack Obama's Change Intolerance
TheHill.com - Schumer on Fox ;Fairness Doctrine ‘fair and balanced’
TiE to Support Microsoft BizSpark as Global Network Partner
Transcripts.... President Bush on Obama's Victory
Transcripts.... McCain's Concession Speech
Transcripts.... Obama's Victory Speech
Transformational Presidency
Treatment of Bush Simply A Disgrace
Troops hope Obama brings them home responsibly
Troubled company regrets paying for Texas excursion after it was seized by government
U.S. meatpacker files for bankruptcy protection
U.S., N. Koreans to discuss nuclear weapons
UK Big Brother Road Toll Devices To Be Tested
UK Company Offers “Carbon Credit” Gift Packs
UK Govt Will Collect, Store Every Email
Union for Mediterranean FMs look to bridge differences
Unused, unlicensed portions of television airwaves opened to deliver wireless service
Uptick in Baghdad attacks reveals new insurgent tactics
US 'Defensive' Missiles Unwanted By Czechs
US election ; George Bush congratulates president-elect Barack Obama World news guardian.co.uk
US election The silent minority of non-voters
US election What lies ahead for John McCain
US Elections 2008 In quotes US election reaction
US Entering Its Darkest Period In History
US Housing Market Nightmare - Next Phase
US Service Sector Contracts
Vasko Kohlmayer spotlights Putin's historical revisionism glorifying Soviet 'heroes'
Venezuela Buys Chinese Jets
Video - Biden Doesn't Want to Presume Anything
video - Black Panthers Block Voters In Philly
Video - McCain Excited, Glad to Have Run
Video - McCain's Concession Speech
Video - Obama Interview with Las Vegas TV Station
Video - Obama's Interview with Katie Couric
Video - Obama's Victory Speech
Video - Palin Votes, Talks to Press
video - President Bush on Obama's Victory
VIDEO - Schumer on Fox Fairness Doctrine ‘fair and balanced’
Video - Schumer on The Fairness Doctrine
video - Tiny Homes Becoming Popular
Video - Vilsack and Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
VIDEO - We Are CHANGE Destroys Karl Rove
video TSA Agents Searching People at New Hampshire Town Hall Meeting
Violent video games linked to child aggression
Virginia's new senator has no shortage of energy
Virtual world celebrates Obama's win
Vote Early, Vote Often
Voter Info Dumped On Side Of FL Hwy
Voter turnout best in generations, maybe a century
Voters 65 and older only age group to go McCain's way
Voters backing same-sex marriage ban
Voters pass Proposal 1, support letting severely ill grow own pot
Voters Rebuke Republicans for Economic Failure
Walter E. Williams ;'The blame for our current financial mess rests with government'
Was McCain Doomed to Lose
Washington gears up for inaugural blow-out
We are going to the White House, says Obama's grandmother
We Face a Juggernaut
We Should Know Better
We Will Be Back
Weakening U.S. dollar could be attracting traders to crude
Web video triggers outrage 'Challenge me, just wait and see how I will deal with you'
Weird, wacky programs include iCycle, iThrown, iBubbleWrap, iClouds
What Happened in 1980 by Wilton D. Alston
What I Will Miss About President Bush
What numbers so far tell us
What Obama Means to This Nation
What Obama presidency means for clean tech
What Obama's Win Means
Where Obama stands on the issues
White Americans play major role in electing the first black president
White Americans Play Major Role in Obama's Election
Why McCain and the Republicans Went Down
Why McCain Lost
Why New Bretton Woods Is Vital
Will a Black President Heal the Racial Divide
Will President-elect Barack Obama be a friend of the arts
Will The Bailout Be More Costly Than Promised
Will The Supreme Court Install Another President
Wingnuts Thrash Around for Excuses Even Before Their Epic Fail
Withdrawal of Combat Troops from Iraq
Woman arrested for calling Japanese police 7,177 times
Woman suspended without pay for warning to unruly students
World Exclusive; E. Howard Hunt Details JFK-Plot on Video
World hails Obama's 'brilliant' victory
World hopes for a 'less arrogant America'
World Recession Already Underway
Yahoo May Embrace Microsoft Without Google's Help
Yes They Can Change sweeps through legislatures
Young voters help put Obama over the top
zimbabwe Govt Accuses Botswana of 'Extreme' Provocation

site - Census Bureau
site - fuelgaugereport.com-
Anaheim officer mistakenly kills man on his front lawn
Author Michael Crichton dies, 66
De Menezes Train Eng Thought Cops Terrorists
Dimming down How the brainpower of today's 14-year-olds has slipped 'radically' in just one generation
Dumbing down outcry as one in five GCSE pupils thinks the Sun orbits the Earth Take our test to see if you can do any better!
EU Set to Move 'Internet of Things' Closer to Reality
GM Genocide - 100,000+ Indian Farmers Suicide
Is Money the Root to all Evil
McCain asks backers to support Obama
Obama's Victory In Context Of History
Obama's Win A Nonviolent Revolution
Russia, Libya Sign New Nuclear Deal
Schoolboy, 15, held as terror suspect after taking photos of railway station for GCSE project
Scientists Decode Set of Cancer Genes - NYTimes.com
site - Familiar Quotations
site - 10,000-Year Calendar!
site - 50states.com - States and Capitals
site - Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary
site - Anatomy of the Human Body
site - Calculate your BMI - Standard BMI Calculator
site - CIA - The World Factbook
site - Debt to the Penny - treasurydirect.gov
site - Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible with Search, Holy Scriptures.
site - Foreign Words and Phrases — Infoplease.com
site - Introduction to the Bible Wheel - The Geometric Structure of the Bible
site - Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center
site - quoteland.com
site - Radio-Locator
site - Robert’s Rules of Order Revised for Deliberative Assemblies
site - The American Heritage Book of English Usage
site - The Holy Bible King James Version.
site - timeanddate.com
site - Top 30 Blogs - eBizMBA
site - U.S. and World Population Clocks - POPClocks
site - Virtual Perpetual Calendars
site - World Time Zone Map
Skydiver Dies in Second Fatal Jump at Virginia Airport in 2 Months
Text of McCain's concession speech
The Associated Press Obama makes history; turns to sobering challenges
The Century of the Self
US 'Defensive' Missiles Unwanted By Czechs
US election Sarah Palin's place in Republican party uncertain after John McCain's defeat World news
Vatican stalling on secret files which could prove wartime Pope ignored Holocaust
Washington Times - Mexico says jet crash is likely an accident
Why the future doesn't need us.
‘John McCain was never tortured in my jail’, says Tran Trong Duyet