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10 October 2008

video archive 2

A Conversation with Sally Bedell Smith
A Dead Heat In New Hampshire
A Discussion About Mitt Romney's Address on His Faith
A Discussion About the Mitchell Report on Performance-Enhancing Drugs
A More Critical Look At Huckabee
Actress Canvasses For Edwards
Alliance For A New America's Edwards Ad
An Hour with Fred Thompson
An Unaired Attack On Romney
Ann Coulter On Hannity & Colmes
Ann Romney On Nightly News
Axelrod, Penn, & Trippi On Hardball
Biden On Pakistan
Biden's Thoughts On The NIE
Bill Clinton On Charlie Rose
Brian Ross Interviews Huckabee
Busy Morning For Edwards
Carl Cameron Explains The Caucuses
Clinton And Buffet On FBN
Clinton and Giuliani Lose Ground
Clinton Calls For Intl. Investigation
Clinton Interviewed By Charlie Gibson
clinton New Beginning
Clinton On This Week
clinton President
Clinton Talks To The Register's Editorial Board
clinton Wes Clark
Clinton's Morning Media
Club For Growth's Anti-Huckabee Ad
Congressman Murphy For Dodd
Curt Schilling Stumps for McCain
Dean on GOP Candidates
Democratic Courage's Negative Hillary Ad
Dems Make Their Closing Arguments
Des Moines 1040's Jan Mickelson Goes After Romney
Dick Morris On Romney's Speech And Huckabee's Surge
Dick Morris on the Christmas Ads
Dick Morris Talks Huckabee On Hannity & Colmes
Divine Providence Helps Huckabee
Dodd & The FISA Bill
dodd First Lady Experience Not Enough
dodd I Am
Dodd Rallies Supporters
Ed Rollins On Lou Dobbs
Edwards On Hardball
Edwards - Q&A Challenge to Congress
edwards 20 Generations
Edwards Bus Tour Kickoff
Edwards Heartland Appearance
Edwards In The Situation Room
Edwards On American Morning
Edwards On Face The Nation
Edwards On Global Warming
Edwards on Hardball
Edwards Talks To Candy Crowley
Edwards Tours New Hampshire
Edwards' 20 Hour Day
Edwards' Iowa Caucus Movie Trailer
Edwards' Sunday Morning Media
Edwards' Townhall In Boone, Iowa
Emotional Reactions To The Candidates
Former GOP Guv Of Iowa On GOP Candidates
Fox News Reports On How The Caucuses Work
Fred Thompson In Miami
Fred Thompson on Hannity & Colmes
Fred Thompson on Hannity & Colmes
Fred Thompson On The Big Story
Fred's Campaign Update
Fred's Message to Iowa Voters
gallup Americans' 2008 Economic Predictions
gallup Huckabee Recognition on the Rise
gallup Huckabee's Recognition On The Rise
gallup Nationally, Front-Runners Maintain Leads
George Allen Speaks For Fred Thompson
Giuliani Discusses Iran on Meet the Press
Giuliani On Hannity & Colmes
Giuliani On Hardball
Giuliani On This Week
Giuliani Slipping In New Hampshire
Giuliani's House Party
Giuliani's Introduction And Full Speech
Giuliani's White House
Grover Responds To The Candidates
Harry Belafonte Endorses Edwards
Have You Ever Wanted To Caucus
Highlights Of Clinton's 99 County Tour
Hilary Clinton on Immigration Reform
Hillary Clinton on the Today Show
Hillary On Mortgage Lenders
Huckabee & Carl Cameron Post-Miami Debate
Huckabee & Cuba
Huckabee & Norris On O'Reilly
Huckabee and Norris Talk Faith
Huckabee Discussed Dumond in January
Huckabee In The Situation Room
Huckabee In The Situation Room
Huckabee Kills Pheasants, Makes Political Jokes
Huckabee Leadership Checks In
Huckabee On Today
Huckabee On Face The Nation
Huckabee On His Apology To Mitt Romney
Huckabee On Larry King
Huckabee On Meet The Press
Huckabee On Morning Joe
Huckabee On Today
Huckabee On Your World
Huckabee Profile on Nightline
huckabee Tax Cuts and Our Values
huckabee What Really Matters
Huckabee's Morning Media
Huckabee's Campaign Update
Huckabee's Media Campaign Continues
Huckabee's Morning Media
Huckabee's Negative Ad
Huckabee's Video At The Iowa Debate
Huckabee, Gingrich Support McCain On Torture
Immigration Thoughts From Chuckabee
Inside Campaign Huckabee
Inside Campaign Obama
Iowa's Effect On New Hampshire
Iowa's First Lady Endorses Edwards
Joe Biden Highlights
Joe Biden On This Week
John Edwards Debate Highlights
John Edwards In The Situation Room
John Edwards On Morning Joe
John Edwards' DNC Speech
John McCain On Bill Bennett
John McCain on Fox News Sunday
John Stossel And Ron Paul
Kerr In The No-Spin Zone
Kissinger Endorses McCain
KTIV On Thompson
Lamont Talks About Dodd
Last Night's Hannity & Colmes
Last Night's Kudlow & Company
Lieberman Endorses McCain
Lieberman On Hardball
Limbaugh Discusses Thompson's Conservatism
Luntz's Group Says Romney Wins
Mark Penn on MSNBC
McCain A Nightmare For Democrats
McCain Explains His Rising Popularity
McCain In South Carolina
McCain on Face The Nation
McCain On This Week
McCain Responds To Romney
McCain Talks To The Sentinel
McCain's Campaign Strategy
McCain's Media
McCain's Momentum Web Video
McLaughlin Group on Mitt Romney's Speech
Mike Huckabee on Fox News Sunday
Mitt Romney Faith in America
Mitt Romney Talks To The Atlantic
Mitt's Morning On TV
Morning Of Bad Publicity For Huckabee
Mrs. Obama In Iowa
NBC Nightly News on Oprah-Obama
New Hampshire Gallup Poll
New York Times Follows Edwards
Obama Debate Highlights
Obama On Face The Nation
Obama On Meet The Press
obama Our Moment Is Now
obama Take It Back
Obama Talks Teachers
Obama Talks To The Register's Editorial Board
Obama's Financial Plans
Obama's Foreign Policy Forum
Obama's Movement
Obama's Our Moment Is Now Speech
Obama-Oprah Clips
Oprah Speaks with Obama in Iowa
paul Healthcare
Paul On Meet The Press
Paul On Your World
paul Radio Ad No IRS, No Income Tax
Paul's 30 Minute Iowa Special
Paul's Morning Media
Politico Wrong On Giuliani Story
Precinct Captain Changes From Clinton To Obama
Responses To The Bhutto Assassination
Rice Responds To Huckabee
Richardson & The Sentinel Editorial Board
Richardson Discusses NIE on Hardball
Richardson Discusses Pakistan On Morning Joe
Richardson Gets To 99
richardson Not Leaving
Richardson Rallies Supporters In Sioux City
Richardson Says 2013 Is Too Long
Richardson's Policy Speech In Des Moines
Rockin With Huckabee
Romney Almost Has A Dean Moment
romney Choice The Record
Romney Compares Himself and Huckabee
Romney Debate Highlights
Romney Debate Highlights
Romney On His Dad Marching With MLK Jr.
Romney On Meet The Press
Romney on The O'Reilly Factor
Romney On Today
Romney Profile On World News Tonight
Romney Spokesman On Hardball
Romney Spokesperson On Your World
Romney Talks About Bhutto On H&C
Romney's Fox Media
Romney's Morning Radio
Romney's Thoughts On The NIE
Ron Paul on CBN
Ron Paul on Mad Money with Jim Cramer
Rudy Addresses The Home Builder Association
Rudy's Hour on Meet The Press
Special Report Roundtable on Huckabee
Switching To Huckabee
Tancredo Drops Out
The Des Moines Register Democratic Debate
The Des Moines Register GOP Debate
The Hillary Apology Penn vs. Axelrod
The Latest From Huck & Chuck
The Obama Text Messaging Operation
The One That Scares Me The Most Is Edwards
Thompson In Ohio
Thompson is in The Situation Room
Thompson Media Highlights
Thompson On Face The Nation
Thompson On Fox And Friends
Thompson On Fox News Sunday
Thompson on Larry King Live
Thompson Snowballs The Media
Thompson Won't Raise Hand at Debate
Thompson's First Day In Office
Thompson's Getting To Be A Good Actor Jab
Thompson's Media Hits
Thompsons Stop At Iowa Firehouse
Tony Snow On Faith In The GOP Race
Undecideds Look At Obama
Warren Buffet On Supporting The Democrats
Working For Working Americans
young Bill Clinton Gone With More Black Women
A Conversation with Bill Richardson
A Conversation with Mike Huckabee
An Hour with John Edwards
An Hour with John McCain
An Hour with Karl Rove
Ann Romney Campaigns In Home State Of Michigan
Barack Obama Chances I Had
Barack Obama Hope and Change
Barack Obama in South Carolina
Barack Obama on ABC's World News Tonight
Barack Obama on Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama on the Wealth Gap and Taxation
Barack Obama Reclaiming the American Dream
Barbara Richardson visits New Hampshire
biden The Situation in Pakistan
Bill Richardson at Iowa Jefferson Jackson Debate
Bill Richardson in Iowa
Bill Richardson on the Pakistan Crisis
Bill Richardson on This Week w- George Stephanopoulos
Bill Richardson Unveils Policy for Veterans and Military Families
Bob Novak Talks About Clinton And Obama
Brownback Endorses McCain
Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank on Charlie Rose
clinton Gray Chynoweth Endorsement
Clinton Hedges Again on Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
clinton The Politics of Pile On
Club For Growth Attacks On Mike Huckabee
CNBC News Anchor Calls Bush a 'Monkey'
CNN Acknowledges Its Mistake
CNN's King On Romney In South Carolina
Debate Highlights from Las Vegas
Debate Highlights Giuliani
Debate Highlights Guns and Abortion
Debate Highlights Huckabee
Debate Highlights McCain
Debate Highlights Romney
Debate Highlights Thompson
Dennis Kucinich Talks To The Des Moines Register
Dick Morris Analyzes The GOP Debate
Dodd takes a JFK Trivia Question
Edwards - 1 Million Jobs Lost to NAFTA
Edwards - 37 Days Until the NH Primary
Edwards - Building in New Orleans
Edwards - New Hampshire SEIU Endorsement
Edwards - The Test
Edwards - Three Questions
edwards 1 Million Jobs Lost To NAFTA Web Ad
Edwards Continues to Pound Clinton The Politics of Parsing - Part 2
edwards Hillary voted with Bush and the Neocons
edwards Oops, Our Bad
Edwards Speaks at the WGA Strike in NYC
Edwards Takes Aim At Romney
Election 2008 Roundtable
Elizabeth Edwards - Interview with local podcaster
Elizabeth Edwards in N.H.
Flags Fall Around Hilary Clinton in Waterloo, Iowa
Fred on Fox 11-05-07
Fred Thompson 'Consistent Conservative'
Fred Thompson In Honor of America's Veterans
Fred Thompson on Human Life Amendment
Fred Thompson on This Week
Fred Thompson's Testy Exchange w- Chris Wallace
gallup Who Could Beat Hillary
Giuliani on Mad Money
Hillary at the Iowa JJ Dinner
hillary Debate Watch Event With Bill
Hillary Meets with Granite Staters
Iacocca Endorses Richardson
Interview with Student Who Asked Hillary a Planted Question
Jeri Thompson With Laura Ingraham
Joe Biden on Late Edition 11-11-07
Joe Biden on Pakistan
Joe Biden on The NewsHour
John Edwards - Iowa Jefferson Jackson Dinner
John Edwards at the League of Conservation Voters
John Edwards on ABC Nightly News
John Edwards on Nuclear Proliferation
John Edwards Q&A With The Press
John Edwards The Politics of Parsing
John McCain on Beating Hillary Clinton [sic]
John McCain on This Week w- George Stephanopoulos
John McCain Talks To The Des Moines Register
Katie Couric Interviews Hillary Clinton
Kerr On CNN
Kevin Madden On MSNBC's Super Tuesday
Lou D'Allesandro endorses Hillary
Luntz's Debate Winners and Losers
Mike Huckabee on Fox News Sunday
Mike Huckabee on Late Edition
Mike Huckabee on Taxes (2003)
Mike Huckabee on the Situation Room
Mitt Romney on Fiscal Discipline
Mitt Romney on Illegal Immigration
Mitt Romney on Morning Joe
Obama Addresses the Iowa Jefferson Jackson Dinner
Obama at Google
Obama Gets Testy
Obama on Saturday Night Live
Obama's Plan for a Healthy America
On The Trail With Obama
Pat Robertson Endorses Rudy
Paul And The Register's Editorial Board
President Bush at The Heritage Foundation
Preview of CNN-YouTube GOP Debate
Richardson discusses his new book on CNN
Richardson discusses his new book on Hardball
Richardson Presents Policy And A Purple Heart
Richardson's New Direction For Agriculture
romney Attacking Me On My Faith Is Un-American
Romney On Fox News' Live Desk
Romney on KCCI Iowa
Romney On Laura Ingraham Show
Romney On Mike Huckabee's Record
Romney on Religious Attacks
Romney On Running Against Sen. Clinton
Romney On The Glenn Beck Show
Romney On Working South Carolina
Romney Spokesperson On MSNBC
Romney Takes The Clinton Debate Quiz
Romney Talks To The Des Moines Register
Ron Paul Radio Ad in Early Primary States
Ron Paul TV Ad #3 for New Hampshire
Rudy Addresses Federalist Society
Rudy Giuliani at Homestead-Miami Speedway
Rudy Giuliani Receives Two Key Endorsements
Rudy on Biden's Foreign-Policy Experience
Rudy on Dems' Desire to Negotiate
Rudy on the Democrats Raising Taxes
Rudy Sits Down with Brian Williams
Running with Rudy
Russert Discusses GOP Debate on Today
Scarborough Blasts CNN
schneider Romney's Message Resonating
The 4-1-1 On Caucusing
The Huckabee Media Blitz
The RNC Piles On Hillary Clinton
This Race Isn't Over
Thompson Talks To The Register's Editorial Board
Tom Tancredo's First Iowa Ad
Trent Lott Resignation Press Conference
Why Tuesday Candidate Challenge
WMUR Reports on Rudy's First Ad
wmur Romney Calls For Judge To Resign

A Conversation with George Will
A Conversation with Justice Antonin Scalia
A Conversation with Ralph Reed
Albright Explains Her Support for Obama
Americans on the Issues
Americans Support Talking to Hostile Leaders
An Appreciation of Tim Russert
AP Reports that Clinton Will Concede, Clinton Camp Denies
Biden & Graham on Meet the Press
Candidates Look to Gain with Christian Voters
Carly Fiorina in The Situation Room
Carter To Endorse Obama
Clark Defends Obama on National Security
Clark on Face the Nation
Clinton Ending Her Bid
Clinton Ends Campaign
Clinton Expresses Support for Obama
Clinton Speaks to NALEO
Clinton Thanks Supporters in New York
Clinton's Puerto Rico Victory Speech
Couric on Clinton's Media Coverage
cramer Let'em Drill
DeMint Discusses His New PAC
Democratic Leaders Unify Behind Obama
Democrats Head to Unity, NH
DNC Committee Gives Florida & Michigan Delegates
Edwards on This Week
Elizabeth Edwards Discusses Healthcare
Feinstein & Hutchison Discuss Budget
Fiorina on McCain's Energy Plans
Five Things...
Florida Republicans Do Spanish Web Ads for McCain
Franken on Past Controversial Jokes
Gingrich Says 'Inexperience' Charge Won't Work
Giuliani Comments on Obama's Position on Terror
Gore Endorses Obama
Ickes & Daschle on Meet the Press
Ickes Expresses Disappointment Over RBC Ruling
Kristol Discusses Bush & Iran
Kristol On Iraq Differences Between McCain & Obama
Liberal Group Targets Lieberman
Lieberman on Face the Nation
Luke Russert on Today
McAuliffe on This Week
McCain & Obama's Dueling Messages for Army Wives
McCain at NALEO
McCain Blasts Guantanamo Ruling
McCain Challenges Obama to Debates
McCain Comments on the Surge
McCain Defends Iraq Comment
mccain Dr. No Web Ad
McCain in Canada
McCain in New Hampshire
McCain More Trusted on Military Matters
McCain on CNBC
McCain on Energy and National Security
McCain on NBC's Nightly News
McCain on Obama and the Gun Ruling
McCain on Today
McCain Proposes Energy Policy in Houston
McCain Speaks at AIPAC; Criticizes Obama over Iran Vote
McCain Stops in Philadelphia
McCain Talks About Russert
McCain Tours Flood Damage
McCain's Missouri Townhall
McCain's Monday Press Conference
McCain's Speech in New Orleans
McCain's Townhall in Nashville
McClellan on The O'Reilly Factor
McConnell Criticizes Obama's Comments on Gas Prices
McConnell Grinds Senate to a Stall Over Judge Dispute
Meet the Press Remembers Russert
Michelle Obama on The View
Michelle Obama's Makeover
MN Senate Coleman's Hard Times
More About Unity
moveon Not Alex
NRSC Rebuts Udall Ad
Obama & Clinton in Unity
Obama and McCain Support Divided Along Age Lines
Obama Announces Opting Out of Public Financing
Obama at NALEO
Obama Claims the Democratic Nomination
Obama Discusses Energy in Las Vegas
Obama Discusses Johnson's Mortgage Ties
Obama Hits McCain at Mayors Conference
Obama Meets with National Security Team
obama No One Should Devalue Military Service
Obama on Economic Competitiveness in Pittsburgh
Obama on Kimmel
Obama on Nightly News
Obama on Predatory Lenders
Obama Press Conference on Leaving Trinity
Obama Proposes Money for College
Obama Proposes Payroll Tax Above $250,000
Obama Questioned About Public Financing
Obama Responds to McCain's NFIB Speech
Obama Responds to September 10 Comments
Obama Rips McCain on Bush Tax Cuts
Obama Says DNC Won't Accept Lobbyist Money
Obama Says He Would Possibly Defer Taxes
obama She and I Will Be Working Together in November
Obama Shows Gains Among Women
Obama Speaks on Retirement Security
Obama Speaks to SEIU
Obama Talks to Blackenterprise.com
Obama Talks to Working Women
Obama Thanks His Staff
Obama Wants Bill Clinton's Help
Obama's Economic Roundtable
Obama's Speech on Fatherhood
Obama's Speech on Patriotism
Obama, Clinton at AIPAC
Obama, Governors Discuss Economy
Ohio GOP on Obama's Strategy
Panel Discusses the Guantanamo Decision
Pawlenty Criticizes Obama's Record
Pfleger on Good Morning America
Plouffe Details Strategy
Previewing McCain's Missouri Townhall
Rendell on Morning Joe
Rendell, Portman Debate Flip-Flops
Rice Rejects Interest in VP Position
rnc Democrats vs. Obama Web Ad
Romney on Fox and Friends
Romney Says Obama More Partisan Than Leader
Rove Discusses His Obama Comments
Secretary Rice Comments on Historic Election
Sen. Webb on American Morning
Sessions vs. Reid on Judges
Speaker Pelosi on On the Record
Terrorism Debate Continues
The McCain Campaign's Online Strategy Briefing
Tim Russert 1950 - 2008
A Conversation with John Harwood and Gerald Seib
A Conversation with Robert Kagan
A Conversation with Ted Sorensen
Bill Clinton Argues With Woman
Brazile & Begala Discuss Democratic Divisions
Bush Argues Against Talking to Enemies
Bush's GOP Approval Hits New Low
Candidates Debate the Gas Tax
Candidates' Associations Influence Voters
Carly Fiorina on This Week
Carter Says Clinton Should Drop Out in June
Carville on Good Morning America
Carville Will Write Check to Obama
Charlie Rose Show NC Governor Mike Easley
Childers Wins Mississippi District; Russert & Huckabee Discuss
Cindy McCain on Today
Clinton & Obama in Puerto Rico
Clinton Campaigns in South Dakota
Clinton Demands Florida and Michigan Count
Clinton Makes Her Case on Electoral Votes, Criticizes Caucuses
Clinton Mentions RFK Assassination
Clinton on Nightly News
Clinton on This Week
Clinton Urges Hiring Decision in Montana
Clinton Wants to Put Country in Gear
Clinton's Indiana Victory Speech
Clinton's Kentucky Victory Speech
Clinton's Morning Media
Clinton's Mother Day Message
Clinton's Press Conference
Clinton's Top Ten Reasons She Loves America
Clinton's Victory Speech
Clinton's White Americans Comment
Congressional Approval Rating Ties All-Time Low
Dean Reiterates Call for Nominee Before Convention
Democratic Senators Fire Back in Bush-Obama Battle
DNC Committee Set to Meet on Michigan and Florida
Dodd & McAuliffe on Meet the Press
Edwards Endorses Obama
Edwards on Today
Fleischer on McClellan's New Book
Fred Thompson Returns to TV
Gingrich on Hannity & Colmes
GOP Group Says Obama Will Wave White Flag
Hannity & Colmes Discuss Obama's Record
Hillary Clinton on The O'Reilly Factor
House Republicans Try to Find Their Way
Howard Dean on Fox News Sunday
Howard Dean on The Tonight Show
Howard Wolfson Discusses Way Forward
Joe Lieberman on Morning Joe
John Edwards on Face the Nation
John Edwards' Morning Media
Leaders React to Kennedy Diagnosis
Lieberman Defends McCain in The Situation Room
Limbaugh Comments on McClellan
Local Report on McCain's Louisville Visit
Looking Ahead to a McCain-Obama General
Majority Leader Reid on Countdown
Majority of Democrats Want Race to Continue
McAuliffe Discusses Florida and Michigan
McAuliffe Hits Media Bias, Predicts Victories
McCain & Ellen Talk Gay Marriage
mccain 2013
McCain and Company Eat Out
McCain Calls Out Obama On Iraq
McCain Discusses Equal Pay Vote
McCain Discusses His 2000 Vote for Bush
mccain Health Solutions
McCain in Metro Detroit
McCain in Nevada
McCain Interview in Albuquerque
McCain Looking For Openings With Democratic Voters
mccain Memorial Day Web Ad
McCain on The O'Reilly Factor
McCain on Obama & Cuba
McCain on Oil Indpendence
McCain on Saturday Night Live
McCain on The Daily Show
McCain on The O'Reilly Factor
McCain Outlines First Term Goals
McCain Reaches Out on Cinco de Mayo
McCain Responds to Obama's Remarks
McCain Talks About Judicial Philosophy in N.C.
McCain's Climate Change Speech
McCain's Speech on Nuclear Security
McClellan on Countdown
McGovern & Obama in Sioux Falls
McGovern Switches Sides
Mitt Romney Discusses McCain-Obama Dispute
moveon Obamacan
Murdoch on Obama
NARAL Pro-Choice's Endorsement of Obama
Obama Criticizes McCain-Bush Fundraiser
Obama Discusses Cuba & Latin America
Obama Discusses Energy Plans
Obama Discusses Special Connection Between Israel and U.S.
Obama Does the Top Ten
Obama Greets Voters in Indianapolis
Obama Hits McCain on Lobbyists
Obama in Michigan
Obama in Montana
Obama Mistakenly Says 57 States
Obama on Meet the Press
Obama Posts Numbers Similar to Kerry
Obama Rallies 75,000 in Portland
Obama Rallies Crowd in Indianapolis
Obama Replies to McCain on Iran; A Grave Threat
Obama Responds to Bush's Appeasement Comments
Obama Says Bush 41 Did Great Job in Gulf War
Obama Says Lay Off My Wife
Obama Says McCain Wants to Double Down on Bush Policies
Obama Speaks in Cape Giradeau
Obama Speaks in Iowa
Obama Takes a Few Questions
Obama's Church Back in the News
Obama's Interview with Brian Williams
Obama's Memorial Day Remarks
Obama's Morning Media
Obama's North Carolina Victory Speech
Obama's Problem with White Voters
Obama's Speech in Boca Raton
Opinion Unchanged on Abortion
Panel Discusses Clinton's New Attitude on the Trail
Panel Discusses Father Michael Pfleger, Trinity United Church and Barack Obama
Petraeus Nomination Senate Hearing
Puerto Rican Senate President Discusses Primary
Pundits Discuss the Future of the Clinton Campaign
Richardson Claims We Now Have a Majority
rnc Carter-Obama Taxes Web Ad
Rove Breaks Down West Virginia
Rove Hits Back at Scott McClellan
Rush Limbaugh on The Live Desk
Russert Says Obama is the Nominee
Scott McClellan on the Today Show
Sharpton Closes the Door on Clinton
Special Election in Mississippi
Tennessee GOP Criticized for Obama Web Video
The Full McCain-Rubin Interview
Why President Bush Doesn't Play Golf Anymore
Will Clinton Voters Go For McCain
Wolfson, Brazile Debate Michigan & Florida
A Discussion About the Pennsylvania Primary
A Pennsylvania Primary Follow-Up
Arnold Says McCain Can Win California
Axelrod on McCain
Barack Obama on Today
Bill Clinton Comments on the Press
Bill Clinton Revisits Jesse Jackson Comments
Bill Clinton Revists the Media and Bosnia
Bush Approval Ratings Hits New Low
Bush Chides Reporter, Proclaims Progress in War on Terror
Candidate Characterstics
Candidates + WWE = Awkward
Candidates Battle Over Energy Plans
Candidates on American Idol
Candidates on Today
Candidates Stop By Colbert
Candidates' Opening Statements
Carville & Richardson Square Off on Larry King Live
Chelsea Gets Lewinsky Question Again
Cheney & Romney at Radio and Television Correspondents' Dinner
Clinton & Obama Make Their Case to Workers
Clinton Appears at Elton John Concert
Clinton Asked About Bosnia
Clinton Challenges Obama to Bowling Match
Clinton Comments on Debate; He Spent All Day Yesterday Complaining
Clinton Denies Saying Obama Can't Win
Clinton Denies Saying Obama Can't Win
Clinton Jumps on Obama's Comments
clinton Obama 'Elitist' and 'Out of Touch'
Clinton on Larry King Live
Clinton on The Tonight Show
Clinton Proposes Two Oregon Debates
Clinton Questions Petraeus & Crocker
Clinton Remembers King
Clinton Speaks about MLK Anniversary
Clinton Speaks in South Bend
Clinton Telling Superdelegates Obama Can't Win
Clinton's Bipartisanship
Clinton's Morning Media
Clinton's Morning Media
Clinton's Pennsylvania Victory Speech
Clinton's Weekend Drinks
Clinton, Obama Argue Over Bitter Comments at Compassion Forum
Clinton, Obama Debate Taxes
Clinton, Obama Strategists Battle on Meet the Press
Compassion Forum Summary
Controversial NC GOP Ad
Corzine Reserves Right to Change His Vote
David Axelrod on Charlie Rose
Davis Pushes Clinton as Popular Vote Leader
Dean Discusses Florida Delegation
Dean Reiterates July 1 Deadline
Dean Wants Superdelegates to Decide Now
Dean's Morning Media
Democrats Discuss How They Will Beat McCain
Democrats on Sharing the Ticket
dnc McCain vs. McCain Web Video
DNC Points Out McCain's Slip
DNC Resurrects Video of McCain Opposing Tax Cuts
Does McCain Want a Drink After the Show
Donahue & Hannity Debate Iraq
Ferraro on Hannity & Colmes
Former President Carter on This Week
Fox Focus Group Ties on Winner
Gallup Polling Updates on Obama, Taxes, and the Economy
Gallup Polls on GOP VP Preferences
General Petraeus' Opening Statement
Giuliani Talks About VP
Gov. Bobby Jindal on Leno
Gov. Charlie Crist's Morning Media
Gov. Charlie Crist's Morning Media
Gov. Easley Endorses Clinton
Hagel on Countdown
Hagel on Morning Joe
Heinz Kerry & Obama
Hillary Clinton on Ellen
House GOP Highlights Pig Book
Huckabee Talks to the Club For Growth
Inside Obama's Headquarters
Interview with DCCC Chairman
Iraq Hearings Recap
Jack Kemp Discusses McCain's Campaign on Hannity & Colmes
John Burns and Dexter Filkins on Iraq
John McCain on The Fox Report
John McCain on The View
Kerry in The Situation Room
Lanny Davis Says Wright Questions Linger
McCain at the Associated Press' Annual Meeting
McCain at VFW HQ in Kansas City
McCain Economic Event in Milwaukee
mccain Health Care Action
McCain in Alabama
McCain in Arkansas
McCain in Inez, Kentucky
McCain in Youngstown
McCain Interview in Jacksonville
McCain Interview with CNN
McCain Kicks Off Call to Action Tour
McCain Kicks Off Tour in Mississippi
McCain on Late Show
McCain on Reaching Out to New Voters
McCain on Taxes and the Economy
McCain on the Economy
McCain on This Week
McCain Questions Obama's Relationship with Ayers
McCain Responds to Warmonger Comment
McCain Sorry for Not Backing King Holiday
McCain Stops in Selma
McCain Supporters Say Obama Twists McCain's Words
McCain Unveils Health Care Tax Credit
McCain's Economic Speech in Pittsburgh
McCain's Morning Media
McCain's Opening Statement
McCain's Q&A with General Petraeus
Michelle Obama on Colbert
Mississippi Ad Links Local Candidate to Wright
Mitt Romney on Hannity & Colmes
MSNBC Wonders if McCain is Flip-Flopping
Murtha and His Earmarks
National Security Adviser Confuses Tibet with Nepal
No Moral Victory for Obama
NRCC's Own 3am Ad
Nutter on Morning Joe
Obama Addresses Wright Controversy
Obama Asked About Controversial People in His Life
Obama Asked about Flag Pin
Obama at the AP National Meeting
Obama Attacks Debate; We Set a New Record
Obama Discusses Debt and the Economy
Obama in Butte
Obama in Kokomo
Obama in Malvern, Pa.
Obama in Montana
Obama in North Dakota
Obama in Philadelphia
Obama in South Bend
Obama on Fox News Sunday
Obama on Hardball
Obama on The Daily Show
Obama on Today
Obama Questions Petraeus and Crocker
Obama Remembers King
Obama Responds to Controversy Over Small Town Remarks
Obama Ridicules McCain's Gas Tax Plan
Obama Says He Wants Gore at the Table
Obama Speaks to Food Workers
Obama Speaks to the CWA
Obama Talks About Attacks
Obama Talks to the Philadelphia Inquirer
Obama's Hoops
Obama's Pennsylvania Primary Night Speech
Obama's Rally in Greenville
Obama's Speech to the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Pa. Focus Group Says Clinton Wins
Panel of Democrats Discuss Obama, Wright
Pelosi Again Says No To Idea of Dream Ticket
Pelosi Discusses the Campaign and Superdelegates
Pelosi Doesn't See Dream Ticket Happening
Pelosi on Face the Nation
Powell on Good Morning America
President Bush Addresses the Country on Iraq
President Bush at the White House Correspondents' Dinner
President Bush on Deal or No Deal
Progressive Media McCain Out Of Touch
Progressive Media McCain's Fabulous Life
Rendell Disappointed in ABC
Rendell Praised Farrakhan
Rep. Woolsey Iraq Revenue Supplier
Rev. Wright in Detroit
Rev. Wright in the News Again
Ridge on Hardball
rnc Politics vs. Petraeus
Romney Comments on VP Speculation
Rove, O'Reilly Discuss Debate
Schultz Keeps Calling McCain a Warmonger
Sen. Graham on MSNBC
Senator Casey Defends Obama
Senators Question Petraeus, Crocker
Slate Parody of Springsteen's Endorsement
Stewart Mocks Those Who Want Clinton Out of the Race
Surrogates Pile On
The Democratic Race Along Education Lines
The Partisan Divide on Iraq
Things Younger Than McCain
Wrap Up of Carter's Trip
Wright Defends Comments
Wright Says Obama Only Criticized Him to Get Elected
Wright's Q&A at the National Press Club
A Darkened Obama Image
A Discussion About Obama's Speech on Race
A Tribute to William F. Buckley
ABC News Reports on Obama's Controversial Pastor
Al Sharpton Discusses Imus & Wright
alp Count On
Battling for Illinois' 14th District
Bevan on The Live Desk
Bevan on Weekend Live
Bill Clinton Campaigns in Kentucky
Bill Clinton Comments on Clinton-McCain General Election
Bush Endorses McCain
Bush Throws Out the First Pitch
Campaign Managers Square Off on This Week
Canadian Parliament Discusses Democratic Primary
Carville Argues for Primaries in Re-Do States
CBS News Contradicts Clinton Story on Bosnia Trip
Clearing Up Obama's Canadian Problem
Clinton Ahead in Gallup Poll
Clinton Attacks Obama on NAFTA
Clinton Bristles at Lewinsky Question
Clinton Calls for Action Over Words
Clinton Counters Obama on Iraq
Clinton Discusses Dream Ticket
Clinton Discusses Economy, Her Trip to Bosnia
Clinton Discusses Immigration
Clinton Hits Rivals on the Economy
Clinton on Obama's National Security Experience
Clinton on Saturday Night Live
Clinton on The Daily Show
Clinton On the Record with Van Susteren
Clinton Re-Debuts Level
Clinton Refuses to Quit
Clinton Replays Level in Mississippi
Clinton Says She Doesn't Believe Obama Muslim Rumors
Clinton Supporters Aiming for Revotes in Florida, Michigan
Clinton Talks About Senate Discussion With Obama
Clinton Tells Democrats to 'Chill Out'
clinton Wait and See on Spitzer
Clinton's Comments on Wright
Clinton's Ohio & Texas Victory Speech
Clinton's Pilot in Bosnia Tells His Side of the Story
Clinton's Reaction to Obama's Speech
Clinton's Record on Ireland
Clinton's Struggles with Viral Video
Colonel Hunt Says Clinton Lied
Controversial Comments by Obama's Pastor
cramer Don't Sell Bear Stearns
Crist & Levin on This Week
Daschle & Rendell Spar on Role of Superdelegates
Dean Says Supedelegates Should Be Independent
Dean Wants Superdelegates to Decide By July 1
Dem Group Attacks McCain
Democrats Divide on Dream Ticket, Superdelegates
democrats McCain No Change Web Video
Dems Call McCain Hypocrite on Torture
DNC Ties McCain to Bush
Dueling Celebrities
Ed Rendell on Charlie Rose Show
Edwards on The Tonight Show
Ferraro on Good Morning America
Few Americans Satisfied with the Direction of the Country
FNS Panel Examines McCain's Chances in a Recession
Former Obama Adviser Hedges on 16-Month Iraq Withdrawal
Gallup Finds Support for Gradual Withdrawal
Geraldine Ferraro on FOX News
Girl in 3 a.m. Ad Talks About Her Support for Obama
Girl in 3am Ad Supports Obama
Gore on 60 Minutes
Gov. Rendell Says Clinton Better Fit
Graham & Reed Battle Over Surge
Hagel on Hannity & Colmes
Hill Analysts Discuss Media
How McCain Plans to Stay in the News
Howard Dean Discusses the Future of the Race
Howard Dean on Face the Nation
hoyer Campaign is Personal
Huckabee Concedes the GOP Nomination
Huckabee on The O'Reilly Factor
Huckabee's Thoughts on Obama's Speech
Increased Worry about the Economy
James Dobson Comments in Nashville
Karl Rove on the Democrats, and McCain Getting His Life Story Out
Limbaugh Encourages Republicans to Vote for Clinton
Looking at the Candidates' Experience
Looking at The Chicago Way
Matthews Upset by Clinton Sitcom
mccain 624787
McCain Accepts Nancy Reagan's Endorsement
mccain Character Forged by Family Web Ad
McCain Finishes World Trip
McCain Fires Back at Tanker Deal Criticism
McCain in California
McCain in Iraq
McCain in London
McCain in Mississippi
McCain in San Francisco
McCain Interviewed in Iraq
mccain Man in the Arena Web Video
McCain on 60 Minutes
McCain Overcomes Day of Bloopers
McCain Speaks on Housing, Economic Woes
McCain Stops in Vegas
McCain Strongly Responds to NYT Question
McCain Talks to Hannity
McCain Veep Discussion
McCain Visits the Western Wall
McCain's Foreign Policy Speech
McCain's Iran Moment
McCain's Record Favorability
McCain's Stop in Salt Lake City
McCain's Victory Speech
More on Clinton's Bosnia Trip
NBC News Profiles Obama's Mom
New bin Laden Tape
O'Reilly, Gingrich Discuss Rev. Wright
Obama Bowls Through Pennsylvania
obama Bush with an Assist from Hillary Clinton
Obama Camp Fires Back on Iraq
Obama Critical of Executive Bonuses
Obama Criticizes McCain's Economic Policies
Obama Denounces Reverend Wright
Obama Derides the Clintons For Suggesting He Be VP
Obama Encourages Crowd to Register
Obama Foreign Policy Advisor Says Neither Dem Ready for 3 A.M. Phone Call
Obama in Johnstown
Obama in Providence
Obama in San Antonio
Obama Interviews after Winning Mississippi
Obama on Good Morning America
Obama on Hannity and Colmes
Obama on Larry King Live
Obama on The View
Obama on Wage Disparity
Obama Praising Wright Last Year
Obama Releases Four Texas Ads
Obama Says Clinton Shouldn't Feel Forced Out
Obama Talks about Unity in Indiana
Obama Tells Pennsylvanians to Register to Vote
obama Typical White Person
Obama Watch
Obama's Connections to Rezko
Obama's Economic Speech in New York
Obama's National Security Event in Chicago
Obama's Speech on Iraq
Obama's Speech on Race
Obama's Texas Speech
Olbermann Rips Into Clinton over Ferraro Comments
Paul Ends His Election Campaign
Pelosi Dismisses Possibility of Dream Ticket
Power Apologizes
Reich Discusses the Campaign
Remembering McCain's Time as a POW
Rendell & Richardson on Fox News Sunday
Rendell Says Fox the Most Fair
Rep. King's Controversial Comments About Obama
Retired Officers Explain Their Clinton Choice
Richardson Endorses Obama
Richardson on D-Day for Democrats
Richardson on Face the Nation
Richardson on Today
Rolling Stone Endorses Obama
Rove Gives Clinton an Omen
satire Mocking Those Who Want to Scare Us
Sen. Ensign Talks About the NRSC
Sen. Lieberman on This Week
Sen. Nelson Talks on The Situation Room
Senator Casey Endorses Obama
Senator Obama on Olbermann
SNL Has Hillary's 3am Call
Spitzer Speaks about His Involvement With Prostitution Ring
Spitzer's Resignation
Stewart's Fun at Cramer's Expense
Summarizing the Weekend's Clinton-Obama Spat
Talking to Ohio Voters
The Close Democratic Race
The Democratic Defectors
The Increasingly Negative Campaign
The Latest from the Trail
Tom Bevan talks to Pajamas Media
Troops Very Interested in Campaign Back Home
Wallace Hits Fox Colleagues for Obama Bashing
20% Say McCain is Too Old, 13% Say Obama Too Young
alp Blueprint
An Appreciation of William F. Buckley
Barkley Calls Conservatives 'Fake Christians'
Beckel Breaks Down the Results
Bill Campaigns in Austin
Bill Clinton Campaigns in Houston
Bill Clinton Predicts Victory If...
Bill Kristol Looks Smart
Bill Talks about the Race and His Role
Both Races on the Day After
Bush 41 Endorses McCain
Bush Boogies in Liberia
But Neither Do Negative Attacks
Canadian TV Follows Up on Obama Story
Charlie Rose Panel on Europe and the Next U.S. President
Chelsea Thanks Supporters in Hawaii
Chelsea Thanks Supporters in Hawaii
Chuck Norris on Live Desk
Cindy McCain Always Proud of Her Country
Clinton & Obama Denounce Farrakhan
Clinton & Obama Discuss Each Other's Worthiness
Clinton Aims at Obama's Health Care Package
Clinton Aims Sarcasm at Obama
Clinton and Obama Discuss Health Care
clinton Bobby and Dignity
Clinton Camp Obama a Plagiarist
clinton Deliver and Level
Clinton Discusses Superdelegates
Clinton Experiences Coughing Fit
Clinton Honored to be With Obama
Clinton Interview in Rhode Island
Clinton Lays Out The Choice
clinton Night Shift
Clinton Notes That She's Always First
Clinton Office Opening in Rhode Island
Clinton on 60 Minutes
Clinton on Mad Money
Clinton on The Late Show
Clinton on Today
Clinton Pressed on Her Tax Returns
Clinton Stops at General Motors Plant
Clinton Unethusiastic About NAFTA
Clinton Upstaged By Obama
Clinton's El Paso Rally
Clinton's Emotional Welcome Back
Clinton's Jefferson-Jackson Speech
Clinton's Sunday Media
Clinton's Super Tuesday Speech
Clinton, Obama Clash on Health Care
Clinton, Obama on Judgment & Experience
Clinton, Obama Trade Attacks
Clintons Cast Their Votes
Coburn Pushes for McCain
Coburn Sticks Up For McCain
Colin Powell Discusses Who He Will Vote For
Comedians Gets in Parting Shots at Romney
Coulter Continues Her Controversy
Coulter Likes Clinton Over McCain; Colmes Proclaims His Work is Done
Crist Discusses McCain, VP
Cunningham Discusses His Obama Comments
Dean Discusses McCain Financing
Debate Answers on Immigration
Democrats Hit McCain
Dems Jab One Another at Wisconsin Dinner
Dick Morris Breaks Down the Results
Dick Morris on Clinton Confrontation
Dobson Attacks McCain
Dole on His Letter to Limbaugh
Economics Editor Looks at Obama's Policy Proposal
Ellen Interrupts Clinton Rally
Fournier Sees Trouble for Clinton
Frank Luntz's Focus Group
Gallup Analyzes Tuesday's Result
Gallup Looks at Democratic Identity Gaps
Gallup Looks At McCain's Conservative Problem
Gilchrest, Wynn Lose House Seats
Glenn Beck Not Happy with McCain
GOP Candidates in Kansas
Gov. Culver Endorses Barack Obama
Group Thinks Obama will Win Nomination
Hill GOP On Romney's Exit
Hillary's Words Echo Bill's
House GOP Leadership Endorses McCain
House GOP Walks Out
Huckabee Comments on Saturday Victories
Huckabee Discusses Tuesday's Results
Huckabee in Ohio
Huckabee in Plano
Huckabee in the Caymans
Huckabee in Wisconsin
Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Huckabee on MSNBC
Huckabee on Wisconsin Loss
Huckabee Plays Hardball
Huckabee Rally in Waco
Huckabee Vows to Carry On
Huckabee's CPAC Speech
Huckabee's Sunday Media
Huckabee's Super Tuesday Speech
Hutchison on McCain
In Ads, and Events, Clinton & Obama Battle on Security
Inside Obama HQ
Jon Stewart on Giuliani & Bill Clinton
Karl Rove on The O'Reilly Factor
Limbaugh Rails Against McCain
Matthews Calls Clinton Press Shop Kneecappers
McCain Apologizes for Radio Host's Remarks
McCain Criticizes Obama on Iraq
McCain Hearts Bush
McCain in Cincinnati
McCain in Oshkosh
McCain Interview in Ohio
McCain on Larry King Live
McCain on This Week
McCain Parody
McCain Raising Money off of NYT Story
McCain Responds to NYT Story
McCain Stops in Baltimore
McCain Tries to Clarify Remark
mccain True Conservative
McCain's Dispirited and Liberal Comments
McCain's Jokes
McCain's Potomac Primary Speech
McCain's Speech to CPAC
McCain's Sunday Media
McCain's Super Tuesday Speech
McCain's Wisconsin Victory Speech
McCain, Obama Seen as Uniters
Michelle Obama Clarifies Her Proud Remark
Michelle Obama For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime I'm Really Proud of My Country
Michelle Obama on AC360
Michelle Obama Talks to Katie Couric
Michelle Obama talks to Larry King
Mike Huckabee on SNL
Mike's Monday Media
Monday Funnies
Music Video Promotes Obama
Nader Announces Presidential Run
Obama at the GM Plant in Janesville
Obama Campaign Rep Can't Name Accomplishments
obama Debate
Obama Defends Anti-Mandate Position
obama Desperate
Obama Encourages Texans to Vote Early
Obama Fires Again on NAFTA
Obama Gains with Hispanics and the Middle Aged
Obama in Duncanville, Texas
Obama in Ohio
Obama in Omaha
Obama on 60 Minutes
Obama on Ellen, Clinton on Late Show
Obama on His Grassroots Support
Obama on Nightly News
Obama on Today
Obama Rally in Madison, Wisconsin
Obama Surrogates in Ohio
Obama Talks About McCain
Obama Tells Canada that Trade Message is Just Rhetoric
Obama's Answer on the Economy
Obama's Debate Highlights
Obama's Defense Policies - Part 2
Obama's Defense Policies
Obama's Inevitability and the Candidates' Strengths
Obama's Jefferson-Jackson Speech in Virginia
Obama's Los Angeles Rally
Obama's Plan to Battle McCain
Obama's Saturday Rallies
Obama's Sunday Media
Obama's Super Ad
Obama's Super Tuesday Speech
Obama's the Underdog
Obama's Wisconsin Primary Night Victory Speech
Ohioans Explain Support for Obama
Olbermann Apologies on Behalf of MSNBC
Pro-Life Advocates Confront Bill Clinton
Romney Endorses McCain
Romney on Morning Joe
Romney Withdraws From the Race
Romney's Sunday Media
Romney's Super Tuesday Speech
Romney-McCain Fight Over Dole
Russian TV Reports on Hillary's Flub, Takes Onion Seriously
Santorum Explains Why He's For Romney
Senator Dodd Endorses Obama
Shrum Piles on Penn Criticism
Strickland Says No to Being VP
Surrogate Sunday
The Clintons and NBC
The Day After the Potomac Primaries
The Debate's Charges of Plagiarism
The Latest News from the Trail
The New York Times & John McCain
Union Urges Ohioans To Support Obama
Where Edwards' Voters Could Go
Who's Better Against McCain
Whoopi Voted for Clinton
William F. Buckley Remembered
Yes She Did; Clinton Steals Obama's Line
Young People Speak for Hillary
Huckabee's Morning Media
Clinton's Debate Highlights
Edwards' Debate Highlights
Giuliani's Debate Highlights
Huckabee's Morning Media
Obama's Debate Highlights
Romney's Debate Highlights
77% Say Economy Getting Worse
A Look at the State of the Nation
A Preview of the Iowa Caucuses
ABC News Looks into Clinton's Wal-Mart Ties
Al Sharpton Responds to Clinton Comments
Ann Romney on Your World
Another Refutation of the Obama Smears
Anti-Huckabee Hit Airing in S.C.
Anti-McCain Surprisingly Liberal Ad
Anti-Obama Robo-Call
Barack Obama's South Carolina Victory Speech
Biden's Web Video To Voters
Bill Clinton Blames Media For Obama's Rise
Bill Clinton Can't Make Hillary Younger, Taller, Male
Bill Clinton Confronts Inside Job Heckler
Bill Clinton Dr. King Would Be Pleased
Bill Clinton Had A Hunch
Bill Clinton Nods Off at Church Service
Bill Clinton Upset Again
Bill Clinton Welcomes Huckabee
Breaking Late For Clinton
Campaign Stop Giuliani in Fort Myers
Campaigns Cross The Country After New Hampshire
Candidates at the Auto Show
Candidates En Espanol
Candidates on Fox News Sunday
Candidates on Who MLK Jr. Would Endorse
Catch Up With The Candidates
Chuck Norris Attacks Romney
Clinton Accuses, Obama Denies
Clinton at MLK Jr. Birthday Celebration
Clinton Attacks Obama's Record on Single Payer Health Care
Clinton Confronted With Rezko Photo on Today
Clinton Debate Highlights
clinton Freefall & Can Do
Clinton Gets Emotional
Clinton Goes Eye to Eye With Couric
clinton Hillary and the Band
Clinton on Face the Nation
Clinton on Meet the Press
Clinton on Obama's Iraq Record
Clinton Opens Late Show
Clinton Questioned By Vieira On Today
Clinton Responds to Obama Charges About Florida
Clinton Surrogates on MSNBC
Clinton Takes Questions
Clinton Talks About the Economy
Clinton Upset by Reporter's Question
clinton Voices for the Feb. 5 States
Clinton's Debate Highlights
Clinton's Debate Highlights
Clinton's Flight Attendant Spoof
Clinton's Heated Response
Clinton's Post-Iowa Speech
Clinton's Two Minute Message
Clinton's Victory Speech
Clinton, Romney Victory Speeches
Clinton-Obama Radio Ad Wars
Confused Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur
Crist Endorses McCain
Culinary Workers Endorse Obama
Dick Morris Analyzes Remaining Field
Dick Morris on Race and the Democrats
Dick Morris on the Campaign Dropouts
Dick Morris' Latest Analysis
Dodd On Morning Joe
Dodd Withdraws From The Race
Dodd's Caucus For Results Rally
Dodd's New Year's Message
Edwards Advisers on MSNBC
Edwards Campaigns in Atlanta
Edwards Campaigns in Oklahoma City
Edwards Debate Highlights
Edwards Goes In The Situation Room
Edwards On Countdown
Edwards on Face the Nation
Edwards on KRNV
Edwards On Larry King Live
Edwards on Las Vegas Now
Edwards on Late Edition
Edwards on the Civil Rights Movement
Edwards on This Week
Edwards Rallies in His Hometown
edwards Wave Of Change
edwards What Happened
edwards Your Time Is Now
Edwards' 36-Hour Marathon
Edwards' Debate Highlights
Edwards' Four Short Ads
Edwards' Morning Media
Edwards' Post-Debate Interview
Edwards' Post-Iowa Speech
Edwards' Post-N.H. Speech
Edwards' Renounces Obama's Reagan Comments
Edwards' Townhall in Manchester
Extended Nightly Interview with Clinton
FL. AG Calls McCain Out of Touch
FNC With The Latest From Iowa
Frank Luntz's Post-Debate Focus Group
Gallup Ponders The Results
Gallup's General Election Matchups
Gallup's Latest Numbers
Gingrich on The O'Reilly Factor
Gingrich's Thoughts on Rudy
Giuliani at a Boca Raton Synagogue
Giuliani Calls For Surge In Afghanistan
Giuliani Endorses McCain
Giuliani Event in Florida
Giuliani in Sarasota
Giuliani in The Situation Room
Giuliani on Fox News Sunday
Giuliani on Larry King Live
Giuliani on the Space Coast
Giuliani on This Week
Giuliani Speaks On Election Night
Giuliani's Debate Highlights
Giuliani's 50 State Strategy
Giuliani's Campaign Manager In Iowa
Giuliani's Debate Highlights
Giuliani's Debate Highlights
Giuliani's Florida Speech
Giuliani's Morning Media
Giuliani's Morning Media
Giuliani's Primary Day Media
Giuliani's Speech In New Hampshire
Giuliani's Year In Review
GOP Advisers on Hannity & Colmes
GOP Candidates Discuss Iraq
Gov. Sebelius' Endorsement of Obama
Groups Says Romney Won Debate
Highlights of Edwards' Marathon
Hillary Clinton's Economic Comments
Hillary Clinton's Florida Speech
Hillary Never Doubted Bill's Love
How Romney Will Run Against the Clintons
Huckabee at the Debate
huckabee Common Sense
Huckabee in Atlanta
Huckabee in The Situation Room
Huckabee on Fox and Friends
Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Huckabee on Hannity & Colmes
Huckabee on Larry King Live
Huckabee on Morning Joe
Huckabee on Morning Joe... Again
Huckabee on Morning Joe
Huckabee on The Late Show
Huckabee On The Tonight Show
Huckabee On This Week
huckabee Romney Reaches Political Puberty at Age 60
Huckabee's Morning Media
Huckabee's Morning Media
Huckabee's Sunday Media
Huckabee's Morning Media
Huckabee's Morning Media
Huckabee's Post-N.H. Speech
Huckabee's Primary Day
Huckabee's S.C. Speech
Huckabee's Sunday Media
Huckabee's Victory Speech
Inside The Register's Poll
Iowans Discuss Their Changing Vote
Jeri Thompson Goes On The Record
Jeri Thompson on The Big Story
Jeri Thompson Says Huckabee Isn't Conservative
Joe Biden Drops Out
John Edwards Won S.C. Debate
John Edwards' Free Media
John Edwards' Withdrawal Speech
Journalist Admits Having Trouble Covering Obama Objectively
Kennedy & Obama Do Univision
Kennedy & Obama on Today
Kennedys Discuss Their Endorsement
Kerry Endorses Obama
Kilpatrick Apologizes to Detroit
King Day at the Dome
Lamont for Obama
Last Night's Hannity & Colmes
Last Night's Latest From Iowa
Latino Leaders in CA Endorse Obama
Lee Bandy's South Carolina Prediction
Lieberman's Visit to Boca Raton
Limbaugh Discusses Huckabee, McCain
limbaugh What about Fred Thompson
Liz Cheney Endorses Romney
Luntz & Undecideds in New Hampshire
Luntz Focus Group Likes Edwards' Ad
Luntz Focus Group Likes Romney
Matthews Apologizes for Clinton Comments
mccain A Tale of Two Mitts Web Ad
mccain Better Prepared & American Reformer
McCain Calls Out Clinton on Iraq
mccain Character in Spades Web Ad
McCain Discusses Governors in the White House
McCain Endorses Romney.. in 2002
mccain Experience Web Ad
mccain Foreign Policy Alert Web Ad
McCain Goes Eye to Eye With Couric
mccain Health Care Alert
McCain in Muskegon
McCain on Face The Nation
McCain on Face The Nation
McCain On Meet The Press
McCain on Meet the Press
McCain's Debate Highlights
McCain's Florida Victory Speech
McCain's Michigan Momentum Web Video
McCain's S.C. Victory Speech
McCain's Thoughts on the State of the Union
McCain's Victory Speech
McCaskill on Endorsing Obama
Media Laugh at Romney's Who Let the Dogs Out Comment
Media Pushback On Bill Clinton's Charges
Mehlman on GOP Politics After Michigan
Michelle Obama's Clinton Comments
Michigan Party Chairs on FNC
Morris Discusses Michigan Primary Vote
Morris on Clinton-Obama War of Words
Morris' Iowa And N.H. Analysis
Nevada SEIU Members for Obama
New Club For Growth Ad Attacks Huckabee
Newt Gingrich on The O'Reilly Factor
Nightline Joins Clinton on the Trail
Norris Says McCain is Too Old
O'Reilly's Day In New Hampshire
Obama at Harvest Catherdral Church
Obama Backer Goes For Richardson, Edwards
Obama Debate Highlights
Obama Fires Back at Clinton
Obama Highlights Differences at Nevada Rally
Obama On Good Morning America
Obama on Immigration
Obama On The Ground In N.H.
Obama on The Nightly News
Obama on This Week
Obama Rallies Beaufort, SC Crowd
Obama Rallies Crowd In Des Moines
Obama Rally in Nevada
Obama Refutes Smears
Obama Responds to the State of the Union
Obama's Morning Media
Obama's 100 Club Highlights
Obama's Debate Highlights
Obama's Debate Highlights
Obama's Morning Media
Obama's Morning Media
Obama's Nevada Radio Ads
Obama's New Year's Appearances
Obama's Post-N.H. Speech
Obama's Record of Change
Obama's The Great Need of the Hour
Obama's Thoughts on the Economy
Obama's Two Minute Message
Obama's Victory Speech
Obamas Round Up Last Minute Support
Olbermann, Barnacle Laugh At McCain's Speech
Police Officers Endorse Giuliani
powerpac Embrace Hope, Vote Change
Previews of Saturday's Contests
Ralph Nader Is For Edwards
Rep. Clyburn on Charlie Rose
Rollins Explains Pulling The Negative Ad
romney Democrats' Favorite Republican Web Ad
romney Full Spectrum Conservative
Romney Goes Eye to Eye With Couric
Romney in Northern Michigan
Romney on AM Tampa Bay
Romney on Face the Nation
Romney on Fox News Sunday
Romney On Hannity & Colmes
Romney on Morning Joe
Romney on The Tonight Show
Romney on This Week
Romney Reacts to Thompson Exit
Romney Responds to Man Holding Paul Sign
Romney Responds to the State of the Union
romney Roundhouse Kick
Romney Sits With The Grand Rapids Press
Romney Sons Go On The Record
Romney Supporters Take Out McCain Signs
Romney Talks About Rivals' Attacks
romney Vote For Tomorrow
Romney Web Video Stresses Electability
Romney's Debate Highlights
Romney's Debate Highlights
Romney's Debate Highlights
Romney's Morning Media
Romney's Morning Media
Romney's Testy Exchange with AP Reporter
Romney's Victory Speech
Romney's Vote For Change Web Ad
Ross Investigates Obama-Rezko Connection
Russian TV Takes Kucinich Seriously
Schultz Says Bill Clinton is Lying
Schwarzenegger Endorses McCain
Sean Hannity Confronts Chuck Norris
Sen. Coburn's Endorsement of McCain
Sharpton Tells Bill Clinton To Be Quiet
Talking to the GOP Candidates
Tense Exchange Between Clinton & Obama
Testy Rollins-Wallace Exchange
The Kennedy Endorsement
The Latest Bill Clinton Comments
The Latest From Gallup Little Room for an Independent
The Latest on the GOP Race
The Luntz GOP Focus Group
The Vote in Dixville Notch
thompson Consistent Conservative
Thompson in Aiken, SC
Thompson in The Situation Room
Thompson on Late Edition
Thompson on American Morning
Thompson On Fox and Friends
Thompson On Fox News Live
Thompson on Hannity & Colmes
Thompson on Late Edition
Thompson on The O'Reilly Factor
Thompson On Today
Thompson Says McCain Betrays the Reagan Coalition
Thompson's Debate Highlights
Thompson's Message to South Carolinians
Thompson's Morning Media
Thompson's Post-Caucus Speech
Thompson's S.C. Speech
Thompson's Talk Radio Boost
Thompsons on Fox and Friends
Thompsons on Fox and Friends
Two Obama Nevada Ads
Vote For Uncommitted
War Stories With McCain
WCSC Interview with Thompson
WESH-TV Covers the Results
What Is The Effect Of Iowa
What Obama Likes About Reagan
What the Focus Groups Thought
WMUR Report On Giuliani's Speech
WMUR's Debate Coverage

Another Obama Ad on Health Care
Biden and Palin Answer Couric's Questions
Biden on Today
Biden Speaks at Son's Deployment Ceremony
Bush Says Package Will Take Awhile
Clinton Campaigns for Obama in Florida
Coleman Ad Features Daughter
DSCC Asks if Dole is the new Senator from China
DSCC Questions Dole's Spending Record
DSCC Says McConnell Let Wall Street Run Wild
DSCC Says Schaffer Will Gamble with Social Security
DSCC Says Smith Should Go
DSCC Wonders Why Colorado Should Send Schaffer Back to D.C.
Face the Nation and Meet the Press
Focus Group Says Palin Won
Franken Ad Says Coleman Used Wellstone Story to Make Him Look Angry
In Ad, Palin Questions Obama Tax Plan
McCain Ad on Economic Leadership
McCain Ad Says Ambition Blinded Obama's Judgment
McCain Ad Says Obama is Dangerous
McCain Ad Says Obama Promised Better, But Didn't Deliver
McCain Ad Says We All Know the Truth About Obama
McCain Ad Takes Aim at Obama's Tax Cutter Claim
McCain Asks Who is the Real Barack Obama
McCain Defends Palin
mccain Ifill Will Do a Professional Job
McCain Interview with Gibson
McCain Questions Obama's Honesty About Ayers
McCain Says Biden Ready to Exaggerate in New Ad
McCain Urges Passage of Rescue Bill
McCain Web Ad Wonders What Biden's Talking About
McCain Web Video Explains Obama-Ayers Ties
McCain's Morning Media
McCain's Morning Media
McCain-Palin Interview with Hannity
New Obama Ad Criticizes McCain Mortgage Plan
NRSC Hits Franken Over Business Dealings
NRSC Hits Landrieu on Ethics Reform
NRSC Out With Another Anti-Merkley Ad
NRSC Says Mark Udall is a Boulder Liberal
NRSC Says Merkley Ignores Rural Oregon
NRSC Says Musgrove Would Fit Right In In Washington
NRSC Says Shaheen Was Corrupt
O'Reilly, Rep. Frank, Duel Over Mortgage Mess
Obama Ad Criticizes McCain Health Care Plan
Obama Ad Says McCain Only Interested in Attacking Him
Obama Ad Says McCain Will Tax, Not Fix Health Care
Obama Comments on the Economy
Obama Competes for North Carolina with New Ad
Obama in Asheville, NC
Obama in Portsmouth, Ohio
Obama Interview with Gibson
Obama on McCain's Mortgage Plan
Obama on Taxes, Health Care in Grand Rapids
Obama on The Tom Joyner Show
Obama Out With Another Health Care Ad
Obama Out With Three New Ads
Obama Promises Presidential Review of Rescue Plan
Obama Says McCain is a Big Spender
Obama Says McCain, Palin Know All About Job Killing
Obama Says There are Better Days Ahead
Obama's Keating Economics Video
Obama, McCain Debate the Economy
Palin on Couric Interview, Debate Performance
Palin Says Obama Palls Around with Terrorists
Pelosi Welcomes Rescue Bill Changes
Report on Obama-Ayers Connections
Report on McCain-Keating Ties
Report on Obama-Ayers Connections
RNC Ad on Obama's Spending Plan
RNC Attacks the Chicago Way
Senate Leadership Press Conference
Sens. Clinton & Obama's Speeches on Rescue Bill
The Second Presidential Debate
The Vice Presidential Debate
Udall Takes on Out-of-State Attacks
A Discussion About the Economy with Rep. Barney Frank
A Discussion About the Economy with Steven Pearlstein & Alan Blinder
Americans Remember 9-11
Bennett Bashes CNN for Bristol Palin Coverage
Bernanke's Testimony to the Joint Economic Committee
Biden & Clinton on Women's Issues
Biden Attacks McCain over Bermuda Tax Loopholes
Biden Campaigns in Wisconsin
biden Clinton Might Have Been a Better Pick Than Me
Biden on Debating Palin
Biden on Economy in Florida
Biden on Economy in Florida
Biden on Meet the Press
Biden on Palin's Speech
Biden Promises Bush Investigations
Biden Rallies Crowd in Michigan; Hits McCain on the Economy
Biden Says McCain Computer Ad was Terrible
Biden Says McCain-Palin Will Tax Health Care Benefits
Biden Visits the Football Hall of Fame, Akron
Biden's Coal Comments
Biden's Foreign Policy Speech in Cincinnati
Biden's Morning Media
Biden's Patriotic Taxes Comment
Bill Clinton on The Daily Show
Bill Clinton On the Record
Bob Woodward on 60 Minutes
Boehner on the Rescue Bill
Boehner's Floor Speech on the Bailout Bill
Bush Comments on Rescue Bill Negotiations
Bush's Address to the Nation
Bush's Statement on the Bailout Bill Failure
Bush's Statement on the Economy
Candidates Address Clinton Global Initiative
Candidates Respond to Economic Crisis
Cindy McCain at the RNC
Cindy McCain on Good Morning America
Clinton Campaigns in Kissimmee, Florida
clinton McCain Debate Move in Good Faith
Clinton on Good Morning America
Clinton, Campaign Advisers, and Senate Debate on Meet the Press
Club for Growth Eminent Domain Abuse
coleman Our Future
Congress Reaches Tentative Deal
Couric Asks McCain, Palin about Pakistan
Cramer & Pearlstein Discuss Wall Street Troubles
DSCC Ad Uses McCain Against Stevens
dscc Imagine
Fannie-Freddie Timeline
February C-SPAN Interview with Gov. Palin
Fox and Friends vs. Obama's Gibbs on Troop Bracelet
Frank Says Deal Depends on GOP
Franken Ad Hits Coleman for Taking Wall St. Money
Freedom's Watch Unofficial Dept. of Peace
gallup Fewer Swing Voters in the Electorate
gallup More Clinton Supporters Backing Obama
gallup Obama Leads, Economic Negativity Higher
Gingrich Defends Palin
Gingrich Says Paulson should Resign
Giuliani's Keynote Address to the RNC
GOP Gains on Congressional Ballot
Hill Press Conferences on the Rescue Plan
Hot Mic Moment for Murphy, Noonan
House GOP on Pelosi's Speech, Bill Failure
Huckabee Wins Funniest Washington Celebrity Contest
Huckabee's Speech to the RNC
Interview with Rick Davis
Laura Bush, Cindy McCain Address the RNC
Lieberman's Speech to the RNC
lunsford Change Uses McCain's Words Against McConnell
Luntz Focus Group on the Debate
Matthews, Buchanan Duel Over Media Coverage
McCain Ad Questions Obama's Fundamentals Comments
mccain Alaska Maverick
McCain and Obama Visit Ground Zero
McCain Arrives in Minnesota
McCain at N.H. NASCAR Race
McCain at the SerivceNation Forum
McCain Calls For More Nuclear Power Jobs
mccain Chicago Machine
mccain Clean Coal
mccain Crisis
McCain Criticizes Obama on Mae, Mac, and Hollywood
mccain Enough is Enough
mccain Fact Check
McCain Gets Convention Poll Rally
mccain Jim Johnson and Nothing New
mccain Lipstick
McCain Makes Gains on the Economy
mccain McCain is Right
mccain Michigan Jobs and Ohio Jobs
mccain Obama Chavez
McCain on Bailout Bill Failure
McCain on Face the Nation
McCain on Fox News Sunday
McCain on the Economy
McCain on the Evening News Shows
McCain on This Week
McCain on Today
mccain Original Mavericks
mccain Patriotic Act
McCain Rally in Green Bay
mccain Stem Cell and Stem Cell Response Radio Ads
mccain Symbols of Hope and Stem Cell
McCain to Suspend Campaign, Return to D.C. to Address Economy
mccain Which Side Are They On
McCain Would Consider Keeping Paulson
McCain's Acceptance Speech at the RNC
McCain's Economic Speech in Tampa
McCain's Interview with Katie Couric
McCain's Morning Media
McCain's Morning Media
McCain's Rally in Minnesota
McCain-Palin in New Mexico
McCain-Palin in Michigan
McCain-Palin in Missouri
McCain-Palin in New Mexico
McCain-Palin in Ohio
McCain-Palin in Pennsylvania
McCain-Palin in Wisconsin
New Poll in Virginia
Newly Released Footage of McCain Leaving Vietnam
Newt Gingrich on the Bailout Vote, Paulson
NRA Rolls Out Four Ads Against Obama-Biden
nrsc Hoax
nrsc Shoulder and Fun with Real Audio
Obama & Biden on 60 Minutes
obama Alternative and Social Security
Obama and McCain on 60 Minutes
Obama and McCain on Nightly News
Obama at the ServiceNation Forum
Obama Blasts McCain Over Lipstick Controversy
Obama Comments on Rescue Plan
Obama Critical of Bush's Announcement
obama Fire the Whole Trickle Down Crowd
obama Foreign Vehicles
Obama Gets Convention Bounce
obama His Administration
Obama in Charlotte
Obama in Detroit
Obama in Dover, New Hampshire
Obama in Elko, Nevada
Obama in Indiana
Obama in Michigan
Obama in Milwaukee
obama Need Education
obama No Mavericks
Obama on Countdown Part 2
Obama on Countdown
Obama on Face the Nation
Obama on McCain Bio, Jobs
Obama on the Evening News Shows
Obama on The Late Show
Obama on The O'Reilly Factor Part 2
Obama on The O'Reilly Factor Part 3
Obama on The O'Reilly Factor Part 4
Obama on The O'Reilly Factor
Obama on This Week
Obama on Today
Obama on Wall Street News
Obama Rally in Colorado
obama Real Change
Obama Responds to Palin Speech
Obama Says Ike Could Be a Trying Time
obama Sold Us Out
Obama Statement on Negotiations
obama Stronger Economy
obama The Right Judgment in Iraq
Obama to the AARP
Obama Urges Economic Calm
obama We Should Continue to Have the Debate
obama Zero
Obama's Change We Need in Washington Speech
Obama's Confronting An Economic Crisis Speech in Colorado
Obama's Education Speech in Dayton
Obama's Lipstick Comments
Obama's Press Conference After White House Meeting
Obama's Rally in Coral Gables
Obama's Speech on the Economic Crisis
Obama, Biden in Pennsylvania
Obama, Bill Clinton Meet
Officials' Testimony to the Senate Banking Committee
Palin Biography Video
Palin Draws Massive Crowd in Florida
Palin Interview with Couric, Night One
Palin Interview with Couric, Night Two
Palin's Interview with Charles Gibson Part 1
Palin's Interview with Hannity Night 2
Palin, Gibson Discuss Energy and the Environment
Paulson on Face the Nation
Paulson's Remarks on the Financial Markets
Pelosi on the Rescue Bill
Pelosi Says Crisis Still Exists
Pelosi's Floor Speech on the Bailout Bill
Planned Parenthood McCain Will Say Anything
President Bush's Speech to the U.N.
Rep. Cohen Compares Obama, Palin to Jesus, Pilate
Rep. Frank Fires Back at GOP
Rep. Rangel Calls Palin Disabled
Roundtable Previews Vice Presidential Debate
Rove on Lipstick and McCain's Ads
Sarah Palin's 20-20 Interview
Sarah Palin's Address to the RNC
Sarah Palin's Interview with Sean Hannity Night 1
Schieffer Says Paulson Called for McCain's Involvement
Schumer & Giuliani on Meet the Press
Secretary Paulson & Mayor Bloomberg on Meet the Press
Sen. Dodd on the Financial Crisis
SNL Does Palin & Clinton
SNL Mocks First Presidential Debate
The Bushes at the RNC
The First Presidential Debate
The House Floor Debate on the Bailout Bill
The McCains on The View
Thompson's Address to the RNC
Three New NRSC Ads in LA, CO, and MS
US Weekly Editor Questioned Over Palin Cover
Women Discuss Sarah Palin on Face the Nation
Ad Attacks Obama's Ayers Connection
Al Gore's Remarks to the DNC
Alaska Republicans on the Air
Americans Views on Energy Proposals
Another CFG Ad Attacking Rep. Young
Bayh vs. Crist
Beckel Breaks Down Biden Pick
Biden Emotional Addressing Delaware Delegates
Biden Introduction to Obama Supporters
Biden Introduction Video
Biden on Foreign Policy
Bill Clinton's Address to the DNC
Bush Announces Aid for Georgia
Bush Condemns Russian Bullying
CBS News Edwards On Infidelity (December 2007)
Cindy McCain on Wealth, Palin
Clinton Fundraiser Comments on Convention Role
clinton I Do Not Approve That Message
clinton I Never Made a Racist Comment
Clinton Intro Video
Clinton Suspends Vote, Puts Obama Over the Top
Clinton's Address to the DNC
Club for Growth Udall's Pro-Pork Votes
coleman Look Back
Colorado Commercials Fight Over Economy, Oil
Controversial Ad in Tennessee Democratic Primary
Country Prepares for Gustav
Davis, Axelrod Debate on Today
Democrats Ahead in Party ID
Discussion of Palin Pick
dnc Maverick No More Web Video
DNC's Kennedy Tribune
dscc Meet Big Oil Bob
Edwards Admits Affair on Nightline
Edwards Admits to Affair
franken Two Images
Fred Thompson on Hurricane Gustav, Palin
Freedom's Watch Skip
gallup McCain More Successfully Solidifying His Base
Geraldine Ferraro on the Palin Pick
Giuliani & Lieberman on Face the Nation
Giuliani on Obama-Biden
gma Obama and the Teleprompter
GOP Doubts Pelosi's Openness to Drilling Vote
GOP Energized on Drilling
Graham on McCain & Social Security Taxes
Group Connects Coleman to Oil Lobbyists
Huckabee on Romney's VP Chances
Interview with Majority Leader Reid
Interview with Tim Kaine
Joe Biden in Springfield, Illinois
Joe Biden's Address to the DNC
kennedy Scary Mary
Kennedy's Speech to the DNC
Kristol Says Powell Will Speak at DNC
landrieu Oil
Larry Kudlow Interviews Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
Leach Explains Support for Obama
Lieberman & Kerry on Meet the Press
Lieberman on Going to the RNC
Lingering Questions Around Edwards' Affair
Martin Luther King III Addresses the Convention
mccain 3 A.M.
McCain Attends Concert in Panama City
mccain Broken
McCain Calls for Congress to Return
McCain Calls for Review of Russian Relations
mccain Convention Night
McCain Criticizes Obama on Taxes at Urban League
mccain Democrats Praising McCain Web Ad
mccain Forgot Latin America Web Ad
mccain Housing Problem
McCain in Michigan
McCain in Ohio
McCain in Pennsylvania
McCain in Southeast Michigan
McCain in Sturgis
mccain Joe Biden on Barack Obama
McCain Leads With Churchgoers
McCain on Leno
McCain on Orlando TV
McCain on the Convention and Gustav
mccain Passed Over
McCain Speaks from Oil Rig
McCain Speaks to VFW Convention
McCain Surrogates on the Sunday Shows
mccain Taxman
mccain The One - Road to Denver Web Video
mccain The One Web Ad
McCain's Statement on Georgia
McCain's Townhall in New Mexico
McCain-Palin in Western Pennsylvania
McCain-Palin Rally in Ohio
Michelle Obama at DNC Service Project
Michelle Obama Bio Video
Michelle Obama on Nightly News
Michelle Obama Speaks to LGBT Caucus, EMILY's List
Michelle Obama's Address to the DNC
Minnesota Senate Update
Montana Governor Schweitzer Rallies Conventioneers
Musical Obama
Novak Retires
nrcc Democrats' Holiday From Energy
NRCC Highlights Rep. Sestak Blaming Democrats
Obama Accepts the Democratic Nomination
Obama Advisor on Biden Pick
Obama Asked About Black America
Obama at Saddleback Church
Obama at the Urban League
Obama at VFW Convention
Obama Attacks McCain Over Houses
obama Don't Know Much
obama Fix the Economy and Punch
Obama in Davenport
Obama in Eau Claire
Obama in Elkhart
Obama in Kansas City
Obama in Martinsville, Virginia
Obama in Ohio
Obama in Pa., Reflects on Nomination
Obama in Reno
Obama in Youngstown
Obama Interview with Las Vegas Reporter
Obama Introduces Biden
Obama Introduction Video
obama National Priority
obama No Change and Revitalize
Obama on Abortion Vote
Obama on Aliens
Obama on Clarence Thomas
Obama on Equal Pay
Obama Says McCain Campaign is Cynical
Obama Seen As More Independent
obama Sixties
Obama Speaks to Veterans in Montana
Obama Speaks to Veterans in Montana
Obama Talks to Flood Victims
Obama's Appearance at the DNC
Obama's Message to Disabled Veterans Convention
Obama's New Energy for America Speech
Obama's Statement on Georgia
Obama's Video Message to the American Legion
Obama, Clinton Remember Tubbs Jones
Optimism on Gas Prices
Palin on Energy and Obama-Biden
Palin on VP, Trooper Firing
Pawlenty Extols McCain's Life Story
Pawlenty on Meet the Press
Pelosi Pushes for Unity
Plouffe Video to Contributors
powerpac What Matters
Rep. Tubbs Jones Passes Away
Rice in Georgia
Romney on the DNC
Romney on the Morning Shows
Scarborough v. Shuster on Iraq
SEIU Takes Aim at Sununu, Smith
Sen. Harry Reid Speaks to the DNC
Smith References Obama, Distances Himself from Bush
Speaker Pelosi on Meet the Press
The Candidates on Abortion
Udalls Discuss Democrats and the West
Veteran, McCain Hug
Vets for Freedom's I Am the Surge
Warner Delivers Keynote Address
Wolfson, MSNBC Feud
A Conversation with Chuck Todd and Mark Halperin
A Conversation with David Remnick
A Conversation with Governor Tim Kaine
afl-cio Not Now
Al Gore's Speech on Energy
Americans Prioritize Afghanistan over Iraq
An Hour with US Senator Jim Webb
Another Jib Jab Parody
ap McCain's Bipartisan Legacy, Helpul or Hurtful
Bayh Tells Hoosiers to Back Obama
Blacks View Obama as Spokesperson
Campaign Funnies
Clark, Giuliani Discuss Clark's Comments
Clinton Ready to Campaign with Obama
Club For Growth Takes on Rep. Young
Coburn's Senate Fight
Conservative PAC on Both Ways Barack
Couric Goes Inside
Couric Interviews Obama & McCain
Dean Kicks Off Tour in Crawford
Dingell Seeking 27th Term
Economic Attitudes By State
Economy Still Top Issue for Americans
Europeans See Stake in U.S. Election
Fiorina & McCaskill on Meet the Press
Gallup Looks at The Bush Effect
GOP Senators Press Case on Oil Prices
Gore on Meet the Press
Hagel, Reed on Face the Nation
How Religion, Education Background Matter
In Alaska, NRSC Takes On Begich
Interview with Cindy McCain
Interview with Mitt Romney
Jesse Jackson's Comments on Obama
Jesse Jackson's Comments on Obama
Jesse Jackson's Morning Media
Kaine Asked About VP Talk
Kennedy Returns to the Senate, Receives Ovation
Kerry and Graham on Face the Nation
Lieberman on Fox News Sunday
Local TV Interview with McCain
Mark Warner Interview with the Washington Post
McCain at GI Forum in Denver
McCain at the NAACP
McCain at Yankee Stadium
mccain Colombia Free Trade Radio Ad (En Espanol)
mccain Colombia Free Trade Web Ad
McCain Comments on Doctor Visit
McCain Defends Ad
McCain Denies He Was Wrong About Surge Timeline
McCain Denies Sen. Cochran's Story
McCain Disagrees With Gramm
McCain Discusses Colombia Hostage Rescue
McCain Discusses Timetable Comments
McCain Documentary on Obama's Iraq Positions
McCain Doesn't Discuss Birth Control Question
mccain God's Children
McCain in Detroit
McCain in Portsmouth, Ohio
McCain Interview in Kansas City
McCain Manager Defends Ad
McCain Meets with Bush Sr.
McCain Old, Obama Change
McCain on Good Morning America
McCain on Hannity & Colmes
McCain on Larry King Live
McCain on Prevailing in Afghanistan
McCain on This Week
mccain Our Values Radio Ad (Espanol)
McCain Reacts to Iran News
McCain Speaks to La Raza
mccain Troop Funding Ad
McCain Vows to Fight Earmarks
McCain's Interview with Kelly O'Donnell
McCain's Morning Media
McCain's Morning Media
Minnesota Senate Race and Union Secret Ballot
More Americans Think Surge is Working
Morris Discusses Latest Polling
moveon Hope It Could Happen to You
moveon Timeline
New Ads in Minnesota Senate Race
Obama Addresses Church Group
Obama Addresses Netroots Gathering
Obama Arrives in Iraq, More of Logan's Interview
Obama at 10 Downing Street
Obama at LULAC
Obama at the NAACP
Obama at the Wailing Wall
Obama at UNITY Journalists of Color Convention
Obama Clarifies on Iraq
Obama Discusses Overseas Trip
Obama Discusses the Economy in Virginia
Obama Explains Cancelled Troop Visit
Obama Fundraiser in New York
Obama in Iraq
Obama in Israel
Obama in Springfield, Missouri
Obama in West Lafayette
Obama Interviewed in Middle East
obama Is That Really What This Election's About
Obama Lays Wreath at Holocaust Memorial
Obama Meets House Democrats
Obama Meets with Economic Advisers
Obama Nearly Forgets Clinton's Debt
obama New Energy
Obama on GPS
Obama on Jackson, Race, and the Economy
Obama on Larry King Live
Obama on Meet the Press
Obama on Moving to the Center
Obama on the Surge
Obama on Veterans
Obama Press Conference in Jordan
Obama Speaks to La Raza
Obama Stops in Kuwait, Afghanistan
Obama Unveils Agenda for Middle-Class Success
Obama Winning Hispanics
Obama's A New Era of Service Speech
Obama's Dollar Bill Comments
Obama's Independence Day
Obama's Interview with Brian Williams
Obama's Morning Media
Obama's New Strategy for a New World
Obama's Plan for Faith-Based Organizations
Oil Debate in Congress
Panelists Like Romney for VP
Pelosi Calls Bush a Total Failure
Plouffe On RNC's Cash Advantage
Profile of Cindy McCain
Profile of Michelle Obama
rnc Balance
rnc Obama's Iraq Problem Web Ad
Romney on Fox and Friends
Romney on Today
Rove on Hannity & Colmes
Sanford Asked to Explain Bush & McCain Econmic Differences
Schaffer, Udall Debate Iraq, Energy
Schwarzenegger on This Week
seiu Godzilla Ad Targets Buyout Firms
Sen. Webb on Charlie Rose
Senate Republicans' Energy Ad
Sharpton's Reaction
Snow Remembered on Meet the Press
Speculation Swirls Around Jindal
Stevens Indicted
T. Boone Pickens' Oil Ad
The FISA Debate
Tony Snow 1955 - 2008
Vets for Freedom Ad
Wa. GOP Revives Michelle Obama Quote
Wesley Clark on Good Morning America
Wolfson Defends McCain
Yesterday's Media Controversies