"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

02 November 2008

2 November -

2012 totally debunked!
AFP IMF needs hundreds of billions of dollars more Brown
Akkadian (Cuneiform) - Akkadian (Cuneiform) Language
And the winner is Obama-Biden (2008 ATS Presidential Poll)
BELLACIAO - A message to all Australians, are you out of your fuckin’ minds - Australia’s Internet censorship
BELLACIAO - A Single Lifetime
BELLACIAO - Abortion Government’s Choice
BELLACIAO - MacCain War Hero or War Criminal
Culture War or Class War
FindLaw's Writ - Dean The Evidence Establishes, without Question, that Republican Rule Is Dangerous Why It Is High Time to Fix This Situation, For the Good of the Nation
Global Starvation Ignored by American Policy Elites - Project Censored
ICE arrests former Agriprocessors CEO
is this NASA video Proof that E.T.'s are trying to contact us
Legal Texts and Laws of the Ancient Past
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis Pension Time Bomb Explodes In US and Canada
Population Connection - Factoid Archive
Population Connection Fact Sheets
President Eisenhower's farewell address to the nation, January 1961 speech »
PublicEye.org - FBI COINTELPRO Files - Archival Collection
Saving Monsignor Ryan Refuting the Myths of Neoconservative Roman Catholic Economics
Shambala Inner Earth City protected by Tibetan monks
The moronic tyranny of the there´s no proof crowd,
TSA Reaches Agreement with European Union on Cargo Screening Standards for Commercial Passenger Aircraft
World Mysteries - Ancient Wisdom
World Mysteries - Ancient Writings - Bible
World Mysteries - Ancient Writings Upanishads
World Mysteries - Ancient Writings, Sacred Symbols
World Mysteries - Articles by Colin Low on Kabbalah
World Mysteries - Nostradamus
YouTube - Race and Immigration Behind the Debate
Ayers a guest in McCain's glass house Information Clearing House - ICH
Thirty Years Too Late Information Clearing House - ICH
What About Syria’s and Pakistan’s Sovereignty Information Clearing House - ICH
Questions raised over Syrian complicity in US raid Information Clearing House - ICH
The Evidence Establishes, Without Question, That Republican Rule Is Dangerous Information Clearing House - ICH
U.S Gap Between Rich and Poor Widening! Email Print Information Clearing House - ICH
Ecuador alleges 'clear' signs of CIA infiltration Information Clearing House - ICH
The Bush-Obama-McCain Administration Information Clearing House - ICH
Avraham Burg Israel's new prophet Information Clearing House - ICH
An 'Earth' Near Spock's Star It's Logical
BBC NEWS Americas Bolivia halts US anti-drugs work
Gordon Brown says government cannot ensure data safety - Times Online
insane films
internet radio
Lunar Entreprenuers Contract For Help From NASA
Magnetic Portals Connect Sun And Earth
Memo Discloses How Blair Aided Murdoch
Mexico Sees Increase In UFO Sightings
Military Investigates Amnesia Beams
Nasa defends rocket to Moon that could shake astronauts to death - Times Online
rudiments of wisdom
Saddam Hussein’s body was stabbed in the back, says guard - Times Online
Scandanavian Countries May Need To Adopt Euro
search engines.net
Talking Security Cameras Installed In LA Area
time warp
U.S. Border Patrol Arrest Mexican Troops
UK May Hire Foreign Soldiers To Police Country
world mysteries
An Election Plea To Those Who Love Israel
Auctioning off the middle class
Barack Obama Red Diaper Baby
Bretton Woods II Stiglitz calls for new monetary order
California to Cut Water Deliveries to Cities, Farms
Conservatism's blonde moment
Conyers calls for investigation into leak of info about Obama's aunt
Dreams from Frank Marshall Davis
Escape plan for liberals if McCain-Palin win
Evidence of sunspot involvement in climate change compelling
Evita Peron Obama
Fighting with photons The most famous weapon of science fiction is rapidly becoming fact
Getting the 'Ayers Issue' Straight
Gloves Come off in Idaho (It's About Time!)
Has Obama Overplayed the Race Card
Hey Barack Share Share is not always Fair
Homeland Security Program Riddled With Problems
In the Last Six Weeks, the Federal Reserve Has Doubled the Amount of Total Credit in the Banking System Since 1913
Moscow denies Pentagon claims of ’stolen’ Russian nuclear weapons
Obama - the two dimensional president
Obama and the Fate of the Democratic Party
Obama Aunt here illegally - and contributed to his campaign
Obama promises a press conference - for Wednesday
Obama runs against Clinton prosperity by attacking deregulation
Obama the Justifier
Obama to Critics Just Shut Up
Obama's Adam Smith Problem
Obama's brags his 'Cap and Trade' plan will 'bankrupt' coal plant builders
Soros-backed Think Tank Readying Obama
Spotting the Camouflaged Candidate
Spreading the Wealth and Killing the Goose
State of Hawaii avers Obama Birth Certificate genuine
The first Boys From Brazil Nazi graveyard discovered deep in the Amazon rainforest
The Obama Bubble Could Cost the Democrats
Ukraine Bans Three Russian TV Stations
US air force inks 'tactical' space-war deal
Was Jesus a Socialist That is the question.

'My Heart and My Values Didn't Change'
As Taliban Overwhelm Police, Pakistanis Hit Back - NYTimes.com
Barack Obama 'could worsen crisis' Rupert Murdoch The Australian
Barack Obama’s family in Kenya stops media interviews Ethiopian Review
Biden promises a bipartisan spirit in White House - Yahoo! News
Boehner stumps for McCain in Oxford - Front Page
Breakthrough in treatment for childhood cancer - Telegraph
Call to investigate leaked call between Rudd and Bush The Australian
Cheney says McCain 'understands danger' facing US
China handing down 'death sentence' to Tibetans Dalai Lama
Church mourns their dead pastor Cincinnati Enquirer Cincinnati.Com
CNN Political Ticker All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin makes pitch to seniors in central Florida « - Blogs from CNN.com
Defeat fears put Hollywood on edge - US Election - smh.com.au
Granddad's crime shatters once-close family ajc.com
Hidden Audio Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry NewsBusters.org
How Low Can It Go Richardson Pegs Middle Class as Those Making Under $120,000 - FOXNews.com Elections
IRS, Justice Target Undisclosed Assets In Swiss Accounts
Israeli security chief warns of assassination - Yahoo! News
Mexican troops stray across border www.azstarnet.com ®
My Way News - Obama says he didn't know aunt's illegal status
My Way News - Obama takes campaign battle to GOP territory
Obama and McCain hurtle into final 48 hours
Obama aunt leak raises questions - Carrie Budoff Brown - Politico.com
Poll California gay marriage campaign tightens
The Columbus Dispatch Report of suspicious powder at high school a false alarm
The man for the moment Hillary Clinton makes the case for Barack Obama
US Navy intercepts missile shot from Hawaii base - Yahoo! News
YouTube - Obama Civilian Security
'I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated'
'I love rich people! I want all of you to be rich. Go for it'
'I'm almost certain that lots and lots of people will come [to the funeral]'
'I'm trying to stick to the sale items and the essentials'
'If there was a problem with me being a felon, they would have told me'
'If this is how he takes care of his family, what will he do to yours'
'It looks like something completely different when seen through a rear-view mirror'
'John McCain and Sarah Palin they call this socialistic'
'Missing money,' checkered past dog campaigner behind mercy mission to Gaza
'More people are willing to come forward now that more people are talking about this'
'My country has never had to prove anything to me, my friends'
'People go into the discussion area and say, 'This is my situation, what should I do''
'President Bling-Bling' New YouTube hit pokes fun at status-conscious politician
'Pro-choice people ... have absolutely no idea of the depth and intensity of the moral outrage'
'Real need for a film that emotionally engages audiences on ... the birth of Islam'
'Right-wing conspiracy' leader pushes congressman who called constituents racists
'Scandal of mammoth proportions' 1-3 of bank's value surrendered in agreement
'Serious since the routine deviation has been going on for a long time'
'Serious since the routine deviationhas been going on for a long time'
'So open-ended ... they can basically do whatever they want to with the money'
'That's where I go totally berserk or just freak everybody out'
'The effect has been really global with over 2,000 domains compromised'
'There is no telling how many voters it frightened away'
'There's Joe the Plumber, Joe Sixpack and my personal favorite, Joe Biden'
'They are different in terms of beauty, shape and how eye-catching they are'
'They're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted'
'This is the worst possible time to even consider raising taxes'
'Thought reform' dropped in 2008, but 3 times proposed for 2009
'Tunnel owners have money and respect. They are the football stars of Rafah'
'We are about to set a course that will affect our country for generations'
'We have a righteous wind at our back,' says candidate
'We reward people violating our laws, and we penalize people here legally'
'We're respected because we provide people with what they need to live'
'You know we have a lot in common also because from my house I can see Belgium'
1 Trojan + 3 years = 500000 online financial accounts
1000's Of Lawyers For Obama Head To FL
109-year-old Texas woman casts her ballot by mail
13-year-old questioned for 19 hours, says cops ignored her pleas for parents
2007 interview Proposes governmentcreate 'price signals' to control behavior
27000 vote early in region
30,000 Indonesians left homeless by 2-year flow from 'volcano'
56-year-old residing in Boston slum ignored judge's order 4 years ago
6 wounds claimed – government denies any mutilation to executed leader
A Full Plate in January
A Huge Cache of Stolen Financial Data
A Middle East Vote
A Soldier Makes a Case for McCain
Accusations of money laundering, failure to live in district getting scrutiny
Air force chief claims country trapped into attacking Pearl Harbor
Al Gore campaigns in West Palm Beach for Obama
Al-Qaeda propaganda chief killed in Pakistan strike officials
All the Ingredients for a Historic Meltdown
Almost Half of Women Have Sexual Problems
Americans among those told rabbis will no longer honor their faith
Anatomy of an Anatomy of a Smear of a Smear
Anthrax hoax suspect is free on bail despite strong protest
Applying money to pay, pensions for executives will be criminal offense
Asks 5-year-olds to promise to defend transgender, bisexual students
AT&T Hands Out Free Wi-Fi To iPhones, BlackBerry
Axelrod, Davis Offer Competing Views on '08 Race
Back In Biz Is Hardy Hubble
Bali steps up security ahead of bombers' executions
Bank crisis will hobble new president's plans
Barack Obama is a President for Modern Times
Bat Disease Fungus Identified
Being 'All You Can Be' Didn't List 'Torturer'
Ben Affleck Brilliant as Overdone Keith Olbermann
Bernanke Says the US Needs to Maintain a Role in Mortgage Securities
Biden continues linking McCain to Bush
Billionaire says 'male acquaintance' threatened to release pictures of their encounters
Blasts mass immunization program as 'experiment,' charges inadequate safety testing
Board feared 'fallout' could affect employees, shareholders
Bomb injures 7 policemen in southern Russia
Both Prop. 8 sides hope for final surge
Brown - Govt Can't Ensure Data Safety
Brown Takes IMF Begging Bowl To MidEast
Bypassed normal channels to lend $53 million, interest free, to 'unstable' country
C&L Live Chat with Stefan Forbes On Boogie Man The Lee Atwater Story
Campaign Against Israeli Genocide
Campaigns Confident Ahead Of Election Day
Campaigns uncork get-out-the-vote operations
Candidates deploy to battleground states
Cautious joy as blacks imagine Obama win
Charges agency encouraged political unrest that killed 19 people in September
Cheney Endorses McCain, Obama Unloads
Cheney stars in new Obama campaign ad
China handing down 'death sentence' to Tibetans Dalai Lama
China Toy Makers Face Bleak Christmas
Chris 'fought a heroic lifelong battle with heart disease'
Cited outspoken critic who blames U.S. agriculture policy for obesity, diabetes
Closing the Deal in Pennsylvania
Combined Therapy Is Reported to Ease Anxiety in Children
Congo aid to cross into battle zone
Constitutional crisis feared over Obama's 'qualifications'
Conyers calls on Homeland Security to investigate source of story on Obama relative
Crude prices slipped below $65 a barrel at week's end
Damn the polls, full speed ahead at McCain rallies
Daniel J. Flynn previews ballot measure bringing state in line with New Hampshire
Data reveals Hitler's direct responsibility for Kristallnacht
Delta gets its chance to dominate aviation
Democrat candidate offers driver's licenses, Social Security benefits to non-citizens
Democrat told radio station of difficulties for blacks in America
Denies knowledge of aunt's illegal status, says laws should be followed
Denies spot pulled due to criticism – promises response message to Democrat
Developing Set To Overtake West
Dialing for Obama or McCain
Different Party, Different Rules
Divided Government's Good for America
Drugmakers are already looking to genetics to develop treatments
Effort Aims To Counter Christian Zionism
Election 2008 Will Have a Lasting Impact
Election to benefit some industries, harm others
Equal Outcome vs. Equal Opportunity
Equipment picks Ralph Nader when John McCain is chosen
Even reliably red Montana in play as Election Day looms
Even with volume discounts, complete projection system costs $70,000 per screen
Everything from polling location to debate videos to 'Saturday Night Live' skits
Excess Weight Gain During Pregnancy a Risk to Mother and Child
Exclusive - Ellis Washington reports on campus debate in which he played John McCain
Exclusive - George Austin cites blackout of constitutional candidates among activist groups
Exclusive - Gerald Christian Nordskog urges a 'yes' vote on Proposition 8 in California
Exclusive - Greg Laurie explains difference between hypocrites and everyday sinners
Exclusive - Henry Lamb warns if Obama should lose, 'look out for flying debris'
Exclusive - Jack Cashill adds yet more evidence to media-ignored Obama scam
Exclusive - Joseph Farah belatedly discovers perfect title for his election book
Exclusive - Melanie Morgan notes Pa. voters can choose either a war hero or a gasbag
Exclusive - Pat Boone sees America on cusp of choosing capitulation over freedom
Exclusive - Patrice Lewis combats transformationof citizens into dogs obeying government masters
Exclusive -Jeffrey Epstein & Harvey Kushner say action meant to divert from security issue
Exclusive -Stephen B. Johnston sees final-battle pieces falling into place by 2030
Exclusive, David Kupelian explains the growing fascination with all things 'magick'
Exclusive, Jack Cashill adds yet more evidence to media-ignored Obama scam
Experience in Senate could help next president
Expert's Fear Over Garasil Vaccine
Exposure to plastic chemical BPA may affect behaviors
Extraordinary Election Season Nears Its Conclusion
Facing fraud investigations, prosecutions, over aggressive 'voter registration' drives
Fallujah's Sewer To Nowhere
Fast-food outlets changing offerings, raising prices to reflect higher costs
Fate Rests on Who Will Turnout to Vote
FDA Needs To Reconsider Its Tolerance Regarding BPA
Feds investigating leak about Obama's aunt
Five Reasons IBM Is Scared Of Losing Exec To Apple
FLASHBACK -Exclusive.. Joseph Farah blasts Obama plan for taxpayer-funded boot camp for radicals
flyers 'If you do not leave, you will be slaughtered in 3 days'
Foreigners cannot donate money to U.S. presidential candidates
Fox Cancels ‘King of the Hill’
FOX News Sunday Wallace Asks If The 50 State Strategy Is Arrogant On Obama's Part
Free Sarah Palin She Did It
Free The Palestinian Journalists
funnies McCain on SNL
Gates - US Needs To Resume Nuke Testing
Gay marriage votes may show changing US
Gazprom To Start Gas Drilling In Venezuela
Germans Freeze ¤30B Property Funds
Getting Ahead When the Market Isn't
Global pile-up ahead as US auto industry loses its drive
Goering's grandniece says she's trying to cleanse herself of family name
Google patches Android security flaw
GOP tries balance-of-power argument
Government tacitly admits contamination by industrial chemical widespread in food supply
Gullible Limbaugh, exemplar of the right
Hangover After the Election Party
Health minister urges Scots to talk about sexual issues
HI Agrees W-Martin - Obama COLBs Are False
Hillary Clinton hits Florida and urges her fans to back Obama
History in the Making
Hospital Fires 20 Employees for Violating Richard Collier's Privacy
House GOP leader uses expletive to describe Obama
How an Obama presidency could change comedy
Hudson Victim -- Murdered by His Own Gun
Human rights group Killers charged 13-year-old with adultery
If Obama wins . . .
In Ohio, McCain Is Everywhere Even if Joe the Plumber Isn’t
In One County, Gusts of Change
India, China Attempt to Cushion Economies From Global Crisis
Internet collaboration still in infancy Wikipedia founder
Investors muster gains at end of one of worst months in Wall Street history
Iowa Meatpacker Defaulted on Loan, Bank Says
Iraq May Be Obama's First 'Test'
Iraqis divided over which US candidate can rebuild
Iraqis watching US election
Is The Dollar Back
Israel promises action on illegal settlements 02-11 1849 CET
It's No Joke - Palin Caught!
It's Not The Economy, Stupid!
Italy's Berlusconi - Russia Should Join EU
Japan Plans $51 Billion in Stimulus to Economy
Jews Fear Anti-Israeli Sentiment In Germany
Joining China in requiring content to be filtered for all users
Jonathan Falwell shares father's words about Reagan as exhortation for voters
Judge orders King's daughter to start documenting mother's personal papers again
Judge Seeks Wiretapping Documents
Judge tells White House to release wiretapping docs
Jumping The McCain Ship
Kosovo Again in Peril
Latest newspaper endorsements in presidential race
Lawsuit accuses state of giving $9 million to abortionists, despite ban
Left Academics Buck 'Noble Savage' Consensus
Listeria Rise Caused By Dated Food Use
Local chief has already seized 5 properties, now all derelict
Local Dentist Wants To Buy Back Halloween Candy
Love her or hate her, Palin is GOP's lightning rod
Low-income Users Latch on to IPhone
Machinists ratify Boeing pact, set to resume work
Maddow to Kit Bond Teh Gay Is Not Catching
Make playthings yourself, and pup or cat will be just as happy
Man broke rules, entered cage of lion-tiger cross during feeding time
Mandelson Refuses To List Oligarch Meetings
Massage parlors don't want police to be able to prove true nature of business if raided
McCain aide says he's strong in 'real' Virginia
McCain and Palin stump in Pennsylvania and Ohio
McCain Asks for Virginia Win in Newport News
McCain campaigns for a comeback in Pennsylvania
McCain declares 'I know we're going to win'
McCain Doesn't Let Up in the Final Days
McCain faults rival's patriotism
McCain gets mean
McCain is the Clear Choice for America
McCain Sure He's On the Bus to D.C.
McCain's Vetting Crew Strikes Out. Again.
McCain’s final stop Prescott, Arizona
Medicare won't pay for errors anymore
Michigan woman only has Halloween treats for kids who support McCain
Money makes the political world go around
Monitor says terrorists wants Democrat to pull troops so they can 'claim victory'
More Radical Than the Warren Court
Mortgage modification nation Gentlemen, start your engines
Mother says shooting victim was 'mama's boy'
Must It Always Be About Sex
Mystery Space Machines - Part 18
N Korea Releases Photo Of Kim
Nation already battling backlash from melamine found in milk, eggs
Neither camp concerned about issue of Obama's aunt
Neo-Nazis, Obama, and the real domestic terrorists
Netflix, TiVo team up after 4-year courtship
New Gaddafi Energy Ties With Russia
New visitors center will document religious heritage
New York pair makes trip from India after absentee ballots fail to arrive
North Korea's Kim Jong Il is seen smiling at soccer game
O'Reilly to the rescue Will provide 'checks and balances' for the liberal media if Obama wins
Obama and Netanyahu The Odd Couple
Obama and the Politics of Security
Obama Draws Thousands in Pueblo
Obama Has the Vision and Judgment to Lead
Obama interpreted
Obama likely the Jackie Robinson of politics
Obama Presidency Could Reshape Courts
Obama takes battle to Republican territory
Obama tech advisor sounds cautious notes at one-man debate
Obama Wants To Force People To Go Green
Obama's Agenda Is Radically Gay
Obama's colleague saw Robert Kennedy's assassin as 'political prisoner'
Obama's Contempt For Our Constitution
Obama's Long, Impressive Campaign
Obama's Winning Argument
Obama, McCain plot transition of power
Obama-McCain race deserves 'historic' label
Obama’s got Powell, but McCain’s got Cheney…
One in five homeowners with mortgages underwater
One-party rule as old as the United States
Opera Mini Not Rejected
Organization sued to have roadside crosses banished
Our Polls Are on the Mark. I Think.
Painless Workout For Fibro & Couch-Potatoes
Pakistani quake surviors beg for shelter from cold
Palestinians Camps - Sewage & Mud
Palestinians, soldiers scuffle in Hebron
Palin campaigns for GOP ticket in must-win Ohio
palin Obama tax plan would leave 'dreams dashed'
Parties to put observers at polling places
Paulson's Swindle Revealed - Largest Theft In History
Petitioners seek help from justice secretary
Petraeus Plans More Cross Border Raids
Phoenix spacecraft on Mars is unlikely to rise
Pirates shoot at Danish tanker off Somalia
Police arrest 2 more in India bomb attacks
Police say shooter was lying in wait, harbored prolonged dispute
Police threaten criminal trespass after delivery of anti-Democrat letter
Pro Obama US Media Fails The American Public
Professor friend has long history with Arafat's PLO
Prop 8 Campaign Misrepresents Obama's Position in Mailers to African-Americans
Pumpkin profits Holiday virtually unknown in 1994, now a $200 million industry
Rand WWIII Recommendation Likely Disinfo
Real Time Best Election Ever Recap
Realtors Join Firefighters, Red Cross To Promote Fire Prevention ...
Refuses to issue special permit required to acquire 'Street View' images
Region's Vote is 'Lottery Prize'
Registration reveals convicted johns,pimps, hookers likely to vote Obama
Religious left rallies for Democrats
Remembering the war dead can be a controversial act in Japan
Renault and Nissan end talks with Chrysler - report
report Syrian Officials Approved US-led Raid
Republicans say Obama’s press conference plan presumptous
Republicans warn against Democratic dominance
Republicans' Senate Hopes Doomed by Bush, Economy, Ensign Says
Return to Standard Time means extra hour of rest for those who remember to change clocks
Review of registration reveals convicted hookers, johns, pimps likely to vote Obama
Richardson says Obama to cut taxes for those making less than $120,000
Rove appointee sends an ugly message to would-be Obama assassins
Sabotage linked to letter demanding end to expansion of 'deadly gas wells'
SAfrica ruling party leader criticizes dissidents
Salem 'may be hotspot for Halloween, but it's not Constitution-free'
Sarah Palin Gets The VP Job Description Wrong. Again.
Sarah Palin talks about the first 100 days of a McCain Presidency Thinks we're at war with Iraq and Iran
schumer 60 US Senate seats possible but unlikely
Sealed containers of powdery substance believed to be nuclear- or chemical-weapons agents
Seattle group sold its multimillion-dollar Seattle headquarters for $10
Secret of how some of us can resist urges may soon be unlocked
Senator reminisces about his portrayal of Barbra Streisand
shameless McCain goes after Obama's patriotism, Obama camp responds
Silicon Valley voters craving change as Election Day nears
Simpsons' New Treehouse of Horror XIX
SNL Skewers Keith Olbermann
Sony Recalls More Laptop Batteries
South Dakota proposal bans procedure with narrow exceptions
Sowell-Obama Win Would Be Historic Tragedy
Spokeswoman says president won't respond to Waters' allegations
Spread It Around
Star Parker warns of past times when people put trust in 'messianic-sounding demagogues'
Starred in kickoff sketch, aside Tina Fey reprising her popular portrayal of Palin
Stealthy Trojan Swipes Bank Log-ins, Financial Data From Thousands
Studs - The Passing Of An Icon
Suicide blast rocks ministry in Kabul
Supreme Court considers whether states can enhance federal rules
Supreme Court To Hear Arguments On Curse Words On TV
Supreme Court weighs drug lawsuits
Taliban's New Super-Bombs Take Larger Toll
Teachers Give Kindergartners 'Gay' Pledge Cards
Teen plunged to her death from apartment balcony while fleeing knife-wielding intruder
Thanks for the Warning GOP; We'll Keep That in Mind!
The American Debate Democratic era coming Possibly not
The Attack on American Affluence
The Failure To Confront Is No Alibi
The Federal Is Inflating At 341% Per Annum
The issues
The man for the moment Hillary Clinton makes the case for Barack ...
The morning after Half of us will be disappointed
The Simpsons Parodies Mad Men, Charlie Brown Tonight
The top 10 cars that Americans hate
The week in Microsoft PDC, PDC, and PDC
Third parties unlikely to spoil presidential race
This Question Must Be Answered
Time for US to Rejoin the World
Transcripts ... Bill Clinton's Speech at Obama's Florida Rally
Transcripts ... Interview with John McCain
Transcripts ... Mike Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts ... Obama in The Situation Room
Transcripts ... Panel on Republicans for Obama
Transcripts ... Panel on the Democrats' Senate Prospects
Transcripts ... Rudy Giuliani on Hannity & Colmes
Transcripts ... Shields & Brooks on the Campaign's Defining Moments
Trying to toss some serious pixie dust in face of economic meltdown
Turning your clock back Sunday may help your heart
Unidentified craft tracked 1 hour flying toward Texas White House
US rap label boss dies suddenly
US rivals target knife-edge races
Venus and Jupiter light up the night in November
Victor Davis Hanson Sometime in 2008, advocacy media took over
video - Obama To Create New 'Civ Military Force'
video - Proof Obama Born In Kenyan Village
VIDEOS -- McCain Interview with ABC News
VIDEOS -- Gore Urges Floridians to Get Out and Vote
VIDEOS -- Ads in North Carolina Senate Race
VIDEOS -- Affleck As Olbermann
VIDEOS -- Biden Campaigns in Ohio
VIDEOS -- Biden Speaks at Alma Mater
VIDEOS -- Coleman Says Franken Has 'Crossed the Line'
VIDEOS -- Ditka Campaigns with Palin
VIDEOS -- McCain Campaigns in Virginia
VIDEOS -- McCain Interview with ABC News
VIDEOS -- McCain on 'SNL'
VIDEOS -- McCain on Good Morning America
VIDEOS -- McCain Reflects on Service, Asks Voters to Join Him
VIDEOS -- New Ads in Oregon Senate Race
VIDEOS -- New Obama Ad on Cheney's Endorsement
VIDEOS -- Obama Campaigns in Des Moines
VIDEOS -- Obama Campaigns in Nevada
VIDEOS -- Obama in The Situation Room
VIDEOS -- Obama Interview with Rachel Maddow
VIDEOS -- Obama Mocks Cheney Endorsement of McCain
VIDEOS -- Obama on The Daily Show
VIDEOS -- Obama Talks to Brian Williams
VIDEOS -- Palin Interview with Greta Van Susteren
VIDEOS -- Palin on Good Morning America
VIDEOS -- Schwarzenegger Rallies Support for McCain in Ohio
Vigorous Exercise Can Cut Breast Cancer Risk
War's Drone AI Will Come Home To Roost
What real people in battleground states say about the election
What This Election Will Say About America
What You Must Do Before You Vote
What's Going On
What's wrong with Alaska politicians
When a Red State Goes Blue
Where Do Obamacons Come From
Why McCain is the better choice
Will 7 Be Windows' Lucky Number
Winners and losers of the 2008 election
Woman in financial distress deeded home but expected to stay for life
World Needs Leaders, Not Counselors
worldview US president should unite us like the Phils
Would McCain Negotiate With Syria
Wrote in 1991 article, man linked to Munich Olympic murders 'will be sorely missed'
Zambian ruling party candidate elected new president
Zionist Jews And The 9-11 Cover-Up
‘Fallout 3’ is a no-brainer for game of the year